Farmakoterapi I: Epilepsi
Farmakoterapi I: Epilepsi
Farmakoterapi I: Epilepsi
Presented By :
Ekanita Desiani
Status Epilepticus :
Keadaan dimana serangan epilepsi
berlangsung lama ( > 30 menit )
serangan epilepsi (seizure)
berkali kali, serangan berlangsung
rata-rata + 2 menit
kesadaran diantaranya tak pulih
Primary - Idiopathic
Symptomatic or Cerebrovascular
Cryptogenic (23%)
CNS Neoplasma
5% 4% 4%
2% Congenital CNS
CNS Infection
no side effects
with an optimal
quality of life.
Oral Anti Epilepsi
Generalized seizure
l Pilihan A :
– IV DPH 15-20 mg / kg --- 50 mg /menit
dlm 0.5 saline.
l Pilihan B :
– Diasepam 0.1-0.2 mg / kg --2-3 mg/menit IV
– + IV DPH 15-20 mg /kg,-- 50 mg / menit dlm 0.5
saline -
– ulangi diasepam ssdh 20 menit KP
l Pilihan C : Lorasepam IV 0.15 mg/kg, 2-3 ‘
l Pilihan D :
– Luminal 15-20 mg/kg -- 100 mg/menit dlm
0.5 saline
> 30 menit
l Pindahkan ke ICU
l Intubasi dan ventilasi
l Monitor EEG, EKG, tekanan darah
l Burst supression EEG pattern
– Thiopental bolus 20-30 mg/kg diikuti
drip 0.5 mg/kg permenit
– Phenobarbital bolus 0.05 mg/kg diikuti
drip 0.1 mg/kg
Patient Profile
Nama : Tn. ES
Ruang : Seruni B
Patient Profile
Diagnosa KRS
Alasan MRS RPD
Dx utama : Post stroke
Kejang mendadak 3 • Stroke I : 10 th yll infark
• Dx klinis: cephalgia,
jam SMRS, durasi vomitting, lateralisasi
kejang 30’ dg mata • Stroke II : 9 bln yll
status local
terbelalak ke atas. • Stroke III : 8 bln yll
Sekunder: generalize
Diawali muka merot • HT : 10th yll tdk tonic clonic seizure
kemudiian tangan & terkontrol • Dx tropis : Subcortex-
kaki menghentak. • Riwayat Obat cortex (S)
Lidah menggigit (+), Terapi
• Dx KRS
etio : chronic
mulut berbusa (+), • Amlodipin 1x5mg cerebral infarction
Fenitoin 3x100 mgpd
ngompol (+), BAB • Sohobion 1x1 capsula externa
Amlodipin (S)
BAK normal. • Betahistin 3x6 Post stroke epilepsi
ASA 0-1 tab-0
No Data Klinik Tanggal (Oktober 2012)
18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
(IRD) (S-B)
1 Suhu tubuh (T) 36,7 37 36,5 36,5 36,6 36 36,5 37 37 37
2 Tekanan darah 140/ 150/ 140/ 170/
140/80 160/80 140/80 140/80 150/90 150/90
(TD) 100 100 100 100
3 Nadi (N) 84 92 84 84 92 84 87 86 87 87
4 Sesak + + - - - - - - - -
5 GCS 315 315 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456
6 Kejang + + - - - - - - - -
7 Defekasi + + + + + +
8 PU 600 2300 1300 1700
Nilai Normal (Oktober 2012)
Ph 7,35-7,45 7,16
PCO2 25-45 70
PO2 35-45 248
BE ecf (-)3,5 – (+) 2 -3,7
HCO3 22-26 25,0
TCO2 15-22 vol % 27,1
SO2 95-100% 100
Pemeriksaan Urine
Data Urine Nilai Tanggal (Oktober 2012)
Normal 24 30
SG 1,010-1,015 1,004 1,006
PH 5-8 6 5
Leu - - -
Nit - - -
Prot - - -
Glu Norm Norm Norm
Ket - - -
UBG Norm Norm Norm
Bil - - -
Ery - 10 -
Colour - Yellow Yellow
Clarity - Clear Clear
Ery (Mikr.) 0-2 1-2 -
Leu (Mikr.) 0-5 Banyak 0-1
Epitel (Mikr.) Sedikit 2-3 0-1
Kristal (Mikr.) - - -
Lain-lain - - -
Pemeriksaan Lain
Foto Thorax AP
Kesimpulan :
Chronic ischemic cerebral infarction pada kapsula
externa kiri
Jenis Obat Tanggal (Oktober 2012)
N Nama Regimen
o Dagang/ Dosis 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 O2 masker 6 lpm v
2 Inf. NS 0,9% 1500 cc/hr v v v v //
Inj. Prn kejang v
3 v v v v v
Diazepam 1 amp (rect)
mg/Kg BB)
4 Fenitoin
i.v → 1200mg
Maintenance v
v v v v v v v v v v v
(3x100 mg) (p.o)
5 3x1 amp v v v //
6 Amlodipin v v v v v v v v v v v v v
1x100 mg
7 ASA v v v v v v v v
8 Inj. Ranitidin 2x1 amp v v v v v v v v v //
9 3 gr v v //
Inj. CDP
10 3x250 mg v v v v v v v v v v
11 Inf. PZ v v
Antiepileptic Drugs
Sites of Action
Luellmann, 2005.
Color Atlas of
Start drugs dose administration stop indication monitoring
The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure 2004
Calcium Channel Blocker’s Mechanism of Action
Drugs T1/2 OOA Excretion Disposition
(hrs) (route)
Amlodipin 30-50 30-50 mnts Urine (10% > 90% bound to plasma
as parent; proteins; extensively
60% as metabolized
Nifedipin 4 < 1 minute (IV), 80% of the About 90% bound to
5–20 minutes drug plasma
(sublingual or and protein; metabolized to an
oral) metabolites acid lactate.
excreted in
Nicardipine 2-4 20 mnts (oral) Urine, feces 95% bound; extensively
metabolized in the liver.
Nimodipine 1-2 0.5-2 hrs (oral); Urine (50%); Extensively metabolized.
10 mnts (IV) feces (32%)
Fisher, M & Schaebitz, W 2000, 'An overview of acute stroke therapy', Archives of Internal
Medicine, vol. 160, pp. 3196-3206
Tanggal Terapi Mekanisme Kerja Monitoring
20- CDP • Citicoline adalah molekul organik yg berfungsi sbg Fungsi
intermediet dlm biosintesis fosfolipid membran sel Kognitif
29/10/12 Cholin • Citicoline dikenal sbg nukleotida yg berperan penting dlm
metabolisme seluler
• Citicoline mampu memperbaiki membran neuronal
melalui pe↑ sintesis fosfatidilkolin
• Citicoline mampu memperbaiki kerusakan neuron
kolinergik melalui potensiasi produksi asetilkolin
• Citicoline mampu menurunkan asam lemak bebas pada
area stroke yg diinduksi oleh kerusakan saraf
Adibhatla, RM, Hatcher, JF & Dempsey, RJ 2002, 'Citicoline: neuroprotective mechanisms in cerebral ischemia', Journal of
Neurochemistry, vol. 80, pp. 12-23
Biosynthesis of Acetylcholine, Phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho),
S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet), and Glutathione (GSH)
Adibhatla, RM, Hatcher, JF & Dempsey, RJ 2002, 'Citicoline: neuroprotective mechanisms in cerebral ischemia',
Journal of Neurochemistry, vol. 80, pp. 12-23
Luellmann, 2005. Color Atlas of Pharmacology
Simplified Synopsis of Drug Interaction Properties of
Common AEDs
Luellmann, 2005. Color Atlas of Pharmacology
Steady State Concentration
Desired Cp~ fraction (%) Cp~ Fraction Constant
90 3,32
95 4,32
99 6,65
Bauer, LA 2008, Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2nd ed, McGrawHill New York
Vmax is the maximum rate of Maintenance Dose
metabolism in mg/d
S is the fraction of the phenytoin
salt form that is active phenytoin
(0.92 for phenytoin sodium • Km is the substrate
injection and capsules; 0.92 for concentration in mg/L (which
fosphenytoin because doses equals μg/mL) where the rate
are prescribed as a phenytoin of metabolism = Vmax/2
sodium equivalent or PE, 1.0 for Michaelis Manten parameter:
phenytoin acid suspensions and • Adult with normal kidney and
tablets) liver function
MD is the maintenance dose of Vm = 7 mg/kg/day
the phenytoin salt contained in Km = 4 µg/ml
the dosage form in mg/d
• 6 m.o-6 y.o
Vm = 12 mg/kg/day
Css is the phenytoin Km = 6 µg/ml
concentration in mg/L (which • 7-16 y.o
equals μg/mL) Vm = 9 mg/kg/day
Km = 6 µg/ml
Klirens Kreatinin
18 23 25 28 30
Kreatinin 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,6
CrCl : (140-umur) x BB
72 x kreatinin