Task 60:
The Progress of
Advanced Marine Fuels
Kim Winther Wei Anli Debbie Rosenblatt
DTI Denmark ESC of MVPA of MIIT ECCC Canada
October / 2023
Summary / Abstract
Significant progress has been made in recent years to adapt marine power systems to future low-
carbon and carbon free fuels. This report showcases international achievements and ongoing efforts
to adapt combustion engines to the fuels of the future.
The main fuels in focus currently are LNG, LPG, Methanol, Ammonia, Pyrolysis-oils, Bio-crudes, and
Marine engines are available as gasoline-type SI-engines up to ~10 MW, 4-stroke diesels up to ~20
MW and 2-stroke diesels up to ~80 MW.
The dominant engine technology for alternative fuel use is Dual Fuel Technology.
Dual Fuel engines with low pressure gas admission deliver environmental benefits due to low NOX
emissions compliant with IMO Tier III without aftertreatment. Any other engine type can be equipped
with SCR and/or EGR to enable compliant NOX emissions.
Sulfur emissions can be tackled with the new standard LSFO fuel, available since 2020, or with a
scrubber installation.
Particle emissions, especially Black Carbon emissions, are most effectively reduced using clean
burning fuels such as gas or alcohol. Scrubbers alone do not always solve this in full, and particulate
filters are not suitable for every engine.
CO2 emissions from engines are most effectively reduced with renewable Power-to-X-type fuels, or
advanced biofuels. On-board Carbon capture is a technology under investigation. Carbon Capture
can be combined with bio- or Power-to-X-fuels for maximum impact. Ammonia and hydrogen are
entirely carbon free fuels that do not emit CO2.
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 13
Marine engine technology ................................................................................................... 14
Marine engine applications .............................................................................................. 14
Specification of engines ................................................................................................... 14
2-stroke engines .............................................................................................................. 15
2-stroke Dual-fuel engines ........................................................................................... 15
2-stroke Dual-fuel engines with high-pressure injection................................................ 16
2-stroke Dual-fuel engines with low-pressure injection ................................................. 16
Low speed Dual-Fuel engines for large ships............................................................... 17
Future 2-stroke multifuel engines ................................................................................. 20
4-stroke marine engines .................................................................................................. 27
4-stroke Dual-fuel engines for LNG .............................................................................. 27
4-stroke LNG monofuel engines ................................................................................... 27
4-stroke engines for methanol ...................................................................................... 28
Fishing vessels and cargo ships in China ........................................................................ 28
Fishing Vessels ............................................................................................................ 28
Inland and Coastal Cargo Ships................................................................................... 29
Coastal Port and Inland Lake Port ............................................................................... 31
Inland Waterway .......................................................................................................... 31
Traffic Capacity, Comprehensive Passenger And Freight Capacity.............................. 32
Chemical Transport Capacity of Coastal Shipping ....................................................... 33
Chemical Transport Capacity of Inland Waterway Shipping ......................................... 33
Marine Fuel standard for China .................................................................................... 33
Emission Regulations in China..................................................................................... 34
Regulation of SOX and NOX from ships ............................................................................... 36
Environmental and health effects of sulfur and nitrogen dioxide ...................................... 36
Historical development in marine emission regulation ..................................................... 36
ECA zones ...................................................................................................................... 37
Sulfur regulation .............................................................................................................. 37
Fuel switch-over ........................................................................................................... 38
Carriage ban ................................................................................................................ 38
NOX regulation ................................................................................................................. 39
The North American NOX ECA ..................................................................................... 39
The North Sea and Baltic Sea NOX ECA ...................................................................... 40
Impact of the NOX and SOX regulations............................................................................... 41
Impact of the NOX regulation ........................................................................................... 41
Statistics for Tier III compliant 2-stroke engines ........................................................... 41
Tier II and Tier III mode operation ................................................................................ 42
Local regulations .......................................................................................................... 42
Impact of sulfur regulation ............................................................................................... 43
Fuel oil consumption change from 2019 to 2020 .......................................................... 43
Increased use of LNG as marine fuel .............................................................................. 44
Impact of particulate matter, soot, and Black Carbon regulation .......................................... 45
Regulation of particulate matter ....................................................................................... 45
EU stage regulation for Inland Waterways ................................................................... 45
US EPA regulation ....................................................................................................... 45
IMO regulation ............................................................................................................. 45
Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas regulation.......................................................... 46
FuelEU Maritime regulation .......................................................................................... 46
Solutions for NOX control..................................................................................................... 47
EGR – exhaust gas recirculation ..................................................................................... 47
SCR – Selective Catalytic Reduction ............................................................................... 47
Background.................................................................................................................. 47
Operating principle ....................................................................................................... 48
Efficiency ..................................................................................................................... 48
SCR on 2-stroke engines ............................................................................................. 48
SCR on 4-stroke engines ............................................................................................. 48
Ammonia bisulfate (ABS) formation ............................................................................. 49
Urea crystallization....................................................................................................... 49
Certification of SCR solutions....................................................................................... 50
International Association for Catalytic Control of Ship Emissions to Air ........................ 50
Solutions for sulfur control ................................................................................................... 51
SOx Scrubbers................................................................................................................. 51
Operating principles ..................................................................................................... 51
Efficiency against pollutants ......................................................................................... 52
Business case considerations for scrubbers ................................................................ 52
Economy of scrubber installation ................................................................................. 52
The development and adoption of scrubbers for ships ................................................. 54
The Progress of Advanced Marine Fuels page 4
Important milestones motivating new scrubber installations ......................................... 54
Use of scrubbers on different ship types .......................................................................... 55
Scrubber technologies in use ....................................................................................... 56
Scrubber market actors ................................................................................................ 57
Exhaust Gas Cleaning Association .............................................................................. 57
Black Carbon reduction ....................................................................................................... 58
Particulate filters for marine applications ............................................................................. 63
Particulate filter technologies ........................................................................................... 63
Ceramic wall flow filters................................................................................................ 63
Fiber filters ................................................................................................................... 63
Partial or open filters .................................................................................................... 63
Regeneration ................................................................................................................... 63
Fuel sulfur tolerance ........................................................................................................ 63
Ash accumulation ............................................................................................................ 64
Back pressure limitations ................................................................................................. 64
Particulate filters available for 4-stroke marine engines ................................................... 65
Operating experience with particulate filters on ships ...................................................... 65
Control of GHGs and other emissions simultaneously......................................................... 66
CO2 capture on board ships............................................................................................. 70
Advanced biofuels and LCA ................................................................................................ 71
Bio-intermediate Studies ................................................................................................. 72
Biodiesel Studies ............................................................................................................. 74
Modeling Support ............................................................................................................ 76
Life Cycle Analysis with the GREET Model ..................................................................... 76
Fuel options for short sea shipping...................................................................................... 79
Fuels and technologies investigated ................................................................................ 79
Technology readiness ..................................................................................................... 79
Long term tests................................................................................................................ 81
HVO ............................................................................................................................. 81
Methanol ...................................................................................................................... 81
Ethanol ........................................................................................................................ 81
LBG/CBG ..................................................................................................................... 81
Ammonia...................................................................................................................... 81
Hydrogen ..................................................................................................................... 81
Electricity ..................................................................................................................... 81
The Progress of Advanced Marine Fuels page 5
Costs ........................................................................................................................... 82
Effects and impacts ......................................................................................................... 82
Methanol in marine engines ................................................................................................ 84
2-stroke engine designs for methanol .............................................................................. 84
4-stroke engine designs for methanol .............................................................................. 84
Emissions from combustion of methanol ......................................................................... 85
Unregulated emissions from methanol ......................................................................... 85
Methanol powered ships .................................................................................................. 86
New 4-stroke design with low compression ..................................................................... 87
Methanol production, use and safety................................................................................... 88
AMF TCP Task 56 report in marine methanol .................................................................. 88
Production ....................................................................................................................... 88
Methanol infrastructure .................................................................................................... 89
Methanol engines for ships .............................................................................................. 89
Pollutants and climate emissions ..................................................................................... 90
Safety .............................................................................................................................. 91
Research projects ........................................................................................................... 91
Methanol and other alternatives for smaller ships ............................................................ 92
Application Technology of Methanol Fuel for Marine Power ......................................... 92
Application Technology of Methanol Fuel in Spark Ignition Engines ............................. 92
Diesel/Methanol Binary Combustion Technology ......................................................... 93
Characteristics of Diesel / Methanol Binary Fuel Combustion Mode............................. 93
Emission Control of Methanol / Diesel Dual Fuel Engine.............................................. 94
Methanol Fuel Cell........................................................................................................... 94
Online Hydrogen Production by Methanol Water Reforming ............................................ 96
Comparison between methanol fuel and other fuels used in ship power .......................... 96
Comparison of Application Technology Schemes ............................................................ 97
Exhaust Greenhouse Gas Comparison ........................................................................... 99
Fuel Safety Comparison .................................................................................................. 99
Comparison of Fuel Reserves for Building New Ships ................................................... 100
Comparison of Transformation Possibilities of Ships in Use .......................................... 101
Methanol Fuel Filling for Ship Power ............................................................................. 102
Refueling on River and Sea Surface .......................................................................... 102
Port Filling .................................................................................................................. 103
Marine Power Methanol Fuel Filling Equipment ......................................................... 103
The Progress of Advanced Marine Fuels page 6
Supply And Guarantee of Methanol Fuel for Ships ........................................................ 104
Volatilization Control And Supervision of Fuel Storage And Filling................................. 104
Progress Assessment Summary.................................................................................... 105
Comparison of Technical Solutions ............................................................................ 105
Comparison of Fuel Application ................................................................................. 107
Fuel Supply and Support Comparison........................................................................ 108
Adaptability Comparison ............................................................................................ 108
Suggestions and Prospects ....................................................................................... 109
Ammonia as fuel for marine engines .................................................................................. 111
Ammonia combustion properties ................................................................................... 111
Plans for ammonia powered ships ................................................................................. 111
Ammonia DF engines under development ..................................................................... 111
2-stroke ammonia engine development ......................................................................... 111
4-stroke ammonia engine development ......................................................................... 112
Emissions and exhaust after-treatment requirements for ammonia engines .................. 112
Emissions from fuel oil pilot combustion ..................................................................... 112
NOX and ammonia slip ............................................................................................... 112
Nitrous Oxide ............................................................................................................. 112
Ammonia as fuel for fuel cells ........................................................................................ 113
Emissions and after-treatment requirements with ammonia fuel cells ........................ 113
Ammonia combustion in a small 4-stroke diesel engine ................................................. 113
Ammonia in combustion engines ................................................................................... 113
The DTU CI engine setup .............................................................................................. 115
Results .......................................................................................................................... 116
Summary ................................................................................................................... 117
Ammonia for gasoline-type engines ............................................................................... 119
Hydrogen as a marine fuel ................................................................................................ 127
Hydrogen storage .......................................................................................................... 127
Onboard conversion of hydrogen from ammonia ........................................................... 127
Hydrogen as fuel for fuel cells ....................................................................................... 127
Hydrogen as fuel for combustion engines ...................................................................... 128
Emissions with hydrogen as fuel for combustion engines........................................... 128
Liquefied gases (LNG/LEG/LPG) as marine fuels ............................................................. 129
Definitions of liquid gases .............................................................................................. 129
Storage of liquid gases .................................................................................................. 129
The Progress of Advanced Marine Fuels page 7
Background for use of LNG in ships .............................................................................. 129
State of use ................................................................................................................... 130
Engine types.................................................................................................................. 130
LNG Ready and retrofitting for LNG DF ..................................................................... 130
LNG infrastructure ship types ........................................................................................ 131
LNG carriers .............................................................................................................. 131
LNG infrastructure vessels ......................................................................................... 131
Transport of LEG and LPG ........................................................................................ 131
Emissions and exhaust after-treatment requirements for DF gas engines. .................... 132
Tier III compliance...................................................................................................... 132
SOX compliance ......................................................................................................... 132
PM emissions ............................................................................................................ 132
Methane emissions .................................................................................................... 132
Battery electric propulsion systems ................................................................................... 134
Battery powered ships ................................................................................................... 134
References ....................................................................................................................... 136
These engines are exclusively used as main engines for propulsion on large vessels, with a
direct propeller drive through a fixed shaft. The shaft does not use gearing, so the propeller
turns at the same speed as the engine. Reversing is performed by stopping the engine and
then running it in the opposite direction. Most ships have a single centrally placed 2-stroke
engine, but some of the large container ships and most LNG carriers are equipped with
smaller twin engines and propellers.
The 2 -stroke operating principle means that the engine is burning fuel with every revolution
and scavenging the cylinder with fresh combustion air is performed while the piston is in
bottom position in the cylinder. This means that these engines provide constant high torque
at low operating speed, which is suitable for propulsion with large diameter propellers.
2-stroke Dual-fuel engines
2-stroke engines were originally designed for use only with fuel oil to be injected at high
pressure through multiple injectors into each cylinder. Due to increasing demands and
availability of new fuel types, the injection technology of those engines has now been further
developed to allow the use of alternative fuels, with natural gas (NG) being the most
common. Many of the existing engine models developed for diesel are therefore also now
available in Dual Fuel (DF) versions, and ships in operation can in some cases be retrofitted
for DF operation with NG.
LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) is the most common alternative to fuel oil. In 2023 it is used in
Figure 1 Status of LNG terminals availability 2020 (extracted from (SEA-LNG, 2022))
In this large two-stroke engine segment, two technological approaches have been brought to
the market by the two main players:
The ME-GI gas injection concept devised by MAN Energy Solutions (MAN-ES) was already
briefly introduced in the AMF Annex 41. Its main features consist in the diesel-type
combustion of gas jets, which are injected into the combustion chamber of each cylinder
around the end of the compression stroke, via dedicated gas injectors in a way similar to
typical diesel fuel sprays; however, applying lower injection pressures in the range of 150 to
315 bar, depending on engine load. Ignition of these gas jets is achieved by injecting a small
The Progress of Advanced Marine Fuels page 17
quantity of pilot fuel via the backup fuel system. The gas injector as the key element of this
technology as well as the working principle of the concept in general are shown for
illustration in Figure 2. Note that variants of the technology involving adjustments to the
specific applications have been realized with the ME-GIE variant, which is capable of
working with other gaseous fuels such as ethane and blends of LNG and VOC, and the
liquid gas injection (LGI) technologies, in which specifically tailored solutions exist for
liquified petroleum gas (LPG) and methanol, designated as ME-LGIP and ME-LGIM,
respectively. The ME-GI solution has already been rolled out to engine sizes ranging from
350 mm to 950 mm bore, whereas the GIE, LGIP and LGIM variants are still limited to only a
few engine sizes.
Figure 2 Illustration of the ME-GI working principle (left) and gas injector design (right) as key system feature
The second technical approach consists in engines operating according to the Otto process,
applying lean burn premixed combustion technology, as illustrated in Figure 3for the X-DF
concept developed by Winterthur Gas & Diesel (WinGD). This concept is based on the
admission of the gas to the cylinder, via gas admission valves located at about mid-stroke
position in the cylinder liners. The gas is fed to those valves at relatively low pressure (below
15 bar) and then mixes with the scavenge air during the compression stroke, until the
premixed charge is then ignited by means of hot jets emanating from (passive) pre-
chambers, into which small quantities of pilot fuel are injected via a dedicated pilot fuel
injection system. This concept has also proven to be applicable for blends of LNG and VOC.
It is available across the WinGD product size range, from 400 mm to 920 mm bore engines.
Recently, a largely similar approach has been developed by MAN-ES, specifically tailored for
the engine size applicable in the LNG carrier segment (700 mm bore), which is designated
as ME-GA.
These dual-fuel technology developments also form the basis for the establishment of
solutions for further fuels, specifically including carbon-reduced or even carbon-free and,
ideally, completely renewable ones. Both major engine developers have announced rather
ambitious plans to roll out methanol engine technology across the complete product range
and develop ammonia engine technology for implementation in first products within the next
three years.
The IMO GHG reduction strategy is based on the year 2008’s CO2 as 940 Mt of CO2 and the
same amount of GHG would be reduced by 2050 to achieve carbon neutrality. Due to this
radical strategy, a variety of low carbon fuels are now under consideration to replace current
heavy fuel oils. Since the strategy includes the existing ships and they are hard to be
modified to adopt lighter fuel, a huge fuel transition is anticipated for newly building ships,
and ammonia as well as hydrogen, which are called together as zero carbon fuel, are
spotlighted to have an important role in the upcoming transition.
During the fuel transition from traditional marine fuel to zero carbon fuel, a variety of low
carbon fuel including biofuel are to be investigated to meet short term regulation targets.
Figure 5 shows a forecast of the fuels by which HIMSEN engine is going to be fueled
according to the demand from stakeholders with regard to the marine fuel market.
The third player in this market, Japan Engine Corporation (J-ENG), who is providing engines
mainly for the Japanese domestic market and hence only accounts for a global market share
in the low single-digit percentage range, has also announced its intention to look into future
fuels. In contrast to the two main competitors, they intend to assess the feasibility of a
hydrogen fueled large two-stroke engine directly, in the context of a collaborative R&D
program with public funding (Japan Engine Corporation, 2021).
As an example of preparation for the fuel transitions, various low flash point fuel and
ammonia were investigated to replace diesel in the compression ignition engine. For the
experiments, 3L diesel engine was installed and gaseous fuels were supplied through
pressure control valve then into the intake manifold.
Figure 6 to Figure 8 show the combustion results from ammonia-CNG-diesel triple fuels.
Both ammonia and CNG was supplied via pressure control valve installed in the intake valve
and the fuels were supplied into the cylinder in the intake process with fresh air.
With increasing CNG portion, the triple fuel combustion showed better fuel consumptions but
slight increase in NOX emissions and CO2 emissions. However, unburned ammonia was
reduced with tolerable range and better fuel consumption as well.
Figure 6 Torque output and brake specific fuel consumption with ammonia-CNG-diesel triple fuel combustion at
full load condition.
Figure 8 Brake specific energy consumptions and thermal efficiencies from ammonia-CNG-diesel triple fuel
combustion at full load condition.
Over 24m 12(含)~24米
12-24m 12米以下
Below 12m
Inland fishing
Figure 18 Number of Chines fishing vessels applicated in marine and inland waterways
The navigation mileage of various levels of inland waterways are: 1,840 km of class I
waterway, 4,030 km of class II waterway, 8,514 km of class III waterway, 11195 km of class
IV waterway, 7,622 km of class V waterway, 17,168 km of class VI waterway and 16,901 km
of class VII waterway. The mileage of substandard channels is 60,400 km.
The navigation mileage of inland waterways in each water system is 64,736 kilometers in the
Yangtze River system, 16,775 kilometers in the Pearl River (including the Xijiang River
Basin), 3,533 kilometers in the Yellow River system, 8,211 kilometers in the Heilongjiang
river system, 1,438 kilometers in the Beijing Hangzhou canal, 1,973 kilometers in the
Minjiang River System, and 17,472 kilometers in the Huaihe River system.
In 2020, according to the port data, there were 22,142 wharf berths for production. Among
them, 5,461 berths were used for production in coastal ports; There are 16,681 berths for
inland port production.
At the end of the year, there were 2,592 berths of 10,000 tons or above in ports nationwide.
The Progress of Advanced Marine Fuels page 31
Among them, there were 2,138 berths of 10,000 tons or above in coastal ports; There are
454 berths of 10,000 tons or above in inland ports.
Table 4 number of berths of 10000 tons and above in ports in China
At the end of the year, there were 1371 specialized berths among the 10000 ton berths and
above in China; 592 general bulk cargo berths; 415 general cargo berths.
Table 5 composition of berths of 10000 DWT and above in China (by main purposes)
According to the medium and long-term development plan put forward by China, based on
the development goal of 2035, build and realize the " carbon neutralization and carbon peak"
development goal, ensure the market demand, and have an intelligent and modern inland
and coastal shipping system. Improve the capacity of inland shipping infrastructure,
transportation services, green development, safety supervision, etc., and improve the
navigation capacity of 1000 ton inland waterway. The promotion and application of low-
carbon clean energy and renewable methanol energy as well as the guaranteed capacity for
filling have been significantly improved.
Figure 21: Current and possible future ECA zones. Illustration by DNV GL
At the latest MEPC meeting (MEPC 78) it was officially proposed to assign the
Mediterranean Sea as a new SOX ECA zone. The proposal will now be considered by the
IMO member countries, and if accepted at the upcoming MEPC 79, the new SOX ECA zone
can be effective from 2025.
Sulfur regulation
Starting from 2005, emission Control Areas (ECAs) were established along the North
American and Caribbean Sea coastlines, in the Baltic Sea and part of the North Sea. Since
2015, emissions of sulfur dioxide must correspond to fuel with 0.1 % sulfur or less within
these zones. From 2020, ships operating globally (outside the zones) must now also operate
with fuel oil containing no more than 0.5 % sulfur.
The limit for fuel sulfur content in the SOX ECA zones and globally has been regulated by
MARPOL 73/78 Annex 6, beginning from year 2000.
The Progress of Advanced Marine Fuels page 37
All ships are required to comply with the fuel sulfur regulation, either by using compliant fuel
or by removing the sulfur dioxide from the exhaust to a level equal to or less than that
resulting from use of compliant fuel.
The latest regulation steps are:
In 2015, the ECA limit was lowered from 1.0 % fuel sulfur to 0.1 % fuel sulfur in ECA
zones. Fuel meeting this specification can be distillate fuel quality, but as such no
requirements are made to the fuel other than the sulfur content.
In 2020, the global limit was lowered from 3.5 % to 0.5 %. This limit was enforced
after a long process in making sure that the demand for this fuel specification could
be met. In general, fuel of this quality is heavy fuel oil which has been desulfurized,
and often mixed with higher fuel qualities to further lower the sulfur content to the
The development in the allowable fuel sulfur content in global waters and in the designated
ECA zones is illustrated in Figure 22.
Figure 22: Sulfur limit in global waters and ECA zones. Illustration from
Fuel switch-over
The difference in fuel sulfur limits between global waters and ECA zones means that many
ships operating in both ECA zones and global waters will carry fuels with both 0.5 % and 0.1
% sulfur. When a ship enters or leaves the ECA zone, the fuel type can be switched to be
complaint in the ECA zone. This is a standard procedure on ships operating on more than
one type of fuel oil. The switchover must be completed in due time to ensure that residual
fuel with high sulfur content is consumed before entering the SOX ECA.
Carriage ban
To make it more difficult for ships not retrofitted with scrubbers in continuing with operation
on fuel oil with high fuel sulfur content, IMO has made an amendment to regulation Annex 6,
which implements a carriage ban for non-compliant fuels on ships without scrubbers. The
carriage ban entered into force on of March 2020 (IMO, 2020), two months after the new
regulation limiting the fuel sulfur content to 0.5 %.
The carriage ban mainly supports the authorities in enforcing the fuel sulfur regulation, which
The Progress of Advanced Marine Fuels page 38
is done by routine inspections to extract fuel oil samples, which are analyzed for fuel sulfur
content. These inspections are often performed on suspected cases, where drone
inspections with chemical sensors or other remote sensing technologies have indicated
higher than normal levels of sulfur dioxide in the exhaust plume of a given ship.
A similar carriage ban for HFO in arctic zones will be enforced from 2024, to reduce the
black carbon pollution in these sensitive regions. Black carbon emitted from ships is believed
to be a major contributor to the reduction of the light reflection (albedo effect) on permanent
ice covers, which accelerates the melting of these ice covers as the ice absorbs more heat
from the sun rather than reflecting it.
NOX regulation
NOX is regulated through the MARPOL 1973/1978 convention Annex VI: Prevention of Air
Pollution from Ships.
The regulation has been made in three steps, known as Tiers, implemented from the
beginning of 2000. Tier I applies to ships built from the year 2000 to 2011. From 2008, the
regulation was furthermore applied to engines on ships built between 1990 and 2000, with
more than 90 L of displacement per cylinder and more than 5 MW output, subject to
availability of approved engine upgrade kits. Tier II applies to new ships built from 2011,
operating in global waters. This emission limit could be reached with improved engine
technology and combustion optimization. Tier III applies to new ships operating within the
designated ECA zones, with implementation dates as described below.
For the ECA zones in North America and US Caribbean Sea, IMO Tier III entered
into force on January, 2016, for ships keel laid after this date.
For the ECA zones in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, IMO Tier III entered into
force on January, 2021, for ships keel laid after this date.
Figure 23: NOx emission limit for Tier I, II and III. Illustration from
Figure 25: 2-stroke Tier III engine fuel design deliveries by year
Allowed fuel oil sulfur content (% m/m) Ratio emission SO2 (ppm)/CO2 (% v/v)
0.5 21.7
0.1 4.3
Operating principles
Marine scrubbers are in many cases constructed with vertical spray towers, in which the
exhaust gas passes through a spray of droplets that absorb and react with the SO2. Other
types exist, but the spray tower is the dominating type.
Open loop scrubbers use sea water to wash out the SO2 from the exhaust gas. After passing
through the scrubber, the sea water is diluted with fresh seawater to comply with the IMO
regulation for pollutant concentration in wastewater, before being discharged back to the
sea. The discharge water is however generally believed to be harmful to sensitive
ecosystems such as in near coastal waters and near harbors, which means that many states
have banned the use of open loop scrubbers in their territorial waters. Closed loop scrubbers
must instead be used.
Closed loop scrubbers utilize seawater with alkaline additives to reduce the SO2 in the
exhaust, by proper adjustment of process water alkalinity. The additives may be sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) or magnesium hydroxide (MgOH). The closed loop scrubber system
continuously filtrates the process water to separate the sludge, which is held onboard for
Figure 29: Business case for a 20 MW scrubber. Y-axis shows accumulated operating costs. Source: (DNV-GL ,
The size of the ship (in terms of installed engine power) is also important. In general, large
scrubber installations will provide larger savings, while small installations may be less
feasible in terms of payback time. Figure 30 shows how DNV-GL has estimated
accumulated 5-year costs for three installation sizes, with a fuel price spread of 200 USD.
Despite the fuel price spread uncertainty, it clearly illustrates the potential fuel savings for
large installations. It also illustrates that the installation expenses are much higher than the
operational expenses.
Figure 30: Accumulated costs calculated for different scrubber sizes assuming a 200 USD fuel price spread.
Source: (DNV-GL , 2018)
Total number of ships operating with scrubbers. From 2022 confirmed orders
are included
1000 740
242 312 387
38 106
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Figure 32: Development in total number of ships with scrubbers since 2013. Data from (DNV Veracity, 2022)
Total number Main Main
engine Percent of
of ships engine engine Ships with
Ship type 10 < P ships with
above 5000 P < 10 P > 40 scrubbers
< 40 scrubbers
General cargo ships 3,229 3,085 167 0 113 3%
Vehicle Carriers 761 87 674 0 54 7%
Liquified Gas tankers 1,495 518 942 35 118 8%
Bulk carriers 11,891 8,727 3,162 1 1,642 14%
Oil/chemical product tankers 3,802 3,575 227 0 574 15%
Ro-Ro cargo ships 1,265 274 985 6 195 15%
Container ships 5,287 1,144 2,391 1,752 1,023 19%
Crude oil tankers 2,945 158 2,787 0 682 23%
Passenger Cruise ships 344 60 108 176 218 63%
Total numbers 31,019 17,628 11,443 1,970 4,619
The engine size categorization further serves to illustrate the general size distribution of
ships with respect to propulsion power. Only very large container ships, LNG carriers and
large cruise ships have more than 40 MW of propulsion power installed, and about half of all
ships above 5000 GT have less than 10 MW of main engine power.
Cruise ships have a very high installation percentage compared to all other categories. This
is likely due partly to the increased awareness of the health issues related to exposure to
particulate matter, which has been in focus by researchers (Ryan Kennedy) and highlighted
in various media since around 2019. Cruise ships are one of the few cases where fuel cost
does not dominate the operational cost, since they generally carry a very large crew for
supporting and serving passengers, often around 1 crew member per 2-4 passengers. The
incentive for using scrubbers is therefore likely that operation with scrubbers improves the air
quality for the passengers by removing a large share of the particulate matter pollution and
reduce visible black smoke. Avoiding pollution in sensitive areas is likely also of great
importance. Considering the engine power and fuel consumption of these ships, fuel cost
savings are however also considerable, as many of the cruise ships will spend much time in
either the North American or EU ECA zones.
Scrubber technologies in use
The DNV AFI provides a simple statistic for the type distribution of scrubbers, which includes
both operational and ordered scrubbers until 2024. Table 11 summarizes this statistic.
Table 11: Scrubber types in operation and ordered until year 2024.
Figure 33 Comparison of Black Carbon data with emission factors from 2-stroke engines with residual fuel
Figure 34 Comparison of Black Carbon data with emission factors from 2-stroke engines with distillate fuel
Figure 36 Comparison of Black Carbon data with emission factors from 4-stroke engines with distillate fuel
Figure 15 shows BC emissions increased after the scrubber (along with total PM) (Johnson
et al 2018) It is suggested that the increase in sulfate species may be a result of a gas-to-
particle conversion in the exhaust, but no explanation is offered for increases in BC. Johnson
et al’s (2016) data for the 2-stroke main engine data show an elevated value at 28% load
(Figure 16), for which there was no explanation available, other than the vessel owner’s
comment that the 28% load point is not utilized in cruising except when switching between
VSR (9% load) and regular steaming (57% load). The data have been presented in triplicate
values to highlight the unexpected behaviour. Johnson et al’s (2019) data for the 4-stroke
auxiliary engine with MGO (384.4 ppm S) are noticeably higher (Figure 18) than the
emission factor best estimate, in contrast to the data from the same engine with ULSFO
(893.4 ppm S) in Figure 17.
Figure 37 The global fleet includes over 128,000 IMO-registered vessels with engines of many sizes.
A small number of large ships consume over 70% of marine fuels and emit the majority of global ship emissions.
These ships typically have 2-stroke slow-speed diesel engines larger than 20 MW. Medium-speed diesel (MSD)
4-stroke engines consume 19% of marine fuels globally.
The carbon-neutrality of fuels depends on their GHG emissions, including carbon dioxide
(CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide emissions (N2O). Non-gaseous black carbon (BC)
emissions also have high global warming potential (GWP). Carbon-neutral fuels produced
from biomass, waste or renewable hydrogen and captured CO2 have the potential to
substantially contribute on reducing ship emissions. Hydrogen gas technologies, batteries
and ammonia options are not currently available for large ships and their feasibility will be
Fuel technologies are of the primary importance, when dealing with GHG emissions from
shipping, since the demand for energy in the maritime sector is expected to remain at
approximately 310 Mtoe in 2050 despite of substantial energy efficiency improvements
achievable by e.g. design, waste heat recovery, alternative maritime routes, regional trade,
and shifts to rail cargo. Biofuels could be increasingly directed to shipping and aviation as
road-transport switches to batteries. However, the quantity of compliant fuels may fall when
they have to meet stringent criteria, such as RED II. This makes renewable hydrogen-based
Figure 38 Hydrogen pathways for ICE include fuels compatible with common diesel and gas engines : hydrogen-
based e-fuels as drop-in.
Demand for carbon-neutral fuels is high due to existing and future emission
regulations and zero emission targets. This is especially true for products resembling
current fossil marine fuels (diesel, LNG or methanol) that are compatible with proven
technologies as “drop-in” fuels. Combining carbon-neutral drop-in fuels with efficient
emission control technologies would enable (near-)zero-emission shipping and could be
adaptable in the short- to mid-term. Methane, methanol, diesel-type molecules are all
acceptable if they are carbon-neutral and meet sustainability criteria. Hydrogen-based e-
fuels could become important building blocks in the transport sectors where other forms of
electrification are difficult. E-fuels could also act as renewable grid storage, thus accelerating
the transition to renewables. However, the viability and production of carbon-neutral raw
materials are limited in the short term, and fossil fuels may be used for longer than desired,
which makes carbon capture on-board ship an interesting option.
The need to remove harmful emissions is emphasized. Emissions that are harmful to
health or the environment must be removed by means of fuel, engine or exhaust after-
treatment technologies. Harmful emissions include nitrogen oxides (NOX) and sulfur oxides
(SOX), which are regulated at this time, as well as emissions likely to be regulated soon.
These are black carbon (BC) and methane emissions (Figure 39). Other harmful emissions
are ammonia (NH3), formaldehyde, particle mass (PM) and number emissions (PN). Black
carbon emission (Figure 40) contributes to global warming and adversely affects health and
the environment. The IMO has been studying the impact of BC emissions from international
shipping in the Arctic since 2011. Reducing emissions may involve modifying the fuel,
engine (or both), or adapting the exhaust after-treatment technology.
a) BC emissions from marine engines using different fuels and exhaust gas treatment technologies with MSD and
SSD engines at engine loads equal or above 40% MCR. b) Relationship between BC emissions and engine load
for four marine engines with maximum continuous power of 54.84 MW 94 1/min Miller et al. 68.5 MW, 97 1/min
Khan et al. 6.7 MW 512 1/min Gysel et al. and 15.5 MW 88 1/min Zhao et al. All engines were operating with high
sulfur residual fuel except in Gysel et al. with low sulfur (0.009%) residual fuel. (see references from Aakko-
Saksa et al. 2023 (Aakko-Saksa, P. T., Lehtoranta, K., Kuittinen, N., Järvinen, A., Jalkanen, J.-P., Johnson, K.,
Jung, H., Ntziachristos, L., Gagné, S., Takahashi, C., Karjalainen, P., Rönkkö, T., and Timonen, H., 2023)).
Substantial investments are needed to introduce carbon-neutral fuels, but they will also
provide savings by reducing the costs to society caused by harmful emissions. This justifies
support mechanisms and investing in clean technologies. The benefits of carbon-neutral
fuels include lower external costs, and the fact that drop-in fuels do not require new
infrastructure for transport and delivery. Calculations indicate that the emissions from 260
Mtoe of residual marine fuel cause external costs of 433 billion euros annually. Those costs
could be avoided by using modern marine engines, carbon-neutral fuels and the best
exhaust after-treatment options. The external costs are probably underestimated when
considering the recent natural disasters caused by climate change. Marine fuel choices are
driven also by non-technical aspects, such as public acceptance, fuel availability and prices.
Hence, evaluations and solid evidence are needed to guide decision-making towards the
best choices for the future.
No clear “winning” fuel was found in an evaluation of the three e-fuels (e-methane, e-
methanol and e-Diesel) with fossil fuels and hydrogen/batteries as references (Table 1). The
three options had equal scores for reducing emissions, although scores accumulated from
different aspects. All these e-fuels, or respective biofuels, can be used in existing engines if
carbon-neutral fuel production volumes increase.
Table 12 Evaluation of impacts of assumed carbon-neutral e-methane, e-methanol and e-diesel as marine fuels
with fossil and long-term references.
HS 0a 0a -- b --c -- -6
LS +d 0a -b -c -- -3
e-Diesel ++d 0a 0a 0 + +3
Ammonia * * * * * *
Available: scrubber, SCR. DPF for sulfur-free fuels = 0
Developing: methane slip control, particulate filter, ESP. = -1,-2
PAHs, heavy metals, formaldehyde, methane, infra need = -1, -2
d Low emission without exhaust aftertreatment =+1,+2
Biofuels, depending on the production process, may resemble respective e-fuels in terms of their environmental impacts.
LS = sulfur content (S) <0.1%, HS = sulfur content >0.1%
*Not available at the time of writing. Notably, ammonia as fuel is not expected to emit SOX, whereas e.g. N2O (a strong
GHG) may be emitted.
Figure 42 Bio-intermediate production schematic via fast pyrolysis and hydrothermal liquefaction.
The key technical concerns associated with biofuels are their compatibility with the existing
infrastructure, combustion behavior, and blend stability.
Figure 43 Blend stability test results for CFP-based bio-oil and HTL-based bio-crude.
Another important property is viscosity. It is important that the viscosity (or resistance to
flow) of a biofuel must not be greater than the viscosity of HFO, since the fuel delivery
system (especially the pumps) is designed to handle and inject HFO into the engine. Any
viscosity increase of the fuel inside of the storage tanks or heated lines may cause
compositional segregation and pumping difficulties. Of particular concern is the possibility of
polymerization of CFP bio-oils, which are known to polymerize at temperatures greater than
60°C. The viscosity as a function of temperature was determined for bio-oils and bio-crudes
as function of blend level with VLSFO. These measurements were conducted at 50°C and
90°C, which correspond to the temperatures inside the fuel storage tanks and downstream
piping lines, respectively. The graphs in Figure 44 show the viscosity results at 25°C for
CFP bio-oils and HTL bio-crudes. These curves show that the viscosity of the blend is
reduced dramatically by small additions of CFP bio-oils and noticeable reductions occur with
the HTL bio-crudes. These findings are significant since they indicate that the heating
requirements to achieve proper viscosity of VLSFO are reduced with the two bio-
intermediates. As a result, the energy needs are reduced and, thus, overall system
efficiency is improved.
The corrosion rate was also assessed for both CFP oils and HTL bio-crudes. HTL bio-crude
results (while not presented here) showed that they were not corrosive to most steel grades.
However, CFP bio-oils typically have high total acid numbers and the one used in this study
was 112 mgKOH/g. In a recent study, ORNL evaluated the corrosion rate of a carbon steel,
a Cr-Mo steel, and three stainless steel grades. These metals were exposed for 500 hours
at 50°C in blends containing up to 50% bio-oil and 100% bio-oil. Both unstressed and
stressed coupons were evaluated. The results are shown in Table 13. As seen in the table
the corrosion rates are negligible for the fuel blends even at 50%. In contrast, the neat bio-
oil caused significant corrosion in all of the metals except for the 304L and 316L stainless
steels. The implication is that bio-oil blends up to 50% will not aggressively corrode fuel
system metals.
Table 13 Corrosion rate determinations for five steel grades as a function of bio-oil blend level in heavy fuel oil for
500 hours at 50°C.
The combustion quality of these fuels was evaluated using the estimated cetane number
(ECN) test for blends containing up to 15% of CFP bio-oil and up to 5% for both raw and
upgraded HTL bio-crude. Higher blends were not possible due to limited sample quantity.
The results are shown in Figure 45; ECN values higher than 17 are considered acceptable.
The result show that the ECN values for the CFP bio-oil decreased with increased blend
level, but acceptable combustion quality was achieved for blends containing up to 10% bio-
oil. The ECN values for the HTL bio-crudes were also found to be acceptable. These tests
have shown that both pyrolysis oils and HTL bio-crudes show promise as a marine fuel.
Biodiesel Studies
ORNL also investigated biodiesel blends for their efficacy as marine fuels. As shown in
Figure 46, biodiesel (when added at levels up to 25 wt%) showed excellent stability with
VLSFO. In addition, as can be seen in Figure 47-Figure 48 both the lubricity (wear scar
diameter) and viscosity of VLSFO were improved substantially with small additions of
biodiesel. The addition of biodiesel was also shown to improve the combustion quality of
VLSFO as can be seen by the increase in ECN with content in Figure 49. It is important to
note that biodiesel and its blends with heavy fuel oil have been successfully demonstrated
on cargo vessels and cruise ships.
Figure 46 ASTM 4740 test results for biodiesel blends with VLSFO.
Modeling Support
ORNL has established a digital-twin of a down-scaled, single cylinder, two-stroke crosshead
research engine. A model was developed for biodiesel and a surrogate bio-oil based on
available literature. A key feature was the development of a reduced chemical kinetic
mechanism for simulating bio-oil combustion. The model was validated against existing data
with diesel fuel. This model retains a large number of chemical species for accurate
predictions, including NOX emissions and the formation of soot precursors. There was
excellent agreement between the model and engine performance when operating on ULSD
fuel, especially for predicting NOX emissions.
Life Cycle Analysis with the GREET Model
Argonne National Laboratory has been conducting life-cycle analysis (LCA) studies to
assess the environmental impact of GHG emissions from the marine sector, including
biofuels. These studies have included both inland and transoceanic shipping. The fuel
chemistries evaluated in this effort are shown in Figure 50. They include petroleum-derived
fuels such a heavy fuel oil (HFO), marine distillate oil (MDO), marine gas oil (MGO), liquified
natural gas (LNG), methanol (MeOH), Fischer-Tropsch diesels (FTD) and ammonia.
Biomass-derived fuels are straight vegetable oil (SVO), bio-oil, FTD, biodiesel (BD),
renewable diesel (RD), and biomass derived methanol. Other renewable fuels include e-
fuels and biomass-derived ammonia.
An example of life cycle GHG and SOX emissions are shown in Figure 51 along with
production pathways. Here it can be seen that significant life cycle GHG reductions can be
achieved via biofuels (especially with HTL bio-crudes and bio-oils). Less promising pathways
are Fischer-Tropsch fuels derived from biomass and natural gas blending feedstocks. For
the estimated reduction of CO2 and SOX for biofuels, the abatement costs were under
$200/tCO2-eq. This value can be competitive, even when the price of heavy fuel oil is low.
In this analysis, biomass-derived fuels outperform those from mixed biomass-fossil
feedstocks. When the predicted minimum fuel selling price (MFSP) is plotted against the
GHG results (see Figure 52), biomass and waste-based fuels show the best combination of
low MFSP and GHG emissions. These are the fuels of most interest in the near term for the
marine biofuel feasibility study being conducted at the four DOE national labs.
Figure 51 Life cycle GHG and SOX estimates for baseline petroleum fuels and biofuels.
In summary, regulations are driving the deployment of low-carbon and low-sulfur fuels.
Alternative fuels must meet decarbonization targets and the increasingly stringent
environmental standards on SOX, NOX, and other environmental pollutant categories. As
can be seen, the transition to alternative marine fuels is highly complex, requiring a global
outlook and coordination across the value-chain including engine manufacturers, fuel
suppliers, ship owners and operators. LCAs are critical for guiding the sustainability of the
maritime sector.
Furthermore, emissions to air were studied and showed no or lower air emission than the
use of Diesel or MGO.
The energy efficiency was also studied for the different technologies and coupled with fuel
efficiency. The fuel cost and energy cost adjusted for technology efficiency was calculated.
Table 15 Current fuel price range
Three different engine sizes were used to work gradually toward the end goal of 2 MW.
HFO/diesel Reference 0 0 0 0 - -
See next section “Methanol and other alternatives for smaller ships” (China)
The large ships using methanol in dual-fuel engines, the Stena Germanica and the
Waterfront shipping chemical tankers, have undergone safety assessments prior to approval
and to date have been operating safely. International regulations for use of methanol as a
ship fuel are under development at the IMO, and classification societies have developed
tentative or provisions rules. These international regulations provide guidance for good
practice for handling methanol as a marine fuel also in smaller vessels. (Ellis et al., 2018).
For small vessels some requirements applicable for large ships are not suitable, e.g. some
automation requirements. However, less special arrangements are necessary for methanol
use in smaller vessels than in larger ships. Practically, requirements would be very similar to
those for gasoline. (Ellis et al., 2018).
Research projects
Some examples of the marine methanol projects are as follows:
MethaShip – renewable methanol a ‘long-term solution’ for emissions reduction
LeanShips – Low Energy and Near to Zero Emissions Ships
SUMMETH – Sustainable Marine Methanol
UP-TO-ME – Unmanned-Power-to-Methanol-production
There are also activities and research projects on methanol use in fuel cells.
250 204 650 465 585 630
combustion point /℃
(a) PFI-SI Methanol (b) DI-SI Methanol direct (c) DMDF Binary fuel (d) HPDF Double jet
premixed ignition injection ignition combustion ignition
Biodiesel is a kind of biomass energy, which contains 77% carbon, 12% hydrogen and 11%
oxygen, as well as trace sulfur and nitrogen. The main combustion component is fatty acid
methyl ester. Biodiesel can be made from oil crops, aquatic plants, animal fats, waste
cooking oil, etc. The research shows that the performance of biodiesel is close to that of
petrochemical diesel. The industry has carried out a series of on-board tests around the
application of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and hydrogenated vegetable oil fuel (HVO).
Fame can only be mixed with diesel in internal combustion engines at present, and the
mixing proportion should not exceed 7%. HVO is similar to MgO in composition and physical
and chemical properties and can be directly used in internal combustion engines without
Hydrogen diesel dual fuel internal combustion engine has been studied on small passenger
ships. Hydrogen diesel dual fuel medium speed engine is currently in the research and
development stage, and the industry is targeting hydrogen fuel high-pressure injection;
Increase ignition energy; For possible detonation caused by fast flame propagation; The
combustion temperature is too high; Carry out key basic research and engineering
application key technology research on a series of issues such as NOX emission control.
The research and development of ammonia fueled internal combustion engine is in
progress, focusing on a series of problems such as high spontaneous combustion
temperature, slow flame propagation speed, narrow flammability limit range, high gasification
latent heat, emission control (especially N2O) and conversion device stability. In terms of
ammonia fuel engine technology, a scientific research team has carried out research on a
variety of combined combustion technologies, such as airway low-pressure injection,
cylinder high-pressure injection, precombustion chamber ignition, cylinder diesel ignition, etc.
Concentration in water,at which half the
population died within specified test duration
Use the original fuel tank Add fuel tank Add special storage tank
Methanol √ √
Biodiesel √
Hydrogen √
Ammonia √
Note: The selection of liquid fuel at normal temperature and pressure is the lowest cost
scheme for ship transformation.
For the application of low-carbon clean fuel in ship power, in addition to the above technical
scheme and convenience, the total amount of fuel, transportation and distribution guarantee,
supply and other factors should also be considered.
Based on the data obtained in this research report, the application of low-carbon clean fuels
in ship power, whether in ship reconstruction or new ship manufacturing, should be the first
choice according to the two dimensions of total fuel volume and supply, which can achieve
"carbon neutrality" and sustainable development. As the mainstream fuel of future ship
power, methanol has won the consensus of the industry.
Methanol Fuel Filling for Ship Power
In view of the properties of methanol fuel as a liquid at normal temperature and pressure, the
filling of methanol fuel for ship power can be carried out in full accordance with the current
liquid fuel filling specifications.
Refueling on River and Sea Surface
According to the requirements of national maritime regulations, the power fuel filling of river
and sea surface ships is divided into two filling modes: service area barge filling and mobile
Fill with mobile filling ship. The fuel filling ships on the river and sea surface determine the
tonnage plan of fuel to be filled and the coordinates of berthing anchorage through
telecommunication inquiry. The fuel filling service area applies for a maritime operation
permit 24 hours in advance. After obtaining the maritime administrative permit, the
dangerous goods mobile refueling ships are arranged to carry the fuel to the predetermined
coordinate anchorage, and after the professional companies (approved and designated by
the maritime department) take leakage prevention measures, The filling operation shall be
carried out by the staff of the mobile filling ship according to the standard process of
dangerous goods handover.
Item Applicable
Technology Maturity Application Examples Note
Scheme Engine Type
Adaptability Comparison
Table 27 Comparison of alternative fuel applicability for Chinese ships
The engine tests were performed with a BUKH DV 24 ME, a 2-cylinder compression-ignited
diesel engine with a total displacement volume of 964 cc , a compression ratio of 18 and a
maximum power of 17.6 kW from the factory. One cylinder was unchanged and thus
operated normally with diesel, while the test-cylinder operated on ammonia as described
here. Having a normally operating diesel-cylinder was useful for both motoring purposes,
engine start-up and for altering fuel injection in the test cylinder without unstable operation.
For the test cylinder, gaseous ammonia was aspirated into the intake manifold, and n-
heptane was injected directly into the cylinder as a pilot fuel to ignite the ammonia-air
mixture. n-heptane start of injection (SOI) was 20 CAD BTDC (Crank Angle Degrees Before
Top Dead Center) (except when stated otherwise). Earlier SOI – eg. 100-50 CAD BTDC –
would result in HCCI-like operation, which was not the purpose of these experiments. As the
test engine was not equipped with a common rail system, the n-heptane was pressurized by
liquid nitrogen. Due to limitations on the fuel pump, a max. pressure of 120 bars was used.
Emissions of certain species (CO, CO2, NH3, NO and N2O) were measured using Fourier
Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) measurement. An illustration of the test engine setup is shown in
Figure 64.
Pressure data was obtained by means of a pressure sensor located as illustrated in the
experimental cylinder. The rate of heat release (QHR) was then calculated from the pressure
data the usual way, derived from the first law of thermodynamics:
(γ, p, V, θ = isentropic heat capacity ratio, pressure, volume, crank angle degree)
Figure 65 shows the rate of heat release observed when increasing the ammonia energy
share from 80% to 98,5% with a constant overall λ = 1,1 (excess air ratio), by decreasing the
pilot fuel flow and increasing the ammonia flow. It was chosen to keep the global λ and Start
Of Injection (SOI) constant, and consequently allow some variation in IMEP (Indicated Mean
Effective Pressure) with changing energy contributions, because the purpose of the study
was investigating the ignition and combustion processes. For engine concept feasibility the
IMEP should be constant while using maximum brake torque SOI. The value of λ = 1,1 was
chosen from initial studies showing high indicated efficiencies at this value. The high
ammonia-energy was possible by using a GDI nozzle and using n-heptane as the pilot fuel,
since this has low viscosity and high cetane number
With 80 % ammonia energy, a brief initial peak in heat release rate can be identified before a
longer and slightly lower heat release rate takes place. The initial peak is most likely
combustion of pilot fuel, and the longer and lower heat release is ammonia combustion. As
the ammonia energy is increased – and the pilot fuel is correspondingly decreased – the
initial peak decreases, as should be expected. As the amount of ammonia is increased, the
ammonia combustion is seen to reach higher heat release rates. The corresponding
integrated heat releases are shown in Figure 66, normalized by the total fuel energy injected.
An important result obtained from Figure 66 is that the higher levels of NH3 result in a more
complete combustion, as a larger share of the fuel energy is extracted through heat release.
Related to this, the ammonia slip is shown in Figure 67, where it is seen to decrease with a
higher ammonia energy share. Since the increased ammonia energy means an increase in
total amount of ammonia and increased ammonia concentration, this should also mean more
fuel in crevice volumes. For this reason, it is interesting that the ammonia-slip is reduced
with higher ammonia energy, clearly indicating a better ammonia combustion with higher
ammonia content. The reason for this is discussed elsewhere, (Winther, 2022).
The investigation has shown that it is possible to apply high share of ammonia in a CI
engine. As high as 98% ammonia was applied successfully in a dual fuel concept, and the
indicated efficiency for this concept was actually higher, compared to operation with diesel
fuel on this engine. 98% ammonia is a much higher ammonia share than anticipated, based
on earlier studies.
The combustion efficiency increased with higher share of ammonia in relation to pilot fuels in
the range 80% - 98% ammonia.
Figure 67 Ammonia-slip and indicated efficiency ηi vs. ammonia energy share with constant λ = 1.1. ηi=28,3%
with pure diesel operation)
Since the critical threat of the climate change shadow grows year by year, it is not a surprise
that instead of choosing gasoline or diesel engines one might select better candidates to
deal with future mobility, resource equity and environmental sustainability altogether. In the
transportation sector, ammonia, as a carbon-free fuel, is on the spotlight to sort things out in
terms of GHG emission problems. Ammonia, adequately used, does not generate any GHG
even in commercialized combustion systems.
Ammonia fuel was investigated to replace gasoline through the conversion of a conventional
gasoline engine with ammonia fuel system. Though the flame speed of ammonia is 5 times
lower than gasoline, the ammonia-gasoline dual fuel shows enhanced combustion
characteristics because gasoline acts as a combustion promoter and brings about faster
combustion of all the cylinder charge. To this end, an ammonia-gasoline dual fuel system
was constructed and a programmable engine controller was also developed to make both
ammonia and gasoline injected separately into the intake manifold in liquid phases.
Although ammonia showed 55% lower energy content than gasoline, the ammonia-air
mixture at a certain volume denoted quite comparable strength compared to gasoline. The
reason for this response was based on ammonia requiring less air quantity. Thus, theoretical
air to fuel ratios of 6 could be employed, which are only 40% of gasoline, hence enabling
similar mixture power as that of gasoline on a combustible mixture basis.
Measured torque outputs at full load condition were also comparable for both cases, i.e.
dual-fuel and pure gasoline combustion, with up to 70% of ammonia energy fraction. Above
that fraction, clear evidence emerged about the incomplete combustion of ammonia,
producing large quantities of unburned ammonia slip, thus decreasing power output.
Although the spark timing was advanced up to 40 degrees BTDC to have similar trends in
pressure rise or power output as in the combustion of pure gasoline, it was evident that
beyond 70% the process was sacrificed.
The test engine showed quite good performance in terms of power output and emissions
with high ammonia fraction. As a result, ammonia was used as main fuel to replace 70% of
gasoline and the same amount of carbon emission such as CO2, CO, THC reduced in the
engine out emissions. After the installation of the ammonia-gasoline dual fuel system into the
test engine, a prototype vehicle named ‘AmVeh’ was built and run successfully to
demonstrate ammonia as a carbon-free fuel at the ready.
Figure 71 Ammonia was used as fuel for trucks, buses and rocket planes in the past.
Figure 77 Mixtures above 60% ammonia lead to higher unburnt hydrocarbon emissions.
Figure 81: LNG fueled ships in operation and on order (excluding LNG carriers)
Engine types
DF 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines are designed to operate with LNG but can also use fuel oil
as the primary fuel if LNG is not available. The DF engine is the most common choice for all
ship types.
Monofuel gas engines are designed with a prechamber solution, in which a spark plug
ignites a stoichiometric fuel/air mixture. The resulting combustion is used for ignition of the
premixed lean cylinder charge. These engines cannot switch to using fuel oil. Some of the
large vessels with monofuel engines are passenger ferries owned by shipping companies
Fjord Line and Stena Line. These ships operate in the North Sea and Baltic Sea ECAs
without exhaust aftertreatment of NOX or SOX.
LNG Ready and retrofitting for LNG DF
LNG Ready is a term for ships that are technically prepared for later conversion to LNG dual
fuel operation. This preparation is made to many ships since it is generally less expensive to
make these preparations during construction rather than as a full retrofit later. The LNG
ready ships are included in the DNV AFI statistics for LNG fuelled ships, so the number of
The LNG carriers and FSRU ships now play a critical role in supplying Europe with LNG, to
replace the natural gas which was previously supplied in pipelines into the EU from Russia.
About 25 FSRU ships have been leased by EU countries, in preparation for an increase in
LNG deliveries to Europe from gas fields in Qatar and the US.
Transport of LEG and LPG
LEG and LPG are transported at sea as cryogenic liquid in large volume carriers. The
transported volume is however not as large as LNG. According to DNV AFI, there are
currently 87 LPG carriers and 9 LEG carriers, which are comparable in size and operating
principle to the LNG carriers. They also use the cargo as fuel, with engines that can use
either LPG or LNG
As fuel, LPG and LEG have the same advantages in terms of emissions as LNG, with zero
sulfur and low NOX (Berg, 2021). In addition, emissions of unburned fuel from LPG and LEG
do not have a strong greenhouse effect like methane.
Figure 82 displays the development in battery powered ships for the last 21 years. Most
ships are newbuilds, but 157 of the 495 in operation are retrofit projects, which to a large
extend are hybridizations with the purpose of saving fuel.
Batteries are currently only feasible as a main propulsion solution on short distances. Most
of the battery installations are found on car/passenger ferries (224 operating, 71 ordered),
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