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IMO No 9227194

Monitoring Plan
For The EU MRV Regulation
REP. No. MRV-005

Job No.: TEC/32/17

M/V CAPT STEFANOS Monitoring & Reporting Plan For The EU MRV Regulation Page 1


INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Part A - Revision record sheet ................................................................................................................................. 5

Part B Basic data ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

B.1. Identification of the ship ............................................................................................................................. 7

B.2. Company information .................................................................................................................................. 7

B.3. Emission sources and fuel types used ......................................................................................................... 8

B.4. Emission factors / Non standard emission factors ...................................................................................... 8

B.5. Procedures, systems and responsibilities used to update the completeness of emission sources ............ 9

Part C Activity data ................................................................................................................................................ 10

C.1. Conditions of exemption related to Article 9(2) ........................................................................................ 10

C.2. Monitoring of fuel consumption ............................................................................................................... 11

C.2.1. Methods used to determine fuel consumption of each emission sources ................................. 12

C.2.2. Procedures for determining fuel bunkered and fuel in tanks ..................................................... 13

C.2.3. Regular cross-checks between bunkering quantity as provided by BDN and bunkering quantity
indicated by on-board measurement .......................................................................................... 14

C.2.4. Description of the measurement instruments involved .............................................................. 15

C.2.5. Procedures for recording, retrieving, transmitting and storing information regarding
measurements ............................................................................................................................. 16

C.2.6. Method for determination of density ......................................................................................... 17

C.2.7. Level of uncertainty associated with fuel monitoring ................................................................. 18

C.2.8. Procedures for ensuring quality assurance of measuring equipment ......................................... 19

C.3. List of voyages ........................................................................................................................................... 20

C.4. Distance travelled ...................................................................................................................................... 21

C.5. Amount of cargo carried ............................................................................................................................ 22

C.6. Time spent at sea ....................................................................................................................................... 23

Part D Data gaps.................................................................................................................................................... 24

D.1. Methods to be used to estimate fuel consumption .................................................................................. 24

D.2. Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding distance travelled ....................................................... 25

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D.3. Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding cargo carried .............................................................. 26

D.4. Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding time spent at sea ........................................................ 27

Part E Management .............................................................................................................................................. 28

E.1. Regular check of the adequacy of the monitoring plan ............................................................................. 28

E.2. Control activities: Quality assurance and reliability of information technology ....................................... 29

E.3. Control activities: Internal reviews and validation of EU MRV relevant data ............................................ 30

E.4. Control activities: Corrections and corrective actions ............................................................................... 31

E.5. Control activities: Outsourced activities (if applicable) ............................................................................. 32

E.6. Control activities: Documentation ............................................................................................................. 32

Part F Further information .................................................................................................................................... 33

F.1. List of definitions and abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 33

F.2. Additional information ............................................................................................................................... 34

Annex I .............................................................................................................................................................. 34

Bunkering form............................................................................................................................................. 34

Form E - Calculation of density in the event of similar fuel mixture (same emission factor). ..................... 35

Form NC - Non - conformance report .......................................................................................................... 36

MP Log ..................................................................................................................................................... 37

Fuel specification according to ISO 8217 ..................................................................................................... 38

Abstracts of Regulations: EU 2015/757, EU 2016/1927 & EU 2016/2071 regarding “Voyage” and “Berth”40

Measurement Instruments Certificates ....................................................................................................... 42

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In order to reduce CO2 emissions from shipping, the European Union has set up a system for
monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV system) of CO2 emissions based on the fuel
consumption of ships as a first step of a staged approach for the inclusion of maritime transport
emissions in the Union's greenhouse gas reduction commitment, alongside emissions from other
sectors that are already contributing to that commitment.

All intra-EU voyages, all incoming voyages from the last non-EU port to the first EU port of call and all
outgoing voyages from a EU port to the next non-EU port of call, including ballast voyages, are to be
considered relevant for the purposes of monitoring. CO2 emissions in EU ports, including emissions
arising from ships at berth or moving within a port, should also be covered, particularly as specific
measures for their reduction or avoidance are available.

The EU MRV system also covers other relevant information allowing for the determination of ships'
efficiency and for the further analysis of the drivers for the development of emissions. This scope
also aligns the EU MRV system with international initiatives to introduce efficiency standards for
existing ships (e.g. IMO’s data collection scheme), also covering operational measures, and
contributes to the removal of market barriers related to the lack of information.

In order to minimise the administrative burden for shipowners and operators, in particular for small
and medium-sized enterprises, and to optimise the cost-benefit ratio of the MRV system without
jeopardising the objective of covering a widely predominant share of greenhouse gas emissions from
maritime transport, the rules for MRV should only apply to large emitters. A threshold of 5 000 gross
tonnage (GT) has been selected after detailed objective analysis of sizes and emissions of ships going
to and coming from Union ports. Ships above 5 000 GT account for around 55 % of the number of
ships calling into Union ports and represent around 90 % of the related emissions. This non-
discriminatory threshold would ensure that that the most relevant emitters are covered. A lower
threshold would result in a higher administrative burden while a higher threshold would limit the
coverage of emissions and thus the environmental effectiveness of the MRV system.

The implementation of this regulation takes into account existing requirements and data already
available on board ships; therefore, companies are given the opportunity to select one of the
following four monitoring methods: the use of Bunker Fuel Delivery Notes, bunker fuel tank
monitoring on-board, flow meters for applicable combustion processes or direct emission

A monitoring plan specific to each ship documents the choice made and provides further details on
the application of the selected method, during a specific reporting period.

The company being responsible for an entire reporting period over a ship performing shipping
activities is responsible for all monitoring and reporting obligations arising in relation to that
reporting period, including the submission of a satisfactorily verified emissions report.

In the event of a change of company, the new company will be responsible for the monitoring and
reporting obligations related to the reporting period during which the change of company has taken
place. To facilitate the fulfilment of these obligations, the new company should receive a copy of the
latest monitoring plan and document of compliance, if applicable.

The company honors its commitment to protect people and the environment by tracking and
analyzing energy consumption on vessels, using lessons learned and best practices, to improve

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energy efficiency while reducing emissions. It is the company’s policy that vessels are always
operated as efficiently as possible, consistent with safety and reliability.

This Monitoring Plan establishes procedures for CHARTERWELL MARITIME S.A. (hereinafter called
“the company”) to comply with Regulation (EU) 2015/757 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 29 April 2015 on the monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emissions
from maritime transport, and amending Directive 2009/16/EC.

This Monitoring plan is written according to Regulation (EU) 2016/1927 template and Regulations
(EU) 2016/1928 and (EU) 2016/2071 as guidance.

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Part A - Revision record sheet

1 Modifications of the monitoring plan under points (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 bellow shall
be subject to assessment by the verifier in accordance with Article 13(1).
2 The company shall modify the monitoring plan in any of the following situations:
(a) where a change of company occurs;
(b) where new CO2 emissions occur due to new emission sources or due to the use of new
fuels not yet contained in the monitoring plan;
(c) where a change in availability of data, due to the use of new types of measuring
equipment, new sampling methods or analysis methods, or for other reasons, may affect
the accuracy of the determination of CO2 emissions;
(d) where data resulting from the monitoring method applied has been found to be incorrect;
(e) where any part of the monitoring plan is identified as not being in conformity with the
requirements of the Regulation and the company is required to revise it pursuant to Article
3 The Company shall notify to the verifiers without undue delay any proposals for modification of
the monitoring plan.

Reference to Chapters where revisions or

Version No Reference date Status at reference date ( ) modifications have been made, including
a brief explanation of changes
Final draft submitted to
0 28-08-2017 (New monitoring plan)
the verifier
Editorial amendments in sections: B.3,
1 04-12-2017 Submitted to the verifier
C.2.2, 2.4 & 2.8, D.1, E.1, E.3, E.4, F.2

(1) Select one of the following categories: ‘Working draft’, ‘Final draft submitted to the verifier’,
‘Assessed’, ‘Modified without need for re-assessment’.

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Reference to Chapters where revisions or

Version No Reference date Status at reference date ( ) modifications have been made, including
a brief explanation of changes

(1) Select one of the following categories: ‘Working draft’, ‘Final draft submitted to the verifier’,
‘Assessed’, ‘Modified without need for re-assessment’.

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Part B Basic data

B.1. Identification of the ship

Name of the ship CAPT STEFANOS

IMO identification number 9227194
Port of registry NASSAU
Home port (if not identical with port of registry)
IMO unique company and registered owner identification 1474936/
number 1684741
Type of the ship BULK CARRIER
Deadweight (in metric tonnes) 74077
Gross Tonnage 39035
Classification Society (voluntary) BUREAU VERITAS
Ice class (voluntary)
Flag State (voluntary)
Voluntary open description field for additional information
about the characteristics of the ship

B.2. Company information

Name of the company CHARTERWELL MARITIME S.A.

Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State/Province/Region ATTICA
Postcode/ZIP 16674
Country GREECE
Contact person MARKOS PASPALAS
Telephone number +30 210 8912000
Email address [email protected]

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B.3. Emission sources and fuel types used

The table below contains a description of the emission sources located on board the CAPT STEFANOS
as described by the MRV regulation. The description contains technical data information and the
relevant fuel types for each source.

Technical description of emission source

(performance/power, specific fuel oil
consumption (SFOC), year of installation,
source Emission source (Potential) Fuel
identification number in case of multiple
reference (name, type) types used
identical emission sources, etc.)
10371 kW 128.5 HFO, LFO,
1 7S50MC-C 2002 ME
S/N 3889
550 kW 193 HFO, LFO,
2 6N18L-EV 2002 DG1
S/N 3480FSE
550 kW 193 HFO, LFO,
3 6N18L-EV 2002 DG2
S/N 3481FSE
550 kW 193 HFO, LFO,
4 6N18L-EV 2002 DG3
S/N 3482FSE
2.4 HFO, LFO,
5 OEVC2-120/80 OIL 1200 kg/h 2002 AB
S/N 13257

B.4. Emission factors / Non standard emission factors

In the table below the default emission factors assigned to the relevant fuel types - as described by
the MRV regulation / IMO - are detailed. In the case of non-standard fuels being used, their emission
factor is to be entered in the second table below.

IMO emission factors -

Fuel type MEPC.1/Circ684
(Tonnes of CO2/Tonne fuel)
Diesel/Gas Oil (Reference: ISO 8217 Grades DMX through DMB) 3,206
Light Fuel Oil (Reference: ISO 8217 Grades RMA through RMD) 3,151
Heavy Fuel Oil (Reference: ISO 8217 Grades RME through RMK) 3,114

Non-standard emission factors:

Non-standard fuel Emission Methodologies for determining the emission factor
factor (methodology for sampling, methods of analysis
and a description of the laboratories (accredited to
ISO 17025) used, if any)

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B.5. Procedures, systems and responsibilities used to update the completeness of emission

Title of procedure Managing the completeness of the list of emission sources

Reference to N/A
existing procedure
Version of existing N/A
 Management / Technical Managers, to decide on possible amendments
in emission sources (during an extra ordinary company management
 Technical Environmental Manager will notify the verifier about possible
amendments to emission sources and send same for approval.
 Part A (Revision record sheet) must be amended accordingly by the
Technical Environmental Manager before sending monitoring plan for re
Description of EU approval.
MRV procedures if  Similarly section B.3 (Emission sources and fuel types used).
not already existing  Similarly section C.2.1 (Methods used to determine fuel consumption of
outside the MP each emission sources) must be amended by the Technical
Environmental Manager, before sending monitoring plan for re approval.
 Records:
Technical / Management Review meeting report justifying the
change of emission sources
Submission of updated monitoring plan to verifier
Approval of verifier
Updated monitoring plan
Name of person or Technical Environmental Manager
position responsible
for this procedure
Location where Tech. Dept. Office
records are kept Electronically:
Name of IT system N/A (Normal network drives)
used (where

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Part C Activity data

C.1. Conditions of exemption related to Article 9(2)

By way of derogation from paragraph 1 of Article 9 and without prejudice to Article 10 of the MRV
Regulation (EU) 2015/757, a company shall be exempt from the obligation to monitor the
information referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 9 on a per-voyage basis in respect of a specified
ship, if:

(a) all of the ship's voyages during the reporting period either start from or end at a port under the
jurisdiction of a Member State; and

(b) the ship, according to its schedule, performs more than 300 voyages during the reporting period.

Based on the above abstract of the Regulation (EU) 2015/757, reference is made to the following

Item Confirmation field

Minimum number of expected voyages per reporting period falling Less than 300 voyages.
under the scope of the EU MRV Regulation according to the ship’s
Are there expected voyages per reporting period not falling under the Yes
scope of the EU MRV Regulation according to the ship's schedule?
Conditions of Article 9(2) fulfilled? No
If yes, do you intend to make use of the derogation for monitoring the Not applicable
amount of fuel consumed on a per-voyage basis?

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C.2. Monitoring of fuel consumption

As per MRV Regulation (EU) 2015/757, the company shall define which monitoring method is to be
used to calculate fuel consumption and ensure that once the method has been chosen, it is
consistently applied. Actual fuel consumption for each voyage shall be used and calculated using one
of the methods presented below. Any combination of those methods, once assessed by the verifier,
may be used if it enhances the overall accuracy of the measurement.

 Method A: BDN and periodic stocktakes of fuel tanks

This method is based on the quantity and type of fuel as defined on the BDN combined with
periodic stocktakes of fuel tanks based on tank readings. The fuel at the beginning of the period,
plus deliveries, minus fuel available at the end of the period and de-bunkered fuel between the
beginning of the period and the end of the period together constitute the fuel consumed over
the period.
The period means the time between two port calls or time within a port. For the fuel used
during a period, the fuel type and the sulphur content need to be specified.
This method shall not be used when BDN are not available on board ships, especially when cargo
is used as a fuel, for example, liquefied natural gas (LNG) boil-off.
Under existing MARPOL Annex VI regulations, the BDN is mandatory, is to be retained on board
for three years after the delivery of the bunker fuel and is to be readily available. The periodic
stocktake of fuel tanks on-board is based on fuel tank readings. It uses tank tables relevant to
each fuel tank to determine the volume at the time of the fuel tank reading. The uncertainty
associated with the BDN shall be specified in the monitoring plan.
Where the amount of fuel uplift or the amount of fuel remaining in the tanks is determined in
units of volume, expressed in litres, the company shall convert that amount from volume to
mass by using actual density values. The company shall determine the actual value by using the
density measured by the fuel supplier at fuel uplift and recorded on the fuel invoice or BDN.

 Method B: Bunker fuel tank monitoring on-board

This method is based on fuel tank readings for all fuel tanks on-board. The tank readings shall
occur daily when the ship is at sea and each time the ship is bunkering or de-bunkering.
The cumulative variations of the fuel tank level between two readings constitute the fuel
consumed over the period.
The period means the time between two port calls or time within a port. For the fuel used
during a period, the fuel type and the sulphur content need to be specified.
Fuel tank readings shall be carried out by appropriate methods such as automated systems,
soundings and dip tapes. The method for tank sounding and uncertainty associated shall be
specified in the monitoring plan.
Where the amount of fuel uplift or the amount of fuel remaining in the tanks is determined in
units of volume, expressed in litres, the company shall convert that amount from volume to
mass by using actual density values (specific reference is made to section C.2.6 - Method for
determination of density - of this monitoring plan).

 Method C: Flow meters for applicable combustion processes

This method is based on measured fuel flows on-board. The data from all flow meters linked to
relevant CO2 emission sources shall be combined to determine all fuel consumption for a
specific period.
The period means the time between two port calls or time within a port. For the fuel used
during a period, the fuel type and the sulphur content need to be monitored. The calibration
methods applied and the uncertainty associated with flow meters used shall be specified in the
monitoring plan.

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Where the amount of fuel consumed is determined in units of volume, expressed in litres, the
company shall convert that amount from volume to mass by using actual density values (specific
reference is made to section C.2.6 - Method for determination of density - of this monitoring

 Method D: Direct CO2 emissions measurement

The direct CO2 emissions measurements may be used for voyages and for CO2 emissions
occurring in ports located in a Member State's jurisdiction. CO2 emitted shall include CO2
emitted by main engines, auxiliary engines, gas turbines, boilers and inert gas generators. For
ships for which reporting is based on this method, the fuel consumption shall be calculated
using the measured CO2 emissions and the applicable emission factor of the relevant fuels.
This method is based on the determination of CO2 emission flows in exhaust gas stacks (funnels)
by multiplying the CO2 concentration of the exhaust gas with the exhaust gas flow.
The calibration methods applied and the uncertainty associated with the devices used shall be
specified in the monitoring plan.

C.2.1. Methods used to determine fuel consumption of each emission sources

In the table below the primary method used to calculate the fuel consumption - as described by the
MRV regulation - is presented.

Emission source Chosen methods for fuel consumption

Method A:
All sources
BDN and periodic stocktakes of fuel tanks

In the determination of fuel quantity consumed, the frequency of fuel tank readings should at least
be taken:
 Before bunkering
 After bunkering
 Upon departure from port
 Upon arrival to port

 Fuel tank readings are to be taken using the procedure described in Part C.2.2 of the present
plan. The Chief Engineer stores (See section C.2.5) the results and transmits, once available, the
relevant forms to the Captain.

 It is the Captain’s responsibility to transmit the above mentioned data to the company at his
earliest convenience using the DANAOS export package software.

 The above data transmitted from the vessel to the company regarding the fuel consumed per
voyage, for all voyages falling under the scope of the EU MRV regulations, are stored in the
DANAOS software database.
 Categorization of the voyages and relevant calculations are carried out automatically by the
DANAOS MRV module software.
 It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure reception of the above mentioned data when

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C.2.2. Procedures for determining fuel bunkered and fuel in tanks

Title of procedure Determining fuel bunkered and fuel in tanks

Reference to N/A
existing procedure
Version of existing N/A
 Measurements in bunker tanks are taken using the instruments
mentioned in Part C.2.4 of the present plan.
 The measurements are to be recorded in Bunkering form - found at the
Annex I section of the present plan - and handed to the Chief engineer.


 It has to be ensured – as far as practicable – that trim and list remain
unchanged during measurements and within fuel tanks calibration table
 The assigned engineer performs one reading and records the tape
lengths at the reference measurement point.


 Local level gauges installed in way of the relevant tanks (mentioned in
Part C.2.4 of the present plan) are used to measure the fuel volume. The
assigned engineer reads the capacity measurement directly from the
instrument on the relevant tank.
Description of EU
not already existing Manual temperature measurement
outside the MP  It is the assigned engineer’s responsibility to measure the temperature of
each tank using a tank dipping thermometer.
 He performs one reading (at the middle of the tank) allowing for a
reasonable amount of time for the thermometer to read the
temperature correctly and records the readings.

Automatic temperature measurement

 It is performed by using the instruments mentioned in Part C.2.4 of the
present plan. The assigned engineer reads the temperature
measurement directly from the instrument on the relevant tank.


 Before bunkering the assigned engineer measures the Remaining On
Board (ROB) in all bunker tanks.
 After bunkering the assigned engineer measures the final quantities in all
bunker tanks.

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 The Chief engineer receives the measurement and temperature readings
from the assigned engineer and performs the calculations to assess the
fuel mass in each tank using Bunkering form (found at the Annex I section
of the present plan).
Name of person or Chief engineer
position responsible
for this procedure
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS Chartworld data server
used (where

C.2.3. Regular cross-checks between bunkering quantity as provided by BDN and

bunkering quantity indicated by on-board measurement

It is company policy to always measure all tanks before / after bunkering (for determining fuel
bunkered in fuel tanks refer to section C.2.2 of the present plan). It is also company policy to record
and compare bunker quantities as stated in BDNs (handed at each bunkering) and measured received
quantities after bunkering.

Regular cross-checks between bunkering quantity as provided by BDN and

Title of procedure
bunkering quantity indicated by on-board measurement
Reference to N/A
existing procedure
Version of existing N/A
 Chief engineer is responsible to record the difference of quantities stated
in BDN and measured received quantities after bunkering, in Bunkering
form (found at the Annex I section of the present plan).
 It is also the Chief engineer‘s responsibility to transmit updated
Bunkering form to the Captain, after each bunkering.
Description of EU
MRV procedures if
not already existing  It is the Captain’s responsibility to transmit the above mentioned
outside the MP updated form to the company, after each bunkering through the
DANAOS software.

 It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure reception of the above

mentioned form transmitted from the vessel to the company (and stored
in the DANAOS software database).
Name of person or Chief Engineer
position responsible
for this procedure
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where applic.)

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C.2.4. Description of the measurement instruments involved

Measurement Elements applied Technical description (specification, age, maintenance intervals)

equipment to (e.g. emission
(name) sources, tanks)
Sounding / FO TK NO1 P  2 pieces of: 25m long sounding tape with increment in cm,
Ullage tapes FO TK NO2 P break-proof, rustproof, mineral oil resistant.
 Item certificate is attached to the Annex I section of the
DO TK NO2 present plan (Measurement Instruments Certificates).
 Age: 01/Dec/2017
 Items will be replaced when damaged, worn out (as
mentioned in Part C.2.8 of the present plan).
Automatic HFO SERV. TK  Float type level gauge, maker: Namura Shipbuilding
gauges DO SERV. TK  Age: Since vessel’s construction.
 Maintenance as mentioned in Part C.2.8 of the present plan.
Dipping FO TK NO1 P  2 pieces of: Thermometer enclosed in a nickel plated
thermometers FO TK NO2 P protective casing. Measuring range -10/110°C in 1°C
DO TK NO2  Item certificate is attached to the Annex I section of the
present plan (Measurement Instruments Certificates).
 Age: 28/Nov/2017
Maintenance as mentioned in Part C.2.8 of the present plan.
Local tank HFO SERV. TK  Mercury thermometer enclosed in a metallic protective
thermometers DO SERV. TK casing. Measuring range 0/100°C in 1°C graduations.
 Age: Since vessel’s construction
 Maintenance as mentioned in Part C.2.8 of the present plan.

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C.2.5. Procedures for recording, retrieving, transmitting and storing information

regarding measurements

Recording, retrieving, transmitting and storing information regarding

Title of procedure
Reference to N/A
existing procedure
Version of existing N/A
 It is the Chief engineer’s responsibility to collect, record and calculate the
data regarding the measurements / calculations required by the
procedures on sections:
C.2.1 Methods used to determine fuel consumption of each
emission sources
C.2.2 Procedures for determining fuel bunkered and fuel in tanks
C.2.3 Regular cross-checks between bunkering quantity as
provided by BDN and bunkering quantity indicated by on-
board measurement
C.2.6 Method for determination of density
C.2.8. Procedures for ensuring quality assurance of measuring
D.1 Methods to be used to estimate fuel consumption
 It is also his responsibility to store and transmit the relevant forms (and
BDN in the event of bunkering) daily or once available to the Captain.

Description of EU  It is the Captain’s responsibility to collect and/or record the relevant data
MRV procedures if required by the procedures on sections:
not already existing C.3 List of voyages
outside the MP C.4 Distance travelled
C.5 Amount of cargo carried
C.6 Time spent at sea
D.2 Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding distance
D.3 Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding cargo
D.4 Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding time spent
at sea
 It is his responsibility to store and transmit the relevant forms, reports
and cargo documents - as specified in the above procedures - upon
completion of each voyage or once available, to the company.
 It is also his responsibility to transmit the relevant forms (and BDN in the
event of bunkering) - received from the Chief Engineer upon completion
of each voyage or once available, to the company.

 It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure recording, retrieving,

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transmitting and storing of all the above mentioned data sent by the
Captain to the company, as described in the procedures on sections:
C.2.1 Methods used to determine fuel consumption of each
emission sources
C.2.3 Regular cross-checks between bunkering quantity as
provided by BDN and bunkering quantity indicated by on-
board measurement
C.2.6 Method for determination of density
C.2.8. Procedures for ensuring quality assurance of measuring
C.3 List of voyages
C.4 Distance travelled
C.5 Amount of cargo carried
C.6 Time spent at sea
D.1 Methods to be used to estimate fuel consumption
D.2 Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding distance
D.3 Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding cargo
D.4 Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding time spent
at sea

 All the above mentioned data are stored and can easily be retrieved from
the locations (physical or electronic) specified here below.
Name of person or Technical Environmental Manager
position responsible
for this procedure
Location where
records are kept
See below
Name of IT system DANAOS Chartworld data server
used (where

C.2.6. Method for determination of density

 It is the Chief engineer’s responsibility to retain the BDN when the bunkering is completed.

In the rare case that the density value is absent in the BDN and it is not possible to use an accredited
fuel test laboratory for analysis, following densities @15C may be used based on ISO 8217:2012 table
for Residual and distillate Fuels (attached in the Annex I section):

 0.991 when using RME 180 or RMG 180/380/500/700

 0.89 when using DMA

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 0.9 when using DMB

 It is the Operator’s responsibility to justify the reason not being able to use an accredited fuel
test laboratory for analysis by making an entry in the “Remarks” section of Bunkering form
(found at the Annex I section of the present plan).

It is company policy to segregate bunkers to separate tanks and the density of the dominant fuel
source in the tank is taken into account. However in the event that similar fuel types (with the same
emission factor) with significantly different densities are mixed in a tank (a difference greater than
3% is considered significant):

 It is the Chief engineer’s responsibility to calculate the resultant density using form E (found at
the Annex I section of the present plan).
 It is also his responsibility to transmit the updated form E - when applicable - to the Captain.

 It is the Captain’s responsibility to transmit the above mentioned updated form to the company,
once available.

 It is the Operator’s responsibility to collect, once available and store the above mentioned form
transmitted from the vessel to the company.

It is the company’s decision to use density provided as shown in the table below:

Fuel type/tank Method to determine actual Method to determine actual

density values of fuel bunkered density values of fuel in tanks
DO TK NO1 Fuel supplier Fuel supplier

C.2.7. Level of uncertainty associated with fuel monitoring

As per MRV Regulation (EU) 2015/757, “uncertainty” means a parameter, associated with the result
of the determination of a quantity, that characterises the dispersion of the values that could
reasonably be attributed to the particular quantity, including the effects of systematic as well as of
random factors, expressed as a percentage, and describes a confidence interval around the mean
value comprising 95 % of inferred values taking into account any asymmetry of the distribution of

It is also important to mention that as per Regulation (EU) 2015/757, “to make monitoring easier, it is
appropriate to allow the use of default values for the level of uncertainty associated with fuel

Based on the above the company will use the default values shown in the table below:

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Monitoring method Approach used Value

Method A Default value ± 10%

(Ref. “Guidance/Best practices document on monitoring and reporting of fuel consumption, CO2
emissions and other relevant parameters pursuant to Regulation 2015/757 on monitoring, reporting
and verification emissions from maritime transport” found at:
rting_parameters_en.pdf, visit date 17 July 2017).

C.2.8. Procedures for ensuring quality assurance of measuring equipment

Title of procedure Ensuring quality assurance of measuring equipment

Reference to N/A
existing procedure
Version of existing N/A
 Sounding / Ullage tapes.
It is the Chief engineer’s responsibility to:
 check all measuring tapes for damages and excessive deformation
 replace them when they are worn out
 Visually inspect them before each measurement with relevant entry
in Bunkering form and thorough inspection every 6 months with
relevant entries in DANAOS PMS system indicating condition as well
as in case of replacement the reason with findings.

 Automatic gauges.
It is the Chief engineer’s responsibility to check all automatic gauges and
repair them when are damaged. Visual inspection is carried out before
Description of EU each measurement with relevant entry in Bunkering form and periodic
MRV procedures if
inspection every 1 year with relevant entries in DANAOS PMS system
not already existing
outside the MP indicating condition as well as in case of repair the reason with findings.

 Tank thermometers.
It is the Chief engineer’s responsibility to:
 Visually inspect them before each measurement with relevant entry
in Bunkering form. Local tank thermometers to be calibrated
annually and dipping thermometers every two years with relevant
entries in DANAOS PMS system indicating condition as well as in case
of replacement the reason with findings.

 It is the Chief engineer’s responsibility to transmit the Bunkering form

after each update to the Captain.

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 It is the Captain’s responsibility to transmit the above mentioned form to

the company through the DANAOS PMS system once available.

 It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure reception of the above

mentioned form transmitted from the vessel to the company (and stored
in the DANAOS PMS system database).
Name of person or Chief Engineer
position responsible
for this procedure
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where

C.3. List of voyages

Title of procedure Recording and safeguarding completeness of voyages

Reference to N/A
existing procedure
Version of existing N/A
 It is the Captain’s responsibility to store and transmit the Departure and
Arrival Report to the company upon completion of each voyage by using
Description of EU the DANAOS software.
MRV procedures
(including recording  The above data transmitted from the vessel to the company regarding
voyages, monitoring voyage departure and arrival, for all voyages falling under the scope of
voyages etc.) if not the EU MRV regulations, are stored in the DANAOS software database.
already existing  Categorization of the voyages is carried out automatically by the DANAOS
outside the MP MRV module software.
 It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure reception of the above
mentioned data when available.
Name of person or Operator
position responsible
for this procedure
Data sources Departure and Arrival Report
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where applic.)

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C.4. Distance travelled

Title of procedure Recording and determining the distance per voyage made
Reference to N/A
existing procedure
Version of existing N/A
 It is the Captain’s responsibility to store and transmit the Departure,
Arrival and Noon Reports (containing the measured distance over ground
Description of EU for each time period) to the company upon completion of each voyage or
MRV procedures once available by using the DANAOS software.
(including recording
and managing  The above data transmitted from the vessel to the company regarding
distance the distance travelled, for all voyages falling under the scope of the EU
information) if not MRV regulations, are stored in the DANAOS software database.
already existing  Categorization of the voyages and relevant calculations are carried out
outside the MP automatically by the DANAOS MRV module software.
 It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure reception of the above
mentioned data when available.
Name of person or Operator
position responsible
for this procedure
Data sources Departure, Arrival and Noon Reports
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where

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C.5. Amount of cargo carried

Title of procedure Recording and determining the amount of cargo carried

Reference to N/A
existing procedure
Version of existing N/A
 After the completion of cargo loading it is the Captain’s responsibility to
store and transmit to the company through DANAOS software the
departure report which includes the amount of cargo onboard.
 In case that the cargo will be partially unloaded (due to shallow draft
Description of EU in a port of call) it is the Captain’s responsibility to store and transmit
MRV procedures to the company through DANAOS software the amount of cargo
(including recording
unloaded during the lightering procedure.
and determining the
amount of cargo
carried) if not  The above data transmitted from the vessel to the company regarding
already existing the amount of cargo carried, for all voyages falling under the scope of the
outside the MP EU MRV regulations, are stored in the DANAOS software database.
 Categorization of the voyages and relevant calculations are carried out
automatically by the DANAOS MRV module software.
 It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure reception of the above
mentioned data when available.
Unit of cargo Tonnes
Name of person or Operator
position responsible
for this procedure
Formulae and data Bill(s) of Lading,
sources Mate receipts.
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where

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C.6. Time spent at sea

Determining and recording the time spent at sea from berth of port of
Title of procedure
departure to berth of the port of arrival
Reference to N/A
existing procedure
Version of existing N/A
 It is the Captain’s responsibility to store and transmit the Departure,
Arrival and Noon Reports (containing the hours calculated for each day at
Description of EU
sea) to the company upon completion of each voyage or once available
MRV procedures
by using the DANAOS software.
(including recording
and managing cargo
 The above data transmitted from the vessel to the company regarding
port departure and
the time spent at sea, for all voyages falling under the scope of the EU
arrival information)
MRV regulations, are stored in the DANAOS software database.
if not already
 Categorization of the voyages and relevant calculations are carried out
existing outside the
automatically by the DANAOS MRV module software.
 It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure reception of the above
mentioned data when available.
Name of person or Operator
position responsible
for this procedure
Formulae and data Departure, Arrival and Noon Reports
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where

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Part D Data gaps

D.1. Methods to be used to estimate fuel consumption

Title of procedure Method to be used to estimate fuel consumption

Back-up monitoring Modified Method B for DANAOS MRV Module Software
Formulae used N/A
In the determination of fuel quantity consumed, the frequency of fuel tank
readings should at least be taken:
 Before bunkering
 After bunkering
 Upon departure from port
 Upon arrival to port

 It is the Chief Engineer’s responsibility to measure the settling-service

tanks’ daily fuel oil consumption, for maximum time possible and record
the fuel oil consumption. This can be done by isolating the supply-
transfer pump valve after filling up both tanks and leaving level to reduce
to low level alarm (with purifier in settling to service mode so that
settling tank is empty first). The time elapsed after transfer completion
compared to the capacity consumed indicates the daily consumption.

Description of  The Chief Engineer stores and transmits the measurements to the
method to estimate captain through DANAOS software, indicating START/STOP time and
fuel consumption quantity measured in the DANAOS reports remarks area.

 It is the Captain’s responsibility to transmit the above mentioned data to

the company once available using the DANAOS software.

 The above data transmitted from the vessel to the company regarding
the fuel consumed per day, for all voyages falling under the scope of the
EU MRV regulations, are stored in the DANAOS software database.
 Categorization of the voyages is carried out automatically by the DANAOS
MRV module software.
 It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure reception of the above
mentioned data when available.
 Data from the above mentioned procedure are to be used as surrogates
of those specified at Part C.2.1 of the present plan - in case the latter are
found to be missing - and alternatively used for calculations with the
DANAOS MRV module software.
Name of person or Operator
position responsible
for this procedure
Data sources Tape readings
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where

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D.2. Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding distance travelled

Title of procedure Method to treat data gaps regarding distance travelled

Formulae used N/A
 It is the Captain’s responsibility to store and transmit a copy of the
voyage abstract (ISM form OPE-01) to the company upon completion of
each voyage.

 It is the Operator’s responsibility, to collect daily the above mentioned

data transmitted from the tracking service to the company.
 It is his responsibility to store the data regarding the total distance per
Description of
voyage for all voyages falling under the scope of the EU MRV regulations.
method to treat
 The MRV Abstracts of Regulations: EU 2015/757, EU 2016/1927 & EU
data gaps
2016/2071 regarding “Voyage” and “Berth” (found at the Annex I section
of the present plan) are to be used for the definition of the distance of
each voyage.
 Data from the above mentioned procedure are to be used as surrogates
of those specified at Part C.4 of the present plan - in case the latter are
found to be missing - and alternatively used for calculations with the
DANAOS MRV module software.
Name of person or Operator
position responsible
for this procedure
Data sources Voyage abstract
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where

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D.3. Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding cargo carried

Title of procedure Method to treat data gaps regarding cargo carried

Formulae used N/A
 After the completion of cargo loading it is the Captain’s responsibility to
store and transmit to the company a copy of the company’s form OPE-46.
 In case that the cargo will be partially unloaded (due to shallow draft
in a port of call) it is the Captain’s responsibility to transmit to the
company a copy of the OPE-46 showing the amount of cargo
unloaded during the lightering procedure.

 It is the Operator’s responsibility to collect, once available, the above

Description of mentioned document(s) transmitted from the vessel to the company.
method to treat  It is his responsibility to store the data regarding the total cargo
data gaps transported per voyage for all voyages falling under the scope of the EU
MRV regulations.
 The MRV Abstracts of Regulations: EU 2015/757, EU 2016/1927 & EU
2016/2071 regarding “Voyage” and “Berth” (found at the Annex I section
of the present plan) are to be used for the definition of the cargo of each
 Data from the above mentioned procedure are to be used as surrogates
of those specified at Part C.5 of the present plan - in case the latter are
found to be missing - and alternatively used for calculations with the
DANAOS MRV module software.
Name of person or Operator
position responsible
for this procedure
Data sources OPE-46 form
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where

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D.4. Methods to be used to treat data gaps regarding time spent at sea

Title of procedure Method to treat data gaps regarding time spent at sea
Formulae used N/A
 It is the Captain’s responsibility to store and transmit a copy of the
voyage abstract (ISM form OPE-01) to the company upon completion of
each voyage.

 It is the Operator’s responsibility to collect, once available, the above

mentioned document transmitted from the vessel to the company.
 It is his responsibility to store the data regarding the time spent at sea for
Description of
all voyages falling under the scope of the EU MRV regulations.
method to treat
 The MRV Abstracts of Regulations: EU 2015/757, EU 2016/1927 & EU
data gaps
2016/2071 regarding “Voyage” and “Berth” (found at the Annex I section
of the present plan) are to be used for the definition of the time for the
 Data from the above mentioned procedure are to be used as surrogates
of those specified at Part C.6 of the present plan - in case the latter are
found to be missing - and alternatively used for calculations with the
DANAOS MRV module software.
Name of person or Operator
position responsible
for this procedure
Data sources Voyage abstract
Location where See section C.2.5
records are kept
Name of IT system DANAOS
used (where

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Part E Management

E.1. Regular check of the adequacy of the monitoring plan

Title of procedure Regular check of the adequacy of the monitoring plan

Reference to existing N/A
Version of existing N/A
 The Technical Environmental Manager, the Operations Manager
(members of the management review team) are responsible for
reviewing and evaluating the adequacy of the MP annually.
The MP’s adequacy checks include among other things, verification that
the MP is updated, verification that principles & methods for monitoring
and reporting are implemented correctly and issued misstatements and
Description of EU Non Conformities (NCs) are investigated and analyzed.
MRV procedures if  The MP must also be reviewed on a when needed basis e.g. when
not already existing equipment are installed/replaced, new procedures are needed,
outside the MP personnel responsibilities are changed, NC’s are issued and specifically
when any changes whatsoever affect the vessel’s MP or when is decided
by the members of the management review team.
 Reviews, evaluations and possible changes are recorded in the MP log.
 If a change in the EU MRV regulation(s) arises, any inclusions or updates
are to be carried out as soon as possible in order to ensure proper MP
Name of person or Technical Environmental Manager
position responsible
for this procedure
Formulae and data N/A
Location where MP log / File No1 / Shelter No2
records are kept Electronically:
Name of IT system N/A (Normal network drives)
used (where

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E.2. Control activities: Quality assurance and reliability of information technology

Information Technology Management (e.g. access controls, back up, recovery

Title of procedure
and security)
Reference for N/A
 This procedure is considered by the company as confidential. However
during MRV audits, verifiers can get access only under supervision of the
IT Managers. No copies or printouts are allowed to be taken unless
specifically authorized by the General Manager.
Four factors are important in this procedure:

 Data access
The General Manager, Technical Manager, IT Manager and IT
Operator have full access on all the data mentioned in Part C.2.5 and
in Part E of the present plan. The Chief Engineer, the Captain, the
Operator respectively, have full access only on the relevant data as
described in Part C.2.5 of the present plan.

 Backup(s)
It is the IT Operator’s responsibility to implement the actions
performed in order to save important and sensitive electronic
information on physical media, taken on regular basis and keeping in
a safe place. Those actions are:
 Define the backup method: Full backup in hard disks
Brief description of  Define backup schedule: Daily
procedure  Off-site media: Daily – Data replication in Disaster Recovery Site
 Verification by tool (Microsoft System Center 2012 D2 Data
protection manager): Daily after every backup
 Monitoring results are checked daily by IT Operator
 Backup cycle: 7 days
As described in Part C.2.5 of the present plan all data is transferred
daily from the vessel to the company. In this regard backup of the
data is performed only at the company’s office.

 Recovery
It is the IT Operator’s responsibility to recover the relevant data in
case of any loss reported to him, using the backup media described
in the previous paragraph.

 Security
 Physical access.
Main computer systems (servers, routers, firewalls, backup
equipment and media) are physically accessed only by the IT
Manager and IT Operator.
 Logical access

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Access to systems and applications are protected with user

name and password.
 Network access
Network communication is control and protected by specific
equipment (firewall).
Name of person or IT Manager
position responsible
for data
Location where N/A
records are kept Electronically:
Company Servers
Name of system used N/A (Normal network drives)
(where applicable)
List of relevant N/A
existing management

E.3. Control activities: Internal reviews and validation of EU MRV relevant data

Title of procedure Internal reviews and validation of EU MRV relevant data

Reference to existing N/A
Version of existing N/A
 It is the Technical Environmental Manager’s responsibility, on a annual
basis, to ensure that internal review and validation check of the EU MRV
relevant data by the vessel’s assigned Operator are carried out.
Records of the internal review, validation and findings are stored in MP
Description of EU Log.
MRV procedures if  It is the Operator’s responsibility το monitor and evaluate the EU MRV
not already existing relevant data mentioned in Part C.2.5 transmitted to the office once
outside the MP available. It is his responsibility to perform at least the following checks:
 Completeness of monitoring and reporting data.
 Comparison between bunkering quantity as provided by BDN and
bunkering quantity indicated by on-board measurement as specified
in Part C.2.3 of the present plan.
Name of person or Technical Environmental Manager
position responsible
for this procedure
Location where MP log / File No1 / Shelter No2
records are kept Electronically:
Name of IT system N/A (Normal network drives)
used (where

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E.4. Control activities: Corrections and corrective actions

Title of procedure Corrections and corrective actions

Reference to existing N/A
Version of existing N/A
 The Captain, Chief Engineer and vessel’s Superintendent Engineer are
entitled to observe and issue Non Conformities (NCs). NCs are written on
the NC’s form and submitted to Technical Environmental Manager
together with Corrective Actions (CA) for review and evaluation.
 The Technical Environmental Manager is responsible to agree on how
the CA is to be implemented and he is also responsible to follow up the
Description of EU closure of the NC.
MRV procedures if  NCs can be issued (but not limited to) after:
not already existing  Internal review and validation of MRV relevant Data as specified in
outside the MP Part E of the present plan.
 Lack of maintenance & calibration of MRV related measuring
equipment as specified in Part C.2.8 of the present plan.
 Lack of follow up of reported MRV relevant deficiencies.
 Lack of implementation / bad implementation of MRV related
Name of person or Technical Environmental Manager
position responsible
for this procedure
Location where MP NC’s Log / File No2 / Shelter No2
records are kept Electronically:
Name of IT system N/A (Normal network drives)
used (where

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E.5. Control activities: Outsourced activities (if applicable)


E.6. Control activities: Documentation

Title of procedure Documentation

Reference to existing N/A
Version of existing N/A
 Revision record sheet is to be kept updated as specified at Part A of the
present plan.
 Reference is made at Part C.2.5. of the present plan where all forms,
documents and data used, including personnel responsibilities are
Description of EU  When the need arises for additional to Annex I (already existing) MRV
MRV procedures if forms they have to be reviewed by Technical Environmental Manager
not already existing and approved by the management.
outside the MP  All obsolete forms must be removed.
 All MRV forms must bear:
 The ships name
 The form name
 The revision number
 The name, rank and signature of the person who fills the forms..
Name of person or Technical Environmental Manager
position responsible
for this procedure
Location where See Part C.2.5 of the present plan.
records are kept
Name of IT system N/A (Normal network drives)
used (where

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Part F Further information

F.1. List of definitions and abbreviations

Abbreviation, Explanation
acronym, definition
BDN Bunker Fuel Delivery Note.
Means a ship which is securely moored or anchored in a port falling under
Berth / Ship at berth the jurisdiction of a Member State while it is loading, unloading or hotelling,
including the time spent when not engaged in cargo operations.
For the purpose of Regulation (EU) 2016/1928, means a ship which is
intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including types such as ore
Bulk carrier carriers as defined in Regulation 1 of Chapter XII of the 1998 International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (the SOLAS Convention), but
excluding combination carriers.
CA Corrective Action.
CO2 emissions The release of CO2 into the atmosphere by ships.
The shipowner or any other organisation or person, such as the manager or
Company the bareboat charterer, which has assumed the responsibility for the
operation of the ship from the shipowner.
Shall be determined from berth of the port of departure to berth of the port
Distance travelled
of arrival and shall be expressed in nautical miles.
The average emission rate of a greenhouse gas relative to the activity data
Emission factor of a source stream, assuming complete oxidation for combustion and
complete conversion for all other chemical reactions.
G.S.V. Gross Standard Volume.
The notation assigned to the ship by the competent national authorities of
Ice class the flag State or an organisation recognised by that State, showing that the
ship has been designed for navigation in sea-ice conditions.
MP Monitoring plan.
MRV Monitoring Reporting and Verification.
Non conformity. An observed situation where the objective evidence
indicates the non-fulfillment of a specific requirement.
The port where a ship stops to load or unload cargo or to embark or
disembark passengers; consequently, stops for the sole purposes of
refuelling, obtaining supplies, relieving the crew, going into dry-dock or
making repairs to the ship and/or its equipment, stops in port because the
Port of call
ship is in need of assistance or in distress, ship-to-ship transfers carried out
outside ports, and stops for the sole purpose of taking shelter from adverse
weather or rendered necessary by search and rescue activities are
A ship which is securely moored or anchored in a port falling under the
Ship at berth jurisdiction of a Member State while it is loading, unloading or hotelling,
including the time spent when not engaged in cargo operations.
T.O.V Total Observed Volume.
V.C.F Volume Corrected Factor.
Any movement of a ship that originates from or terminates in a port of call
Voyage and that serves the purpose of transporting passengers or cargo for
commercial purposes.
W.C.F. Weighted Correction Factor.

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F.2. Additional information

Annex I
Bunkering form


Vessel: CAPT STEFANOS Draft fwd: Draft aft: Trim: Heel: Date:

Temp °C Dencity at
F.O. / D.O. Sounding Ullage Sulphur T.O.V. G.S.V.
No (middle of Fuel type 15 °C V.C.F. W.C.F. Weight (MT)
Bunker Tanks (cm/mm) (cm/mm) content (m³) (m³)
the tank) (kg/lt)


TOTALS T.O.V. (m³) G.S.V. (m³) B.D.N
(MT) MT % Tape
HFO (Grades RME - RMK) Sight Glass
LFO (Grades RMA - RMD) Float Gauge
MDO-MGO (Grades DMX-DMB) Thermometer
Non-standard fuel
Total fuel quantity onboard

• Input the DATE, the vessel’s DRAFTS, TRIM and HEEL. • Use DENSITY AT 15°C (as defined in Part C.2.6 of the present plan) and TANK
• Input the FUEL TYPE contained in each tank. TEMP (°C) and find Volume Correction Factor (V.C.F.) from ASTM Table 54B.
• Input the SULPHUR CONTENT for each fuel type, taken from the BDN • Calculate the Gross Standard Volume (G.S.V.) (in m3) G.S.V. = T.O.V. x V.C.F.
• From the Corrected Sounding/Ullage, using the vessels tank tables, find the Total Observed • Use Density at 15°C and Tank Temperature (°C) and find Weight Correction Factor
Volume (T.O.V.) (in m3) and enter the value in the relevant column. • Calculate the Weight (in MT), Weight = G.S.V. x W.C.F..

Master: Chief Engineer:

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Form E - Calculation of density in the event of similar fuel mixture (same emission factor).

FORM E Name:
REV: 0 Rank:
Date: Remark:

(lt) (kg/lt) (kg/lt) (kg/lt)
The above form can be used as follows:

 Using the observed sounding/ullage measurements (Bunkering form - found at the Annex I
section of the present plan) in the mentioned tank before fuel mixture and by applying
corrections from the vessel’s tank tables, calculate and input the INITIAL VOLUME value in the
relevant column.
 Using the observed sounding/ullage measurements (Bunkering form) after fuel mixture and by
applying corrections from the vessel’s tank tables, calculate and input the FINAL VOLUME value
in the relevant column.
 Input the DENSITY AT 15oC (FUEL NO 1) of the fuel existing in the mentioned tank, to the
relevant column.
 Input the DENSITY AT 15oC (FUEL NO 2) of the fuel to be transferred in the mentioned tank, to
the relevant column.
Both the above densities have been defined from the relevant BDNs.
 Calculate the FINAL DENSITY AT 15oC with the formula below:



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Form NC - Non - conformance report

Audit OF: NC Form Audit TYPE:

Rev: 0









AUDITORS COMMENTS during verification:

(to be completed upon corrective action completion)


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MP Log

MP LOG Name:
REV: 0 Rank:
Date: Remark:

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Fuel specification according to ISO 8217



10 30 80 180 180 380 500 700 380 500 700
Viscosity at
mm²/s Max 10.00 30.00 80.00 180.0 180.0 380.0 500.0 700.0 380.0 500.0 700.0
Density at
kg/m3 Max 920.0 960.0 975.0 991.0 991.0 1010.0
Micro Carbon
% m/m Max 2.50 10.00 14.00 15.00 18.00 20.00
Aluminium +
mg/kg Max 25 40 50 60
Sodium mg/kg Max 50 100 50 100
Ash % m/m Max 0.040 0.070 0.100 0.150
Vanadium mg/kg Max 50 150 350 450
CCAI - Max 850 860 870
Water % V/V Max 0.30 0.50
Pour point
(upper) (b), °C Max 6 30
Pour point
(upper) (b), °C Max 0 30
Flash point °C Min 60.0
Sulphur (c) % m/m Max Statutory requirements
Sediment, % m/m Max 0.10
Acid Number
mgKOH/g Max 2.5
The fuel shall be free from ULO, and shall be considered to contain ULO when
oils (ULO):
either one of the following conditions is met:
Calcium and mg/kg -
Calcium > 30 and zinc >15; or
Zinc; or
Calcium > 30 and phosphorus > 15.
Calcium and
mg/kg Max 2.00
sulphide (d)
(a) This residual marine fuel grade is formerly DMC distillate under ISO 8217:2005.
Purchasers shall ensure that this pour point is suitable for the equipment on board, especially in
cold climates.
The purchaser shall define the maximum sulphur content according to the relevant statutory
(d) Effective only from 1 July 2012.
Strong acids are not acceptable, even at levels not detectable by the standard test methods for
(e) As acid numbers below the values stated in the table do not guarantee that the fuels are free
from problems associated with the presence of acidic compounds, it is the responsibility of the
supplier and the purchaser to agree upon an acceptable acid number.

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Viscosity at 40°C mm²/s Max 5.500 6.000 6.000 11.00
Viscosity at 40°C mm²/s Min 1.400 2.000 3.000 2.000
Micro Carbon
Residue % m/m Max 0.30 0.30 0.30 -
at 10% Residue
Density at 15°C kg/m3 Max - 890.0 890.0 900.0
Micro Carbon
% m/m Max - - - 0.30
Sulphur (a) % m/m Max 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.00
Water % V/V Max - - - 0.30b
Total sediment by
% m/m Max - - - 0.10b
hot filtration
Ash % m/m Max 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Flash point 0°C Min 43.0 60.0 60.0 60.0
Pour point, Summer 0°C Max 0 0 0 6
Pour point, Winter °C Max -6 -6 -6 0
Cloud point °C Max -16 - - -
Calculated Cetane
Min 45 40 40 35
Acid Number mgKOH/g Max 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Oxidation stability g/m3 Max 25 25 25 25 c
Lubricity, corrected
wear scar diameter um Max 520 520 520 520 c
(wsd 1.4 at 60°C (d)
Hydrogen sulphide
mg/kg Max 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Appearance Clear & Bright (f) (b), (c)
A sulphur limit of 1.00% m/m applies in the Emission Control Areas designated by the
International Maritime Organization. As there may be local variations, the purchaser shall
define the maximum sulphur content according to the relevant statutory requirements,
notwithstanding the limits given in this table.
If the sample is not clear and bright, total sediment by hot filtration and water test shall be
Oxidation stability and lubricity tests are not applicable if the sample is not clear and
(d) Applicable if sulphur is less than 0.050% m/m.
(e) Effective only from 1 July 2012.
If the sample is dyed and not transparent, water test shall be required. The water content
shall not exceed 200 mg/kg (0.02% m/m).

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Abstracts of Regulations: EU 2015/757, EU 2016/1927 & EU 2016/2071 regarding “Voyage”

and “Berth”

 All intra-Union voyages, all incoming voyages from the last non-Union port to the first Union
port of call and all outgoing voyages from a Union port to the next non-Union port of call,
including ballast voyages, should be considered relevant for the purposes of monitoring.
CO2 emissions in Union ports, including emissions arising from ships at berth or moving within a
port, should also be covered.
 Monitoring and reporting shall be complete and cover CO2 emissions from the combustion of
fuels, while the ships are at sea as well as at berth.
 ‘Voyage’ means any movement of a ship that originates from or terminates in a port of call and
that serves the purpose of transporting passengers or cargo for commercial purposes.
 ‘Port of call’ means the port where a ship stops to load or unload cargo or to embark or
disembark passengers; consequently, stops for the sole purposes of refuelling, obtaining
supplies, relieving the crew, going into dry-dock or making repairs to the ship and/or its
equipment, stops in port because the ship is in need of assistance or in distress, ship-to-ship
transfers carried out outside ports, and stops for the sole purpose of taking shelter from adverse
weather or rendered necessary by search and rescue activities are excluded.
 ‘Ship at berth’ means a ship which is securely moored or anchored in a port falling under the
jurisdiction of a Member State while it is loading, unloading or hotelling, including the time spent
when not engaged in cargo operations.
 Fuel consumption within ports at berth shall be calculated separately.
 The ‘berth-to-berth’ concept would provide more clarity and a harmonised approach to the
exact starting and ending point of voyages. This would refine the parameters used to monitor
the time spent at sea and distance travelled, as specified under points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1
of Part A of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2015/757, and reflect industry practices.
 The distance travelled shall be determined from berth of the port of departure to berth of the
port of arrival and shall be expressed in nautical miles.
 The time spent at sea shall be calculated based on port departure and arrival information and
shall exclude anchoring.

Additional abstracts from the FAQ found at the European commission’s website:
https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/shipping_en#tab-0-3, visit date 31 May 2017,
complemented by the subjoined text: “this document (i.e. FAQ) was prepared by DG CLIMA and does
not commit the European Commission. Only the Court of Justice of the European Union is competent
to authoritatively interpret the Union law”.

 "Ship to ship" transfers carried out outside ports are covered by the Regulation as part of a
voyage calculated from the last port of call to the next port of call. Variations of cargo arising
from "ship to ship transfers" outside ports during a voyage should be taken into account. In
those cases a weighted average for cargo carried should be calculated and applied to the entire
 The expression "ports of call under the jurisdiction of a Member State" refers to ports of call
located on "EU territory", (in other words, to which EU law fully applies). Not all ports belonging
to an EU Member State are EU territories (see list below). For a voyage to be covered by the

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MRV Regulation at least one of the ports of call shall be located in a EU territory. Ports of call in
the nine EU outermost regions (Açores, Madeira, Canarias, Guadeloupe, French Guyana,
Martinique, Mayotte, Saint Martin and Reunion), and also ports of call in Norway (except those
on Svarbald) and Iceland qualify as EU ports of call.
EEA Member States' Overseas Countries and Territories which do not qualify as EU ports of call:

Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and
Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Curaçao, Sint Maarten
Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin
Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Bailiwick of Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey,
Montserrat, Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension and
Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Turks and Caico Islands,
Akrotiri and Dhekelia

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Measurement Instruments Certificates

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