CD 239 Footway and Cycleway Pavement Design-Web

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Design Manual for Roads and Bridges


CD 239
Footway and cycleway pavement design
(formerly HD 39/16)

Revision 0

This document sets out the requirements for new footway and cycleway pavement construction.
It covers footways constructed from common materials that are subject to pedestrian and/or
cycle traffic and some overrun by vehicular traffic.

Application by Overseeing Organisations

Any specific requirements for Overseeing Organisations alternative or supplementary to those given in this document
are given in National Application Annexes to this document.

Feedback and Enquiries

Users of this document are encouraged to raise any enquiries and/or provide feedback on the content and usage
of this document to the dedicated Highways England team. The email address for all enquiries and feedback is:
[email protected]

This is a controlled document.

CD 239 Revision 0 Contents

Release notes 2

Foreword 3
Publishing information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Contractual and legal considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Introduction 4
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Assumptions made in the preparation of the document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Mutual Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Abbreviations 5

Terms and definitions 6

1. Scope 7
Aspects covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Use of GG 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2. General design requirements 8

Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Statutory undertakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3. Structural design of footway and cycleway pavements 9

Pavement foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Pavement loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Pedestrian/cycle-only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Light-vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Heavy-vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Pavement construction options and thickness design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Edge restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4. Materials 12

5. Normative References 15

6. Informative References 17

CD 239 Revision 0 Release notes

Release notes
Version Date Details of amendments
0 May 2019 CD 239 replaces HD 39/16. The full document has been re-written to make it
compliant with the new Highways England drafting rules.

CD 239 Revision 0 Foreword

Publishing information
This document is published by Highways England.
This document supersedes HD 39/16, which is withdrawn.

Contractual and legal considerations

This document forms part of the works specification. It does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for applying all appropriate documents applicable to
their contract.

CD 239 Revision 0 Introduction

Research has been carried out at the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) to identify the causes of
failure in footways (see TRL 134 [Ref 1.I]) and thus to recommend suitable designs to improve the
surface condition of footways over their design life. Vehicle overrun and works by statutory undertakers
have been identified as the most common causes of failure in footways. Growth of vegetation, natural
ageing of bituminous material, and poor design and construction have also been identified as
significant causes of deterioration.

Assumptions made in the preparation of the document

The assumptions made in GG 101 [Ref 15.N] apply to this document.

Mutual Recognition
Where there is a requirement in this document for compliance with any part of a "British Standard" or
other technical specification, that requirement may be met by compliance with the Mutual Recognition
clause in GG 101 [Ref 15.N].

CD 239 Revision 0 Abbreviations


Abbreviation Definition
AC Asphalt Concrete
CBGM Cement Bound Granular Material
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CRBM Cold Recycled Bound Materials
cv/d Commercial vehicles per day
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle
HRA Hot Rolled Asphalt
MAFI Mean Annual Frost Index
msa Million standard axles
NG Notes for Guidance
PSV Polished Stone Value
SHW Specification for Highways Works
USRV Unpolished Skid Resistance Value

CD 239 Revision 0 Terms and definitions

Terms and definitions

Term Definition
Formation level Top of prepared subgrade, including any capping layer or subgrade
improvement, on which pavement construction is founded; that is, on which
subbase is placed.
Paved area for pedestrian and cyclist usage, rather than vehicular traffic,
Pedestrianised area but generally subject to significant regular trafficking by delivery and
maintenance vehicles.
Urban or suburban environment with residential dwellings; these will
Residential area generally have vehicular access to the carriageway across any adjacent
footway or cycleway.
Statutory Undertaker Utility body that has statutory right of access to buried services.

CD 239 Revision 0 1. Scope

1. Scope
Aspects covered
1.1 This document presents requirements that shall be used for the design of the pavement construction
for new footways and cycleways surfaced with asphalt, concrete block or clay pavers, natural stone
slabs or setts, pre-cast concrete flags or in-situ concrete and subject to pedestrian and/or cycle traffic
and some overrun by vehicular traffic.
NOTE This document does not address the maintenance of existing footways or cycleways.

1.2 This document shall be implemented forthwith on all schemes involving new construction, improvement
or maintenance on the Overseeing Organisations' motorway and all-purpose trunk roads according to
the implementation requirements of GG 101 [Ref 15.N].

Use of GG 101
1.3 The requirements contained in GG 101 [Ref 15.N] shall be followed in respect of activities covered by
this document.

CD 239 Revision 0 2. General design requirements

2. General design requirements

2.1 The geometrical design of footways and cycleways shall be in accordance with TA 90 [Ref 27.N].
NOTE 1 In Scotland, additional advice on geometric design can be found in Cycling by Design [Ref 3.I] and
Roads for All (2013) [Ref 12.I].
NOTE 2 In Wales, additional advice on geometric design can be found in Design Guidance: Active Travel
(Wales) Act (2013) [Ref 5.I].
NOTE 3 Coloured surfacing can be used to emphasise the presence of a footway or cycleway.

2.2 The design of drainage systems for footways and cycleways shall be in accordance with:
1) HD 33 [Ref 10.N];
2) HD 49 [Ref 14.N].

2.3 Water shall not pool against kerbs, structures or other highways assets.

Statutory undertakers
2.4 Risk of disruption due to access for maintenance or repair to services shall be minimised.
2.4.1 Where possible, services should be placed in the verge rather than under the footway or cycleway.

CD 239 Revision 0 3. Structural design of footway and cycleway pav...

3. Structural design of footway and cycleway pavements

Pavement foundation
3.1 The design life of foundations for footway and cycleway pavements shall be 40 years.
3.2 The subgrade for footway or cycleway construction shall be assessed in terms of its California Bearing
Ratio (CBR).
3.3 In-situ testing to support the determination of design CBR shall be in accordance with IAN 73 [Ref 11.N].
3.4 The design CBR shall represent equilibrium subgrade condition.
3.5 Where the CBR of the subgrade is less than 2.5% it shall be improved in accordance with the options
presented in IAN 73 [Ref 11.N].
3.6 Where the mean annual frost index (MAFI) for the location is ≥ 50 all material within 450mm of the
surface shall be non-frost-susceptible.
3.7 Frost susceptibility shall be determined in accordance with Clause 801 of Series 800 of the SHW [Ref
3.7.1 Further information on the development and calculation of the MAFI may be obtained from Report
RR45 [Ref 13.I].
3.7.2 Information to support determination of the MAFI for sites in the United Kingdom may be obtained from
the Met Office.
3.8 Where the MAFI for the location is < 50 all material within 350mm of the surface shall be
3.9 Where the existing material does not meet the requirements for non-frost susceptibility it shall be
stabilised in accordance with the options presented in IAN 73 [Ref 11.N].

Pavement loading
3.10 The loading for the footway or cycleway shall be categorised as follows:
1) pedestrian/cycle-only;
2) light-vehicle; or
3) heavy-vehicle.

3.11 The pedestrian/cycle-only category shall be used where the footway/cycleway is physically separated
from the carriageway.
3.12 The footway/cycleway shall be considered to be physically separated from the carriageway where:
1) there is a barrier or other permanent obstruction (e.g. bollards) such that vehicular traffic cannot
mount the footway/cycleway; or
2) there is a verge of width 3m or greater.
3.13 The pedestrian/cycle-only category shall be used where the footway/cycleway is not physically
separated from the carriageway but where there can be no use or overrun by vehicles, including
cleaning or maintenance vehicles.

3.14 The light-vehicle category shall be used:
1) where occasional overrun by HGVs is likely (i.e. as might occur two or three times in a year by
delivery vehicles); or

CD 239 Revision 0 3. Structural design of footway and cycleway pav...

2) where cumulative vehicular traffic loading over the design life is less than 0.5msa.

3.15 Light-vehicle overrun shall be assumed:

1) at domestic crossings, that is access to private driveways; or,

2) where occasional access by delivery vehicles is likely; or,
3) for footways/cycleways that are not physically separated from the carriageway and are adjacent to
roads through residential areas.

3.16 The heavy-vehicle category shall be used:
1) where significant overrun by HGV is likely (i.e. allowing for one vehicle per working day over the
design life time); or,
2) where cumulative vehicular traffic loading over the design life is between 0.5 and 12msa.
3.17 Heavy-vehicle overrun shall be assumed:

1) for footways/cycleways that are adjacent to, but not physically separated from the carriageway in
areas where deliveries take place;
2) for footways/cycleways where there is uncertainty about the frequency of HGV overrun.

Pavement construction options and thickness design

3.18 The pavement construction options and design thicknesses corresponding to the pavement loading
categories shall be selected from the tables presented below.

Table 3.18a Pedestrian-only footways and cycle-only cycleways

Layer Surface options
Asphalt Pavers/setts
Flags/slabs Concrete
Surfacing 20 mm surface course ≥ 50 mm clay ≥ 60 mm concrete ≥ 50 mm
50 mm binder course pavers blocks
150 mm
30 mm laying course 25 mm unreinforced
Subbase 100 mm
Subgrade ≥ 2.5% CBR

CD 239 Revision 0 3. Structural design of footway and cycleway pav...

Table 3.18b Light-vehicle footways and cycleways

Layer Surface options
Asphalt Pavers/setts Flags/slabs Concrete
Surfac- 20 mm surface ≥ 50 mm clay ≥ 60 300 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm
ing course pavers mm 60 mm unreinforced
50 mm binder con- or 400 mm x 400 mm
course crete x 65mm
blocks or 450 mm x 450 mm
x 70mm
30 mm laying course 25 mm laying course
Base - 70 mm dense AC or CBGM A C5/6 (or stronger) -
Subbas- 225 mm 200 mm 150 mm 200 mm 150 mm 100 mm
Subgra- ≥ 2.5% CBR 2.5% ≥ CBR ≤ CBR > 2.5% ≥ CBR ≤ CBR > ≥ 2.5% CBR
de 5% 5% 5% 5%
Table 3.18c Heavy-vehicle footways/cycleways
Surface options
Asphalt Pavers / setts or flags / slabs Concrete

Surfacing 200 mm
25 mm surface course As Table 3.17b
100 mm CBGM A C
90 mm dense 5/6
Base 90 mm dense AC -
AC (or stronger)
Subbase 320 mm 210 mm 165 mm 150 mm 150 mm

Subgrade 2.5% ≥ CBR ≤ CBR > 4 2.5% ≥ CBR ≤

CBR > 5% ≥ 2.5% CBR
4% % 5%

NOTE Larger flag/slab sizes are restricted because they can be difficult to lay, requiring mechanical handling,
and can be damaged by vehicle overrun.

Edge restraints
3.19 Continuous restraint where footway and cycleway construction abuts an adjoining carriageway shall be
provided by the installation of kerbs.
3.20 The kerbs shall be placed on 150 mm concrete bedding over 100 mm subbase.
3.21 Elsewhere, unless the footway or cycleway abuts an existing building, wall or kerb, continuous restraint
shall be provided by the installation of edgings.
3.22 The edgings shall be placed on 100 mm concrete bedding over 100 mm subbase.

CD 239 Revision 0 4. Materials

4. Materials
4.1 Materials for footway and cycleway construction shall be selected from the options presented in Tables
4.1a to 4.1j.

Table 4.1a Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: subbase
Permitted material Specification Guidance
Type 1 Series 800 of the SHW [Ref 6.I] Clause 803, Series Series NG 800
1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] [Ref 10.I]
Type 3 Series 800 of the SHW [Ref 6.I] Clause 805, Series Series NG 800
1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] [Ref 10.I]
CBGM A Series 800 of the SHW [Ref 6.I] Clause 821, Series Series NG 800
1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] [Ref 10.I]
CBGM B Series 800 of the SHW [Ref 6.I] Clause 822, Series Series NG 800
1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] [Ref 10.I]
CBGM C Series 800 of the SHW [Ref 6.I] Clause 823, Series Series NG 800
1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] [Ref 10.I]

Table 4.1b Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: capping layer
Permitted material Specification Guidance
Capping Series 600 of the SHW [Ref 17.N] Clauses 613, Series NG 600 [Ref
614 9.I]
Frost protection layer Series 800 of the SHW [Ref 6.I] Clause 801 Series NG 800 [Ref

Table 4.1c Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: asphalt surface course
Permitted material Specification Guidance
6 mm dense asphalt Series 900 of the SHW [Ref 21.N] Clause 909: AC 6 Series NG 900
concrete surface course dense surf 70/100 [Ref 11.I]
AC 6 dense surf 100/150
10mm close graded Series 900 of the SHW [Ref 21.N] Clause 912: AC Series NG 900
asphalt concrete 10 close surf 70/100 [Ref 11.I]
surface course AC 10 close surface 100/150
15/10 hot rolled asphalt Series 900 of the SHW [Ref 21.N] Clause 910: HRA Series NG 900
(without coated 15/10 F surf 40/60 [Ref 11.I]

Table 4.1d Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: asphalt binder
Permitted material Specification Guidance
20mm dense Series 900 of the SHW [Ref 21.N] Series NG 900 [Ref 11.I]
base/binder course Clause 906: AC 20 dense bin 40/60 PD 6691:2015+A1:2016 [Ref 4.I]
Clause 948 CRBM
AC 32 dense base 40/60

CD 239 Revision 0 4. Materials

Table 4.1e Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: concrete
Permitted material option Specification Guidance
In-situ unreinforced Series 1000 of the SHW [Ref 18.N] Clause 1001: Series NG 1000
concrete C32/40 URC [Ref 7.I]
Bedding to kerbs/edgings C Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] Clause 1101, Series NG 1100
6/8 or ST1 BS 8500 Part 2 [Ref 9.N] [Ref 8.I]
Backing to kerbs/edgings C Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] Clause 1101, Series NG 1100
6/8 or ST1 BS 8500 Part 2 [Ref 9.N] [Ref 8.I]

Table 4.1f Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: pavers/setts
Permitted material Specification Guidance
Clay Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] Clause 1108, BS EN [Ref 2.I].
1344 [Ref 4.N]
Concrete blocks Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] Clause 1108, BS EN
1338 [Ref 7.N]
Natural stone setts BS EN 1342 [Ref 25.N]

Table 4.1g Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: flags
Permitted material option Specification Guidance
Pre-cast concrete MCHW1 Clause 1104, [Ref 2.I]
BS EN 1339 [Ref 8.N]
Natural stone slabs MCHW1 Clause 1104, [Ref 2.I]
BS EN 1341 [Ref 26.N]

Table 4.1h Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: kerbs and edgings
Permitted material Specification Guidance
Pre-cast concrete kerbs Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] Clause 1101, Series NG 1100
BS EN 1340 [Ref 6.N] [Ref 8.I]
Free standing in-situ Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] Clause 1103, Series NG 1100
concrete kerbs BS 5931: 1980 [Ref 5.N] [Ref 8.I]
In-situ asphalt kerbs Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] MCHW1 Series NG 1100
Clause 1102, [Ref 8.I]
BS 5931: 1980 [Ref 5.N]
Polymer kerbs Not currently included in MCHW
Pre-cast concrete edgings Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref 19.N] Clause 1101, Series NG 1100
BS EN 1340 [Ref 6.N] [Ref 8.I]

CD 239 Revision 0 4. Materials

Table 4.1i Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: laying course and
jointing material
Permitted Specification Guidance
material option
Laying course Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref 'Asset Management Guidance for Footways
- unbound 19.N] Clause 1104 and Cycle Routes: Pavement Design and
Maintenance', UK Roads Liaison Group
BS EN 12620 [Ref 2.N] (UKRLG), 2018. [Ref 2.I]

BS 7533-3 [Ref 23.N]

Laying course BS 7533-4 [Ref 24.N] [Ref 2.I] - as above
- bound
Jointing material Series 1100 of the SHW [Ref [Ref 2.I] - as above
- unbound 19.N] Clause 1104
BS EN 12620 [Ref 2.N]
BS 7533-3 [Ref 23.N]
Jointing material BS 7533-4 [Ref 24.N] [Ref 2.I] - as above
- bound
Table 4.1j Permitted construction materials for footways and cycleways: linear drainage
Permitted material option Specification Guidance
Series 500 of the SHW [Ref 16.N]
Linear drainage channel Clause 517
BS EN 1433 [Ref 12.N]

4.2 Asphalt surfacing shall be used for cycleways.

4.2.1 Where the combined design thickness of asphalt surface course and base/binder course ≤70 mm, and
to meet the minimum layer thickness vs nominal size requirements of BS 594987 [Ref 3.N], a single
layer of 20 mm dense binder course may be used.
4.3 Coarse aggregate in asphalt surface course, and in binder course where it is used as the running
surface, shall be of polished stone value category PSV50 in accordance with BS EN 13043 [Ref 1.N].
4.4 The PSV requirement shall not apply to chippings applied in small quantities for decorative purposes.
4.5 Natural stone flags or setts shall have a minimum unpolished skid resistance value (USRV) of 35
determined in accordance with BS EN 14231 [Ref 22.N] in wet conditions.
4.5.1 Natural stone flags or setts are not recommended for new footways, primarily for reasons of high
maintenance requirements, but may be used for aesthetic reasons when indicated by environmental
design considerations.
4.6 Provision of tactile paving shall be in accordance with Guidance on the use of Tactile Paving [Ref 13.N].

CD 239 Revision 0 5. Normative References

5. Normative References
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normative references for this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

Ref 1.N BSI. BS EN 13043, 'Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for
roads, airfields and other trafficked areas'
Ref 2.N BSI. BS EN 12620, 'Aggregates for concrete'
Ref 3.N BSI. BS 594987, 'Asphalt for roads and other paved areas. Specification for
transport, laying, compaction and product type testing protocols'
Ref 4.N BSI. BS EN 1344, 'Clay pavers. Requirements and test methods'
Ref 5.N BSI. BS 5931: 1980, 'Code of practice for machine laid in-situ edge details for paved
Ref 6.N BSI. BS EN 1340, 'Concrete kerb units. Requirements and test methods.'
Ref 7.N BSI. BS EN 1338, 'Concrete paving blocks. Requirements and test methods.'
Ref 8.N BSI. BS EN 1339, 'Concrete paving flags. Requirements and test methods.'
Ref 9.N BSI. BS 8500 Part 2, 'Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206.
Specification for constituent materials and concrete.'
Ref 10.N Highways England. HD 33, 'Design of Highway Drainage Systems'
Ref 11.N Highways England. IAN 73, 'Design of Pavement Foundations'
Ref 12.N BSI. BS EN 1433, 'Drainage channels for vehicular and pedestrian areas -
Classification, design and testing requirements, marking and evaluation of conformity
(AMD 16109) (AMD Corrigendum 16739)'
Ref 13.N DETR. 'Guidance on the use of Tactile Paving'
Ref 14.N Highways England. HD 49, 'Highway Drainage Design Principal Requirements'
Ref 15.N Highways England. GG 101, 'Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and
Ref 16.N Highways England. Series 500 of the SHW, 'Manual of Contract Documents for
Highway Works, Volume 1 Specification for Highway Works. Series 500 Drainage
and service ducts.'
Ref 17.N Highways England. Series 600 of the SHW, 'Manual of Contract Documents for
Highway Works, Volume 1 Specification for Highway Works. Series 600 Earthworks'
Ref 18.N Highways England. Series 1000 of the SHW, 'Manual of Contract Documents for
Highway Works. Volume 1 - Specification for Highway Works. Series 1000 Road
Pavements – Concrete Materials'
Ref 19.N Highways England. Series 1100 of the SHW, 'Manual of Contract Documents for
Highway Works. Volume 1 Specification for Highway Works. Series 1100 Kerbs,
Footways and Paved Areas.'
Ref 20.N Highways England. Series 800 of the SHW, 'Manual of Contract Documents For
Highway Works. Volume 1 Specification for Highway Works. Series 800 Road
Pavements — Unbound, Cement and Other Hydraulically Bound Mixtures'
Ref 21.N Highways England. Series 900 of the SHW, 'Manual of Contract Documents for
Highway Works. Volume 1 Specification for Highway Works. Series 900 Road
Pavements – Bituminous Bound Materials.'

CD 239 Revision 0 5. Normative References

Ref 22.N BSI. BS EN 14231, 'Natural stone test methods. Determination of the slip resistance
by means of the pendulum tester.'
Ref 23.N BSI. BS 7533-3, 'Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers.
Part 3: Code of practice for laying precast concrete paving blocks and clay pavers for
flexible pavements.'
Ref 24.N BSI. BS 7533-4, 'Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers.
Part 4: Code of practice for the construction of pavements of precast concrete flags
or natural stone slabs.'
Ref 25.N BSI. BS EN 1342, 'Setts of natural stone for external paving. Requirements and test
Ref 26.N BSI. BS EN 1341, 'Slabs of natural stone for external paving. Requirements and test
Ref 27.N Highways England. TA 90, 'The Geometric Design of Pedestrian, Cycle and
Equestrian Routes'

CD 239 Revision 0 6. Informative References

6. Informative References
The following documents are informative references for this document and provide supporting

Ref 1.I TRL. Burtwell M.H.. TRL 134, 'A study of footway maintenance'
Ref 2.I UK Roads Liaison Group. 'Asset Management Guidance for Footways and Cycle
Routes: Pavement Design and Maintenance'
Ref 3.I Transport Scotland. 'Cycling by Design'
Ref 4.I BSI. PD 6691:2015+A1:2016, 'Guidance on the use of BS EN 13108, Bituminous
mixtures. Material specifications'
Ref 5.I Welsh Government. 'In Wales, additional advice on geometric design can be found in
Design Guidance: Active Travel (Wales) Act'
Ref 6.I Highways England. Series 800 of the SHW, 'Manual of Contract Documents For
Highway Works. Volume 1 Specification for Highway Works. Series 800 Road
Pavements — Unbound, Cement and Other Hydraulically Bound Mixtures'
Ref 7.I Highways England. Series NG 1000, 'Manual of Contract Documents for Highway
Works. Volume 2 - Notes for Guidance on the Specification for Highway Works.
Series NG 1000 Road Pavements – Concrete Materials.'
Ref 8.I Highways England. Series NG 1100, 'Manual of Contract Documents for Highway
Works. Volume 2 - Notes for Guidance on the Specification for Highway Works.
Series NG 1100 Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas.'
Ref 9.I Highways England. Series NG 600, 'Manual of Contract Documents for Highway
Works. Volume 2 - Notes for Guidance on the Specification for Highway Works.
Series NG 600 Earthworks.'
Ref 10.I Highways England. Series NG 800, 'Manual of Contract Documents for Highway
Works. Volume 2 - Notes for Guidance on the Specification for Highway Works.
Series NG 800 Road Pavements – Unbound, Cement and Other Hydraulically Bound
Ref 11.I Highways England. Series NG 900, 'Manual of Contract Documents for Highway
Works. Volume 2 - Notes for Guidance on the Specification for Highway Works.
Series NG 900 Road Pavements – Bituminous Bound Materials.'
Ref 12.I Scottish Government. Transport Scotland. Roads for All (2013), 'Roads for All:
Transport Scotland'
Ref 13.I TRL Ltd. Report RR45, 'Winter air temperatures in relation to frost damage in roads'

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