Organization. It is a setup where individuals from diverse back grounds, varied interests
come together to work towards a common goal.
Organizational management is the art of getting people together on a common platform
to make them work for a common predefined goal
Organizing is the process of establishing relationship between tasks to be performed,
individuals to perform and necessary physical elements. It involves determining what to
be done, who is to do it, how tasks are grouped, who reports to whom and how decisions
are made.
Organizational Principles
Organizational process refers to the methods used to achieve organizational goals. It invijves the following steps
Identify tasks.
Prioritize and group the tasks.
Set the target to be achieved.
Confirm conducive environment. Eg resources needed, etc.
Get appropriate personnel and assign the asks.
Give authority to complete the task.
Ensure good interpersonal relationship.
Supervise and guide appropriately.
Forms of authority
1. Responsibility- is the obligation to do, to the best of one’s ability, the task that has been
assigned, or delegated. For example, for nurses in a hospital, service or patient care is the
2. Authority- the right of decision and commands. An individual with authority has the right
to make decisions about his or her own responsibilities.
3. Delegation- is the process of assigning duties or responsibilities along with
corresponding authority to another person. Authority must be delegated with the
4. Accountability- is answering to someone for what has been done. It is related with
Organizational Chart/ Organogram
Organizational structure refers to the lines of authority, communication, and delegation; can be
formal or informal
It depicts and identifies role and expectations, arrangement of positions and working relationships.
Dotted or Unbroken line – represents staff positions/staff authority (advisor to the line managers).
Centrality – refers to the location of a position on an organizational chart where frequent and
various types of communication occur. Determined by organizational distance; those with small
organizational distance receive more information than those who are more peripherally located.
Solid Horizontal Line – represent same positions but different functions.
Solid Vertical Line – chain of command from authority to subordinates (line authority)
Patterns of Organizational Structure
1. Tall/Centralized Structure.
An administrative structure is a typically hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority. it
provides a visual picture of how a business is organized
They include specific level of regularization .
They are preferably suitable for greater scale or multifaceted organizations
Responsible for only few subordinates so there is narrow span of control
Because of the vertical in nature, there are many levels of communication
Communication is difficult and messages do not get to the top.
Workers are boss-oriented because of close contact with their supervisor.
2. Flat/Decentralized Structure
It is a traditional hierarchical structure relying on vertical chain of command as the prime method of organizing employees and their responsibilities.
Military, government and other large companies use a hierarchy to determine the level of control employees have over their work as well as their rank
relative to others
Hierarchical structures typically feature multiple management and therefore prone to bureaucracy and the creation of silos that prevent cross-team
Characterized by few levels and a broad span of control
Communication is easy and direct
Shortens the administrative distance from the top to the lower
Solutions to problems are easily carried out/fast response
Workers developed their abilities and autonomy
Impractical in large organization.
3. Functional Organization
Permits a specialist to aid line position within a limited and clearly defined scope of
Are most common in departments such as human resource , accounting and purchasing
which are organized by separating each of these areas and managing them independently
of the others. E.g. managers of different functional areas all report to one director who has
the responsibility for all the operational areas
4. Matrix structure
It helps to extract the best out of each employee so that they can accomplish their tasks within a
given time frame.
It binds employees together and gives them a sense of loyalty towards the organization.
It gives the sense of direction to the employees
An effective organizational management ensures profitability of the organization
It enables the optimum use of resources through meticulous planning and control at the place of
It is required for better coordination among various departments
When effective, it leads to a peaceful and positive ambience at the place of work