The Geology of Skardu

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Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 1-1

Mineralogical studies of the gemstones-bearing pegmatites of the Shigar

valley, Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
M. Hassan Agheem1, M. Tahir Shah2, Tehseenullah Khan3, M. Arif4 and
Amanullah Laghari1
Centre for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
GEOSCIENCE lab, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Shigar valley, located north of Skardu, is one of the most famous valleys of the Gilgit-
Baltistan region of Pakistan as it is the gateway for most of the expeditions to the K-2, the
second highest peak of the world. In recent years, this valley attained greater importance in
regard to the gemstone occurrences. These are world class gemstones, mainly hosted by the
pegmatites, which have attracted a large number of international gems dealers to this region for
several years.

The pegmatites are well exposed in most parts of the northern areas of Pakistan. These occur
mainly within amphibolite to granulite facies schists and gneisses. The amphibolites hosted
pegmatites in the region extend from Hunza River in the northwest to Shigar River near Dassu in
the southeast. Besides these, the pegmatites are also present at Garam Chashma in the western
Karakoram and the Hushe and Masherbrum regions of the Karakoram metamorphic complex.
The granitic-pegmatites are also exposed in the Indo-Pakistan continental plate in the Nanga
Parbat-Haramosh Massif at Dache, Khaltaro, Shegus and Stak Nala. The pegmatites of different
ages are also reported within the Kohistan batholith.

There are plenty of pegmatites exposed in the Shigar valley that host a variety of gemstones.
Field and mineralogical studies of the Shigar valley pegmatites and hosted gemstones have been
conducted to identify the processes involved in the formation of gemstones. On the basis of field
features and internal structure, the pegmatites have been broadly classified into simple and
complex or zoned pegmatites. Petrographically, these have further been classified into four
types/classes, depending upon the presence or absence of different accessory minerals and
gemstones. The occurrence of gemstones is generally restricted to the zoned pegmatites. The
gemstones have been confirmed as topaz, aquamarine, tourmaline (schorl-foitite), goshenite,
garnet (almandine-spessartine), epidote (zoisite-clinozoisite), quartz and fluorite by using various
instrumental techniques such as X-ray diffractometer, electron probe micro-anlayzer and
scanning electron microscope. Magmatic hydrothermal processes are mainly responsible for the
formation of gemstones in these pegmatites. However, at places certain gemstones have
metamorphic-metsomatic origin.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 2-3

Numerical modeling of conjugate ‘Riedel’ deformation bands in

Iltaf Ahmad1, Mohammad Sayab2 and Qaiser Iqbal2
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar

Deformation bands in porous rocks are low-displacement deformed zones that increase
cohesion and reduce porosity and permeability, and are commonly formed in a Riedel pattern
(e.g. Antonellini et al., 1994; Davis et al., 1999). The term „Riedel‟ refers to a specific fault
pattern first created in clay cake models (Riedel, 1929). The pattern exhibits relatively short, en
echelon fault segments of synthetic R and antithetic R' shears oriented at low- and high- angles
to the main fault zone, respectively (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Schematic sketch showing a Riedel shear zone composed of R and R' shears linked by
transfer zone (after Davis et al., 1999).

Conjugate „Riedel‟ pattern in sandstone has been documented in many studies (Davis et al.,
1999; Fossen et al., 2007), and considerable amount of theoretical work on the development of
deformation bands has been carried out (e.g. see review in Fossen et al., 2007). In this study, we
have adopted numerical approach to simulate nucleation and growth of conjugate „Riedel‟
deformation bands in sandstone. The advantage of numerical over other modeling techniques is
that it allows user to model any particular physical/geological phenomenon and associated
problem in various steps that follow sets of executable commands based on mathematical
equations. The executable commands are written in a meaningful semantics that lead to
answerable simulation. The results can be directly comparable to given physical process/problem
at any stage with an advantage of quantitative outputs. We used Finite Difference Code (FDC) to
simulate the structural evolution of deformation bands in sandstone. To generate model steps,
FDC requires mechanical properties of sandstone that is an essential ingredient of the data file
for execution. In this regard, the mechanical properties of sandstone are very carefully taken
from the literature and used for modeling purposes (e.g. Okubo and Schultz, 2005).

We adopted Mohr-Coulomb material model with variable boundary conditions. In order to

generate deformation bands, we first applied lateral shear to the mesh (strike-slip) as assumed in

the theoretical models. However, surprisingly, no „Riedel‟ geometries were formed at any stage
during the given number of steps. We applied force (1) on top of the mesh and observed the
nucleation of conjugate pattern. The pattern consists of two cross-cutting sets oriented at an acute
angle to 1. Each set consists of a zone with deformed antithetic pattern. We propose that this
pattern may be the manifestation of R' shear. Our work is in progress and aimed to produce
„Riedel‟ pattern in sandstone. Based on the existing results, we can conclude that the formation
of „Riedel‟ geometry is not solely dependent on lateral shear, rather their growth is controlled by
conjugate sets that are lying at an acute angle to 1.


Antonellini, M., Aydin, A., Pollard, D.D., 1994. Microstructure of deformation bands in porous
sandstones at Arches National Park. Journal of Structural Geology, 16, 941-959.
Riedel, W., 1929. Zur mechanik geologischer brucherscheinungen, Centralblatt fur Minerologie,
Geologie, und Paleontologie, 354-369
Davis, G.H., Bump, A.P., Garcia, P.W., Ahlgren, S.G., 1999. Conjugate Riedel deformation
band shear zones. Journal of Structural Geology, 22, 169-190.
Fossen, H., Schultz, R.A., Shipton, Z.K., Mair, K., 2007. Deformation bands in sandstone: a
review. Journal of Geological Society of London, 164, 1-15.
Okubo, C.H. and Schultz, R.A. 2005. Evolution of damage zone geometry and intensity in
porous sandstone: insight gained from strain energy density. Journal of Geological Society of
London, 162, 939-949.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 4-5

U-Pd zircon ages for the Chinglai gneiss, lower Buner, North Pakistan
Irshad Ahmad1, Shuhab, D. Khan2 and Tom Lappen2
NCE in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, TX 77204, USA

The Chinglai gneiss is a dark-colored medium-grained rock characterized by abundant augen of

k-feldspar and plagioclase. It is located on the western limb of the Indus syntaxis. The Chinglai
gneiss was initially mapped as part of the Ambela complex (Siddiqui et al., 1968; Rafiq, 1987). The
Ambela complex was considered to be late Paleozoic on the basis of whole-rock Rb-Sr (297 + 4, 315
+ 15) and U-Pb zircon (280 + 15) ages from the Koga syenite (Le Bas et al., 1987 and Smith et al.,
1994 respectively) and the intrusive contact of the Ambela granites with Carboniferous rock of the
Jaffar Kandao Formation, where the Chinglai gneiss was also considered Carboniferous in age. Sak
and Pogue (1995) and Khan et al. (1990) mapped the Chinglai gneiss as a separate body and is in
contact with Ambela granite and the Ambar Formation. They considered the Chinglai gneiss to be of
Cambrian age. DiPietro et al. (1999) based on texture and composition similar to Swat gneisses
mapped the Chinglai gneiss and the southeastern part of the Ambela complex as part of the Swat
gneisses. The Swat gneisses were previously correlated with the Mansehra gneiss that is considered
to be late Cambrian on the basis of a whole-rock Rb-Sr age of 516 + 16 Ma (Le Fort et al., 1980).
Anckeiwicz (1998) obtained U-Pb zircon age of 468 + 5 Ma from the Choga granodiorite gneiss and
ca. 265 Ma from Ilam body part of the Swat gneiss to be related with late Paleozoic event.

Chinglai gneiss has abundant zircon. A sample from the Chinglai gneiss along the main road
from Chinglai-Totalai section was collected for zircon separation. Zircons were separated using
standard techniques of crushing, grinding and heavy liquid and magnetic separation. Zircons picked
were clear euhedral grains of two morphologies, elongated prisms or stuby prisms. Analyses were
performed at the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, using Laser
ablation ICP-MS. Cathodoluminesnce (CL) images of the zircon show zoning and inherited cores
(Fig. 1). In total of 17 analyses were carried out on multi grains.

Fig. 1. CL images of the zircon from the Chinglai gneiss show zoning and inherited cores.
The analyses obtained show an upper intercept 827 Ma from the inherited core. This age is in
agreement with the Black mountain complex of 823 Ma age (U-Pb zircon, DiPietro and
Iscachsen, 2001) in the east of the Chinglai gneiss. The lower intercept of 456 represents a
younger Pb loss and/or overgrowth associated with the intrusion in the north, the Choga
granodiorite gneiss having U-Pb zircon age of 468 + 5 (Anckiewicz et al., 1998).

The present age of 826 Ma from the inherited core and 456 Ma from the rim for the Chinglai
gneiss supports the above interpretation. It constrained the age of the Gandaf and the Tanwal
Formations regarded as Proterozoic and Cambrian respectively (Sak and Pogue, 1995). This also
supports the argument that the Chinglai gneiss is not genetically related to the Ambela granitic
complex (Khan et al., 1990; DiPietro et al., 1999).

DiPietro and Iscachsen (2001) regarded the 823 Ma age for the Black Mountain as minor
Late Proterozoic intrusive event and possibly correlative with Malani magmatism which has
been dated between 750 and 850 Ma on the Aravalli craton of northern India and with a ca. 870
Ma igneous suite from the Kirana Hills in Pakistan (Kazmi and Jan, 1997).


Anczkiewicsz., R., Oberli, F., Burg, J.P., Meier, M. Dawood, H. and Hussain, S. S., 1998.
Magmatism south of the Indus suture, lower Swat, Pakistan. Geological Bulletin, University
of Peshawar, Special issue, 31, 7-9.
DiPietro, J.A., Pogue, K.P., Hussain, A. and Ahmad, I., 1999. Geological map of the Indus
Syntaxis and surrounding area, northwest Himalaya, Pakistan. Geological Society of
America Special Paper 328, 159-178.
DiPietro, J. A., Isachsen, C. E., 2001. U-Pb zircon ages from the Indian plate in northwest Pakistan and
their significance to Himalayan and pre-Himalayan geologic history. Tectonics 20, 510-525.
Kazmi, A.H., Jan, M.Q., 1997. Geology and Tectonics of Pakistan. Graphic Publishers, Karachi
Khan, S.R., Khan, M.A., Nawaz R., Karim, T. 1990. Stratigraphic control for the age of Peshawar
plain magmatism, north Pakistan. Geological Bulletin, University of Peshawar, 23, 253-263.
Le Bas, M.J., Mian, I., Rex, D.C., 1987. Age and nature of carbonatite emplacement in north
Pakistan: Geol. Rundschau, 76(2), 317-323.
Le Fort, P., Debon, F., Sonet, J., 1980. The "Lesser Himalayan" cordierite granite belt, typology
and age of the pluton of Manserah, Pakistan. Geological Bulletin, University of Peshawar,
13, 51-62.
Rafiq, M., 1987. Petrology and geochemistry of Ambela garnitic complex, N.W.F.P. Pakistan.
Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Peshawar.
Siddiqui, S.F.A., Chaudhry, M.N., Shakoor, A., 1968. Geology and petrology of felspathoidal
syenites and associated rocks of Koga area, Chamla valley, Swat, West Pakistan. Geological
Bulletin, Punjab University, 7, 1-30.
Sak, P.B., Pogue, K.R., 1995. Petrographic and microstructural analysis of granitic rocks from
the Indus syntaxis region, northern Pakistan. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, 27(6), p. 391.
Smith, H.A., Chamberlain, C.P., Zietler, P.K., 1994. Timing and duration of Himalaya
metamorphism within the Indian plate, northwest Himalaya, Pakistan. Journal of Geology,
102, 493-503.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 6-6

Site amplification factor at Mardan, Pakistan

Irshad Ahmad1 and Muhammad Waseem2
Department of Civil Engineering, NWFP University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar,
National Center of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

This paper presents site response analyses for a site at Mardan Campus of NWFP University
of Engineering and Technology Peshawar. This study is a part of extensive instrumentation to be
installed at Mardan campus under Pak-US Earthquake Collaborative Research Program funded
jointly by Higher Education Commission (HEC) and USAID, which includes installation of two
subsurface and a surface accelerometers in three boreholes connected to a common data
acquisition system. The three boreholes with depth offifty (50) meters, hundred (100) meters,
and fifty (50) meters are drilled at three (3) meters spacing. Geotechnical tests are conducted on
the samples retrieved from these boreholes. Among other geotechnical tests, Standard
penetration test, cone penetrations test, and Cross-hole test are also conducted in borehole to
characterize the soil at the site. Shear wave velocities at 1m spacing are determined using cross-
hole tests up to 50m depth. The site of interest has co-ordinates 34.01o N, 72.00o E. Seismic
hazard analysis for the site is performed with deterministic approach using sixteen (16) faults
within one hundred (100) km around the site. Peak ground acceleration for rocks is computed
with shear wave velocity value 760 m/s. Boore and Atkinson Next generation attenuation (NGA)
model is used to compute the peak ground acceleration values. Based on the controlling
earthquake and the maximum peak ground acceleration value three real time histories are
selected from the data bank of pacific earthquake engineering center (PEER). Equivalent linear
site response analysis is conducted using DeepSoil software. Amplification spectrum is
developed for the site and site response factors are compared with those from different
International Codes.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 7-7

New dimensions to play fairway evaluation within a sequence

stratigraphic framework: Eocene carbonate play, southwestern part of
the Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan
Nadeem Ahmad
Pakistan Petroleum Ltd., Islamabad

Sequence stratigraphic methodology provides a powerful tool for subdividing the

stratigraphic succession into genetically related sedimentary packages using key sequence
stratigraphic surfaces. Spatial and temporal relationship of the depositional systems
corresponding to each genetic package is a key to defining the petroleum play elements and
documenting their extent and geological uncertainties. The methodology involves the preparation
of geoseismic sections and wireline log/outcrop correlation panels at regional scale. Wheeler
diagrams (Stratigraphic Charts) are then prepared and can be converted to Chronostratigraphic
charts after a biometric or chronologic calibration. Subsequently, a Petroleum System is
formulated based on a potential or proven source rock within the sedimentary succession of
interest. Reservoir-Seal pairs are then identified to define plays and reconstruct/draw the play
schematics. Lithofacies and respective depositional systems are delineated for both the reservoir
and seal through an integrated use of outcrops, cores and logs to make Gross Depositional
Environment Maps. These maps are the foundation of reservoir and seal distribution maps and
the Common Risk Segments maps. Overlaying the reservoir, seal and source maps provide the
play fairway map showing the areas of low, medium and high chances of success.

Case study of the Paleocene-Eocene Dunghan-Laki play fairway is presented from the
southwestern part of the Lower Indus Basin and nearby shallow offshore region. Sequence
stratigraphically, the play comprises Dunghan equivalent falling stage systems tract shelf-margin
carbonate buildups overlain by the transgressive systems tract shale (top seal) of the Laki
Formation. Further up in the stratigraphic section, a lack of thick shale between the thick and
massive Middle Eocene Kirthar Limestone and the underlying Highstand shelf-margin carbonate
buildups of Ypresian age (equivalent to the upper Laki Formation and SML of the Fold Belt)
makes the Laki carbonates a high risk play. Based on limited stratigraphic information from a
couple of boreholes that penetrated the relatively viable part of the play fairway, e.g., Karachi
South 1A, a lack of „thick and regionally pervasive‟ top seal (shale or marls) turns out to be the
key geological risk at play level. Accordingly, the key de-risking challenge lies ahead in the form
of predicting the extent and thickness of this seal element. It is possible to address this
uncertainty through precise well-to-seismic tie, geological characterization of the correlative
seismic reflection geometries and carrying out a seismic stratigraphic interpretation to
extrapolate the sequence stratigraphic correlations away from boreholes into the tracts of
Thanetian-Ypresian carbonate buildups both onshore and offshore. In this way, part-plays
(geographic sectors) can be high-graded to prioritize and focus 3D seismic surveys and
subsequently carry out high-resolution seismic stratigraphy to precisely demarcate different
geomorphic elements and their thicknesses. Sectors of thick shale deposition and lateral
carbonate-to-shale transition can be, thus, defined to map structural and stratigraphic traps that
fall within the high-graded part-play.
Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 8-8

A statistical approach to determine the earthquake probability,

calculation of Peak Ground Acceleration for Karachi
Naseer Ahmed
Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad

The city of Karachi is constructed on the southernmost folds of the Kirthar range with several
faults (Surjan, Lakhni, and Jhimpir) within 125 km of the city. Karachi is close to a plate
boundary and within reach of earthquakes and numerous tectonically active structures
surrounding the city. Most effective seismogenic source areas were selected for this study on the
basis of the past activity and slip rates. The documented historical and latest seismicity record
shows the presence of various seismic zones such as Pab fault, Ornach Nal fault, Kutch fault and
Surjan- Jhimpir faults. The Runn of Kutch earthquake of June 1819 was a large earthquake of
7.6Mw near Lakpat that killed about 1500 people. Similarly, an earthquake of 7.1 occured in
Kutch in January 2001. Along other sources, major earthquakes occurred, with magnitudes
ranging from 4.5 to 5.8Mw according to catalogs of Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD)
and Incorporated Research Institutions of Seismology (IRIS). Therefore, it is very important to
remember that any devastating earthquake can strike Karachi in future due to the presence of
active tectonic in its surrounding. The aim of this study is to determine the probabilities for the
generation of earthquakes of specific magnitudes in Karachi in the future years using Annual
Extreme Values Method of Gumbel (1958). Also, analysis of peak ground acceleration is made
by using Idriss attenuation relation (2002). The Gumbel‟s, extreme value distribution method
yielded that the probability of an earthquake occurrence of equal or greater than magnitude = 7 in
100 years is 18 percent and its return period is 500 years and 0.24g can be the maximum g value.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 9-9

Microstructural approaches to tectonic reconstructions of the Balcooma

Metamorphic Group, Greenvale Province, north-eastern Australia
Asghar Ali
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Eastern Australia has been affected by the Ross - Delamerian (520-500 Ma), an Early
Ordovician (475-450 Ma), Benambran (440-420 Ma), Tabberabberan (410-370 Ma), Kanimblan
(360-320 Ma) and Hunter-Bowen (Permian) Orogenies. A succession of five foliation
intersection/inflection axes preserved in porphyroblasts (FIAs), sequential growth of
metamorphic index minerals, spectacular inclusion trails and in-situ dating of monazite grains
within porphyroblasts show that the Balcooma Metamorphic Group has been affected by 5
orogenic cycles of different intensities from ~476±5 to 408.8±8.9 Ma. The E-W trending FIA set
1 in garnet porphyroblasts indicates N-S shortening and the beginning of the amphibolite facies
metamorphism around ~476±5 Ma across the Greenvale Province. The Early Ordovician N-S
shortening was followed by staurolite, kyanite and plagioclase growth in a clockwise P-T-t-D
path during an Early Silurian continuous crustal thickening event. The NNW-SSE trending FIA
set 2 in staurolite and NNE-SSW trending FIA set 3 in staurolite, kyanite and plagioclase
porphyroblasts suggest rotation of the direction of bulk shortening to ENE-WSW and ESE-
WNW between 443.2±3.8 Ma and 425.4±3.7 Ma respectively. Localized E-W trending FIA set 4
in staurolite porphyroblasts indicates N-S bulk shortening by 408.8±8.9 Ma. FIA set 5 trends
NE-SW and is only present in andalusite. It suggests subsequent rotation of the bulk shortening
direction to NW-SE. The Balcooma Metamorphic Group is unconformably overlain by the
uncleaved Emsian age (400-392 Ma) Conjuboy Formation. Constraints from FIAs, textural
relationship, Emsian age unconformity and absolute monazite plus SHRIMP U-Pb ages indicate
that the Delamerian, Kanimblan and Hunter Bowen Orogenies did not affect this region. FIA 1
(~476±5 Ma), FIA 2 (443.2±3.8 Ma), FIA 3 (425.4±3.7 Ma), FIA 4 (408.8±8.9 Ma) and FIA 5
(<408.8±8.9 Ma) indicate that this region was initially affected by an Early Ordovician Orogeny
but was later overprinted by the Benambran (440-420 Ma) and Tabberabberan (410-370 Ma)

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 10-10

Petrography of sandstone of the Lumshiwal Formation from the Samana

Range, Hangu, northwestern Pakistan: Implications for provenance,
diagenesis and environments of deposition
Beenish Ali, Mumtaz A. Khan, Abdul Ghafoor and Mohammad Arif
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

The Cretaceous Lumshiwal Formation is exposed along a road-cut in the Samana Range,
situated in Hangu, northwestern Pakistan. It largely consists of sandstone with some
intercalations of shale and limestone. A total of 28 samples were collected at a regular interval of
5 m from the sandstone unit of the Formation for detailed petrographic studies. The studied
samples of sandstone consist of abundant quartz (ranging up to 97 %), which may or may not be
accompanied by accessory amounts of feldspars (averaging ~3 %) and traces of rock fragments
and a variety of heavy minerals. The heavy minerals include tourmaline, monazite, zircon,
muscovite, chert, rutile and goethite. Silica as quartz overgrowth is the dominant cementing
material in the studied sandstone samples. A few of the samples however contain ferruginous
cement. Due to very high modal abundance of quartz, all the samples classify as quartz arenite.
This feature suggests that the Lumshiwal sandstone is mineralogically mature. The moderate
degree of sorting and sub-angular to rounded outlines of framework constituents however point
to the texturally sub-mature character of the sandstone. The mono-crystalline quartz is much
more abundant than the poly-crystalline type, and the poly-crystalline quartz grains mostly
consist of two to three sub-grains. Besides, the majority of the mono-crystalline quartz grains are
non-undulose or only weakly undulose. These features suggest derivation of quartz from an
igneous source rock. Furthermore, the presence of alkali feldspar and heavy minerals such as
tourmaline, monazite, zircon, muscovite and rutile point to a source dominated by acidic plutonic
igneous rocks.

Precipitation of silica as overgrowth cement in pore spaces, presence of long and sutured
boundaries, absence of concavo-convex and tangential contacts and alteration of feldspar grains
to clay minerals are the prominent diagenetic modifications in the studied sandstone. These
changes represent the final phase (phyllomorphic) of diagenesis, deep burial, increased
geothermal gradient and pressure as is also evident from quartz overgrowths, stylolitic
boundaries of some of the grains and healing of intra-granular fractures in quartz and feldspar
with ore minerals. The almost total absence of matrix and abundance of framework quartz
suggest the falling sea level, i.e. high energy conditions. The presence of glauconite also supports
shallow marine conditions for the deposition of the studied sandstone.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 11-11

Arsenic distribution and toxicity in the groundwater of Sindh, southern

Wajid Ali1, Muhammad Nafees2 and Mohammad Ijaz3
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Human Relief Services of Pakistan, Environmental Wing, Swat

Arsenic contamination of groundwater is well-documented in other parts of the world, for

example, India, Bangladesh, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, China and Hungary. However, for some
reason Arsenic contamination in the ground waters of Pakistan remains under-reported. In this
study the concentration of Arsenic and its spatial distribution were determined in the
groundwater of Sindh province. The Arsenic concentration ranged from 0 µg/l to alarming 500
µg/l. The spatial distribution of Arsenic in the ground water was mapped using various
geostatistical methods, including kriging and nearest neighbor. It was observed that the Arsenic
concentration in the groundwaters near the River Indus is higher and gradually decreases as a
function of distance from the river. The results of this study were also compared with global and
regional concentrations of Arsenic in groundwater. Groundwater samples collected from various
sources like hand pumps, bore wells, etc., were also tested for residual chlorine, bacterial
contamination and other basic water quality parameters. About 50 percent of the water samples
showed bacterial contamination. Residual chlorine was missing in almost all the samples. A
water quality index was used to classify the water as good, moderate, bad and very bad for
human health and consumption.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 12-12

Land degradation assessment in the southern dry lands of Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa: A case study in Pezu and Tank region of
Dera Ismail Khan District, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa
Wajid Ali, Syed Muntazir Abbas, Khalid Latif and Syed Ali Turab
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
This paper explores the extent of land degradation in Pezu and Tank region which is geologically
characterized as a foredeep basin formed due to Main Frontal Thrust. Overtime it has filled up with
silty clay, sand and gravel forming two different types of landforms: (a) piedmont deposits in the
west and the centre of the basin, and (b) floodplain deposits of the Indus River. The recent alluvial
fans formed in the foothills of the mountains surrounding the basin consist of gravel and boulders
with intercalations of clay. The dominant drainage direction is from northwest to southeast. Most of
the streams in the study area are ephemeral in nature.
Various factors, like vegetation cover, soil cover, precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, soil
texture, desertification potential, land forms and land use attributes were used to identify the land
degradation problems in each soil geomorphologic unit. Soil geomorphological units observed in the
study area were recent alluvial fans in the foothills of Marwat Range, recent piedmont plain characterized
by sandy outwash derived from Bhittani and Marwat Ranges in north-northwest, and from Cretaceous
shales of Sulaiman Range in the west. Sub-recent piedmont plain characterized by loamy sands and old
piedmont plain characterized by silt loam type soils are subjected to annual and biannual torrent floods.
Soil orders observed in the study area were Entisols and Aridisols characteristic of arid and semi arid
regions of the world. Soil sealing and crusting and soil cracking were observed as the most predominant
features of the top soils in the area. Other characteristics of the soils include low organic matter content
and high infiltration rates. Soil drainage varies from excessively drained in the recent piedmont plains to
moderately drained in other units. The prime land use attribute recorded in the area is Rainfed fallow
agriculture associated with poor quality grazing. Soils are also subject to rill, gully and sheet erosion of
varying degrees. Sparse vegetation, erratic rainfall patterns and high potential evapotranspiration, scarcity
of water and high potential for desertification add up to the existing land degradation problems of the
study area. Agroforestry techniques, afforestation, no tillage agriculture techniques and mulching are
recommended for the improvement of land and combating land degradation.

Fig. 1. Map of the study area.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 13-13

Evaluation of activated carbon amendment for reclamation of a DDT-

contaminated site in Pakistan
Younas Asma1, Hilber I.2, Khwaja Mahmood3, and Bucheli Thomas D.2
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Agroscope Reckenholz Tänikon Research Station ART, Switzerland
Sustainable Policy Development Institute (SDPI), Islamabad

DDT was produced from 1963 to 1994 in a factory in Nowshera, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa,
Pakistan. The factory was then officially closed, but was still in operation for many years. The
production and distribution of the insecticide resulted in a DDT polluted area of about 85
hectares. At the factory‟s site, covering about 550 m2, soils contamination is up to 10 μg g-1 DDT
in dry soil.

To reduce DDT exposure of the environment and humans, this contaminated site has to be
remediated. Therefore, the aim of this joint research project is to test a remediation strategy that
substantially reduces the bioavailable fraction of the aged DDT in the soil. We propose to bind
and immobilize the contaminant and its metabolites in the soil by activated charcoal (AC)
amendment. AC has proven to significantly reduce the bioavailability of organic contaminants in
solid matrices due to its high adsorption affinity and capacity. For this purpose, many researchers
already successfully added AC to sediments. The novelty of this project is the application and
thorough evaluation of this remediation technique to a field soil contaminated by sequestered
DDT and metabolites.

Specifically, within the three years of the project, we plan the following actions: 1) Soils and
sites will be selected to work with in the subsequent laboratory and field experiments. 2) In
laboratory experiments with different soil contamination levels and different kinds of added AC
(powdered, granulated, or reactivated charcoal), the bioavailability of DDT and metabolites will
be assessed by depletive and non-depletive extraction methods which are Tenax® beads, a
porous polymer and polyoxymethylene (POM), respectively and 3) Pilot field studies will be
performed after the AC has been added to the soil according to the initial laboratory results. The
chemical activity of DDT in the soil pore water will be assessed by POM and the bioaccessibility
of DDT tested in the lab with Tenax® over a period of about two years. Overall, this technique
presents, if it proves successful, a cheap, effective and feasible way to remediate other
organically contaminated hotspots in South Asia.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 14-15

The importance of nuclear energy in future, major uranium deposits of

the world and Pakistan
Azizullah, M. Amin Shah, Sher Muhammad and Taimur Shahzad
DEUP-II-Kohat, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Kohat

The Nuclear Energy Outlook, issued in October 2008 on the 50th anniversary of the OCED
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), responds to the renewed interest in nuclear power. In 2008, the
International Energy Agency (IEA) projected that with current government policies, total
primary energy and electricity demand will increase respectively by more than 50% and 90% by
2030, and that the great majority of energy supply remains a key issue.

Nuclear energy is an established technology, offering a reliable option to address these

issues. More efficient use of energy, renewable resources and storage are important components
of the response to these key issues, but no option should be overlooked. Nuclear energy is part of
solution, the size of its contribution will depend as much on the capabilities of governments and
the nuclear industry to address society‟s concerns about safety, waste disposal and proliferation
concerns, as it will on its economic competitiveness. In 2008, installed nuclear generation
capacity of around 372 GWe and annual production of 2700 TWh supplied about 16% of the
world electricity. Using authoritative electricity demand estimates for 2030 and 2050, the NEA
elaborated its own scenario of nuclear energy development. Designed to illustrate possible future
contributions of nuclear energy to global supply the outcome is a range of 4300 to 10500 TWh
worldwide in 2050.

The supply of uranium is required to support nuclear energy. Natural uranium resources are
widely distributed around the world, including in key countries where geopolitical risks are
limited. Its cost represents only a few percent of total cost of generating electricity at nuclear
power plants and therefore uranium price volatility is not as major concern for nuclear power
plant owners and operators as is for fossil fuel alternatives. Maintaining strategic stockpiles
representing several years‟ consumption is also relatively easy and economic.

World identified uranium resources (5.45mt U at US$ 130/KgU, or US$50/Lb U3O8) are
adequate to meet projected future high case nuclear power requirements until 2050, providing
that mine production is increased significantly. Supplying uranium requirement beyond this date
will require the identification of additional resources. However, recent market turmoil and
declining uranium spot prices, the opaque nature of uranium market, increased regulatory
requirement, scarce specialized labour and fluctuating costs of raw materials makes the process
of developing mines, already demanding significant amounts of time, expertise and expenditures,
increasingly more challenging. Considerable effort will be required to bring about the substantial
increase in mine production required to meet future NEA projection. In addition of these
challenges, uranium producer must continue developing and implementing best practices
globally in order to improve public perception of uranium mining. Doing so will be necessary to

develop currently identified resources to their full potential as well as to expand the existing
resources base.

In Pakistan the energy mix contains 2.30% nuclear energy. The government of Pakistan has
planned to increase nuclear energy from present 380 mw to 8800 mw by 2030. Mineral sector
has finalized a plan to establish more then 6000 ton of Reasonably Assured Resources (RAR) of
uranium by 2011 to fulfill the 1/3 requirement of fuel. Three fifty tons of yellow cake will be
required annually to achieve the target of 8800 mw. At present there are two Nuclear Power
Plant (NPPs) which produce 380mw of electricity, 80 mw by KANUPP and 300 mw by
CHASNUPP-1. For these NPPs the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission mineral sector is
partially fulfilling the requirements of uranium. Keeping in view the distribution of world
uranium deposits, further efforts should be made to explore new uranium deposits to meet the
future needs.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 16-16

Hydrodynamic analysis of Kabul River (NW Pakistan) during monsoon

floods of August 2010
Ikramuddin Bahram, Somana Riaz and Gohar Rehman
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

The densely populated floodplains of River Kabul at Charsadda and Nowshera witness flash
floods recurrently. However, the recent mega monsoon floods had catastrophic impact on the
infrastructure and the communities settled along the banks of the river. A geotechnical study of
the area reveals the peak flow discharge at different locations between Charsadda and Nowshera
and the extent of inundation. Masses received structural and non-structural damages including
roads, agricultural fields, bridges, houses and livestock. Though the hazard is very prominent and
eminent, still masses keep developing the infrastructure close to the risk zone and the trend goes
unchecked and least monitored.

A geo-hazard research study of the area was conducted primarily for the purpose of
„delineation of flood plain and to study erosional dynamics as a result of monsoon floods
downstream of River Kabul‟. The study focuses on marking the extent of the recent flood,
described as a 100 year flood, and assessment of the structural and non-structural damages and
the long term impact of such recurring floods. The methodology adopted for this study involves
the use of GIS whereby primary data have been collected from the field and incorporated on the
standard GIS maps of the area. Available data have significantly helped in establishing the
findings of primary data. They also reveal that no mechanism has ever been developed to cope
with the recurring hazard. Rather developing in floodplains close to the channel on a large scale
and therefore removal of trees, and at instances the natural levees has added to the intensity of
the floods.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 17-21

Active tectonics, October 8, 2005 earthquake deformation, active uplift,

scarp morphology and seismic geohazards microzonation,
Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis, Northwest Himalayas, Pakistan

Mirza Shahid Baig1, Robert S. Yeats2, Shahab Pervez1, Ishtiaq A.K. Jadoon3,
Muhammad Rustam Khan1, Iqbal Sidiqui1, MonaLisa4, Muhammad Saleem1,
Basit Masood5, Amer Sohail5, Muhammad Saleem Mughal1, Malik Jawad Ahmed1,
Waqar Ahmad Butt1, Habib-Ur-Rehman1, Haroon Rashid Abbasi1, Rashad Khan1,
Nasar Abbas1 and Muhammad Nadeem1
Institute of Geology, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS, Abbottabad
Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
NESPAK House, 1-C Block Model Town, Lahore

The Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis (HKS) is an active antiformal synclinal structure. It is

formed by the folding of Himalayan thrust sheets in the northeast Himalayas of Pakistan. It is
convex to the hinterland and concave to the foreland. The northern HKS is a tight antiformal
structure whereas the southern HKS is an open structure (Fig. 1). The thin skin faults those
bend around the HKS are the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), Panjal Thrust (PT) and Barian
Thrust (BT) (Wadia, 1931; Calkins et al., 1975; Baig and Lawrence 1987; Khan and Ali,
1994)). The active Jhelum left-lateral strike slip reverse fault truncates the thin skin Main
Boundary Thrust (MBT), Panjal Thrust (PT), Barian Thrust {BT), Himalayan Frontal Thrust
(HFT) or Muzaffarabad Fault (MF), Riasi Fault (RF}, Shahdara Thrust (ST), Hazara Thrust
(HT), Nar Thrust (NT), Shah Khaki Fault (SKF), Pir Gali Fault (PF), Samwal Fault (SF) and
Ratial Fault (RF). The local newly recognized faults in Shahdara, Plandri, Panjara, Sarsawa
and Kotli areas are the splays of the Riasi Fault. These include Dhalian Fault, Shahdara Thrust,
Manoor Fault, Nuhisarhota Fault, Godri Badshah-Kotli Fault, Chak Nasru Fault and Mandi

The active faults along the eastern limb of the HKS in Azad Kashmir-Potwar are the
Muzaffarabad Fault, Riasi Fault, Shahdara Fault, Shaheed Gala Fault, Riasi Fault, Godri
Badshah-Kotli Fault, Pirgali Fault and Samwal Fault (SM). However, the active faults along the
western limb of the HKS are the Salt Range Thrust (SRT), Shah Khaki Fault (SKF) or Diljaba
Fault (DF), Main Boundary Thrust and Chail Sar Thrust (CST). The northwest-trending and
northeast-dipping Chail Sar Thrust (CST) is the extension of the Indus-Kohistan Seismic Zone in
Alai Kohistan (Baig, 1990). These faults show the evidence for Quaternary deformation,
deflected or offset streams, nick points, uplifted and tilted terraces and seismicity. North of
Kohala, the MBT offsets Berot Nala left laterally more than I km. This indicates that the MBT is
an active fault.

The thrust/reverse faults along the eastern and western limbs of the HKS are the result of
southwest-and southeast-directed thin/thick skin imbricate thrusting and southwest-and
southeast-verging open to tight folds respectively. The most of the thin skin faults are along the
limb or core of anticlines.

The Jhelum fault runs parallel or sub-parallel to river Jhelum or along the crest or western
limb of the Jhelum River anticline. The seismicity, old linear landslides, dissected spurs, nick
points, deflected drainage and tilted and uplifted river terraces or nala fans show that the Jhelum
Fault is an active tectonic feature (Baig and Lawrence, 1987; Baig, 2006). The northwest-
southeast-trending and northeast dipping thick skin active faults in the HKS are the Chail Sar
Thsust (Baig, 1990), Indus-Kohistan Seismic Zone (IKSZ) blind reverse faults wedge
(Armbruster et al., 1978; Seeber and Armbruster, 1979), Bagh Basement Fault (BBF; Khan and
Ali, 1994) and new October 8th 2005 earthquake associated reverse Kawai-Dewalian Basement
Fault (KDBF). The fault on which magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred has reverse and some
right-lateral strike slip fault motion (Yeats et al., 2006; Monalisa et al., 2007). The movement on
northwest-trending and northeast-dipping KDBF reactivated the pre-existing northeast-dipping
active Muzaffarabad Fault and Indus-Kohistan Seismic Zone (Baig 2006; Baig et al., 2008). The
KDBF marks back stepping or northeast jump of Indus Kohistan Fault Zone during active
Himalayan strain buildup.

The BBF is a normal passive margin fault or bending moment normal fault on the Indian
plate. The BBF reactivated as reverse fault during the Himalayan collision. The reverse
Shaheed Gala Fault is the exposed extension of the BBF on surface. The most of the BBF in
northwest is under the thin skin thrust sheets of the HKS. The fault is between the Murree
Formation and the Nagri Formation. The 10 meter thick breccia and gouge are present along
the fault. The shallow earthquakes in HKS are associated with these thin and thick skin active

The Muzaffarabad fault was recognized along the overturned limb of the Balakot-
Muzaffarabad anticline (Calkins et al., 1975; Ghazanfar et al., 1986). The Muzaffarabad Fault
was also called as Himalayan Frontal Thrust (Baig and Lawrence, 1987), Tanda Fault (Nakata
and Kumahara, 2006) and Balakot-Bagh Fault (Yeats et al., 2006). The fault was the known
active fault before October 8th 2005 earthquake. The thrust/reverse right lateral Muzaffarabad
Fault extends northwest-southeast 120 Km from Balakot to Punch, Indian occupied Kashmir
(Baig et al., 2008). The fault branches into Balakot, Garalat and Sangal Bohr terminal splay
faults in Balakot area. In the southeastern segment, the Muzaffarabad Fault splays into the
Berpani Fault and Raikot Fault. The fault terminates into overlapping rupture zone near Chrikot
and Punch areas. The Balakot Fault cuts the MBT in the northwest. The Muzaffarabad fault
formed the extensive active rupture zone varying from 1-3 km. The rupture zone has normal and
reveres ruptures, landslides, breccia and gouge.

The scarp morphology along Muzaffarabad Fault is controlled by warps or folded scarps,
fault-related fold scarps (Nisar camp and Balakot hanging wall anticlines Baig et al., 2008),
imbricate scarp, compressional arc scarp, vertical scarp and overhang scarp. The local pop ups,
triangle zones, pressure ridges, horst and grabben, bending movement normal faults and back
thrusts at places are present along the fault. The fault forms significant pre-earthquake
degraded scarp topographic front which was reactivated and uplifted along Muzaffarabad Fault

up to 7.5 m during October 8 th 2005 Kashmir earthquake (Baig et al., 2008). The minimum and
maximum terrace uplift is measured across Muzaffarabad Fault through detail mapping of river
terraces. The minimum uplift across the fault is 50 m whereas the maximum uplift is 120 m.
The 120 m uplift across Muzaffarabad Fault is the result of strong multiple earthquake uplifts
in Holocene.

The Institute of Geology after October 8th 2005 earthquake started seismic geohazard
microzonation along Muzaffarabad Fault during 2005-2007 for the rehabilitation of the
earthquake affected people of Hazara and Kashmir. However, Institute of Geology Azad Jammu
and Kashmir University, Muzaffarabad voluntarily coordinated and supervised NESPAK (2006)
in Seismic Hazard Microzonation of Muzaffarabad, Bagh and Rawalakot areas on the request of
AJ&K government. The other areas mapped for seismic geohazard microzonation along the
Muzaffarabad Fault include Balakot-Garhi Habibulla, Jhelum valley, Chikar-Bagh and Bagh-

The seismic geohazard microzonation along Muzaffarabad Fault is based on hazard

parameters such as active faults, active rupture zone, unstable steep slopes, brittle shear zone,
active old and new landslides, ground shaking, earthquake deformation, seismic amplification,
seismicity and flood. The areas are classified into highly hazard, high hazard and moderate
hazard zones. It was recommended that the highly hazard zone (red zone) areas be avoided for
any type of construction. However, the high hazard and moderate hazard zones be used subject
to geotechnical studies and earthquake resistant building codes. The active fault lines, active
ruptures, active landslides, steep slopes, river-nala banks, nala courses and flood zone areas
should be avoided. The seismic amplification, ground shaking, slope failure, liquefaction,
structural collapse, basement failure, old buildings, structural design, asymmetric structures and
building material are the causes for the damage of civil structures and loss of human lives during
earthquakes. The detailed study of slip rates, uplift rates, strain buildup, hazard zonation,
recurrence intervals, seismicity, seismic hazard assessment, geohazard and earthquake
monitoring is needed to avoid major human loss along active faults in Azad Kashmir and


Armbruster, J.G., Seeber, L., Jacob, K.K., 1978. The northwest termination of Himalayan
mountain front: active tectonics from micro earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research,
83, 269-282.
Baig, M.S., 1990. Structure and geochronology of pre-Himalayan and Himalayan orogenic
events in the northwest Himalayas, Pakistan, with special reference to the Besham area.
Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon USA.
Baig, M.S., Lawrence, R.D., 1987. Precambrian to early Cambrian orogenises in the Himalaya.
Kashmir Journal of Geology, 5, 1-22.
Baig, M.S., 2006. Active faulting and earthquake deformation in Hazara-Kashmir syntaxis,
Azad Kashmir, northwest Himalayas, Pakistan. In: Kausar, A.B., Karim, T. (Eds.),
Extended Abstracts, International Conference on 8 th October 2005 Earthquake in
Pakistan: Its Implications and Hazard Mitigation, January 18-19, 2006, Islamabad,
Pakistan, 21-22.

Baig, M.S., Yeats, R.S., Monalisa, Pervez, S., Masood, B., Sohail, M.A., Jadoon, I.A.K., 2008.
In: Monalisa, Jan, M.Q., Khan, M.A. (Eds.), International Seminar “Earthquake Hazards
Pakistan: Post-October 2005, Muzaffarabad Earthquake Scenario” Baragali, August 22-23,
2008. Organized by Quaid-i-Azam University and National Center for Excellence in
Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan, 8-10.
Calkins, J.A., Offield, P.W., Abdulla, S.K.M., Ali, S.T., 1975. Geology of southern Himalaya
in Hazara, Pakistan, and adjacent areas. USGS Professional Paper, 716-c, 29p.
Ghazanfar, M., Chaudhry, M.N., Zaka, K.J., Baig, M.S., 1986. The geology and structure of
Balakot area, district Mansehra, Pakistan. Geological Bulletin Punjab University, 21, 30-
Khan, M.R., Ali, M., 1994. Preliminary modeling of the western Himalaya. Kashmir Journal of
Geology, 11-12, 59-66.
MonaLisa, Khawaja, A.A., Jan, M. Q., 2007. Seismic hazard assessment of the northwest
Himalayan fold-and-thrust belt using probabilistic approach. Journal of Earthquake
Engineering, 11, 257-301.
Nakata, T., Kumahra, Y., 2006. Active faults of Pakistan with reference to the source area of the
2005 north Pakistan earthquake. In: Kausar A.B., Karim T. (Eds.), Extended Abstracts,
International Conference on 8th October 2005 Earthquake in Pakistan: Its Implications and
Hazard Mitigation, January 18-19, 2006, Islamabad, Pakistan, 18-20.
NESPAK (National Engineering Services Pakistan) 2006. Seismic hazard microzonation map of
Muzaffarabad city.
Seeber, L., Armbruster, J., 1979. Seismicity of the Hazara arc in northern Pakistan: decollement
vs. basement faulting. In: Farah, A., DeJong, K.A. (Eds.), Geodynamics of Pakistan,
Geological Survey of Pakistan, Quetta, 131-142.
Yeats, R.S., Parson, T., Hussain, A., Yagi, Y., 2006. Stress changes with the 8 th October
2005 Kashmir earthquake, lesson for the future. In: Kausar A.B., Karim T. (Eds.),
Extended Abstracts, International Conference on 8 th October 2005 Earthquake in
Pakistan: Its Implications and Hazard Mitigation, January 18-19, 2006, Islamabad,
Pakistan, 16-18.
Wadia, D.N., 1931. The syntaxis of the northwest Himalaya: Its rocks, tectonics and orogeny.
Geological Survey of India Memoirs, 65, 189-220.

Fig. 1. Seismotectonic map of the Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis. Map shows seismicity from 1900 to
present (Seismic data from U SGS 2007; modified after Baig and Lawrance, 1987; Baig
2006; Baig et al., 2008)

HKS = Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis, MMT = Main Mantle Thrust, BT = Barian Thrust, LT = Luat Thrust,
MBT = Main Boundary Thrust, PT = Punjal Thrust, MF = Muzaffarabad Fault, RF = Riasi Fault, AF =
Ajor Fault, NT = Nar Thrust, SF = Samwal Fault, RF = Ratial Fault, SGT = Sangar Gali Thrust, TDT =
Thandiani Thrust, PF = Pir Gali Fault, SCF = Samani-Choki Fault, ST = Shahdara Thrust, SGF =
Shaheed Gala Fault, BBF = Bagh Basement Fault, KDBF = Kawai-Devian Basement Fault, GBKF =
Godri Badshah-Kotli Fault, SRT = Salt Range Thrust, AF = Ahmadwal Fault, SBT = Soan Back Thrust,
KMF = Kheri-i-Murat Fault, RF = Rawat Fault, JF = Jhelum Fault, HT = Hazara Thrust, MT = Mansehra
Thrust, OS = Ogi Shear, CST = Chail Sar Thrust, TF = Thakot Fault, PF = Puran Fault, IKSZ = Indus
Kohistan Siesmic Zone, IS = Indus Syntaxis, TR = Terbela Reservoir, MR = Mangla Reservoir, ISB =
Islamabad, MZD = Muzaffarabad, NR = Neelum River, JR = Jhelum River, PR = Punch River

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 22-22

Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar in Civil Engineering and

Geology: case studies from Pakistan
Asher Samuel Bhatti, M. Asif Khan and Zaheer Ahmed
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is widely popular these days for the assessment of
infrastructure and related structures such as building walls, floors, bridges, road pavements
culverts, railway tracks inspections and runways, etc. This paper demonstrates the applications of
GPR in geology and civil engineering, Three case studies are presented here to demonstrate the
applications of GPR, i.e., i) Motorway M1 Islamabad-Peshawar, ii) Roof floor of the buildings in
Islamabad, and iii) Investigation of rupture in Balakot developed due to the 2005 Kashmir
earthquake. This paper in fact reviews the operation of GPR systems together with a discussion
of data processing and data interpretation techniques. In the area of Indus Bridge M1 GPR
techniques have been used nondestructively to estimate the thickness of different layers, nature
of cracks, voids spaces. In road structure surveys, GPR has been used to measure layer thickness,
to detect subsurface defects and to evaluate base course quality, to estimate air void content of
asphalt surfaces and to detect mix segregation. Similarly, the different floors of the buildings
have been examined for weak zones developed due to cracks. In addition, GPR was used to
measure the displacement of the large rupture produced in Balakot area by the 2005 Kashmir
Earthquake. Future possibilities are described where the technique has great prospects in
assisting engineers with their new pavement designs and in determining the optimal repair
strategies for deteriorated roadways, and geologists/geophysicists as well to examine the hidden

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 23-23

Engineering studies of aggregate from lightweight expanded slate of

Manki Formation
Rubina Bilqees1, Pirzada Naeem2, Tazeem Khan1 and Mian Muhammad Junaid3
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
PCSIR laboratories Complex, Peshawar
Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, Islamabad

With increasing trend and need for the construction of multi-story buildings, construction
companies and experts are more concerned over the use of construction materials that is lighter
in weight to reduce the dead load. The use of structural grade lightweight concrete reduces
considerably the self-load and permits larger precast units to be handled. Lightweight aggregate
concrete (LWAC) has many comparative advantages over the commonly used concrete
aggregates, for example LWAC is more fire resistant due to its verification, chemical inertness
and cellular structure of the product. They have increased thermal insulation and moisture
resistance and make more sound proof buildings. Moreover, it is wiser to use lightweight
materials in construction of buildings in earthquake prone areas because of the improved seismic
structural response of lightweight material. Pakistan has a considerable terrain that is seismically
active, the most recent example being the deadly earthquake of October, 2005, which caused
many tens of thousands of casualties.

Bloatable (expandable) argillaceous raw materials suitable for use in making lightweight
aggregate exist in large quantities in Pakistan. For the present study, Precambrian slate from the
Attock-Cherat ranges has been used to study its engineering properties for use as a lightweight
aggregate concrete. Chemical analyses of the samples showed that loss on ignition varies from
3.45 to 4.56 %. The high contents of iron in the form of pyrite and hematite (5.23 %) and the
content of alkalies (6.6 %) are indicative of better bloating properties in slate. The samples were
fired in a rotary furnace at temperature ranging from 1050 to 1150 C° to achieve maximum
bloating. After bloating, physical tests were carried out according to the ASTM specifications.
The results of various tests, like water absorption, bulk density, chloride content, and soundness
properties, meet the ASTM specifications of concrete and show the suitability of the rocks for
use as a light weight aggregate for structural purposes.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 24-24

Geological and stratigraphical studies of dimension and cutstone around

Khanu Brohi and Khadhar areas, district Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
Imdad Ali Brohi, Sarfraz Hussain Solangi and Saeed Ahmed Bablani
Centre for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro

The Geological and stratigraphical investigations of the Ranikot and Laki formations,
ranging in age from upper Paleocene (Lakhra Formation) to Middle Eocene (Meting
limestone), have been carried out with special emphases on the dimension and cutstones of the
lower Tertiary rocks of Jamshoro district. These rocks are exposed in the Khanu and Khadhar
areas between latitude 25° 25´ 24˝ to 25° 26´ 06˝ N and longitude 68° 11´ 05˝ to 68° 09´ 10˝ E,
and are dominantly composed of detrital shale facies and non-detrital limestone. Three
undisturbed sections from the studied areas were selected for the columnar sections and
correlation of dimension stones. The limestone, mainly used as dimension stone, is of orange
yellow to pinkish yellow color and is exposed above the Lakhra formation. It is very hard,
compact, thick to massive bedded, and shows sugary texture. This limestone bed represents an
important marker bed at the top of Paleocene and the base of Eocene formations. It is of medium
quality in comparison to the dimension stones of other areas of Sindh.

Geological mapping and lithofacies variation among the sections have been studied. The
possible divisions of various facies in the studied formations have also been made. Their quality
has been evaluated in the context of their use as dimension and cut stones. On the basis of
hardness and chemical composition, these limestones have been classified into different classes
for their valuable use in decoration and construction purposes. Besides this, structural and
tectonic aspects, and economic importance of the study area are also discussed.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 25-25

Safe bearing capacity evaluation for the proposed National Testing

Services building at Sector H-8, Islamabad
Aqeel Goher, Umair Awan and Arslan Manzoor
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad

Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, is a planned city constructed since 1960 at the foot of the
Margalla Hills just north of the old city of Rawalpindi. Rapid growth of both Islamabad and
Rawalpindi to a combined population of over 3 million has made ever-increasing demands of
shelter for residential and other purposes. It is emerging as a major business involving expert

The present research focuses on the outcome of geotechnical investigations carried out by
GEOENGINEERS, Islamabad assigned by Designmen Consulting Engineers (Pvt.) Ltd. for the
construction of the National Testing Services Building Sector H 8/1 Islamabad, having two
basements and ten stories. The fieldwork was started on 28th July, 2009 and completed on 16th
August, 2009. During the field operation, eight bore holes of varying depth (10 to 18 meters
deep) were drilled to evaluate the foundation‟s bearing capacity of soil, over which the entire
proposed building will rest. The soil samples were collected at a regular interval or at any change
in the lithology of the strata observed. Selected samples were sent to the geotechnical laboratory
to evaluate their index and engineering properties, and their results have been compiled.

The Subsurface soil consists of light brown lean clay (CL), followed occasionally by sandy-
silty gravels (SM). The Eastern part of the studied area consists of a few meters dumped ruble
material from surrounding construction sites. The standard penetration test data reveals that N-
values vary from a minimum of 6 at shallow depths to a maximum of 18 at depth. Geotechnical
laboratory analyses for the representative soil samples collected during the drilling of boreholes
have also been discussed. Grain size analysis data exhibit that gravel ranges from 0% to 5 %,
sand from 5.9% to 29%, silt 63 – 94.1%, and clay 14.7 to 33.1%. The natural moisture content
ranges from 11.12% to 24.5%. The soil consistency data reveals that liquid limit for studied
samples ranges from 30.7 to 39.1%, plastic limit 22.2 to 29.9%, and the plasticity index from
7.1% to 12.0%. Specific gravity for soil samples are 2.65 g/cc. The unconfined compressive
strength varies from 0.91 to 1.15 Kg/cms3. The evaluated dry density is 1.485 to 2.171 g/cc,
whereas the angle of repose is less than 26o, indicating gentle fraction. Chemical data reveal that
sulfate and chloride are well below hazardous range.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 26-26

Water quality in Derajat Legahri, Dera Ghazi Khan

Aqeel Goher1, Mohammed Ashraf2 and Mohammed Arshad Khan2
Bahria University, Islamabad
Azad Jammu & Kashmir University, Muzaffarabad

Geological and hydrogeological studies were carried out in about 1,113 square kilometers
area of Derajat Leghari, Dera Ghazi Khan. These include study of various lithostratigraphic units
exposed in the mountainous region, determination of chemical quality of surface and
groundwater of the area, and its use for drinking purpose.

Lithostratigraphic units, which range in age from Cretaceous to Recent, have been described.
The Cretaceous to Miocene age rocks are of marine environment, whereas the Siwaliks and post-
Siwaliks are of continental origin. The stratigraphic succession of the area consists of Moghalkot
Formation (Paleocene), and Ghazij, Laki and Kirthar Formations of Eocene age. The Nari
Formation is of Oligocene-Miocene age and the Siwaliks of Pliocene – Pleistocene age, whereas
the alluvium is of Recent age. The rock units described here are from Ghazij Formation to
Recent alluvium. These consist of both clastic and non-clastic sediments. About 41 water
samples were collected from different localities. The surface water flow through different rocks
ultimately reaches the piedmont planes in the region. A hydrogeological map is prepared taking
into consideration the fresh and saline zone which changes with depth of the water table. The
effect of geology on ground and surface water has been recorded.

The pH value for ground and surface water ranges from 7.3 to 8.3. The calcium concentration
varies between 0.4 and 17.9 m meq/l, magnesium is up to 23.0 meq/l, and sodium with
potassium ranges from 1.3 to 32.5 meq/l. These values reveal that they are higher as per
international drinking water standards. The carbonates and bicarbonates increase the alkalinity of
drinking water in the area. Their concentration ranges from 2.6 to 17.8 meq/l. The sulphates are
0.2 to 46.4 meq/l, whereas chlorides are within international standards. The dissolved
constituents range from 216 to 3600 ppm. The study shows that the water in sandy aquifer better
qualifies for drinking purpose as compared to that from the silt – clay zones.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 27-27

Water quality assessment of Mardan district with special emphasis on

heavy metals contamination
Nida Gul1, M. Tahir Shah1 and Sardar Khan2 and Shahina Tariq3
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Faculty of Earth & Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad

Water quality has been changing rapidly for the last few decades in developing countries.
This large scale alteration in the water quality could be either due to geogenic or anthropogenic
sources. Like other South Asian countries, Pakistan is also facing health-related problems due to
water contamination. Therefore, assessment of water quality of an area becomes imperative
before it is used for drinking purpose by the inhabitants of the area. The present study was
conducted on water samples collected from different localities of Mardan district. During this
study, representative water samples from different available sources (i.e., surface, shallow and
deep groundwater) were collected. These water samples were analyzed for various physico-
chemical parameters (i.e., such as pH, T, (EC), resistivity, TDS) by COSORT electrochemical
analyzer C931, anions (i.e., SO4, NO3, Cl, HCO3) by Hach DR2800 spectrophotometer and major
cations (i.e., Ca, Mg, Na, K) and heavy and trace metals (i.e., Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn and
As) by atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with graphite furnace in the Geochemistry
laboratory of the Nation Centre of Excellence in Geology, Universirty of Peshawar. Bicarbonates
were recorded in relatively high concentrations, while the rest of the anions were found within
the permissible limits of WHO. Among the major cations and heavy and trace metals,
concentrations of Ca, Na, Fe, Cu and Pb were relatively high in some water samples. However,
concentrations of K, Mg, Cd, Cr, As, Ni and Zn in all the water samples were found within the
permissible limits of WHO and USEPA.

Various statistical parameters and health risk assessment tools were used to evaluate health-
related problems associated with the water of Mardan district. Health risk assessment for heavy
and trace metals in drinking water showed almost no health risk due to low hazard quotient (HQ)
and cancer risk (CR) values. However, few shallow ground water samples were having low risk
due to relatively high HQ values for Fe and Cu. This study suggests that generally the drinking
water of Mardan district is safe for drinking purposes.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 28-28

Environment friendly usage of Rice Husk Ash for subgrade soil

Kashif Hamid and Muhammad Saadat Khan
G & CRC, PCSIR Labs Complex, Feruzepur Road, Lahore

Soil stabilization offers a technically feasible and economically viable solution to many
engineering problems, especially in highway construction. Comprehensive testing, to evaluate
improvement in desired engineering properties such as strength, durability and volume stability,
etc., is essential to suggest a feasible solution. Stabilizers such as lime and cement are commonly
used to improve the soil strength properties. Industrial and agro-waste products, such as fly ash
and Rice Husk Ash, possess pozzolanic properties and, therefore, can be used as stabilizing
agents for soil.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 29-29

Petroleum geology of Loralai Formation in western Sulaiman Range

Kashif Hamid and Muhammad Saadat Khan
G & CRC, PCSIR Labs Complex, Feruzepur Road, Lahore

The Loralai Formation was deposited on the northern shelf of Tethys as carbonate platform
depositional product and belongs to the Middle Jurassic carbonate rocks with its wide
distribution and thousands of meters of thickness in the study area due to structural duplication
on the large scale continent-continent plate margin, the thin skin tectonics and the decollement
provided by shales of Sembar Formation, the largest source rock. Also because the Sulaiman
Basin is in structural and stratigraphic equivalence with Kirthar Basin, the reservoir potential of
Loralai Formation is beyond any question. The Lithology, stratigraphy and structure of the
Loralai formation here is analogous to other such producing and proven basins. The studies on
the sedimentology of the formation comprised analyses of stratigraphic sections, microfacies
assemblages, and diagenetic sequences. In this area the diagenetic environments of Loralai
Formation are different from one another by the resultant features such as cementation and
dissolution. This is an attempt to demonstrate the pronouncing possibilities of reservoir potential
of this formation for petroleum in Western Sulaiman Range.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 30-30

Functions and achievements of Pakistan Mineral Development

Corporation in the mineral sector development
Muzaffar Hussain
Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation, Islamabad

Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC) was established in 1974 as a Private Limited
Company with paid up capital of Rs. 10 million and authorized capital of Rs. 1,000 million. Its
objectives are exploration development of mining and marketing of minerals, including export. PMDC
is primarily involved in the mining and marketing of rock salt and coal in the country. It is producing
over one million tons of rock salt annually and meeting 55% of the country‟s rock salt requirement.
The coal produced is supplied to the brick kilns, cement plants and Khanot Power Plant for generation
of electricity.

PMDC‟s role as joint venture partner and as an executing agency are: 1) MCC China for the
development of Duddar Lead-Zinc deposits, Lasbella, Balochistan, 2) WAPDA and Government of
Sindh for supply of coal to WAPDA‟s power plant at Khanot through Lakhra Coal Development
Company, 3) FATA Development Authority for mining of Kurram soapstone near Parachinar and 4)
Sarhad Mineral Authority for rock salt mining at Nari Panoos, Karak.
PMDC as an Executing Agency is undertaking exploratory work for coal and copper in two
projects in FATA, which have been sponsored by FATA Development Authority: 1) exploration and
development of North Waziristan copper with a total cost of Rs.172.722 million. The work is in
progress and 2) exploration and resource estimation for coal in Shirani area, F.R.D.I Khan, costing Rs
92.772 million. Drilling work is expected to start shortly.
Duddar Lead-Zinc Project, Lasbela, Balochistan: PMDC, with the technical and financial assistance
of UNDP (1991-94), explored the Lead-Zinc deposits of Duddar. Subsequently the work was undertaken
jointly by PMDC, Balochistan Development Authority (BDA) and PASMINCO (Australia) from 1995-
1998. The investigations included over 43,000 meters drilling, assaying of samples, geological,
geophysical and geotechnical studies and metallurgical tests. As a result of these investigations 14.1
million tonnes of Lead-Zinc ore was proved, having 3.2% Lead and 8.6% Zinc. Additional resource of 10
million tonnes of ore was also indicated adjacent to the ore body in the North.
An Agreement between Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation and China Metallurgical
Construction (Group) Corporation, for development of Duddar Lead-Zinc deposits in Balochistan was
signed on 3rd November 2003. According to the agreement, the investment required for the Project was
US $73 million which was to be arranged in total by MCC. PMDC will get 20-25% share in the profits
which will be shared by PMDC and Govt. of Balochistan on 50:50 basis. The investment has now gone
to over 111 million US$.
On completion of the formalities, the development of the project started in 2005 and the trial
production of Lead-Zinc ore started in December 2008 and is still going on. During the period from Dec,
2008 till date, a total of about 90,000 tonnes of Lead-Zinc ore has been mined and over 11,000 tonnes
concentrate produced and exported to China for smelting. This project is the first of its kind in the
underground metal mining in Pakistan and on its successful completion, will open up new avenues for
development of similar type of other deposits in the Lasbella-Khuzdar metallogenic belt.
Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 31-31

Investigation of limestone exploitation area and its environmental

impacts using GIS/RS techniques: A case study of Margalla Hills
National Park, Islamabad
Muhammad Farooq Iqbal and Amir H. Malik
Department of Meteorology CIIT, Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad

The principal aim of the current study is to investigate the limestone (LS) exploitation area
and its environmental impacts on water, vegetation, soil, etc., using low cost GIS/Remote
Sensing techniques. Utilization of LS in Pakistan and other developing countries has been
important for cement industry, construction material for roads and buildings, etc., however,
extraction of LS from the Margalla Hills National Park (MHNP) cannot be allowed further due
to the environmental impacts on the Federal city of Islamabad and Rawalpindi and the resulting
degradation of water, soil, vegetation cover, air, etc. Satellite Remote Sensing and Geographic
Information System have been proven as a powerful tool and low cost approach for LS
exploitation investigation. Four Landsat Thematic Mapper / Enhanced Thematic Mapper satellite
images have been taken over a span of 17 years (1992-2009). Digital Image Processing
techniques including image enhancement, image classification and change detection have been
applied to determine the temporal changes of various classes. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal
Emission and Reflection Radiometer and Global Digital Elevation Model have been used for
topographic information extraction. According to the results achieved, LS exploitation is
deteriorating the ecosystem, biodiversity, landscape, vegetation, water quality and quantity of the
MHNP, established in 1980 for the protection, conservation and management of biodiversity and
ecosystem. Results of the study suggest that current LS extraction in the MHNP should be
stopped immediately to secure the water, soil and air quality and quantity for growing population
of the Federal capital city of Islamabad (estimated present population of Islamabad and
Rawalpindi is about three to four million inhabitants) and initiatives should be taken for the
rehabilitation of the already LS exploited areas of the MHNP and then to suggest alternative LS
exploitation sites in the near periphery of Islamabad/Rawalpindi areas with EIA restrictions to
avoid long term water, soil and air degradation and pollution.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 32-32

Climate Change and vulnerability of Pakistan

Muhammad Mohsin Iqbal, M. Munir Sheikh, Ghazanfar Ali and
Arshad M. Khan
Global Change Impact Studies Centre, NCP Complex, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus,

Climate change is a stark reality, no more a fiction. It is brought about by the industrial
nations but its brunt has to be borne by the developing and developed countries alike. Pakistan is
particularly vulnerable to climate change because it has generally a warm climate, lies in a world
region where the temperature increases are expected to be higher than global averages; its land
area is mostly arid and semiarid; its rivers are predominantly fed by Hindu-Kush-Karakoram-
Himalaya glaciers which are reported to be receding rapidly due to global warming; its economy
is largely agrarian and hence highly climate sensitive; and the country faces increasingly larger
risk of variability in monsoon rains, extended droughts and large floods. The recent devastating
floods in the country are vivid examples of this vulnerability. Under the influence of all these
factors the Water Security, Food Security and Energy Security of the country are under serious
threat. Compounding these factors are the expected increased risks to the coastal areas (these
include Karachi, Pakistan‟s largest city and hub of its industrial activity) and the Indus deltaic
region due to sea level rise and increasing cyclonic activity, to the mountainous regions due to
Glaciers Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) and landslides (the recent GLOF at Attabad, Hunza is a
clear example of this); to the scanty (<5%) forests due to forest fire, deforestation and reduced
regeneration ; to human health due to heat strokes, diarrhoea, cholera, vector borne diseases, etc.

Adaptation to climate change has, therefore, emerged an imperative and high on the
development agenda of Pakistan to deal with the unavoidable impacts of climate change, manage
risks and adjust economic activity to reduce vulnerability and introduce climate proofing.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 33-33

On the paleoclimate and paleogeography of Permian rocks of the Salt

Range, Pakistan
Nayyer Iqbal
Pakistan Museum of Natural History, Islamabad

The Stratigraphic committee of Pakistan divided the Permian rocks of Pakistan in two
groups; the Zaluch group comprising the Amb, Wargal, and Chidhru Formations, and the
Nilawahan group comprising the Tobra, Dandot, Warcha and Sardhai Formations. Initial
paleontological datation of the Salt Range was provided by Waagon 1879-1885 in his famous
work on the regional geology of the Salt Range. More detailed scientific works, highlighting
stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleontology were carried out by Kummel & Teichert 1966,
1973, and Balme 1970, for Permo-Triassic rocks of the Salt Range. Detailed palynological data
for the Permo-Triassic rocks of the Salt Range were also carried out by PICG, Pakistan-Japon
Research group in the programme, The Tetthys. On the other hand, the Early Permian rocks of
the Salt Range were not systematically studied earlier with regard to paleo-climate and
paeogeography. We can differentiate the Upper and Lower Permian or Early or Late Permian
rocks on the basis of flora and fauna. The Upper Permian flora was mixed type of flora which
normally grows in climatic condition similar to those in the Tethys. On the other hand, study
carried out on the samples of Early Permian rocks of the Salt Range have shown assemblage of
such type of pollens and conifers which grow in climatic condition similar to those of Gondwana
existing in India and Australia.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 34-34

Sedimentology of the Lockhart limestone (Paleocene), Changlagali area,

Nathiagali-Murree Road, Hazara, N. Pakistan
Shahid Iqbal1, Muhammad Haneef1, Shahid Jameel Sameeni2, Taqweemul Haq Ali1,
Farhan Shabbir1, Mohammad Arshad1 and Tahir Khan1
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore

The Lockhart Limestone of Paleocene age in the Changlagali area of Galiat is studied and
described. The limestone is predominantly nodular, highly fossiliferous, with thin clay interbeds
and is 120 m thick. The biotic assemblage is dominated by small and large benthic foraminifers
with planktonic foraminifers, gastropods, mollusks, ostrocodes and dasycladacean algae. It has
conformable lower and upper contacts with the Hangu and Patala formations (Paleocene)

On the basis of detailed field and petrographic characteristics, four microfacies with distinct
textures, allochem types, fossil contents and sedimentary structures are identified and interpreted.
The microfacies include 1) Algal-Foraminiferal Packstone Microfacies (Inner shelf), 2) Mixed
Bioclastic Packstone Microfacies (Middle shelf), 3) Benthic foramaniferal Wacke-Packstone
Microfacies (Mid-Outershelf) and 4) Planktic-Benthic Foramnaiferal Wacke-Packstone
Micofacies (Outershelf).

The limestone represents deposition in a warm, low energy, restricted to normal salinity of
the carbonate shelf. The cyclic repetition of the microfacies indicate changing depositional
conditions as a consequence of sea level rise and fall.

The diagenetic fabric recognized in the limestone reveal mechanical and chemical
compaction, deep burial-related pressure dissolution and tectonically-induced fractures with spar
fillings. The nodular fabric of the limestone is mainly attributed to pressure dissolution

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 35-35

Hydro-chemical investigations of high altitude alpine lakes of Gilgit and

Ghizar districts, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Islam-ud-Din1, M. Tahir Shah1 and Sardar Khan2
NCE in Geology, University of Peshawar
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar

The present study was conducted to investigate the environmental impact assessment of
water of the selected high altitude alpine lakes (i.e., Naltar wetland complex, Uttar, Hundrap and
Baha lakes), and their respective streams within the Gilgit and Ghizar districts. These lakes are
the major water resources of dirking and irrigation; they also have great significance in
promotion of tourism in the region. Water samples were collected from the studied alpine lakes
and their respective streams, and were analyzed for physical parameters, anions, major cations
and trace and heavy metals by using sophisticated instruments including atomic absorption
spectrometer equipped with graphite furnace and Hach DR2800 spectrophotometer in the
Geochemistry laboratory of the National centre of Excellence in Geology, University of
Peshawar. Water quality of these lakes was evaluated by comparing the physico-chemical
parameters with permissible limits of WHO and US-EPA. The concentrations of physical
parameters such as T (<8 oC), pH (<7.72), EC (<165 μs/cm) and TDS (<95 mg/l), anions such as
Cl (<12 mg/l), SO4 (<23 mg/l), NO3 (<2 mg/l) and HCO3 (<187 mg/l), major cations such Na
(<58), K (<4 mg/l), Ca (<40 mg/l) and Mg (<5 mg/l), and heavy and trace elements such Mn
(<45 μg/l), Fe (<260 μg/l), Cu (<10 μg/l), Pb (<4 μg/l), Zn (<363 μg/l), Ni (<5 μg/l), Cr (<3
μg/l), Cd (<3 μg/l) and As (<4 μg/l) in most of the samples were found within the standard

The concentration of anions and major cations in water of the study area were found in the
order of HCO3- > SO4- > Cl- > NO3- and Ca>Mg> Na > K respectively. Therefore, the water of
these alpine lakes is classified as Ca-HCO3 type. Statistically, the quality of water in the study
area was evaluated by using Pearson‟s correlations. A strong positive correlation between most
of the physico-chemical parameter pairs was noticed. For health risk assessment of heavy and
trace elements, the average daily dose (ADD), hazard quotient (HQ) and cancer risk (CR) were
determined by using statistical means. The average values of HQ and CR were found <1 and
<1per 1,000,000 inhabitants, respectively. These values were found very low as compared to
USEPA guideline. It is, therefore, suggested that generally there is no chronic or carcinogenic
health related risk involved as far as the water of the high altitude alpine lakes of northern areas
of Pakistan is concerned.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 36-36

Application of multivariate statistical methods to surface and ground

water quality and health risk assessment of Attock Basin, Pakistan
Shazia Jabeen and M. Tahir Shah
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Attock Basin, previously known as Campbelpur Basin, is lying at the southeastern margin of
the Peshawar Basin and is separated from it by the Indus River. It is generally covered with the
Quaternary alluvial and fluvial sand, gravels and lacustine deposits. It is mainly drained by Haro
River with its three main tributaries named as Nandna, Dhamruh and Reshi streams. Attock is
the main city of the basin. For the last two decades the basin has tremendous increase in the
population and establishment of industrial units. The increasing population and industrial
developments in the basin have significantly affected the water resources of the basin. In order to
investigate the quality of water of the basin, representative water samples from surface and
ground water were collected according to the guidelines of the WHO. These samples were
analyzed for physico-chemical parameters using sophisticated instruments including atomic
absorption spectrometer equipped with graphite furnace and Hach DR2800 spectrometer in the
Geochemsitry laboratory of the National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of
Peshawar. During this study more emphasis was given to the heavy and trace metals such as Fe,
Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cr, Co, CD, As and Hg. The data obtained was compared with the
permissible limits of these elements set by the WHO, US-EPA and Pak-EPA for drinking water.
The heavy and trace elements in most of the studied water samples were found within the
permissible limits. In this study different multivariate statistical data analysis techniques were
applied to find out the heavy and trace elements contamination contributed either by industrial
and municipal solid waste and or by the various types of minerals of the soil of the basin. Data
set thus obtained was treated using factor analysis (FA), principal component analysis and cluster
analysis. FA identified four factors responsible for data structure explaining 67.04% of total
variance in ground water and four factors in surface water explaining 83.13% of total variance
and hence allowed to group selected parameters according to common features. Questionnaires
were distributed to the individuals from each sampling unit to estimate the drinking water
consumption. Exposure and risks for each individual was also determined by using health risk
assessment statistical tools. This study indicated the necessity and usefulness of multivariate
statistical methods for evaluation and interpretation of data in understanding the quality of water
and related health risk assessment.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 37-37

Geometry of foreland structures in the Himalayas and the Zagros

Ishtiaq A. K. Jadoon
Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,

Foreland structures are sites of the world‟s most prolific oil and gas fields in compressional
structural settings. The structures, however, may have variable geometry with the presence and
absence of a thrust fault at the mountain front. Understanding the geometry of these structures
through balanced cross-sections provide solutions to many of the questions related to their
evolution and hydrocarbon exploration. Regional balanced sections across the Himalayan
foreland in the northern and western part of Pakistan suggest thin-skinned deformation with a
mechanically weak decollement immediately above the basement. The cross-section across the
central Salt Range/Potwar Plateau in northern part of Pakistan shows presence of a thrust fault,
exceeding displacement of about 20 km. The thrust sheet has a flat-ramp-flat geometry
extending over about 90 km and riding over a cushion of EoCambrian evaporites. The trailing
edge of the thrust sheet is imbricated to form oil-field structures comprising fault-related folds,
triangle zones, and pop-up structures. A section across the eastern Salt Range/Potwar Plateau
exhibits a set of fault-related anticlines with relatively distributed shortening.

The Sulaiman fold belt along the western margin of the Indian plate does not show the
presence of any exposed thrust at the mountain front. It exhibits folds-and-thrust structures in
the form of broad detachment anticlines at the mountain front that are transformed into a passive-
roof duplex geometry further north. Active seismicity along two linear belts and tectonic
geomorphology in the Sulaiman fold belt is indicative of active mountain front and the out-of-
sequence thrusting. Similarly, selected structures from the Zagros and its foreland are
recognized to represent fold-and-thrust and duplex structures. Variation in structural geometries
is influenced by the stratigraphy and mechanics of thrusting. Balanced cross-sections serve as a
tool to resolve geometry of foreland structures for hydrocarbon exploration.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 38-38

Status of Seismic Hazard Assessment in Pakistan

Muhammad Javed
NESPAK, Lahore

For the seismic hazard assessment, deterministic as well as probabilistic evaluation methods
are applied. In Pakistan both of these methods are used depending upon the nature of the project
for which it is applied. Unfortunately the main parameters required for hazard analysis are very
poorly defined in Pakistan. The deterministic method requires accurate definition of active faults
in terms of location, type, dip and strike and length and width (or subsurface extension). The
probabilistic method requires definition of seismic sources, associated seismicity, slip rate and
recurrence relationship.

The definition of active faults requires detailed neotectonic studies of the faults.
Paleoseismological studies of the fault scarp can identify slip rate and recurrence period of large
earthquakes. Regional GPS arrays can give an idea about the slip rates across the major tectonic
units. Detailed and long term continuation of these studies is required in Pakistan to refine the
seismic hazard assessment.

Another important data for seismic hazard analysis is the accurate earthquake parameters i.e.,
location, magnitude, depth and fault rupture mechanism. Prior to October 2005 earthquake, the
accuracy of earthquake parameters is low due to low density of seismic stations in Pakistan. With
the recent improvement of seismic networks in Pakistan by various agencies, it is hoped that
accuracy of earthquake recording parameters will improve in future, resulting in better definition
of seismic sources and their recurrence relationships.

Due to scarcity of strong-motion data, attenuation equations could not be developed for the
South Asian region and equations developed in other regions with similar tectonic characteristics
are used for seismic hazard analysis. More and more strong-motion instruments should be
installed and maintained to collect a large volume of data so that local attenuation equations
could be developed.

All these studies are very important in improving the reliability of seismic hazard assessment
in Pakistan. The collective effort of a number of agencies responsible for these studies is required
to refine the seismicity and neotectonic data required for a reliable hazard evaluation. Therefore,
it is essential that efforts be made to enhance the scope of these studies for achieving seismically
safe environment.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 39-39

Comparison of conventional and GIS/SRS based geological mapping of

asbestos bearing areas in Northern Pakistan
Noor Jehan1 and Irshad Ahmad2
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Geographic Information System (GIS) and Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS) technologies
have recently emerged to collect, store, analyze and manipulate diverse geological information
related to mineral exploration and exploitation in Pakistan. However, very limited attempts have
been made so far in Pakistan for effective applications of GIS and SRS techniques to produce
digital geological maps. The present study attempts to evaluate and upgrade the conventional
geological map of the asbestos-bearing areas located in Mohmand and Malakand Agencies and
District Charssada. During this study GPS was used to mark the precise geographic locations of
asbestos-bearing deposits and mines in the study area. Various GIS and SRS techniques
including Geo-referencing, False Color Composite, Principal Component Analysis and Normal
Vegetation Index were applied to LANDSAT TM image of the area to compare and edit the
errors identified in the existing conventional geological map of the study area. Overall this study
demonstrates that GPS, GIS and SRS are the best tools to improve and upgrade the existing
manual geological maps used for mineral exploration and exploitation activities in Pakistan.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 40-40

Nature and significance of contrasting depositional systems within the

late Cretaceous succession, Kirthar Foldbelt, Pakistan. Deciphering the
fragmentation of Indian passive margin prior to collision
A. Salam Khan1, G. Kelling2, M. Umer3 and A. M. Kassi3
Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy, University of Balochistan, Quetta
School of Earth Sciences and Geography, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK
Department of Geology, University of Balochistan, Quetta

The Late Cretaceous succession in the N-S trending Kirthar fold belt of western Pakistan is
dominated by sandstones with subordinate mudstones and marls. Recent work demonstrates that
these were formed in two partly coeval depositional systems. The northern system is
characterised by deposits formed on a gently inclined, storm and river-flood dominated clastic
ramp that can be assigned to four main facies associations, and includes excellent examples of
Mutti-type shelf delta lobes. The southern system is dominated by deepwater turbidite sand-
bodies formed in both channels and restricted lobes within deep slope and basin-floor settings.

The palaeoflow patterns and sandstone petrography of these two systems are also
significantly different. The northern, shelfal sands display paleoflow to W and NW and appear
to be sourced from the thermally uplifting Indian shield to the east, while the deepwater sands in
the southern system were emplaced by N and NNW directed gravity flows but were derived from
an easterly source that included volcanics. The architecture, regional distribution and vertical
sequence of sand-bodies within both systems provide important clues to the physiographic and
tectonic character of the Indian passive margin during its northward drift, just prior to collision
with Eurasia.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 41-41

National Mineral Policy and Disaster Risk Management in the mineral

sector of Pakistan
Azhar Khan
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Islamabad

The first National Mineral Policy (NMP), framed in 1995 in consultation with provinces,
private sector and other stakeholders has been implemented. With implementation of National
Mineral Policy independence of the departments of Mines and Mineral Development has been
established in the provinces. New regulatory and fiscal regime was tailored for investment
friendly environment to make the mineral sector of the country more deliverable and vibrant.
The new mineral concession rules are aimed at maximizing exploration and development in
mineral sector by providing safety and security to mine workers. The environment related issues
have been addressed by NMP to mitigate the adverse impact of mining on other sectors and
make it universally acceptable. In mining sector the disaster management deals with three areas.
These include safety management in mines, effect on external environments-weathering agents
on mineral resources and impact of mining on environment. Mining is not only profitable
profession but is also hazardous, therefore, the mining operations are regulated to ensure safety
at mines under the Mine-Act 1923 and its subordinate rules and regulations. The provincial
chief inspectorate of mines is responsible to ensure safety in mines in their respective areas. The
role of management is to foresee all possible risks enlist them and design procedure to control
them. The possible dangers in mines include roof fall, presence of noxious gases, uncontrolled
blasting, and water inundation etc. The possible risk to safety in mines includes lack of
supervision, absence of safeguard, and absence of protective devices and inter personnel
communication. The role of management to avoid the dangers in mining includes proper
planning, organizing staff and co-ordination, controlling and budgeting. The external factors
disturbing mining environment include floods, glaciations /avalanches, earthquake, land sliding,
public works programme etc. Very little can be done to divert the unalarmed generation of huge
energy by floods, earthquakes and avalanches; however the mining operations should take into
consideration the possible threats from such environments including the public works in
selecting the mines location and methodology of mining. Public works should be so located to
inflect minimum threats to the mining operations. To avoid the impact of mining on
environment, post mining operations require rehabilitations after surface mining. The
subsurface mining also has impact of vibration, sound and dust emission for which mitigating
measures need to be adopted.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 42-42

Investment opportunities in the mineral sector of Pakistan

Azhar Khan
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Islamabad

Pakistan is geologically a unique country where within an area of about 796,096 Sq kms
almost all geotectonic zones related to plate tectonic process are developed. Precambrian shield
rocks are exposed in Nager Parker area of Sindh Province, Sargodha area of Punjab Province
and in Karakoram, Hindukash and Hamalayan part of Pakistan. Andian type Island arc is
developed in Chagai District of Balochistan and Oceanic type Island Arc in Kohistan. Cheman-
Ornach-Nal transform boundary exists between Indo-Pakistan plate and Afghan Block.
Ophiolitic rocks and melanges occur along western margins of the Indo Pakistan block in
Lasbela-Khuzdar, Muslim Bagh-Zhob and Waziristan while deep seated thrusts known as MKT
and MBT are the suture zones between Eurasian Continental Plate, Kohistan Oceanic Island arc
and Indo Pakistan Continental Plate. There are vast areas in Pakistan which have geological
environment favorable for the discovery of world class mineral deposits. The significant
discoveries made so far include huge coal deposits in Thar coal field in Sindh, well known
copper-gold potential of Chagai-Raskoh region in Balochistan, dimension stone deposits
(Marble and Granite) in Khyber-Pakhthunkhwa (KPK), Balochistan and FATA, world class
gemstone deposits i.e., emerald, ruby, tourmaline, garnets in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Azad
Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit-Baltistan. Private mining companies can invest in
establishment of mechanize coal mines, commissioning of coal based power plants in Thar,
Sonda Jherric and Lakhra coal fields of Sindh, mining and processing of dimension stone
including marble granite and colored limestone, mining cutting polishing of gemstone in KPK,
AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan and establishment of chemical industries based on value addition of
rock salt.

Pakistan is very attractive to exploration/mining companies for a number of reasons

encompassing presence of investment friendly National Mineral Policy and provincial mineral
concession rules providing various incentives and facilitation to investors. Presence of
favourable geology, cheap labour force, good climate, good infrastructure and communication
network, availability of experienced geoscientists, technician and laboratories make Pakistan a
favorable country for the investment. Geological data base of significant nature is also available
for planning all future geological and mining activities.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 43-43

Use of GIS in defining the management strategies for groundwater

resources of Quetta valley, Pakistan
Junaid Khan1, 2 and Muhammad Ali2
Mass Awareness for Water Conservation & Development Project,
Economic Affair Division/UNDP, Peshawar
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Pakistan is blessed with a variety of topographic features ranging from higher mountains and
steep slopes in the north, to the coastal areas in the south, including plains, plateau and deserts in
between. Pakistan has plenty of valuable natural resources like lush green forests, rivers, lakes,
fertile land, natural gas, and mineral deposits. These resources play a vital role in the economy of
the country. Among the natural resources, water is most important for life and, being the main
water source, groundwater management needs special attention. Conventional approach adopted
to suggest management strategies for groundwater resources failed to provide sustainable
solutions, therefore, professional approach for management and conservation of groundwater is
urgently needed and required. Geographic Information System has become an essential tool for
studies, where real world application is required using real time data.

This report deals with the spatial information about water table and temporal changes that
occurred in groundwater regime between 1967 and 2007 in the Quetta valley of Baluchistan
province. Real time data have been used in assessing the qualitative and quantitative changes in
water table with respect to time and space. Results of the analysis show that water table in more
than 80% of the area has gone down and in some areas it has dropped more than 100 ft.
Continuous over-draft has resulted in excessive groundwater abstraction and presently only 20-
30% of the farmers have reach to the groundwater. Geographic Information System is the only
tool that can display “what is happening where?” in this alarming situation.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 44-44

Thick skin tectonic study of the Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis based on

gravity data
Muhammad Rustam Khan, Mirza Shahid Baig and Muhammad Sabir Khan
Institute of Geology University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad

Gravity and geological study in the Hazara and its adjoining areas of northern Pakistan has
been incorporated into interpretation of the gross crustal structure of the Hazara-Kashmir
Syntaxis (HKS). In this area, continued northward migration of the Indian plate has been
overridden by slices of its own northern margin, resulting in slight thickening of the crust. Two
types of deformation have been observed, one is in the crystalline crust and the other in both the
sedimentary wedge and crystalline crust. The crystalline crust is faulted into blocks by the
Hazara Lower Seismic Zone (HLSZ), Bagh Basement Fault (BBF) and Indus Kohistan Seismic
Zone (IKSZ). These faults are trending in the NW-SE direction. In the core of HKS the BBF is
exposed on the surface in Shahidgala east of Rawalakot, Namanpura near Bagh and in Chatter
Muzaffarabad areas. In the northwestern part between Chatter and Mansehra areas under the
western limb of the HKS, this fault exists in the crystalline basement and not exposed on surface.
In the south of Mansehra along the Abbottabad road, deformation in the sedimentary-
metasedimentary wedge is an indication of BBF on surface. The study also suggests that the
HLSZ is a blind basement fault trending in the NW-SE direction and extending up to Moho
depth between Taxila and Kalar Syedian areas. In the northern part of the study area, the IKSZ
was a blind basement fault before 2005 Kashmir earthquake. Due to compressional stresses, the
rupture developed in 15–20 km thick sedimentary and meta-sedimentary wedge and the 8th
October, 2005 earthquake occurred in the Kashmir and Balakot areas. The study also suggests
that IKSZ or Kawai fault is a thick skin fault which penetrates both the sedimentary and
metasedimentary wedge and is demarcated from Kawai to Davelian and Chinari areas.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 45-45

Microfacies and depositional environments of the Jurassic to Paleocene

carbonates in the Kharzan area, Khuzdar, Balochistan
Rafiq Ali Khan1, Mohammad Haneef2 and M. Asif Khan3
Pakistan Petroleum Limited, Karachi
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

The Kharzan area lies in the Central Kirthar Range of the Kirthar Fold and Thrust Belt. It
exposes a thick Jurassic to Eocene stratigraphic sequence comprised of carbonates and clastics.
The sequence is represented by Chiltan, Mazar Drik, Goru, Parh, Moru, Ranikot, Dungan,
Ghazij, Kirthar, Nari and Gaj Formations in ascending order. As a part of this study,
lithostratigraphic relationships of the units are recognized. Detailed sedimentology of the
exposed carbonate units is based on logging and sampling of measured stratigraphic sections in
the entire area. Detailed petrographic studies are carried out to identify and interpret microfacies
of the sequence.

The oldest exposed sequence in the area is represented by massive to thick bedded, dark to
light gray, Chiltan Limestone of Jurassic age. The limestone is measured and described from
Chutok Nala and Pironi Nala in the Kharzan, district Khuzdar, Balochistan, where the base of the
unit is not exposed and it is 300 and 200 m thick respectively. The top of the Chiltan is a major
unconformity marked by subaerial exposure surface with karstified solution breccia. Six
microfacies comprised of 1) Ooidal Grainstone, 2) Peloidal, bioclastic Packstone, 3) Dolomitic
Grainstone, 4) Peloidal Packstone, 5) Micropeloidal Wacke-Packstone and 6) Dolomitic
Mudstone are recognized. These microfacies are interpreted to represent deposition under a
shallow shelf environments marked by sea level-induced periodic changes in energy conditions.
The Chiltan deposition is followed by emergence of the carbonate platform with the
development of paleokarst related solution breccia.

The Parh Limestone of Cretaceous age overly the Goru Formation and is a thick sequence of
thin-bedded, papery laminated micritic limestone with planktonic foramanifers like
Globotruncana fornicate, Globotruncana sigali, Globotruncana concavata and represent
deposition in a deeper outer shelf.

The Paleocene sequence is represented by the Dunghan Limestone. The formation is 130 m
thick in Chutok Nala and is comprised of two distinct lithological units; the lower unit is
medium-bedded limestone with interbeds of clinoforms of massive, carbonate breccia, while the
upper unit is thin bedded, fossiliferous limestone. Five microfacies identified in the Dunghan
Limestone are; 1) Mixed Bioclastic, Algal Packstone, 2) Foram-Algal Grainstone Microfacies, 3)
Coarse Lithoclastic Microfacies, 4) Microbioclastic Planktic Wacke-Packstone Microfacies, 5)
Peloidal Wacke-Packstone Microfacies. The microfacies interpretation shows that the Dunghan
Limestone represents deposition in a carbonate ramp with deepening upward trend.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 46-46

Microfacies and depositional environments of the Kawagarh limestone,

Dhamtaur-Harnoi section, Abbottabad, Pakistan
Saad Ali Iqbal Khan, Mohammad Haneef, Mohammad Zaheer, Rizwan ur Rehman,
Syed Shabbir Ahmad and Tofeeq Ahmad
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar.

The Kawagarh Limestone of the Cretaceous age is exposed along Abbottabad-Nathiagali

Road. A section of the formation along Dhamtaur-Harnoi is measured, logged and sampled for
the identification of textural constituents and faunal components for the interpretation of
depositional environments. The formation is 45 m thick having lower contact with the
Lumshiwal and upper contact with the Hangu Formation. It is medium to thick-bedded with local
brecciated horizons and fossiliferous with predominance of planktonic forams while other
bioclasts include echinoderms, ostracodes and algae.

Based on constituent composition and textures, three microfacies are recognized. These
microfacies are: 1) Planktic foram Wackestone Microfacies, 2) Burrowed planktic foram Wacke-
Packstone Microfacies and 3) Planktic foram Packstone Microfacies. The microfacies
interpretation shows that the Kawagarh Limestone represents deposition in a low energy setting
on the shelf. The lack of land-derived clastic input and preponderance of planktic foraminifers
indicate deeper, mid-outer shelf environments of deposition. Sea level fluctuations of the shelf
are reflected by the cyclic nature of vertical facies changes. The Kawagarh Limestone displays a
number of diagentic fabric dominated by the presence of burial related pressure dissolution,
stylolitization, spar-filled fractures,and secondary dolomitization.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 47-47

Mercury and health-related problems in gold extractors,

Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Sardar Khan1, M. Tahir Shah2, Shafiqur Rehman1 and Abdul Khaliq3
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
National Center of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Atomic Energy Commission, REO, Peshawar

This study was conducted to investigate mercury (Hg) exposure and health-related problems
in the local people who are extracting gold by the Hg amalgamation method from the stream
sediments in the Gilgit-Baltistan Province. Urine and blood samples of occupational and non-
occupational persons were analyzed for total Hg, while blood‟s fractions, including red blood
cells and plasma, were analyzed for total Hg and its inorganic and organic species. The
concentrations of Hg in urine and blood samples were significantly (P<0.01) higher in
occupational persons as compared to non-occupational and exceeded the permissible limits set
by World Health Organization (WHO) and United State Environmental Protection Agency (US-
EPA). Furthermore, the data indicated that numerous health problems were present in
occupational persons involved in extraction of gold in the Gilgit-Baltistan province.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 48-49

Investigating levels of selected heavy metals in surface water of Shah

Alam River, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Tariq Khan1, Said Muhammad1, Bushra Khan1, 2 and Hizbullah Khan1
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Crop Soil and Environmental Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Over the last few decades fresh water contamination has become a matter of concern. Among
other organic and inorganic pollutants, our aquatic systems may extensively be contaminated
with heavy metals. Heavy metal contamination of aquatic system has attracted the attention of
several investigators both in the developed and developing countries of the world. The fact that
heavy metals cannot be destroyed through biological degradation and have the ability to
accumulate in the environment make these toxicants deleterious to the aquatic environment and
consequently to humans who depend on aquatic products. The most common heavy metal
pollutants are arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb),
mercury (Hg) and Zinc (Zn). Their source of entry into the aquatic system could either be a
single, identifiable or dispersed (and often difficult to identify). Industrial wastes create a
potential source of heavy metal pollution in the aquatic environment.

Pakistan is one of the countries facing fresh water pollution mainly due to untreated
discharge of industrial wastes into rivers. Here only 1% of industrial waste is treated before its
discharge to the rivers. River Kabul is an important river of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province; it
receives 80000 m3 industrial effluents every day. River Shah Alam branches off river Kabul
that receives all the sewage from Peshawar, as well as from 30 surrounding villages. It also
receives effluents from Sugar mills, distilleries, paper mills, tanneries, ghee mills and textile
mills in that area.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni,
Pb and Zn) in the surface water of the Shah Alam River. The surface water samples were
collected at five sampling sites, selected on the basis of upstream and downstream industrial and
domestic sewage discharge locations. Surface water samples were collected from each site in a
six month period, from December to April. The elements Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were
assayed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometery and the results are given as mg of heavy
metal/L of fresh water sample (mg/L). The order of heavy metal concentration was Mn ≥ Ni >
Zn > > Cu > Cd ≈ Pb > > Cr. The concentrations of Ni were 20 -30 times higher than the
permissible World Heatlh Organization (WHO) limits for water, Cd levels were 10 times,
whereas Mn and Pb were 2-3 times higher than WHO limits. The levels of Cu, Cr and Zn were
within those limits.

Although a weak correlation existed between metal concentration and temperature increase,
but since the temperature change was only within 2-3°C over the sampling period, therefore, we
could not deduce concentration dependence on water temperature. Except for the Mn, no strong
correlation existed between water pH and metal concentration. Although metal concentration has

been reported to increase with decreasing pH, in our studies no such correlation existed (except
for Mn). The absence of such correlation could be due to the dilution factor that occurs after river
Naguman joins river Shah Alam. The concentrations of almost all metals detected were higher in
all downstream locations. Declines in those levels occur at site where Naguman River joins river
Shah Alam. Metals could accumulate in sediments and can become bioavailable to aquatic fauna
(bottom feeders). An investigation into the concentrations of heavy metals in river sediments is
needed for better assessment of heavy metals bioaccumulation in fish.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 50-50

A review on Radon monitoring for geological exploration

N. U. Khattak1, M. Asif Khan1 and N. Ali2
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Physics Division, PINSTECH, Islamabad

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive alpha particle emitting colorless, odorless and
tasteless gas produced by radioactive decay of uranium and thorium. It plays a dual role in man‟s
life, being a fatal health hazard to mine workers and common people living in their homes on one
hand and a very useful geological tool on the other hand. As a geological tool, radon monitoring
technique can be used in uranium and hydrocarbon exploration, earthquake prediction, study of
active faults and geothermal energy sources. With this technique, fault zones have been
recognized with fairly good precision worldwide. The technique can also be effectively used in
hydrologic research, when studying the interactions between groundwater, streams, and rivers. It
has found limited use in geothermal prospecting. As an enemy, the presence of high level of
radon concentration in the indoor air of the houses and in the air of underground mines
constitutes a serious health hazard, being a major cause of lung and stomach cancer.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 51-51

Mathematical modeling of blasting and analysis of crack propagation in

fractured and faulty rock by PFC-3D
Ilyas Khurshid1, Siraj-ul-Islam2 and Noor Mohammad1
Department of Mining Engineering, UET, Peshawar
Department of Basic Sciences, UET, Peshawar

Detonation of explosives to fragment rock remains central in mines, quarries and civil
excavations. Whenever fractured and faulty rocks are blasted, much of the explosive energy is
lost in the incompetent zones, resulting in blocky fragments. In this study circular rock models
with a single central source of explosive were simulated using the Particle Flow Code 3D (PFC-
3D) for the prediction of formation behavior. Using PFC-3D, we model the movement and
interaction of spherical particles by the distinct element method. From the analysis of rock
blasting simulations it is found that results of blasting in fractured rocks is dependent upon
fracture orientation, fracture width and on the material filling the fracture. On the basis of
detailed study, it is suggested that the explosive be concentrated at the competent rock portion
while the fractured and incompetent zones be stemmed. The investigation also confirms that the
use of high specific charge cannot solve the problem, but may cause fly rock.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 52-52

Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex,

Tharparkar, Sindh
Amanullah Laghari1, M. Qasim Jan2, M. Asif Khan2, M. Hassan Agheem1 and
Imdadullah Siddiqui1
Centre for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Covering 480 km2, the Nagar Parkar area in southeastern Sindh is part of the Thar Desert
adjacent to the Runn of Kutchh. The area is occupied by a variety of magmatic rocks referred to
as the Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex. At least six phases are recognizable: 1) basement rocks
(oldest), 2) riebeckite aegirine grey granite, 3) biotite-hornblende pink granite, 4) acid dyke, 5)
rhyolite “plug”, and 6) basic dykes (youngest). Of these, the last three are insignificant in
volume. Radiometric dates are lacking but the grey and pink granites are petrographically
comparable to the Siwana and Jalore plutons, respectively, emplaced in the Malani volcanic
series. Based on these similarities and proximity, it is thus suggested that the phase 2 to 6 bodies
in the Nagar Parkar may belong to the Late Proterozoic (720 – 745 Ma) Malani magmatism that
covers large areas in western Rajasthan. Khan et al. (2007) have reported a 745 ± 30 – 755 ± 22
Ma UThPb age on monazite from the pink granite.

The basement comprises deformed and epidote-amphibolite facies metamorphosed rocks

ranging from mafic to granodioritic composition. They appear to be the products of
crystallization differentiation of calc-alkaline magma of island arc affinity. The phase 2 to 5
rocks, forming stock-size plutons to minor dykes, range from peralkaline (most common) to
peraluminous granites, microgranites, rhyolite and trachyte. They display very similar trace
element characteristic and classify as typical within plate, A-type granitoid. Their trace element
patterns are akin to those of Mull (Scotland), Skaergaard (Greenland), and Sabaloka (sudan)
granites, which are emplaced in attenuated to normal continental crust.

The basic dykes are divisible into hornblende-bearing (dioritic/lamprophyric) and pyroxene-
bearing (doleritic) types. Both are alkaline and show some chemical resemblance to continental
alkaline basalts. Significantly, the mantle-normalized diagrams of the basic dykes are similar to
those of the main granites except for relatively lower concentrations of trace and rare earth
elements. This similarity provides a strong argument in favaour of derivation of the parent
magmas of phase 2 to 6 rocks from the upper mantle. However, during ascent, the magmas that
produced the granitic rocks were contaminated with crustal material. In terms of tectonic
evolution, the Nagar Parkar region appears to be a composite terrane that developed initially as
an island arc. It was accreted to other terranes to constitute a Precambrian continental crust.
During the collision it may have experienced deformation and metamorphism in epidote-
amphibolite facies. During the Late Proterozoic, the terrane played host to continental
magmatism related to epeirogenic uplift (doming) and extension.

Khan, T., Murata, M. and Oto, A., 2007. Internat. Assoc. Gondwana Res. 4, Conf. Series, 92-93.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 53-53

Biostratigraphic studies of the Eocene succession on the basis of

Pelecypods and Gastropods around Thano Bula Khan area, Sindh
Rafiq Ahmed Lashari, Imdad Ali Brohi, Parveen Akhter Usmani and Humaira Naz
Center for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro

The Biostratigraphic study of pelecypod and gastropod fauna of Eocene in Thano Bula Khan
have prominent position in biostratigraphy of Sindh. On the basis of these fauna the Eocene
rocks of Sindh are correlated with other Eocene strata of Pakistan and worldwide.

The Biostratigraphic study consists of ten species of pelecypod and eight gastropod species.
There is no common specie in Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan; except
three species of pelecypod (Clementia cf. C. papyracea, Lucina metableta, Cardium
inaequiconvexum) and one specie of Gastropod (Velates perversus) which are common in Sindh,
Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Single specie of pelecypod and gastropod is common in
Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan. While seven species of pelecypod and six species of gastropod
are common in Sindh and Punjab.

The Eocene pelecypod and gastropod fauna of Pakistan has a well-marked affinity with that
of Albania, Bulgaria, Burma, Egypt, England, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy,
Jamaica, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Soudan, Spain, Srilanka, Switzerland, Tibet and Turkey.
A brief account of the age of various formations based on paleontological evidence is also
assigned to the succession.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 54-54

Advances in Earthquake Engineering

Sarosh H Lodi
NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi

Seismic hazard of moderate to high levels of are present throughout Pakistan, and the
numerous building collapses caused by the 2005 Kashmir earthquake verified the seismic
vulnerability of building types present throughout the country. The overall capacity of the
Pakistani academic, public, and private sectors to assess seismic vulnerability, to identify
potential seismic mitigation measures, and to strengthen vulnerable essential buildings is
currently limited. There is a pressing need to develop a critical mass of knowledgeable
professionals, strengthen existing faculties and their earthquake research programs.

There exists a huge stock of buildings through out Pakistan which are either not designed for
earthquake resistance or have problems with respect to seismic resistance. In order to mitigate
the seismic threat to the existing building stock a detailed and comprehensive three tier
procedure has been developed for existing buildings in Pakistan. This paper presents the three
tier seismic vulnerability assessment procedure and also discusses gaps in between information
needed and available regarding seismology and earthquake engineering.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 55-55

Equivalent linear earthquake site characterization of layered soil

deposits at Shakardarra and Muzaffarabad
MonaLisa and Sarfraz Khan
Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad

The present work deals with the test of the adequacy of site response analyses (e.g., strain-
dependent normalized shear modulus and equivalent linear damping curves) to predict the effects
of soil deposits on site responses during earthquakes. The selected sites are Shakardarra (in
Kohat) and Muzaffarabad (Azad Kashmir). For this, the site responses at the vertical strong
motion arrays at the Shakardarra and Muzaffarabad were analyzed prior to occurrence of any
earthquake. The site response analysis program, which is based on the Equivalent linear
hysteretic soil model (EERA), has been used for the purpose. The site response models were
constructed using different borehole profiles, shear and compression wave velocity profiles, and
the available geotechnical data of CPT and SPT. Two site-response analyses were carried out for
two input ground accelerations 0.07 g and 0.1. Based on the EERA analysis results, the
Muzaffarabad site was found to have comparable responses over a wide range of earthquake
motions while at Shakardarra there is relative small range of earthquake motion results. At
Shakardarra site, EERA predicts site amplification of 3.83 (clay), 3.84 (Dry sand), and 3.89 (wet
sand) for acceleration up to 0.07 g, and attenuation of surface acceleration for higher levels of
accelerations. While at Muzaffarabad EERA predicts site amplification of 9.35 (sandy gravel)
and 10.51 (clay) for acceleration up to 0.1 g. The results are beneficial for both the researchers
and engineers alike.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 56-56

Geophysical modeling of a part of Potwar (Missa Keswal) area by using

seismic and well data
MonaLisa1 and Iftikhar Ahmed Satti2
Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
Landmark Resources, Islamabad

Geophysical modeling of a part of Potwar at Missa Keswal (Qazian Anticline) has been
carried out in the present work (Fig. 1) The 2-D seismic data consisting of ten seismic lines
(GNA-09, GNA-10, GNA-11, GNA-13, GNA-14, GNA-15, GNA-16, GNA-19, MN-20 and
GNA-21) were re-interpreted for the purpose. The well data of Missa Keswal-01 was used for
the confirmation of the reflector identified through synthetic seismogram and also to confirm the
depth of the interpreted reflectors. Structural interpretation depicts two broad types of fault sets
namely, thrust and back thrust faults. These faults together give rise to pop up structures in the
study area, and are also considered responsible for many structural traps. Structural interpretation
includes time and depth contour maps of Chorgali Formation, velocity modeling, fault modeling
and kinematic analysis of faults. The results show that the fractured carbonates of Chorgali
Formation and Sakesar Formation are the major producing reservoirs in Missa Keswa area. It is
hoped that the present work would help in better understanding of the variations in the
subsurface structure and stratigraphy of the Missa Keswal area.

Fig. 1. Base map of the study area.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 57-58

Structural interpretation of carbonate mounts in Indus offshore,

Pakistan using geological and geophysical data integration
MonaLisa1 and M. Iqbal Hajana2
Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
Oil and Gas Development Company Limited, Islamabad

The present study deals with the structural interpretation of two major carbonate mounts M2
and M1 covering more than 200 sq. kms areas. The 2D seismic data consisting of a total of eight
seismic lines of up to the time column 10-12 second acquired in deep offshore Indus fan system
at water depth ranging from 1700 m to 3100 m in year 2000, has been utilized for the purpose
(Fig.1). M2 structure was selected as the primary target to be drilled. An exploratory Well is
located in the south of Karachi, in the Arabian Sea (northern tip of the Indian Ocean), across the
Sommath Ridge at water depth 2712 m. Velocity analysis, High Density Velocity, and pressure
evaluation, based on the available data and cross checked with analogues indicate a rather
hydrostatic regime. Down to 3,700 m and 3,900 m the pressure is predicted hydrostatic.

The interpretation of the seismic, corroborated to the High Density Velocity, use of the
previous regional study and knowledge of delta systems provide a general description of the
sediments corresponding to the seal above the G2 structure. The analogues and previous work
done on other delta apparatus help to confirm the tentative lithological facies attribution to the
seismofacies and petroleum system. The series of reflectors were marked on seismic section,
called Base Detritics, defines a buildup. This build-up is further divided in three units from
bottom to top: The first unit is volcanic, the second unit is made up of volcanoclastics, and the
last unit comprises the carbonate buildup. These sub-units correspond to the main back-steps of
the platform.

Analogy to various carbonate buildups and previous work done on other isolated carbonate
platforms of Tertiary age, after identification of the leeward versus windward side of the buildup
on the seismic data, allows describing tentative lithological facies with respect to the
seismofacies. Stress was put on the potential hazard identified as a specific chaotic seismofacies
that can be related to karst event before drowning.

On the geological and geophysical analysis of the exploratory well, it is suggested that the
M1 structure is suitable to drill and confirm the presence of hydrocarbon in the carbonate
buildups. The limitation in the present work is the usage of the seismic grid of 5x5 km for a
structure size of 15x18 km. This grid does not allow an accurate and reliable mapping of the
seismic facies. A thickness resolution of the seismic data between 25 to 50 m due to the
frequency spectrum centered on 40 Hz is quite acceptable for overall definition.

Fig.1. Base map of the study area showing the locations of the seismic data used in present
work. White squares are the locations of Wells.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 59-61

Sheikhupura (northern Punjab) earthquake of August 08, 2010:

Preliminary investigation
MonaLisa1 and M. Qasim Jan2
Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

A shallow focus earthquake (3.8 km in depth, according to Pakistan Meteorological

Department) occurred on the noon of August 08, 2010 near Sheikhupura (31 o 41’ 24” N, 73o
52’ 48” E). This was a relatively low magnitude (ML 3.8) earthquake and no associated
damage has been reported, however, the shaking has been felt in Lahore, Kasur, Gujranwala
and Gujrat.

Northern Punjab plain is tectonically located to the south of the Salt Range. The area
around the epicenter of the Sheikhupura earthquake is occupied by alluvium no more than 350
m thick; underneath lies a Precambrian basement that is seismically active. It is characterized
by shallow focus, moderate level earthquakes caused due to steeply dipping strike-slip and
extensional faulting (Kazmi and Jan, 1997). Named as the Punjab Seismic Zone, it seems to
extend from the Sulaiman to Lahore and Delhi. No prominent surface structure have been
reported by previous workers in this part of the Punjab Plain, except the NW-trending strike-
slip faults some 160 km WNW and the EW-trending normal fault 25 km to the south of the
Sheikhupura earthquake epicenter (Fig.1). The nearly EW-trending fault plane with steep dip
(71o N) in the presently analyzed Focal Mechanism Solution for the earthquake is in agreement
with the longitudinally EW-trending extensive lineament shown by Seeber and Armbruster
(1979) in their Fig. 3.

The location of the event on the Bouguer gravity map of Kadri (1995) is shown in Fig.2.
It coincides with the zone of high gravity anomaly reflecting igneous intrusions(s) or
structural disturbances. We prefer to associate the Sheikhupura earthquake with the
extensional faulting as indicated by the geophysical data (gravity survey), along with the
focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes of the present study and those of Seeber and
Armbruster (1979).

Fig. 1. Seismicity in and around Hazara Arc and northern Punjab (modified after Seeber and
Armbruster, 1979), along with location (*) and Focal Mechanism Solution of the
Sheikhupura Earthquake. IKS: Indus Kohistan Seismic Zone, HSZ: Hazara Lower
Seismic Zone, MBT: Main Boundary Thrust, PSZ: Punjab Seismic Zone.

Fig. 2. Bouguer gravity Anomaly map of Pakistan (Kadri, 1995), with location (*) and Focal
Mechanism Solution of the Sheikhupura Earthquake.


Kadri, I.B., 1995. Petroleum Geology of Pakistan. Pakistan Petroleum Limited, Karachi.
Kazmi, A.H., Jan, M.Q., 1997. Geology and Teconics of Pakistan. Graphic Publishers, Karachi.
Seeber, L., Armbruster, J., 1979. Seismicity of the Hazara arc in northern Pakistan: decollement
versus basement faulting. In: Farah, A., DeJong, K.A. (Eds.) Geodynamics of Pakistan.
Geological Survey Pakistan, Quetta, 131-142.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 62-62

Thin skin tectonic study based on gravity along the western limb of
Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis, Muzaffarabad and adjoining areas, Sub
Himalayas, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Muhammad Saleem Mughal, Muhammad Rustam Khan, Mirza Shahid Baig,
Muhammad Sabir Khan, Shahab Pervez and Noor Wali
Institute of Geology, The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad

The Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis is an antiformal structure formed by the folding of thin skin
thrust sheets. These sheets are bounded by the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), the Panjal Thrust
(PT) and the Kashmir Boundary Thrust (KBT). These thrusts are displaced by the left-lateral
Jhelum strike-slip fault. Gravity study based on geological and gravity data delineates the
thickness of crust and thin skin faults of the area. Computed gravity model demonstrates the
thickness of the crust, sedimentary/ metasedimentary wedge and depth of faults. The thickness of
the crust varies from southwest to northeast 14 km to 15.5 km, respectively. In the study area, the
MBT lies west of Jhelum fault. The Hazara Formation is thrust on the Murree Formation. The
Murree Formation is trapped as horse block between the Hazara Formation and the Carbonates.
Geophysical study delineated the KBT (Muzaffarabad Fault) near Nisar Camp between the
Cambrian Muzaffarabad Formation and Miocene Murree Formation and joins the thick skin
Kawai Fault or Indus Kohistan Seismic Zone. Gravity study shows that the KBT is a thin skin
structure within the cover sequence of the Indian plate. It is a reverse fault dipping at an angle of
48° NE and penetrates up to a depth of 8.63 km. This fault was reactivated during October, 8th
2005 Kashmir earthquake. A 3 m net slip has been calculated along this fault which extends from
Balakot to Bagh. The crystalline crust dips 5° NE from Chattar in the southwest to Ghori in the
northeast in Muzaffarabad area. The model depicts the Jhelum left-lateral strike-slip fault
between Precambrian Hazara Formation and Miocene Murree Formation. It dips at an angle of
75° SW and penetrates up to a depth of 14.7 km in sedimentary/metasedimentary wedge and
does not displace the crystalline basement in the Muzaffarabad area.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 63-63

Health risk assessment of drinking water consumption along Indus

Suture Zone, Kohistan region, northern Pakistan
Said Muhammad1, M. Tahir Shah1 and Sardar Khan2
National Center of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

The study was conducted to determine the concentrations of physico-chemical parameters in

drinking water (surface water and groundwater) of Kohistan region, northern Pakistan. Water
samples were collected from the streams, springs and Indus River and analyzed for physical
parameters (i.e., pH, EC and TDS) by COSORT electrochemical analyzer C931, anions (i.e.,
NO3, SO4, PO4, Cl and HCO3) by Hach DR2800 spectrophotometer and heavy metals (i.e., Cu,
Pb, Zn, Ni. Cr, Co, Cd, Mn, Fe and As) by atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with
graphite furnace in the Geochemistry laboratory of the Nation Centre of Excellence in Geology,
Universirty of Peshawar. All the physical parameters and anions and majority of the heavy
metals (HMs) concentrations were found within the permissible limits set by world health
organization (WHO). However, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni and As showed higher concentrations than their
permissible limits in 29%, 6%, 7%, 2% and 2% water samples, respectively. Heavy metal
concentrations were evaluated for non-carcinogenic risk such as chronic daily intake (CDI),
hazard quotient (HQ) and cancer risk (CR). The non-carcinogenic risk HQ were <1 for all the
HMs except As. This level of contamination revealed a low chronic risk and medium cancer risk
when compared with US-EPA guidelines. Furthermore, the statistical analysis such as univariate
(one-way ANOVA, inter-metals correlation) and multivariate analysis (i.e., cluster and principal
component analysis) results revealed that geogenic and anthropogenic activities were major
sources of water contamination in Kohistan region.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 64-65

Glacier advancement hazards and its effect on local community:

A case study of Hussaini, Hunza
Ali Rehmat Musofer
Aga Khan Planning and Building Service, Pakistan (AKPBS,P), Gilgit-Baltistan

Hussaini is a small village of Gojal (Upper Hunza) in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. It is
situated on the both banks of Hunza River. The old main village is on the western-bank and at
the lateral moraine of Hussaini glacier and below Borith Lake. The newly irrigated land, called
Zarabod, is on the left bank. The total population is 679 souls, living in 90 households (2007).
Hussaini is 145 km North of Gilgit and 45 km from Ali Abad in Central Hunza. Hunza River
flows in to the east while the Karakoram Highway (KKH) passes to its west. Hussaini Village is
situated on 74°52'23.42" East longitude and 36°25'29.14" North latitude at an altitude of 2556
meters (Source-GPS) above sea level. South of Hussaini is Gulmit (the headquarters of Gojal
magistracy - tehsil), Ghulkin is to the southwest, while Passu is in the north with famous Batura
glacier. Hussaini glacier is located to the west with famous Shisper peak, 7611 meter.

Recently we observed with apprehension the glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF), last time
in Passu and, now, in Ghulkin. The floods caused by these GLOF pose a great risk to these
villages. The risks, however, can be minimized by employing modern technology. With the
help of RS and GIS technology, these glacial lakes can be identified through Satellite images
and Aerial photographs and after field verification and ground realities the sites can be
observed and assessed in their early stages when the lakes are developing. Using proper
techniques, the water can be released, not allowing the formation of dams which have the
potential to annihilate human settlements and agricultural establishments. RS and GIS
technologies can also be utilized in the region for the purpose of hazard mapping, land sliding,
GLOF, soil erosion, glacier advancement etc.

Some glaciers are located within the vicinities of the villages and people, routinely, walk by
or across them for one or the other reason. The people need to be vigilant and look for any
unusual changes taking place in the glaciers. The changes, as and when observed, should be
communicated immediately to the relevant public and non – governmental organizations. The
area should be observed after February when the glaciers start melting and due to fluctuation and
movement the streams block the natural gullies and make glacial lakes.

There is a disastrous situation in Hussaini village due the glacier advancement for the last
many decades, resulting in much suffering of the local community Both for drinking and
irrigation water, the people of Hussaini ware working on the glacier 8 to 12 hours on daily basis
for many years now.

A glacier is located in the west and the Khunzhrav River is flowing to the East of the village
but due to lack of resources there is no water in the village. A drought like situation hovers on
the village for many years. As the glacier is advancing very fast toward the Khnzhrav River and

KKH - located at a distance of some 254 meters, the four channels dug out from the snout of the
glacier have been destroyed and now the temporary solution was obtaining insufficient water
through a vulnerable pipeline from the southern glacier's originated stream to the northern snout
channels. This pipeline was also washed away by the recent flood and next GLOF is, again, in an
alarming position.

The villages located along the Khunzhrav river and below the glaciers are in high risks
specially in Gojal valley, Shimshal, Passu, Hussaini, Ghulkin, Gulmit are at risks of river flood,
and GLOF can wash them out if proper protection is not taken. The communities, volunteers and
scouts should be ready to handle these disastrous, terrible and very challenging situations.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 66-66

Microfacies assemblages and diagenetic framework of the Lower Eocene

Sakesar limestone, Karoli area, Central Salt Range,
Sub-Himalayas of Pakistan
Abdur Rauf Nizami, Abdul Qayyum, Arslan Shahbaz, Zahid Imran Bhatti and
Tahir Shahzad Pirzada
Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore

A detailed study has been done to establish the microfacies assemblages, diagenetic
framework and biostratigraphy of the Lower Eocene Sakesar Limestone from the Karoli area in
the Central Salt Range. The limestone is composed of bioclastic microfacies only. Bioclastic
wackestones and bioclastic packstones have been recorded with repetition at different
stratigraphic levels and with various ecological associations of biota. The microfacies are mainly
comprised of shells and fragments of different foraminiferal species. While, shells and bioclasts
of Brochiopods, Gastropods, Pelecypods, Echinoderns, Broyozoa, Sponges, Corals, Blue-Green
Algae and Red Algae are also present in these microfacies. Based on ecological associations, 13
lithofacies have been identified. Biostratigraphical investigations revealed that the limestone is
host of a number of biostratigraphically important benthonic larger foraminiferal species
belonging to the genera: Nummulites, Assilina, Lockhartia, Alveolina and Opercolina. The
diagenetic framework has also been elucidated and dissolution, replacement, alteration,
dolomitization, micritization, various cement morphologies, micritic envelopes, open and filled
fractures (calcite veins), stylolites and solution porosities have been recorded. These
investigations led towards the conclusion that the Sakesar Limestone was deposited mainly in the
subtidal and inertial zones of open shelf. However, a small part of it was deposited in the
restricted shelf environment.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 67-67

Salt tectonics of the Karoli area, Central Salt Range, Sub-Himalayas,

Abdur Rauf Nizami, Zahid Imran Bhatti, Arslan Shahbaz, Abdul Qayyum and
Tahir Shahzad Pirzada
Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore

The paper focuses on of the salt tectonics characterization of the Karoli area, Central Salt
Range, Sub-Himalayas, Pakistan. The study area falls in the zone of Himalayan Frontal Thrust.
Its architecture was mainly developed in the typical compressional tectonic settings. The study
area was lithostructurally mapped at the scale of 1:10,000. The differential erosion at various
places in the study area has lead to the loading and unloading of overlying relatively higher
density rocks. This resulted in the upward movement of plastic and low density salt of the Salt
Range Formation and caused the phenomenon of valley bulging. The interpretation of structural
data manifested overprinting of extensional tectonics due to salt diapirism and was displayed
by a number of normal faults. Certain well exposed sections showing the outcrops of normal
faulted contacts were documented by field photography. A salt diapiric dome was documented
as well, not reported by any previous worker. Only one thrust fault was recorded in the mapped
area. The presence of normal faults is contrary to the tectonic environment of this area and is
the result of structure overprinted by salt diapirism. The subsurface presence of salt marl of the
Pre-Cambrian Salt Range Formation is the cause of this structural overprinting. The salt marl
moved upward and pierced through the overlying strata. As a result the Salt Range Formation is
exposed in the core of dome and at a number of other locations in the investigated area. These
investigations led towards the conclusions that the originally developed structure in the
compressional tectonic settings was modified by the plastic and diapiric nature of the Pre
Cambrian rock salt and features of extensional tectonics have been superimposed on those of
compressional tectonics. The presence of newly discovered dome, normal faults and frequent
exposures of the Salt Range Formation in the investigated area characterize an environment of
salt tectonics.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 68-68

Study of seabed and subsurface channels using high resolution 2D

seismic data, Indus fan, Pakistan
Abdul Rashid Pasha
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

The study is carried out on high resolution 2D seismic data from the offshore Indus Fan,
Pakistan. The Indus fan is located off the passive continental margin of Pakistan-India and is
bounded by the Chagos – Laccadive Ridge in the east, by the Owen–Murray Ridges in the west,
and by the Carlsberg Ridge in the south. The area lies in one of the tectonically active regions of
the world with Makran accretionary complex lying at the convergent margin between the
Arabian and Eurasian plates.

As a result of the collision between Indian and Eurasia Plates, about fifty million years ago,
the Himalaya and other mountain ranges have been formed by under-thrusting and uplift of
Indian and Asian crust. This uplifting has derived a high flux of sediment load transported
through Indus river system and subsequently dumped into the Indus fan. The analysis of 2D
seismic data of Indus fan reveals extensive gravity flow depositional elements like turbidity-flow
leveed channels, channel over-bank deposits and debris flow channels that can be identified on
the basis of its unique seismic signature.

The seismic data obtained from the upper part of the Indus fan reveals Holocene channel
system on the sea bed. These data are evaluated along with the GLORIA sidescan sonar data to
identify the channel migration, channel avulsion patterns and to compare the positions of the
channels. Six seabed channels of different length and width were identified on the seabed. The
flow direction of the channels is from North to South-west. These channels were identified on
the basis of their erosional down cutting of the previously deposited sediments and their
meandering and straight plan form. Knickpoint (reaches of anomalously steep gradient)
evaluation was carried out for all the channels observed on the sea bed to further evaluate any
major changes that occurred during the Holocene times, hence providing important information
about the prevailing channel environments in the region.

The mapping of the channels and levees at three different locations (moving SW from the
present day Indus Canyon) revealed a marked decrease in the number of channels and levees.
Possible influences on the number of channels are discussed.

Finally laterally migrating and aggrading channels (identified by their U-V shaped high
amplitude reflection) were observed in some of the seismic lines. These aggrading channels
show interesting stratigraphy apparently caused by four to five cycles of channel infilling and re-
entrenchment. A simple kinematic reconstruction was carried out to discuss the probable cause
of formation of these aggrading channels.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 69-69

Numerical modeling and tsunami inundation for potential earthquake at

Makram subduction zone, Pakistan
Zahid Rafi
Pakistan Metereological Department, Islamabad, Pakistan

According to the historical seismic importance of Makran Subductin Zone (MKZ), it has the
potential for future large earthquakes and tsunamis. This study is based on numerical modeling
of tsunami propagation by taking Gwardar coast as focal area which has geographical and
economical importance for Paksitan and had been extensively affected by tsunami generated in
1945 Makran earthquake. Simulation for tsunami propagation and inundation at Gwadar coast
was carried out a moment magnitude Mw 8.5; 5.26 m rupture slip due to this earthquake and
fixing the source area within Makaran Subduction Zone i.e. 120 km away from the coastline. The
results show maximum flow depth of 5m and maximum inundation up to 1.46 km on Gwadar
coast . Numerical simulation reveals that any future Makran Subduction zone earthquake with
M2 8.5 can generate a destructive tsunami.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 70-70

Threat of glacial lake outburst flood to Tehsil Gupis from Khukush lake,
District Ghizer, Gilgit, Pakistan
Gohar Rehman
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) is a powerful natural phenomenon which is very active in
the Karakuram Himalayas of Pakistan. In these areas, most of the villages are settled along the
banks of the rivers on the debris fan deposits. These debris fans are the product of repeated
debris flow events in the main channel to which a number of interconnected creeks contribute
their material. These interconnected creeks originate from huge glaciers and glacial moraines at
the upper catchments. These glacial deposits form a complex topography with multiple
depressions at places. These depressions then change into lakes after getting filled by water from
glacial meltdown. As the amount of water increases the pressure on the dam also increases.
When the pressure exceeds the holding capacity of the dam, it bursts out which causes flooding
in the lower catchments. In most of the cases glacial moraine acts as a barrier or natural dam.
This hazard can be handled and controlled by keeping a proper check on the situation of the
natural dam which acts as a time bomb with random time adjustment. By calculating the strength
of the dam and seasonal fluctuations of water level in these remote lakes, we can build a
relationship between the strength of the dam and the volume of the water whose pressure the
dam can sustain and retain itself. The other thing which can be done is to increase the
preparedness of the community which is settled on the areas lying low along the valley through
which water from outbursting lake will ultimately flow. Preparedness can be increased by
providing the community with various sets of information about GLOFs including the map
marking out the areas which would be inundated from possible outburst of remote lake. This
paper aims to create flood attenuation model for Tehsil Gupis and to create a flood map for the
areas of greater commercial and economic importance. This paper will target the Khukush Lake
and would address the methodology used to create peak flow attenuation model for Tehsil Gupis.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 71-71

Multi hazard risk assessment and mitigation plan for marble mining
operations in Chitral
Safi Ur Rehman and Siddique Akbar
Department of Mining Engineering, UET Peshawar

Goals of hazard identification and risk mitigation plan for marble quarry operations are to
identify potential hazards by examining quarry operations, and observing the tasks performed by
workers, offer general advice regarding hazard control measures and SOPs. The study reveals
that the impact of marble quarry operations is within safe limits of national environmental
quality standards, but there is a need of; 1) hazard control measures to reduce the potential of
exposure to hazards, 2) a hazard communication program, 3) geotechnical assessment of quarry
for slope stability analysis, 4) formulating report form for daily inspection of quarry and working
faces, 5) frequent safety audits and training sessions relating occupational health and safety, 6)
Environmental control measures to prevent future environmental degradation and 7) include
information, in quarry design (cultivation plan), on how to leave the quarry in safe condition
before ceasing operations

All existing quarry operations should be observed in detail for any further aspects or

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 72-72

Pakistan monsoon floods: climate change or geological rundown?

Mohammad Riaz
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

The July-August 2010 floods in Pakistan brought havoc and misery that is unprecedented in
memorable history. Various estimates put the humanitarian crisis to be larger than the combined
effects of the three worst natural disasters: Asian tsunami, Kashmir and Haiti earthquakes. In
flood science, such a catastrophe is known as a once-in-a-century flood. The question is: Are
these floods caused by regular geological processes or by climate change? The answer is not

Although Himalayan glaciers feed the Indus River but the bulk of its flow is due to summer
monsoon that triggers floods. Counting, dating and correlating the flood-laden sand beds on a
flood plain help develop a time-series of flooding events that shed light on the monsoon system.
Analysis of some of these beds near Sukkur and Bahawalpur by a group of scientists indicate that
around 4000 BC, a warm period existed that fed heavy monsoon rains into the Indus. Then by
2000 BC the climate cooled with no monsoon rains, turning a large part of the Indus valley into
desert. However, the cause(s) of these thousand-year cycles of Indus drought and flood is
contentious. To some, geological records reveal that thorough out the Holocene the monsoon
activity was pretty much a geological rundown at least on a 1000-year cycle. Others think that
climate change may be the reason as their models predict that the monsoon intensity is sensitive
to the surface temperature of the Indian Ocean. During times of cooler climate, less moisture is
picked up from the ocean, the monsoon weakens, and the Indus river flow is reduced. Whereas,
some have found a clear correlation between human action, climate and monsoon activity.

While there is huge uncertainty regarding exact correlation between global warming and
intense monsoon activity, the fact remains that that the distribution of monsoon rains has become
more uneven i.e. total rainfall stays the same, but it comes in shorter, more intense bursts. Such
as in the July-August 2010, more than half of the normal monsoon rain fell in only one week
instead of its typical spread over three months. Rivers just cannot cope with all that water in such
a short time. This uncertainty entails lack of planning and preparedness and, thus, the future may
hold more flood misery for the people of Pakistan.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 73-73

Morphometry of alluvial fans and its relation to debris flow hazards in

Chitral valley, N. Pakistan
Anwar Saeed1, M. Asif Khan2 and M. Haneef3
Department of Geography, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshwar

The Chitral district of N. Pakistan lies in the eastern Hindukush Ranges at the south-western
limb of the Pamir Syntaxis. The Chitral River traverses across the district as a predominantly U-
shaped valley formed in response to Late Quaternary ice-age glaciations. Remnants of landforms
formed during these glaciation stages and subsequent fluvial regimes, locally preserved on trunk-
valley flanks are superimposed by debris-flow dominated alluvial fans associated with the
tributary streams. On one hand these fans are the sites of habitation because of their flatter
surfaces, fertile soils and access to water, on the other their proximity to steep valley slopes
renders them prone to mass-movement hazards especially the debris flows.

As a part of this study, morphometric analysis of the drainage as well as depositional basins
of more than 95 prominent tributary stream fans, stretched along the north-south axis of the
Chitral river has been carried out. The morphometric studies including stream attributes like
drainage basin area, stream profile, gradient, depositional basin area, stream pattern are measured
using Arc GIS 9.2. Based on the morphometric analysis supported by field observations, it is
determined that the ephemeral streams i.e., talus cones and debris fans have high hazard
potential. These streams having shorter lengths and a limited catchment area, have hyper-
concentrated flows resulting in active deposition on fan surface. On the contrary, the high-energy
perennial streams, carve through the landforms they traverse including the alluvial fans they
formed in their earlier history, leading to an efficient discharge of the debris load into the trunk
river rather than on the fan surface. Whereas the ephemeral-stream fans are prone to debris-flow
hazards, on average, every three to five years, the landforms associated with the perennial
streams face debris flow hazards in exceptionally large events with return periods of recurrence
>30 years. The study has utility for quick assessment of vulnerability to debris-flow hazards,
based on simple observations about the nature of the feeder tributary stream and its associated
alluvial fan.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 74-74

Sedimentologic studies of upper sands of lower Goru Formation based

on well cuttings and wireline logs from wells of X Field in the subsurface
of Sindh Monocline, Southern Indus Basin, Pakistan

Ali Ghulam Sahito, Sarfraz Hussain Solangi, Parveen Usmani, Imdad Ali Brohi,
and Latif Dino Napar
Centre for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh

Detailed studies of lithologic successions of upper sands of Lower Goru Formation in the
subsurface of X Field of Sindh monocline were investigated by zoom stereo binocular
examination and thin section study of well-cuttings in conjunction with the wireline log studies
to understand the depositional environment. The gamma ray log response and sonic (DT) logs
have been used to identify and successfully correlate the sand bodies with lithologic logs
prepared from well-cuttings analysis.

The detailed sedimentological studies of the well cuttings samples of each of the main bodies
resolved various lithofacies of meter scale thickness based on their textural signatures (grain size,
shape, and sorting). Within the sand unit B a number of distinct coarsening and fining upward
sequences can be identified which reflect frequent sea level fluctuations. Textural investigations,
particularly of those samples composed predominantly of sand size fractions, show that the mean
grain size in the study area is fine to medium grained and vary between 1.8φ and 2.5φ. The
samples are moderately- to well-sorted and well-rounded to sub-angular in shape.
Mineralogically, the samples comprise mostly of 60-85% quartz grains and only occasionally
contain any feldspar grain. Only the fine-grained sandstones of the study area exhibit a slight
increase in the amount of feldspar. A few grains of dark colored minerals can occasionally be
seen in thin sections. The results further indicate that the sandstones are fairly mature.

The presence of a number of coarsening and fining upward cycles indicates frequent shift in
the depositional environments influenced by the sea level changes. Based on overall results, it
can be interpreted that the upper sands of the Lower Goru Formation of Lower Cretaceous age in
Sindh monocline were deposited in moderate to high energy nearshore sedimentary environment
largely influenced by frequently fluctuating sea level.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 75-76

Field features and petrography of igneous rocks from Utla (Gadoon),

NW Pakistan: Preliminary investigation
Muhammad Sajid and Mohammad Arif
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

The igneous rocks around Utla in Gadoon area, NW Pakistan are considered to be a part of
the Peshawar Plain Alkaline Igneous Province (PPAIP), which extends from Tarbela in the east
to Pak-Afghan border in the west. The rocks of the Utla area most probably represent the
eastward extension of the Ambela granitic complex. Some of the previous workers, however,
group them with the granitic rocks of Swat and Mansehra.

Field observation and detailed petrographic studies of representative samples suggest that the
Utla area largely consists of granitic rocks having intrusive contact with the Late Proterozoic
Tanawal formation. At places, green to greenish black and black dykes of apparently basic
composition cut across the Utla granite. Texturally, the granitic rocks are predominantly mega-
porphyritic. At place, however, foliated and fine-grained varieties also occur, particularly along
shear zones. Furthermore, the equigranular fine-grained varieties occuring as small patches
within the mega-porphyritic granite.

The Utla granites contain phenocrysts of zoned and saussuritized plagioclase, perthitic alkali
feldspar, including both the orthoclase and microcline varieties, and quartz. The frequently large
size of the phenocrysts makes them visible in the outcrop even from some distance. The extent of
albite exsolution is variable, most probably because of difference in the composition of the
original homogeneous alkali feldspar grains and/ or degree and rate of their undercooling below
the crystallization temperature. The groundmass predominantly consists of alkali feldspar and
quartz, minor to accessory amounts of tourmaline, biotite and muscovite, and accessory to trace
amounts of apatite, andalusite, zircon, monazite, sphene and garnet.

Among the mafic minerals, tourmaline is the most common and abundant. Most of the
tourmaline grains display irregular zoning and variable degree of alteration. The flakes of biotite
and muscovite mostly occur in close association and are particularly abundant in the foliated/
gneissose varieties of the granite where they may wrap around the megacrystic feldspars.
Textural relationship suggests that some of the muscovite might have formed at the expense of
biotite. In some of the studied samples, muscovite is intergrown with quartz. An appreciable
amount of sphene occurs in most of the studied samples. Associated almost exclusively with
biotite, it occurs as small discrete grains as well as thin rims or broader zones around small
grains of an opaque ore mineral.

The markedly different modal mineralogy suggests a two-fold division of the dykes that
intrude the Utla granite: (i) basic and (ii) intermediate. The former appear to be much more
abundant and are further distinguished into two subgroups on the basis of their textural and
mineralogical characteristics. Dykes from one of the subgroups essentially consist of plagioclase

laths and clinopyroxene and display ophitic to sub-ophitic texture and, thus, appear to be
dolerite. The clinopyroxene gives a pinkish/ violet color in plane light, and hence may contain a
significant amount of Ti. The grains of clinopyroxene show variable degree of alteration to
chlorite and amphibole. Besides, brownish hornblende also occurs as discrete grains in some of
these dolerite dykes. These rocks also contain accessory amounts of other minerals, including
biotite, sphene, epidote, apatite, ilmenite and rutile. Like that in the host granite, sphene in the
dolerite dykes occurs both as discrete grains and thin rims or zones around opaque ore grains
forming corona texture.

The other group of basic dykes largely consists of plagioclase and amphibole. The
subordinate amount of clinopyroxene present in these rocks occurs either as relics within, or
totally pseudomorphed by, green amphibole and chlorite. The amphibole also occurs as discrete
grains displaying brown color and partial alteration to chlorite and biotite. The occurrence of
appreciable amount of epidote and zoisite together with green amphibole and chlorite after
clinopyroxene indicates metamorphism of these rocks under greenschist to epidote amphibolite
facies conditions. Some of these rocks also display a certain degree of preferred orientation. The
more or less commonly occurring accessory phases in these rocks include sphene, rutile,
ilmenite, calcite and apatite. Corona texture of sphene around opaque ore mineral is a common
texture present in these rocks as also observed in the dolerite dykes described above.

The dykes of intermediate composition are characterized by porphyritic texture with

phenocrysts exclusively of brown amphibole. These phenocrysts are replaced by chlorite along
cleavages and fractures. Simple twins are also observed in some of the amphibole grains. The
groundmass consists mostly of fine-grained chlorite, epidote-clinonzoisite/ zoisite and sphene.
Like their basic counterparts, these dykes also contain sphene as thin rims to broad zones around
grains of an opaque ore.

The intrusion into Tanawal formation, distinctly porphyritic character, and the more or less
common occurrence of appreciable amount of tourmaline are some of the features of the Utla
granites which make them resemble the granitic rocks from Mansehra and Swat. Furthermore,
like the Mansehra rocks, some of the samples from Utla granite also contain andalusite. On other
hand, the Utla rocks, especially the dykes, display opaque ore-sphene corona textures, which is a
characteristic feature of the granitiods from Ambela.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 77-77

Biostratigraphy of Sakesar limestone, Rikhi-Burikhel area,

Western Salt Range, Pakistan
S. J. Sameeni1, Rabia Imtiaz1, Hajra Saleem1, Zohair Malik1, Saqib Ali1,
Mohammad Haneef2 and Kamran Mirza1
Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

The Sakesar Limestone (Lower Eocene) is exposed along the northwestern side of the
western Salt range along Rikhi-Burikhel track where it is 29.5 m thick. As a part of this study, 16
samples were collected from the outcrop at regular intervals. Petrography of 32 thin sections was
carried our for detailed microfaunal studies. Nine species of age diagnostic larger forminifera are
recorded including five species of Alveolinids. Alveolina canavarii is recorded for first time
from the Sakesar Limestone. Based on the fauna, the age of the Sakesar Limestone is Ilerdian
(SBZ 7-8) of the Lower Eocene.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 78-78

Biostratigarphy of the Paleocene-Eocene succession of the Tarar area,

Southern Hazara, North Pakistan
S.J. Sameeni1, Naveed Ahsan1, Mohammad Haneef2, Saeed Afzal1, Nauman Nazir1,
Naseer Ahmad1, Umair A.H.1 and Zeeshan A. Raja1
Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

A 200 m thick, Paleocene-Eocene succession, comprised of Hangu, Lockhart, Patala,

Margalla Limestone, Chorgali and Kuldana Formations occurs in stratigraphic order in a well-
exposed section in Tarar area of southern Hazara. Based on the detailed biostratigraphic studies
(100 thin sections), 13 age diagnostic species of larger foraminifers are recorded. The present
study reveals that the Paleocene-Eocene boundary occurs within the Patala Formation.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 79-79

Temporal evolution of surface rupture deduced from coseismic multi-

mode secondary fractures: Insights from the October 8, 2005 (Mw 7.6)
Kashmir earthquake, NW Himalaya
Mohammad Sayab and Muhammad Asif Khan
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Detailed rupture–fracture analyses of some of the well-studied earthquakes have revealed

that the geometrical arrangement of secondary faults and fractures can be used as a geological
tool to understand the temporal evolution of slip produced during the mainshock. The October 8,
2005 Mw 7.6 Kashmir earthquake, surface rupture provides an opportunity to study a complex
network of secondary fractures developed on the hanging wall of the fault scarp. The main fault
scarp is clearly thrust-type, rupture length is ~75±5 km and the overall trend of the rupture is
NW–SE. We present the results of detailed structural mapping of secondary faults and fractures
at 1:100 scale, on the hanging wall of the southern end of the rupture in the vicinity of the Sar
Pain. Secondary ruptures can be broadly classified as two main types, 1) normal faults and, (2)
right-lateral strike-slip „Riedel‟ fractures. The secondary normal faults are NW–SE striking, with
a maximum 3.3 meter vertical displacement and 2.5 meter horizontal displacement. Estimated
total horizontal extension across the secondary normal faults is 3.1–3.5%. We propose that the
bending moment and coseismic stress relaxation can explain the formation of secondary normal
faults on the hanging wall of the thrust fault. The strike-slip „Riedel‟ fractures form distinct sets
of tension (T) and shear fractures (R′, R, Y) with right-lateral displacement. Field observations
revealed that the „Riedel‟ fractures (T) cut the secondary normal faults. In addition, there is
kinematic incompatibility and magnitude mismatch between the secondary normal faults and
strike-slip „Riedel‟ fractures. The cross-cutting relationship, and geometric and magnitude
incoherence implies a temporal evolution of slip from dip- to strike-slip during the mainshock
faulting. The interpretation is consistent with the thrust fault plane solution with minor right-
lateral strike-slip component.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 80-80

Comparative analysis of the National Disaster Management plan of

Pakistan in the regional context
Attaullah Shah1, Irfan Ullah Jan2, Razaullah Khan3 and Salimuallh Khan4
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
National Centre of Excellence in Geology and Leicester University, Leicester
National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC) and Massey University, New Zealand
Hazara University, Mansehra

The geopolitical location of South Asian nations has exposed people of these countries to a
variety of natural and man-induced disasters, like earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, etc. To face the
threats associated with these disasters, there is a need to develop proactive collaborative disaster
management plans at national and regional levels. Pakistan has recently developed a National
Disaster Management Plan, which provides a framework for managing disaster-related issues at
gross root levels. However, the plan still requires implementation in true spirit. In this paper, the
National Disaster Management Plan has been reviewed and compared with the Disaster and
Emergency plans of other South Asian countries, like India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The
comparative analysis shows that Pakistan needs to develop a collaborative network with other
South Asia countries for effective implementation of the disaster management plan.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 81-81

Exploring opportunities of rain water harvesting in the urban areas of

Attaullah Shah1, Irfan Ullah Jan2, Razaullah Khan3 and Salimuallh Khan4
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
National Centre of Excellence in Geology and Leicester University, Leicester
National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC) and Massey University, New Zealand
Hazara University, Mansehra

Pakistan is facing severe water crisis for the last few decades. The climate change, regarded
one of the main reasons for such crises globally, has also affected the local weather in Pakistan to
a considerable extent. The changes in the pattern of rainfall and its distribution, governed again
by climatic change, have led to a severe water shortage in the urban areas of Pakistan. The recent
draught led to the depletion of ground water and there is a tendency of continuous drop of the
aquifer in the major cities, like Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar. To overcome the
challenges of water scarcity in the country, water conservation strategies are needed to be
implemented at grass root levels. Rain water harvesting in the urban areas of Pakistan is one of
the emerging opportunities available for harnessing the water for re-use. In this paper the
opportunities of rain water harvesting in urban areas have been discussed with special reference
to Pakistan. It has been shown that if harvested for re-use, the rainwater can provide some long
term solution for the water crisis in these cities.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 82-82

Removal of chromium (III) from aqueous solutions by the Organic Ion

K. H. Shah, S. Mustafa, M. Hamayun, T. Ahmed, I. Shah and Salah-ud-Din
National Center of Excellence in Physical Chemistry, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Soil and water contamination by heavy metals like Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn, Hg, and Cd in soil as well
as in water arising from the discharge of industrial effluents is one of the important
environmental problems. Due to the greater stability these heavy metals cannot be degraded and
removed from the environment. Their presence in aquatic life causes harmful effects to living
organism. Chromium, one of the above-named heavy metals has two stable oxidation states, Cr
(III) and (VI). The presence of strong oxidants in soil and water can change Cr (III) to harmful
Cr (VI). Therefore Chromium (III) removal on three cation exchangers Amberlite.IRC-50(Na+),
Amberlite.IR-120(Na+) and Amberlyst.15(H+) is studied as a function of time and concentration
at different temperatures(293K-333K). The kinetic and equilibrium studies proved that affinity of
these cation exchangers towards Cr(III) removal followed the order as Amberlyst.15(H+) >
Amberlite.IR-120(Na+) > Amberlite.IRC-50(Na+). The pH is observed to increase during
exchange on Amberlite.IR-120(Na+) and Amberlite.IRC-50(Na+) and decrease during exchange
on Amberlyst.15(H+).

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 83-83

Classification and genesis of sandstone-type uranium ore bodies in

middle Siwalik rocks, eastern Sulaiman Range and Bannu basin,
M. Amin Shah, Azizullah, Sher Muhammad and Taimur Shahzad
DEUP-II-Kohat, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Kohat

The sandstone-type uranium ore bodies have been discovered in middle Siwalik rocks in
Sulaiman Range and Bannu Basin. These ore bodies were probably developed from single
origin, later tectonic developments created different environments, shaping their present mode of
occurrence and genesis. It is assumed that initially, braided paleo-Indus river eroded the
uraniferrous material from primary rocks in the north and west and deposited the material in
foredeep basin and developed conventional paleo-channel type uranium ore bodies. Later
reworking shaped the present forms of the ore bodies.

During the first stage, conventional paleo-channel ore bodies developed in braided river
system. These ore bodies are affected least by orogeny and buried beneath sedimentary cover.
Since no contact of the ore body and air has occurred, hence no leaching phenomenon has been
activated. During the second stage, paleo-channel related ore bodies, passing through tectonic
episode, got tilted, and rose above the surface of erosion. The above surface part of the ore body
has been oxidized and enriched the already existing ore body below the water table. This body is
termed as complex paleo-channel cum ground water leached type of sandstone deposits bounded
by clay bed on lower side. During the third stage, these re-enriched ore bodies were further
uplifted, and the above-surface part of the ore body was oxidized which further re-enriched the
existing ore body below the water table, resulting in development of horizontal as well as
inclined ore bodies. In the fourth Stage, uranium ore bodies developed as a result of complete
leaching of pre existing paleo-channel ore body. These were then re-precipitated horizontally
below the surface exposure of anomaly in reduced zone below the water table.

World wide, on the basis of mode of occurrence, three types of ore bodies, i.e. tabular
horizontal, tabular inclined, and roll front, are identified in sandstone, while in Pakistan tabular
horizontal, horizontal-inclined and tabular inclined are identified. On the basis of origin, these
ore bodies are classed as sedimentary precipitated uranium ore bodies, and on the basis of
genesis the ore bodies are classed as paleo-channel and reworked ore bodies.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 84-85

P-T pseudosections and garnet isopleth geo-thermobarometry from the

Malakand and Loe Sar Dome, NW Himalaya
Syed Zahid Shah and Mohamamd Sayab
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

P–T pseudosection is a mineralogic map of stable mineral assemblages in a P–T space

(White et al., 2008) and reveals complex arrangement of multivariant reactions that a rock
records through metamorphism (Sayab, 2006). Pseudosections are typically constructed based on
a fixed bulk XRF composition of a given rock sample. In this study, we performed calculations
using latest version of THEMOCALC (ver. 3.33; Powell and Holland, 1988; updated 26 October
2009) with an internally consistent data set of Holland and Powell (1998; data set tcds55,
updated 22 November 2003).The pseudosections have been constructed in the chemical system
MnO-Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (MnNCKFMASH). Garnet isopleths (XFe,
XMn, XCa) are used for geothermobarometry. Isopleths for each of the compositional variables
(XFe, XMn, XCa) are based on the electron microprobe analysis from the garnet core and plotted in
divariant fields using THERMOCALC.

Sample M22 was collected close to the Malakand tunnel. The sample contains garnet, biotite
and muscovite in addition to quartz and opaque minerals. The garnet core is estimated to have
grown at 4.6–4.9 kbar/510–515oC (Fig. 1). The P–T estimates between garnet core and far
median (inner core) regions were calculated using the intersection isopleths technique. The
garnet median and inner rim regions have estimated at 5.0-5.1 kbar/522-524oC and 5.4-5.5
kbar/530-533oC, respectively (Fig.1). Sample Z23, collected from the eastern limb of the Loe Sar
Dome contains garnet, biotite, muscovite and zoisite in addition to quartz. The garnet core
compositional isopleths intersect at 4.0–4.1 kbar/508–511oC.

These estimates are tightly constrained and are different than those previously published in
the Swat region (cf. DiPietro, 1991). Our work is in progress and we aim to link these new
estimates with micro-structural (FIA: Foliation Intersection Axes) observations (see Sayab,

Fig. 1. P-T pseudosection for sample M22 in MnNCKFMASH


DiPietro, J.A., 1991. Metamorphic pressure-temperature conditions of Indian plate rocks south of
the Main Mantle thrust, Lower Swat, Pakistan. Tectonics, 10, 742-757.
Holland, T.J.B., Powell, R., 1998. An internally consistent thermodynamic data set of
petrological interest. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 16, 309-343.
Powell, R., Holland, T.J.B., 1988. An internally consistent thermodynamic dataset with
uncertainties and correlations: 3. Application methods, worked examples and a computer
program. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 6, 173-204.
Sayab, M., 2006. Decompression through clockwise P–T path: implications for early N–S
shortening orogenesis in the Mesoproterozoic Mt Isa Inlier (NE Australia). Journal of
Metamorphic Geology, 24, 89-105.
White, R.W., Powell, R., Baldwin, J.A., 2008. Calculated phase equilibria involving chemical
potentials to investigate the textural evolution of metamorphic rokcs. Journal of Metamorphic
Geology, 26, 181-198.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 86-87

Functions and achievements of FATA DA in the mineral sector

Yaqoob Shah and Muhamamd Humayun
FATA, DA, Peshawar

The tribal belt spread over an area of about 27,220 km2, out of which preliminary geological
survey of about 85% has been completed. Geological investigations reveal the presence of
various types of sedimentary, igneous and different grades of metamorphic rocks in age from
Precambrian to Paleocene in the region. The area is characterized by the presence of variety of
alteration zones. The presences of these geological features designate FATA with most suitable
geological environments as compared to the rest of world where mineral deposits of economic
grade have been established. These include metallic, energy minerals, precious/dimension stones
and different rocks of industrial use. Resultantly, world-class deposits of marble, soapstone and
potential resources of copper, manganese, chromite, coal and gemstones have been discovered in
the tribal belt.

Preliminary geological studies during the past indicate the presence of 20 difference minerals
out of which twelve have been explored in detail. The available geological information provides
ample evidence that FATA has fairly good mineral potential as exist in similar geological
environments elsewhere in the world. This mineral potential can be well utilized for sustainable
socio-economic development of local population in particular and the region in general. It is
important to point out that despite technological/financial constraints of the private sector and the
prevailing geopolitical conditions in the region; there is a tremendous growth in mineral
production from FATA. The average annual growth rate of mineral production during the last
five years has been 40%.

In order to further enhance the mineral development potential of FATA, FATA DA has
initiated a number of mineral exploration, infrastructure development and private sector
facilitation projects which on successful completion will provide sound basis for planning
mineral sector activities on scientific lines. This will further promote confidence building of
private sector for investment in FATA, resulting in generation of enormous employment
opportunities in the mineral-bearing areas and supply of indigenous raw material for
consumption of local industry.

Geological exploration under two different projects resulted in identification of more than 28
manganese prospects and two emerald-bearing areas in Mohmand and Bajaur Agencies. After
successful manufacturing of Ferro-manganese alloy on pilot plant scale, based on raw material
from FATA, the same has been offered to private sector investors for commercial production
which will serve as import substitute. To identify additional coal clusters, investigations in
Shirani area, FR DI Khan have been initiated. For further enhancement of copper reserves (8
million tons) at Shinkai area, North Waziristan Agency, subsurface investigations including
geophysical survey and drilling are being taken in hand. In order to confirm extension of

sulphide mineralization in the ophiolite belt extending through South Waziristan Agency,
geotechnical studies are being started shortly.

As a result of geological investigation in collaboration with NCEG, University of Peshawar,

the southern sedimentary belt of FATA, stretching from FR Peshawar in the north to FR DI khan
in the south, has shown encouraging hydrocarbon potential and based on these studies, Oil &
Gas development companies have shown interest in further detailed exploration. Besides,
laboratory scale R & D work for producing smokeless coal briquettes from FATA coal has
successfully been completed, while, studies for pilot plant scale production and feasibility for
establishment of commercially viable coal briquetting plant are being conducted. FATA DA
established a Mines Rescue/Safety and Welfare Centre of Orakzai Agency, which is the first of
its nature in the region. Its achievements have been appreciated at both national and international
level. In addition to the above, to facilitate and attract the private sector investors for investment
in mineral sector activities, constructional of about 160 km roads has been planned in different
mineral- bearing areas out of which more than 100 km have been completed, while the rest are in
different stages of completion.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 88-88

Activities of Directorate General Mines and Minerals,

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Shakirullah and Noroz Khan
Directorate General Mines and Minerals, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) with an area of 74,521 km2 is endowed with
almost all varieties of mineral resources which can be categorized as: 1) dimensional stones, 2)
gemstones, 3) industrial rocks and minerals, 4) metallic Minerals, 5) fuel minerals / coal and 6)
ordinary stones. The Directorate General Mines and Minerals (DGMM) is responsible for the
management of these mineral resources of the province. This also includes the exploration and
development of these resources through implementation of ADP and PSDP funded schemes. So
far, more than 12 developmental schemes / projects have been implemented while 10 other
developmental projects are proposed to the provincial government. Apart from these activities,
the DGMM is also managing grant of mining concessions (prospecting licenses, exploration
licenses and mining leases) on various categories of minerals in the province. A cadastral system
record is maintained for mineral production, royalty and excise duty. DGMM also perform
welfare of mining community, safety of mine workers, enforcement of mining labor laws,
conduct of competency examinations of mine supervisors and workers, collection of excise duty
on minerals and training of mine workers. The DGMM owned a well equipped Mineral Testing
Laboratory at Hayatabad, Peshawar which is playing a major role in facilitating the investment in
mineral sector in chemical evaluation of the mineral commodities and also provide facilities for
gemstone testing. In order to strengthen the Exploration Wing, a Resource Mapping section has
recently been established in the DGMM where GIS/RS based digitized and geo-referenced
geological and mineral resources maps of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province are being prepared
and processed for the dissemination of information to the general public and national and
international investors. In this respect the DGMM has very important role in up-grading the
economy of the country.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 89-89

Discovery of uraniferous calcretes in Tharparkar, Pakistan

Aqeel Ahmed Shariff, Munazzam Ali and Nasser Ali Qamar
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Regional Exploration Office, Karachi

Detailed geological work revealed that the calcretes in the Tharparkar desert have been
formed in a variety of settings, including the piedmonts, sheetwash aggraded plains, regolith,
playa plains and interdunal plains, while sand dunes and sandy plains have weaker development
of calcretes. The better developed calcrete horizons occur in piedmonts and interdunes or in
areas that have sufficient groundwater at depths of 80 to 120 meters. In some areas, uraniferrous
calcretes have been discovered. Sections in the region show phases of pedogenic calcrete
development in aeolian sand. The extensive sheetwash plains have mature calcretes. These
calcretes can be correlated with the Indian side of Thar which has calcretes of similar
characteristics and date to mid-Pleistocene. The calcretes of northern, central and north-eastern
part of Tharparkar were surveyed and sampled. Radiometric checking in different areas
alongwith geological mapping has been undertaken. More than 300 calcrete and kaolicrete
samples were analysed for uranium. These calcretes are classified Pedogenic, non-pedogenic
valley calcretes, soft calcrete, hard calcrete, nodular calcrete, honey comb calcrete, sandy mix
calcrete, kankar, caliche, gypcretes, halcretes, silcretes and ferrocretes. Some 46 calcrete bodies
have been discovered and sampled in different parts of the desert for the first time. At some
places uranium content is more than 40 ppm with a maximum value of 159 ppm at Khagia near
Chachro. The surface/near surface gradients originating from the northeast and east towards west
and south also support the possible transport of U, V, and K through shallow ground waters to
the distal parts of the Thar desert and the potential non-pedogenic calcretes in the desert may
host uranium mineralization. Preliminary studies show that a number of calcretes contain
anomalous U content, i.e., >50 ppm. Our studies indicate that these calcretes represent a hybrid
process, where carbonate enrichment of the originally calcareous host occurred due to
periodically raised groundwater, and its differentiation into nodules occurred under subaerial
environment, i.e., after recession of groundwater. Nodules display a multiplicity of carbonate
precipitation events and internal reorganization of calcitic groundmass. The important source
was probably provided by the pre-existing calcretes in the sheetwash aggraded plains and detrital
carbonate in the aeolian sediments. The original source of carbonate in the region, however,
remains unresolved and will need further investigations.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 90-90

Trace elements distribution in the soil profiles of Peshawar

Samina Siddiqui
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Twenty two soil profiles derived from piedmont (shales), alluvium, loess and re-deposited
loess underlain by Quaternary sediments in Peshawar district were sampled and analyzed for
total Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn, and Pb using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. There was no
significant difference in total content of Cu in all soils. In contrast, the total content of Cd, Cr,
Mn and Zn was found to be significantly greater (p<0.05) in piedmont soils than alluvium and
loess soils. Similarly, Ni and Pb were significantly greater (p<0.05) in loess soils than piedmont
and alluvium soils. In addition to that, Cr, Pb and Zn were found to be significantly greater
(p<0.05) in the A horizon of piedmont and alluvium soils than B horizon. The total content of all
trace elements, except Cd and Ni, was found to be at their typical concentrations for normal
soils. There was no significant difference between total trace elements content except for Cd and
Ni between soils and parent materials. All metals were evenly distributed and derived from
similar parent material of sedimentary origin.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 91-91

Depositional environments and diagenetic fabric of the Margalla Hill

limestone Kohala-Bala area, Haripur, Hazara, Pakistan
Muhammad Azhar Farooq Swati1, Muhammad Haneef1, Shahid Jameel Sameeni2,
Yasir Naveed3, Waseem Zeb 1, Naveed Akhtar 1 and Muhammad Owais 1
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
Institute of Geology, University of Punjab, Lahore
Pakistan Petroleum Limited, Islamabad

This study deals with the microfacies and depositional environments of the Margalla Hill
Limestone (Eocene) from the Kohala-Bala area, Haripur, in the southern Hazara Fold and Thrust
belt. The stratigraphic succession of Hazara ranges in age from Pre-Cambrian to Holocene. In
this study, Margalla Hill Limestone (Early Eocene) of Kohala Bala in southern Hazara is
measured, sampled and described.

The Margalla Hill Limestone is 136m thick limestone with thin interbeds of clay/marls, and
has conformable lower and upper contacts with Patala Formation and Chorgali Formations of the
Eocene age respectively. The Margalla Hill Limestone is characterized by a wide variety of
faunal and floral assemblages. These include larger benthic forams, planktic forams,
echinoderms, mollusks and dasycladacean algae. Three microfacies identified include; 1)
Miliolid Lockhartia Mud-Wackstone Microfacies, interpreted to have been deposited in a low
energy, restricted circulation with slightly higher than normal salinity in a lagoonal environment
of the inner shelf, 2) Nummulitic Wack-Packstone Microfacies, representing deposition in a
subtidal conditions of the carbonate shelf, 3) Benthic Foraminiferal Wack-Packstone
Microfacies, interpreted to have been deposited in the middle shelf area relatively offshore.
These microfacies are repeated several times in the section reflecting fluctuating sea level
conditions.The diagenetic overprinting of the rocks includes compaction, aragonite to calcite
transformation, pressure dissolution, stylolites, vein-filling spar and development of nodular

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 92-92

Evaluation of liquefaction potential of sandy and silty soils of Defence-

Clifton areas of Karachi and mitigation measures
Saleem Uddin1 and S. Gulraiz Hamid2
Department of Geology, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi
Department of Geology, University of Karachi, Karachi

One of the most common causes of ground failure during earthquakes is the liquefaction
phenomenon which has produced severe damages so far all over the world. Many factors govern
the liquefaction process for in situ soil and the most important are intensity of earthquake and its
duration, location of groundwater table, soil type, soil relative density, particle size gradation,
particle shape, depositional environment of soil, soil drainage conditions, confining pressures,
aging and cementation of soil deposits, historical environment of the soil deposit and
building/additional loads of these deposits. Areas that may be prone to liquefaction hazard are
those that may be subjected to moderate to very strong ground shaking, have young alluvial
deposits consisting of sand and silt, and have shallow ground water (within 50 feet of the ground
surface). Young deposits would be of Holocene to late Pleistocene in age. Determination of
liquefaction potential of soil deposits due to an earthquake is a complex geotechnical problem
since many factors including soil parameters and seismic characteristics influence this problem.
There are two approaches to mitigate against liquefaction, soil improvement and foundation
based mitigation. This paper summarizes results of some specific factors that control
development of liquefaction of soil such as Standard Penetration test (SPT), grain size
distribution of the soil mass, relative density of the soil deposits, depth and thickness of different
soil strata, depth of groundwater table, etc. Tests were carried out on sandy and silty soils
collected from different sites of the study areas because these areas may be prone to liquefaction
due to having loose sand beach deposits, shallow ground water and a lot of construction over
landfill deposits. The potential for liquefaction of these soils and its mitigation techniques are

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 93-94

Peak-Flood Inundation Map of the Western Peshawar Plain

(Peshawar, Charsada, Nowshera Districts): Implications for Flood
Disaster Preparedness Plans
Abdul Wahab, Muhammad Ali and M. Asif Khan
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar

Flood Inundation Map (FIM) is one of the most essential prerequisites for any flood
management plan. FIMs provide information on the spatial extent and depth of flood waters in a
given area. Since these provide spatial distribution of floods in an event, they clearly define
which cities, towns, villages, roadways, streets, buildings, airports, etc., are likely to be impacted
by floodwaters. They serve two purposes. In pre-event settings, they form the basis of
preparedness plans through structural and non structural measures. For instance, if a town or
important infrastructure is located within the flood zone, structures like embankments, spurs,
gabions, water diversion channels, draining channels etc can be built to avoid flooding from the
water source. Likewise, the inhabitants at such locations may be made aware of the flood hazards
and may be drilled through well coordinated evacuation/rescue plans. In the event of flooding,
the same maps make basis for organizing warning, rescue, response and relief operations.

Pakistan has been subject to flood hazards on regular basis throughout its history. Flood
management has been a focus since 1970s when floods caused extensive damages along the
major river courses in Punjab and Sindh. However, entire emphasis has been on structural
measures involving construction of embankments, spurs and bunds, and that too, mostly in the
Punjab and Sindh plains. Pakistan ignored development of flood inundation maps, which are
crucial not only for preparedness against flood hazards but are also most important tool for
rescue/response phase during flooding. The result is that in 2010 when floods of unprecedented
volumes hit Pakistan, it was not clear which population centres and infrastructures (especially
roads) were most endangered and which routes be used to conduct rescue and response

Using Peshawar, Charsadda and Nowshera districts in western Peshawar basin as a case
study, a peak flood inundation map has been prepared based on peak flooding conditions as
witnessed in end July-early August 2010. A two-fold methodology has been adopted. Firstly we
have conducted a field survey delineating the extent of flooding on either sides of the rivers
draining into the western Peshawar basin. Height of flood levels have additionally been
measured at several points within the flooded areas. For a regional overview of the peak flood
inundation, we have used an August 4, 2010 satellite image taken by the Advanced Spaceborne
Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA‟s Terra satellite. The
combined dataset thus acquired was superimposed on the 0.6-2.5 m resolution satellite images of
the Peshawar Plain freely available on Google Earth. Further we superimposed 15-30 meter
resolution DEM based on ASTER onto the dataset in ArcGIS, to find the spatial distribution of
topography in the studied region.

The resulting FIM for the western Peshawar basin is the first attempt on flood zoning in the
western Peshawar basin. Major results from this study include:
1. Western Peshawar basin is endangered by both riverine as well as flash floods. The riverine
floods are caused by high discharge in seven rivers. The major rivers of Swat and Kabul as
they enter Peshawar basin are divided into distributaries, which include Jindai and Khiali
(Swat River), Sardaryab, Naguman and Shah Alam (Kabul). Other notable rivers include
Kalapani from north of Mardan and Bara from south of Peshawar. Except for Kalapani and
Jindai rivers, rest of these distributary rivers converge into main Kabul River within an area
of 5 km2 immediately upstream the Kabul River bridge on M1 Motorway. Bara River joins
the Kabul River immediately past the M1 Kabul River Bridge while Jindai and Kalapani join
the Kabul River further downstream near Nowshera. Therefore within a stretch of about 15
km between M1 Kabul Bridge and Nowshera, Kabul River is primarily a confluence area for
7 major river courses, which not only makes this region most vulnerable to flood hazards, but
is supplier of an influx of flood water for Nowshera city and district.
2. During the 2010 peak floods, the outward inundation by these 7 rivers flooded a total area of
>300 km2, 10 times more compared to the area of their normal river course.
3. A stretch of 8 km wide area between Shah Alam River in the southwest and the Jindai River
in the northeast on either side of the M1 Motorway was most heavily flooded. It is highly
likely that the M1 Motorway in this stretch blocked the normal flow in rivers and associated
distriburaries, resulting in widespread inundation in the Charsadda district. The Jindai River
Bridge with a span of ~70 m, far less than the span of the floodway in the Jindai River (i.e.,
120 m), definitely contributed to ponding along the northern embankment of the motorway.
Motorway drains for at least three streams occurring between the Kabul and the Jindai
bridges are too narrow for peak flood conditions. A redesigning of the Jindai bridge and
drains in this 8 km stretch of the M1 Motorway is crucial for controlling future flood hazards
in the Charsadda district.
4. The FIM produced based on peak flood conditions in 2010 should form basis for future
development projects in the western Peshawar Basins to avoid losses through future flood
disasters in this region.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 95-95

Earth system studies and geo-engineering: Challenges and opportunities

for Pakistan
S. Hasan Gauhar
Geological Survey of Pakistan

The past 10,000 years have witnessed the growth of homo-sapien population from about a
million to a staggering 7 billion at present. This exponential increase in number has also been
accompanied by unidirectional and largely irreversible changes on the earth‟s surface in the
realms of farming, mining and excavation, industrialization and urbanization. So far the earth‟s
natural regulatory system has been able to keep everything from the climate to the supply of
water and other resources inside narrow comfortable zones. The demands of these 7 billion souls
for fresh air, clean water, healthy food, restful shelter, cheap energy and other material and
aesthetic pleasures have now stretched the capacity and the capability of the earth system to a
certain breaking point – a stage where the humanity‟s own survival and that of other species
which co-habit this planet has become a big question mark.

On a global scale, the recognition of these human-induced fatalities and the initiation of
remedial actions to partially offset, if not totally reverse these changes has begun belatedly, half-
heartedly and to some extent without adequate studies and enough political will. The victim is
none else but the Earth System with its major constituting components of atmosphere,
lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. The remedy being suggested recently is called
geoengineering. It is a newly emerging field but is controversial from its very outset. It aims to
fix the climate regionally, if not in the beginning globally.

Can a country like Pakistan, small in area, large in population and home to a multitude of
natural and man-made hazards, derive enough developmental space to envision a better,
prosperous, and more equitable future for its people? This paper looks into these possibilities in
the overall context of the interconnectedness of earth system, geoengineering, and development
economics that could result in evolving sustainable growth strategies ensuring water, energy,
mineral, and food security for Pakistan. In the backdrop of this holistic, but hitherto neglected,
approach, it offers some practical and cost-effective suggestions to make policies and
programmes which should be knowledge-based, people-centric and environment-friendly. Proper
understanding of the earth system operating within and on the lithospheric crust of Pakistan is
the surest and safest way to turn calamities into opportunities and potential into assets. However,
to benefit from all that nature has endowed Pakistan in abundance, the pre-requisite is to
overcome the institutional inertias reflective of a non-progressive political mindset and outdated
organizational structures and procedures.

Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 43 (2010) 96-96

Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) potential of sand and gravels from NW-
Himalayan rivers and their performance as concrete aggregate at three
dams in Pakistan
Muhammad Nawaz Chaudhry1 and Tariq J. Bhatti2
Collage of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore
National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd., (NESPAK), Pakistan

Concrete aggregates derived from the river bed materials of many of the streams originating
from the NW-Himalayan region and draining into Pakistan are found reactive in terms of Alkali-
Silica Reaction (ASR). This paper describes the long term ASR related performance of concrete
at three dams i.e., Warsak, Tarbela and Mangla where material from such streams has been used
as concrete aggregates. On Warsak an aggressive and at Tarbela a mild ASR has been detected
while at Mangla dam ASR free concrete is reported. The anomaly of occurrence and non-
occurrence of ASR in concrete manufactured using aggregate derived from the same provenance
has been described.


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