This document is a safety data sheet for DUO-VIS, which is described as a viscosifier used in applications. It lists the product name and supplier contact information. The document identifies the product as not hazardous but lists some minor risks from ingredients. It provides guidance on first aid, handling, storage, exposure controls, physical properties, stability, toxicology, disposal and regulatory information.
This document is a safety data sheet for DUO-VIS, which is described as a viscosifier used in applications. It lists the product name and supplier contact information. The document identifies the product as not hazardous but lists some minor risks from ingredients. It provides guidance on first aid, handling, storage, exposure controls, physical properties, stability, toxicology, disposal and regulatory information.
This document is a safety data sheet for DUO-VIS, which is described as a viscosifier used in applications. It lists the product name and supplier contact information. The document identifies the product as not hazardous but lists some minor risks from ingredients. It provides guidance on first aid, handling, storage, exposure controls, physical properties, stability, toxicology, disposal and regulatory information.
This document is a safety data sheet for DUO-VIS, which is described as a viscosifier used in applications. It lists the product name and supplier contact information. The document identifies the product as not hazardous but lists some minor risks from ingredients. It provides guidance on first aid, handling, storage, exposure controls, physical properties, stability, toxicology, disposal and regulatory information.
DUO-VlS 1 lDENTlFlCATlON OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATlON AND COMPANY/UNDERTAKlNG PRODUCT NAME DUO-VlS APPLlCATlON Viscosifier M-l SWACO. SUPPLlER Holburn House, 475-485, Union Street, Aberdeen. AB11 6DB Scotland. UK T = +44 (0)1224-336336 F = +44 (0)1224-336351 E-mail = [email protected] EMERGENCY TELEPHONE (24 Hour) Europe +44 (0) 208 762 8322, Asia Pacific +65 633 44 177, China +86 10 5100 3039, Middle East and Africa +961 3 487 287. 2 HAZARDS lDENTlFlCATlON Not regarded as a health or environmental hazard under current legislation. 3 COMPOSlTlON/lNFORMATlON ON lNGREDlENTS EC No. Name Classification CAS-No. Content 203-474-9 GLYOXAL Muta3;R68 Xn;R20 R43 Xi;R36/38 107-22-2 <1% 234-394-2 XANTHAN GUM - 11138-66-2 60-100% The Full Text for all R-Phrases are Displayed in Section 16 COMPOSlTlON COMMENTS The data shown is in accordance with the latest EC Directives. 4 FlRST-AlD MEASURES lNHALATlON Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. lf respiratory problems, artificial respiration/oxygen. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. lNGESTlON Rinse mouth thoroughly with water and give large amounts of milk or water to people not unconscious. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. SKlN CONTACT Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash skin with soap and water. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. EYE CONTACT Promptly wash eyes with plenty of water while lifting the eye lids. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. 5 FlRE-FlGHTlNG MEASURES EXTlNGUlSHlNG MEDlA Water spray, foam, dry powder or carbon dioxide. UNUSUAL FlRE & EXPLOSlON HAZARDS High concentrations of dust may form explosive mixture with air. SPEClFlC HAZARDS Fire or high temperatures create: Asphyxiating gases/vapours/fumes of: Carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon monoxide (CO). PROTECTlVE MEASURES lN FlRE Self contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire. 4 1 / REVlSlON DATE: 19-06-07 DUO-VlS 6 ACClDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES PERSONAL PRECAUTlONS Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet. ENVlRONMENTAL PRECAUTlONS Do not allow to enter drains, sewers or watercourses. SPlLL CLEAN UP METHODS Avoid generation and spreading of dust. Shovel into dry containers. Cover and move the containers. Flush the area with water. Be aware of the potential for surfaces to become slippery when wet. 7 HANDLlNG AND STORAGE USAGE PRECAUTlONS Avoid handling which leads to dust formation. Provide good ventilation. Do not use contact lenses. STORAGE PRECAUTlONS Store in tightly closed original container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTlON lNGREDlENT COMMENTS NUl = Nuisance dust, WEL TWA 4mg/m3 Respirable Dust, 10 mg/m3 Total Dust. PROTECTlVE EQUlPMENT ENGlNEERlNG MEASURES Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation. RESPlRATORY EQUlPMENT Respiratory protection must be used if air contamination exceeds acceptable level. Dust filter P2 (for fine dust). HAND PROTECTlON No specific hand protection noted, but gloves may still be advisable. For prolonged or repeated skin contact use suitable protective gloves. Butyl rubber or polyvinyl acetate. EYE PROTECTlON Wear dust resistant safety goggles where there is danger of eye contact. OTHER PROTECTlON Wear appropriate clothing to prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact. Provide eyewash station. 9 PHYSlCAL AND CHEMlCAL PROPERTlES APPEARANCE Powder, dust COLOUR Cream ODOUR Mild (or faint). SOLUBlLlTY Completely soluble in water RELATlVE DENSlTY 1.5 sg @ 20 c BULK DENSlTY 50 lb'ft3 (800 kg/m3) pH-VALUE, DlLUTED SOLUTlON 7 @ 1 % AUTO lGNlTlON TEMPERATURE (C) > 200C 10 STABlLlTY AND REACTlVlTY STABlLlTY Stable under normal temperature conditions. MATERlALS TO AVOlD Avoid: Strong oxidising substances. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSlTlON PRODUCTS Fire or high temperatures create: Asphyxiating gases/vapours/fumes of: Carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon monoxide (CO). 11 TOXlCOLOGlCAL lNFORMATlON 4 2 / REVlSlON DATE: 19-06-07 DUO-VlS lNHALATlON Dust may irritate respiratory system or lungs. lNGESTlON May cause discomfort if swallowed. SKlN CONTACT Powder may cause mechanical irritation to skin. EYE CONTACT Particles in the eyes may cause irritation and smarting. 12 ECOLOGlCAL lNFORMATlON ECOTOXlClTY Contact M-l Swaco's QHSE Department for ecological information. 13 DlSPOSAL CONSlDERATlONS DlSPOSAL METHODS Recover and reclaim or recycle, if practical. Dispose of waste and residues in accordance with local authority requirements. 14 TRANSPORT lNFORMATlON GENERAL The product is not covered by international regulation on the transport of dangerous goods (lMDG, lATA, ADR/RlD). 15 REGULATORY lNFORMATlON RlSK PHRASES NC Not classified. SAFETY PHRASES NC Not classified. UK REGULATORY REFERENCES Chemicals (Hazard lnformation & Packaging) Regulations. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations EU DlRECTlVES Dangerous Substance Directive 67/548/EEC. Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC. 16 OTHER lNFORMATlON GENERAL lNFORMATlON HMlS Health - 2 HMlS Flammability - 1 HMlS Physical Hazard - 0 E - Safety glasses, Gloves, Dust Respirator lNFORMATlON SOURCES Material Safety Data Sheet, Misc. manufacturers. Micromedex. European Chemicals Bureau - ESlS (European Chemical Substances lnformation System). REVlSlON COMMENTS General revision. Compiled or revised by Sandra McWilliam lSSUED BY Dr. Kirsty Walker REVlSlON DATE 19-06-07 REV. NO./REPL. SDS GENERATED 4 SDS NO. 10216 RlSK PHRASES lN FULL Harmful by inhalation. R20 lrritating to eyes and skin. R36/38 May cause sensitisation by skin contact. R43 Possible risk of irreversible effects. R68 4 3 / REVlSlON DATE: 19-06-07 DUO-VlS DlSCLAlMER MSDS furnished independent of product sale. While every effort has been made to accurately describe this product, some of the data are obtained from sources beyond our direct supervision. We cannot make any assertions as to its reliability or completeness; therefore, user may rely only at user's risk. We have made no effort to censor or conceal deleterious aspects of this product. Since we cannot anticipate or control the conditions under which this information and product may be used, we make no guarantee that the precautions we have suggested will be adequate for all individuals and/or situations. lt is the obligation of each user of this product to comply with the requirements of all applicable laws regarding use and disposal of this product. Additional information will be furnished upon request to assist the user; however, no warranty, either expressed or implied, nor liability of any nature with respect to this product or to the data herein is made or incurred hereunder. 4 4 /