Global Positioning System: Presented by K.Manoj Kumar P.Sindhusha

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Presented by K.MANOJ KUMAR

Throughout time people have developed a variety of ways to
figure out their position on earth and to navigate from one
place to another.
Later development of artificial satellites made possible
Satellites are first used in position finding in a simple but
reliable 2D Navy system called Transit
Introducing G.P.S
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite based
navigation system.
The GPS is developed to provide continuous, highly precise
positions, velocity and time information to the land, sea, air
and space based users
combination of ground stations, orbiting satellites and
special receivers to provide navigation capabilities to
virtually everyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world,
regardless of weather conditions.
The search for a better and an accurate option resulted in the GLOBAL POSITIONING
SYSTEM (GPS), a system that’s changed navigation forever.

The GPS is a worldwide radio-navigation system formed from a constellation of 24

satellites and their ground stations. The GPS is a worldwide radio-navigation system
formed from a constellation of 24 satellites and their ground stations.

The three segments are User segment, Space Segment and Control Segment.
 GPS is comprised of three segments: satellite
constellation, ground-control/monitoring network, and
user receiving equipment
The satellite constellation is the set of satellites in orbit
that provide the ranging signals and data messages to the
user equipment
The control segment (CS) tracks and maintains the
satellites in space.
Furthermore, the CS updates the satellite clock
corrections and ephemerides as well as numerous other
parameters essential to determining user PVT
Space Segment Overview
User Segment Overview
Control Segment (CS) Overview

This concept makes GPS a passive system for the user with signals only being
transmitted and the user passively receiving the signals.

An SV includes payloads and vehicle control subsystems. The primary payload is the
navigation payload used to support the GPS PVT mission

The vehicle control subsystems perform such functions as maintaining the satellite
pointing to Earth and the solar panels pointing to the Sun.
The CS is responsible for maintaining the satellites and their proper functioning. This
includes maintaining the satellites in their proper orbital positions (called station

The CS updates each satellite’s clock, ephemeris, and almanac and other indicators in
the navigation message at least once per day.

The ephemeris parameters are a precise fit to the GPS satellite orbits and are valid
only for a time interval of 4 hours with the once-per day normal upload schedule

The almanac consists of 7 of the 15 ephemeris orbital parameters.

Furthermore, the CS resolves satellite anomalies, controls SA and AS, and collects
pseudo range and carrier phase measurements at the remote monitor stations to
determine satellite clock corrections, almanac, and ephemeris.
 The user receiving equipment comprises the user
segment. Each set of equipment is typically referred to
as a GPS receiver, which processes the L-band signals
transmitted from the satellites to determine user PVT.
 Most modern GPS receiver designs are digital receivers. These receiver designs have
evolved rapidly toward higher and higher levels of digital component integration, and
this trend is expected to continue
 For this reason, a high-level block diagram of a modern generic digital GPS receiver will
be used to represent a generic GPS receiver architecture

 These RF signals are amplified by a low noise preamplifier (preamp), which effectively
sets the noise figure of the receiver.

 These amplified and signal conditioned RF signals are then down-converted to an IF

using signal mixing frequencies from local oscillators (LOs).
 Two-stage down-conversion to IF is typical, but one-stage down-conversion and even
direct Land digital sampling have also been used
 The A/D conversion process and automatic gain control (AGC) functions take place at IF.
 The IF must be high enough to provide a single-sided bandwidth that will support the
PRN code chipping frequency.
 The signals from all GPS satellites in view are buried in thermal noise at IF
 No demodulation has taken place, only signal gain and conditioning plus A/D
conversion into the digital IF
 The name digital receiver channel is somewhat misleading since it is neither the ASIC nor
FPGA but the receiver processing function that usually implements numerous essential
but complex (and fortunately less throughput-demanding) baseband functions, such as
the loop discriminators and filters, data demodulation, SNR meters, and phase lock

 The whole idea behind GPS is to use 24 satellites in space as reference points for locations
here on earth.
 Knowing that we're 11,000 miles from a particular satellite narrows down all the possible
locations we could be in the isle is aliased into the GPS signal pass band by the A/D
conversion process whole universe to the surface of a sphere that is centered on this
satellite and has a radius of 11,000 miles as shown in the following Fig.
•Let the distance from second satellite is 12,000 miles, then we're somewhere on the circle where
these two spheres intersect as shown in the following Fig.  
Even though there are two possible positions, they differ greatly in longitude/latitude position and
altitude. To determine which of the two common points our actual position is, we’ll need to enter our
 The Pseudo Random Code (PRC)

•It is a fundamental part of GPS. The signal is so complicated that it almost looks like random
Electrical noise. Hence the name "Pseudo-Random”. Physically it's just a very complicated digital
code. It’s just a complicated sequence of "on" and "off" pulses as shown here. Approximate altitude
into the GPS receiver. This will allow the receiver to calculate a two dimensional position (latitude,
longitude). However, by adding a fourth satellite, the receiver can determine our three dimensional
position (latitude, longitude, altitude)
Even though there are two possible positions, they differ greatly in
longitude/latitude position and altitude. To determine which of the
two common points our actual position is, we’ll need to enter
The Pseudo Random Code (PRC)

It is a fundamental part of GPS. The signal is so complicated that it

almost looks like random Electrical noise. Hence the name "Pseudo-
Random”. Physically it's just a very complicated digital code. It’s just a
complicated sequence of "on" and "off" pulses as shown here.
Approximate altitude into the GPS receiver. This will allow the receiver
to calculate a two dimensional position (latitude, longitude).

Pseudo-Random Code also guarantees that the receiver won't accidentally

pick up another satellite's signal

All the satellites can use the same frequency without jamming each other.

The complexity of the Pseudo Random Code makes GPS economical. The
codes make it possible to use "information theory" to "amplify" the GPS
These are some of the more advanced tools available in
GPS Utility.

Generate search patterns, e.g. rectangular, zigzag,

square, area search. and so on – such patterns can then
be loaded directly into your GPS.
Though originally designed to help US Forces around the
world to locate targets and move quickly, it is now being
used across the world, from mountaineers climbing up
Mount Everest to sail boats journeying in to oceans. Its
functions have been extended to over positioning,
tracking, mapping etc. GPS’s future seems secure. Its
biggest push now is the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) enhanced 911 mandates.

 The GPS satellites, like handmade stars in the sky, will be

guiding us well into the 21st century.

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