Performance Evaluation of A Metamaterial-Based New Cool Roof Using Improved Roof Thermal Transfer Value Model
Performance Evaluation of A Metamaterial-Based New Cool Roof Using Improved Roof Thermal Transfer Value Model
Performance Evaluation of A Metamaterial-Based New Cool Roof Using Improved Roof Thermal Transfer Value Model
Hong Fang a, Dongliang Zhao b, Jinchao Yuan a, Ablimit Aili b, Xiaobo Yin b, c, Ronggui Yang b,
82071, U.S.
© 2019 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
A new cool roof with potential to generate significant energy savings in buildings has been
developed from a metamaterial film named as RadiCold. Considering that the RadiCold film has
unique optical and thermal characteristics and the current Roof Thermal Transfer Value model
neglecting the effect of roof thermal mass that may lead to overestimating the cooling load from
roofs, this work developed an improved Roof Thermal Transfer Value model and validated the
model for both RadiCold cool roof and traditional roofing structures. Data from the reduced-size
model building experiments showed that the improved Roof Thermal Transfer Value model can
accurately describe the heat gains or losses via the roofs. Under real-world weather conditions in
the United States (Tucson AZ, Los Angeles, CA, and Orlando FL), the improved Roof Thermal
Transfer Value model has been applied to three types of roof exterior finishing: shingle,
Thermoplastic Polyolefin (a cool roof material) and RadiCold. In a typical meteorology year, the
modeling results show that the shingle and Thermoplastic Polyolefin roof transfer 78.9 – 294.1
kWh/(m2·yr) and 8.5 – 128.2 kWh/(m2·yr) of heat into the building space, respectively, but the
RadiCold cool roof dissipates 137.6 – 268.7 kWh/(m2·yr) of heat from the building space to
outdoor environment (e.g., sky). The cooling load reduction from utilizing RadiCold cool roof
results in cooling electricity savings of 113.0 – 143.9 kWh/(m2·yr) compared to the shingle roof
and 88.0 – 92.4 kWh/(m2·yr) compared to the Thermoplastic Polyolefin roof for the three
analyzed locations with an assumed air conditioning system’s coefficient of performance of 3.0.
Key words: Cool roof, RTTV (Roof Thermal Transfer Value), radiative cooling, spectrum
A area (m2)
ɛ emissivity
hp Planck constant
kB Boltzmann constant
t time (s)
T temperature (°C)
V speed (m/s)
α absorptivity
β angle between the normal direction of the surface and the sun
γ coefficient
δ declination angle (°)
λ wavelength (µm)
φ latitude (°)
σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Superscript / subscript
amb ambient
atm atmospheric
c ceiling
con convection
con, out natural convection between the roof and outdoor air
d dew point
ex extraterrestrial
i indoor
m average
o outdoor
rad radiation
solar solar
sun sun
wind wind
1. Introduction
Energy used by buildings accounts for a large portion of the worldwide energy consumption.
Building envelope components are considered as main sources of space cooling and heating
loads [1-2]. In a study of a low-rise residential building, 25.2% of the energy for the HVAC
system was used to overcome the heat gain from the envelope [3]. Many researches have
investigated new technologies to reduce building envelope related energy consumption, such as
dynamic building envelope with phase change material (PCM) [4], green roofs [5], and hydrogel
Since roofs (especially the flat and low-slope ones) usually receive more solar irradiation
than facades, reducing the heat gain via roofs can largely reduce the building energy
consumption. One of the major approaches to reduce heat gains through roof structures is
installing cool roof materials which can reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a
standard roof [7]. Previous studies have shown that a cool roof is capable of maintaining average
2.5 °C lower than the conventional roof under direct sun exposure [8]. In addition, cool roofs are
also engineered to have higher infrared emittance than the conventional roofs and more
effectively emit longwave radiation to the sky to avoid accumulated heat in the roof structure
A large amount of research demonstrated that high surface emission within the atmospheric
window (8 µm < λ < 13 µm) is desirable since terrestrial radiation in this wavelength range is
atmosphere to deep space [10]. It also has been recommended that widespread use of spectrally
selective surfaces that are characterized by low solar absorptivity and high atmospheric window
emissivity can provide a pathway to save energy efficiently [11, 12]. Although technology
direct sunlight, the engineered nanophotonic materials haven’t opened an economically feasible
path for wide applications in buildings for energy saving purpose [13].
can highly reflect solar irradiation and radiates infrared heat into space through the atmospheric
window [14]. This metamaterial consists of a 200 nm thick silver coating and a visibly
transparent polymer encapsulating randomly distributed silicon dioxide (SiO2) microspheres. The
encapsulated SiO2 microspheres have optical properties drastically different from that of the
surrounding matrix material at infrared wavelengths, due to the existence of strong phonon-
polariton resonances. The RadiCold film reflects about 96% of solar irradiation while possessing
a high emissivity (greater than 0.93) between 8 and 13 µm wavelengths which yields greater than
93 W/m2 radiative cooling power under direct sunlight [15]. Therefore, this RadiCold film
installed on a roof can achieve passive radiative cooling without electricity consumption during
the day.
When designing or implementing a cool roof, quickly and accurately predicting its thermal
performance is necessary. Roof Thermal Transfer Value (RTTV) model is prescribed for air-
numerous Southeast Asia countries [2]. It is a quick tool to quantitatively estimate heat gain or
loss through roofs. Wong et al. used RTTV model to identify the benefits of light-colored roof in
reducing the heat gain into the building [16]. Chaiyapinunt et al. applied RTTV model to
estimate the amount of heat gain through building roofs and control the energy usage in
buildings [17]. However, the current RTTV model generally treats the cool roof material with
effective optical parameters (e.g., effective solar reflectance and thermal emittance) throughout
the corresponding spectrum ranges, and thus the current RTTV model may not be accurate to
estimate the heat gain or loss for the spectrum selective materials [18]. Another problem of the
current RTTV model is that it neglects the roof thermal mass effects and may lead to
In this study, we extended the existing RTTV model into an improved RTTV (iRTTV) model
by incorporating the spectrum selective approach and the thermal mass effect of the roof
structure, which can be used as a tool to evaluate the thermal performance for various types of
roofs. The iRTTV model is validated with experimental measurements from the first completed
reduced-size model building tests to the metamaterial-based cool roof under real weather
conditions located in University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, USA. Besides the RadiCold
film, two market available materials, Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) and shingle, have been
selected for performance comparison. Finally, by using the iRTTV model, RadiCold film was
applied to commercial building roofs in three locations (Tucson AZ, Los Angeles, CA, and
When developing the iRTTV model, the roof structure is simplified as a two-layered roof
that consists of a deck layer and the roof finishing layer (i.e., RadiCold film, TPO or shingle).
Several assumptions are made for the iRTTV model: (1) The contact thermal resistance between
the roof finishing layer and the deck layer is negligible and no air-gap exists between the two
roof layers. (2) The heat flow is perpendicular to the roof. (3) Each layer has a uniform thickness
and thermal property. (4) Since the RadiCold film is very thin (50 μm), its thermal mass is
negligible and the temperature of the film is uniform. (5) Since the thermal radiation between the
ceiling and the other indoor surfaces (e.g., walls and floor) is relatively small, this part of the
radiation is neglected.
As shown in Figure 1, the RadiCold cool roof is taken as an example to demonstrate how the
iRTTV model quantifies the heat flux through the roof. The main parameters used in iRTTV
model are illustrated in Figure 1(a). The roof structure can be simplified as a combination of the
thermal resistance and capacitance (RC) like an electric circuit (see Figure 1(b)) [20], where Ts is
the roof surface temperature that equals to the temperature of RadiCold film and Tc denotes the
ceiling surface temperature. For the indoor environment, heat is transferred between the ceiling
and indoor air through natural convection (i.e., qcon,in), which directly contributes to space
cooling load. The Roof Thermal Transfer Value (RTTV) is described as,
= , =ℎ − 1
where, hcon is the natural convection heat transfer coefficient between the ceiling and the indoor
Figure 1 (a) Sketch of the heat transfers through a flat deck roof with RadiCold finishing, and
+ − = + , + 2
where, qrad is the radiative power of the RadiCold film, K is the thermal conductance of half
portion of the roof structure, Tm is the average temperature of the roof structure, qatm is the
atmospheric radiation, qcon,out is the convective heat transfer from outdoor air to the RadiCold
film, qsun is the solar irradiance absorbed by the RadiCold film, and A is the area of the RadiCold
cool roof.
Considering both thermal capacity and thermal resistance of the roof structure, a transient
= − + − 3
= #$% ∆"
C refers to the thermal capacity of the roof structure, k is the thermal conductivity of roof
structure material, ∆x is the thickness of the deck, ρ is the density of the roof structure, cp is the
For an imaginary ceiling surface without thermal mass, the ceiling surface has an energy
balance as following,
− =ℎ − 4
The natural convection heat transfer coefficient between the indoor air and the ceiling surface
is obtained by [22],
ℎ = 3.1 − (.))
Furthermore, the convection heat transfer between the outdoor air and the RadiCold film is
calculated by,
, = ℎ+ − 6
where, To is the outdoor air temperature, he denotes the convective heat transfer coefficient
between the roof exterior finishing (e.g., RadiCold film) and the ambient air, which is obtained
ℎ+ = 8.3 + 2.5 . 7
where, Vwind is the wind speed at roof height.
In Equation (2), the radiative power of the RadiCold film is obtained by the angular
= 20 1 1 233 , 4 56 7 4, 8 4 8 8
( (
In Equation (8), the total amount of radiance emitted by a blackbody at wavelength λ and
2ℎ% $ ) 1
233 ,4 = 9
4 exp ℎ% $ ⁄ 4
3 −1
where, IBB is the spectral radiance of a blackbody at temperature Ts, hp is the Planck constant, c is
the speed of the light, kB is the Boltzmann constant, λ is the wavelength, θ is the angle over the
The absorbed thermal radiation from the atmosphere is obtained by [26, 27]
= 20 1 1 233 A, 4 56 7 4, 8 5 4, B, 8 4 8 10
( (
where, εatm is the atmospheric emissivity as a function of the radiation wavelength λ, the Relative
Humidity (RH) of the ambient air, and the hemisphere angle, which can be obtained by using the
calculation tool developed in [28]. Equation (10) shows that the atmospheric emissivity (or sky
radiance) is significantly dependent on the atmospheric water content, which indicates a high
ambient air relative humidity will reduce the radiative cooling power of the film.
= $DEF ∙ 7 ·I 11
where, β is the angle between the normal direction of the surface and the sun (i.e., solar
incidence angle), qsolar is the solar irradiance, and α is the solar absorptance of the surface.
When there is cloud in the sky, it is expected that the solar irradiation and roof surface
thermal radiation decrease and the atmospheric radiation increases. To account for the cloudiness
and modify the existing clear sky models, the cloud effect model has been incorporated. The
solar irradiation incident on a surface of θ=0 just outside the atmosphere is named as qoe (W/m2),
which is calculated from the solar constant qsc (1,367 W/m2) and the day number (the nth day in a
360 ∙ K
+ = J1 + 0.033 ∙ $DE L 12
Extraterrestrial radiation qex (W/m2) is the solar irradiation incident on the outer surface of
the earth. It is determined by the solar constant qsc and the zenith angle (θz). The latter one is a
function of latitude, time of day, and the day in a year. The extraterrestrial radiation is given by
where φ is the latitude, δ is the obliquity of the ecliptic which is equal to [33],
284 + K
P ≈ 23.45 ∙ ERK J360 ∙ L 14
Once qex is obtained from Equation (13), the cloud effect parameter is estimated by [33],
E = J1.4286 − 0.3L 16
where qexp is the obtained solar irradiation either from the pyranometer measurement in
5 7, λ, B, θ = 5 λ, B, θ + γ · 1 − 5 λ, B, θ ∙E 17
where, εcl,atm (λ, RH, θ) is the atmospheric emissivity of a cloudy sky, and the coefficient γ=0.9 is
Then, the radiation from the atmosphere under a cloudy sky is obtained,
, = 20 1 1 233 A, 4 56 7 4, 8 5 7, 4, B, 8 4 8 18
( (
Since the solar irradiation is zero at night but the effect of cloud on atmospheric emission still
exists, in this work the cloud effect parameter at night is assumed as the average value of the
The experiments for validating the iRTTV model were performed at an open field on the
University of Wyoming campus in Laramie, Wyoming, USA. The site is located far away from
buildings and trees to eliminate potential shadings by surrounding objects. The experimental
platforms consist of two single-space model rooms with the doors facing south, as shown in
Figure 2. The Room A roof was covered by the RadiCold film and the Room B was used for
comparison as a baseline. Both model rooms were built identical except the roof exterior
finishing. The dimension of these two buildings is 2.44 m × 1.83 m × 2.44 m (8 ft × 6 ft × 8 ft)
(Length × Width × Height). In experiments, there were neither heating nor cooling sources inside
For each model room, eighteen (18) thermocouples were installed to measure the surface and
the air temperatures, as shown in Figure 3. A weather station and a pyranometer were installed
next to the model buildings at roof height to record the real-time weather data such as the
ambient temperature, humidity, local wind speed, wind direction and solar irradiation.
Figure 2 The experimental platform consisting of two single - space model rooms
Both model rooms are wood-frame structure and R13 (2.29 m2 K/W) insulation is installed to
the walls and the floor [35]. The ceiling has no insulation. Detailed envelope parameters of the
experiments. The shingle roof made by asphalt is one of the most widely used roofing covers in
the United States because it has a relatively low cost and is fairly simple to install. TPO is a
single – ply reflective roofing membrane made from polypropylene and ethylene – propylene
rubber polymerized together. TPO roof grows fast in commercial roofing membrane on the
market today. The TPO roof used in this study has an excellent Solar Reflectance Index (SRI),
which is an indicator on how well a roof rejects solar heat - higher value meaning a better solar
reflectance. In this work, the SRI value of the TPO was calculated at 99 [36], representing a top
For the three roof finishing materials (RadiCold film, TPO and shingle), Figure 4(a) shows
the optical properties over the whole spectrum from 300 nm to 25 µm which clearly indicates
that the RadiCold metamaterial is a spectrum selective material giving extremely excellent
radiative cooling performance with a SRI of 123. Besides the uniquely high solar reflectivity and
high emissivity in atmospheric window (8-13 µm), the RadiCold film also demonstrates a special
better performance in the band of 13-17 µm with a low emissivity since it significantly reduces
the heat transfer from the sky (see Figure 4(a) and 4(b)). On average, the emissivity of the
RadiCold in the band of 13-17 µm is more than 60% lower than that of the shingle and TPO.
Researches show that the reflectance of many materials, especially metamaterials, presents a
strong angular dependence and thus has certain degradation when applied to tilt roofs [37].
However, the RadiCold film is produced by embedding resonant polar dielectric microspheres
Figure 4(c), the experiment measurement proves RadiCold film maintains quite high emissivity (>
0.85) in the atmospheric window throughout the tested -60° to 60° range (except two relatively
low values of 0.82 at -20° and 20°). Therefore, the RadiCold film demonstrates minor
Figure 4 (a) Optical emissivity of three roof finishing materials, (b) an example clear sky
atmospheric transmittance for 3~50 µm, and (c) Angular dependence of optical emissivity of
To validate the iRTTV model, the roof finishing material’s optical properties, the measured
solar irradiation, the outdoor air temperature (To), the indoor air temperature (Ti), and the wind
speed were used as inputs (see Figure 5). The iRTTV model calculated the roof exterior surface
temperature (Ts) and the ceiling surface temperature (Tc), which were then compared against the
Figure 5 Inputs (To, qsun, wind speed and Ti) and outputs (Ts and Tc) of the iRTTV model for
model validation
The comparison tests between RadiCold cool roof and TPO roof were performed on
September 4th to 5th, 2017 and August 10th to 11th, 2018. The comparison tests for RadiCold cool
roof and shingle roof were conducted on September 5th to 6th, 2017 and July 25th to 26th, 2018.
All the tests lasted for 24 hours as shown in Figure 6. The wind speed and solar irradiation data
were monitored and plotted in Figure 7. Also, during these testing days, Laramie Regional
weather station shows that a little cloudy sky generally appeared few (i.e., 1~3) hours for every
day (24-hour period) [38]. The most heavily cloudy sky lasted 18 hours on July 25th to 26th, 2018
[38]. In these four experiments, the indoor air temperatures gradually decreased from evening to
dawn. The indoor air temperature differences between the RadiCold room and the shingle/TPO
room were quite small at night because all the three roof finishing materials possess high infrared
emissivity, especially for the emissivity within the atmospheric window, as shown in Figure 4.
When the sun rose, the indoor air temperature differences dramatically increased due to these
three materials’ large difference in solar absorptivity and infrared emissivity outside of the
atmospheric window. As the absorptivity of shingle is the greatest, the indoor air temperature in
the shingle room increased fastest and it reached about 30 °C in the late afternoon. Even without
roof insulation, the indoor air temperature of the RadiCold room stayed below or close to the
Figure 6 Experimental measurements of (a)/(c) Outdoor and indoor temperature for RadiCold
and TPO; (b)/(d) Outdoor and indoor temperature for RadiCold and shingle
Figure 7. Experimental measurements of (a)/(c) Solar irradiation and wind speed for RadiCold
and TPO; (b)/(d) Solar irradiation and wind speed for RadiCold and shingle.
Comparisons between the calculation results from the iRTTV model and the experimental
measurements for the roof exterior surface temperature and the ceiling temperature are given in
Figures 8 and 9. Overall, the iRTTV model can well predict the experimentally measured
temperatures. The minor difference between the experimental data and the iRTTV predictions is
possibly due to two reasons. First, clouds appearance in the sky is a very complicated and
stochastic natural phenomena and the simplified cloud impact model used in this work [33] may
not fully capture cloud’s effect on sky radiation towards the roof surface. Second, as shown in
Figure 7, the wind speed presents a high fluctuation and naturally the wind direction is expected
to be fluctuating too, which may introduce discrepancy into the simulation results compared with
Figure 8. Exterior surface temperature of the roof and ceiling temperature comparison between
the results from the iRTTV model and the experimental data for tests in 2017.
Figure 9. Exterior surface temperature of the roof and ceiling temperature comparison between
the results from the iRTTV model and the experimental data for tests in 2018.
Meanwhile, the iRTTV model can also predicts the heat transfer rate through the roof to the
indoor space, which equals to the roof thermal transfer value – RTTV. Figure 10 shows the
RTTVs of the three roofs for the experimental cases that have been used to validate iRTTV
model. Figure 10 (a) and (b) show that at night from 8:30 PM to 7:00 AM, the differences of the
RTTVs between RadiCold cool roof, TPO cool roof, and shingle roof are small. In contrast,
during the daytime from 7:00 AM to 8:30 PM, RTTVs significantly increase for both the TPO
and the shingle roofs, mainly caused by the absorption of solar irradiation. Due to the high solar
absorptivity, shingle roof produced the highest RTTVs with a rapid rising rate in the morning.
Combing the extremely high solar reflectivity and infrared emissivity, RadiCold cool roof
generated cooling even under direct sunlight and its RTTVs were always negative or close to
zero. The RTTVs of RadiCold cool roof exhibit a small convex at about 10:00 AM and a
concave at 3:00 PM in Figures 10(a) and (b), both of which were introduced by the fluctuating
natural indoor air temperature as there was no mechanical heating or cooling source inside. In the
early morning, the temperature of the RadiCold cool roof surface increases with sun rising while
the indoor air temperature doesn’t change that fast because of thermal mass effect, and thus
resulted in the convex phenomena. Then during the day, as more heat was transferred into the
indoor space from walls, indoor air temperature rose and became higher than the roof
temperature, resulting in a greater radiative cooling effect from the RadiCold cool roof, and a
In summary, Figure 10 shows the RadiCold cool roof always dissipates heat to the sky during
the test periods, especially on Sept. 4th to Sept 6th, 2017 when there is very little clouds in the sky
(see Figure 10(a) and (b)). In contrast, the cooling power of RadiCold cool roof was reduced to
about 10 W/m2 (see Figure 10(d)) under the heavily cloudy sky condition on July 25th - 26th,
2018, where solar irradiation demonstrated sharp fluctuations in the afternoon as Figure 7(d)
Figure 10 RTTV comparisons between the RadiCold, TPO and Shingle roofs
Three types of roof exterior finishing: RadiCold, TPO, and shingle above a 6 inch concrete
roof structure for three locations: Tucson (AZ), Los Angeles (CA) and Orlando (FL) have been
analyzed, with an assumed flat roof configuration. The TMY3 weather data is adopted as
environmental inputs in iRTTV model calculations [34]. The concrete has a thermal conductivity
of 1.65 W/(m·K), a specific heat of 1000 J/(kg·K) and a density of 2400 kg/m3 [39]. It is
The RTTVs, estimates of heat gain/loss via roofs, are summarized for the cooling periods
throughout the year. Figure 11 shows the monthly cumulative RTTVs of three roof finishing for
Tucson, AZ, which is the sum of the total heat gain/loss through the roof during cooling periods
for a particular month. The shingle roof finishing has the largest monthly cumulative RTTV,
suggesting the highest heat gain from the outdoor environment to the indoor space through the
shingle roof finishing. The cumulative RTTV of TPO cool roof finishing is between those of the
shingle roof and the RadiCold cool roof. The monthly cumulative RTTV of the RadiCold cool
roof is always negative, indicating continuous heat dissipation from indoor to outdoor
environment. We also noticed that the TPO and shingle roof finishing have the same trend for
the monthly cumulative RTTVs across the modeled year and peaks in June while the RadiCold
cool roof provides greatest benefits (i.e., lowest RTTV or highest heat loss) during shoulder
seasons. The results verify that the RadiCold cool roof has the best performance to block heat
Figure 12 shows the monthly cumulative RTTVs of the RadiCold cool roof for three
locations in the U.S. The results illustrate that applications of the RadiCold cool roof in these
locations will produce net cooling effect via the roof and reduce building’s cooling load since all
the monthly cumulative RTTVs are negative. It is found that the local weather condition affects
the performance of the RadiCold cool roof. Tucson has the maximum solar irradiation in July
which results in a peaking RTTV value. Compared to Tucson and Orlando, the lowest outdoor
Figure 11 Comparison of monthly cumulative RTTVs of the RadiCold, TPO and shingle roof
finishing in Tucson, AZ
Figure 12 Comparison of monthly cumulative RTTVs of RadiCold cool roof for three locations
Since the RTTVs represent the heat gain/loss through roof structure, they are directly
associated with the cooling load introduced from the roof structure. During the cooling season of
a typical meteorology year in these three locations, the RTTV results show that the shingle roof
and TPO cool roof transfer 78.9 – 294.1 kWh/(m2·yr) and 8.5 – 128.2 kWh/(m2·yr) of heat into
the building space, respectively. The RadiCold cool roof withdraws 137.6 – 268.7 kWh/(m2·yr)
of heat from space and dissipates the heat to outdoor environment. Figure 13 shows the monthly
cumulative roof induced A/C cooling electricity for these three types of the roofs in the three
selected locations with an assumed coefficient of performance (COP) of 3.0. Compared to the
TPO and shingle roof finishing that consume cooling electricity due to heat gain through the
roofs, the RadiCold cool roof can save cooling electricity because of cooling load reduction. In
the hottest month in Tucson, Los Angeles and Orlando, compared to the shingle roof, the
RadiCold cool roof can save 18.9 kWh/m2, 23.1 kWh/m2 and 12.9 kWh/m2 of cooling electricity
per square meter of roof area, respectively. In comparison with the TPO cool roof, the RadiCold
cool roof still can save 11.7 kWh/m2, 18.4 kWh/m2 and 10.0 kWh/m2 of cooling electricity
Among the three locations analyzed, Orlando, although generally having a hotter climate
than Los Angeles based on cooling-degree-day statistics, produces lower annual cooling
electricity savings from application of RadiCold cool roof than those achieved at Los Angeles.
An important reason for this result is because of the high atmospheric water content in Orlando.
Figure 13 Comparison of monthly roof induced A/C cooling electricity from three roof
finishing in (a) Tucson (AZ), (b) Los Angeles (CA), (c) Orlando (FL)
With adequate electricity prices assumed, the RadiCold cool roof’s energy cost savings
($/per annum) over the shingle roof and the TPO cool roof can be assessed, as shown in Table 2.
The electricity prices used in the evaluation are from DOE EIA [40] as 13.16 cents/kWh for
Tucson, AZ, 19.90 cents/kWh for Los Angeles, CA, and 11.36 cents/kWh for Orlando, FL.
Compared to the shingle roof, the RadiCold cool roof saves 113.0 – 143.9 kWh/(m2·yr) cooling
electricity, associated with cooling cost saving of $12.9 - $18.9/(m2·yr). Similarly, compared to
the TPO cool roof, the RadiCold cool roof saves 88.0 – 92.4 kWh/(m2·yr) cooling electricity and
cooling cost is reduced by $10.0 - $18.4/(m2·yr). Compared to the TPO cool roof, the acceptable
incremental cost of the RadiCold cool roof falls within $30.0 - $55.2/m2 and $50.1 - $91.9/m2 for
3-yr and 5-yr payback periods, respectively, depending on the regions and climates. This
indicates that the RadiCold cool roof will be an economically sound cool roof material.
Figure 14 illustrates the impact of A/C system COP on the roof induced annual cooling
electricity consumptions. For a lower COP (e.g., 2.5), the benefit of installing RadiCold cool roof
will increase further. The RadiCold cool roof saves 135.6 – 172.7 kWh/(m2·yr) as compared to
shingle roof finishing and saves 105.7 – 110.9 kWh/(m2·yr) as compared to TPO cool roof. The
reduction in cooling cost reaches $15.4 - $27.7 /(m2·yr) and $12.0 - $22.1 /(m2·yr) for shingle
Figure 14 Comparison of annual roof induced A/C cooling electricity for the three roof
Table 2 Energy saving and economic analysis for RadiCold cool roof based on iRTTV
6. Conclusion
By incorporating the spectrum-dependent approach and the roof thermal mass effect, the
iRTTV model can be employed to evaluate the thermal performance of different roofs, especially
for the RadiCold cool roof. The iRTTV model has been validated with measurements from the
reduced-size model building located at Laramie, Wyoming, USA under real-world conditions.
The validation of the iRTTV model for the shingle, TPO, and RadiCold cool roofs proved that
the model can accurately predict the roof exterior surface temperature and the ceiling
temperature. Compared to conventional roofs, the RadiCold cool roof has the smallest RTTVs
and it can efficiently dissipate heat throughout day- and nighttime. However, when designing the
metamaterial-based cool roof, more factors, such as the roof tilt angle and roof structures, need a
comprehensive evaluation in order to maximize the cooling benefits. The iRTTV tool will be
By applying the validated iRTTV model to a flat concrete roof structure without additional
insulation for three locations (Tucson AZ, Los Angeles, CA, and Orlando FL) in the United
States, the associated heat gains/losses through roof have been predicted for the cooling periods
in a typical year for three types of roof exterior finishing: shingle, TPO, and RadiCold. The
shingle finishing transfers 78.9 – 294.1 kWh/(m2‧yr) of heat into the building space, the TPO
finishing transfers 8.5 – 128.2 kWh/(m2‧yr) of heat into the building space, while the roof with
RadiCold finishing dissipates 137.6 – 268.7 kWh/(m2‧yr) of heat from the building space to
outdoor environment. Assuming the COP of a typical air-conditioning system is 3.0, the cooling
load reduction from utilizing RadiCold cool roof will result in cooling electricity savings of
113.0 – 143.9 kWh/(m2‧yr) compared to the shingle roof finishing and 88.0 – 92.4 kWh/(m2‧yr)
compared to the TPO roof finishing for the three analyzed locations.
This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects
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