Meanings and Roles of Mathematics

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Prepared by : Mr. Muhammad Bin Basar IPG KTI JB

As a Science

As a way of thinking

As a language

What is Mathematics?

As the art of calculation

As a tool or an instrument

As a language and science of patterns

As a patterns and relationships

Roles And Importance Of Mathematics

Mathematics relates to a lot of other discipline like science, art, music, economy and so on. Mathematics also relates to things we do in the real world every day. Mathematics enable us to solve problem. It referred as an organized process to achieve the goal of a problem. The process of solving problems can enhance the students understanding of mathematical concepts.

Mathematics plays an important role in the development of science and technology. People who are trained with a good mathematical skill tend to think and reason systematically and rationally. This will help them to carry out complex tasks efficiently and effectively in management and administration, economy, social and the others.

Mathematics As A Language
Mathematics is a language to learn other subjects those involve calculations. When lack of mathematical education stands in someones way, whether they want to learn more physics, or electronics, or economics, or basic statistics, it is almost never the ability to do calculations. Mathematics also important in reading books such as thermodynamics, because reading the books involves doing a lot calculation.

Mathematics As A Science
Mathematics does not consist simply of techniques, but that there is a subject matter to mathematics, just as much as there is to physics or astronomy. Mathematicians are people who devote their lives not to solving equations, but trying to find the answers to unanswered questions.

Mathematics As A Way Of Thinking

Learning mathematics involves learning certain ways of thinking that have values outside the realm of mathematics. This kind of thinking is certainly indispensable in order to be able to use mathematics as a useful tool, and is closely related to the types of thinking involved in the other physical sciences. One thing important in mathematical thinking is the ability to look beyond content and see the underlying logical structure, and to realize when two situations which seem, on the basis of their surface content, very dissimilar, are actually identical when one looks at the logical structure.

Mathematics As The Art Of Calculations

Mathematics consists of techniques for getting answers to quantitative problems. Calculation is at the very root of mathematics. One obtains a powerful new insight into a mathematical theory when one sees how it relates to concrete calculations.

Mathematics As A Language And Science Of Patterns

As a language of patterns, Mathematics is a means for describing the world. In its symbols and vocabulary, the language of Mathematics is a universal means of communication about relationships and patterns. As a science of patterns, Mathematics is a mode of inquiry that reveals fundamental understandings about order in our world.

Mathematics As A Patterns And Relationships

Patterns are things that repeat, relationships are things that are connected by some kind of reasons. They are important because they help us understand the underlying structure of things, they help us feel confident and capable of knowing what will come next. Patterns and relationships are found in music, art, and clothing, as well as in other aspect of Maths such as counting and geometry. Understanding patterns and relationships mean understanding rhythm and repetition as well as ordering from shortest to longest, smallest to largest, sorting, and categorizing.

Mathematics As A Tool Or An Instrument

We can use mathematics to solve abstract problems in the mathematical problems itself, and practical problems in our daily life activities. For example, the development of our analytical reasoning skills in mathematics will enable us to become more effective problem solvers in all areas of our life, not only in mathematics.

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