Brushless DC Motor Characterisation and Selection For A Fixed Wing UAV
Brushless DC Motor Characterisation and Selection For A Fixed Wing UAV
Brushless DC Motor Characterisation and Selection For A Fixed Wing UAV
Abstract—The aim of the paper is to present a method for eval- Realising long endurance flight requires, in addition to a
uating brushless DC motors (BLDC) for fixed wing Unmanned high energy density power source, an efficient propulsion sys-
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Selection of a BLDC motor, which tem. An electric propulsion system converts electrical energy
operates in its efficient region for a UAV platform’s specifications,
will affect the endurance capabilities of the UAV platform. A to mechanical thrust, and consists of four main components:
four-constant model is presented as a means of modelling and an electrical power source, Electronic Speed Controller (ESC),
predicting the characteristics of BLDC motors. Further, physical electric motor and a propeller (Fig. 1). Each of these compo-
testing of each motor is performed on a constructed motor test nents has their own performance characteristics and regions
bench. Validation of the model’s results is compared to physical of maximum efficiency. The selection of each component is
testing. The methods presented provide a means of accurately
characterising a given BLDC motor. This data can be used to critical in achieving an overall propulsion system which is both
design the additional components used in the UAV’s propulsion efficient and suited to the application platform’s requirements.
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle market has grown into a
multi-billion dollar industry, with the UAV market worth over
$4.9 billion in 2010 — largely due to the growing application
domain for UAVs [1]. A UAV is an aircraft without an
on-board human pilot. Instead the aircraft may be piloted
remotely or using an autopilot system. Emerging applications
in South Africa require UAVs to operate for long uninterrupted
durations — typically between than 4 and 24 hours. Some of
these applications include:
• Wildlife tracking;
• Traffic monitoring;
• Border patrols;
• Environmental research;
• Geographical mapping; and
• Numerous military applications Fig. 1. Components of a typical electrical propulsion system. a) Battery, b)
Electronic Speed Controller (ESC), c) Motor, d) Propeller.
The above mentioned applications need to be performed
with a UAV which, is “invisible” to the application for which
it is used. Military reconnaissance for instance would benefit
from a platform with low heat and noise signatures in the The University of Johannesburg is currently developing
quest for “invisibility” to an enemy target. Data obtained a modular “Green Energy” UAV with power derived from
from environmental research of atmospheric gases may be batteries, solar power and a hydrogen fuel cell. In this paper,
compromised, should the UAV platform produce gases from the investigation of a means of modelling, characterising and
an internal combustion type propulsion system. Taking these testing of brushless DC motors is presented. With a model that
aspects and the application domain into account, electrical adequately represents BLDC motors, one can easily predict
propulsion becomes a better means of propulsion — over the characteristics of a given motor without the cost and time
internal combustion engines [2]. Electric propulsion systems consuming loaded bench testing. The data gathered during
produce zero gaseous emissions, low heat, and generate less this process aids in the selection of the remaining propulsion
audible noise than a internal combustion system. components needed for the UAV platform.
II. T HEORY B UILDING AND M ETHODOLOGY and rotating permanent magnets [3]. Fig. 3 illustrates the two
A. Propulsion Power Transfer physical BDLC motor configurations — inner-rotor and outer-
rotor. The inner-rotor places the magnets in the centre, sur-
The electric propulsion system converts electrical power to
rounded by the coil windings. The outer-rotor places the coil
mechanical power in the form of thrust. Fig. 2 illustrates this
windings enclosed by an outer casing composed of permanent
power transfer through the four components of the propulsion
magnets [4]. This configuration is favoured over the inner-
rotor configuration in model aviation due to the need for lower
energy magnets, reduced copper losses, reduced production
costs, and greater rotor inertia [4].
common steady-state model used for BLDC motors is the acquired from ESC and motor data sheets. Kirchhoff’s voltage
three-constant model. The constants being: Rm , I0 , and Kv . law is applied to the left-most loop of Fig. 4, which gives:
Rm represents the motor winding resistance; I0 the idle
no-load current due to friction losses and magnetic hysteresis; Ei = E − IRm (6)
and Kv the RPM per back-emf voltage [6].
Ei Back-EMF [V]
The three-constant model falls short of adequately
modelling all the losses of a BLDC motor [6]. The idle E Battery voltage [V]
current (I0 ) may increase according to the applied voltage, I Battery current [A]
rather than remaining constant as predicted by the three- Rm Combined winding and ESC resis-
constant model. Eddy currents flow within the stator core due tance [Ω]
to the varying magnetic field from electronic commutation. The rotational speed of the motor is proportional to the back
Eddy currents losses are not accounted for in the three- EMF (Ei ) with, proportionality constant (Kv ) given by:
constant model, these losses increase proportionally to the
rate of change of magnetic flux according to Maxwell’s N
Kv = (7)
equations i.e. rotational speed. Viscous damping (windage Ei
losses) are also neglected in this model — yet they can Where:
be substantial since windage power losses are quadratic in Kv RPM/Volt constant
relation to the rotational speed of the motor. N Rotational speed of motor [RPM]
Ei Back-EMF [V]
The proposed model for BLDC motors consists of four con- The value of I0 can be obtained from the current axis
stants — Rm , I0 , Kv and R1 . Rm is the combined ESC and interception of the battery current vs. battery voltage graph
winding resistance. I0 differs from the three-constant model, (I vs. E graph). The fourth constant (R1 ) is obtained from the
now representing the no-load current at zero battery voltage equation below:
[6]. Kv is identical to the three-constant model. The fourth
constant, R1 , is used to model the Eddy current and viscous E − I(Resc + Rm )
R1 = (8)
damping losses [6]. Fig. 4 is an electrical representation of the I − I0
four-constant model for BLDC motors. Where:
R1 Windage and Eddy current losses
The power delivered to the load is calculated with (9):
Pload = (9)
Pload Power delivered to load [Ω]
Ii Load current [A]
Fig. 4. Four-constant model for BLDC motors.
The characteristic model prediction (efficiency vs. RPM)
can be found using (1) and (9):
The electronic commutation is achieved by switch mode
DC to AC converters in the form of what is commonly η= × 100 (10)
referred to as an Electronic Speed Controller. Switch mode Pbatt
converter losses are generally assigned to on-state, switching Where:
and energy storage medium losses. On state and energy η Efficiency [%]
storage losses are assumed linearly dependent on the current
flowing through the converter. Switching losses are dependent D. Loaded Motor Characterisation
on switching frequency and voltage by current during the A loaded characterisation of BLDC is necessary in order
cross over periods. Switching losses are greatly dependent on to validate the four-constant model, and more importantly
the rising and falling times of the switching architecture. The determine if a particular motor will satisfy the needs the UAV
combined losses incurred by the ESC and the winding losses platform. A motor test bench is needed that has a stable means
are represented by Rm in Fig. 4. of mounting the motor under test; measurement of the output
torque and RPM; and a means of increasing/decreasing the
All four constants can be acquired by recording the no- amount of mechanical loading on the motor. One such method
load current and rotational speed in revolutions per minute is by means of a prony brake whereby, a pulley wheel (attached
(RPM) while varying the battery voltage (E). The Rm value is to the motor shaft) with a belt of fixed length connected at
Fig. 7. No-load battery current vs. battery voltage for Scorpion S5525(∆), Scorpion S5525(Y ) and Axi 5320/34(∆).
Fig. 8. Loaded efficiency vs. battery current for Scorpion S5525(∆), Scorpion S5525(Y ) and Axi 5320/34(∆).