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Lesson plan in mathematics

I- Objectives:

At the end of the study, the student should be able to;

a. Identify the properties of multiplication

b. solve problems using multiplication

c. appreciate the use of multiplication in real life

d. state the purpose of multiplication

II- Subject Matter

a. Topic: Multiplication of Whole Numbers

b. Reference: Mathematics book

c. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint

d. Skills Listening, Reading and Speaking

III- Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer

b. Greetings

C. Checking of attendance

d. Classroom setting

-Class, what was out topic yesterday?
-ok very good
A. Engage:
If I have 3 groups of 4 pencils how many pencils do I have?
If I have 2 apples in 5 box how many apples do I have?
How did you get your answer?
B. Explore:
-Class we will have an activity in tittle multiply me! I will group you into 4 group you have
to solve it in your group then after that you will write it in the board. Did you get?
1. 6+6+6+6=
3. 2+2+2+2+2+2+2=
4. 7+7+7=
- Very good class i am very Happy that you will be able to solve the problem that i gave
to you, so what have you notice about the activity?
C. Explain:
-Now let us proceed to our topic for today, our topic for today is all about Multiplication
so anyone what is multiplication?
-ok very good
First let us know what is multiplication so its means that to add equal groups. When we
multiply the number of things in the group increases. When to or more numbers are
multiplied the result are called product. The number that are multiplied are factors of
product. For example the price of the bread is 6 pesos if 3 people will buy it, the total
cost is 18, So the 6and 3 are called factors, while 18 is the product.
Purpose of multiplication
-The purpose of multiplication is to help us to find the total number of items quickly. For
example you are going to buy 3 pieces of chocolate and the price is 15 pesos you will
going to multiply it, so the money you give is 45 pesos.
Did you get class?
D. Elaboration
Activity 1
We will having a short quiz, please get 1/4 sheet of paper ill give you 5 minutes to
answer the quiz.
Activity 2
Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is False
___1.Multiplication means that to add equal groups
___2. Multiplication to 3 is 30
___3. When two or more numbers are multiplied, the result is called product.
___4. The purpose of multiplication is to help us to find the total number of items not
___5. 9multiply to9 is 18.
E. Evaluate
Direction: Connect the factors in the correct answers of the column B.
Column A. Column B.
1.5×5 a.32
2.3×4 b.48
3.6×8 c.20
4.10×2. d.25
5.4×8. e.12
For you assignment, Research the meaning of division and find the purpose of it.

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