Transportation Engineering I (lec_4)

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Transportation Engineering I
Highway Design
• Geometric Design
– Designing of visible feature of highway
Highway Design • Pavement Design
– Designing of road depth and load transfer to soil

Syed Muhammad Noman

Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering

Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• The main objective of geometric design • Route Selection and Alignment:
1. Physical features of the area
– Optimum traffic operation • Affect route selection
• Intersection movement, Sign, marking • Topography
• Ground condition (soil)
– Maximum human safety
• Land use
• Reduce injuries and fatalities
• topographic, geologic and soil map are required to
– Cost effective analysis physical feature along with aerial photograph


Topographic map of Soil

Highway Geometric Design
• Route Selection and Alignment:
2. Relation between physical feature and
geometric design
– Sudden change required in alignment
 Sharp curve should be avoided
 Area subjected to weather
• Floods, avalanches , land sliding others
– Must relate to construction and operation of roads
Topographic map

Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Road Alignment: • Road Alignment
– Influenced by types of terrain – Horizontal Alignment
• Flat/Plain/level
• Rolling
• Mountainous

– Vertical Alignment


Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Design Control and Criteria
• Design Standards:
– BSI (British Standards Institute) Design Control and Criteria

– ASTM (American Society for testing and material) Vehicle Volume

• Performance • Demand
– AASHTO (American Association of state highway • Limitation • Composition

and transportation officials)

– FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) Driver
• Behaviour
• Quality

Speed Access
• Design • Controlled
• Operation • Uncontrolled

Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Design Control and Criteria
– Capacity • Design Control and Criteria
– Speed
Selection of speed for designing can effect by
• Demand for service
– Functional classification
• Public transport/Bus Routes
• Topography
– Level, rolling and mountainous terrain
• Operating speed
• Design speed


Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Design Element: • Design Element:
– Horizontal Curve – Cross section Element.
– Vertical Curve • Depends on road type
– Cross section • Components
– Lanes
– Drainage – Shoulder (inner & outer)
– Median (central reservation)
– Side slop (Drainage Channels)

Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Lanes: • Shoulder:
– Cycle track – Parking, emergency stop and passage
– Side walk – Provide lateral stability (strengthen pavement
– Bus lanes structure)
– Parking lanes – Space for walking
– Speed changing lane – For traffic sign


Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Median: • Design Element:
– Longitudinal separation between lanes / traffic – Cross section Element
streams may be in the form of open land, road
marking or concrete type.
• Separate opposing direction of traffic
• Minimise head light glare from opposing traffic

Highway Geometric Design

• Design Element:
- Cross section Element.


Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Sight Distance: • Importance of Sight Distance:
“Length of roadway ahead, visible to driver”
– To give driver enough time to avoid an obstruction
– Important design element – To allow drivers to safely overtake an vehicle
– Invisible only used in calculation – To give two cars enough time coming in opposite
Types: direction.
– Stopping Sight distance – Use in design consideration of complex location
– Passing Sighting distance

Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) • Stopping Sight Distance (SSD)
“Minimum sight distance required to stop the – Combination of two distance
vehicle before collision” • Distance travelled by the driver after seeing the object,
before applying break.
Depends on,
• Distance travelled after application of the break
– Perception and reaction ability of driver
– Break efficiency of the vehicle Perception and
– Friction resistance between road and tyres SSD = reaction distance + Breaking Distance

– Speed on which vehicle is moving (design speed)

– Road grade


Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) • Stopping Sight Distance (SSD)
– Reaction Distance: SSD = Perception and
reaction distance
+ Breaking Distance
Perception and reaction time (t), based on PIEV theory
– P : Perception
– I : Identification / intellection
SSD = 1.47Vt + 1.075V2/a

– E : Emotion /Judgment
– V : Volition / Reaction Where
• Average Value is 2.5 sec (may vary form 0.5sec to 3-4 v – design speed (mph)
a – deceleration rate (ft/s2)
sec depending upon complexity of situation)
t – reaction time (sec)
Distance - ft

Highway Geometric Design Highway Geometric Design

• Stopping Sight Distance (SSD)


Source: A policy on geometric Design of Highways and Streets pp: 112


Problem 3.1:
Highway Geometric Design An alert driver (with a reaction time 0.5sec) is driving downhill
on 4% grade at 35mph on a dry pavement when suddenly a
person steps from behind a parked car in a path at a distance of
• Stopping Sight Distance (SSD)
– Effect of grade (a) Can driver stop in time with emergency braking
assuming a deceleration rate of 14.8ft/s2?
(b) Can driver stop in time on a rainy day with comfortable
braking assuming a deceleration rate of 11.2ft/s2?

Answer: (a) 123.03ft and (b) 158.38ft
G= grade or longitudinal slope of the highway divided by 100

Sight Distance Sight Distance

• Passing Sight Distance (PSD) • Passing Sight Distance (PSD)

d1 = distance travelled during perception and reaction time and during the
acceleration to the point of encroachment of the left lane
d2 = distance travelled while the passing vehicle occupies the left lane
d3 = distance between the passing vehicle at the end of its maneuver and the
opposing vehicle
d4 = distance travelled by an opposing vehicle or two-third of d2

Two lane two way Highway


Sight Distance Sight Distance

• Passing Sight Distance (PSD)
• Passing Sight Distance (PSD) – Minimum PSD is the sum of d1+d2+d3 +d4
– Assumptions are,

d3 varies from 100 to 300ft

d4 is two-third of d2
t1 = time of initial maneuver (sec)
t2 = time passing vehicle occupies the left lane (sec)
V = average speed of passing vehicle (mph)
a = deceleration rate
m = difference in speed of passed vehicle and passing vehicle

Source: A policy on geometric Design of Highways and Streets

Sight Distance Highway Geometric Design

• Horizontal Alignment
– Three basic component of horizontal alignment
• Tangent segment
• Transition of curve
• Circular curve

Source: A policy on geometric Design of Highways and Streets


Horizontal Alignment Horizontal Alignment

Types of Horizontal Curve

Simple Circular Horizontal Curve

Horizontal Alignment Horizontal Alignment


Horizontal Alignment Horizontal Alignment

• Super Elevation
Different rotation of super elevation • Super Elevation

Super Elevation

Horizontal Alignment Horizontal Alignment

• Super Elevation • Super Elevation
– Raising of outer edge of pavement
– Required to at horizontal curve
– Balancing of centrifugal force
V2 0.0079V 2
R 
127(e  f s ) (e  f s )
R is the minimum radius in m Where,
V is the vehicle speed in m/s R is the minimum radius in m
fs is coefficient of side friction unit less V is the vehicle speed in Km/h
g is gravitational constant, 9.807 m/s2 fs is coefficient of side friction unit less
e is superelevation of the curve e is super-elevation of the curve


Problem 3.2:
A roadway is being designed for a speed of 110
km/h. At on horizontal curve, it is known that
the superelevation is 8% and the coefficient of
side friction is 0.11. Determine the minimum
radius of curve that will provide for safe vehicle

Rmin = 501.141m

Problem 3.3: • Problem 3.4:

Calculate the safe driving speed on a curve with Calculate the minimum radius for horizontal
radius 200m, the superelevation being 0.07. If curve of a roadway design for 100 kph. Other
the pavement width is 7 m, how much should design parameters are as per AASHTO safety
the pavement edge be raised or depressed consideration.
about the crown if the superelevation is (from table safe super elevation e = 4.0%,
provided by rotating about the centre-line?
fs = 0.12)
(maximum allowable fs =0.15)

V = 74.62 (80 kph)


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