Themal Dynamic

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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of Anbar
Engineering College
Department of Civil Engineering 

Dynamic Thermal Admittance Properties of Concrete and Hydrothermal

Behavior of concrete structures
An assignment submitted to Civil engineer department
Mohanad T. Abduljaleel
Supervised by:
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Khashea
29th of Nov, 2022
Out lines
• Introduction
• literature review (Hydrothermal and dynamic behavior)
• Heat losses from building
• Non-study state
• Moisture and condensation
• Conclusion
• Recommendation
In the last decade, the issue of energy efficiency in buildings has
become increasingly important

Improving thermal performance of external load-bearing walls in

residential buildings could be the most effective way in reducing
energy consumption for air-conditioning purpose in housing sector
 -Design durable building
2-Literature review
1. Khalid B. Najim 2014, many configurations and scenarios have been
conducted to estimate the efficient of thermal dynamic behavior for
traditional building in Iraq.

It was found that, the system with air-cavity has more thermal resistance
than other, this is attributed to the air thermal physical. The gypsum layer
showed no effect and it can be removed from this system. Using more
than one air cavity layer in the system improved the thermal resistance.
Also using lime stone wall bearing gave significant result.
2.2- Mohamed Abd Elrahman 2015, had studied the behavior of HPC
intended for a concrete tank to store hot water at temperature above
100 C. The tested concrete has been subjected to heating–cooling
cycles from ambient conditions to temperature up to 200 C and
pressure up to 15.5 bars.

The result showed that, sample without admixture and with high w/c
ratio faced increasing in absorption coefficient. Using admixture had
improved the feature in transition zone.
3.Heat losses from building
• Heat can be lost from structure by transmission through the
(L Ψ) is the sum over all thermal bridges

Thermal transmittance
Thermal transmittance obtained by sum the resistance of all components.
U = 1 / ( R si + R 1 + R 2 + ...+ R a + R se)
Thermal resistance of materials
the thermal resistance is directly proportional to the thickness and is given by
R = d / λ …….2 d is the thickness and λ is the thermal conductivity
4. Non-steady state thermal characteristics
There are different methods available for assessing the non-steady state or dynamic
performance of a structure. One of the simplest is the admittance procedure This
procedure requires the calculation of three parameters in addition to the thermal
transmittance: admittance, surface factor and decrement factor.
 Thermal admittance (Y-value)
This is the rate of flow of heat between the internal surface of the structure and the
environmental temperature in the space
 Decrement factor (f)
Decrement factor is the ratio of the rate of flow of heat through the structure to the
environmental temperature in the space for each degree of deviation in external
temperature about its mean value, to the steady state rate of flow of heat (U-value)
A thermal bridge, or thermal bypass, is an area or component of an object which has higher thermal
conductivity than the surrounding materials
 Calculation

For non-steady-state properties for a solid external wall Properties of the wall are
as follows:
thickness L = 0.22 m, density ρ= 1700 kg.m–3 , thermal conductivity, λ = 0.84 W.m–1.K–1

and, specific heat capacity, c = 800–1.K–1.

 By using algebraic matrix as following

M 2 and M 4 only are required

Using following equation to find admittance, decrement factor and surface factor.

w /Time lead associated with thermal admittance

f /Time lag associated with decrement factor
F/ Surface factor


 Calculate thermal transmittance to find f vale.

U=1/R = 1/Rsi+R1+Rse = 2.3 W.m–2.K–1
5. Moisture and condensation
Moisture can cause serious problems in buildings. In the majority of
cases, these can be solved or ameliorated by considering the sources
of the moisture and its behaviour.
from Fick’s diffusion law, which can be written as:

qmw = (pva – pss) km / Rw T

(condensation if, positive, evaporation if negative)
This phenomenon is important when assessing the thermal
conductivity of building and insulating materials
5.1- Condensation
Surface condensation occurs when moist air is in contact with a
surface that is below the dew-point temperature of the air.
Condensation does not occur if the surface temperature is above the
dew-point temperature.

 dew point is temperature at air must be cooled

To become saturated with water vapor
 calculation
q m1 = (1490 – 930) / [(0.6 + 3.0 + 0.45) × 109]
= 138 × 10–9 kg.m–2.s–1
qm2 = (930 – 784) / (5.25 × 109)
= 28 × 10–9 kg.m–2.s–1
qm = q m1–q m2 = 110 × 10–9 kg.m–2.s–1
= 0.4 g.m–2.h–1

q ml = (1490 – 2084) / [(0.6 + 3.0 + 0.45) × 109]

= –147 × 10–9
qm2 = (2084 – 1340) / (5.25 × 10–9)
= 142 × 10–9 kg.m–2.s–1
qm = qm1 – qm2 = –289 × 10–9 kg.m–2.s–1
= –1.0 g.m–2.h–1
Depending on previously information and result, concrete deterioration by the
hydrothermal attributed to the weakness of ITZ, and it can be the weakest phase in
microstructure because already has a micro crack before loading. Thus, for hydrothermal
structure using the HPC with significant percentage of fly ash and silica fume improved
the ability of concrete to resist the cyclic and pressure. On the other hand, normal
concrete lost the serviceability for the reason pentioned perversely.
Many studies have been conducted to improve envelope building system toward
durability and energy efficient. It had been suggested to using some type of isolation and
air cavity to reduce the transmittance and increase the resistance. Geometry of building
has a significant effect an the thermal properties. Also a proper design makes a difference
in the thermal admittance.

• Using a sand as isolation layer to improve the efficient of

thermal properties.

• Evaluating behavior of recycled aggregate

• Studying a composite materials in hydrothermal structure.

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