Annotation Guidelines v.3: For Each Hand in Each Image Will Have 2 Possible Actions Available
Annotation Guidelines v.3: For Each Hand in Each Image Will Have 2 Possible Actions Available
Annotation Guidelines v.3: For Each Hand in Each Image Will Have 2 Possible Actions Available
The goal of the project is to move Facebook closer to delivering a controller free virtual reality experience.
You will be drawing bounding boxes around the hands you see in an image. The images are from a headset camera.
You are only annotating the hands of the person wearing the headset (both left and right hand where visible). Ignore
hands of any other individuals in the scene.
For each hand in each image will have 2 possible actions available:
1. Annotatable → The left (or right) hand of the person wearing the headset is visible (greater than 25% area)
2. "Reject Hand(s)" → The left (or right) hand of the person wearing the headset CANNOT be annotated because
they satisfy one of the conditions under Step 2. In this scenario, please select which hand(s) you are rejecting
(left, right) AND the reason for why the hand(s) cannot be annotated.
a. The four specific reasons (two per hand) for why a hand cannot be annotated can be found under Step 1 –
Reject Hand.
Step 1 - Reject Hand(s)
If any of the following apply, reject the hand(s) and select one of the four options below:
1. Draw a bounding box around the hand(s) in question if greater than 25% of it is visible.
a. A hand is considered 100% visible if it is completely in frame and not occluded by any other objects. For
example a hand in the shape of a fist is considered 100% visible even though you can't see the fingers.
Double check your work, and edit boxes as necessary. Then click “Submit” and move to the next job.
Bounding boxes should be drawn tightly around the hand including the entire palm and entire wrist (annotation ends
at top of Radius and Ulna bone that connect w/ wrist).
● Examples above are solid good examples of hands over 25% that should be annotated
● Examples above are just at that 25% and would be considered passable. They are on the edge so I wouldn’t
advise going any less.
Bad Good
● Annotators should not estimate how much more of the hand is outside the frame and annotate outside of frame
● Tip → Pay attention to the top of the Radius and Ulna bone as an indicator where to place the bounding box to
include the full wrist.
Bad Good
● The top of the Radius and Ulna bones are visible and should be included within the bounding box
Bad Good
● The bounding box meets where the wrist is but does not fully cover the entire wrist
Bad Good
● Annotation is close but is missing edges of the wrist
Bad Good
● You can clearly see the top of the Radius and Ulna bone where wrist should have been included
● Tip: Look for where the wrist is bending if possible to indicate where the wrist is
● It is harder to determine where the wrist may be from the palm side of the hand or when clothing or accessories
are blocking the view so be careful not to over estimate. It helps to look at your own wrist and wrap your own
fingers around to estimate if there is a question of where the wrist may be.
● Foreshortening is something to take account when determining wrist. The two examples above at extreme angles
coming towards the camera so it is safe to assume less wrist would need to be accounted for.
Bad Good
● Hand annotation shares the perspective of the annotator so LEFT and RIGHT should match up with the
annotators own LEFT and RIGHT perspective.
* * Reject if less than 25% of hand is not in frame / hand is too blurry / poor contrast:
Bad Good
● Don’t be fooled by other peoples hands in frame. We only want hands from person wearing the headset to be
* * Annotate Hand(s) obscured by other hands, arms and objects if they are in frame:
Bad Good
● Hand and wrist are still in frame and should be fully annotated like the none obscured hand
* * Annotate Hand(s) obscured by lenses shadow if they are in frame:
Bad Good
● Hand is in frame and should be guesstimated from behind the lenses shadow
● Bounding boxes do not hug the hand closely enough and are too loose a fit
Bad Good
● Be careful that your bounding box does not over extend in to the forearm. We want a good fit of the hand and
wrist captured
● Hand(s) and Wrist(s) are with in bounding boxes but the annotation is accounting for too much forearm
● Bounding boxes hug the hand(s) and wrist(s) tightly and neatly
● We consider a hand poor contrast if even after we adjust for Brightness and Contrast the hand is not visible
enough to be annotated. Be sure to adjust for Brightness and Contrast if you see challenging images as they may
become something you can annotate.
● Hand can be annotated with adjustment thus should not be passed over
● There may be cases where you try to adjust Brightness and Contrast and still get a washed out image or a dark
image. A rule of thumb is if you can tell a hand is there is to annotate the hand.
● You may rarely get an image that the hand can not be seen no matter how much you adjust the Brightness and
Contrast. These rare images are okay to mark that the hand can not be annotated.