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30 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,

Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2010

Digital Simulation of Electronic Transformer

based Single-phase Induction Motor Drive
K.Samidurai1, Dr. K.Thanushkodi 2
Dept.of EEE, Karpagam College of Engineering,
Coimbatore – 641 032, India
Director, Akshaya College of Engg. and Technology,
Coimbatore – 641 119, India

Abstract: This paper presents the modeling and digital ac chopper [7]. The dc chopper-fed single-phase induction
simulation of an electric drive comprising of electronic motor drive has an inherent problem of high torque
transformer based voltage regulator and capacitor-run single- pulsations [8], [9]. In the literatures [10], [11], only cost
phase induction motor. The drive proposed is modeled and reduction technique and a method to improve efficiency
simulated using MATLAB/ SIMULINK. It is found that the have been suggested. The important aspects of energy
proposed scheme has superior operating and performance saving and power quality have not been addressed.
characteristics, particularly on the aspects of power quality,
Thus it is important to consider both the energy saving
energy saving and efficiency unlike the conventional triac based
schemes. Simulation results show that the improvement in
and power quality when performance characteristics of the
performance with respect to input power factor and reduction of drive is analyzed. This thesis suggests a new scheme for
total harmonic distortion, resulting in improved power quality. speed control of a capacitor-run single-phase induction
The discontinuity caused by the conventional regulators in the motor using an electronic transformer. The electronic
applied voltage to obtain variable AC voltage for variable speed transformer is making use of an amplitude modulation and
is reduced to a great extent with the use of the proposed phase shifting technique for achieving a variable voltage
electronic transformer based voltage regulator. and hence the speed of the fan motor can be controlled.
An isolated high frequency link converter is termed as an
Keywords: Energy saving, Power quality, speed control, electronic transformer. The electronic transformer has size
capacitor-run induction motor. and cost advantages over a conventional transformer
because of high frequency operation of the magnetic core.
1. Introduction Low cost and easy availability of ferrite core material has
helped the implementation of high frequency link power
The motor used for domestic fans is a capacitor-run single -
transformation [12-14].
phase induction motor with squirrel cage rotor. The rotor
The use of electronic transformer for speed control of
resistance in these motors is higher and it is therefore, quite
single-phase induction motor results in improved power
suitable for wide range of speed control using stator voltage
factor, energy saving, reduction in total harmonic distortion
control. The commonly employed method of speed control
(THD), improved efficiency as compared to triac and all
in domestic fan motors is the use of a variable resistance in
other schemes [15]. Simulation results are presented to
series with the stator of the motor. As this scheme is
validate the proposed scheme.
cheaper, it is popular even today. However, this is an
inefficient method of speed control due to the power loss in 2. Mathematical modeling of the capacitor-
the series resistance. In the alternative schemes, the triac is run motor
inserted either between the a.c mains and the fan motor or 2.1 Equivalent circuit
in series with the main winding. The triac based schemes The equivalent circuit of the capacitor - run motor based on
are simple, reliable, cost effective and superior in power double field revolving theory is shown in Fig.1. Where ‘a’ is
savings[1-3].The focus of study in literature [2], [3] was to the turns ratio of the auxiliary to main winding, Rlm, Xlm are
improve energy saving rather than the aspects of power the resistance and leakage reactance of the main winding
quality. (Ω), Rla, Xla are the resistance and leakage reactance of the
A pulse width modulated (PWM) ac chopper has been auxiliary winding, Rc, Xc are the equivalent series
suggested [4], [5] as an alternative to the ac voltage
resistance and reactance of the capacitor (Ω), Rf, Xf are the
controller. The ac chopper employs forced commutated
forward equivalent series resistance and leakage reactance
devices or self-commutated devices. The performance
of the rotor referred to the main winding (Ω), Rb, Xb are the
characteristics of a symmetrical PWM ac chopper controller
-fed single - phase induction motor is available in literature backward equivalent series resistance and leakage reactance
[6]. However, in this work the presence of line current of the rotor referred to the main winding (Ω), Im, Ia, I are the
harmonics is substantial and no attention has been given to
energy saving. The performance of a capacitor -run motor
supplied from an ac voltage regulator was shown to be
superior when its operation is compared with a single PWM
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 31
Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2010
Where S is the per unit slip. The output power ( Po ) is:
Ia Rc Xc Rla Xla
I Po = Pmd – Prot
Where Prot is the rotational losses.
Im Rlm Xlm a2Rf The two voltage equations (7) and (8) constitute the
Rf steady state mathematical model of the capacitor - run motor. The
a2Xf solution of these equations under any operating point gives the
Xf main and auxiliary winding currents. Hence, all the performance
characteristics of the motor at the particular load point can be
V -jEfa/a calculated. It should be noted that particular load point means a
a2Rb given value for the applied voltage and motor speed [5].
Ebm Eb a
a2Xb 3. Principle of operation the proposed scheme
The principle of operation of the proposed electronic
+jEba/a transformer based regulator is based on amplitude
modulation and phase shifting technique. In this method, a
Figure 1. Equivalent circuit of the motor low frequency sine wave of supply frequency is modulated
by a high-frequency square wave. The high-frequency
square wave is the gating signal to the IGBTs. The resultant
voltage can be obtained after modulation multiplying these
main, auxiliary and motor currents, respectively (A), Efm, two waveforms. Hence this voltage can be transformed with
Ebm are the self-induced voltages in the main winding by its a high-frequency transformer [13].
forward and backward fluxes, respectively (V), aEfm, aEbm The circuit diagram for the proposed scheme is
are the mutually induced voltages in the auxiliary winding shown in Figure.2. In this circuit, a centre tapped
by the forward and backward fluxes of the main winding, transformer suitable for high frequency is used for isolation
and two pairs of bidirectional switches one each, on primary
respectively (V), Efa , Eba are the self-induced voltages in the
and secondary side of the transformer are used. Each
auxiliary winding by its forward and backward fluxes,
bidirectional switch consists of four diodes in a bridge
respectively (V), Efa / a, Eba / a, are the mutually induced
configuration and an IGBT to facilitate bidirectional flow of
voltages in the main winding by the forward and backward current.
fluxes of the auxiliary winding, respectively (V). To control the AC output voltage, the phase
shifting technique is employed. As depicted in Figure.3, in
2.2 Mathematical model this technique the high frequency square waves (10 kHz) are
The steady state mathematical model of the motor consists applied as gating signals to the IGBTs. The gating signals to
of the set of equations which govern its steady state the secondary side IGBTs S3 and S4 are delayed by ‘α’
operation under all operating conditions. From Figure.1, the seconds with respect to the gating signals of primary side
following equations can be written. IGBTs S1 and S2.In the proposed scheme; to achieve desired
V = Zlm Im + Efm + Ebm – jEfa /a + jEba /a (1) speed the voltage applied to the capacitor-run motor is
V = ( Zla + Zc ) Ia + Efa + Eba + ja Efm - ja Ebm (2) controlled. The voltage control is accomplished by applying
Where: the gating signals as shown in Fig.3. S1 and S2 are
Efm = Zf Im = Im ( Rf + jXf ) (3) alternatively driven with 50% duty ratio signals. S3 and S4
Ebm = Zb Im = Im ( Rb + jXb) (4) are driven with the other 50% duty ratio signals with time
Efa = a2 Zf Ia = a2 Ia( Rf + jXf ) (5) delay (α). S1 S3
Eba = a2 Zb Ia = a2 Ia ( Rb + jXb) L
(6) a
Substituting from Equations (3) – (6) into Equations (1) and (2)
C1 C2
yields: I/
V = ( Zlm + Zf + Zb ) Im - ja ( Zf - Zb ) Ia (7) Vi Vo
V = ja ( Zf - Zb ) Im + ( Zla + Zc + a2 ( Zf + Zb ) ) Ia (8)
The solution of Equations (7) and (8) gives the main and auxiliary
winding currents under any operating conditions. Hence, the total
motor current is obtained as:
I = Im + Ia (9) b
The net amount of power transferred across the air gap (Pg) is S2 S4
obtained as:
Pg = ( Im2 + a2 Ia2 ) ( Rf - Rb ) + 2a Im Ia ( Rf + Rb ) sin ( θa – θm )
(10) Figure 2. Circuit diagram of the proposed scheme
Where θm and θa are the phase angles of the main and auxiliary
winding currents, respectively. Where
The electromechanical torque developed ( Tmd ) is: α = θ.T / 180
Tmd = Pg / ωs (11) θ: phase difference (θ = 0˚ ~ 180˚)
Where ωs is the synchronous speed (rad/s). The mechanical power T: switching ON time (T = 1/ (2. fsw))
developed (Pmd ) is given by: fsw: switching frequency
Pmd = ( 1 – S ) Pg (12)
32 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2010




S4 Figure 6. Fourier spectrum of gating signal

Figure 3. Pulse pattern

4. Simulation results and discussion

The proposed scheme is simulated using matlab/simulink as
shown in Figure.4. It consists of four bi-directional switches
each of which consists of four diodes in a bridge
configuration with an IGBT across the DC terminals. Fig.5
shows the simulation results of the proposed scheme. It is
fed with an input supply of 50 Hz sinusoid. A 230 V, 1350
Figure 7. Voltage across primary
r/min,60W rated capacitor- run induction motor is
connected as load for simulation.

Figure. 4. Simulink model of the proposed scheme

Figure 5. Gating signal

Figure 8. Fourier spectrum of primary voltage
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 33
Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2010

Figure11. Motor terminal voltage of the triac based scheme

Figure 9.Unfiltered output In the case of triac based scheme, an appreciable amount
of discontinuity in the motor terminal voltage is observed as
shown in Fig.6. The presence of such discontinuity causes
adverse impact on power quality apart from significant
power loss [15]. Moreover, the drive in the discontinuous
mode of operation produces torque ripples which affect its
over all performance.
5. Conclusion
In this paper a new scheme of electronic transformer based
Figure 9. Fourier spectrum of Unfiltered output voltage regulator for the speed control of single-phase
voltage induction motor is analyzed. Simulation results depicts that
there is an appreciable reduction of THD in output voltage
and improvement in input power factor close to unity.
Unlike the triac based schemes, the proposed regulator does
not pollute the input power and output power to the load to a
great extent while manipulating the given input supply.
Owing to this reason, it can be used wherever variable ac
voltage for the control of single phase loads is required. The
quality of power is improved with the use of this scheme as
it reduces the THD of the system.

Figure 10. Motor terminal References

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Authors Profile
K. Samidurai received his B.E degree in
Electrical & Electronics Engineering from
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
in 1992 and M. Tech degree in Power
Systems from National Institue of
Technology, Tiruchirapalli, India in 2005.
Since 2005, he has been an Assistant
Professor in Department of Electrical &
Electronics Engineering, Karpagam
College of Engineering, Coimbatore,
India. His research interests are in the areas of power quality
(PQ), energy conservation and power electronics. He is currently
working towards his PhD degree at Anna University, Chennai,

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