Oracle® Common Application Components: API Reference Guide Release 11i
Oracle® Common Application Components: API Reference Guide Release 11i
Oracle® Common Application Components: API Reference Guide Release 11i
March 2003
Oracle Common Application Components API Reference Guide, Release 11i
Contributors: Remi Aimsuphanimit, Sarvi Anandan, Huub Bouten, Kalyani Venkat Chervela, Kenny
Ching, Sudarsana Choudhury, Rada Despotovic, Conrad Dias, Ravi Epuri, Killian Evers, Girish Mohan
Jashnani, Inna Kitaina, Leela Krishna, Milan Marovic, Sharad Mathur, Chirag Mehta, Suma Neeruganti,
John-Tae Park, Hari Radhakrishnan, Peter Pil Seo, Rajesh Singh, Nimit B. Thaker, Jane Wang, Ray Wang,
Roger Wigenstam
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Preface............................................................................................................................................................ ix
Audience for This Guide ...................................................................................................................... ix
How To Use This Guide ........................................................................................................................ x
Typographic Conventions ..................................................................................................................... x
Documentation Accessibility ............................................................................................................... xi
Other Information Sources .................................................................................................................. xii
Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data .............................................. xvii
About Oracle ....................................................................................................................................... xvii
1 Introduction
1.1 Parameter Specifications ...................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.1 Standard IN Parameters................................................................................................ 1-3
1.1.2 Standard OUT Parameters............................................................................................ 1-4
1.1.3 Parameter Size ................................................................................................................ 1-5
1.1.4 Missing Parameter Attributes ...................................................................................... 1-5
1.1.5 Parameter Validations ................................................................................................... 1-5
1.1.6 Invalid Parameters ......................................................................................................... 1-6
1.2 Version Information.............................................................................................................. 1-6
1.3 Status Messages ..................................................................................................................... 1-6
2.3.1 Create_Resource_Group.............................................................................................. 2-19
2.3.2 Update_Resource_Group............................................................................................ 2-21
2.4 Package JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB .................................................................................. 2-24
2.4.1 Create_SalesRep ........................................................................................................... 2-24 Setting the org_context ......................................................................................... 2-25
2.4.2 Update_SalesRep.......................................................................................................... 2-28 Setting the org_context ......................................................................................... 2-28
2.5 Messages and Notifications ............................................................................................... 2-32
2.5.1 JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PUB........................................................................................... 2-32 Create_Resource .................................................................................................... 2-32 Update_Resource .................................................................................................. 2-35
2.5.2 JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB................................................................................................ 2-37 Create_Resource_Group ...................................................................................... 2-37 Update_Resource_Group..................................................................................... 2-38
2.5.3 JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB .......................................................................................... 2-39 Create_SalesRep .................................................................................................... 2-39 Update_SalesRep................................................................................................... 2-41
2.6 Sample Code......................................................................................................................... 2-42
2.6.1 JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PUB........................................................................................... 2-42 Create_Resource .................................................................................................... 2-42 Update_Resource .................................................................................................. 2-45
2.6.2 JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB................................................................................................ 2-49 Create_Resource_Group Sample Code.............................................................. 2-49 Update_Resource_Group Sample Code ............................................................ 2-51
2.6.3 JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB .......................................................................................... 2-53 Create_SalesRep Sample Code............................................................................ 2-53 Update_SalesRep Sample Code .......................................................................... 2-55
iv Task Recurrence Record Type............................................................................... 3-7 Task Dates Record Type......................................................................................... 3-7 Task Contact Record Type..................................................................................... 3-7 Task Notes Record Type ........................................................................................ 3-8 Sort Record Type..................................................................................................... 3-8
3.2.2 Create_Task..................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.2.3 Update_Task ................................................................................................................. 3-19
3.2.4 Delete_Task ................................................................................................................... 3-27
3.3 Package JTF_TASKS_ASSIGNMENTS_PUB................................................................... 3-29
3.3.1 Data Structure Specifications...................................................................................... 3-29 Task Assignments Record Type.......................................................................... 3-29
3.3.2 Create_Task_Assignment ........................................................................................... 3-30
3.3.3 Update_Task_Assignment.......................................................................................... 3-36
3.3.4 Delete_Task_Assignment............................................................................................ 3-40
3.4 Package JTF_TASK_REFERENCES_PUB ........................................................................ 3-42
3.4.1 Data Structure Specifications...................................................................................... 3-42 References Record Type....................................................................................... 3-42
3.4.2 Create_References ........................................................................................................ 3-43
3.4.3 Update_References ...................................................................................................... 3-46
3.4.4 Delete_References ........................................................................................................ 3-49
3.5 Messages and Notifications ............................................................................................... 3-50
3.5.1 Common Messages ...................................................................................................... 3-51
3.5.2 JTF_TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_PUB ............................................................................. 3-54
3.5.3 JTF_TASK_REFERENCES_PUB................................................................................. 3-54
3.5.4 JTF_TASKS_PUB .......................................................................................................... 3-55
3.6 Sample Code ........................................................................................................................ 3-56
3.6.1 Package JTF_TASKS_PUB .......................................................................................... 3-57
3.6.2 Package JTF_TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_PUB ............................................................. 3-61
3.6.3 Package JTF_TASK_REFERENCES_PUB ................................................................. 3-64
4.1.3 Note Source and Note Context..................................................................................... 4-2 Note Source .............................................................................................................. 4-3 Note Context ............................................................................................................ 4-3
4.1.4 Party Relationships ........................................................................................................ 4-4
4.1.5 Create_Note..................................................................................................................... 4-5
4.1.6 Update_Note ................................................................................................................. 4-11
4.2 Messages and Notifications ............................................................................................... 4-13
4.2.1 JTF_NOTES_PUB ......................................................................................................... 4-14
4.3 Sample Code......................................................................................................................... 4-14
4.3.1 Package JTF_NOTES_PUB.......................................................................................... 4-14 Create_Note ........................................................................................................... 4-15 Update_Note.......................................................................................................... 4-17
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Common Application Components API Reference Guide, Release 11i
Part No. B10562-01
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If you would like a reply, please give your name, address, and telephone number below.
This preface explains how the Reference Guide is organized and introduces other
sources of information that can help you.
Typographic Conventions
This document uses the following typographic conventions:
Convention Description
Monospace text Monospace text represents code or SQL statements.
Convention Description
lowercase italics Lowercase italics in the text represent variables.
Substitute an appropriate value for the variable.
UPPERCASE Uppercase characters within the text represent command
names, SQL reserved words and keywords, and terms
associated with the Oracle database.
Indentation Indentation helps to show structure within code
examples, but is not required.
<text> Text inside angle brackets can mean either of the
■ It denotes a variable that is replaced with an actual value at
■ In indicates XML elements in discussions about XML code.
Documentation Accessibility
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documentation includes features that make information available to users of
assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains
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neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these
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Online Documentation
All Oracle Applications documentation is available online (HTML or PDF). Online
help patches are available on MetaLink.
Related Documentation
Oracle Common Application Components shares business and setup information
with other Oracle Applications products. Therefore, you may want to refer to other
product documentation when you set up and use Oracle Common Application
You can read the documents online by reading from the Oracle Applications
Document Library CD included in your media pack, or by using a Web browser
with a URL that your system administrator provides.
If you require printed guides, you can purchase them from the Oracle Store at
You can access this user’s guide online by choosing”Getting Started with Oracle
Applications” from any Oracle Applications help file.
Oracle Applications Supplemental Common Application Components
Installation Steps
This guide contains specific steps needed to complete installation of a few of the
Common Application Components products. The steps should be done
immediately following the tasks given in the Installing Oracle Applications guide.
Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products
This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle
Applications development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle Applications
products and how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using
Oracle Forms.
Oracle Order Management Suite APIs and Open Interfaces Manual
This manual contains up-to-date information about integrating with other Oracle
Manufacturing applications and with your other systems. This documentation
includes APIs and open interfaces found in Oracle Order Management Suite.
Oracle offers training courses to help you and your staff master the Oracle Common
Application Components modules and reach full productivity quickly. You have a
choice of educational environments:
■ You can attend courses offered by Oracle University at any one of our many
Education Centers.
■ You can arrange for our trainers to teach at your facility.
■ You can use Oracle Learning Network (OLN), Oracle University's online
education utility.
In addition, Oracle training professionals can tailor standard courses or develop
custom courses to meet your needs. For example, you may want to use your
organization’s structure, terminology, and data as examples in a customized
training session delivered at your own facility.
From on-site support to central support, our team of experienced professionals
provides the help and information you need to keep the Oracle Common
Application Components modules working for you. This team includes your
Technical Representative, Account Manager, and Oracle’s large staff of consultants
and support specialists with expertise in your business area, managing an Oracle8i
server, and your hardware and software environment.
OracleMetaLink is your self-service support connection with Web, telephone menu,
and e-mail alternatives. Oracle supplies these technologies for your convenience,
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To use MetaLink, register at (
Alerts: You should check OracleMetaLink alerts before you begin to install or
upgrade any of your Oracle Applications. Navigate to the Alerts page as follows:
Technical Libraries/ERP Applications/Applications Installation and
Self-Service Toolkit: You may also find information by navigating to the
Self-Service Toolkit page as follows: Technical Libraries/ERP
Applications/Applications Installation and Upgrade.
About Oracle
Oracle Corporation develops and markets an integrated line of software products
for database management, applications development, decision support, and office
automation, as well as Oracle Applications, an integrated suite of more than 160
software modules for financial management, supply chain management,
manufacturing, project systems, human resources and customer relationship
Oracle products are available for mainframes, minicomputers, personal computers,
network computers and personal digital assistants, allowing organizations to
integrate different computers, different operating systems, different networks, and
even different database management systems, into a single, unified computing and
information resource.
Oracle is the world’s leading supplier of software for information management, and
the world’s second largest software company. Oracle offers its database, tools, and
applications products, along with related consulting, education, and support
services, in over 145 countries around the world.
Introduction 1-1
Parameter Specifications
■ Procedure specific IN
■ Procedure specific OUT
Standard IN and OUT parameters are specified by the Oracle Applications business
object API Coding Standards, and are discussed in the following sections.
Procedure specific IN and OUT parameter are related to the API being specified,
and are discussed with that individual API.
Introduction 1-3
Parameter Specifications
These constants are defined in the package FND_API in the file fndpapis.pls. All
columns in a record definition are set to the G_MISS_X constant as defined for the
data type.
Introduction 1-5
Version Information
In addition, the object version number must be input for all update and delete APIs.
■ If the object_version_number passed by the API matches that of the object in the
database, then the update is completed.
■ If the object_version_number passed by the API does not match that of the object
in the database, then an error condition is generated.
Every API must return one of the following states as parameter x_return_status after
the API is called:
■ S (Success)
■ E (Error)
■ U (Unexpected error)
Each state can be associated with a status message. The following table describes
each state.
Table 1–4 Status Message and Description
Status Description
S Indicates that the API performed all the operations requested by its caller.
■ A success return status may or may not be accompanied by messages in
the API message list.
■ Currently, the Oracle Common Application Components APIs do not
provide a message for a return status of success.
E Indicates that the API failed to perform one or more of the operations
requested by its caller.
An error return status is accompanied by one or more messages describing
the error.
U Indicates that the API encountered an error condition it did not expect, or
could not handle, and that it is unable to continue with its regular processing.
■ For example, certain programming errors such as attempting to divide by
zero causes this error.
■ These types of errors usually cannot be corrected by the user and
requires a system administrator or application developer to correct.
Introduction 1-7
Status Messages
2. Return this value if the warning condition is encountered. For example, using
the same example as in step one, set up the following code in the API to process
the warning condition:
x_return_status := G_RET_STS_WARNING
All public procedures (APIs) relating to creating or updating a resource are stored in
package JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PUB. This package contains the following APIs:
■ Create_Resource
■ Update_Resource
All public procedures (APIs) relating to creating or updating a resource group are
stored in package JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB. This package contains the following
■ Create_Resource_Group
■ Update_Resource_Group
All public procedures (APIs) relating to creating or updating a salesperson are
stored in package JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB. This package contains the following
■ Create_SalesRep
■ Update_SalesRep
2.2.1 Create_Resource
The Create_Resource API create s all resource categories including Employee, Party,
Supplier Contact, and Other. Before creating the resource, the
Create_Resource API first determines that it does not exist in the Resources table.
After in creates the resource, the API inserts Call Center, Compensation, and
Account Receivables information that pertain to the resource into resource tables
and generates the following unique identifiers:
■ resource_id
■ resource_number
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE create_resource
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_category in jtf_rs_resource_extns.category%type,
p_source_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_id%type default null,
p_address_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.address_id%type default null,
p_contact_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.contact_id%type default null,
p_managing_emp_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.managing_employee_id%type default null,
p_managing_emp_num in per_employees_current_x.employee_num%type default null,
p_start_date_active in jtf_rs_resource_extns.start_date_active%type,
p_end_date_active in jtf_rs_resource_extns.end_date_active%type default null,
p_time_zone in jtf_rs_resource_extns.time_zone%type default null,
p_cost_per_hr in jtf_rs_resource_extns.cost_per_hr%type default null,
p_primary_language in jtf_rs_resource_extns.primary_language%type default null,
p_secondary_language in jtf_rs_resource_extns.secondary_language%type default null,
p_support_site_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.support_site_id%type default null,
p_ies_agent_login in jtf_rs_resource_extns.ies_agent_login%type default null,
p_server_group_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.server_group_id%type default null,
p_interaction_center_name in varchar2 default null,
p_assigned_to_group_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.assigned_to_group_id%type default null,
p_cost_center in jtf_rs_resource_extns.cost_center%type default null,
p_charge_to_cost_center in jtf_rs_resource_extns.charge_to_cost_center%type default null,
p_comp_currency_code in jtf_rs_resource_extns.compensation_currency_code%type default null,
p_commissionable_flag in jtf_rs_resource_extns.commissionable_flag%type default 'y',
p_hold_reason_code in jtf_rs_resource_extns.hold_reason_code%type default null,
p_hold_payment in jtf_rs_resource_extns.hold_payment%type default 'n',
p_comp_service_team_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.comp_service_team_id%type default null,
p_user_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.user_id%type default null,
p_transaction_number in jtf_rs_resource_extns.transaction_number%type default null,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number,
x_msg_data out varchar2,
x_resource_id out jtf_rs_resource_extns.resource_id%type,
x_resource_number out jtf_rs_resource_extns.resource_number%type,
p_resource_name in jtf_rs_resource_extns_tl.resource_name%type default null,
p_source_name in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_name%type,
p_source_number in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_number%type default null,
p_source_job_title in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_job_title%type default null,
p_source_email in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_email%type default null,
p_source_phone in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_phone%type default null,
p_source_org_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_org_id%type default null,
p_source_org_name in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_org_name%type default null,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
2.2.2 Update_Resource
The Update_Resource API updates resource attributes such as Resource Name, Start
Date, End Date, and User ID. Before updating these attributes, the API first verifies
that the resource exists in the Resources table. The Update_Resource API updates
resource information in the Call Center, Compensation, and the Account
Receivables tables.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE update_resource
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_resource_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.resource_id%type,
p_resource_number in jtf_rs_resource_extns.resource_number%type,
p_managing_emp_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.managing_employee_id%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_start_date_active in jtf_rs_resource_extns.start_date_active%type default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_end_date_active in jtf_rs_resource_extns.end_date_active%type default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_time_zone in jtf_rs_resource_extns.time_zone%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_cost_per_hr in jtf_rs_resource_extns.cost_per_hr%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_primary_language in jtf_rs_resource_extns.primary_language%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_secondary_language in jtf_rs_resource_extns.secondary_language%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_support_site_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.support_site_id%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_ies_agent_login in jtf_rs_resource_extns.ies_agent_login%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_server_group_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.server_group_id%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_assigned_to_group_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.assigned_to_group_id%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_cost_center in jtf_rs_resource_extns.cost_center%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_charge_to_cost_center in jtf_rs_resource_extns.charge_to_cost_center%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_comp_currency_code in jtf_rs_resource_extns.compensation_currency_code%type
default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_commissionable_flag in jtf_rs_resource_extns.commissionable_flag%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_hold_reason_code in jtf_rs_resource_extns.hold_reason_code%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_hold_payment in jtf_rs_resource_extns.hold_payment%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_comp_service_team_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.comp_service_team_id%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_user_id in jtf_rs_resource_extns.user_id%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_resource_name in jtf_rs_resource_extns_tl.resource_name%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char
p_source_name in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_name%type,
p_source_number in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_number%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_job_title in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_job_title%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_email in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_email%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_phone in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_phone%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_org_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_source_org_name in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_org_name%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_address1 in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_address1%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_address2 in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_address2%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_address3 in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_address3%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_address4 in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_address4%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_city in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_city%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_postal_code in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_postal_code%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_state in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_state%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_province in jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_province%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
2.3.1 Create_Resource_Group
The Create_Resource Group API creates a Resource Group and generates the group_id
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE create_resource_group
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_group_name in jtf_rs_groups_vl.group_name%type,
p_group_desc in jtf_rs_groups_vl.group_desc%type default null,
p_exclusive_flag in jtf_rs_groups_vl.exclusive_flag%type default 'n',
p_email_address in jtf_rs_groups_vl.email_address%type default null,
p_start_date_active in jtf_rs_groups_vl.start_date_active%type,
p_end_date_active in jtf_rs_groups_vl.end_date_active%type default null,
p_accounting_code in jtf_rs_groups_vl.accounting_code%type default null,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number,
x_msg_data out varchar2,
x_group_id out jtf_rs_groups_vl.group_id%type,
x_group_number out jtf_rs_groups_vl.group_number%type
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
2.3.2 Update_Resource_Group
The Update_Resource API updates resource group attributes such as Group Name,
Group Description, Start and End Date effectively.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE update_resource_group
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_group_id in jtf_rs_groups_vl.group_id%type,
p_group_number in jtf_rs_groups_vl.group_number%type,
p_group_name in jtf_rs_groups_vl.group_name%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_group_desc in jtf_rs_groups_vl.group_desc%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_exclusive_flag in jtf_rs_groups_vl.exclusive_flag%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_email_address in jtf_rs_groups_vl.email_address%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_start_date_active in jtf_rs_groups_vl.start_date_active%type default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_end_date_active in jtf_rs_groups_vl.end_date_active%type default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_accounting_code in jtf_rs_groups_vl.accounting_code%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_object_version_num in out jtf_rs_groups_vl.object_version_number%type,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number,
x_msg_data out varchar2
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
2.4.1 Create_SalesRep
The Create_SalesRep API creates a resource of type Salesrep. The API verifies the resource ID
parameter from the JTF_RS_RESOURC_.EXTNS table which is created using the
Create_Resource API.
where 999 is the org_id parameter value to which the context is set. This should be
done every time you call the Create_Salesrep API.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE create_salesrep
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_resource_id in jtf_rs_salesreps.resource_id%type,
p_sales_credit_type_id in jtf_rs_salesreps.sales_credit_type_id%type,
p_name in default null,
p_status in jtf_rs_salesreps.status%type default null,
p_start_date_active in jtf_rs_salesreps.start_date_active%type default null,
p_end_date_active in jtf_rs_salesreps.end_date_active%type default sysdate,
p_gl_id_rev in jtf_rs_salesreps.gl_id_rev%type default null,
p_gl_id_freight in jtf_rs_salesreps.gl_id_freight%type default null,
p_gl_id_rec in jtf_rs_salesreps.gl_id_rec%type default null,
p_set_of_books_id in jtf_rs_salesreps.set_of_books_id%type default null,
p_salesrep_number in jtf_rs_salesreps.salesrep_number%type default null,
p_email_address in jtf_rs_salesreps.email_address%type default null,
p_wh_update_date in jtf_rs_salesreps.wh_update_date%type default null,
p_sales_tax_geocode in jtf_rs_salesreps.sales_tax_geocode%type default null,
p_sales_tax_inside_city_limits in jtf_rs_salesreps.sales_tax_inside_city_limits%type
default null,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number,
x_msg_data out varchar2,
x_salesrep_id out jtf_rs_salesreps.salesrep_id%type
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
2.4.2 Update_SalesRep
The Update_SalesRep API updates SalesRep attributes such as Salesperson
Number, Sales Credit Type, Start and End Date.
where 999 is the org_id parameter value to which the context is set. This should be
done every time you call the Update_Salesrep API.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE update_salesrep
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_ false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_salesrep_id in jtf_rs_salesreps.salesrep_id%type,
p_sales_credit_type_id in jtf_rs_salesreps.sales_credit_type_id%type,
p_name in default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_status in jtf_rs_salesreps.status%type default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_start_date_active in jtf_rs_salesreps.start_date_active%typ default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_end_date_active in jtf_rs_salesreps.end_date_active%type default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_gl_id_rev in jtf_rs_salesreps.gl_id_rev%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_gl_id_freight in jtf_rs_salesreps.gl_id_freight%type default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
This section describes the messages and notifications generated by the APIs
contained in the JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PUB package. Create_Resource
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the Create_
Resource API. Update_Resource
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the Update_
Resource API.
This section describes the messages and notifications generated by the APIs
contained in the JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB package. Create_Resource_Group
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the Create_
Resource_Group API. Update_Resource_Group
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the Update_
Resource_Group API.
This section describes the messages and notifications generated by the APIs
contained in the JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB package. Create_SalesRep
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the Create_
SalesRep API. Update_SalesRep
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the Update_
SalesRep API.
The SQL scripts in this section create and update a resource by calling the APIs
contained in the JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PUB package in succession and by providing
them with the appropriate values. Create_Resource
This script calls the Create_Resource API and provides the values listed in the
following table using the Create_Resource IN parameters. Calling applications can
optionally insert more values than the ones listed in this section.
l_return_status varchar2(1);
l_msg_count number;
l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
l_resource_id jtf_rs_resource_extns.resource_id%type;
l_resource_number jtf_rs_resource_extns.resource_number%type;
l_msg_data1 varchar2(2000);
l_msg_index_out number;
(P_API_VERSION => l_api_version,
P_CATEGORY => l_category,
P_SOURCE_ID => l_source_id,
P_RESOURCE_NAME => l_resource_name,
P_MANAGING_EMP_ID => l_managing_emp_id,
P_USER_ID => l_user_id,
P_TIME_ZONE => l_time_zone,
P_COST_PER_HR => l_cost_per_hr,
P_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE => l_primary_language,
P_SECONDARY_LANGUAGE => l_secondary_language,
P_SUPPORT_SITE_ID => l_support_site_id,
P_IES_AGENT_LOGIN => l_ies_agent_login,
P_SERVER_GROUP_ID => l_server_group_id,
P_INTERACTION_CENTER_NAME => l_interaction_center_name,
P_ASSIGNED_TO_GROUP_ID => l_assigned_to_group_id,
P_COST_CENTER => l_cost_center,
P_CHARGE_TO_COST_CENTER => l_charge_to_cost_center,
P_COMP_CURRENCY_CODE => l_comp_currency_code,
P_COMMISSIONABLE_FLAG => l_commissionable_flag,
/ Update_Resource
This script calls the Update_Resource API and provides the values listed in the
following table using the Update_Resource IN parameters. Calling applications can
optionally insert more values than the ones listed in this section.
l_return_status varchar2(1);
l_msg_count number;
l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
l_msg_data1 varchar2(2000);
l_msg_index_out number;
select object_version_number
into l_object_version_number
from jtf_rs_resource_extns
where resource_id = l_resource_id;
(P_API_VERSION => l_api_version,
P_RESOURCE_ID => l_resource_id,
P_RESOURCE_NUMBER => l_resource_number,
The SQL scripts in this section create and update a resource group by calling the
APIs contained in the JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB package in succession and by
providing them with the appropriate values.
l_return_status varchar2(1);
l_msg_count number;
l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
l_group_id jtf_rs_groups_b.group_id%type;
l_group_number jtf_rs_groups_b.group_number%type;
l_msg_data1 varchar2(2000);
l_msg_index_out number;
(P_API_VERSION => l_api_version,
P_GROUP_NAME => l_group_name,
P_GROUP_DESC => l_group_desc,
P_EXCLUSIVE_FLAG => l_exclusive_flag,
P_ACCOUNTING_CODE => l_accounting_code,
P_EMAIL_ADDRESS => l_email_address,
P_START_DATE_ACTIVE => l_start_date_active,
P_END_DATE_ACTIVE => l_end_date_active,
X_RETURN_STATUS => l_return_status,
X_MSG_COUNT => l_msg_count,
X_MSG_DATA => l_msg_data,
X_GROUP_ID => l_group_id,
X_GROUP_NUMBER => l_group_number
l_object_version_number jtf_rs_groups_b.object_version_number%type;
l_return_status varchar2(1);
l_msg_count number;
l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
l_msg_data1 varchar2(2000);
l_msg_index_out number;
select object_version_number
into l_object_version_number
from jtf_rs_groups_b
where group_id = l_group_id;
(P_API_VERSION => l_api_version,
P_GROUP_ID => l_group_id,
P_GROUP_NUMBER => l_group_number,
P_GROUP_NAME => l_group_name,
P_GROUP_DESC => l_group_desc,
P_EXCLUSIVE_FLAG => l_exclusive_flag,
P_ACCOUNTING_CODE => l_accounting_code,
P_EMAIL_ADDRESS => l_email_address,
P_START_DATE_ACTIVE => l_start_date_active,
P_END_DATE_ACTIVE => l_end_date_active,
P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUM => l_object_version_number,
X_RETURN_STATUS => l_return_status,
X_MSG_COUNT => l_msg_count,
X_MSG_DATA => l_msg_data
The SQL scripts in this section create and update a sales representative by calling
the APIs contained in the JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB package in succession and by
providing them with the appropriate values.
l_return_status varchar2(1);
l_msg_count number;
l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
l_salesrep_id jtf_rs_salesreps.salesrep_id%type;
l_msg_data1 varchar2(2000);
l_msg_index_out number;
(P_API_VERSION => l_api_version,
P_RESOURCE_ID => l_resource_id,
P_SALES_CREDIT_TYPE_ID => l_sales_credit_type_id,
P_NAME => l_name,
P_STATUS => l_status,
l_object_version_number jtf_rs_salesreps.object_version_number%type;
l_return_status varchar2(1);
l_msg_count number;
l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
l_msg_data1 varchar2(2000);
l_msg_index_out number;
select object_version_number
into l_object_version_number
from jtf_rs_salesreps
where salesrep_id = l_salesrep_id;
(P_API_VERSION => l_api_version,
P_SALESREP_ID => l_salesrep_id,
P_SALES_CREDIT_TYPE_ID => l_sales_credit_type_id,
P_NAME => l_name,
P_STATUS => l_status,
P_START_DATE_ACTIVE => l_start_date_active,
P_END_DATE_ACTIVE => l_end_date_active,
P_GL_ID_REV => l_gl_id_rev,
P_GL_ID_FREIGHT => l_gl_id_freight,
P_GL_ID_REC => l_gl_id_rec,
P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID => l_set_of_books_id,
P_SALESREP_NUMBER => l_salesrep_number,
P_EMAIL_ADDRESS => l_email_address,
P_WH_UPDATE_DATE => l_wh_update_date,
P_SALES_TAX_GEOCODE => l_sales_tax_geocode,
P_SALES_TAX_INSIDE_CITY_LIMITS => l_sales_tax_inside_city_limits,
P_ORG_ID => l_org_id,
P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number,
Task Manager provides Oracle e-Business Suite products with task management
capability. Task Manager can be accessed as a standalone module or as an
integrated component of other applications. When Task Manager is called by
another application the values supplied by that application populate the relevant
Task Manager fields. Other e-Business Suite modules call the Task Manager public
APIs to insert, update, delete, and query task records.
The following are referenced throughout the table’s "Validations and
Descriptions" column in all of the Task APIs.
1. The Task APIs support calls by values not internal IDs. For example, the
Account Number can be passed to the API instead of the Account ID.
However, using these IDs improves the API performance.
2. The customer account should belong to the same customer which is
specified for the task.
3. The address (party_site_id and party_site_number) specified for the task,
should be the address registered for the customer in the TCA schema. The
address can only be specified if the customer for the task is specified. In
addition, the customer address specified for the task must be specified for
the same customer at the task level.
4. To specifiy the unit of measure (UOM) for the effort and duration fields, the
profile jtf_time_uom_class must be populated with the unit of measure class.
For example, the customer can create a unit of measure class called TIME.
The profile must be populated with this value. Further, the customer should
create unit of measure codes such as minutes, hours, and days for the Time
class. While specifying values to the APIs, the customer can pass values for
these unit of measure codes.
5. Child and Parent tasks must have the same source. For example, the child
task cannot have the source as Lead and the Parent task cannot have the
source as Service Request.
6. Each task must have an owner associated with it. The owner for a task can
be populated with the following two fields:
* Owner_type_code (for example rs_employee)
* Owner_id (for example resource_id of the employee)
The owner_type_code is a Foreign Key to jtf_objects_vl for objects with a usage
of "Resources." The object definition in jtf_objects contains all the relevant
should get the object_version_number when selecting the record, then pass it
to the update and delete APIs.
3.2.2 Create_Task
This procedure creates a task with the given specifications. Also, it creates the
dependencies, resource requirements, assignments, references, dates, recurrences,
and contacts for the task created.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE create_task
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_task_id in number default null,
p_task_name in varchar2,
P_task_type_name in varchar2 default null,
p_task_type_id in number default null,
p_description in varchar2 default null,
p_task_status_name in varchar2 default null,
p_task_status_id in number default null,
p_task_priority_name in varchar2 default null,
p_task_priority_id in number default null,
p_owner_type_name in varchar2 default null,
p_owner_type_code in varchar2 default null,
p_owner_id in number default null,
p_owner_territory_id in number default null,
p_assigned_by_name in varchar2 default null,
p_assigned_by_id in number default null,
p_customer_number in varchar2 default null,
p_customer_id in number default null,
p_cust_account_number in varchar2 default null,
p_cust_account_id in number default null,
p_address_id in number default null,
p_address_number in varchar2 default null,
p_planned_start_date in date default null,
p_planned_end_date in date default null,
p_scheduled_start_date in date default null,
p_scheduled_end_date in date default null,
p_actual_start_date in date default null,
p_actual_end_date in date default null,
p_timezone_id in number default null,
p_timezone_name in varchar2 default null,
p_source_object_type_code in varchar2 default null,
p_source_object_id in number default null,
p_source_object_name in varchar2 default null,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
3.2.3 Update_Task
This procedure updates a task with the given specifications. While calling the
Update_Task API, task_id and task_number should be input to the API. The task_id or
the task_number must be specified to indicate the task that is being updated.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE update_task
p_api_version in number
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_object_version_number in out number,
p_task_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_task_number in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_task_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_task_type_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_task_type_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_description in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_task_status_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_task_status_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_task_priority_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_task_priority_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_owner_type_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_owner_type_code in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_owner_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_owner_territory_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_assigned_by_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_assigned_by_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_customer_number in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_customer_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_cust_account_number in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_cust_account_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_address_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_address_number in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_planned_start_date in date default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_planned_end_date in date default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_scheduled_start_date in date default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_scheduled_end_date in date default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_actual_start_date in date default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_actual_end_date in date default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_timezone_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_timezone_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_source_object_type_code in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following tables describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
3.2.4 Delete_Task
This procedure soft deletes a task with the given specifications. It marks the task as
deleted but does not physically remove the record from the table. If the task is
recurring, then all the future tasks can be deleted by setting the value of the
parameter p_delete_future_recurrences to fnd_api.g_true.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE delete_task
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_object_version_number in number,
p_task_id in number default null,
p_task_number in varchar2 default null,
p_delete_future_recurrences in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number,
x_msg_data out varchar2
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
resource_territory_id number,
actual_effort_uom varchar2(3),
schedule_flag varchar2(1),
alarm_type_code varchar2(30),
alarm_contact varchar2(200),
shift_construct_id number,
sched_travel_distance number,
sched_travel_duration number,
sched_travel_duration_uom varchar2(3),
actual_travel_distance number,
actual_travel_duration number,
actual_travel_duration_uom varchar2(3),
actual_start_date date,
actual_end_date date,
palm_flag varchar2(1),
wince_flag varchar2(1),
laptop_flag varchar2(1),
device1_flag varchar2(1),
device2_flag varchar2(1),
device3_flag varchar2(1),
attribute1 varchar2(150),
attribute2 varchar2(150),
attribute3 varchar2(150),
attribute4 varchar2(150),
attribute5 varchar2(150),
attribute6 varchar2(150),
attribute7 varchar2(150),
attribute8 varchar2(150),
attribute9 varchar2(150),
attribute10 varchar2(150),
attribute11 varchar2(150),
attribute12 varchar2(150),
attribute13 varchar2(150),
attribute14 varchar2(150),
attribute15 varchar2(150),
attribute_category varchar2(30),
show_on_calendar varchar2(1),
category_id number
3.3.2 Create_Task_Assignment
This procedure creates a task assignment for a given task with the following
specifications. Each task has a single owner, however, the task can have multiple
assignees. For each resource assigned to the task, the actual effort can be specified.
The task identifier or the task number for which the assignments are being created
must be specified.
PROCEDURE create_task_assignment
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_task_assignment_id in number default null,
p_task_id in number default null,
p_task_number in varchar2 default null,
p_task_name in varchar2, default null,
p_resource_type_code in varchar2,
p_resource_id in number,
p_resource_name in varchar2 default null,
p_actual_effort in number default null,
p_actual_effort_uom in varchar2 default null,
p_schedule_flag in varchar2 default null,
p_alarm_type_code in varchar2 default null,
p_alarm_contact in varchar2 default null,
p_sched_travel_distance in number default null,
p_sched_travel_duration in number default null,
p_sched_travel_duration_uom in varchar2 default null,
p_actual_travel_distance in number default null,
p_actual_travel_duration in number default null,
p_actual_travel_duration_uom in varchar2 default null,
p_actual_start_date in date default null,
p_actual_end_date in date default null,
p_palm_flag in varchar2 default null,
p_wince_flag in varchar2 default null,
p_laptop_flag in varchar2 default null,
p_device1_flag in varchar2 default null,
p_device2_flag in varchar2 default null,
p_device3_flag in varchar2 default null,
p_resource_territory_id in number, default null,
p_assignment_status_id in number,
p_shift_construct_id in number default null,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number,
x_msg_data out varchar2,
x_task_assignment_id out number,
p_attribute1 in varchar2 default null,
p_attribute2 in varchar2 default null,
p_attribute3 in varchar2 default null,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
3.3.3 Update_Task_Assignment
This procedure updates a task assignment for a given task. The resource_ type_code
parameter indicates the type of resource. Resource_id indicates an actual identifier.
For each resource assigned to the task, the actual effort can be specified. The task
assignment identifier must be specified.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE update_task_assignment
p_api_version in number,
p_object_version_number in out number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_task_assignment_id in number,
p_task_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_task_number in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_task_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_resource_type_code in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_resource_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_resource_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_actual_effort in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_actual_effort_uom in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_schedule_flag in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_alarm_type_code in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_alarm_contact in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_sched_travel_distance in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_sched_travel_duration in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_sched_travel_duration_uom in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_actual_travel_distance in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_actual_travel_duration in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_actual_travel_duration_uom in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_actual_start_date in date default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_actual_end_date in date default fnd_api.g_miss_date,
p_palm_flag in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_wince_flag in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_laptop_flag in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_device1_flag in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_device2_flag in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_device3_flag in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_resource_territory_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_assignment_status_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_shift_construct_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
x_return_status out varchar2,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
3.3.4 Delete_Task_Assignment
This procedure deletes a task assignment for a given task. The task assignment must
be specified.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE delete_task_assignment
p_api_version in number,
p_object_version_number in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_task_assignment_id in number,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number,
x_msg_data out varchar2,
p_enable_workflow in varchar2,
p_abort_workflow in varchar2
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
attribute9 varchar2(150),
attribute10 varchar2(150),
attribute11 varchar2(150),
attribute12 varchar2(150),
attribute13 varchar2(150),
attribute14 varchar2(150),
attribute15 varchar2(150),
attribute_category varchar2(30),
usage varchar2(2000),
object_version_number number
3.4.2 Create_References
This API establishes references to a task. For example, a task created for a service
request can establish reference to an inventory part number using references. The
following information applies to this API:
■ Every task is associated with a source. It can also be associated with multiple
■ Task_id or task_number must be passed.
■ If the API executes successfully, then the output parameter is task_reference_id.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE create_references
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_task_id in number default null,
p_task_number in varchar2 default null,
p_object_type_code in varchar2 default null,
p_object_name in varchar2,
p_object_id in number,
p_object_details in varchar2 default null,
p_reference_code in varchar2 default null,
p_usage in varchar2 default null,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_data out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number,
x_task_reference_id out number,
p_attribute1 in varchar2 default null,
p_attribute2 in varchar2 default null,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
3.4.3 Update_References
This API is used to update references to a task.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE update_references
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_object_version_number in out number,
p_task_reference_id in number,
p_object_type_code in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_object_name in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_object_id in number default fnd_api.g_miss_num,
p_object_details in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_reference_code in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_usage in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_miss_char,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_data out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
3.4.4 Delete_References
This API is used to delete references to a task.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE delete_references
p_api_version in number,
p_init_msg_list in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit in varchar2 default fnd_api.g_false,
p_object_version_number in number,
p_task_reference_id in number default null,
x_return_status out varchar2,
x_msg_data out varchar2,
x_msg_count out number
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the APIs
contained in the JTF_TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_PUB package.
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the APIs
contained in the JTF_TASK_REFERENCES_PUB package.
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the APIs
contained in the JTF_TASKS_PUB package.
This script calls the Create_Task API and creates tasks with the following
set serveroutput on
accept p_start_date prompt 'Enter task start date (Format=MMDDYYYY HH24MI) : '
accept p_end_date prompt 'Enter task end date (Format=MMDDYYYY HH24MI) : '
l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE := upper('&p_user_name');
l_task_name jtf_tasks_tl.task_name%TYPE := '&p_task_name';
l_task_type := NVL('&p_task_type_name','Meeting');
l_task_priority := NVL('&p_priority', 'Medium');
l_task_status := NVL('&p_task_status','Open');
l_show_on_cal jtf_task_all_assignments.show_on_calendar%TYPE := NVL(upper('&p_show_on_
l_planned_start_date DATE := NVL(TO_DATE('&p_start_date','MMDDYYYY HH24MI'),SYSDATE);
l_planned_end_date DATE := NVL(TO_DATE('&p_end_date','MMDDYYYY HH24MI'),SYSDATE);
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_resource_id NUMBER;
l_task_type_id NUMBER;
l_task_status_id NUMBER;
l_task_priority_id NUMBER;
l_task_id NUMBER;
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2(1000);
open c_login_user(l_user_name);
fetch c_login_user into l_user_id;
if c_login_user%NOTFOUND then
close c_login_user;
raise_application_error(-20000,'User name '||l_user_name||' is not found.');
end if;
close c_login_user;
dbms_output.put_line('User Id : '||l_user_id);
open c_task_status(l_task_status);
fetch c_task_status into l_task_status_id;
if c_task_status%NOTFOUND then
close c_task_status;
raise_application_error(-20000,'Task status '||l_task_status||' is not found.');
end if;
close c_task_status;
open c_task_priority(l_task_priority);
fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id, 0, 690);
p_api_version => 1.0 ,
p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
p_commit => fnd_api.g_false,
p_task_name => l_task_name,
p_task_type_id => l_task_status_id,
p_task_status_id => l_task_type_id,
p_task_priority_id => l_task_priority_id,
p_owner_type_code => 'RS_EMPLOYEE',
p_owner_id => l_resource_id,
p_show_on_calendar => l_show_on_cal,
p_planned_start_date => l_planned_start_date,
p_planned_end_date => l_planned_end_date,
p_date_selected => 'P',
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
x_task_id => l_task_id
IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
IF l_msg_count > 0 THEN
l_msg_data := NULL;
FOR i IN 1..l_msg_count LOOP
l_msg_data := l_msg_data ||' '||fnd_msg_pub.get(1, 'F');
dbms_output.put_line('Task Id = '||l_task_id);
dbms_output.put_line('Return Status = '||l_return_status);
This script calls the Create_Task_Assignment API and adds an assignee with the
following information.
set serveroutput on
l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE := upper('&p_user_name');
l_task_id jtf_tasks_b.task_id%TYPE := '&p_task_id';
l_emp_resource_id jtf_rs_emp_dtls_vl.resource_id%TYPE := '&p_emp_resource_id';
l_show_on_cal jtf_task_all_assignments.show_on_calendar%TYPE := NVL(upper('&p_show_
l_assignment_status := NVL('&p_assignment_status',
cursor c_assignee is
select resource_id
from jtf_rs_emp_dtls_vl r
where r.resource_id = l_emp_resource_id;
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_assignee_id NUMBER;
l_assignment_status_id NUMBER;
l_task_assignment_id NUMBER;
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2(1000);
open c_login_user(l_user_name);
fetch c_login_user into l_user_id;
if c_login_user%NOTFOUND then
close c_login_user;
raise_application_error(-20000,'User name '||l_user_name||' is not found.');
end if;
close c_login_user;
dbms_output.put_line('User Id : '||l_user_id);
open c_assignee;
fetch c_assignee into l_assignee_id;
if c_assignee%NOTFOUND then
close c_assignee;
raise_application_error(-20000,'Employee resource id '||l_emp_resource_id||' is not
end if;
close c_assignee;
open c_assignment_status(l_assignment_status);
fetch c_assignment_status into l_assignment_status_id;
if c_assignment_status%NOTFOUND then
close c_assignment_status;
raise_application_error(-20000,'Assignment status '||l_assignment_status||' is not
end if;
close c_assignment_status;
fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id, 0, 690);
p_api_version => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
p_commit => fnd_api.g_false,
p_task_assignment_id => NULL,
p_task_id => l_task_id,
p_resource_type_code => 'RS_EMPLOYEE',
p_resource_id => l_assignee_id,
p_assignment_status_id => l_assignment_status_id,
p_show_on_calendar => l_show_on_cal,
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
x_task_assignment_id => l_task_assignment_id
IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
IF l_msg_count > 0 THEN
l_msg_data := NULL;
FOR i IN 1..l_msg_count LOOP
l_msg_data := l_msg_data ||' '||fnd_msg_pub.get(1, 'F');
dbms_output.put_line('l_task_assignment_id = '||l_task_assignment_id);
dbms_output.put_line('Return Status = '||l_return_status);
This script calls the Create_References API and creates a reference with the
following information.
set serveroutput on
l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE := upper('&p_user_name');
l_task_id jtf_tasks_b.task_id%TYPE := '&p_task_id';
l_source_object_type jtf_tasks_b.source_object_type_code%TYPE := upper('&p_source_object_
l_source_object_name jtf_tasks_b.source_object_name%TYPE := '&p_source_object_name';
l_source_object_id jtf_tasks_b.source_object_id%TYPE := '&p_source_object_id';
select user_id
from fnd_user
where user_name = b_user_name;
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_task_reference_id NUMBER;
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2(1000);
open c_login_user(l_user_name);
fetch c_login_user into l_user_id;
if c_login_user%NOTFOUND then
close c_login_user;
raise_application_error(-20000,'User name '||l_user_name||' is not found.');
end if;
close c_login_user;
dbms_output.put_line('User Id : '||l_user_id);
fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id, 0, 690);
p_api_version => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
p_commit => fnd_api.g_false,
p_task_id => l_task_id,
p_object_type_code => l_source_object_type,
p_object_name => l_source_object_name,
p_object_id => l_source_object_id,
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
x_task_reference_id => l_task_reference_id
IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
IF l_msg_count > 0 THEN
l_msg_data := NULL;
FOR i IN 1..l_msg_count LOOP
l_msg_data := l_msg_data ||' '||fnd_msg_pub.get(1, 'F');
dbms_output.put_line('l_task_reference_id = '||l_task_reference_id);
dbms_output.put_line('Return Status = '||l_return_status);
The following table lists the values for the context information needed to specify
John.Doe@Oracle. The context business object is the p_note_context_type parameter.
The context business object identifier is p_context_type_id.
p_note_context_type p_context_type_id
PARTY 1000
PARTY 1100
PARTY 1200
4.1.5 Create_Note
Use the Create_Note API to generate a text note. This API Performs the following
■ It validates the note status, length, type, and ID.
■ It creates a note record and writes it to the database.
■ It writes any related contexts to the database.
Procedure Specification
( p_parent_note_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
p_api_version IN NUMBER,
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER,
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2,
p_source_object_id IN NUMBER,
p_source_object_code IN VARCHAR2,
p_notes IN VARCHAR2,
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
4.1.6 Update_Note
Use the Update_Note API to modify an existing text note. This API Performs the
following tasks:
■ Validates the note status, length, type, and ID.
■ It update an existing note record and replaces the existing version in the
database with the modified version.
■ It updates any related context information in the database, if necessary.
Procedure Specification
PROCEDURE Update_note
( p_api_version IN NUMBER,
p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
p_commit IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
p_validation_level IN NUMBER DEFAULT fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER,
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2,
p_jtf_note_id IN NUMBER,
p_entered_by IN NUMBER,
p_last_updated_by IN NUMBER,
p_last_update_date IN DATE DEFAULT Sysdate,
p_last_update_login IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
p_notes IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_notes_detail IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_append_flag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_note_status IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'I',
p_note_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_miss_char,
p_jtf_note_contexts_tab IN jtf_note_contexts_tbl_type
DEFAULT jtf_note_contexts_tab_dflt
Current Version
Parameter Descriptions
The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.
The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.
The following table lists the messages and notifications generated by the Create_
Note and Update_Note APIs. Create_Note
This script calls the Create_Note API and creates a note with the following
■ Source object ID: 151263
■ Source object: Task Manager
■ Note status: Publish
■ Note type: General
■ Note text: These are the directions to my office
l_api_version NUMBER;
l_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(1);
l_validation_level NUMBER;
l_commit VARCHAR2(1);
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
l_jtf_note_id NUMBER;
l_source_object_id NUMBER;
l_source_object_code VARCHAR2(8);
l_note_status VARCHAR2(8);
l_note_type VARCHAR2(80);
l_notes VARCHAR2(2000);
l_notes_detail VARCHAR2(8000);
l_last_update_date DATE;
l_last_updated_by NUMBER;
l_creation_date DATE;
l_created_by NUMBER;
l_last_update_login NUMBER;
l_entered_by NUMBER;
l_entered_date DATE;
l_note_contexts JTF_NOTES_PUB.jtf_note_contexts_tbl_type;
l_msg_index NUMBER;
l_msg_index_out NUMBER;
-- Initialize the Notes parameters you want to create
l_api_version := 1.0;
l_init_msg_list := FND_API.g_true;
l_validation_level := FND_API.g_valid_level_full;
l_commit := FND_API.g_true;
l_msg_count := 0;
l_source_object_id := 151263;
l_source_object_code := 'TASK';
l_note_status := 'P';
l_note_type := 'GENERAL';
l_notes := 'These are the directions to my office';
l_notes_detail := 'These are the directions to my office';
l_entered_by := FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
l_entered_date := SYSDATE;
l_note_contexts(2).note_context_type := 'TASK';
l_note_contexts(2).note_context_type_id := 151149;
l_note_contexts(2).last_update_date := SYSDATE;
l_note_contexts(2).last_updated_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
l_note_contexts(2).creation_date := SYSDATE;
l_note_contexts(2).created_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
l_note_contexts(2).last_update_login := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
IF (fnd_msg_pub.count_msg > 0)
FOR i IN 1..fnd_msg_pub.count_msg
( p_msg_index => i,
p_encoded => 'F',
p_data => l_msg_data,
p_msg_index_out => l_msg_index_out
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('API ERROR: ' || l_msg_data);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Created note : ' || to_char(l_jtf_note_id));
END; Update_Note
This script calls the Update_Note API and updates the previously created note with
the following values:
■ Note status: E (Private)
■ Note type: Call Back
l_api_version NUMBER;
l_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(1);
l_validation_level NUMBER;
l_commit VARCHAR2(1);
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
l_jtf_note_id NUMBER;
l_note_status VARCHAR2(8);
l_note_type VARCHAR2(80);
l_notes VARCHAR2(2000);
l_notes_detail VARCHAR2(32000);
l_append_flag VARCHAR2(1);
l_last_update_date DATE;
l_last_updated_by NUMBER;
l_last_update_login NUMBER;
l_entered_by NUMBER;
l_note_contexts JTF_NOTES_PUB.jtf_note_contexts_tbl_type;
l_msg_index NUMBER;
l_msg_index_out NUMBER;
-- Initialize the API
l_api_version := 1.0;
l_init_msg_list := FND_API.g_true;
l_validation_level := FND_API.g_valid_level_full;
l_commit := FND_API.g_true;
l_msg_count := 0;
l_note_contexts(1).note_context_type := 'SR';
l_note_contexts(1).note_context_type_id := 1;
l_note_contexts(1).last_update_date := SYSDATE;
l_note_contexts(1).last_updated_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
l_note_contexts(1).last_update_login := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
l_note_contexts(2).jtf_note_id := 151263;
l_note_contexts(2).note_context_id := 151149;
l_note_contexts(2).note_context_type := 'TASK';
l_note_contexts(2).note_context_type_id := 151149;
l_note_contexts(2).last_update_date := SYSDATE;
l_note_contexts(2).last_updated_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
l_note_contexts(2).last_update_login := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('API ERROR: ' || l_msg_data);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Updated note : ' || to_char(l_jtf_note_id));
Parameter Descriptions, 2-22 Messages and Notifications, 4-13
Procedure Specification, 2-21 Update Note, 4-11
JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB, 2-2, 2-24 Note Source, 4-2
Create SalesRep, 2-2, 2-24 Party Relationships, 4-4
Parameter Descriptions, 2-26
Procedure Specification, 2-25
Update SalesRep, 2-2, 2-28
Parameter Descriptions, 2-29 Parameter Specifications, 1-2
Procedure Specification, 2-28 Invalid Parameters, 1-6
JTF_TASKS_ASSIGNMENTS_PUB, 3-29 Missing Parameter Attributes, 1-5
Create Task Assignment, 3-30 Parameter Validations, 1-5
Parameter Descriptions, 3-32 Standard IN Parameters, 1-3
Delete Task Assignment, 3-40 Standard OUT Parameters, 1-4
Parameter Descriptions, 3-41
Procedure Specification, 3-40 R
Update Task Assignment, 3-36
Parameter Descriptions, 3-37 Resource Manager, 2-1
Procedure Specification, 3-36 JTF_RESOURCES_PUB, 2-3
JTF_TASKS_PUB, 3-5 Create Resource, 2-3
Create Task, 3-9 Update Resource, 2-11
Parameter Descriptions, 3-11 JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB
Procedure Specification, 3-9 Create Resource Group, 2-19
Delete Task, 3-27 Update Resource Group, 2-21
Parameter Descriptions, 3-28 JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB
Procedure Specification, 3-28 Create Sales Rep, 2-24
Update Task, 3-19 Update SalesRep, 2-28
Parameter Descriptions, 3-21 Messages and Notifications, 2-32
Procedure Specification, 3-19 Resource Manager Public APIs, 2-2
Create Task Reference, 3-43 S
Parameter Descriptions, 3-44
Sort Record Type, 3-5
Procedure Specification, 3-43
Delete Task Reference, 3-49 Status Messages, 1-6
Parameter Descriptions, 3-49 Error, 1-7
Success, 1-6
Procedure Specification, 3-49
Update Task Reference, 3-46 Unexpected error, 1-7
Parameter Descriptions, 3-47 Warning and Information Messages, 1-7
Procedure Specification, 3-46
N Task Assign Record Type, 3-5
Task Contact Record Type, 3-5, 3-7
Task Dates Record Type, 3-5, 3-7
Create Note, 4-2 Task Dependency Record Type, 3-5, 3-6
Task Manager, 3-2
Data Structure Specifications, 4-2
Data Structure Specifications, 3-5 Parameter Descriptions, 3-47
Task Assignment Record Type, 3-5 Procedure Specification, 3-46
Task Contact Record Type, 3-7 Update_References, 3-2
Task Dates Record Type, 3-7
Task Dependency Record Type, 3-6
Task Recurrence Record Type, 3-7
Task Reference Record Type, 3-6
Create Task Assignment, 3-30
Delete Task Assignment, 3-40
Update Task Assignment, 3-36
Create Task, 3-9
Delete Task, 3-27
Update Task, 3-19
Create Task Reference, 3-43
Delete Task Reference, 3-49
Update Task Reference, 3-46
Messages and Notifications, 3-50
Task Notes Record Type, 3-5
Task Recurrence Record Type, 3-5, 3-7
Task Reference Record Type, 3-5, 3-6
Update Note, 4-2, 4-11
Parameter Descriptions, 4-12
Procedure Specification, 4-11
Update Resource, 2-11
Parameter Descriptions, 2-13
Procedure Specification, 2-12
Update Resource Group, 2-19, 2-21
Parameter Descriptions, 2-22
Procedure Specification, 2-21
Update SalesRep, 2-24, 2-28
Parameter Descriptions, 2-29
Procedure Specification, 2-28
Update Task, 3-2, 3-5, 3-19
Parameter Descriptions, 3-21
Procedure Specification, 3-19
Update Task Assignment, 3-2, 3-29, 3-36
Parameter Descriptions, 3-37
Procedure Specification, 3-36
Update Task Reference, 3-42, 3-46