[Dr Naik M] Structural Design Criteria
[Dr Naik M] Structural Design Criteria
[Dr Naik M] Structural Design Criteria
Strata Φ' Ka kp
(Undisturbed) (Coefficient (Coefficient
of active of passive
earth earth
pressure) pressure)/
Clay / Silt 0o 1.0 1.0
3) Soil profile type: the seismic soil profile ‘SD’ is recommended for the foundations in
accordance with UBC-97/BCP-2007.
4) Seismic Coefficients: Seismic coefficients are as under:
For SD: Ca = 0.44Na & Cv = 0.64Nv Where, Na and Nv are Near Source Factors and
their values depends upon distance of nearest fault line from project site along with
fault type and seismic activity details (Details provided in Seismic loads).
5) Type of Cement: Test on soil samples obtained from the boreholes indicate
‘negligible’ exposure to sulphate and chloride. Under these conditions it is
recommended to use Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) for all underground concrete
(2) Materials
1) Compressive strength of concrete 3000 psi for slabs, beams, and foundations, while
4000 psi for columns and shear walls.
2) Grade 60 steel
(3) Structural Framing:
A dual system (Shear wall – Frame Interactive System) will be provided with the following
characteristic as per BCP-20007
1) An essentially complete space frame that provide support to gravity loads
2) Resistance to lateral loads (Wind, Earthquake and Blast loading with level of
protection, LOP-iv) is provided through shear wall at perimeter (throughout Height
of the Structure) and Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) as per Chapter 5, BCP-
3) The two systems will be designed to resist the total design shear in proportion to their
relative rigidities considering the interaction of the dual system at all levels (BCP-
TS = Cv/2.5Ca
Spectral Acceleration (g)
To = 0.2Ts
Cv /T
Period (s)
Accelerations (g) 0.6
0 10 20 30 40 50
-0.6 Time (s)
Acceleration (g)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (s)
Figure.2: Artificial ground motions compatible with BCP-2007, to be used for the dynamic
time history analysis
5) The storey drifts will not be greater than 0.025 times the height of the building.
Pressure (psf)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Time (s)
1) “ACI 318-19 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete” for design of
structural Elements.
2) The relevant ASTM Standards will be followed to check the concrete. For steel
reinforcement the ASTM-615 will be followed.
3) To ensure adequate ductility and toughness under inelastic rotation, ACI 318-19 sets a
minimum concrete strength of 3000 psi.
4) The ACI 318-19 allows the use of Grades 40 and 60 reinforcement meeting the
requirements of ASTM A615, provided that the actual yield strength does not exceed
the specified yield by more than 18 ksi and that the actual tensile strength exceeds the
actual yield strength by at least 25 percent.
5) Confinement for concrete is provided by transverse reinforcement consisting of
stirrups, hoops, and crossties.
• To ensure adequate anchorage, a seismic hook [with a bend not less than 135° and a 6
times bar diameter (but not less than 3 in.) extension that engages the longitudinal
reinforcement and projects into the interior of the stirrup or hoop] is used on stirrups,
hoops and crossties, Figure 4.
• Hoops are closed ties that can be made up of several reinforcing elements, each
having seismic hooks at both ends, or continuously wound ties with seismic hooks at
both ends, figure 4.
• A crosstie is a reinforcing bar with a seismic hook at one end and a hook with not less
than a 90° bend and at least a 6 bar diameter extension at the other end. The hooks or
crossties must engage peripheral longitudinal reinforcing bars, figure 4.
Figure.4: Example of transverse reinforcement in column