Abstract— Electric cars becomes one off interesting object Electric motor, however, has to orque-speed characteristic
for researchers since its ability to meet thhe requirements of which is close to the profile of tractive effort-speed of
environmentally friendly vehicles. The driving force of vehicles,. Since an electric vehicle is driven by electric motor,
electric car comes only from electric mottor, hence the car it is possible the system to use sing gle gear to get match the
performance is mostly determined by itss motor dynamic vehicle profile. This much simplifiies the structure of the
response. This paper presents the modelinng of PMBLDCM vehicle.
(Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor) with the load
characteristics of an urban city electric ccar. The dynamic
responses of torque and speed of the motor in constant torque
region is discussed Tests carried out using M
Matlab/Simulink in
an attempt to obtain data describing the dynnamic responses of
the motors driving city electric car.
characteristics;dynamic response;Matlab/Simulin
nk;city electric car.
I. INTRODUCTION Figure 1. The tractive effort - speed proffile of vehicle with multi-
Electric vehicle developments can cerrtainly produce a gear system.
revolutionary improvement in vehicle perrformance, energy The characteristic of torque–speeed curve of the electric
conservation and reduction of pollutant em missions. Recently motor can be divided into two areas, i.e. the constant torque
the development of electric vehicle are w widely growing in area and constant power area . Thesee two operating areas of
electric vehicle, such as an electric city carr and rail vehicles electric motors is determined in two modes,
m namely basic rpm
for mass transportation system. These field of research mode (ωb) and the power limits mode. [2]
activities include electric motor drive system
m, management of • RPM based ( ωb ) Mode
energy sources and its controllers, and mechanical power This mode of operation uses base speed of the rotor as the
train system. Objective of the main researcch field of electric boundary to traverse from torque constant operation to the
cars in particular: 1) high efficiency annd low pollutant constant power operation, i.e.
emissions, 2) structure is compact and sim mple, and 3) high -Constant torque area: ω < ωb T= =TT-constant
reliability and low prices. To achieve the oobjectives, electric TT-constant= ctrl xTmax (1)
motor controllers and energy storage arre most important
components [1]. -Constant power area: ω ≥ωb T = TP-constant,
௧ ௫ ௫
The tractive effort - speed profile of aan ICE ( internal TP-constant = ఠ
combustion engine) vehicle is given in figurre (1). The profile • Power limit mode (Pmax)
has a wide range of constant power operaation area, i.e. the Motor power limit values is defined
d as:
tractive effort hyperbolically decline with increasing speed. Pmax = Tmax x ωb (3)
But an ICE car usually depends on muulti-gear system to Motor controllers in this mode works
w on constant torque
produce constant power operations, but thee torque variations region if the power absorbed by the motor is less than Pmax
with the multi-gear system cause signifiicant reduction in motors and switch to the constant po ower operation when the
efficiency. So the multi-gear configuration ffor city electric car motor output power P is greater thaan the maximum power
becomes unfavorable. Pmax, i.e.
-Constant torque area: P< Pmax. T=TT-constant
40 Speed (Re erence & A ctual Value) ( RPM
R )
-1 0
0 0.0 5 0.1 0.1 5 0.2
2 0.25 0.3
a) -2000
0.0995 0.1 0.1005 0.101 0.1015 0.102 0.1025
0.103 0 .1035 0.104 0 .10 45
0.0995 0.1 0.1005 0.101 0.1015 0.102 0.1025 0.103 0.1 035 0.104 0 .1045
The torque of BLDC motor has a very
v fast response, i.e. the
b) change of load torque from zero to 75% of its rated torque( 50
Nm), its rise time is less than 0.00255 second and its ripple is
about 1 %. At the instant of referencee speed change from 500
RPM to 1,000 RPM, the torque sufffers maximum overshoot
34 almost 25% of its steady state value, but
b it dies out in less than
33 0.0025 second. The speed response due to speed reference
value variations is very good with settling time less than
0.00025 second, but the speed respon nse due to the occurrence
of disturbance of torque variation haas a much longer settling
time(0.003 s). It is clear that BLDC motor
m has a good dynamic
response to propel city electric car, but
b of course the electric
0.1495 0.15 0.1505 0 .151 0.15 15 0.152 0.15525 0 .15 3 0.1535 0.154
motor control must be carefully designned.
Figure 3 Torque Response :
a)full period of test 0 -0.3 second b) Zooming vieew at 0.1 second on
insertion of load c)Zooming view at 0.15 secondd on speed change
Speed (Reference & Actual) (RPM)
0 0.0 5 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 .25 0 .3
S pe e d ( Re fe re nce & Ac tua l value ) (RPM
55 0
50 0
45 0
40 0
35 0
30 0
25 0
20 0
15 0
10 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Time(s) x 10
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