Thermal Conductivity of Concrete
Thermal Conductivity of Concrete
Thermal Conductivity of Concrete
Keywords: The thermal conductivity (k-value) of cement-based materials like concrete is an important factor when con-
Concrete sidering the amount of heat transfer through conduction. The amount of heat loss through walls and roofs has a
Lightweight aggregate concrete direct effect on the energy consumption of buildings. The steady state and transient methods are considered the
Density two main thermal conductivity measurement approaches. The moisture content, temperature, type of aggregate,
Heat transfer
type of cementitious material and density of concrete are influential factors on the thermal conductivity. The aim
Thermal property
of this paper is to review the techniques most commonly used to measure the thermal conductivity of concrete as
Thermal conductivity
well as to consider the factors affecting the thermal conductivity of cement-based materials. In addition, a
general equation for predicting the thermal conductivity of concrete is proposed in this study based on data
reported by researchers. The results of this review indicate that most researchers have measured the k-value of
cement-based materials based on transient methods. The reported k-value in saturated conditions is higher than
in dry conditions. Moreover, the measured k-value exhibits a declining trend with increasing temperature. It is
concluded that using lightweight concrete in structural and non-structural building envelopes is a valuable
method of reducing the amount of heat transfer and energy consumption owing to the lower k-value of light-
weight concrete compared to normal weight concrete.
1. Introduction demonstrates its heat conduction capability [7,8]. The energy con-
sumption of buildings is dependent on the thermal conductivity values
Energy conservation is required on account of the growing popu- of the building materials [9]. Materials with low and moderate thermal
lation and limited natural energy sources. One third of the total energy conductivity, such as mineral wool (0.03–0.04 W/m °K), cellulose in-
consumption and 30% of greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to sulation (0.04–0.05 W/m °K), cork (0.04–0.05 W/m °K), expanded
buildings in most countries [1,2]. Since most people spend around 90% polystyrene (EPS) (0.03–0.04 W/m.°K), polyurethane (0.02–0.03 W/
of their lives indoors [3], energy conservation and thermal comfort in m °K), wood (0.14 W/m °K) and ceramic tiles (1.10 W/m °K) can reduce
buildings are controversial topics. The energy required for building the energy usage in buildings [10,11].
cooling and heating and thermal comfort depend greatly on the thermo- It is possible to determine the amount of heat flow per unit area over
physical properties of the construction materials [4]. a surface by applying Fourier's law [12] as shown in Eq. (1).
Ventilation and fabric heat loss are two reasons for heat loss in
∂T ∂T ∂T
buildings. Ventilation heat loss entails convective heat transfer through q = −k∇T = −k ⎛i +j
⎜ +k ⎞ ⎟
Corresponding authors at: Department of Building Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (I. Asadi), pshafi[email protected], pshafi[email protected] (P. Shafigh),
[email protected] (N.B. Mahyuddin).
Received 22 April 2018; Received in revised form 2 July 2018; Accepted 3 July 2018
Available online 06 July 2018
2352-7102/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Asadi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 20 (2018) 81–93
Nomenclature FA fly ash
FAC fly ash cenosphere
A area (m2) FC foamed concrete
C moisture content by mass (%) FRSCC fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete
k thermal conductivity (W/m °K) GLECC green lightweight engineered cementitious composites
Q heat flow (W) HGP hot guarded plate
q heat flux (W/m2) HIPS high impact polystyrene
T temperature (°C) HVAC heating, ventilation and air conditioning
V volume percentage (%) IAQ indoor air quality
∇T temperature gradient (°K/m) IOTs iron ore tailings
∂T temperature difference (°K) LFC lightweight-foamed concrete
∂x distance (m) LWA lightweight aggregate
Φ porosity (%) LWC lightweight concrete
ρ density (kg/m3) NWC normal weight concrete
OPS oil palm shell
Subscripts and superscripts OPSFC oil palm shell foamed concrete
OPSFGC oil palm shell foamed geopolymer concrete
a ambient PCM phase change material
dry dry condition PHS plane heat source
w water SCC self-consolidating concrete
SCMs supplementary cementations materials
Acronyms SF silica fume
SHC sprayed hemp concrete
AAC autoclaved aerated concrete SLWAC structural lightweight aggregate concrete
ALC aerated lightweight concrete SSD saturated surface density
APC air permeable concrete TLPP two linear parallel probe
BA bottom ash TPS transient plane source
BFS blast furnace slag ULCCs ultra-lightweight cement composites
DPF date palm fibers w/c water-cement ratio
EPS expanded polystyrene
Q = qA (3) affects heat transfer by conduction through concrete [6]. Concrete with
low thermal conductivity reduces the heat transfer and energy con-
Therefore, the equation is recast as: sumption in buildings. Real et al. [17] reported that applying structural
∂T lightweight aggregate concrete (SLWAC) in buildings in European
Q = −kA countries can reduce 15% of the heating energy compared to normal
∂x (4)
weight concrete (NWC).
Concrete is a common material all over the world and more than ten Several steady and transient methods can be used to measure the
billion tons of concrete are produced every year [14]. It is expected that thermal conductivity of materials. Different methods may result in
the demand for concrete will increase to 18 billion tones by 2050 [15]. different thermal conductivity values [18]. However, there is in-
Concrete is widely used in buildings, bridges, parking structures, in- sufficient discussion in literature on suitable methods for measuring the
dustrial pavements and other structures. Because of the widespread thermal conductivity of concrete. Hence, this paper reviews measure-
usage of this material, investigators have been considering its en- ment methods for the thermal conductivity of concrete based on the
gineering properties [16]. Thermal conductivity, specific heat and literature. Selecting a proper method for measuring the thermal con-
thermal diffusivity are deemed thermo-physical properties of concrete. ductivity of concrete is important to achieve accurate values for cal-
Thermal conductivity is the most important thermal property that culating the energy consumption of buildings. In addition, it should be
noted that several factors affect the k-value of concrete. This review
discusses the consequence of each factor on the thermal conductivity of
concrete. Taking these factors into consideration during concrete
casting and utilizing concrete in buildings can lead to more energy-
efficient and sustainable buildings.
I. Asadi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 20 (2018) 81–93
is more accurate than with the transient method. The transient method 2.3. Transient hot wire method
is normally used for heterogeneous materials with moisture content
[20]. An advantage of the transient method is the possibility to consider The hot wire method is a transient method based on measuring the
moisture content but a disadvantage is the need to repeat the test enhanced temperature at a specific distance from a hot wire, which is a
several times to obtain precise results [21]. linear heat source inside the test material. The hot wire probe method
Porosity has a significant role in the thermal conductivity of mate- employs the principle of the transient hot wire technique [38]. Fur-
rials. The thermal conductivity of a porous material can be determined thermore, the probe method is the modified version of the transient hot
by the thermal conductivity of the fluid phase (kf) and solid phase (kS) wire method. Fig. 6 displays the schematic principle of the hot wire
[22]. The two linear parallel probe (TLPP), plane heat source (PHS) and method. Researchers have selected this method to measure the k-value
hot guarded plate (HGP) are some methods of measuring the thermal of concrete using bottom ash (BA), fly ash (FA) and silica fume (SF) as
conductivity of porous materials [23–25]. cement replacement, air permeable concrete (APC) and various types of
Fig. 2 represents a summary of available measurement methods for lightweight aggregate concrete [39–49].
the thermal conductivity of concrete. The percentages of different k-
value measurement methods used in 30 studies are shown in Fig. 3.
2.4. Transient plane source (TPS) method
In summary, researchers have used four well-known techniques
most frequently to measure the k-value of cement-based materials. The
With this method, thermal conductivity is measured based on the
availability and cost of equipment, time for experimental measurements
power input and time dependent variation for both transient plane and
and measurement ability for moist specimens may be some of the
transient line sources. The transient plane source method is used to
reasons for using transient instead of steady state methods.
measure the in-plane and through-plane thermal conductivity of ma-
terials. In this method a flat sensor is used, whose temperature is in-
2.1. Steady state boxes method
creased while electrical current passes through the sensor (Fig. 7). By
recording the temperature against time it is possible to calculate the
The boxes method is a steady state method for determining the
thermal properties of the material. Various researchers have used TPS
thermal conductivity of concrete based on the system's energy evalua-
to determine the changes in the thermal conductivity of sand concretes
tion. This technique has been developed in the laboratory for thermal
by adding wood shavings. They have also studied the effect of moisture
and solar studies at the Claude Bernard University-Lyon I in France
content on the thermal conductivity of autoclaved aerated concrete
[26,27]. The device contains one hot chamber and one cold chamber.
(AAC) and the effect of different aggregates on the k-value of concrete
The specimen is placed between the hot and cold sides. Based on the
with relative humidity in the range of 10–30% [51–54].
second law of thermodynamics, energy is transferred from the hot to
In conclusion, the application of certain methods and devices may
the cold side. The k-value is thus achieved by calculating the difference
be dependent on the availability of certain equipment in the research
in air temperature between the cold and hot sides [26,27]. A schematic
lab. Besides, different sample shapes and sizes are used based on the
of the hot box method is shown in Fig. 4. In two studies boxes method
testing requirements of a specific device. However, the thermal con-
were selected for evaluating the effect of moisture content and hu-
ductivity of concrete is not significantly related to the specimen's shape
midity on Pozzolan lightweight concrete and wood-concrete-composite
and size [55]. Table 1 lists the specimen sizes, testing ages, measure-
specimens [26,28]. Other researchers also used this method to measure
ment techniques and scientific standard used in previous studies.
the k-value of an insulator containing vegetable fiber [27].
2.2. Steady state hot plate method 3. Factors affecting the thermal conductivity of concrete
The guarded hot plate is a useful technique for assessing the thermal Concrete is a heterogeneous and permeable solid material. The heat
conductivity of insulation materials. The test samples are fixed between transfer in concrete material at normal operating temperatures is
hot and cold plates. A constant heat stream flows over the test samples. mainly by conduction. The properties of concrete are influenced by the
Thermal conductivity is determined through the heat flow and the spatial spreading and volume ratio of its elements, such as aggregate,
difference in mean temperature between the specimen surfaces [29]. water cement and voids. The voids inside concrete have an important
Gandage et al. [20] measured the thermal conductivity of specimens in effect on the mechanical and thermal properties of concrete [59].
five temperature ranges (from 30 °C to 80 °C) with this method. In an- Changes in specific properties of concrete cause different thermal
other study, the cold plate temperature was set at 18 °C and the hot side conductivity values.
was kept at 40 °C [30]. Kim et al. [56] considered the effect of seven factors on the thermal
In a different study, this method was used by repeating the thermal conductivity of cement paste, mortar and concrete. The seven para-
conductivity measurement of samples every 10 min over a period of meters are the humidity condition of the specimen, age, temperature,
24 h [31]. In one research, this method was employed for samples water-cement (w/c) ratio, fine aggregate fraction, type of admixture
containing cement, natural river sand, gypsum powder and paraffin
particles as phase change materials (PCMs). Two specimens of the
composite were placed on the heating panel. The specimens were
cooled by disc-shaped cooling blocks. Thermal paste was used on both
sides of the specimens to minimize heat loss at the interface, heating
panel as well as the cooling block. A voltage regulator (0–250 V) sup-
plied constant heat flux (0–40 W) to the heating panel [32]. The k-value
measured for concrete containing moisture (up to 3% by volume)
through this method was similar to oven-dry condition [33]. A sche-
matic of the hot plate method is shown in Fig. 5. A number of re-
searchers have utilized this method to measure the thermal con-
ductivity of self-consolidating concrete (SCC), oil palm shell foamed
concrete (OPFS), oil palm shell foamed geopolymer concrete (OPSFGC),
aerated lightweight concrete (ALC), recycled glass concrete, poly-
styrene foamed concrete and PCM concrete [20,30,31,34–37]. Fig. 2. Different thermal conductivity measurement methods.
I. Asadi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 20 (2018) 81–93
Fig. 3. Percentages of thermal conductivity measurement methods employed in the thermal insulation of structures [64,65]. Density, loading tem-
previous studies. perature and w/c ratio in the early stages of hydration influence the
thermal conductivity of LWC significantly [54].
In summary, the literature addresses various parameters affecting
Hot Chamber Cold Chamber
the k-value of cement-based materials. The subsequent section reviews
the effect of moisture, temperature, type of aggregate, type of ce-
mentitious materials, incorporating PCM and density on the k-value of
cement-based materials.
I. Asadi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 20 (2018) 81–93
content. Based on the results, it was found that 15% moisture content is studies, the thermal conductivity of cement-based materials has been
critical in AAC. The k-value increased more significantly when the measured in oven-dry or saturated condition. However, in real settings
moisture content was less than 15%. Jin et al. also proposed the fol- concrete does not remain in saturated condition and may not reach
lowing equation to predict the thermal conductivity of AAC as a func- completely dry-oven condition. In general, the k-value of concrete in-
tion of porosity and moisture content. creases with higher moisture content. More studies should consider k-
value increment according to different types and proportions of ag-
⎧ (0.0082ϕ + 0.0005) C + 3.7ϕ2 − 6.74ϕ + 3.17, gregates, cement replacement, w/c ratio and various temperatures.
⎪ 0 ≤ C < 15% Due to a series of chemical and physical changes at elevated tem-
⎨ (−0.0281ϕ + 0.0208) C + 3.7ϕ2 − 6.33ϕ + 2.89, 15% peratures, the k-value of concrete changes as well. It was reported that
⎪ the thermal conductivity of concrete and mortar decreases significantly
⎪ ≤ C < 100% (5)
⎩ as the temperature of concrete increases [78].
In addition, the thermal conductivity of lightweight-foamed con- Wang et al. [73] evaluated the impact of temperature and relative
crete as a function of the thermal conductivity of water can be esti- humidity on the k-value of fly ash concrete and conventional concrete.
mated with the following equation [75]. They revealed that the k-value of fly ash concrete reduced from 1.69 to
0.95 W/m °K with temperature increment from 20 °C to 550 °C.
ka = Vw k w + (1 − Vw ) kdry (6) Dos Santos [79] evaluated the thermal conductivity of conventional
aluminous refractory concrete at various temperatures (from room
where ka is the thermal conductivity of lightweight-foamed concrete in
temperature to 1000 °C). Dos Santos reported that the thermal con-
ambient temperature, Vw is the volume percentage of water, kw is the
ductivity increased between room temperature and 60 °C, after which,
thermal conductivity of water and kdry is the thermal conductivity of
and up to 500 °C, the thermal conductivity reduced significantly.
dry lightweight-foamed concrete.
However, it gradually increased when the temperature rose from 500 to
Boukhattem et al. [76] evaluated the effect of humidity on the
1000 °C. Shin et al. [80] also reported that the thermal conductivity of
thermal conductivity of mortar containing different percentages of date
concrete at 500 °C was 50% lower than at room temperature.
palm fibers (DPF). They reported that the k-value of DPF mortar in
Khaliq and Kodur [81] measured the thermal conductivity of self-
saturation state may reach 2.5 times its value in dry state. The thermal
consolidating concrete (SCC) and fiber reinforced self-consolidating
conductivity of mortar containing different ratios of DPF mesh (MDPF)
concrete (FRSCC) at 20–800 °C. The thermal conductivity of both SCC
based on volumetric water content can be estimated with the following
and FRSCC decreased from 20 to 400 °C. However, there was a marginal
increment in the thermal conductivity value when the temperature
kMDPF 21% = 0.614e 0.021Vw (R2 = 0.90) (7) increased from 400 to 500 °C. Finally, the thermal conductivity reduced
at temperatures over 500 °C and up to 800 °C. The k-values of SCC and
kMDPF 31% = 0.426e 0.026Vw (R2 = 0.84) (8) FRSCC reported ranged from 2.8 to 3.5 W/m °K at room temperature
and from 1.1 to 1.6 W/m °K at 400 °C. These values are roughly in the
kMDPF 48% = 0.328e 0.035Vw (R2 = 0.93) (9)
range of 1.4–1.7 W/m °K at 500 °C and 0.2–0.9 W/m °K at 800 °C. Khaliq
kMDPF 51% = 0.268e 0.026Vw (R2 = 0.94) (10) and Kodur suggested the following relation between thermal con-
ductivity and temperature.
Taoukil et al. [26] investigated the influence of moisture content on
the thermal conductivity of wood concrete composite. Wood fiber k=⎧
3.12 − 0.0045T , 20°C ≤ T ≤ 400 °C
concrete is a composite material used in different applications, such as ⎩3 − 0.0025T ,
⎨ 400°C ≤ T ≤ 800 °C (11)
ground formwork, screeds and suspended ceilings. Their results showed
that thermal conductivity increased with increasing water content. The
thermal conductivity of wood concrete material is two to three times 3.2. Type of aggregate
greater in saturated condition compared to dry condition. In addition,
the study demonstrated that the thermal conductivity of this composite Aggregate comprises about 60–80% of the volume of concrete [54].
material decreased by adding wood particles. It is possible to change the k-value of concrete by using different types
It should be noted that there are insufficient data regarding the of aggregate [56]. The k-value of concrete increased by raising the
relation between moisture content and the k-value of concrete. In most coarse aggregate volume fraction and keeping the sand ratio unchanged
I. Asadi et al.
Table 1
Summary of thermal conductivity measurement techniques.
Measurement techniques Description Specimen size Testing age (days) Reported standards by Ref.
Steady state boxes method Effect of humidity on the k-value of pozzolan lightweight concrete NA 28 NA [28]
Influence of moisture content on the k-value of wood concrete composite 270 × 270 × 20 (mm3) NA [26]
The k-value of the insulator by adding vegetable fibers 270 × 270 × 60 (mm3) 28 [27]
Steady state hot plate method The k-value of self-compacting concrete (SCC) by using Perlite lightweight aggregate Cylindrical 180 mm × 15 mm NA [20]
The k-value of oil palm shell foamed lightweight concrete (OPFS) 300 × 300 × 50 (mm3) 28 [30]
The k-value of oil palm shell foamed geopolymer lightweight concrete (OPSFGC) 300 × 300 × 55 (mm3) 28 [31]
The k-value of novel form-stable fiber composite concrete NA NA [32]
The relationship between the k-values of concrete, cement mortar and coarse aggregate 250 × 250 × 40 (mm3) 28 ASTM C177, [8]
The k-value of newspaper sandwiched aerated lightweight concrete (ALC) 300 × 300 × 50 (mm3) NA BS EN 12664 [34]
ISO 8301
The k-value of concrete using crushed recycled glass as a fine aggregate 300 × 300 × 30 (mm3) 28 [35]
The k-value of foamed lightweight and polystyrene foamed concretes 200 × 200 × 40 (mm3) NA [36]
The heat capacity and k-value of inhomogeneous concrete with incorporated microencapsulated- 150 × 150 × 80 (mm3) About 150 [37]
Transient hot wire method Effect of different parameters on the k-value of cement paste, mortar and concretes 100 × 100 × 150 (mm3) 3,7,14,28 [56]
The k-value of concrete pavements Cylindrical specimen (ϕ100 × 200 mm2). 28 [57]
The k-value of lightweight aggregate concrete 200 × 200 × 300 (mm3) 21 [58]
The k-value of concrete using bottom ash (BA) as cement replacement prism cast 40 × 40 × 160 (mm3) 7 [39]
cube cast 50 × 50 × 50 (mm3)
The k-value of air permeable concrete (APC) as wall construction material 100 mm in diameter and 100 mm high 7 [40]
The k-value of hemp concretes 150 × 100 × 50 (mm3) NA [41]
The k-value of modified waste expanded polystyrene (MEPS) lightweight aggregate concretes 40 × 110 × 160 (mm3) NA ASTM D 5930, [42]
ASTM D 5334,
ASTM D 5930-01,
The k-value of expanded perlite lightweight aggregate concrete by mineral admixtures 100 × 80 × 40 (mm3) NA ASTM C 1113-90 [43]
Effect of blast furnace slag (BFS), silica fume (SF), class C fly ash (FA), SF+FA, SF+BFS and 100 × 80 × 40 (mm3) 28 [44]
FA+BFS on the k-value
The k-value of diatomite and pumice lightweight aggregate concretes Cylindrical 50 mm × 100 mm 28 [45]
The k-value of low-strength lightweight concrete 100 × 100 × 100 (mm3) 28 [46]
The k-value of four different types of rocks as aggregate in dry and saturated condition 120 × 120 × 40 (mm3) 27 [47]
Relation of the k-value and mineral admixtures 110 × 160 × 40 (mm3) 28 [48]
Influence of class C fly ash (FA), blast furnace slag (BFS) and a combination of FA and BFS on the k- 110 × 160 × 40 (mm3) 28 [49]
value of concrete
Transient plane source (TPS) Changes in the k-value of sand concretes by adding wood shavings 100 × 100 × 50 (mm3) NA NA [51]
Effect of moisture content on the k-value of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) 100 × 100 × 30 (mm3) NA [52]
Effect of different aggregates on the k-value of concrete NA 28 [53]
The k-value of concrete with relative humidity of 10–30% Cube cast 150 × 150 × 150 (mm3) 28 [54]
150 mm × 300 mm
I. Asadi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 20 (2018) 81–93
Table 3
Thermal conductivity values for different types of cement-based materials.
Type of concrete Density (ρ) Thermal conductivity Extracted correlation R2 Ref.
I. Asadi et al.
FC-1100 Foamed concrete with densities ranging from 1100 kg/ 1156 0.40 0.94 [30]
FC-1200 m3 to 1600 kg/m3 1192 0.41
k = 0.0004ρ − 0.0732 (R2 = 0.94)
FC-1300 1354 0.50
FC-1400 1409 0.54 (21)
FC-1500 1506 0.55
FC-1600 1594 0.57
OPSFGC13 Oil palm shell foamed geopolymer concrete with 1291 0.47 0.94 [31]
OPSFGC15 densities of 1300, 1500 and 1700 kg/m3 and oil palm 1467 0.50
k = 0.0002ρ + 0.2060 (R2 = 0.94)
OPSFGC17 shell non-foamed geopolymer concrete 1721 0.54
OPSNFGC 1791 0.58 (22)
NP05-1700 Newspaper sandwiched aerated lightweight concrete 1700 0.50 0.75 [34]
NP05-1400 panels with densities of 1100, 1400, and 1700 kg/m3 1400 0.39
k = 0.0003ρ − 0.0033 (R2 = 0.75)
NP05-1100 aerial intensities of 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15 g/cm2 of 1100 0.31
NP10-1700 newspaper sandwiched 1700 0.49 (23)
NP10-1400 1400 0.33
NP10-1100 1100 0.30
NP15-1700 1700 0.40
NP 15-1400 1400 0.31
NP 15-1100 1100 0.30
PFC-150 Polystyrene foamed concrete with densities ranging 150 0.08 0.92 [36]
PFC-200 from 150 kg/m3 to 400 kg/m3 200 0.08
k = 0.0002ρ + 0.0250 (R2 = 0.92)
PFC-250 250 0.09
PFC-400 400 0.15 (24)
SF10 Concrete containing silica fume and fly ash at ratios of 509 0.17 0.77 [43]
SF20 10–30% cement replacement 493 0.15
k = 0.0008ρ − 0.2341 (R2 = 0.77)
SF30 485 0.15
FA10 511 0.16 (25)
FA20 498 0.16
FA30 483 0.14
SF7.5 Concrete with silica fume in 7.5% and 15% cement 2350 1.16 0.75 [44]
SF15 replacement, fly ash and blast furnace in 15% and 30% 2335 1.05
k = 0.0027ρ − 5.3547 (R2 = 0.75)
FA15 cement replacement 2340 1.08
FA30 2290 0.95 (26)
BFS15 2355 1.09
BFS30 2340 1.04
SF + FA 2330 0.99
SF + BFS 2345 1.12
FA + BFS 2300 0.97
SF-10% Mortar containing silica fume, fly ash and blast furnace 1920 0.97 0.76 [48]
SF-20% as cement replacement in 10%, 20% and 30% weight 1880 0.81
k = 0.0012ρ − 1.3614 (R2 = 0.76)
SF-30% 1790 0.71
FA-10% 2020 1.01 (27)
FA-20% 1950 0.87
FA-30% 1920 0.79
BFS-10% 2106 1.03
BFS-20% 2010 1.03
BFS-30% 1990 1.01
(continued on next page)
Journal of Building Engineering 20 (2018) 81–93
Table 3 (continued)
REF Different types of normal concrete, magnetite concrete, 2240 2.24 0.43 [53]
MAG graphite concrete, graphite and magnetite concrete, 3650 2.57
k = 0.0013ρ − 0.5502 (R2 = 0.43)
GRA steel fiber concrete, steel fiber concrete with high fiber 1890 3.52
GAM concentration, concrete with brass shavings, concrete 2810 3.85 (28)
ST1 with copper wires, concrete with PCM pellets, concrete 2330 2.57
ST2 with micro PCM, concrete with PCM dispersion, and 2441 2.95
BRA cement paste 2520 2.71
COP 2438 3.63
PEL5 1790 1.23
MIC5 1570 0.83
MIC50 1570 0.77
DIS5 1900 1.47
DIS50 1900 1.63
PAS 1510 0.58
Silica fume (0%) + Silane (0%) Concrete containing 0–2% silane and 15% silica fume 1990 0.52 0.84 [104]
Silica fume (15%) + Silane (0%) (by weight of content) as admixtures 1980 0.40
k = 0.0025ρ − 4.4523 (R2 = 0.84)
Silica fume (15%) + Silane (0.2%) 2070 0.61
Silica fume (15%) + Silane (0.5%) 2060 0.64 (29)
Silica fume (15%) + Silane (0.75%) 2050 0.66
Silica fume (15%) + Silane (1%) 2080 0.68
Silica fume (15%) + Silane (1.5%) 2070 0.69
Silica fume (15%) + Silane (2%) 2070 0.71
CCM Cement matrix and wooden aggregate in 10–30% of 1283 0.43 0.97 [115]
10WA mass fraction 1065 0.34
k = 0.0005ρ − 0.1959 (R2 = 0.97)
20 WA 908 0.23
25 WA 862 0.22 (30)
30 WA 800 0.21
Journal of Building Engineering 20 (2018) 81–93
I. Asadi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 20 (2018) 81–93
4. Discussion
In the past, most researchers have paid more attention to the me-
chanical properties of concrete. However, in recent years, more studies
are evaluating the thermal conductivity as well as mechanical proper-
ties of concrete due to the importance of energy saving in buildings. In
general, materials with low k-values are deemed suitable options for
energy saving in the building construction sector.
The k-value measurement of cement-based materials as well as all
other types of materials is based on transient or steady state methods.
Currently, most researchers are selecting transient methods to measure
the k-value of cement-based materials. Nonetheless, the prevalent use
of this method may not specify its greater accuracy over steady state
methods. It seems the availability of equipment in research labora-
tories, experimental measurement time and the ability to measure moist
Fig. 9. General correlation between thermal conductivity and density. specimens may be some of the reasons for using transient methods ra-
ther than steady state.
Tasdemir et al. [114] suggested the following equation to estimate Different parameters may be selected as the independent variables
the k-value of lightweight aggregate concrete containing pumice, ex- to evaluate their effects on the thermal conductivity of concrete. A
panded polystyrene and expanded perlite based on the unit weight. number of researchers have evaluated the k-value of concrete at dif-
ferent temperature and relative humidity conditions. Others have
k = 0.0003ρ − 0.014 (R2 = 0.94) (19)
considered the effects of various types of lightweight aggregates and
Gomes et al. [18] suggested the following equation to estimate the cementitious materials on the k-value of concrete. More recently, de-
k-value of mortar based on its dry bulk density. veloping PCM-concrete seems to be a favorite topic among researchers
to reduce the energy consumption in buildings. Based on available re-
k = 0.0236e 0.0023ρ (R2 = 0.87) (20) sults, PCM-concrete can be considered a proper method to increase the
The majority of previous studies have indicated that the density of heat capacity of concrete. However, there is still insufficient knowledge
concrete has the best relation with its thermal conductivity. Table 3 pro- regarding the k-value of PCM-concrete when using different types of
vides details from some previous studies. The table presents the type of PCMs. The thermal conductivity of PCM-concrete is a critical topic. On
concrete, density, thermal conductivity and linear regression between one hand, PCMs with high k-values are required to speed up the phase
density and thermal conductivity extracted by the authors of each study. change. On the other hand, PCM-concrete with a low k-value is required
Fig. 9 displays the relationship between the density and thermal to slow down the heat transfer through walls.
conductivity of concrete. This relationship was derived from 185 ex- In summary, it appears that more studies are required to measure
perimental data available in the literature the k-value of concrete in control conditions based on both transient
[18,30,31,34,36,43,44,48,104,115–117] with good correlations for and steady state methods. The outcome of these types of studies may
different types of cement mortar and concrete. Therefore, Eq. (31) can reveal the error and accuracy of each method. Additional studies are
be used to predict the thermal conductivity of concrete with densities also required to evaluate the effect of using low thermal conductivity
ranging from 150 to 2350 kg/m3 (Fig. 10). cement-based materials on the annual energy consumption of buildings
in different weather conditions.
k = 0.0625e 0.0015ρ (R2 = 0.81) (31)
5. Conclusions
ACI committee 213 R-03 proposed Eq. (32) to predict the thermal
conductivity of LWC [42]. A comparison between this equation and the
This study reviewed the thermal conductivity (k-value) of concrete.
equation proposed in this study (based on experimental test results)
Despite available guidelines, this paper considered different measure-
clearly shows that both equations are fitted to densities below 1500 kg/
ment methods as well as the percentage of methods used in previous
m3. LWCs with these densities are often used for sound and thermal
studies. Furthermore, various factors affecting the thermal conductivity
insulation. Therefore, the equation proposed by the ACI committee is
of concrete were reviewed and discussed.
recommended for non-structural lightweight concretes.
Between the two transient and steady state methods for evaluating
k = 0.0864e 0.00125ρ (32) the thermal conductivity of materials, the first is used more frequently
for measuring the thermal conductivity of concrete due to the avail-
ability of equipment in research laboratories, cost of equipment, ex-
perimental measurement time and capability to measure moist spe-
cimen. This method is used for heterogeneous materials. Hot wire and
transient plane source (TPS) are two main techniques applied with
transient method for concrete.
The thermal conductivity of concrete may be affected by changes in
various factors, such as humidity, temperature, type of aggregate, use of
phase change materials (PCMs), type of cementitious material and
In terms of humidity, studies have revealed that the k-value of ce-
ment-based materials in saturated condition is higher (by 1.4–3 times)
than in dry condition due to the higher thermal conductivity of water
compared to air. Such variation might be attributed to the different
porosity types and sizes and water absorption ability of different ma-
terials. In general, the k-value increases by about 6% with the addition
Fig. 10. Equation developed in this study compared with the ACI equation.
of 1% moisture content.
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