An Overview of The Global Positioning Satellite System (GPS)
An Overview of The Global Positioning Satellite System (GPS)
An Overview of The Global Positioning Satellite System (GPS)
Edward J. Delp
N9YTE October 25, 2000 [email protected]
The Navigation Problem Earlier Approaches GPS Description How does GPS Work?
Many of the graphical images used in this talk are courtesy of Peter H. Dana of the Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin notes/gps/gps.html The best web site for GPS
Longitude Problem
No easy way to determine longitude On July 8, 1714 the Longitude Act was established in England to solve the longitude problem Two solutions were proposed -- use of stars and moons -- the time solution
Longitude : The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time
Dava Sobel
How does this work? The earth turns 360 degrees in 24 hours: 15 degrees = 1 hour If you know the time in Greenwich when it is local noon at your location one can find your longitude relative to Greenwich Must know datum reference to use maps
Datum Reference
Satellite Navigation
US Department of Defense has need for very precise navigation In 1973, the US Air Force proposed a new system for navigation using satellites The system is known as: Navigation System with Timing and Ranging: Global Positioning System or NAVSTAR GPS
GSP System
Simply stated: The GPS satellites are nothing more than a set of clocks in the sky
GPS Segments
Space Segment: the constellation of satellites Control Segment: control the satellites
User Segment: users with receivers
Space Segment
Space Segment
System consists of 24 satellites in the operational mode: 21 in use and 3 spares 3 other satellites are used for testing Altitude: 20,200 Km with periods of 12 hr. Current Satellites: Block IIR- $25,000,000 2000 KG Hydrogen Maser Atomic Clocks
GPS Orbits
GPS Orbits
Control Segment
Master Control Station is located at the Consolidated Space Operations Center (CSOC) at Flacon Air Force Station near Colorado Springs
Control Segment
Track the satellites for orbit and clock determination Time synchronization Upload the Navigation Message Manage DOA
Operational Capabilities
Initial Operational Capability - December 8, 1993 Full Operational Capability declared by the Secretary of Defense at 00:01 hours on July 17, 1995
GPS Signals
Spread Spectrum
Spread Spectrum is used because - resistance to jamming - masks the transmissions - resist multipath effects - multiple access All 24 GPS satellites transmit on the same two frequencies BUT use a different ID sequence
GPS Signals
The satellites transmit as part of their unique Spread Spectrum signal a clock or timing signal The range or distance to the satellite is obtained by measuring how long it takes for the transmitted signal to reach the receiver This is not the true range due to clock errors - what is obtained is know as the pseudo-range
GPS Position
By knowing how far one is from three satellites one can ideally find their 3D coordinates To correct for clock errors one needs to receive four satellites
Navigation Message
To compute your position one must know the position of the satellite Navigation Message - transmitted on both L1 and L2 at 50 bits/s for 30 s Navigation message consists of two parts: - satellite almanac - clock bias
Differential GPS
Used to improve accuracy Put a satellite on the ground at a precise position Differential signal is not transmitted on standard satellite frequencies
Uses of GPS
Airplane and Boat Navigation Continental Drift Surveying Precise Timing Iceberg Tracking Archaeological Expeditions Mobile Multimedia
GPS System Time rolled over at midnight 21-22 August 1999, 132 days before the Year 2000 On 22 August 1999, unless repaired, many GPS receivers claimed that it is 6 January 1980
GPS will find more civilian uses DOD has promised to eliminate SA Russia has a system known as GLONASS The EU is discussing deploying its own system
B. Hofmann-Wellenhof, H. Lichtenegger, and J. Collins, GPS: Theory and Practice, Third Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1994. T. Logsdon, The Navstar Global Positioning System, Van Nostrand, 1992.
A. Leick, GPS Satellite Surveying, Second edition, Wiley, 1995.
T. A. Herring, "The Global Positioning System," Scientific American, pp. 44-50, February 1996. N. J. Hotchkiss, A Comprehensive Guide to Land Navigation with GPS, Alexis, 1994.
Special Edition on the Global Positioning System, Satellite Times, March/April 1996. D. Sobel, Longitude, Walker, 1995.
Web Sites
GPS Program Office: US Coast Guard Navaigation Center GPS Precise Orbits GPS World Magazine