ON Cascaded H-Bridge Five Level Inverter With Reduced Switch Count Using Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Technique
ON Cascaded H-Bridge Five Level Inverter With Reduced Switch Count Using Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Technique
ON Cascaded H-Bridge Five Level Inverter With Reduced Switch Count Using Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Technique
• Inverter is an electronic circuit which converts direct current into an
alternating current.
• Inverters are used as emergency back up power in home, in aircraft system
to convert a portion of aircraft DC power into an AC and also used in
electrical devices like lights, RADAR, radio, motors and so on.
• Pulse width modulation techniques with high switching frequency are used
to get quality power with a minimum amount of ripple current.
• As two level inverters have some limitations in operating at high frequency
due to harmonics, conduction and switching losses. Hence multilevel
inverters came into account.
• Multilevel inverters came into existence in the year 1975 which are
applicable in high and medium voltage situations.
• Multilevel inverter is a power electronic circuit which is capable of
providing alternating voltage level at the output using multiple lower level
DC voltages feeding as an input.
• Using multiple DC sources a sinusoidal like waveform can be generated at
the output with the reduction in total harmonic distortion and increase in
quality output waveform.
• Simulation is carried out for different pulse width modulation schemes like
single phase PWM, sinusoidal PWM and level shifting PWM for 5 and 7
level inverter and the results are observed in scope of MATLAB.
• The hardware is developed for cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with
reduced switch count using sinusoidal PWM technique with two separate
12V DC sources each and IRF 840 N channel MOSFET’s to obtain 5
different voltage levels.
• In sinusoidal pulse width modulation ,high frequency triangular wave is
compared with sine reference wave to generate PWM switching pulses for
the operation of the inverter.
• The developed hardware for cascaded H-bridge for five level inverter using
sinusoidal PWM is tested and verified in the power electronics laboratory
and the output voltage waveforms are observed in the digital storage
oscilloscope with a resistive load of R=100Ω.
1. Sreenivasulu Mamila , Suresh Kumar Anisetty and M. Rama Pallavi
4. Venu sonti, Sachin Jain, Vivek Agarwal
• Reduction in switching and conduction losses.
• Lower voltage stress on switches.
• Suitable for high voltage applications because of its ability to synthesize
output voltage waveform with better harmonic spectrum.
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