Conduct of Learning Action Cell: Ray Harvey L. Dominice
Conduct of Learning Action Cell: Ray Harvey L. Dominice
Conduct of Learning Action Cell: Ray Harvey L. Dominice
•To provide technical assistance to teachers in
the delivery of the lesson in various
ways through Learning Action Cell (LAC) session.
DepEd OrderNo. 35, s. 2016
The Learning Action Cell (LAC)
as a
as a K-12 Basic Education Program School-Based
K to 12 Curriculum.
Topics for LAC Sessions
4. 21st Century Skills and ICT Integration in
Instruction and Assessment
5. Scheduling of Meetings
The LAC members can decide on the
schedule, length, and frequency of meetings.
LAC Implementation Process
6. Setting Up of Resources.
Resources could be human or material that
should be prepared or set up before
the implementation of the sessions.
7. Assignment of Work.
The LAC members could be given specific
specific roles to perform during LAC sessions.
LAC Implementation Process
8. LAC Implementation Norms.
Norms are the framework from which team
members commit to conduct business.