Health & Safety Staff Induction Presentation
Health & Safety Staff Induction Presentation
Health & Safety Staff Induction Presentation
Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act, etc. 1974, requires
that suitable information and training be provided
YOUR duties
Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act, etc. 1974 requires
that YOU take reasonable care of yourself and others and co-operate
with your employer
Add this sign on your plan where the fire exits are.
Add this sign on your plan where the Assembly point is.
• Should a member of staff consider that something or someone presents a fire risk
within the building, they should report the matter
• Staff should not allow the accumulation of large amounts of combustible materials
around workplaces, escape routes or in lift lobbies
• Staff should not obstruct fire escapes, fire exits or any fire-related equipment
• Staff should ensure that self-closing fire/smoke doors are not wedged in the open
• Staff should maintain as best as possible a clear desktop policy to prevent the rapid
spread of fire should it occur
Employees must:
All chemicals should have a label giving basic information about the
chemical. If no label is present, do not touch it and inform your line
The COSHH Safety Data Sheets will specify what PPE should be
worn when handling chemicals.
Avoid twisting the back or leaning sideways
Move smoothly
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been provided for use and
must be kept clean, damage free and stored appropriately.
These signs give warning These signs indicate fire exits or These signs prescribe specific
of a hazard or danger first aid/rescue equipment behaviour that must be taken
Smoking Arrangements
Smoking is not permitted within the building.
CCTV System monitors and records all events around the site
Telephone Threat
If any member of staff is in receipt of a telephone threat they should carry out the following actions:
The End
Health & Safety Induction 39