Lect. 12 PL Path 111 - Variability in Plant Pathogens
Lect. 12 PL Path 111 - Variability in Plant Pathogens
Lect. 12 PL Path 111 - Variability in Plant Pathogens
Pl. Path. 111 (Cr. Hrs. 3+1)
P.N. Sharma
Department of Plant Pathology,
CSK HPKV, Palampur (H.P.)
Variability in Plant Pathogens
• One of the dynamic and significant aspect of
biology: individuals have diff. characteristics,
not fixed i.e. phenomenon of Variation
– This is more in sexualyy reproducing organisems
e.g. oomycetes, uradinales etc
– Low in asexually reproducing ones, however,
some have much higher variability e.g. C.
• Physiological specialization:
– with in the species of a pathogen there exist certain
individuals that are morphologically similar but differs
w.r.t their physiology, biochemical characters and
pathogenicity and are differentiated on the basis of their
reaction on certain host genera or cultivars.
• Physiologic race:
– individuals with in the spp. Of a pathogen that
morphologically similar but difffer with respect to their
pathogenicity on particular set of host varieties
• Differential varieties
• Pathogen isolates
• Facility for inoculations under artificial
epiphytotic conditions
Wheat rust differential set
• Levine and Stakman (1918) first used the term
‘differential host’ in identifying pathotypes
of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, cause of wheat
stem rust.
• Their set of differentials included varieties of bread
wheat, Triticum aestivum; tetraploid durum, T.
turgidum; and diploid einkorn, T. monococcum.
• Mains and Jackson (1926) used a set of 11
varieties of the single species T. aestivum to identify
pathotypes of wheat leaf rust (P. recondita).
• TABLE: Differential
genotypes used to
identify pathotypes of
Puccinia graminis f. sp.
tritici in different
geographic regions of
the world
Table: Bean Anthracnose differential set of bean
varieties (developed by CIAT, Cali Colombia)
Differential Cultivar Host Genes1 Gene Pool2 Binary Number3
A. Michelite -- MA 1
B. MDRK Co-1 A 2
C. Perry Marrow Co-13 A 4
D. Cornell 49242 Co-2 MA 8
E. Widusa -- A 16
F. Kaboon Co-12 A 32
G. Mexico 222 Co-3 MA 64
H. PI 207262 -- MA 128
I. TO Co-4 MA 256
J. TU Co-5 MA 512
K. AB 136 Co-6, co-8 MA 1024
L. G 2333 Co-42, Co-5, Co-7 MA 2048
Variability in Colletotrichum lindemuthianum isolates on CIAT differential bean
Isolates Reaction of common bean differentialsc Race
• Mutation
– Results from nucleotide changes in the coding
regions due to addition or deletion or
– Ultimately leads to functional chlanges in the