NAG2 Board

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Page 1 / 13 Generator-interface-board NAG2 version E


Information No. 06221035-en_A.doc Page 1 of 13

Version A Priority Annex -
Released 23.01.2010 by
Product EDITOR HFe Affected ID No.

Titel Generator-interface-board NAG2 version E

3.1 Front view NAG2 5
3.2 View component side NAG2 6
3.3 Connector pin assignment NAG2 (Standard version) 7
3.4 Additional connectors with maximum assembly (Option Bucky 3 und 4) 8
3.5 Jumper settings NAG2 (Default 24VDC) 9
3.5.1 Description of the jumpers ....................................................................................... 10
3.5.2 Description of the wired jumper ............................................................................... 11 24V DC interne Interface-voltage (default) 11 24V AC external Interface-voltage 12 230V AC Interface-voltage 12
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1 Introduction
The revised and optimized interface board NAG2 is compatible with the previous version but
also includes new features.
There are two different construction stages available. The standard version has connections
for 2 Buckys-devices and the optional version for 4 Buckys-devices.
Solder bridges are no longer present. The configuration can now be done via wired jumpers.
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2 Comparison of the changes.

version D

version E
or description

X11 X X Connection for digital radiography systems

Pin6 – Signal EXON_Delay
Signal PREP (new signal (default setting via jumper JP6))
EXON_Delay: Signal after exposure, configurable via Setup
software. Not longer used. Only for compatibility.
PREP: Preparation signal. Active during preparation.
X14 X The connectors X14 is removed. Synchronization of digital image
This signal STR_SYNC is still available on the DSUB connector
X11 Pin 7 and 8.
X19 X Connector X19 is removed. Signal was not used.
X9 X X Input of the Bucky-interface voltage.
This connector is now only the input of the interface voltage for the
first two bucky-devices.
The input of the interface voltage for the optional bucky-devices 3
and 4 is connector X12.
X8 X Internal connector for the thermo contact of 2 connected tubes.
The input for the thermo-contacts of tube 1 and tube 2 will now be
This connection goes to the connector for tube stator connection on
the sub-distribution. The connection of the tube-stator via connector
X6 and X9 to the sub-distribution will not be changed.
X10 X Internal connector for the door contact for two separate rooms.
The input for the door-contacts of room 1 and room 2 will now be
This connection goes to the connector for door contact connection
on the sub-distribution. The connection of the room door contacts
to the sub-distribution will not be changed
X5, X6, X (X) The connectors for the third and fourth bucky-device is now
X12, X21 optional.
J1_1 - J1_2 X X Wired jumper for the configuration of the used bucky interface
This jumper is now pluggable. This wired jumper is closed as-
delivered condition for 24V interface voltage on bucky 1 and 2
J2_1 – J2_2 X (X) The wired jumper for the configuration of the third and fourth bucky-
interface-voltage is now optional.
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version D

version E
or description

JP6 X New jumper for configuration of the output signal on connector X11
pin 6
- PREP (JP6 1 – 2 default settings)
- EXON_Delay (JP6 2 – 3 )
(X) optional
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3 Description of the device interface board NAG2

Up to four bucky-devices can be connected to the interface board NAG2. The standard
version of the NAG2 has connectors for 2 bucky-devices interfaced by relays and one
connector for digital radiography systems, interfaced via optocouplers.
The interface voltage for the bucky devices can be connected separately for bucky 1/2 and
optional for bucky 3/4. The voltage range is from 24V to 230V ac or dc. The configuration for
the interface voltage can be easy done by jumpers.
The interface voltage is configured to 24VDC as delivery status. This 24VDC (max 80mA)
interface voltage is supplied by an DC/DC converter on the Interface board.

3.1 Front view NAG2

X11 Connector for digital radiography systems

X8 Internal connector of thermo-contacts tube 1 and tube 2

X10 Internal connector of door-contacts room 1 and room 2

X20 Connector preparation output

X9 Connector input interface voltage for Bucky 1 and 2

X3 Connector bucky device 1

X4 Connector bucky device 2

Optional connectors

X21 Connector preparation output

X12 Connector input interface voltage for Bucky 3 and 4

X5 Connector bucky device 3

X6 Connector bucky device 4
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3.2 View component side NAG2

Internal interface
connection to the ZST2

+24V/IF (max. 80mA)

Interface power supply

J1 wired jumper
24V closed
230V opened
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3.3 Connector pin assignment NAG2 (Standard version)

- X11 Connection of digital radiography systems

Pin Signal name Description
1 +24V/IF Interface voltage +24V DC (max 80mA)
2 Bucky Start Output Bucky Start
3 Active if generator is ready for exposure.
4 Bucky Input enable signal from bucky or DR interface
5 Exposure starts immediately.
6 Output signal
EXON_DELAY Exon_delay: Signal after exposure with time
or delay (not used)
PREP Prep: active during preparation
7 STR_SYNC Output signal synchrony to X-ray
8 Active during X-ray is on.
9 / 12 BUCKY1_SELECT Output signal, active when device 1 activated
10 / 13 BUCKY2_SELECT Output signal, active when device 2 activated
11 / 14 BUCKY3_SELECT Output signal, active when device 3 activated
15 GND/IF Ground of the Interface voltage

- X8 internal connection of the tube thermo-contacts

Pin Signal name Description
1 >70°^C_T1 Input Thermo-contact tube 1 (24Vdc)
4 >70°^C_T2 Input Thermo-contact tube 2 (24Vdc)

- X10 internal connection of the door contacts

Pin Signal name Description
1 DOOR1 Input door-contact of room 1 (24Vdc)
4 DOOR2 Input door-contact of room 1 (24Vdc)
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- X9 Supply input Interface voltage for bucky device 1 and 2

Pin Signal name Description
1 U1 Between 24V AC/DC and 230V AC
2 GND/U1 GND or Neutral
3 Not used

- X3 / X4 Connection bucky device 1 and 2

Pin Signal name Description
1 BS1 / BS2 Output Bucky Start
2 WS1 / WS2 Output Device Selection 1/2
3 B_RET1 /B_RET2 Input Bucky return 1/2
4 B_GND_RET1/2 Ground for input pin 3
5 B_GND_1/2 Ground for output pin 1 and 2

- X20 Connection for preparation output

Pin Signal name Description
1 PREP Output. Preparation
2 Open relays contact. Closed during preparation

3.4 Additional connectors with maximum assembly (Option Bucky 3 und 4)

- X12 Supply input Interface voltage for bucky device 3 and 4

Pin Signal name Description
1 U1 Between 24V AC/DC and 230V AC
2 GND/U1 GND or Neutral
3 Not used

- X5 / X6 Connection bucky device 3 and 4

Pin Signal name Description
1 BS3 / BS4 Output Bucky Start
2 WS3 / WS4 Output Device Selection 3/4
3 B_RET3 /B_RET4 Input Bucky return 3/4
4 B_GND_RET3/4 Ground for input pin 3
5 B_GND_3/4 Ground for output pin 3 and 4

- X21 Connection for preparation output

Pin Signal name Description
1 PREP Output. Preparation
2 Open relays contact. Closed during preparation
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3.5 Jumper settings NAG2 (Default 24VDC)

The picture shows the jumper settings as delivered. The jumper settings can be changed
depending on the customer order.

The green framed (chain lain)parts are not assembled with the standard interface board NAG2.
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3.5.1 Description of the jumpers

JP3 and JP4 must not be closed together at the same time. The output of the optocoupler
OK3 can be damaged in this case.

Jumper Beschreibung Default

JP1 Smoothing of the bucky return signal if a AC interface voltage opened
JP2 is used.
opened DC Interface voltage
closed AC Interface voltage
JP3 Output Bucky Start LOW active (JP3 closed, JP4 opened) closed
JP4 Output Bucky Start HIGH active (JP3 opened, JP4 closed) opened
JP5 Pre-resistor for the 24V/IF output (JP5 bridged the resistor) closed
JP6 Signal selection for connector X11 Pin 6
1-2: PREP preparation signal 1-2
2-3: Exon_Delay time delayed signal after
exposure (not used)
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3.5.2 Description of the wired jumper

Wired Description Default

J1_1-2 Pre-resistor for Interface voltages higher than 24V closed
Closed: 24V Bucky Interface voltage
Opened: 230V Bucky Interface voltage
J2_1-2 Optional assembled optional
Same function as wired jumper J1

The interface board NAG2 provides a interface voltage of 24V DC (max 80mA) on connector
X13. This can be used for bucky devices with 24V interfaces. The configuration must be
changed if the bucky interface needs an other interface voltage

The following three pictures shown the configurations for different interface voltages. 24V DC interne Interface-voltage (default)

The 24V DC (max 80mA) Interface voltage is provided by the connector X13.
X13.1 (below) = 24Vdc
X13.2 (above) = 0V
J1_1 – J1_2 closed
JP1 opened
Page 12 / 13 Generator-interface-board NAG2 version E 24V AC external Interface-voltage

The 24Vac interface voltage is not provided by the generator in the standard completion. An
optional 24Vac power supply can be ordered.
J1_1 – J1_2 closed
JP1 closed 230V AC Interface-voltage

A separate delivered isolated cable can be used to connect the NAG2 connector X9 to the
230Vac multiplug X5 on the sub-distribution in the case that the bucky devices needs
230Vac interface voltage. X5 on the sub-distribution is fused with 6,3A.
J1_1 – J1_2 opened
JP1 closed
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