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Evaluation of Organic Liquid Fertilizer "ECO-GREEN" on the Yield and Yield

Component of Malt Barley

Article in American Journal of Applied Chemistry · July 2022

DOI: 10.11648/j.ajac.20221004.11


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3 authors:

Daniel Abegeja Nanesso Tilahun Chibsa

Addis Ababa University Oromia Agricultural Research Institute


Mulugeta Eshetu
Oromia Agricultural Research Institute


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American Journal of Applied Chemistry
2022; 10(4): 76-80
doi: 10.11648/j.ajac.20221004.11
ISSN: 2330-8753 (Print); ISSN: 2330-8745 (Online)

Evaluation of Organic Liquid Fertilizer “ECO-GREEN” on

the Yield and Yield Component of Malt Barley
Daniel Abegeja1, *, Tilahun Chibsa1, Mulugeta Eshetu2
Sinana Agricultural Research Center, Soil Fertility Improvement Team, Bale Robe, Ethiopia
Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Email address:
Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Daniel Abegeja, Tilahun Chibsa, Mulugeta Eshetu. Evaluation of Organic Liquid Fertilizer “ECO-GREEN” on the Yield and Yield
Component of Malt Barley. American Journal of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 10, No. 4, 2022, pp. 76-80. doi: 10.11648/j.ajac.20221004.11

Received: May 19, 2022; Accepted: June 24, 2022; Published: July 8, 2022

Abstract: The organic fertilizers help to sophisticate the soil structure by nourishing it, enhancing its productivity and at the
same time protecting it from being eroded away. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are the major limiting factors in most
soils. The highland vertisols of Ethiopia are prone to nutrient deficiency especially of N and P as the result of monocropping
and leaching losses. An experiment was conducted at Sinana District of Bale highlands, South-eastern Ethiopia on farmers
field to evaluate the effect of Organic Liquid Fertilizer “ECO-GREEN” on the Yield and Yield Component of Malt Barley
(Singitan Variety). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design using three replications on six levels of
treatment. There was significant variation observed in Grain Yield, plant height, seed spike length, seed per spikelet, number of
Tiller and Biomass Yield between the level of treatments. Grain yield and yield components were higher at ECO-GREEN level
4 (80 lit/ha-1) across all experimental sites (Shalo, Robe Area and Sambitu). The lower grain yield and yield components
observed on the control (sole water) and followed by ECO-GREEN level 1 (20 lit/ha-1) and 2 (40 lit/ha-1). Grain yield was
positively correlated with all yield components. Grain yield is very strongly associated with the number of seed per spike.
Grain yield is positively correlated and highly associated with seed spike length and Biomass Yield and associated with Plant
Height and Number of Tiller.

Keywords: ECO-GREEN, Grain Yield, Malt Barley, Organic Liquid Fertilizers

1. Introduction
Organic fertilizers are those fertilizers which are thus enabling it to recapture the moisture level and not let it
manufactured using organic substances which are bio- out. Thus, it also helps to recover the stress levels of the soil
degradable, i.e., Organic fertilizers are naturally occurring by maintaining its moisture content. The organic fertilizers
fertilizers and nutrient enhancers of the soil [1]. The organic help to sophisticate the soil structure by nourishing it,
fertilizers help to sophisticate the soil structure by nourishing enhancing its productivity and at the same time protecting it
it, enhancing its productivity and at the same time protecting from being eroded away. Artificial and inorganic fertilizers
it from being eroded away. Artificial and inorganic fertilizers have certain disadvantages as they have to be applied again
have certain disadvantages as they have to be applied again and again [4]. They become a necessity to the soil or else the
and again [2]. They become a necessity to the soil or else the productivity is hampered. They act as a drug for the soils as
productivity is hampered. They act as a drug for the soils as till the time the soils are fertilized, they remain productive or
till the time the soils are fertilized, they remain productive or else they die down. Eutrophication, nutrient pollution is
else they die down. Eutrophication, nutrient pollution is caused due to extra application of the artificial fertilizers [6].
caused due to extra application of the artificial fertilizers [3]. Organic Liquid Fertilizer provides soil with organic matter
Organic fertilizers retain a blanket like cover on the soil essential for microorganisms. It is one of the building blocks
77 Daniel Abegeja et al.: Evaluation of Organic Liquid Fertilizer “ECO-GREEN” on the
Yield and Yield Component of Malt Barley

for fertile soil rich in humus. It releases the nutrients in slow essential for barley [14].
and consistent at a natural rate that plants are able to use. No Studies on the levels and timings of foliar nitrogen and
danger of over concentration of any element, since microbes organic liquid fertilizers on barley production is lacking in
must break down the material. Since it encourages soil life, the highlands of Bale. Therefore, the current study is initiated
Microbes convert the organic matter to the form of nutrients with the following objectives: to determine the best
that plants need. Earthworms feeding on organic materials ECOGREEN fertilizer rate on Malt Barley, and to determine
aerate and loosen the soil [7]. the effect of ECOGREEN fertilizer on soil properties.
It had proven that long-term chemical fertilization without
applying organic materials impaired soil health and plateaued 2. Materials and Methods
rice yield, although there were so many improved rice
varieties [8]. Decomposed organic materials, in combination 2.1. Description of the Study Area
with plant growth-promoting bacteria, are environmentally
friendly and reduce synthetic fertilizer use in plant The experiment was conducted at Robe Area, Shalo and
production [9]. Poor soil fertility is one of the major factors Sambitu in Sinana district of Bale Zone, South eastern
that reduce yield of barley in Ethiopia [10]. An integrated use Oromia in 2018/2019 G.C. Robe Area located at latitude of N
of organic and inorganic fertilizers for tackling soil fertility 7°06' and longitude of E 40°02' with altitude of 2456 m.a.s.l.
depletion and sustainably increasing crop yields had a Shalo located at latitude of N 7°04' longitude of E 40°11'
paramount importance [11]. Different research findings have with altitude of 2450 m.a.s.l. Sambitu located at latitude of N
shown that neither inorganic fertilizers nor organic sources 7°10' and longitude of E 40°5' with altitude of 2407 m.a.s.l.
alone can result in sustainable productivity [12]. Integrated The major soils of the area are cambisols and vertisols with
soil fertility management involving the judicious use of clayey to sandy loam. The district is characterized by
combinations of organic and inorganic resources is a feasible bimodal rainfall pattern receiving peak amounts in April and
approach to overcome soil fertility constraints and contribute September. The minimum average temperature is 10.72°C,
high crop productivity in agriculture [13]. To replenish soil maximum mean temperature of 21.98°C and the average total
fertility depletion applying organic liquid fertilizer is annual rainfall of the experimental site was 925 mm.

Figure 1. Map of the study area.

American Journal of Applied Chemistry 2022; 10(4): 76-80 78

2.2. Experimental Design Yield between the level of treatments (Table 1). The highest
mean Grain Yield (4220 kg/ha-1) obtained on 80 lit/ha-1 Eco-
The experiment was laid out in randomized complete green level and the lowest (1592) from the control. There was
block design using three replications for Singitan variety of statistically significant variation of Grain Yield between the
Malt Barley. The seed was sawn in rows. Treatments was six control and Eco-green levels (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 lit/ha-1).
levels of ECO-GREEN having one control (T1=Control There was statistically significant variation of Plant Height
(Sole water); T2=1% (20 lit/ha-1); T3=2% (40 lit/ha-1); between the control and Eco-green levels (60, 80, and 100
T4=3% (60 lit/ha-1), T5=4% (80 lit/ha-1) and T6=5% (100 lit/ha-1). The control and Eco-green levels (20 and 40 lit/ha-1)
lit/ha-1). The ratio of ECO-GREEN to water was 1:20 which statistically responsive similarly. There was no statistically
mean one-liter ECO-GREEN added to 20-liter water. The significant variation of Plant Height between the Eco-green
treatments applied at 15, 30, 60, and 90 days after emergence levels 60, 80, and 100 lit/ha-1. There was statistically significant
(DAE). The plot size=3m × 3m (9m2), having 15 rows, 3 m variation of Seed Spike length between the treatment levels. The
long and 20 cm apart. Organic liquid fertilizer “Eco-Green” longest seed spike length (7cm) obtained from Eco-green level
was applied early in the morning or late afternoon so the ultra of 80 lit/ha-1 and the lowest (3cm) from the control. There was
violet rays from the sun doesn’t sterilize the beneficial no statistically significant variation of seed spike length between
biology in extract fertilizer. the Eco-green levels 40 and 60 lit/ha-1. The highest average
Data Collection: Agronomic Parameters such as Yield and number of Seed per Spikelet (39) recorded on Eco-green level
Yield components of Malt Barley such as Plant height (cm), 80 lit/ha-1 and the lowest (16) on the control. There was no
Seed Spike Length (cm), Seed per Spike (No), Number of Tiller statistically significant variation of seed per spike between the
(No), Biomass Yield (kg) and Grain Yield (kg) was collected. Eco-green levels 40 and 60 lit/ha-1. There was statistically
2.3. Data Management and Statistical Analysis significant variation of seed per spikelet between the control and
Eco-green levels 20, 40, 60, and 100 lit/ha-1. The higher average
The all collected agronomic and soil data across locations number of Tiller (4.3 and 4.6) obtained from the Eco-green level
was properly managed using the EXCEL computer software 80 and 100 lit/ha-1 respectively and the lower (0.6) from the
and subjected to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) using control. There was no statistically significant variation Number
Linear Model of the R software Version 4.1.2. Linear models of Tiller between the control and Eco-green levels 20, 40 and 60
are typically fit in R through the lm() function [16]. The total lit/ha-1. The highest average Biomass Yield (7055 kg/ha-1)
variability for each trait quantified using LSD.test Model at occurred on the Eco green level 80 lit/ha-1 and the lower (3276
0.05 levels of significance [5]. and 3542 kg/ha-1) from the control and 20 lit/ha-1 Eco-green
level. There was no statistically significant variation of Biomass
3. Results and Discussion Yield between the control and Eco-green level 20 lit/ha-1. There
was no statistically significant variation of Biomass Yield
3.1. Yield and Yield Components between the Eco-green levels 40 and 60 lit/ha-1. There was
statistically significant variation of Biomass Yield between the
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that there was Eco-green levels 60 and 80 and 100 lit/ha-1. All yield and yield
significant variation observed in Grain Yield, plant height, seed parameters are best suited on Eco-green level of 80 lit/ha-1.
spike length, of seed per spikelet, number of Tiller and Biomass

Table 1. Response Yield and Yield Components to Organic Liquid Fertilizer ECO-GREEN.
Eco-green Level (lit/ ha ) GY (kg/ha-1) PH (cm) SPL (cm) SPS (No) NT (No) BMY (kg/ha-1)
0 (Control) 1592e 74b 3e 16e 0.6c 3276d
1 (20 lit/ha-1) 2252d 75b 4d 22d 1.1c 3542d
2 (40 lit/ha-1) 3261c 78b 5bc 26c 1.3bc 4445c
3 (60 lit/ha-1) 3334bc 82a 4.6c 27c 2.1c 4590bc
4 (80 lit/ha-1) 4220a 83a 7a 39a 4.3a 7055a
5 (100 lit/ha-1) 3561b 86a 5.4b 34b 4.6a 4837b
CV 8.55 5.02 14.63 5.02 37.7 7.39
Mean 3037 68.26 4.741 27.68 3.726 4624
LSD (0.05) 244.86 3.7 0.65 1.33 0.8 327.78

GY= Mean Grain Yield(kg/ha-1), PH=Plant Height(cm), SPL=Spike Length(cm), SPS=Seed per Spikelet (Number), NT=Number of Tiller (Number),
BMY=Biomass Yield (kg/ha-1).

number of seed per spike. Grain yield is positively correlated

3.2. Correlation Analysis Among Parameters and highly associated with seed spike length and Biomass Yield
Grain yield is positively correlated with all yield components and associated with Plant Height and Number of Tiller. To
(Table 2). Grain yield is very strongly associated with the identify correlation between yield and yield components the
below R script code used cor(MB_2011_ECOGREEN1[5:10]).
79 Daniel Abegeja et al.: Evaluation of Organic Liquid Fertilizer “ECO-GREEN” on the
Yield and Yield Component of Malt Barley

Table 2. Pearson’s correlation analysis between yield and yield components.


PH 1.0000000 0.6722558 0.7210500 0.7424617 0.6151996 0.6969251
SPL 0.6722558 1.0000000 0.8700746 0.6952745 0.9149665 0.8507989
SPS 0.7210500 0.8700746 1.0000000 0.8530371 0.8816360 0.9506880
NT 0.7424617 0.6952745 0.8530371 1.0000000 0.7291971 0.7704280
BMY 0.6151996 0.9149665 0.8816360 0.7291971 1.0000000 0.8673483
GY 0.6969251 0.8507989 0.9506880 0.7704280 0.8673483 1.0000000

GY= Mean Grain Yield(kg/ha-1), PH=Plant Height(cm), SPL=Spike Length(cm), SPS=Seed

per Spikelet (Number), NT=Number of Tiller (Number), BMY=Biomass Yield (kg/ha-1).

response between treatment groups. In other word the

treatments hold quite different yield response. This revealed
that the highest mean grain yield response (kg/ha-1) recorded
on the treatment level 4 than the others. The box plot for
treatment level 4 gave the highest response of mean grain
yield than the equivalent plots for the others treatment levels
(0, 1, 2, 3, and 5). The long upper whisker in the treatment
level 3 and 5 means that treatments yield response is varied
amongst the most positive quartile group, and very similar
for the least positive quartile group.

Figure 2. Interaction Plot of Mean Grain Yield Across Location vs


plotmeans(GY~TRT, data = MB_2011_ECOGREEN1, xlab="Treatment

Levels", ylab="Mean Grain Yield kg/ha", pch=c(20), col.lab=4, cex = 2,
main="Mean Plot\nwith 95% CI", col=c(2:8)).

The mean of each response as affected by the treatments

plotted using “plotmeans” function by linear model in R.
Software version 4.1.2. It is observed that there was
significant variation of mean grain yields between the
treatment levels (Organic Liquid ECO-GREEN fertilizer) at
Figure 3. Box Plot of Mean Grain Yield vurses Treatment.
all treatments level. The higher mean grain yields 4220 kg/ha
recorded on treatment level 4 (80 lit/ha) of Organic Liquid
fertilizer ECO-GREEN. Similarly, the highest grain yield 4. Conclusion and Recommendation
reported from liquid organic fertilizer [15].
The soils of Ethiopian highlands are mainly deficient in
For visual presentation, the mean of each response as
organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus because of nutrient
affected by the treatments plotted using “boxplot” function by
mining by cereal monocropping and leaching losses where
linear model in R. Software version 4.1.2.
deficiency of these elements reduces yield and quality of
Boxplot (GY~TRT, data = MB_2011_ECOGREEN1,
crops. Malt Barley is produced in highland vertisols of
col=2:8, pars = list (boxwex = 0.8, staplewex = 0.5, outwex =
Ethiopia mainly for industrial purposes. Grain yield is a
0.5, xlab = "TRT (TRT = Treatment Levels)", ylab = "Mean
response parameter considered by the Researchers and
Grain Yield kg/ha", main = "BoxPlot", las=1, pch = 4, cex =
farming community to validate and recommend fertilizer
5, cex.axis=1, cex.lab=1, col.axis=1, col.main=1, col.lab=4,
trial. Appropriate fertilization practices based on actual
font.axis=2, font.lab=2, font.main=2, border =
limiting nutrients and crop requirement for a given crop is
economic and judicious use of fertilizers for sustainable crop
The box plot is comparatively short on treatment levels 2
production. According to this study Organic Liquid Fertilizer
and 5 this suggests that overall mean grain yield have a high
“ECO-GREEN” on the yield and yield components of Malt
level of agreement with each other. The box plot is
Barley showed that it would be promising to grow Malt
comparatively tall, one box plot is much higher or lower than
Barley in the study area compared to Control. Thus indicated
another (Obvious differences between box plots) on
that Malt Barley productivity in the study sites was increased
treatment levels 4 and the remaining others (0, 1, 2, 3, and 5)
due to foliar application of Organic Liquid Fertilizer “ECO-
this could suggest that there was a high variation of yield
GREEN”, in which the results of the study revealed that the
American Journal of Applied Chemistry 2022; 10(4): 76-80 80

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