[Dr Naik M] Structural Design Criteria

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Structural Design Criteria:

(1) Soil Investigation

Detailed Soil investigation has been carried out on site by Soil Testing Services (STS) Report
NO. K21-1451-101, The following Input parameters were recommended
1) Shallow foundations with following bearing capacities. The Raft foundation will be
designed for the mentioned structure as isolated foundation cover more than 60% of
the floor area.
Table 1: Gross Allowable Bearing Pressures

Minimum Isolated / Strip Raft Foundation

Embedment Foundation (kPa / tsf)
below EGL(m) (kPa / tsf)
3.0 115.0 / 1.15 145.0 / 1.45

2) Earth pressure parameters recommended by soil investigation report for earth

retaining structures are
Table 2: Earth pressure parameters

Strata Φ' Ka kp
(Undisturbed) (Coefficient (Coefficient
of active of passive
earth earth
pressure) pressure)/
Clay / Silt 0o 1.0 1.0

3) Soil profile type: the seismic soil profile ‘SD’ is recommended for the foundations in
accordance with UBC-97/BCP-2007.
4) Seismic Coefficients: Seismic coefficients are as under:
For SD: Ca = 0.44Na & Cv = 0.64Nv Where, Na and Nv are Near Source Factors and
their values depends upon distance of nearest fault line from project site along with
fault type and seismic activity details (Details provided in Seismic loads).
5) Type of Cement: Test on soil samples obtained from the boreholes indicate
‘negligible’ exposure to sulphate and chloride. Under these conditions it is
recommended to use Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) for all underground concrete

(2) Materials
1) Compressive strength of concrete 3000 psi for slabs, beams, and foundations, while
4000 psi for columns and shear walls.
2) Grade 60 steel
(3) Structural Framing:
A dual system (Shear wall – Frame Interactive System) will be provided with the following
characteristic as per BCP-20007
1) An essentially complete space frame that provide support to gravity loads
2) Resistance to lateral loads (Wind, Earthquake and Blast loading with level of
protection, LOP-iv) is provided through shear wall at perimeter (throughout Height
of the Structure) and Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) as per Chapter 5, BCP-
3) The two systems will be designed to resist the total design shear in proportion to their
relative rigidities considering the interaction of the dual system at all levels (BCP-

(4) Load Combinations:

The minimum design loads specified by ASCE/SEI-7-16 have been used for the analysis of
C4i building. The following load combinations specified by ASCE/SEI-7-16 have been used
during structural analysis of the structure
1. 1.4D
2. 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)
3. 1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S or R)+(L or 0.5W)
4. 1.2D +1.0W + L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)
5. 0.9D + 1.0W
6. 1.2D + Ev + Eh+ L+ 0.2S
7. 0.9D − Ev + Eh
Where D=Dead Load, L=Live Load, Lr=Roof Live Load, S=Snow Load, R=Rain Load,
W=Wind Load, and E=Earthquake Load.
Note: Unfirmly distributed Live load of 100 psf (office building with computer use) will be
used on all floor except top roof. The super imposed dead load on floors will be calculated
based on the unit weight of floor materials i.e. 30 lb/ft^2 for 3 inch thick flor. A UDL of 120
lb/ft^3 for unit volume of brick masonry

(5) Wind Loads:

The structure is designed for the wind loads as per “Chapter, 5, Division III-Wind Design”,
Building code of Pakistan (Seismic Provisions 2007)/UBC-97. The exposed height of the
building is 29.75 ft. The following criteria have been considered in the design
• Exposure B
• Occupancy Category 2, Group H
• Wind speed 75 mph
• Pressure Coefficients Cq: Windward =0.8, Leeward =0.5
• Wind Importance factor Iw=1.15
• Gust Factor Coefficient Ce= 0.76

(6) Seismic Loads/Earthquake Loads:

The structure is designed for the seismic loads as per “Chapter, 5, Division IV- Earthquake
Design”, Building code of Pakistan (Seismic Provisions 2007). The following criteria have
been considered in the design:
1) The dynamic time history analysis will be performed for the C4i building using
compatible real ground motions and synthetic ground motions and maximum response
will be used for the structural design.
2) Seismic input parameters (Location of Quetta: Seismic Zone 4)
1) Z=0.4
2) Na=1.2
3) Nv=1.6
4) Ca=0.528
5) Cv=1.024

Figure.1: Design spectrum BCP-2007

3) 4 ground motions scaled to BCP-2007 design spectrum (Using SeismoMatch Software)

and Northridge earthquake1994 found best fit the seismic conditions of Quetta. The
PGA of scaled ground motion is 0.6.


TS = Cv/2.5Ca
Spectral Acceleration (g)

To = 0.2Ts

Cv /T


Period (s)
Accelerations (g) 0.6
0 10 20 30 40 50
-0.6 Time (s)

Figure.2: Northridge earthquake1994, Scaled ground motion history to be used for

dynamic time history analysis

4) Artificial/synthetic ground motions compatible with BCP-2007 have been generated

(Using SeismoArtif Software). The PGA of artificial ground motion is 0.61.

Acceleration (g)

0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (s)
Figure.2: Artificial ground motions compatible with BCP-2007, to be used for the dynamic
time history analysis
5) The storey drifts will not be greater than 0.025 times the height of the building.

(7) Non-linear Time History Analysis based on Compatible Earthquakes:

The non-linear dynamic time history analysis will be performed based on the above seismic
loads in Sap200 and ETABS. For modal validation the responses from Sap2000 and
EATABS will be compared.

(8) Finite Element Simulations for Blast Loadings

The Frame/shear wall system will be modeled in ETABS/ABAQUS and will be analyzed
under blast loading “ASCE/SEI 59-11: Blast Protection of Buildings”. The details of blast
loading procedure and parameters will be selected as follows:
1) DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: All the structural design considerations (Risk assessment,
Risk Analysis, Risk Reduction and Risk Acceptance) will be done considering the
guidelines given in Chapter-2 of ASCE/SEI 59-11.
2) PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The performance, level of protections, and the associated
qualitative damage descriptions to the structural and non-structural members will be done
in the light of chapter 3, 6, 7 & 8 of the ASCE/SEI 59-11. The detail requirements will be
specified as given in Chapter-9. Some of the most important terms are explained below.
2.1. Levels of Protections (LOP): The required level of protection (LOP) will be defined in
accordance with Sections 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 for the building as a whole or each portion
thereof and for each specific element, taking into account use and occupancy
LOP IV (High): Continuous occupancy; all occupants will likely be able to stay and
maintain operations without interruption; contents will likely remain fully functional.
2.2. Structural Damage. The potential overall structural damage for each level of protection
shall be as follows:
LOP IV (High): Only superficial damage is expected.
2.2.1. Element Damage. The potential damage to individual elements for each LOP
shall be as follows and as indicated in Table 3-1. Superficial: The element is unlikely to exhibit any permanent deflection
or visible damage.
2.2.2. Glazing Behaviour. The potential glazing hazard for each LOP shall be as
follows: LOP IV (High): No Break in accordance with ASTM F1642.
2.2.3. Door Behaviour. The potential door hazard for each LOP shall be as follows: LOP IV (High): Category I or II in accordance with ASTM F2247.
Doors are likely to remain operable but may require moderate force.
2.3. Response Limits: Aappropriate response limits for all applicable modes of failure will
be established using a rational procedure that accounts for the damage or hazard
associated with each LOP as described in Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 of Chapter 3 of
ASCE/SEI 59-11.
2.4. Element Strength: the element resistance function will include appropriate strength
increase factors, strength reduction factors, and effects other than blast referring to
Table 3-4 to Table 3-7 of ASCE/SEI 59-11.
3) BLAST LOADS: The blast loads shall be determined according to the permitted procedure
in Chapter-4 of ASCE/SEI 59-11.
3.1. Permitted procedure: The design blast loads for structures will be determined using the
Basic Procedure for External Blast as specified in Section 4.2, the Basic Procedure for
Internal Blast as specified in Section 4.3, or Other Procedures as specified in Section
4.4. All the variables and parameters will be in accordance to Table 4-1, 4-2 and Figure
4-1 to 12.
3.2. Application of Loads: The design blast loads for individual members should follow the
permitted procedures mentioned above. All other loads should be in accordance to
section to section
4) Structural Analysis: Overpressure versus time history have been generated based on
the following input parameters parameters and will be applied on the dual structural
Table 3: Input parameters for Blast Load

Input Parameter Numerical Value

Applied Pressure Type Charge-weight/stand-of
Hemispherical TNT charge-weight 800 kg
Stand-off distance 50 m
Scaled distance 5.39 m/kg1/3
Positive reflected pressure 87.06 kPa
Positive reflected impulse 1071.86 kPa-m
Positive phase duration 36.11 ms
Negative reflected pressure 15.62 kPa
Negative reflected impulse 1088.04 kPa-ms
Negative phase duration 132.75 ms
(a) Blast wave pressure-time history from ideal explosion (i.e. blast wave profile)


Pressure (psf)



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Time (s)

(b) Blast input pressure-time history to be applied on C4i building

Figure.3: Blast Load Modeling

(9) General Considerations to be carried in Structural Design of C4i

1) “ACI 318-19 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete” for design of
structural Elements.
2) The relevant ASTM Standards will be followed to check the concrete. For steel
reinforcement the ASTM-615 will be followed.
3) To ensure adequate ductility and toughness under inelastic rotation, ACI 318-19 sets a
minimum concrete strength of 3000 psi.
4) The ACI 318-19 allows the use of Grades 40 and 60 reinforcement meeting the
requirements of ASTM A615, provided that the actual yield strength does not exceed
the specified yield by more than 18 ksi and that the actual tensile strength exceeds the
actual yield strength by at least 25 percent.
5) Confinement for concrete is provided by transverse reinforcement consisting of
stirrups, hoops, and crossties.
• To ensure adequate anchorage, a seismic hook [with a bend not less than 135° and a 6
times bar diameter (but not less than 3 in.) extension that engages the longitudinal
reinforcement and projects into the interior of the stirrup or hoop] is used on stirrups,
hoops and crossties, Figure 4.
• Hoops are closed ties that can be made up of several reinforcing elements, each
having seismic hooks at both ends, or continuously wound ties with seismic hooks at
both ends, figure 4.
• A crosstie is a reinforcing bar with a seismic hook at one end and a hook with not less
than a 90° bend and at least a 6 bar diameter extension at the other end. The hooks or
crossties must engage peripheral longitudinal reinforcing bars, figure 4.

Figure.4: Example of transverse reinforcement in column

(10) Structural detailing criteria for Special Moment Resistant Frame

1) Provisions for beams:
a). Size: The members must have a:
• Clear span-to-effective-depth ratio of at least 4, (ln/d ≥ 4) or (d ≤ ln/4).
• A width-to-depth ratio of at least 0.3, (b/d ≥ 0.3) or (b ≥ 0.3d).
• A web width of neither less than 10″ nor more than the support width plus three-
quarters of the flexural member depth on either side of the support. (bw ≥ 10″), bw ≤
width of support + ¾ × depth of beam + ¾ × depth of beam,
Figure.5: Limitation on beam web width.
b). Flexural Reinforcement:
• Neither positive nor negative moment strength at any section in a member may be less
than one-fourth of the maximum moment strength at either end of the member.
• The positive moment capacity at the face of columns must be at least one half of the
negative moment strength at the same location.
• Minimum two reinforcing bars top and bottom, throughout the member.
• ρmax ≤ 0.025.

Figure.6: Location and amount of longitudinal steel bars in beams.

c). Lap splices:

• Not within the joints.
• Not within twice the member depth “2h”, from the face of a joint or at other locations
where flexural yielding is expected.
• Lap splices must be enclosed by hoops or spirals with a maximum spacing of one-
fourth of the effective depth or 4″.

Figure.7: Details of lapping steel reinforcement in seismic beams.

d). Transverse reinforcement:
Transverse reinforcement in the form of hoops, figure 8 must be used over a length equal to
twice the member depth measured from the face of the supporting member toward mid span
at both ends, as per calculation, but fulfilling following conditions, figure 9.
(i) The first hoop must be located not more than 2 in from the face of the supporting member.
(ii) Max spacing of the hoops over the length must not exceed:
a. ¼ of effective depth of beam,
b. 8 times dia of smallest longitudinal steel,
c. 24 dia of hoop bar
d. 12 in.
(iii) Elsewhere spacing not to exceed d/2.

Figure.8: Steel reinforcement in seismic beams.

Figure. 9: Steel reinforcement in seismic beams.
2) Provisions for columns:
a). Size:
• Each side at least 12 in.
• Shorter to longer side ratio ≥ 0.4.i.e. 12/12, 12/18, 12/24 OK; but 12/36 not O.K.
b). Flexural reinforcement:
• 0.01≤ ρg ≤ 0.06
c). Lap splices:
• Within the middle half as shown in figure 10.
• Tie spacing at lap splice is d/4 or 4 inch; whichever is less where d is effective depth
along least dimension of column, figure 10.
Figure. 10: Steel reinforcement in seismic beams.
d). Transverse reinforcement:
• ACI 318-19 specifies the use of minimum transverse reinforcement over length lo
from each joint face. The length lo may not be less than
i. The depth “D” of the member at the joint face or at the section where
flexural yielding is likely to occur.
ii. one-sixth of the clear span (hc)of the member; or
iii. 18 in.
• Max spacing of ties within length lo.
i. Least lateral dimension of column /4,
ii. 6 times the diameter (db) of longitudinal reinforcement in column,
iii. 4 + (14 – hx) /3; but not more than 6 inch and not less than 4 inch. Where hx =
maximum horizontal spacing (inches) of hoop or crosstie legs on all faces of
the column.
• Elsewhere spacing of ties is least of 6 db or 6 inch.
Figure. 11: Spacing of tie reinforcement. (The dimension xi from centerline to centerline of
laterally supported longitudinal bars is not to exceed 350 mm)
3) Beam-column joints:
In RC buildings, portions of columns that are common to beams at their intersections are
called beam-column joints. The beam-column joints must be designed to resist earthquake
ACI recommendations:
• To provide adequate confinement within a joint, the transverse reinforcement used in
columns must be continued through the joint in accordance with ACI, figure 12.
• To provide adequate development of beam reinforcement passing through a joint, ACI
requires that the column dimension parallel to the beam reinforcement must be at least
20 times the diameter of the largest longitudinal bar.
• Beam longitudinal reinforcement that is terminated within a column must be extended
to the far face of the column core. The development length of bars with 90° hooks
must be not less than largest of 8db, 6″, or ldh = fydb/(65 √fc′).
• In interior joints, the beam bars (both top and bottom) need to go through the joint
without any cut in the joint region. Also, these bars must be placed within the column
bars and with no bends.
Figure. 12: Closed loop steel ties in beam-column joints. Such ties with 135o hook resist the
ill effects of distortion of joints.

Dr. Naik Muhammad

PhD. Structural Engineering (Korea)
Professional Engineer (Structures)
Structural Design Consultant
Assistant Professor, BUITEMS, Quetta.
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 0332-9241066

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