Abasolo 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 230 012007

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Life cycle analysis of monocrop and multicrop in conventional and

organic vegetable production systems in Tayabas, Quezon, Philippines
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International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230 (2019) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/230/1/012007

Life cycle analysis of monocrop and multicrop in conventional

and organic vegetable production systems in Tayabas,
Quezon, Philippines

A Abasolo1 and O Zamora2

School of Environmental Science and Management, University of the Philippines
Los Baños, Philippines
Institute of Crop Science, College of Agriculture and Food Science, University of the
Philippines Los Baños, Philippines

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Attaining food security is directly linked to increasing agricultural production to

meet the needs of the exponentially increasing population. Extensive efforts in the past to
improve crop production resulted to massive land conversion, deforestation and inappropriate
use of modern technologies among others. Comparative assessment of the potential impacts of
conventional and organic vegetable production systems is valuable because agriculture is one
of the major contributors to environmental degradation. This study assessed and compared the
environmental burdens of conventional and organic vegetable production systems in both
monocrop and multi-cropping using the environmental Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) approach.
The data gathered from in-depth interviews with farmers and farm surveys in Tayabas,
Quezon, were used to determine the cropping system that has significant potential
contributions to Global Warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP),
Eutrophication Potential (EP) and Human Toxicity Potential (HTP) with land area and kg -1 of
vegetable as functional units. The conventional vegetable multi-cropping system contributed
4.10E-02 kg CO2-eq kg-1 to GWP higher than the monocrop with only 3.69E-02 kg CO2-eq kg-
potential contribution. Organic multicrop contributed less to GWP with only 2.48E-02 kg
CO2-eq kg-1. AP of conventional multicrop is also higher with 6.79E-03 g SO2 -eq kg-1 as
compared to the combined AP of organic monocrop and multicrop. Further, conventional
vegetable production contributed higher HTP with 6.22E+06 g 1,4 DCB -eq kg-1 than organic.
This study shows that organic production system has lower environmental burdens and a better
alternative to improve food crop production while protecting the environment.

1. Introduction
Food production issues exacerbated the food security challenges faced by the current increasing
population. In the Philippines, the total land area devoted to agricultural crops is 13 M hectares
distributed among food grains (31% or 4.01 million ha), food crops (52% or 8.33 million ha) and non-
food crops (17% or 2.2 million ha) [1]. Of the land area allotted for food crops, only 270 thousand
hectares is allotted for vegetables and root crops, which is only 3.2% of 8.33 M ha [1]. Feeding the
current Philippine population of 103.3 M as of 2016 [2] has been the greatest challenge and is directly

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International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230 (2019) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/230/1/012007

linked to increasing agricultural food production. The issues of land conversion also played important
disabling factor as agricultural production were intensified even in a small piece of agricultural land.
This is an evident practice of the vegetable farmers in Tayabas in the province of Quezon in the
Agriculture is a significant contributor to land degradation, anthropogenic global greenhouse gas
emissions [3, 4] and negatively affect agro-ecosystem services [5]. Producing vegetables in both
conventional and organic could provide the needed food requirements of the local municipality and its
nearby provinces but could also potentially contribute significantly to environmental degradation of
the area. Unsustainable agricultural practices can put a greater pressure and may threaten the capability
of the natural resource base to provide basic needs to people in the long run [6] since increasing
productivity has been the primary concern rather than long term sustainability [4].
The conventional agriculture characterized by extensive application of inorganic fertilizers and
spraying of harmful chemical pesticides has been associated with many environmental stresses and
serious impact to human health [7]. Alternatively, organic agriculture has been the most discussed
appropriate technology which promised environmentally sound and economic viability to farmers [4,
Comparing conventional and organic farming has been one of the most important themes in
conducting Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) [4, 10]. These were done in various issues including olive
production [3]; arable crop rotations with clover grass [4]; cereal and rape seed production [4];
greenhouse tomato production [7]; milk production [10]; grassland farming and pig production [11].
This study, on the other hand, assessed the potential environmental burdens of conventional and
organic vegetable production systems. It specifically compared the mono-cropping and multi-cropping
practices of both conventional and organic using the LCA approach.
The results of this comparative analysis, albeit very focused on cropping system, can contribute and
guide the decision makers in drafting policies and build awareness and will guide the farmers identify
and decide which cropping and vegetable production system to adopt considering the potential
contributions to emissions, environmental protection and economic gains.

2. Materials and Methods

This study evaluates the potential environmental burdens of both conventional and organic vegetable
practices in the municipality of Tayabas. Specifically compared using the LCA, are the mono-
cropping and multi-cropping practices in combination with other environmental research methods. The
data used in this study were gathered through in-depth formal household interview with 23
conventional and 23 organic farmers selected from across six barangays of Tayabas as well as
members of SAMA PO KATA, an organic farmer organization, respectively. Focused group
discussions (FGD) and key informant interviews (KII) were done and relevant secondary data were
gathered from existing profiles and published studies.
The inventory analysis were done by quantifying all material inputs and outputs at each stage from
planting to transport to the market of both conventional and organic farmers. Material inputs include
seeds, trellis, fuel, organic and inorganic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and herbicides applied by
farmers. Inputs such as water and electricity were excluded in the study since during the data gathering
activities farmers rely on rainfall as source of irrigation for their crops and hence do not use electricity
for water pump and other machines. The functional unit used in the analysis is 1 kg of packed
vegetable and 1 ha of farm area.
Results of inventory analysis were translated to environmental impacts of the studied system [12]
by identifying and determining the result of each impact category and by multiplying both the
aggregated resources used and the aggregated emissions of a substance with a characterisation factor
[13]. This study considered four (4) different types of impact categories (Table 1), the Global
Warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP), Eutrophication Potential (EP) and Human
Toxicity Potential (HTP). The CO2 emissions were considered for the GWP with the assumption that
the soil organic carbon stocks remained unchanged. Indirect N 2O emissions induced by leaching of

International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230 (2019) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/230/1/012007

NO3-1 or NH3 volatilization were not considered due to data limitation. Also, part of the limitation is
the analysis of the soil organic carbon as affected by tillage practices.
The energy consumed e.g., diesel in liters during crop production and transportation were
considered to obtain the AP. Eutrophication potential were determined by obtaining the nutrient
nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) applied, N and P available less corresponding crop uptake and by
multiplying with the eutrophication factor of 0.1 and 1 to determine the NO3 and PO4 [13] expressed
as kg (PO4)3- equivalent [14]. Pesticide application (active ingredient, volume and frequency of use) of
conventional farmers were considered to determine the human toxicity potential measured in kg of 1,4
Dichloro Benzene (DCB) equivalents [14].
Interpretation of results was done to effectively communicate the results of inventory and impact
assessment. Improvement options, recommendations, policy formulations in consideration with the
systems under study were covered.

Table 1. Formula used in determining the Global Warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential
(AP), Eutrophication Potential (EP) and Human Toxicity Potential (HTP) of conventional and organic
vegetable production systems in Tayabas, Quezon, Philippines.
Impact Categories Formula References
Global Warming Carbon dioxide emission (kg) = diesel used (L) * (2778 g [4, 12, 14]
Potential (GWP) carbon/3.74 L diesel) * 99 (CO2C-1)
Global Warming Potential of CO2= Emission of CO2 * GWP100
characterisation factor
Acidification SO2 kg-1 = L * (Density of Diesel, kg L-1) * (Sulphur content in [4, 12, 14-15]
Potential (AP) diesel, SO2/S)
L is the liters of diesel used
Density of diesel = 85g L-1
Sulphur content of diesel = 0.5% ~ 0.05
Atmospheric Acidification Potential of a substance = Emission of
the substance * Atmospheric Acidification Potency factor of a
Eutrophication Eutrophication factor of a substance = Emission of a substance * [4, 13-14, 16]
Potential (EP) Eutrophication potency factor of a substance

Human Toxicity Amt. of pesticides Applied (g) = = Active ingredient L-1 * Vol. of [4, 14]
Potential (HTP) pesticides used * Frequency of use
Human toxicity of a substance = ∑ {emission of the substance *
Human toxicity potency factor for the substance} air, water, agri-soil

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Study area
The study area is in Tayabas, Quezon in Luzon, Philippines. Tayabas is a land-locked municipality
geographically located at 140 50’ Latitude East-Southeast of Mt. Banahaw and positioned between 14 0
01’ 40.3” North Latitude and 1210 36’ 54.5” East Longitude [4]. The total land area of 23,095 ha is
politically subdivided into 66 barangays, 36 of which are classified as rural areas where major types of
vegetables are produced [4]. Agriculture, especially vegetable farming is an important livelihood
source in Tayabas. In 2015, a total of one hundred ten (110) conventional and organic vegetable
farming households were randomly surveyed and interviewed. Of the total farming household
interviewed, forty-six (46) vegetable farmers who are into monocropping and multi-cropping for both
conventional and organic vegetables were purposively selected as representative sample of this study.
Conventional vegetable farmers (15 farms) who are into monocropping planted bitter gourd
(Momordica charantia), string beans (Phaseolus lunatus), eggplant (Solanum melongena), spring

International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230 (2019) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/230/1/012007

onion (Allium sp.), chayote (Sechium edule), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), and pechay (Brassica
chinensis). Multi-cropping is practiced mostly through intercropping of two or more types of
vegetables as observed during the field visits. Intercropped vegetables commonly observed in
conventional farms (8 farms) are eggplant and bell pepper (Capsicum); bitter gourd and string beans;
pechay, spring onion and mustard (Brassica sinapis); and farmers also intercropped celery (Apium
graveolens), spinach (Spinacea oleracea) and mustard. Organic farmers cultivate crops that are
different from those of conventional farmers. During the interviews, organic farmers planted single
crop in the farm due mainly to scarcity of water. Organic farmers mostly rely on rainfall to irrigate
their farms. Common crops planted in organic farms (15 farms) are baguio beans (Phaseolus vulgaris),
lettuce (Lactuca sativa), squash (Cucurbita maxima), tomato, string beans, bitter gourd, eggplant and
intercropped crops in eight (8) organic farms are string beans and baguio beans; string beans, eggplant
and bitter gourd; cucumber, string beans, squash and tomato among others.

3.2. Life cycle inventory analysis (LCI)

Conventional and organic farms are both cleared manually. Since vegetable farms in Tayabas are
considered small-scale (90% of the respondents cultivate less than 0.5 ha), farmers mostly rely on
manual labors and tools e.g. bolo, rake, shovel during land preparation [4]. Some (20%) conventional
farmers apply herbicides to kill persistent weeds and to save on hired labors prior to clearing.
Additional land preparation step for conventional farmers is making their raised beds/plots to ensure
good drainage in between plots. Before planting, organic farmers apply vermicompost at about 190 g
(N, P, K) kg-1 of vegetables and animal manure at 123 g (N, P, K) kg-1 of vegetables. Farmers follow
standard seedling preparations e.g., direct seeding (string beans, bitter gourd, and squash) and
transplanted (pechay, mustard) and required spacing depending on the types of vegetables planted.
Management practices such as weeding, trellising (mostly for organic farmers), application of
inorganic fertilizers e.g. urea, complete at about 133 g N, P, K are the common practice especially for
conventional farmers. Harvesting and preparation e.g. washing, packaging of harvested vegetables
prior to marketing is done mostly in the field to immediately deliver it to the market. For organic
farmers, post–harvesting activities e.g. washing of vegetables, packaging using native biodegradable
materials, etc. are being done in their trading or bagsakan center in Tayabas proper. Harvested organic
vegetables (80%) are marketed mostly in Lucena and 20% are marketed in Sariaya, Quezon. Almost
90% of conventionally produced vegetables are being sold in Sariaya Quezon.

3.3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)

The calculated GWP, AP and HTP were all higher in conventional vegetable production systems. The
global warming potential contribution of conventional multi-cropping and mono-cropping are 4.1E-02
kg CO2-eq kg-1 and 3.69E-02 kg CO2-eq kg-1, respectively (Table 2). Organic multicrop has the lowest
GWP with 2.48E-02 kg CO2-eq kg-1 followed by organic monocrop (3.15E-02 kg CO2-eq kg-1).
Conventional farms have higher GWP than organic due to higher usage of fuel (diesel in Li) during
crop production, purchasing of inputs, and marketing. Organic farms are highly organized in terms of
marketing their produce because of the presence of a farmers’ organization which lessen fuel expenses
especially during marketing and hence, the lower GWP and AP of organic monocrop and multicrop.
Acidification is caused by release of acid gases, mostly from the burning of fossil fuels and has a
wide variety of impacts on soil, ground water, surface waters, and biological organisms among others
[12]. Acidification potential of conventional vegetables is 6.79E-03 g SO2 -eq kg-1 for multicrop and
1.83E-03 g SO2 -eq kg-1 for monocrop, which are higher than organic system with only 9.62E-04 g
SO2 -eq kg-1 for multicrop and 1.23E-03 g SO2 -eq kg-1 for monocrop. High acidification potential,
specifically for conventional multicrop system is attributed to lower yield than monocropping and
higher usage of fuel.

International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230 (2019) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/230/1/012007

Table 2. The computed impact categories of conventional and organic vegetable production systems
in Tayabas, Quezon, Philippines.
Conventional Organic
Impact Categories Units
Monocrop Multicrop Monocrop Multicrop
1) GWP kg CO2-eq kg-1 3.69E-02 4.10E-02 3.15E-02 2.48E-02
2) AP g SO2 -eq kg 1.83E-03 6.79E-03 1.23E-03 9.62E-04
3) EP 2.88E-01 2.04E+00 3.00E+00 2.84E+00
kg PO4 -eq kg-1
5.65E-02 1.27E+00 2.78E+00 5.41E-01
kg PO4 -eq kg-1
4) HTP g 1,4 DCB -eq kg-1 1.58E+05 6.06E+06

The nitrogen and phosphorus inputs, uptakes and yield of farmers are the parameters considered in
determining the eutrophication potential for both organic and conventional systems. Organic
monocrop has higher NO3 potential contribution with 3.00E+00 kg PO4 -eq kg-1, followed by organic
multicrop with 2.84E+00 kg PO4 -eq kg-1 (Figure 1). Highest PO4 was recorded in organic monocrop,
slightly higher than conventional multicrop. Conventional monocrop, on the other hand, has the lowest
PO4 among others with only 5.65E-02 kg PO4 -eq kg-1. Higher EP contribution for the organic system
is attributed to higher and repeated application of organic fertilizers e.g. compost, vermicompost and
animal manure every cropping season for more than 7 years and lower yield. The amount of nutrients
(nitrogen and phosphorus) tend to accumulate into the soil and is prone to natural losses [17] which
include leaching of soil nitrate to groundwater, excess nitrogen runoff and losses of nitrous oxide [4].

Figure 1. Eutrophication potential of monocrop and multicrop in conventional and organic vegetable
production systems in Tayabas, Quezon, Philippines.

Conventional vegetable system both monocrop and multicrop contributed to human toxicity
potential both in the air and soil compartments due to application of chemical pesticides e.g.
Methomyl (Lannate), Cypermethrin (Super M), Chlorpyriphos (Brodan) and Carbofuran (Furadan)
throughout the cropping season. The HTP for multicrop is 6.06E+06 g 1,4 DCB -eq kg-1, which is
higher than the monocrop with 1.58E+05 g 1,4 DCB -eq kg-1. Of the active ingredients used (Table 3).
Carbofuran has the highest potential HTP contribution with 6.00E+06 g 1,4 DCB -eq kg-1, followed by

International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230 (2019) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/230/1/012007

the combined HTP of Cypermethrin, both in monocrop and multicrop with 2.09E+06 g 1,4 DCB -eq

Table 3. Human toxicity emission in the soil and air compartments of the common
pesticides used in conventional monocrop and multicrop vegetable production
systems in Tayabas, Quezon, Philippines.
Human Toxicity Potential (HTP)
Active Ingredient Pesticides
Monocrop Multicrop
Methomyl Lannate 7.30E+01 6.28E+03
Cypermethrin SuperM 1.58E+05 5.14E+04
Chlorpyriphos Brodan 3.31E+01 1.50E+02
Carbofuran Furadan 6.00E+06

The conventional vegetable farmers apply chemical pesticides to control pests and diseases at a
faster rate. However, application of synthetic pesticides is alarming considering its possible impact in
destroying the balanced natural ecosystem and biodiversity [4]. Most of these chemical pesticides are
already banned, thus, proper interventions and policies to control the usage are deemed necessary. In
this study, organic farmers do not apply chemical pesticides, hence without computed HTP.

4. Conclusion
The challenge of feeding the increasing population must be attained but without further degradation of
non-renewable agricultural resources. Crop diversification is being encouraged because of its
documented advantages i.e., reduce pests, higher land use efficiency, increase crop production,
increase yield, etc. In the present study, obtaining optimum benefits of crop diversification and
reducing potential environmental burdens can be best achieved through the practice of organic
vegetable production system.

The author would like to express gratitude to the DOST-ASTHRDP-NSC and DA-BAR Thesis Grant
through OVCAA and UPLB Foundation Inc. for the financial support. The author would also like to
acknowledge the support of the UPLB Graduate School, UPLB College of Agriculture and Food
Science Agriculture Systems Cluster, City Agriculture Office of Tayabas, SAMA PO KATA members
and the Barangay officials and farmers in Brgys. Ibabang Bukal, Ilayang Bukal, Camaysa and Dapdap.


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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230 (2019) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/230/1/012007

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