Leaky Gut

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How to Actually Heal and Repair a Leaky Blood-Brain Barrier

September 5, 2019 / Jordan Fallis

“Blood-brain barrier leakage means that the brain has lost its protective means, the stability of brain cells is disrupted and the environment in
which nerve cells interact becomes ill-conditioned. These mechanisms could eventually lead to dysfunction in the brain.”
— Dr. Walter H. Backes, Maastricht University Medical Center

A healthy, properly-functioning blood-brain barrier is absolutely

critical for optimal brain and mental health.

The blood-brain barrier is a protective shield that surrounds your


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It acts as a gatekeeper and lter, allowing bene cial nutrients to cross
over into your brain, and keeping unwanted molecules out of your

But in his book Why Isn’t My Brain Working, Dr. Datis Kharrazian
explains that the blood-brain barrier can break down and become

This allows harmful substances to enter your brain, contributing to

brain in ammation, which has been shown to cause cognitive problems and mental illness (92, 110-111).

Hyper-permeability of the blood-brain barrier and neuroin ammation have been linked to a number of di erent brain and mental health
problems and symptoms, including depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, brain fog, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease, headaches,
migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, attention de cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and schizophrenia (101-109). 

A number of factors contribute to “leaky brain”, including (93-100):

• Systemic in ammation

• Oxidative stress

• Autoimmune disease

• Chronic psychological stress

• Infections

• Head trauma

• Poor diet and food additives

• Disrupted circadian rhythm

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• Intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome)

• Excess alcohol consumption

• Environmental toxins and heavy metals

• High blood sugar

• Poor brain blood ow

Needless to say, these things are very common today, so a lot of people
likely have a leaky blood-brain barrier.

The good news is that even though the blood-brain barrier can break
down and become leaky, it can also be xed!

You can repair it if you give it what it needs to heal. 

After living in a moldy home and su ering multiple concussions, my

brain and its barrier were in rough shape.

Since then, I’ve searched far and wide for solutions that could
strengthen it.

Here are 23 strategies that have been shown to support and repair the
blood brain barrier.

Many of them have helped me.

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Together, they can help you reduce neuroin ammation, heal your
“leaky brain,” and overcome your brain and mental health challenges. 

1. Avoid Gluten
Avoiding gluten is necessary for optimal brain and mental health.

I’m convinced that if you struggle with a chronic brain or mental illness, you should follow a strict gluten-free diet for at least 30 days and see how
you feel.

You'll likely feel better.

There’s one main reason I recommend this…

Gluten has been shown to elevate “zonulin”.

Zonulin is a protein in your body that increases the permeability of the

intestinal barrier and disrupts the blood-brain barrier (48).

Researchers have found that gluten clearly increases zonulin and

contributes to “leaky gut” and “leaky brain”, resulting in
neuroin ammation and altered cognitive function (49, 50).

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Gluten sensitivity can also create visible changes to the white matter in
your brain, according to research in The Lancet Neurology (51).

Yet unfortunately, the myth continues to spread that only people with
celiac disease need to avoid gluten-containing food.

That’s simply not true.  

Dr. David Perlmutter, MD, author of Grain Brain and Brain Maker, explains:

“Not only is there increased gut permeability when the gut is exposed to gliadin, a protein found in gluten, but in fact the blood brain barrier also
becomes more permeable in response to gliadin exposure.”

You should also determine if you have other food sensitivities and remove those foods from your diet as well. A lot of people are sensitive to dairy,
along with gluten. I can't tolerate gluten, dairy and egg whites and have to avoid them completely. 

2. Heal Your Gut (and Increase the Good Bacteria Within It)
There is a clear connection between your brain and digestive system.

I’ve discussed this before.

Whatever happens in your gut directly impacts your brain function.

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Because of this connection, it’s critical to address gut issues in order to heal a leaky brain.

Researchers have studied mice that are “germ free”.

“Germ-free” mice means that the mice don’t have any bacteria in
their intestines.

And what did the researchers nd?

They found that these germ-free mice had very leaky blood-brain
barriers (56).

But when these germ-free mice received a fecal transfer, where

researchers introduced bacteria into their intestines, the permeability
of their blood-brain barriers decreased signi cantly (57).

So it’s becoming increasing clear that our gut bacteria directly a ect
the health of our blood-brain barrier.

And manipulating your gut bacteria, and increasing the amount of good bacteria in your digestive system, can help improve the integrity of your
blood-brain barrier and heal your leaky brain. 

“Given that the microbiome composition and diversity change over time, it is tempting to speculate that the blood-brain barrier integrity also
may uctuate depending on the microbiome.”
— Dr. Sven Pettersson, MD, PhD

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In my experience, this is true, as my brain functions much better when I take care of my gut. 

Eating more prebiotic ber and resistant starch, taking a high-quality probiotic, and eating fermented foods on a regular basis can increase the
amount of good bacteria in your gut.

I take Optimal Biotics every day.

You should check out my previous article about gut health to learn more.

And if you have depression or anxiety, taking these probiotics can help.

3. Drink Coffee
Co ee and ca eine are excellent for brain health. There is lots of research showing they are very healthy and can be protective against dementia.

One possible explanation for this is that ca eine supports the blood-brain barrier.

Studies show that ca eine protects against Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson’s disease by keeping the blood-brain barrier intact, and protecting
against blood-brain barrier dysfunction and leakage (32).

In one study, researchers found that ca eine blocks the disruption of

the blood-brain barrier, concluding that ca eine is “useful in the
treatment Alzheimer's disease” (33, 34).

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Another study showed that ca eine can protect against Parkinson’s
disease and neurodegeneration by stabilizing the blood-brain barrier

I used to not be able to handle any co ee and ca eine at all. But now
that I'm healthy, I can handle it just ne. I drink one cup of this co ee
most mornings.

Co ee and ca eine can disrupt sleep though, so make sure you don’t
drink it later in the day. I have my last cup sometime between 10 in the
morning and noon. If I have it any later than that, it disrupts my sleep.

It's also important to note that some people simply can’t tolerate
co ee. This is because most co ee contains low levels of mycotoxins (toxic metabolites produced by mold). 

After living in a moldy home for more than one year, I’m extremely sensitive to mold and mycotoxins. Kicking Horse Kickass co ee and
Bulletproof co ee are the only two co ees I have found so far that don’t make me feel sick. I can also tolerate pure ca eine tablets.

Most people can tolerate regular co ee just ne. But if co ee makes you feel terrible and jittery, it might be the quality of the co ee. Consider
trying one of the two co ees above, or simply take pure ca eine, and see how you feel. You’ll likely feel better than if you consumed low-quality
co ee. 

Lastly, there are additional brain health bene ts when you consume the whole co ee fruit, instead of just co ee or pure ca eine. 

Usually, co ee beans are extracted from the whole co ee fruit for roasting. And then the surrounding co ee fruit is then thrown away. 

But this is a problem because the co ee fruit contains several healthy compounds not found in co ee beans themselves.

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And researchers have now discovered that ingesting whole co ee fruit concentrate signi cantly increases brain function.

That’s why I included co ee fruit concentrate in the Optimal Brain supplement. 

4. Sulforaphane
Sulforaphane is a phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts or cabbages.

It has potent antioxidant and anti-in ammatory actions.

It’s quite similar to curcumin.

Numerous studies have shown that sulforaphane can prevent the

breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, reduce permeability of the

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blood-brain barrier, and improve cognitive function after stroke and
traumatic brain injuries (87-91).

You can take sulforaphane in supplement form.

If you decide to take it as a supplement, make sure you get the "myrosinase-activated" form.

Myrosinase is the enzyme in broccoli that helps metabolize sulforaphane.

I once bought a supplement that didn't contain myrosinase and had to return it, and then ended up buying this one instead.

5. Avoid Alcohol

Not surprisingly, alcohol and acetaldehyde – a byproduct of alcohol

metabolism – can weaken and damage the blood-brain barrier, and
contribute to leaky brain.  

Researchers have found that the oxidative stress that results from
excess alcohol consumption leads to blood-brain barrier dysfunction
(58, 59).

And this can then lead to neuro-in ammation (60).

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There are ways to protect your brain from alcohol, but you’re better
o avoiding it completely or signi cantly reducing your consumption
if you’re trying to heal.

Some types of alcohol are better than others. You can learn more about
the best types of alcohol here. 

6. Resveratrol or Pterostilbene
Resveratrol is a bene cial antioxidant and anti-in ammatory compound found in grapes, red wine, raspberries and dark chocolate.

It’s known to help prevent the development of neurodegenerative diseases.

And scientists are starting to understand why.

Resveratrol can increase BDNF and support your mitochondria.

And according to cutting-edge research, it can also protect and support your blood-brain barrier.

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In a recent study, researchers gave resveratrol to Alzheimer’s patients
and it restored the integrity of their blood-brain barriers.

Because of this, there was a reduction in brain in ammation, which

slowed down cognitive decline in the patients (38, 39). 

Numerous other studies have found that resveratrol:

• Signi cantly reduces the breakage, damage and dysfunction of

the blood-brain barrier;

• Defends and protects the blood-brain barrier; and

• Improves and maintains the overall integrity of the blood-brain barrier (36-37, 40-43).

“Resveratrol imposes a kind of crowd control at the border of the brain. The agent seems to shut out unwanted immune molecules that can
exacerbate brain in ammation and kill neurons.”
— Dr. Charbel Moussa, MD, PhD

Because of resveratrol’s ability to stabilize the blood-brain barrier and protect against neuroin ammation, researchers also believe it may reduce
the clinical severity of multiple sclerosis (44).

Lastly, resveratrol has been shown to protects against oxidized LDL-induced breakage of the blood–brain barrier (45, 46).

So clearly resveratrol is great for our blood-brain barriers.

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If resveratrol was a pharaceutical drug, we would de nitely be hearing more about it. But natural compounds cannot be patented, so we don't.  

Pterostilbene, a compound found in blueberries, is very similar to resveratrol.

It’s also been shown to protect the blood-brain barrier by reducing oxidative stress, and it’s apparently better absorbed than resveratrol. In fact,
it’s commonly referred to as a “better resveratrol” (47).

I tried this pterostilbene and it was bene cial, but I didn’t nd it any more helpful than resveratrol, so I’ve decided to just stick with resveratrol
considering it has signi cantly more research to back it up. 

7. Reduce Stress
I highly recommend you try to do something every day to manage and reduce your stress.

Research suggests that acute stress damages the blood-brain barrier (52).

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And extreme stress has been shown to increase in ammation and increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (53-55).

But normalizing your stress levels can help the blood-brain barrier repair itself.

The most e ective way to signi cantly reduce your stress and anxiety
is neurofeedback. It’s advanced, guided meditation and I previously
wrote about my experience with it here.

If you can’t access neurofeedback, taking up a daily meditation

practice is an excellent idea.

I’m a big fan of the Muse headband. It’s a device that guides you while
you meditation. Similar to neurofeedback, it gives you real-time
feedback while you meditate. I wrote an entire review about it here,
and you can get the device through Amazon or the Muse website. 

Regular massage, acupuncture, eye movement desensitization and

reprocessing (EMDR), emotional freedom techniques (EFT), heart-
rate variability (HRV) training, and this acupressure mat have helped
me a lot as well.

Lying on this acupressure mat while using my EmWave2 for just 10

minutes relaxes my entire body and mind. I do this at night before bed.

Some nutrients and herbs that can help you with stress include zinc,
magnesium, ashwagandha and phosphatidylserine.

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This anti-anxiety supplement also includes a number of natural compounds that have helped me manage my stress over the years.

8. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that your body cannot produce itself. So you need to get them from diet or supplements, as they are
absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of your brain and nervous system.

Omega-3 fatty acids can support your mitochondria, increase your

BDNF levels, and help you overcome addiction and withdrawal.

But they can also support your blood-brain barrier.

Researchers have found that omega-3 fatty acids can: 

• Reduce damage to the blood-brain barrier after stoke;

• Limit blood-brain barrier disruption after traumatic brain

injury; and

• Bene t people with multiple sclerosis by indirectly reducing disruption of their blood-brain barriers (76-78).

Wild sh is the best food source of omega-3 fatty acids, but unfortunately, most people don't consume enough omega-3 fatty acids through their

That’s why I recommend supplementing with krill oil, a special kind of sh oil that contains the essential omega-3 fatty acids. I take this one. 

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Krill oil also contains astaxanthin, a powerful, naturally occurring carotenoid.

Astaxanthin has also been shown to decreases in ammation and protect the blood-brain barrier (118-119).

9. Sleep and Melatonin

Deep sleep is necessary for the optimal functioning of your blood-brain barrier.

My sleep used to be terrible and it was one of main factors that contributed to my poor brain and mental health. And then my poor brain and mental
health would make my sleep worse. So it was a vicious cycle.

Sleep restriction has been shown to impair the functioning of the blood-brain barrier and increase its permeability (84).

So you should really try to get at least 7 hours of high-quality,

restorative sleep every night.

Supplementing with melatonin can also help.

Melatonin is a hormone released by your pineal gland, a small gland in

your brain. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycles
(circadian rhythm).

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Adequate levels of melatonin are necessary to fall asleep quickly and
sleep deeply throughout the night.

Research also shows that melatonin can stabilize the blood-brain barrier and prevent damage caused by traumatic brain injury (85, 86).

Besides taking melatonin, here are some other steps you can take to maintain your circadian rhythm and maximize the quality of your sleep:

• Supplement with magnesium, zinc and collagen before bed, as they can be relaxing. This pre-made bone broth is a really good source of

• Lie on this acupressure mat for 10 minutes before bed.

• Turn o household lights, install Iris on your computer and wear blue blocking glasses for at least 2 hours before bed. These glasses block
out blue light from your environment. Blue light suppresses your body’s production of melatonin. You can learn more about the problem with
blue light here.

• Go to bed at the same time every night.

• Don’t eat for 3 hours before bed.

• Completely black out room with curtains and wear a sleep mask.

You can also take this sleep supplement, which contains magnesium and a number of other natural compounds that I’ve used over the years to
promote the production of melatonin.

10. Berberine
Berberine is an alkaloid extracted from various plants. 

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It has anti-in ammatory, neuroprotective and possibly antidepressant e ects. It can also improve intestinal health and lower cholesterol.

And several studies have shown that it can decrease the permeability of the blood-brain barrier and reduce brain damage after traumatic brain
injury. It does this by suppressing in ammation (23-26). 

I’ve experimented with varying dosages of this berberine. I personally didn’t notice any profound brain and mental health bene ts, but I have
heard good things about berberine from other people. 

11. Avoid Environmental Mold and Mycotoxins

Environmental mold can be a serious problem for some people.

Unfortunately, most people aren’t even aware that mold is in their home or workplace and a ecting their brain function.

In water-damaged buildings, mycotoxins (toxic metabolites produced by mold) are released into the air.

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If you’re genetically susceptible, they can wreak havoc on your brain, and your cognitive function and mental health can deteriorate for no
apparent reason.

One way mold and mycotoxins can disrupt brain function is by causing “leaky brain.”

Researchers have discovered that mycotoxins can clearly reduce the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (62).

They’ve also concluded that exposure to mycotoxins in an indoor environment can cause neurological damage. One way it does this is by breaking
down the blood-brain barrier (61).

Several other studies have found that mycotoxins increase the

permeability of blood-brain barrier and disrupt the functioning of the
nervous system (63-66).

I lived in a moldy house for more than a year, and my blood-brain

barrier likely became signi cantly leaky during that time, as my brain
and mental health deteriorated. I also su ered a terrible concussion
while living in that house, making my brain even more permeable. It
took a while to get back to normal.

Today I use this air lter in my apartment to protect myself from any
mold. It removes any mold spores and smoke that may be in the air.

Mycotoxins aren’t just in your environment though. Low amounts of

mycotoxins are also often found in some seemingly healthy foods,
such as tea, nuts, co ee and chocolate. I recommend nding the freshest, highest-quality, organic versions of these foods.

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If I'm exposed to mold or their toxins, I supplement with activated charcoal or bentonite clay. Activated charcoal and bentonite clay are potent
natural treatments that can trap toxins and chemicals, allowing them to be ushed out of your body.

12. B Vitamins
Several B vitamins have been shown to support the blood-brain barrier and help heal leaky brain.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) de ciency disrupts the blood-brain barrier, and supplementing with Vitamin B1 restores its integrity (80-81).

Researchers have also found that vitamins B12, B6, and B9 (folate) can restore the integrity of the blood-brain barrier in adults that have elevated
homocysteine levels and mild cognitive impairment. Homocysteine is an in ammatory compound that can contribute to blood-brain barrier
breakdown at high levels, and the B vitamins normalize homocysteine levels (82-83).

13. Magnesium
Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a key role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body.

It impacts your neurotransmitters and hormones, both of which can signi cantly impact your mood and brain function.

Magnesium is one of the three nutrients that I think everyone should be taking for their brain, because most people are de cient nowadays.

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Research shows that it can support your mitochondria, protect your brain from alcohol, increase your BDNF levels, and help you overcome
addiction and withdrawal.

And there is plenty of research showing that it can protect and support your blood-brain barrier as well.

Multiple studies have found that magnesium protects the blood-brain

barrier, prevents its disruption, and signi cantly reduces
hyperpermeability of the blood-brain barrier (27, 28, 31).

One study found that it decreases blood-brain barrier permeability by

41% (29).

Magnesium’s protective e ect against blood-brain barrier

hyperpermeability has also been seen after traumatic brain injury

Foods that contain magnesium include spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds,

almonds, avocado, dark chocolate and bananas.

But supplementation and taking Epsom salt baths is still necessary for most people because magnesium is rapidly used up during times of stress
and certain psychiatric drugs can deplete magnesium.

14. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

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Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an antioxidant produced by your body.

It can also be taken as a supplement.

ALA is fat soluble and can easily cross the blood-brain barrier to protect your brain (1-3).

As I’ve discussed before, it can protect your brain from alcohol and
support the mitochondria in your brain.

But not only can it cross your blood-brain barrier and support your
brain; it can also support your blood-brain barrier itself.

Studies show that ALA has neuroprotective e ects, and it maintains

the integrity of the blood-brain barrier by reducing oxidative stress

Researchers also point out that its anti-in ammatory and antioxidant
e ects can stabilize the blood-brain barrier. This makes it an
“attractive therapeutic agent for the treatment” of multiple sclerosis
and traumatic brain injury (6-8).

ALA is included in the Optimal Antiox supplement.

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15. Acetyl-Carnitine (ALCAR)
Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) is an acetylated form of the amino acid carnitine.  

It’s been shown to have neuroprotective and cognitive-enhancing e ects. It’s often used as a natural brain booster because it increases alertness
and provides support to brain cells.  

ALCAR has also been shown to be very e ective at alleviating chronic fatigue and improving mood. It helps reverse neurological decline and
supports mitochondria function as well. 

It does so much, so not surprisingly, researchers have also found that ALCAR helps repair the blood-brain barrier by reversing mitochondria
decay caused by oxidative damage (122).

I nd that ALCAR personally gives me a big boost in mental energy and cognitive function.  

That’s why it’s included in the Optimal Brain supplement. 

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16. Curcumin
Curcumin is the most heavily researched compound within turmeric, the spice that gives curry its yellow colour.

Curcumin is one of my favourite compounds for the brain. It can lower your cortisol levels and increase your BDNF levels.

But it can also:

• Reduce the disruption and hyperpermeability of the blood-brain


• Reverse blood-brain barrier dysfunction; and

• Improve the overall integrity of the blood-brain barrier (13-18).

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Studies have also shown that curcumin can prevent blood-brain
barrier damage and reduce the permeability of the blood-brain barrier
caused by oxygen and glucose deprivation (20-22).

Researchers believe it can do all of this because it signi cantly reduces

in ammation and oxidative stress (19).

17. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that your skin synthesizes when it’s exposed to the sun.

Every tissue in your body has vitamin D receptors, including the brain,
heart, muscles, and immune system.

This means your entire body needs it to function properly and a

de ciency can lead to costly physiological and psychological

Researchers have found that Vitamin D can prevent the disruption of

the blood-brain barrier, mainly by reducing in ammation (72, 73).

In patients with multiple sclerosis, Vitamin D has been shown to

protect endothelial cells and reduce blood-brain barrier disruption

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And one study found that intranasal administration of vitamin D

reduces blood–brain barrier disruption (75).

I personally use this Vitamin D lamp to make sure my Vitamin D levels

are optimal.

18. Citicoline or Alpha GPC

Choline is an essential nutrient that most people don’t consume enough of because very few foods in the Western diet contain it.

Citicoline (also known as CDP-Choline) is the most bioavailable supplemental form of choline.

As I’ve discussed before, it can help you overcome brain fog and addiction.

But it’s also been shown to signi cantly decrease the disruption and breakdown of the blood-brain barrier after traumatic brain injury (11-12).

And after brain ischemia, Citicoline signi cantly reduces blood-brain barrier dysfunction (10).

I personally take Citicoline every day.

It helps me a lot because I’ve had multiple concussions. 

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Alpha GPC is another excellent form of choline that has been shown to support the blood-brain barrier.

Researchers have found that it improves cognitive function by reversing the changes to the blood-brain barrier after a brain injury (9).

You can nd some choline in beef liver and egg yolks, but both Citicoline and Alpha GPC have much more noticeable and immediate e ects.  

Both citicoline and Alpha GPC are included in the Optimal Brain supplement. 

19. Reduce Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

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“I have no doubt in my mind that, at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the Earth’s environment is the proliferation of
electromagnetic elds.” - Dr. Robert Becker, Nobel Prize nominee and author of The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life

An increasing amount of research is showing that radiofrequency electromagnetic elds emitted from Wi-Fi, laptops, and cellphones can
negatively a ect the brain and produce widespread neuropsychiatric e ects including depression.

It’s an inconvenient truth that needs to be talked about, rather than downplayed, ignored and dismissed.

One way that radiofrequency EMFs may be causing neuropsychiatric e ects is by contributing to a "leaky brain".  

Several studies have found that EMFs emitted from cellphones increase the permeability of the brain-blood barrier, and this increased
permeability may lead to the accumulation of brain tissue damage and cognitive impairment (112-114). 

I encourage you to check out my other post about EMFs here. 

I'm still learning about how to manage and combat them, but here are some initial steps you can take:

• Get an EMF meter to determine your exposure. I use the Cornet ED88T. It's the best option that is currently available. It measures electric,
magnetic and radiofrequency elds. It's like having three meters in one. You can get it here.

• Put your phone on airplane mode when you’re not using it and/or use a radiation-blocking phone case such as Safe Sleeve. I did a lot of
research into radiation-blocking cases and Safe Sleeve is the best on the market. They are manufactured with materials that have been 3rd-
party tested to block 99.9% of radiation coming o a cell phone.

• Turn o Wi-Fi at night while you’re sleeping.

• If you have a laptop, don’t touch it. Use a wired keyboard and wired mouse instead.

• Supplement with the herb Rhodiola. It has radioprotective e ects (60-62). I take this one, and previously wrote about it here.

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This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other steps you can take, and I plan on writing more about this soon because it isn’t discussed

This may seem like “woo-woo” but it’s a real issue. And I suspect it will eventually become one of the biggest issues of our time.

20. Lower Homocysteine

Homocysteine is an amino acid that is produced in the body as a result of methylation.

In healthy people, it’s properly metabolized and normal levels are maintained. 

But when homocysteine isn’t properly metabolized, it can build up inside the body and levels can become too high.

And that’s when homocysteine becomes dangerous and unhealthy. 

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At high levels, homocysteine is in ammatory, and research shows it increases permeability of the blood-brain barrier (115).

If you test and nd out your levels are high, check out this article for 16 ways to lower your homocysteine levels.

Normalizing homocysteine not only helps the brain recover from physical damage, but also reduces depression and cognitive decline.

21. Progesterone
Progesterone is a natural steroid and sex hormone involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.  

It has a variety of important functions in the body, and even plays an important role in brain function.  

Research has found that progesterone supports the normal development of brain cells and protects them from damage. 

And one study shows that it reduces in ammation and can support the blood-brain barrier after brain injury (120).

In addition to its role as a natural hormone, progesterone can be taken as a medication, usually by women during menopause as part of their
hormone replacement therapy. 

22. Increase Brain Blood Flow

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Brain blood ow, or cerebral blood ow, refers to the blood supply that reaches your brain during a given period of time. 

Your brain needs almost 20% of the blood supply provided by each heartbeat.

A steady ow of blood brings oxygen, glucose and nutrients to the brain, and carries carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and other metabolic waste products
away from the brain.

But when blood ow to the brain is impaired, problems can arise, including a leaky blood-brain barrier.

Research shows that lack of brain blood ow increases oxidative stress, damages the blood-brain barrier, and increases blood-brain barrier
permeability (116-117).

Be sure to check out this post for 21 ways to increase blood ow to the brain.

23. Other Nutrients, Antioxidants and Herbs

Here are several other nutrients, antioxidants and herbs that have been demonstrated to support the blood-brain barrier.

I’ve decided to not write about these in-depth because there isn’t as much research to back them up.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t useful though. They have still helped me: 

• High dose Vitamin C (67)

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• Iodine (68) – I take it as part of this multi-mineral

• Selenium (69)

• Vitamin E (69)

• N-Acetyl-Cysteine (70)

• Ginseng (71)

• Inositol (79)

• Ursolic Acid (121)

The brain has a remarkable ability to heal itself, and this includes the barrier that protects it.

The above steps have been proven to help repair and support the blood brain barrier, and I’ve noticed the bene ts of implementing them into my
own life.

I hope they help you too!

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Brain Health!

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Medically reviewed by Dr. Fred Hui, MD, CCFP, CAFC

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6 Comments Optimal Living Dynamics 

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picpi • 3 years ago

I live in a moldy house and i cant move for at least 1-2 years.
Some seem to suggest you can take activated charcoal daily
While other sources seem to suggest you should take it only a few times,
And in my case obviously exposed to molds on a daily basis for another 2 years
i would theorically need to take it every day... but i wanna be sure its safe (to take daily for 1-2 years)
and i dont know who to trust and what doasage to take if its ok...
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Mangalore Cafe > picpi • 2 years ago

Just spray it with Vinegar. The glacial vinegar also works very well. Glacial vinegar is very cheap. you can just spray it everywhere. In a
restaurant that closed down I bought the refrigerator. which was new. But some idiot kept some food in it. Deal was done I paid a lot.
When I opened after a month the entire fridge was filled with Mold and some other stuff growing. I called a service guy who cleaned it
we kept it to test it the smell would start again. I just sprayed vinegar everywhere. And kept it in a huge bowl and closed the fridge. I
also poured alcohol down the holes that we couldnt see and then vaccummed it. ran the fridge for many days. with vinegar inside and
alcohol evaporating until its was free of mold.
till now no problem. what I did was also spray my entire house because the service guy was very messy. SO I bought gallon of glacial
vinegar put it in a pump action spray and sprayed everything I could.
I always had fungus and mold grow on bread and on neem twigs I keep at home.
Especially in the rainy season. now two seasons have passed no mold. I have the neem twigs lying for 2 month now(Yeah I always buy
them thinking of chewing on them everyday for my teeth but forget it and then it would catch fungus).
Even bread kept outside doesnt catch mold. Fruits used to catch mold. Now they dont.
So everytime few months Now I keep spraying vinegar around.
try it it works.
Just last year I suggested the same to friend. They were away from their rented place for a few weeks its started raining and when they
returned entire house was filled with Mold.
they were getting headaches and falling sick.
They could not leave due to agreement and landlord was not willing to pay for anti-fungal treatment. Actually pest control companies
due anti mold treatment which is also very effective but can be costly My friend couldnt afford it
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due anti mold treatment which is also very effective but can be costly. My friend couldnt afford it.
So she sprayed vinegar everywhere. Soaked all curtains and cloths in vinegar and then gave it to the laundry and kept spraying it for 1
week. Now no mold. Even they used to have mold problems in monsoon But this monsoon nothing.
I would suggest everyone spray their houses with vinegar because every house has mold. Its just doesnt grow out of control unless
you really allow it to by not cleaning or letting things rot.
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Jordan Fallis > picpi • 3 years ago

From what I know, it's safe to take every day. I took it every day for quite a while. Just make sure you take it at least 2 hours away from
food and other supplements. I would also suggest you look into bentonite clay. I took that myself for quite a while. It works similarly to
activated charcoal. What you could do is take activated charcoal until you run out. Then, replace it with bentonite clay. Switch back and
forth to give yourself a break from each. Hope this helps.
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Lilly Angeleyes • a year ago

Can anybody help me I am reaching out for help,....im trying to look for Herbs that can Dissolve blood clot in the Brain I believe I have an
undiagnosed Brain Hemorrhage Brain bleed I am in California, I am willing to try anything to get these pains to stop, I live in Constant fear 24/7
because the Mental head pains are so Severe and the doctors arnt helping me, I just want it to stop and I know there are Herbs out there used
for healing generation after generation I just dont know what or where, China,Africa Jamaica Guatemala I dont know but I know there are
people getting healed with these herbs and I need to know what they are if the doctors are not helping me, thank you, please reach me at
[email protected] thank you,..
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hr_disqus • a year ago

The Second Coming of Ultrasound
"Nearly two decades ago, scientists discovered that those microbubbles could do something else: They could shake loose the blood-brain
barrier. This impassable membrane is why neurological conditions like epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's are so hard to treat: 98 percent
of drugs simply can't get to the brain. But if you station a battalion of microbubbles at the barrier and hit them with a focused beam of
ultrasound, the tiny orbs begin to oscillate. They grow and grow until they reach the critical size of 8 microns, and then, like some Grey Wizard
magic, the blood-brain barrier opens—and for a few hours, any drugs that happen to be in the bloodstream can also slip in. Things like chemo
drugs, or anti-seizure medications."
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Jason Williams • 3 years ago

The pesticides from my garage are killing me it's drifted into every room in my house. I never had this issue when I had an apartment.
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How to Reverse Cognitive Decline and Dementia How to Improve Your Brain Function with An Oxygen
11 comments • 2 years ago Concentrator
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