Nim : 20220050142
AHP is a decision support model developed by Thomas L. Saaty. This decision support model
will describe complex multi-factor or multi-criteria problems into a hierarchy, according to
Saaty (1993), hierarchy is defined as a representation of a complex problem in a multi-level
structure where the first level is the goal, which is followed by the level of factors, criteria,
sub-criteria, and so on down to the last level of alternatives. With hierarchy, a complex
problem can be broken down into groups which are then arranged into a form of hierarchy
so that the problem will appear more structured and systematic (Syaifullah, 2010).
AHP is often used as a problem-solving method compared to other methods for the following
The hierarchical structure, as a consequence of the selected criteria, to the deepest sub-
criteria takes into account the validity up to the tolerance limit of inconsistencies of various
criteria and alternatives chosen by the decision maker.
Take into account the durability of the output of the decision-making sensitivity analysis.
The use of AHP is not only for government or private institutions but can also be applied for
individual needs, especially for research related to policy or priority strategy formulation. AHP
is reliable because in AHP a priority is arranged from various choices which can be in the form
of criteria that have previously been decomposed (structure) first, so that priority setting is
based on a structured process (hierarchy) and makes sense. So in essence AHP helps solve
complex problems by compiling a hierarchy of criteria, assessed subjectively by interested
parties and then drawing various considerations to develop weights or priorities
The main equipment of AHP is a functional hierarchy with the main input being human
perception. The existence of hierarchy allows solving complex or unstructured problems in
sub-problems, then arranging them into a form of hierarchy (Kusrini, 2007).
AHP Procedure
There are three main principles in problem solving in AHP according to Saaty, namely:
Decomposition, Comparative Judgment, and Logical Concistency. Broadly speaking, the AHP
procedure includes the following stages (Saaty, 1993).
Problem decomposition is the step by which a predetermined goal is then systematically
described into a structure that composes a series of systems until the goal can be achieved
rationally. In other words, a complete goal is decomposed (solved) into its constituent
Assessment/weighting to compare elements when the decomposition process has been
completed and the hierarchy has been well arranged. Furthermore, a pairwise comparative
assessment (weighting) was carried out on each hierarchy based on its relative importance.
Matrix Preparation and Consistency Test When the weighting or questionnaire filling process
has been completed, the next step is the preparation of a matrix in pairs to normalize the
importance of each element in their respective hierarchies. At this stage the analysis can be
done manually or by using a computer program such as Expert Choice.
For each criterion and alternative, pairwise comparisons need to be made. The relative
comparison values are then processed to rank the alternatives from all alternatives. Both
qualitative criteria, as well as quantitative criteria, can be compared according to
predetermined assessments to produce weights and prority. Weights or priorities are
calculated by matrix manipulation or by solving mathematical equations.
The synthesis of priorities is derived from multiplying local priorities by the priorities of the
corresponding criteria at the top level and adding them to each element in the level affected
by the criteria. The result is a combination or better known as global priority which can then
be used to give local priority weights of elements that exist at the lowest level in the hierarchy
according to their criteria.
Based on the analysis with AHP, it can be concluded that this decision support model is
effective in decomposing complex problems into hierarchies, taking into account the
validity, sensitivity, and durability of outputs. AHP can be used to solve complex problems
by compiling a hierarchy of criteria and drawing consideration to develop weights or
priorities. The AHP process includes problem decomposition, comparative assessment,
matrix preparation, prioritization, priority synthesis, and decision making.
Problem decomposition is the process by which a main goal is broken down into smaller,
hierarchically organized sub-problems. This allows decision makers to understand the structure and
complexity of problems in greater depth, as well as facilitates systematic problem solving.
2. Rating/Weighting
Assessment or weighting involves relative comparisons between elements within each level of the
hierarchy. In the context of AHP, this is done through a pairwise comparison process to determine
the relative importance of each element. It is important to give proportionate and representative
weight in decision making.
The preparation of paired matrices is the next step after assessment, where the weight given to each
element is fed into the matrix to perform normalization. Consistency tests are carried out to check
the level of consistency of the assessments that have been carried out, so that the results of the
analysis can be reliable and accurate.
Prioritization is done by comparing paired criteria and alternatives to determine the ranking. It
allows decision makers to set appropriate priorities based on the relative importance of each
element in the hierarchy.
Sintesis prioritas melibatkan penggabungan hasil prioritas lokal dari setiap tingkatan hirarki menjadi
prioritas global. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengalikan prioritas lokal dengan prioritas dari kriteria di
tingkat atasnya, dan menambahkannya ke setiap elemen pada tingkat yang dipengaruhi oleh kriteria
6. Recruitment/decision-setting
The final step in the AHP process is decision making, where the best alternative is selected based on
predefined priorities. Thus, decision makers can make appropriate and informed decisions based on
the analysis that has been carried out using the AHP method.