5508 Et Et
5508 Et Et
5508 Et Et
Subject Chemistry
Module No and Title 10 : Part 1 Analytical Techniques for Measuring Water Quality
Module Tag CHE_P4_M10_E_Text
1. Learning Outcomes
2. Introduction
3. Dissolved Oxygen
3.1 Determination of DO
4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand
4.1 Determination of BOD
4.2 Chemical Oxygen Demand
4.3 Total Organic Carbon
5. Summary
1. Learning Outcomes
After studying this module, you shall be able to
2. Introduction
An adequate qualitative and quantitative water supply is most essential for small as well as big
cities and towns. Along with water supply, then there should also be a means of disposal of waste
water. Disposal of waste water is of widespread national concern. Municipal waste and industrial
activities generate a large number and variety of waste products, which are generally discharged
into water streams. The situation is particularly critical in developing countries where there are no
stringent laws to check that the industries treat the waste generated prior to disposal. The analysis
of the most common industrial solvent water is extremely important as it contains a large number
of impurities or pollutants which are necessary to be checked before the water is used for any
specific purpose. The ways in which water is used are so varied that no single purity standard can
be applied. If water is to be used for cleaning or washing purposes, no special treatment is
required. If water is to be used for drinking purposes, then it is most essential to determine colour,
turbidity, dissolved solids, hardness, alkalinity, acidity, free chlorine etc. In order to control water
pollution, quantitative measurement of extent of water pollution is extremely necessary. A
specific treatment cannot be undertaken without knowing the substances and their quantities in
water. The measurement of water quality is, however, very tedious process and a large number of
quantitative analytical techniques are used for these purposes.
We shall now discuss some analytical procedures for water pollutant analysis. In this module we
shall study three important parameters (dissolved oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, Chemical
Oxygen Demand) as an index for water pollution.
3. Dissolved Oxygen
Oxygen is very essential component for the existence of all forms of life. It is present in water in
as dissolved oxygen (DO). It enters water as dissolved oxygen by the process of diffusion from
the surrounding air, or by aeration (rapid movement), and also as a byproduct of the process
photosynthesis in plants. In the dissolved form, i.e as dissolved oxygen, it is very significant for
aquatic life and is considered as one of the most important indicators of the quality of water in
this context. The dissolved oxygen (DO) can be easily measured. In this quantitative analysis, the
amount of gaseous oxygen (O2) dissolved in an aqueous solution is measured. For good quality
water to support the aquatic life, the reference value is 5.0 mg/L of dissolved oxygen. There will
be risk of aquatic life if dissolved oxygen level is below 5.0 mg/L. The lower the value of the
dissolved oxygen, the greater is the stress on the aquatic life. The value of dissolved oxygen
below 1-2 mg/L for a few hours can be very devastating as it can result in large fish kills.
The amount of DO is less in polluted water. Hence lesser value of DO is an indication of more
pollution in water. Let us understand how the value of dissolved oxygen decreases in polluted
water. Wastewater from sewage treatment plants most often contains organic materials dissolved
in them. These organic materials are attacked by microorganisms for their decomposition. This
process consumes the dissolved oxygen present in water. This, in turn, results in the decrease of
the already present amount of dissolved oxygen of that water body.
If more amount of oxygen is consumed than is produced, the levels of dissolved oxygen decline.
This results in stress for aquatic life and some sensitive animals may either move away, weaken,
or even die.
Variation in DO Levels:
DO levels are not same always. They fluctuate seasonally and also over a 24-hour period. The
DO levels vary also with altitude and water temperature.
In general,
• The oxygen level of cold water is higher than the hot water.
• At higher altitudes, less DO is present in water.
Dissolved oxygen levels in all water bodies, i.e, natural as well as waste water depend on
physical, chemical and biological activities of the water body. The analysis of DO is very
important in water pollution control as well as waste water control.
All the above methods have the same basic principle. The choice of method depends on the
sample to be tested.
1 Azide Modification: This method involves the remove of nitrile interference because
nitrile causes interference in biologically treated effluent.
2 Alum flocculation modification: If the sample contains relatively large amounts of
suspended solids then this method should be used.
3 Permanganate modification: If the sample contains ferrous ions then this method is
most suitable. Addition of 1 cm3 of azide solution can be adopted to suppress the interference due
to ferric ions.
4. Winkler Method
This method is used in determining the concentration of oxygen in the given water sample. This
method is firstly proposed by Winkler (1888) and later modified by Strickland and Parsons
(1968). In this method titrimetric principle is used. Oxygen in the water sample oxidizes iodide
ion (I-) to iodine (I2) quantitatively. The iodine produced is titrated with a standard solution of
thiosulfate (S2O3-2). And starch is used to visualize the change at end point. The concentration of
oxygen is then calculated from the titer. While sampling, Mn(II) under basic conditions is added
in order to fix the dissolved oxygen result in the formation of manganic hydroxide (MnO(OH)2),
a brown precipitate, manganic hydroxide (MnO(OH)2). In this method sample is first acidified to
pH 1.0-2.5 which results in dissolution of hydroxides precipitates and liberate Mn(III) ions that
results in oxidation of iodide ions to iodine. The liberated iodine is then titrated with thiosulfate
and oxidizes it to tetrathionate.
It results in erroneous high value and end point could not be detected.
It may be eliminated by addition of NaN3 to alkaline I-solution. On acidification NO2 is
The method is based on the fact that oxygen is readily reduced at the dropping mercury electrode.
An aqueous solution saturated with air exhibits two polarographic waves, which are attributed to
oxygen. The first wave is obtained as a result of reduction of oxygen to peroxide, and the second
as a result of further reduction of peroxide into water.
Thus oxygen is polarographically active and is reduced (first to H2O2 and then to H2O) in water at
0.05 V and -0.94 V. The polarograms given by oxygen serve as a means of determining DO in
water. Thus in polarographic analysis, usually nitrogen is passed through the solution for several
minutes, just before the determination. In addition to dropping mercury electrode, O2 can be
reduced at several other electrodes in aqueous solution if a small negative voltage is applied. The
determination of the magnitude of the current flowing through the solution can be done by the
rate of diffusion of O2 to the electrode.
Because of the fact that the mercury electrodes get poisoned by impurities of test solution over
time, this method is not so widely used in the DO analysis of domestic or industrial waste water.
Majority of wastewaters contain additional oxygen demanding materials than the amount of DO
available in air-saturated water. Hence, dilution of the sample is essential before its incubation in
order to bring the oxygen demand and supply into appropriate balance. Further, it needs to be
noted that the bacterial growth requires nutrients such as phosphorous, nitrogen, and trace metals.
Therefore, these these nutrients are added to the diluted water. The diluted water is also buffered
to maintain the pH value in the range of bacterial growth. In order to avoid long periods, and as a
standard norm, a 5-day period has been accepted as the standard incubation period. The result is
hence called the 5 day BOD. BOD is expressed in milligrams oxygen per litre of water or in ppm.
The value of BOD of pure drinking water, on the monthly average, must have 5 day BOD in the
range of 0.75-1.5 mg/L. In the units of ppm, the value of BOD for drinking water must be less
than 1 ppm. BOD values of several hundreds ppm indicate strong sewage. BOD value of a raw
sewage runs from 200-400 ppm.
Let us understand how the determination of BOD is done. It depends upon the value of dissolved
oxygen (DO) over a specified period of time. For convenience, the BOD test is made over a five
day period, also called as a “Five Day BOD”, or a BOD5. In its simplest form, a BOD5 test
quantitatively measures the amount (or concentration) of DO in the sample at the beginning of the
study and again 5 days later. The difference of DO value initially and after 5 days, is the BOD5.
This is achieved by putting a sample of waste into a stoppered bottle for 5 days and measuring the
amount of DO initially and after 5 days.
An unpolluted stream may have BOD in the range 1 to 8 mg/L. If the value of BOD5 is below
7mg/L than dilution of sample is not required. But as it reaches above 7 mg/L the sample should
be in diluted form. It is also important to dilute the sample if DO consumed by microorganisms is
greater than the available DO available in the saturated air. BOD5 sample. For a water to be fit for
drinking purpose, BOD5 values are acceptable only if the DO concentration after 5 days is at least
1-2 mg/L lower in concentration than the initial DO. The BOD test is invalid, if during the 5 days
DO drops to zero. In such case, it is necessary to dilute the sample to keep final DO above zero.
A 10.0 mL sample of sewage mixed with enough water to fill a 300-mL bottle has an initial DO
of 9.0 mg/L. For performing a test there should be a decrease in DO of at least 2.0 mg/L in 5
days. Also the final DO should be atleast 2.0 mg/L. For what range of BOD5 would this dilution
produce the desired results?
In order to overcome these problems another analytical parameter called chemical oxygen
demand (COD) is used. This is basically the measurement of oxygen-depletion capacity of
contaminated water sample. It is generally used as an indicator of water quality and is an
important part of water quality management programs. COD is also used to measure to BOD
(Biochemical Oxygen Demand) because both are strongly correlated, however COD is a much
faster, more accurate test. The process involves a two-hour digestion under acidic conditions and
high temperature. Potassium dichromate is used as an oxidant in this process. On the other hand
silver sulfate used as a catalyst and mercuric sulfate acts to complex out any interfering chloride.
The reduction process of Cr6+ to Cr3+ indirectly measures the oxygen demand. This can be done
by titration or spectrophotometry.
The water sample is heated with a known quantity of potassium dichromate for several hours and
the unreacted dichromate is then determined by titration with a standard Mohr’s salt solution.
5. Summary
• Alkalinity, acidity, colour, turbidity, dissolved solids, hardness, free chlorine, BOD,
COD, DO, coliform count etc. are some of the parameters which are used to check the
quality of water.
• Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a standard measure of the amount of oxygen that
would be needed by the microorganisms to cause bio degradation of a part of the organic
and inorganic pollution load.
• Pure drinking water, on the monthly average, should have 5 day BOD in the range of
0.75-1.5 mg/L. BOD value of a raw sewage runs from 200-400 ppm. BOD values of
several hundreds ppm indicate strong sewage.