EAP 216 Dr. Nastaein Qamaruz Zaman
EAP 216 Dr. Nastaein Qamaruz Zaman
EAP 216 Dr. Nastaein Qamaruz Zaman
Date Topics
Total suspended solids
Chemical constituents
Trace contaminants
Sewage is a water-
carried waste,in solution or suspension, that is intended
to be removed from a community. Also known as domestic
or municipal wastewater
It consists mostly of greywater (from sinks, tubs, showers,
dishwashers, and clothes washers), blackwater (the water
used to flush toilets, combined with the human waste that
it flushes away); soaps and detergents; and toilet
paper (less so in regions where bidets are widely used
instead of paper). Whether it also contains surface
runoff depends on the design of sewer system.
sewage discharges contribute a significant amount of the
biodegradable organic matters, suspended solids and
ammoniacal nitrogen to the nations waterways.
* All values except settleable
solids are expressed in mg/l.
The Environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974 specifies
two standards for effluent discharge: Standard A for
discharge upstream of any raw water intake, and
Standard B for discharge downstream of any raw
water intake
Purpose of Effluent Standards
to regulate the disposal of effluent from STP to any receiving
protect receiving waters and their associated aquatic
ecosystems, and
will also protect public health from the harmful effects of
untreated sewage
NA = Not Applicable
All values in mg/l unless otherwise stated.
* Stagnant Water Bodies refer to enclosed water bodies such as lakes, ponds and
slow moving watercourses where dead zone occur.
Measures for organic matter
Biological BOD is a measure for the biodegradable organic matter in
Oxygen Demand a sample. It does, however, not measure all bio degradable organic matter.
(BOD) The mass of oxygen needed for this partial breakdown of the organic
matter is used as a measure of the organic matter i.e. as for COD, the unit
of BOD (gBOD m-3) is identical to the unit gO2 m-3.
Chemical Oxygen COD is a measure for the total organic matter. Organic matter is
Demand (COD) chemically oxidized into inorganic compounds through this method. The
equivalent oxygen mass needed for the oxidation is used as the measure for
the organic matter content i.e. the unit of COD (gCODm-3) is identical to
the unit gO2 m-3.
Soluble Chemical COD measured on the liquid permeating through a glass fiber filter of
Oxygen Demand about 1 m pore size i.e. the definition between soluble and particulate
(CODsol) is made by the filter pore size used.
Volatile Total VS is a measure for the total organic matter. The sample is dried and the
Solids (VS) organic matter is pyrochemically oxidized at 550oC. The matter lost by the
oxidation is assumed to be all and nothing but organic matter. The unit is
gVS m-3.
Volatile VSS measures the organic matter content of suspended solids. The sample
Suspended is dried and the organic matter contained in the suspended solids is
Solids (VSS) pyrochemically oxidized at 550oC. The matter lost by the oxidation is
assumed to be all and nothing but organic matter. The unit is gVSS m-3
Measures for Inorganic Matter
Total N Total N measures the sum of all nitrogen compounds in the sample
Total Kjeldahl N (TKN) Total Kjeldahl N measures the organic bound nitrogen and
Ammonia/ammo The term ammonia is for simplicity used as a label for the sum of
nium ammonia and ammonium (NH3 + NH4+). Ammonia is a reduced
inorganic nitrogen compound with an oxidation level of thenitrogen
atom of -3.
Nitrate (NO3-) NO3- is an oxidized, inorganic nitrogen compound with an oxidation
level of the nitrogen atom of +5.
Nitrite (NO2-) NO2- Is an oxidized, inorganic nitrogen compound with an oxidation
level of the nitrogen atom of +3
Nitrate + Nitrite Often nitrate and nitrite are measured lumped into one fraction.
Total P Total P measures the sum of all phosphorus compounds.
Ortho P - Ortho P measures the inorganic, soluble phosphorus compounds, often
written as PO4
Measures for Solid & Physical Parameters
Total Solids A measure for all the matter in a sample. The sample is dried at temperatures a
(TS) bit above the boiling point of water. The residual matter is assumed to be the
total matter is sample. TS consequently also include salts.
Total A measure for the content of particles in a sample. The sample is filtered
Suspended through a glass fiber filter of about 1 m pore size. The matter retained on the
Solids (TSS) filter paper is viewed as the particle content of the sample i.e. the definition of
a suspended solid is made by the filter pore sized used.
Temperature Temperature measured in degrees Celsius or Kelvin (0 degrees Celsius =
(T) 273.15 Kelvin or 0 Kelvin = -273.15 degrees Celsius).
Alkalinity Alkalinity is a measure for the acid neutralization capacity of a sample. It
measures the amount of acid needed to lower the pH to a chosen value.
Its unit is g CaCO3 L-1 0r m-eq L-1. The first unit tells how much CaCO3
neutralization capacity is equal to. The second unit tells how many mole
of H+ as used to lower the pH to the chosen value.
pH. pH is a measure for the acidity/alkalinity of a sample. pH is the negative
logarithm to the hydrogen ion concentration.
Heavy A number of heavy metals occur in significant concentrations in
Metals stromwater and wastewater, i.e. arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), Copper
(Cu), chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg) and Zinc
Organic A considerable number of organic micro-pollutants can be found in
micro- urban wastewaters and runoff waters. Due to the large number of
pollutants different pollutants, a few are typically chosen as indicator
Pathogens As for micro-pollutants a huge number of pathogens exist in especially
wastewaters. Consequently, a few are chosen as indictors e.g. one for
bacteria and one for viruses
The water treatment process consists of five steps: