the soil moisture stock, which makes the time scale of the because where the canopy dries out quickly and com-
process much longer (average residence times varying pletely, the ground surface remains wet much longer.
between weeks and months, depending on the root zone If the surface is wetted again by rainfall, the mixture of
storage). Moreover, the process of transpiration does enriched and new water can contribute enriched water to
not change the isotope composition of the evaporated deeper soil layers. Open water evaporation from ponds
moisture, whereas evaporation of a water surface does functions much like ground interception. It also enriches
[14, 15]. One can distinguish fast transpiration from the remaining water, which partly infiltrates. As a result,
delayed transpiration. Fast transpiration is from shallow ground interception, soil evaporation, and pond infil-
rooted plants (typically grass and annual crops) with a tration are responsible for the higher concentration of
time scale of less than a month; delayed transpiration is heavy isotopes in the soil, while the preferential recharge,
from deeply rooted plants (trees, shrubs, and perennial facilitated by concentrated dripping from the canopy,
crops), which have a time scale longer than a month. Fast transports the rainwater directly to the groundwater
transpiration only draws on the upper soil layer, whereas and causes the deeper groundwater to be close to the
delayed transpiration draws on deeper soil layers. Open meteoric line.
water evaporation can be considered separately, when
necessary, and is identifiable relatively simply.
mm yr–1
0° 0°
45° S 45° S
0° 0°
45° S 45° S
(e) (f)
45° N 45° N
0° 0°
45° S 45° S
Figure 2 Mean annual evaporation as estimated by Wang-Erlandsson et al. [4]. Gray indicates areas where the evaporative flux is 0.
Interception: Its Importance, its Isotopic Impact, and How to Model and Measure it 5
45° N
0° 0.4
45° S
45° N 0.3
0° 0.15
45° S
45° N
45° S
Figure 3 Continental recycling of precipitation computed by Van der Ent et al. [23]: (a) Continental precipitation recycling ratio
𝜌C = 𝜌C, i + 𝜌C, t , (b) continental precipitation recycling ratio for interception 𝜌C, i = 𝜌C − 𝜌C, t , and (c) continental precipitation recycling ratio
for transpiration 𝜌C, t = 𝜌C − 𝜌C, i . The recycling ratio is the percentage of the precipitation that relies on terrestrial evaporation. Red color
indicates the regions where the recycling ratio is high. Comparison of (b) and (c) shows that interception and transpiration are equally
relevant to sustain continental precipitation.
interception is negligible as compared to other fluxes. the rainfall into the effective part that contributes to soil
This may be true during the event itself, which is of short moisture (and hence the rainfall–runoff process) and the
duration, but it is untrue in relation to the build-up of ineffective part that does not, i.e. interception.
the antecedent conditions. It is widely recognized that Finally, evaporation from interception is an important
the success of event-based modeling depends to a very process in moisture recycling to support continental
large extent on the antecedent conditions, particularly rainfall. Figure 3 (from Van der Ent et al. [23]) shows
the distribution of the soil moisture in the unsaturated that interception is only slightly less important than
soil. If we want to get that right, it is important to split transpiration in sustaining global precipitation. In
6 Atmosphere and Precipitation, Ice and Glaciers, Oceans and Coasts, Soils and Mineral–Water Interface
months with high rainfall (i.e. the wet season), inter- the plant/tree (see Levia and Germer [27] for a review).
ception is an important mechanism; in dry months, It is a very efficient way of a plant to direct the water
transpiration is often dominant, but then (typically after to the roots. Some trees have a branch structure that
the wet season) there are hardly any rainfall generating actually facilitates stemflow, whereas others, such as firs,
mechanisms to benefit from this feedback. Shuttleworth direct the water away from the stem. Stemflow can be
[3] observed that half the evaporation from intercep- measured by winding a half-tube around a tree stem
tion occurs during the storm itself, providing instant and connecting it to tipping bucket recorder or simply a
moisture feedback. Hence, the moisture feedback to the container (Figure 4).
atmosphere, which is such an important mechanism Because throughfall is very heterogeneous, even to the
to support continental rainfall in the Sahel, and the extent that it concentrates in preferred dripping points,
Amazon [24, 25], relies to a large extent on interception. it is very hard to measure. In Figure 5, we see a set-up
The reason why transpiration is relatively small in wet with gutters connected to tipping bucket recorders and
months is because the energy available for evaporation a dense network of individual accumulating raingauges.
is first consumed by the interception process, preceding The water from the tipping buckets is conserved in con-
transpiration, and because solar radiation is inhibited by tainers as a backup and for chemical and isotope analysis.
clouds in wet months. Although this is a very dense set-up, there is still the risk
that the preferential dripping points are not well sampled.
Some researchers advocate to reallocate the throughfall
5 Measuring Interception collectors regularly and randomly.
An interesting effort to measure the water intercepted
Classically, canopy interception is determined by sub- by the canopy directly was undertaken by Van Emmerik
tracting throughfall and stemflow from precipitation et al. [28], who used accelerometers to detect the change
in open air (see Zimmermann and Zimmermann [26] in the frequency spectrum of a tree as it swings with more
for a review). Stemflow is the part of the precipitation or less mass in the canopy. Another interesting approach
that flows along the branches and stem to the base of to measure canopy interception was followed by Friesen
et al. [29], who tried to determine the weight of the tree
by measuring stem compression.
Obviously field observations of canopy interception
are not simple, and it is hard to make accurate estimates
on the basis of field trials. Another way to determine
interception is by hydrological modeling, whereby the
interception storage capacity is the only unknown. The
physical range of this storage capacity is limited. For
grass and cropland, a feasible range is 1–2 mm. For
Eint Precipitation
Infiltration Weighing
Figure 6 Ground interception weighing device in a beech forest in Luxembourg. Source: Photograph and sketch courtesy of Miriam
dense forest, it may be bound between 2 and 5 mm. Of floor interception capacity is the main unknown. When
course, it also depends on the season. Therefore, the a reasonable range of interception capacity is assumed
interception capacity of vegetation is often connected (1–3 mm, depending on the season), the quantity of
to the Leaf Area Index (LAI), which is readily available forest floor interception then largely depends on the
from remote sensing products. temporal distribution of the rainfall and the energy
Ground interception, or forest floor interception, is available for evaporation.
often disregarded, but can be a substantial part of the
interception. Even during winter, the fallen leaves in a
deciduous forest have a substantial ground interception 6 Consequences of Underestimating
capacity (as can be seen in Figure 5). The transition from Interception
leaf cover to humus to soil may be gradual, and it may
be hard to separate the free water from capillary water, Figures 2 and 3 clearly show how important interception
but in any case, the evaporation from the ground, which is for the global water balance and for terrestrial moisture
is different from transpiration, can be a substantial part recycling. Also, interception is mainly responsible for the
of the total evaporation. Moreover, as stated before, it is fractionation of isotopes in the hydrological cycle. Inter-
this part of the evaporation that is largely responsible for ception cannot be simply neglected or lumped with other
the enrichment of the soil moisture with heavy isotopes. evaporation mechanisms. Disregarding or underestimat-
Gerrits et al. [1] were the first to try to measure ground ing interception can lead to serious modeling mistakes,
interception continuously. They used a weighing device particularly when one uses automated calibration tech-
using strain gauges as shown in Figure 6 to measure the niques. If interception is modeled incorrectly, the error
ground interception in different ground covers (beech will be compensated by other parameters, to satisfy the
leaves, moss with grass, and needles). The two containers
goodness-of-fit criterion.
were weighed independently. Ground interception was
The most common mistake of lumping interception
than computed by:
( ) with transpiration leads to an overdimensioning of the
dSu dSl soil moisture stock. This can be seen easily. If the inter-
EI,ground = P − +
dx dx ception is forced through the transpiration process, a
where Su [L] is the storage in the upper container and Sl correct representation of the total flux and time scale in
[L] is the storage in the lower container. the model can only be achieved if the soil moisture stock
Similar to canopy interception, ground interception is is overdimensioned. If transpiration and interception are
not easy to observe at larger scale. As a result, a modeling of the same order of magnitude, then the modeled soil
approach is a more practical route, whereby the forest moisture stock becomes double its “real” value.
8 Atmosphere and Precipitation, Ice and Glaciers, Oceans and Coasts, Soils and Mineral–Water Interface
Further Reading
Carlyle-Moses, D.E. and Gash, J.H.C. (2011). In: Forest Gerrits, A.M.J. and Savenije, H.H.G. (2011). In: Treatise on
Hydrology and Biogeochemistry (eds. D.F. Levia, D. Water Science, vol. 2 (ed. P. Wilderer), 89–101. Oxford
Carlyle-Moses and T. Tanaka), 407–423. Dordrecht: Academic Press.
Springer. Llorens, P. and Domingo, F. (2007). J. Hydrol. 335 (1–2):
1 Gerrits, A.M.J., Savenije, H.H.G., Hoffmann, L., and 16 Allen, S.T., Keim, R.F., Barnard, H.R. et al. (2016).
Pfister, L. (2007). Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 11: 695–701. WIREs Water doi: 10.1002/wat2.1187.
2 Gerrits, A.M.J., Pfister, L., and Savenije, H.H.G. 17 Rutter, A.J., Kershaw, K.A., Robins, P.C., and Morton,
(2010). Hydrol. Process. 24 (21): 3011–3025. A.J. (1971). Agric. Meteorol. 9: 267–384.
3 Shuttleworth, W.J. (1993). In: Handbook of Hydrology 18 De Groen, M.M. and Savenije, H.H.G. (2006). Water
(ed. D.R. Maidment), 4.1–4.53. McGraw-Hill. Resour. Res. 42, W12417: 1–10.
4 Wang-Erlandsson, L., van der Ent, R.J., Gordon, L.J., 19 Pitman, W.V. (1973). A mathematical model for gen-
and Savenije, H.H.G. (2014). Earth Syst. Dynam. 5: erating monthly river flows from meteorological data
441–469. doi: 10.5194/esd-5-441-2014. in Southern Africa. 2/73, University of Witwatersrand,
5 Savenije, H.H.G. (2004). Hydrol. Process. 18 (8): Department of Civil Engineering, Hydrological Unit,
1507–1511. South Africa.
6 Dooge, J.C.I. (1973). Linear theory of hydrologic sys- 20 Gerrits, A.M.J., Savenije, H.H.G., Veling, E.J.M., and
tems. Agriculture Research Service Technical Bulletin Pfister, L. (2009). Water Resour. Res. 45 (4, W04403):
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7 Dooge, J.C.I. (2003). Linear theory of hydrologic sys- 21 Fischer, B.M.C., Mul, M.L., and Savenije, H.H.G.
tems. EGU Reprint Series, 1, European Geosciences (2013). Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 17: 2161–2170.
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9 Calder, I.R. (1990). Evaporation in the Uplands. John 23 Van der Ent, R.J., Wang-Erlandsson, L., Keys, P.W.,
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