2014 (Even) : Sem VI-G Prfs Stdy Entp Full Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 26

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M: \ Exam-2014 March \ temp \00601 \Type_Lekhraj\22-03-2014

M: \ Exam-2014 March \ Final \00601\Correction-II_Lekhraj\29-03-2014

M: \ Exam-2014 March \ Final \ 00601\Correction-III_Lekhraj\04-04-2014
M: \ Exam-2014 March \ Final \00601\Correction-IV_Lekhraj\06-05-2014

2014 (Even)

Time : 3 Hrs. Sem VI–G

Prfs Stdy Entp

Full Marks : 80
Pass Marks : 26

Answer all 20 questions from Group-A, each question carries 1 mark.

xzqi&A ls lHkh 20 iz'uksa ds mŸkj nsa] izR;sd iz'u dk eku 1 vad gSA

Answer any four questions from Group-B, each question carries 5 marks.

xzqi&B ls fdUgha pkj iz'uksa ds mŸkj nsa] izR;sd iz'u dk eku 5 vad gSA

Answer any four questions from Group-C, each question carries 10 marks.

xzqi&C ls fdUgha pkj iz'uksa ds mŸkj nsa] izR;sd iz'u dk eku 10 vad gSA

All parts of a question must be answered at one place

in sequence, otherwise they may not be evaluated.

,d iz'u ds lHkh va'kksa dk mŸkj ,d gh txg (yxkrkj ÿe esa) gksuk pkfg,]

vU;Fkk os ugha tk°ps tk ldrs gSaA

The figures in right hand margin indicate full marks.

ik'oZ ds vad iw.kk±d ds lwpd gSaA

00601 2


1. Select the most appropriate answer from the alternatives given

under :

uhps fn, x, oLrqfu"B iz'uksa dk lVhd mŸkj pqusa % 1×20=20

(i) Professional ethics is a type of :

(a) Guide lines

(b) General rules

(c) Moral rules

(d) Both (a) and (b).

is'kk vkn'kZ uhfr ,d izdkj ls gS %

(a) ekxZ n'kZu
(b) lkekU; ekun.M
(c) uSfrd fu;e
(d) (a) vkSj (b) nksuksaA

(ii) Duty is :

(a) Knowledge of rules

(b) Knowledge of thinking

(c) Expected action

(d) Duty.
3 00601

drZO; gS %

(a) vf/kfu;e dk Kku

(b) lksp&fopkj dk Kku

(c) visf{kr deZ

(d) drZO;A

(iii) Who is regarded as the father of “Scientific

Management” ?

(a) Urwick

(b) F. W. Taylor

(c) Heny Fayol

(d) Oliver Sheldon.

oSKkfud izcU/k ds tud dkSu ekus tkrs gSa\

(a) mfoZd

(b) ,Q- MCY;w- Vsyj

(c) gsujh Qs;ksy

(d) vksfyoj 'ksYMuA

00601 4

(iv) Management is :

(a) Pure Science

(b) Pure Art

(c) Science and Art both

(d) Applied Science

izcU/k gS %
(a) fo'kqº foKku (b) fo'kqº dyk
(c) foKku vkSj dyk nksuksa (d) iz;qDr foKku
(v) Management theory fails because :

(a) People are illiterate

(b) It is an art

(c) It lacks universal applicability

(d) None of these

izcU/k flºkUr vlQy gks tkrk gS] D;ksafd %

(a) yksx vf'kf{kr gSa

(b) ;g dyk gS

(c) bldh O;kogkfjdrk fo'otuhu ugha gS

(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA
5 00601

(vi) The code of conduct for managers is prepared by :

(a) Indian Institute of Management

(b) The Institute of Company Secretaries of India

(c) Bar Council of India

(d) None of these.

izcU/kdksa ds fy, vkpkj lafgrk dk fuekZ.k djrk gS %

(a) Hkkjrh; izcU/ku laLFkku

(b) Hkkjrh; dEiuh lfpo laLFkku

(c) ckj dksafly vkWQ bf.M;k

(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA

(vii) Democratic leadership is also known as :

(a) Directive leadership

(b) Consultative leadership

(c) Indecisive leadership

(d) None of these.

yksdrkfU=d usr`Ro dk nwljk uke gS %

(a) funsZ'kkRed usr`Ro (b) ijke'kZd usr`Ro

(c) vfu.kZ;kRed usr`Ro (d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA

00601 6

(viii) Motivation is an element of :

(a) Planning function

(b) Organising function

(c) Directing function

(d) Co-ordinating function.

vfHkizsj.kk ,d vo;o gS %

(a) fu;kstu Qyu dk

(b) laxBukRed Qyu dk

(c) funsZ'ku Qyu dk

(d) leUo;u Qyu dkA

(ix) A manager multiplies himself through :

(a) Co-ordination

(b) Delegation

(c) Co-operation

(d) None of these.

,d izcU/kd vius dks cgqfyr dj ysrk gS %

(a) leUo;u ls (b) izR;k;kstu ls

(c) lg;ksx ls (d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA

7 00601

(x) Work-force can not live on bread alone, he wants :

(a) better wages

(b) due-recognition
(c) better wages and due-recognition
(d) none of these.
ekuo 'kfDr flQZ Hkkstu ij gh fuHkZj ugha jg ldrh] mls
pkfg, %
(a) csgrj etnwjh
(b) mfpr lEeku
(c) csgrj etnwjh rFkk mfpr lEeku
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA
(xi) If we make people responsible without any power :
(a) It is heaven
(b) It is hell
(c) It is good
(d) It makes no difference
;fn ge fcuk 'kfDr fn, yksxksa dks mŸkjnk;h cukrs gSa rks %
(a) ;g vkuUnizn gS
(b) ;g ;kruk gS
(c) ;g vPNk gS

(d) blls dksbZ vUrj ugha iM+rk gSA

00601 8

(xii) As per Indian Partnership Act, 1932, the maximum

number of partners prescribed for doing a banking
business is :

(a) Seven

(b) Ten

(c) Twenty

(d) Fifty

Hkkjrh; lk>snkjh vf/kfu;e] 1932 ds vuqlkj cSafdax O;olk;

ds lapkyu ds fy, lk>snkjksa dh vf/kdre la[;k fu/kkZfjr dh
x;h gS %
(a) lkr
(b) nl
(c) chl
(d) ipkl
(xiii) Recruitment at factory gate is generally done is case
of :

(a) Unskilled labourers

(b) Skilled labourers

(c) Unskilled as well as skilled labourers

(d) None of these.

9 00601

lkekU;r;k dkj[kkus ds QkVd ij HkrhZ gksrh gS %

(a) vdq'ky Jfedksa dh

(b) dq'ky Jfedksa dh

(c) vdq'ky ,oa dq'ky Jfedksa dh

(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA

(xiv) When at least 51% shares are in the hands of

government, it is called :

(a) Private Company

(b) Public Company

(c) Government Company

(d) Government Limited Company.

tc ljdkj ds gkFk esa 51% va'k gksrs gSa rks mls dgk tkrk
gS %

(a) futh dEiuh

(b) lkoZtfud dEiuh

(c) ljdkjh dEiuh

(d) ljdkjh fyfeVsM dEiuhA

00601 10

(xv) Who introduced the term ‘Entrepreneur’ first in

Economics ?

(a) J. B. Say

(b) A. Marshall

(c) Richard Cantillon

(d) J. A. Schumpeter.

vFkZ'kkL= esa ^b.VjizU;ksj* 'kCn dk iz;ksx loZizFke fdlus fd;k\

(a) ts-ch- ls

(b) ,- ek'kZy

(c) fjpkMZ dS.VhykWu

(d) ts-,- 'kqEihVjA

(xvi) Which one of the following pair indicates the two basic
elements of Entrepreneurship ?

(a) Innovation and Motivation

(b) Innovation and Ibrill

(c) Innovation and Risk-bearing

(d) Innovation and Invention.

11 00601

fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ;qXe m|e'khyrk ds ekSfyd rRoksa

dks n'kkZrk gS \

(a) uo&izorZu ,oa vfHkizsj.kk

(b) uo&izorZu ,oa jksekap

(c) uo&izorZu ,oa tksf[ke

(d) uo&izorZu ,oa vkfo"dkjA

(xvii) Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)

was set up in the year :

(a) 1980

(b) 1989

(c) 1991

(d) 1985.

Hkkjrh; y?kq m|ksx fodkl cSad dh LFkkiuk gqbZ Fkh %

(a) 1980 esa

(b) 1989 esa

(c) 1991 esa

(d) 1985 esa

00601 12

(xviii) A project report is :

(a) List of machines

(b) List of contents

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Operating document

ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ gS %

(a) e'khuksa dh lwph

(b) fo"k; lwph

(c) (a) vkSj (b) nksuksa

(d) ifjpkyu izys[kA

(xix) A company director can be :

(a) A firm

(b) An individual

(c) Partner

(d) None of these

13 00601

dEiuh dk funsZ'kd gks ldrk gS %

(a) ,d QeZ

(b) ,d O;fDr

(c) lk>snkj

(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha

(xx) The liability of the members of a company is :

(a) Unlimited

(b) Limited

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

dEiuh ds lnL;ksa dk nkf;Ro gksrk gS %

(a) vlhfer

(b) lhfer

(c) (a) vkSj (b) nksuksa

(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA

00601 14


Answer any four of the following questions :

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha pkj iz'uksa ds mŸkj nhft, % 5×4=20

2. What is right and wrong ? Explain briefly

lgh vkSj xyr D;k gS \ la{ksi esa O;k[;k dhft,A 5

3. Define Joint Stock Company.

la;qDr iw°th dEiuh dh ifjHkk"kk dhft,A 5

4. State any five important health provisions of Factories

Act, 1948.

dkj[kkuk vf/kfu;e] 1948 ds LokLF; ls lEcfU/kr ik°p egRoiw.kZ

micUËkksa dk mYys[k dhft,A 5

5. Why are professional ehtics essential ? Explain briefly.

is'kk vkpkj uhfr D;ksa vko';d gS\ la{ksi esa O;k[;k dhft,A 5

6. Explain any five important contents of a project report.

ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ ds fdUgha ik°p egRoiw.kZ vUrfoZ"k;ksa dh O;k[;k

dhft,A 5
15 00601


Answer any four of the following questions :

fdUgha pkj iz'uksa ds mŸkj nhft, % 10×4=40

7. What is Professional Ethics ? Discuss six important objectives

of professional ethics.

is'kk vkpkj uhfr D;k gS \ is'kk vkpkj uhfr ds N% egRoiw.kZ mÌs';ksa

dh foospuk dhft,A 10

8. Define Motivation. Discuss in brief the importance of motivation

in an organisation.

vfHkizsj.kk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A laxBu esa vfHkizsj.kk ds egRo dh

la{ksi esa foospuk dhft,A 10

9. Define Supervisory Management. Discuss the role of a

technician in an organisation.

i;Zos{kdh; izcU/k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A laxBu esa ,d rduhf'k;u

dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft,A 10

10. What is Partnership ? Briefly discuss the important char-

acteristics of partnership.

lk>snkjh D;k gS \ la{ksi esa lk>snkjh dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk

dhft,A 10

00601 16

11. Who is an Entrepreneur ? Discuss important characteristics

of a successful entrepreneur.

m|eh dkSu gS \ ,d lQy m|eh dh egRoiw.kZ fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk

dhft,A 10

12. Discuss the main provisions of Consumer’s Protection

Act, 1986.

miHkksDrk laj{k.k vf/kfu;e] 1986 ds izeq[k micU/kksa dh foospuk dhft,A


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