lag distance = v ∙ t
• Using typical units for velocity (kph) and
d=vt considering the braking action of the driver,
the stopping sight distance may also be written
- If “V” is in kph,
lag distance = 0.278 v ∙ t 𝑉2
𝑆𝑆𝐷 = 0.278𝑣𝑡 + 0.039
AASHTO recommended reaction time is 2.5 𝑎
seconds where v is in kph and a is the braking action
2. Breaking Distance deceleration in m/s
𝑺𝑺𝑫 = 𝒗𝒕 +
𝟐𝒈(𝒇 ± 𝑮)
Note that in this equation, v is in m/s, t is the
reaction time, g is the gravity (9.81m/s 2), f is
the coefficient of longitudinal friction, G is the
roadway grade.
The equations used in designing a crest vertical • H = height of headlight above
curve are as follows: roadway, in meters
• α = inclined angle of headlight beam,
Assuming SSD < L:
in degrees
𝑨𝑺𝟐 • A = absolute value of the difference in
𝑳𝒎 =
𝟐𝟎𝟎(√𝑯𝟏 + √𝑯𝟐)𝟐 grades, in percentage
4. Track Components
• Green –LRT 1
• Blue –LRT 2
• Yellow – MRT 3
• Orange –PNR
• Right of Way • A railway track is defined on two rails • Roads,though having well
and is within protected limits. defined limits, can be used by
• Trains work as per prescribed any vehiculartraffic and even
schedule and no other vehicle has the by pedestriansthey are open
right of way except at specified level to all.
• Cost of • Owing to the heavy infrastructure and • The cost of construction and
Analysis equipment, the initial as well as maintenance of roads is
maintenance cost of a railway line is comparatively cheaper.
• Flexibility of • Due to the defined routes and • Road transports have much
movement facilities required for the reception more flexibility in movement
and dispatch of trains, railways can be and can provide door-to-door
used only between fixed points. services.
• Suitability • Railways are best suited for carrying • Road transport is best suited
heavy goods and large numbers of for carrying lighter goods and
passengers over long distances. smaller numbers of
passengers over shorter
4. Maintenance of Pavements
➢ Surface repair
➢ Repair of cracks
➢ Portland cement concrete pavements
➢ Bituminous pavements
➢ Repair of joints and cracks
➢ Joints in concrete pavements
➢ Concrete joint maintenance
➢ Joints in bituminous pavements
➢ Repair of pavement edge damage
➢ Edge repair
➢ Corner repair
➢ Repair of other pavement surface
5. Sweeping
➢ Purpose of sweeping
➢ Surface monitoring
➢ Cleaning of surfaces
➢ Purpose of cleaning pavements
➢ Removal of rubber deposits
➢ Fuel and oil removal
- Number of vehicle per unit time (traffic - Time headway is defined as the
volume) time interval between passage of
- Vehicle types and speeds consecutive vehicles at a specified
- Variation in traffic volumes over time (e.g., point on the road with a unit of
Peak Hour)
time per vehicles.
Other dimensions that influenced traffic operations
- Traffic control device (i.e., traffic signals, 𝒉𝒕 =
signs and markings) 𝒒
- Types of pavement and geometric design
- Selection of the number of lanes 𝒗𝒆𝒉
𝒒(𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘) =
Most used numerical dimensions of traffic flow 𝒉𝒓
𝒕(𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒘𝒂𝒚) −
- Speed (km/hr)
- Flow/flowrate/volume (veh/hr) SPACING
- Density (veh/km)
- Spacing is the distance between
two vehicles measure from the
- Flow rate is defined as the number of front bumper of a vehicle to that of
vehicles passing a point during a specified another.
period of time.
Speed is defined as rate of motion in distance per unit 𝒌
time. When describing traffic stream, two types of speed
𝒌(𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚) −
are used: time mean speed and space mean speed. 𝒉𝒓
Time Mean Speed / Spot Speed 𝒔(𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈) −
- is simply the arithmetic mean of the speeds of vehicles
passing a point within a given interval of time.
𝑞 = 𝑘(𝑢𝑠 )
As mentioned earlier, density is the most
difficult variable to measure. It can be obtained
indirectly using this relation. Where: P(n) is the probability od having n vehicle arrive
in the time t
t = the duration of time interval over which vehicles are
= average vehicle flow or arrival rate ( in
vehicle/ unit time)
- Poisson vehicle arrivals also implies a
distribution of the time intervals between
the arrivals of successive vehicles (i.e.,
time headway).
- Determine the probability of delay for
vehicle and pedestrian crossing, length of
waiting lines at toll booths and traffic
- used to determine the demand for and the supply of ➢ inventory of existing parking facilities
parking facilities in an area, the projection of the demand, ➢ collection of data on parking accumulation,
and the views of various interest groups on how best to parking turnover and parking duration
solve the problem. ➢ identification of parking generators
➢ collection of information on parking demand.
Information on related factors, such as financial, legal,
On-Street Parking Facilities and administrative matters, also may be collected.
An inventory of existing parking facilities is a detailed This phase involves identifying parking generators (for
listing of the location and all other relevant example, shopping centers or transit terminals) and
characteristics of each legal parkin facility, private and locating these on a map of the study area.
public, in the study area. The inventory includes both on-
and off-street facilities. The relevant characteristics PARKING DEMAND
usually listed include the following: - Information is obtained by interviewing drivers
➢ Type and number of parking spaces at each at the various parking facilities listed during the
parking facility inventory.
➢ Times of operation and limit on duration of - An effort should be made to interview all drivers
parking, if any using the parking facilities on a typical weekday
➢ Type of ownership (private or public) between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Information
➢ Parking fees, if any, and method of collection sought should include (1) trip origin, (2) purpose
➢ Restrictions on use (open or closed to the of trip, and (3) driver’s destination after parking.
public) The interviewer must also note the location of
➢ Other restrictions, if any (such as loading and the parking facility, times of arrival and
unloading zones, bus stops, or taxi ranks) departure, and the vehicle type.
➢ Probable degree of permanency (can the ANALYSIS OF PARKING DATA
facility be regarded as permanent or is it just a
temporary facility?) - includes summarizing, coding, and interpreting
the data so that the relevant information
The information obtained from an inventory of parking required for decision making can be obtained.
facilities is useful both to the traffic engineer and to The relevant information includes the following:
public agencies, such as zoning commissions and planning
departments. The inventory should be updated at regular ▪ Number and duration for vehicles legally parked
intervals of about four to five years.
▪ Number and duration for vehicles illegally parked
▪ Space-hours of demand for parking
▪ Supply of parking facilities
- are obtained by checking the amount of
parking during regular intervals on The analysis required to obtain information on the first
different days of the week. two items is straightforward; it usually involves simple
- The checks are usually carried out on an arithmetical and statistical calculations. Data obtained
hourly or 2-hour basis between 6:00 a.m. from these items are then used to determine parking
and 12 midnight. space-hours.
- The selection of the times depends on the ANALYSIS OF PARKING DATA
operation times of land-use activities that
act as parking generators. The space-hours of demand for parking are obtained
- The information obtained is used to from the expression
determine hourly variations of parking and
peak periods of parking demand.
𝐷 = ∑(𝑛1 𝑡1 )
𝑆 = 𝑓 ∑(𝑡1 )
▪ Most of the intersections are either designed as at- ▪ Two intersections should be as far as possible from each
grade intersection or grade separation such as flyovers or other. In addition to the reason cited in (2), adequate
interchanges. Almost all intersections are initially weaving sections may not be provided. As a rule of
designed at-grade and are planned to be grade-separated thumb, the distance between the two intersections must
in the future to cope with high traffic volume. The type of be
grade separation depends largely on the extend of
improvement it would provide in terms of easing distance = design speed (kph) x number of lanes x 2
congestion or reducing traffic accidents.
For instance, if the prevailing speed is 30 kph and three
Type of Operation are four lanes in one direction, the distance between the
two intersections must be at least 30 x 4 x 2 = 240 m.
▪ Rules and regulations applied to a given intersection
depend largely on the type of control which is in Turning geometry
operation at that intersection. The main objective is to
The principal purpose of an intersection is to provide
simplify traffic flow. This is often achieved by reducing the
change in the direction of travel. As a vehicle approaches
number of conflicts of vehicles.
an intersection, the driver has to decide whether to go
▪An intersection operates as unchannelized or straight or to turn to left or right. For turning movements,
channelized, and unsignalized or signalized. a number of turning geometries may be considered, the
Channelization often leads to simplified movements of most direct of which is highly preferred. Configurations of
vehicles as it leads drivers to one conflict at a time. On turning geometries are shown below:
the other hand, signalization greatly crossing conflicts at
the intersection area.
Turning geometry
Turning geometry
Turning geometry