RT in Welding

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The key takeaways are the principles of radiographic testing (RT), the types of radiation used (x-rays and gamma rays), how they are produced, and common applications of RT.

The principles of RT are that radiation is passed through an object and the amount that passes through is detected on film, with denser areas stopping more radiation and appearing darker on the film.

The two main types of radiation used are x-rays and gamma rays. X-rays are produced when electrons are fired at a metal target, while gamma rays are emitted from radioactive isotope sources. They both travel in straight lines at the speed of light.

Radiographic testing in Welding

1) RT principle:
In radiographic testing, the part to be
inspected is placed between the
radiation source and a piece of radiation
sensitive film.
The part will stop some of the radiation
where thicker and more dense areas will
stop more of the radiation.
The radiation that passes through the
part will expose the film and forms a
shadowgraph of the part.
The film darkness (density) will vary with
the amount of radiation reaching the film
through the test object where darker
areas indicate more exposure and lighter
areas indicate less exposure.
Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or
particles, especially high-energy particles which cause ionization.
Two types of radiation waves are used in RT, x-ray & Gamma rays.
X-rays are produced by firing electrons at a metal target and gamma
rays are emitted by the nucleus of radioactive atoms.

Properties of X-Rays and Gamma Rays

1. They travel in straight lines at the speed of light.
2. Their paths cannot be changed by electrical or magnetic fields.
3. They have enough energy to ionize matter and can damage or destroy
living cells.
4. Their degree of penetration depends on their energy.
5. They are not detected by human senses (cannot be seen, heard, felt,
The major components of an X-ray
generator are the tube, the high voltage
generator, the control console, and the
cooling system.

X-rays are generated by directing a stream

of high speed electrons at a target material
such as tungsten.

When the electrons are slowed or stopped

by the interaction with the atomic particles
of the target, X-radiation is produced.
Isotope (Gamma-ray)
Man made radioactive sources are produced
by introducing an extra neutron to atoms
of the source material.

As the material gets rid of the neutron,

energy is released in the form of gamma

Two of the most common industrial gamma-

ray sources for industrial radiography are
Iridium-192 and Cobalt-60.
Radiographic films
RT films consists of a transparent, blue-tinted
base coated on both sides with an emulsion.
The emulsion consists of gelatin containing
sensitive silver halide crystals.

When X-rays, gamma rays or light rays strike

the crystals or grains, some of the Br- ions are
liberated leaving the Ag+ ions.

the exposed grains are now more sensitive to

reaction with the developer. The typical total
thickness of the X-ray film is approximately
0.23 mm
RT Techniques
Radiography of pipes, however, where access to the bore to place
the film is not possible , so some techniques are used for that.
1. Single wall single image ( SWSI)
2. Double wall single image (DWSI)
3. Double wall double image (DWDI)

1. Single wall single image (SWSI)

2 . Double wall single image (DWSI)

3 . Double wall double image (DWDI)

Film processing

Film processing basically

involves the following five

1) Development ( 18 to 20 C for 5 min)

2) Stopping the development ( 30 sec )
3) Fixing ( 5 to 6 min)
4) Washing
5) Drying
Film packing
Radiographic film can be purchased in a
number of different packaging options and
they are available in a variety of sizes.

Each sheet must be loaded into a cassette or

film holder in a darkroom to protect it from
exposure to light.

Industrial X-ray films are also available in a

form in which each sheet is enclosed in a
light-tight envelope.

X-ray film should always be handled carefully

to avoid physical strains, such as pressure,
creasing, buckling, friction, etc.
Image quality indicator (IQI)
One of the methods of controlling the quality of a radiograph is through the use of
image quality indicators (IQIs), which are also referred to as penetrameters.

IQIs should be placed on the source side of the part over a section with a material
thickness equivalent to the region of interest.

The two most commonly used IQI types are: the hole type and the wire IQIs.
Hole-Type IQIs
Hole-type IQIs are classified in eight groups based on
their radiation absorption characteristics. A notching
system is used to indicate the IQI material.

The prnertrameter thickness is usually 2% of the

specimen thickness. Lead number on the
penetrameter indicates thickness of penetrameter in
thousands of inch.

Three holes are drilled with diameter respectively 4T, T

& 2T where T is thickness of penetrameter.
Wire-type IQIs
Wire IQIs consist of a set of six wires arranged
in order of increasing diameter and covered
between two sheets of clear plastic.

Wire IQIs are grouped in four sets each having

different range of wire diameters.

The set letter (A, B, C or D) is shown in the

upper left corner of the IQI. The number in the
lower left corner indicates the material group.
Densitometer & viewer.

After the film processing, radiographs are viewed using a light-box &
densitometer is used to view the density of the film.
How RT is done in industries?

1. Surface preparation
2. RT request
3. RT permit
4. Weld identification
5. Source selection
6. RT technique
7. Film identification
8. Location markers
9. IQI selection
10.Film & source placement
12.Film development
13.Film interpretation
14.Evaluation & report
Radiation Detectors
Instruments used for radiation measurement fall into two
broad categories:
1) Rate measuring instruments.
Rate measuring instruments measure the rate at which
exposure is received

2) Personal dose measuring instruments.

Dose measuring instruments are those that measure the total
amount of exposure received during a measuring period.
Rate measuring instruments

Survey Meters Audible Alarm Rate Meters

Dose measuring instruments

Digital Electronic Dosimeter

Direct Read Pocket Dosimeter
Controlling Radiation Exposure
The three basic ways of controlling exposure to harmful radiation

1) Limiting the time spent near a source of radiation.

2) Increasing the distance away from the source.

3) And using shielding to stop or reduce the level of radiation.

Steps to do film interpretation?

1. Verify films with RT request. ( Weld no /

Component no)
2. Check film density.
3. Check weld no. & location markers
4. Check film sensitivity.
5. Interpret the films
6. Compare with standard
7. Report making.
RT Welding defects

Porosity :
Cluster porosity :
Slag Inclusions :
Incomplete penetration (IP)
or lack of penetration (LOP) :
Incomplete fusion :
Internal or Root Undercut :
External or crown undercut :
Offset or mismatch :
Inadequate weld reinforcement :
Excess Weld Reinforcement :
Cracks :
Tungsten Inclusions :
RT advantages:
Both surface and internal discontinuities can be
Significant variations in composition can be
It has a very few material limitations.
Can be used for inspecting hidden areas (direct
access to surface is not required)
Very minimal or no part preparation is required.
Permanent test record is obtained.
Good portability especially for gamma-ray sources.
RT disadvantages:
Hazardous to operators and other nearby
High degree of skill and experience is required for
exposure and interpretation.
The equipment is relatively expensive (especially
for x-ray sources).
The process is generally slow.
Highly directional (sensitive to flaw orientation).
Depth of discontinuity is not indicated.
It requires a two-sided access to the component.
RT Applications:

o Air craft structures

o Structural steel works
o Ship building
o Pressure vessels and boilers
o Pipe work

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