Types - Selection of Equipment

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Role of Construction Equipment

 Accelerated speed

 Time saving

 Manpower saving. Useful where labor is scarce

 Improves productivity, safety & quality

 Wide range works & heavy works

 Construction process economic

Construction Equipment Manufacturers

 Caterpillar – US
 J.C. Bamford Excavators Limited – UK
 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. - Japan
 Deere & Company - US
 Komatsu Ltd – Japan
 Liebherr Group – Switzerland
 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. – Japan
 Volvo – Sweden
 Schwing Stetter - Germany

Hard Factors (Tangible)

 Technical specifications
 Physical dimensions of the site
 Cost

Soft factors (Intangible/qualitative)

 Safety considerations
 Company Policies (buy/rent/lease)
Factors Influencing Selection of an Equipment
1) Economic Considerations
 Owning cost
 Operating cost
 Resale value
 Salvage value

2) Company – specific
 Owning – Purchasing keeping future requirement of projects
 Renting – Short term benefits
 Option of subcontract – keep low equipment asset
 Particular type equipment usage in future (forecast) - Buy

3) Site Specific
 Site conditions – Ground and climatic(Crawler/wheel)
 Electrical lines – Fixed base type instead of mobile
 Climatic conditions – wind speed, visibility
 Site Access – Heavy traffic congestion near a site – Batching plant
 Narrow roads leading to site – Transportation equipment

4) Equipment specific
 Opt for standard equipment – Manufactured in large scale
 “ - Spares are readily available
 “ - Minimum downtime
 “ - Fetch good salvage value
 Uniformity (Available with the company) – Selecting
equipment's with uniform type of engines/gear box/brake

 Size of equipment as unit production cost is cheap but

require large size of matching equipment - Trade off
between cost & size is important.

 Versatility – performing more than one function

 Adaptability for future use


5) Project specific(Client requirements)

 Schedule
 Safety (features)
 Quality

6) Manufacturer Specific
 Prefer to buy from same manufacturer/dealer
 Bring uniformity of equipment
 Long Association – Cheaper price/service

7) Labor Consideration
 Shortage of manpower – Favor equipment
 Selection of equipment – Govern trained manpower
Classification of Equipment
I. Earth work Equipment

a)Excavation & lifting equipment

Back hoe, shovels, draglines, clamshell & trenchers

b) Earth cutting &Moving equipment

Bulldozers,scrapers,front end loaders

c) Transportation equipment

Tippers, dump truck, conveyors

d) Compacting & Finishing Equipment

Rollers, compactors
II. Concreting Plant & Equipment

 Production equipment – batching plants, mixers

 Transportation equipment – concrete dumpers

 Placing equipment – concrete pumps/buckets

 Concrete vibrating equipment

 Concrete testing
III. Materials Hoisting Plant

 Mobile Cranes – Crawler / truck mounted, rubber tyred.

 Tower cranes

 Hoists – Fixed hoists.

IV .Support & Utility services Equipment

 Pumping equipment

 Air Compressors

 Wood working equipment

 Bar bending equipment

V. Special purpose Heavy Construction

 Aggregate Production Plant

 Hot Mix Plant

 Pile Driving Equipment

 Bridge Construction Equipment

 Tunnel Boring Machines


 Backhoe  Scraper
 Front shovel  Dumper
 Dragline  Grader
 Clamshell
 Dozers
Track shoe

Front shovel are mainly used

for excavation purposes above
its own track or wheel level.

They are suitable for heavy

positive cutting in all types of
dry soils.
Back Hoe Excavator

 A tractor equipped with a front end bucket, called a loader, front end loader or bucket

 Both wheel loaders and track loaders are available.

 Loader applications are;

Loading haul units and hoppers

Stockpiling material


Moving construction materials

Dr agl in e

Used for bulk excavation

below its track level in
loose soils, marshy land
and areas containing

 It is the most suitable machine for dragging softer material

and below its track level

 It has long reaches.

 It is mostly used in the excavation for canals and depositing

on the embankment without hauling units.


 It consists of a
hydraulically controlled
bucket suspended from a
lifting arm.
 It is mainly used for deep
confined cutting in pits
and trenches.
Clam shell

Clam shell

 This is so named due to resemblance of its bucket like a shell-

fish with hinged double shell.

 The front end is essentially a crane boom with a specially

designed bucket loosely attached at the end through cables as
in a drag line.

 The capacity of a clam shell bucket is usually given in cubic



 Used for handling loose material such as crushed stone, sand,

gravel, coal etc.

 Main feature is vertical lifting of material from one location

to another.

 Mainly used for removing soil from coffer dam, sewer main
holes, well foundations etc.


They are used for moving earth

up to a distance of about

They can be track-mounted or


 For spreading the earth fill

 For opening up pilot roads

 Clearing construction sites.

 Maintaining haul roads

 Clearing land from the trees.

 Back-filling trenches at construction sites

Compaction Equipment
Densification is accomplished by:

Static weight (pressure)

Impact (sharp blow)


Densification is accomplished by:

Vibration (shaking)

Roller compactor

Roller compactor is mainly used to for compaction of earth and

other materials in large works of highways, canals and
Tamping Foot Roller

Sheep Foot Roller
Sheep-foot rollers

 For compacting earth work in embankments and canals (where

compaction deep into the layer of the earth is required)

 These gives best result in compaction when the soil is clay or

predominantly cohesive and impervious.

 The sheep foot rollers may weigh up to 15 T or more and

 As roller moves over the surface, the feet penetrate the soil to
produce a kneading action and a pressure to mix and compact the
soil from bottom to top layer.

 With repeated passages of the roller, the penetration of feet

decreases. 41
Pneumatic Tired Roller
Used for site levelling, loading, hauling over distances varying
between 150m - 900m.

 It is used for horizontal

transportation of materials
on and off sites.
 Large capacity dumpers are
used in mines and quarries.

Dump trucks

These are used for earth moving purpose.

The selection of the type of dump trucks for a specific job depend on
the soil condition.

(a) Side or rear dump trucks-

 These are heavy duty trucks with strongly built body which is
hinged on the truck chassis at the rear end and one side
respectively, and can be fitted to the rear in the case of rear
dump and to the hinged side in case of the side dump, through
the action of hydraulic jacks.
 These trucks are suitable for use in hauling wet clay, sand,
gravel, quarry rocks etc.

Side dump truck

Rear dump truck

Bottom dump truck

Bottom dump trucks

 The body of the truck remains in the same position.

 Discharge of the material takes place through its bottom after

opening of two longitudinal gates.

 The gates are hinged to the side of the body.

 These trucks are suitable for use in hauling free flowing

material, such as, sand, gravel, dry earth, hard clay etc.


 It is used for grading and

finishing the upper surface
of the earthern formations
and embankments.

 They usually operate in

the forward direction.
Selection Criteria for Earthwork

 Quantities of material to be moved

 Available time to complete the work

 Soil types, the swell and compaction factors, etc.

 Job conditions include factors such as availability of loading

and dumping area, accessibility of site, traffic flows and
weather conditions at site.
Types of Concreting Equipment

 Concrete batching and mixing plant

 Concrete mixers

 Concrete transit mixers

 Concrete pumps
Concrete batching and mixing plant

 They are mainly used for weighing and

mixing large quantity of concrete

 Capacity:- 20cum/hr-250cum/hr
Concrete mixers

They are mainly used for mixing

small quantities of concrete
Concrete transit mixers

 They are mainly used for

transporting concrete from
batching plant.

 Capacity:- 3cum-9cum
Concrete Pumps
 Piston Pumps. – Mechanical / Hydraulic

 Squeeze Pumps.

 Mobile boom pumps.

Boom Pumps
Selection Criteria for Concreting Equipment

Selection of concreting equipment can be complicated and

 Site characteristics such as boundary conditions,
 Equipment availability - local availability of equipment's
 Continuity of operation
 Temporary works
 Time restrictions
 Concrete specifications
Hoisting Equipment

It constitutes a group of equipment which are employed

mainly for lifting or lowering of unit load and other . This
group of equipment’s can be further sub classified into:

1. Hoists 2. Cranes
Boom hoists
Chain hoists Mobile Crane
Electric hoists Tower Crane
Tractor hoists
Hoist vs Crane

 A hoist is a device used for lifting and lowering loads while a crane is
a device used for moving loads in different directions.

 A hoist is a simple device while a crane is a more complex device.

 A hoist can only move loads vertically while a crane can move loads
vertically and horizontally.
Boom Hoist
Chain Hoist

 Chain hoists are quite common

example of hoist system and it can
be seen at most of the construction
and industrial purposes.

 Basically, chain hoist consists of

chain rope and pulley that is used
to move the load from up to down.
Electric Hoist

 Electric hoist is modernized form

of chain and boom hoist mostly
used in the industries for fast

 It is very much popular in

material handling industries
because it saves labor costs by
handling maximum loads at a time
with no damage threats.

Cranes are considered to be one of the most important

equipment used in construction due to their key role in
performing lifting tasks all over the construction site.

Plenty of crane models are available in different shapes

and sizes, though, they usually fall into three categories,

1. Mobile Cranes
2. Tower Cranes
Selection of Lifting Equipment
Factors affecting the selection of cranes are—

1.Building Design 4.Economy

Building Height Cost of move in, setup, and move out

Project Duration Cost for rent

Power Supply
5.Site Conditions
Load lifting frequency Soil Stability and Ground Conditions

Operators Visibility Access road requirement and site


3.Safety Operating Clearance

Initial Planning and Engineering

Mobile Cranes

 Adequate for all types of structures (up to 107 m)

 Used for shorter projects duration (less than 4 months).
 Not considered to be very safe due to lack of safety devices
 Require good ground conditions.
 Needs adequate operating clearance.
Mobile Cranes
Tower crane

construction equipment 73

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