Distribution: Prepared By: Group 3
Distribution: Prepared By: Group 3
Distribution: Prepared By: Group 3
Group 3
1. O f f e r t h e b e s t c o v e r a g e o f t h e t a r g e t m a r k e t
• This need knowing the density of the number of stores in a
specific place.
There three degrees of distribution density that are present in
the market namely:
A. Intensive distribution
• The company tries to place its products and services
possibly in many outlets
B. Exclusive distribution
• Only one outlet carries the company's products in a particular
C. Selective distribution
• The company picks a few retail outlets in a particular place to
distribute its products
2. B e s t s a t i s f y t h e b u y i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s
• The channels and intermediaries need to satisfy at least some
of the interest buyers would desire to be fulfilled when they buy
a company products or service
A. Information
• A vital requirements when buyers have restricted
knowledge or wants particular data regarding a
product or service
B. Convenience
• Channel and intermediaries must be proximate or
during time to reach is at a minimum
C. Variety
• Reflects buyers interests to have a numerous choices
of competing and complementary products
D. Attendant service
• Requirement for intermediaries of large home
appliances that needs delivery, installation and
3. B e m o s t l u c ra t i ve
• Being profitable is determined by profit margins
earned for each channel member and for the channel
as a whole.
A supply chain consists of the various firms included
in executing the activities needed to produce and
transport a product or service to consumers or
industrial users.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the supervision of
materials, information, and finances as they more in a
process from supplier to manufacturer to whole seller
to retailer to consumer.
Supply chain management is a shared approach to
getting goods from manufacturer to consumers. The
main goals focus on shared efficiency, optimized
transportation and utilization, quality improvement and
long-term stability.
5. W a r e h o u s i n g a n d m a t e r i a l s h a n d l i n g - storage aids
manufacturers manage supply and demand or production and
Motor carriers
Water transportation
A. C o st - the total amount of charge by carrier to move
the product from the point of origin to destination.
B. T r a n s i t t i m e - the total time for the carrier to pick-
up, delivery, handling, and movement from point of
origin to destination
C. R e l i a b i l i t y - consistency of the carrier on delivering
the goods on time and satisfactory condition to
D. Ca p a c i ty - the ability of the carrier to provide
applicable equipment and conditions for moving goods
like those that must be transported in a controlled
E. A c c e s s i b i l i t y - the ability of the carrier to transport
the goods over a particular route or network
F. T r a c e a b i l i ty -the relative ease that a shipment of
goods can be located and transferred.