Childhood Seizure Disorders
Childhood Seizure Disorders
Childhood Seizure Disorders
Phenomenon of kindling
In experimental animals, repeated subconvulsive
stimulation of the brain (amygdala) ultimately leads to a
generalized convulsion by changes in synapses.This synaptic
mechanism may also occur in humans.
Classification of seizures
• EEG + Clinical
• EEG is an important adjunct in classification
of seizures
• Classifying the seizure type :
- Provides a clue to the cause of the
seizure disorder
- Allows a firm basis for making a
- Helps in choosing the most appropriate
International Classification of Epileptic
a) Simple partial
(consciousness retained)
- Motor
- Sensory
- Autonomic
- Psychic
b) Complex partial
(consciousness impaired)
- Simple partial, followed by
impaired consciousness
- Consciousness impaired at onset
5) Subtle seizures
• Consist of :
- Chewing motions, excessive salivation
- Alterations in the respiratory rate including apnea
- Blinking, nystagmus
- Bicycling or pedaling movements
- Changes in color .
Causes of neonatal seizures
• Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
• Drug withdrawal, maternal drug use of narcotic or barbiturates
• Drug toxicity: lidocaine , penicillin
• Intraventricular hemorrhage
• Acute metabolic disorders
- Hypocalcemia
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypomagnesemia
- Hyponatremia or hypernatremia
• Inborn errors of metabolism
• Pyridoxine deficiency (must be considered at any age)
• Infection
• Metabolic disorders
- Hypocalcemia
- Hypoglycemia, persistent
• Drug withdrawal
• Benign neonatal convulsions ( familial and nonfamilial )
• Kernicterus , hyperbilirubinemia
c) failure to use all available antiepileptic drugs
8) Ketogenic diet
-Lennox-Gastaut syndrome refractory to
standard drug therapy
-progressive myoclonic epilepsy
• The diet contains a high proportion of fats and
small amounts of CHO & protein(typically ratio of
4:1 )
• Brain uses ketone bodies as primary fuel when it
is deprived of glucose as an energy
source(Ketosis)….acetoacetate & b-hydroxy
butiric acid act as anticonvulsant drugs
• Effective in 1/3 -1/2 of children
9) Surgery
a) Temporal lobectomy
b) Nontemporal resections
c) Corpus callostomy
d) Hemispherectomy
- For children with epilepsy ,the prognosis is generally good
- 10-20% of children with epilepsy have persistent seizures
refractory to drugs .