Chapter5 34 WaterBudget
Chapter5 34 WaterBudget
Chapter5 34 WaterBudget
School-based Activities
Description: Students will predict and calculate how much water is used from
the Rio Grande, both for an average year and for a drought year.
Students will make water budget decisions and learn the conse-
quences of those decisions.
Materials: calculator
Background: Water is a scarce resource in the arid Southwest, and people rely
on the river and aquifer for irrigation, livestock, personal consump-
tion, and industrial and commercial uses. Because the Rio Grande
flows through three states, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, and
two countries, the United States and Mexico, the right to use water
from the river is regulated by local, state, federal and international
agencies. The treaty with Mexico that governs the use of the Rio
Grande dates back to 1906. Tribal governments also have water
The Rio Grande Compact (1938) allocates Rio Grande water be-
tween the states of Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas through a
complex set of delivery schedules that relate runoff volumes to
delivery obligations at set river index points. During normal water
years, New Mexico must ensure that about 60% of the Rio Grande
flow passing the Otowi Gage reaches Elephant Butte Reservoir
(Crawford, et al. 1993). On average, this delivery requirement is
790,000 acre-feet per year. This requirement is significantly reduced
during a drought year. To assure that each jurisdiction receives
records the amount of water that goes into the system, which in-
cludes tributary and ground water sources (the inflow), and the
amount of water that is taken out of the system (the outflow).
For the purposes of this activity, the Middle Rio Grande is defined
as the reach between the Otowi Gage (near Los Alamos) to the
Elephant Butte Dam.
water budget: A summary that shows the balance in a hydro-
logical system between water supplies (inflow) to the system
and water losses (outflow) from the system. It is a common
reporting tool for water-resource systems.
riparian: relating to or living or located on the bank of a natural
fresh watercourse such as a river, stream, pond or lake.
evapotranspiration: a term that includes the portion of pre-
cipitation being returned to the atmosphere either by direct
evaporation or by transpiration through vegetation, with no
differentiation being made between the two processes.
evaporation: the change from liquid or solid to vapor; water
in a lake evaporates into the air.
acre-foot: a quantity of volume of water that covers one acre to
a depth of one foot; equal to 43,560 cubic feet, 325,851 gallons
or 1,233.48 cubic meters.
aquifer: the stratum or rock below ground that bears water,
typically in a location capable of producing water usable by
humans, such as from a well.
School-based Activities
1. Brainstorm with students where the water in the river comes
from. Answers include:
rain (and all forms of precipitation)
melting snowpack
inflow from tributaries
run-off from urban storm drains
aquifer (shallow and deep)
2. Explain that the river and the aquifers are not closed systems,
independent from one another, but instead are connected.
The shallow aquifer discharges water into the river, and the
water in the river flows into (recharges) the shallow aquifer.
In Albuquerque, more water is “mined” from the deep aquifer
than is recharged. The water table falls several feet a year as a
result of this ground water mining.
3. Brainstorm with students the Rio Grande water consumers.
Who takes water away from the river? Some possible answers
residential use (personal consumption, lawns,
dishwashing, laundry, etc.)
commercial (office buildings, stores, etc.)
industry (factories)
riparian evapotranspiration
aquifer recharge
downstream users
aquatic wildlife (fish, etc.)
terrestrial wildlife (deer, etc.)
4. Introduce the idea of a budget. When do people use a budget?
What do you think a water budget is? How would you know
if a water budget is balanced?
5. Assign students to work in groups of two or three. Pass out
Worksheet I to each group. Have students predict the percent
(%) and answer the first two questions.
6. Reveal the actual percent and have students record this on their
worksheets. Have them answer the last two questions. Review
each category and discuss results as a class.
1. Pass out Worksheet II.
2. Introduce the Rio Grande Compact.
3. Explain the definition of acre feet: quantity of volume of water
that covers one acre to a depth of one foot; equal to 43,560 cubic
feet, 325,851 gallons, or 1,233.48 cubic meters.
4. Review the procedure for calculating ac-ft using percentages.
For example: 8.4% of 1,424,000, multiply .084 x 1,424,000 =
5. Have students calculate and decide whether the requirements
of the Rio Grande Compact are met.
Part III
1. Pass out Worksheet III.
2. Discuss drought conditions and how drought affects the water
flow in the river.
3. Have students allocate the remaining water and figure out the
4. Discuss consequences using notes below.
If “Agriculture” is less than 119,890 ac-ft: There is not enough
water to support all the agriculture needs in the Middle Rio
Grande Valley. Some farmers will have to leave their land
fallow; others may have to sell land. Ways that farmers could
adapt to less water are to plant crops that require less water
or develop more efficient methods of watering (drip irrigation
vs. sprinklers).
If “Riparian Evapotranspiration” is less than 164,060 ac-ft:
Riparian evapotranspiration cannot be controlled in the same
way that human water consumption is controlled. There is no
“switch” to turn off riparian evapotranspiration. In fact, dur-
ing a drought year, riparian trees and plants may use more
river water because they are receiving less water in the form of
precipitation (rain). One way to reduce evapotranspiration is
to remove water-thirsty non-native species like saltcedar and
Russian olive. This work is already being done at Bosque del
Apache, with water savings of 25 to 30 percent.
If “Residential Use” is less than 69,410 ac-ft: Water-saving mea-
sures go into effect. Depending on the severity of the drought,
people may only be allowed to water their lawns once a week,
or even not at all. The cost of water may also increase. Building
of new homes may be limited.
School-based Activities
courses might not be watered, swimming pools could be closed,
restaurants might have to use paper plates to save water used
in dishwashing.
If “Water Left in the River” is less than 350,000 ac-ft: The re-
quirements of the Rio Grande Compact are not met and a debit
is accumulated which will have to be met in future years. The
Treaty of 1906 between the U.S. and Mexico may be violated
because 60,000 ac-ft must be delivered annually to the bor-
5. Discuss as a class who or what consumes water or needs the
river but is not reflected in the water budget. Historically,
water budgets have reflected the needs of people, and by ex-
tension the needs of agriculture. It is important for students
to understand that many plants and animals are affected by
water budgets even though their needs are not specifically ad-
dressed. What happens to fish and other aquatic animals during
a drought? Do they have enough water? How about riparian
plants like the cottonwood that are directly tied to the flow of
the river? Students may also think about ways they use the
river that are not reflected in a water budget—for recreation
(boating, fishing, hiking along the bank) and quality of life (the
existence of a riparian forest in an urban area).
Extensions: 1. Make a pie chart for an average year and a drought year to
illustrate water use.
2. Develop the following scenarios and have students debate the
pros and cons of each position.
a. The City of Albuquerque has depleted significant portions
of the shallow and deep aquifer and decides to rely on
the river to provide a percentage of the city water supply.
(Note: this is due to happen beginning in 2005.)
b. The Rio Grande silvery minnow, an endangered species,
is only found between Cochiti Dam and the headwaters of
Elephant Butte Reservoir, in about 5% of its historic range.
This fish requires that a certain amount of water be in the
river at all times. During parts of the summer, the total flow
of the river dips below the level that the silvery minnow
3. Have groups take one water consumer and propose a way to
reduce water usage, listing pros and cons.
4. Have students collect news stories about the Rio Grande’s
water users.
5. See the “How Deep Is the Water Table?” activity for informa-
tion about how the river is connected to the aquifer.
The Bosque Education Guide
6. Investigate these state and federal agencies to find out more
School-based Activities
about water decisions: N.M. State Engineer’s Office, U.S. Bu-
reau of Reclamation, Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District,
United States Geological Survey, Army Corps of Engineers,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
School-based Activities
Agriculture 8.4% 119,890 Farmers get water from the
river via ditches and acequias.
Riparian Evapo-
transpiration 11.5% 164,060 Riparian evapotranspiration
occurs when plants lose water
from their leaves as a natural
part of their plant processes, as
well as by direct evaporation
from the forest.
Evaporation from
Elephant Butte 12.0% 170,370
Business and
Government 2.7% 37,860
Data based on Middle Rio Grande Water Budget Averages for 1972–1997, Middle
Rio Grande Water Assembly, Inc., October 1999; confirmed and adjusted in 2002.
In your group, estimate how much water is consumed in the Middle Rio Grande Valley
in the following categories. The total percentage you predict must add up to one
hundred percent.
In your prediction, who or what uses the most water? Explain your answer.
Answer the following questions after your teacher tells you the actual percentages for
an average year.
1 acre-foot (ac-ft) = a quantity of volume of water that covers one acre to a depth of
one foot; equal to 43,560 cubic feet, 325,851 gallons, or 1,233.48 cubic meters.
Using 1,424,000 ac-ft as the total amount of water available (from the river,
tributaries, ground water and storm drains), calculate the acre-feet allocated to each
category. Round up to the nearest whole number.
The Rio Grande Compact is an agreement between Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas
that regulates the allocation of river water. As it relates to the Middle Rio Grande, the
compact stipulates that during an average water year at least 790,000 ac-ft must be
“delivered” annually from Elephant Butte for use downstream. Does the water budget
above meet the Rio Grande Compact requirements?
Imagine that there is a drought and the water available is reduced to 753,000 ac-ft
annually. In a drought year, the Rio Grande Compact stipulates that 350,000 ac-ft
must be delivered. Recalculate how much water, in acre feet, is available for each
use. Consider how water use will change during a drought year. Will households use
more or less water during a drought? How about agriculture?
After you have allocated all the water (remember, it needs to add up to 753,000 ac-
ft), calculate the percentages.
Who (or what) consumes water or needs the river but is not reflected in the water
budget? How would a drought affect them?