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Content Standard: the learner demonstrate understanding of: South and West Asian

literature as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in

various text types: reality, fantasy, opinion in listening and viewing materials: word
decoding strategies: and use of information sources, active/passive constructions,
direct/reported speech, perfect tenses and logical connectors in journalistic writing.

Performance Standard: the learner transfers learning by composing a variety of

journalistic text, the contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a
memorize oral speech featuring use of properly acknowledge information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic feature stands and behavior.

Learning Competency: Identify figure of speech that show emphasis (ENG8V-IIf-

Learning Area:Vocabulary

Lesson Plan for Grade 8 English

At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
a.Identify alliteration and assonance in the given sentence;
b. Construct sentences using alliteration and assonance; and
c. Value the importance of alliteration and assonance in the
sentence through tongue twister.

A. Topic: Figure of Speech (Alliteration and Assonance)

B. Reference: Van. (2012, April 7). Alliteration. Slide Serve. Retrieved
December 16, 2022 https://www.slideserve.com/van/alliteration
Lapid,MG.,Serraro,J,G.,2015,p.25,English communication Arts
and Skills through Afro-Asian Literature
C. Materials: Visual Aids, Meta Cards,Manila Paper & Marker
1. Preliminaries
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Classroom Rules
 Checking of Attendance
2. Review
 What is personification and apostrophe?
 Can you give me example of personification and apostrophe?
3. Motivation
 The teacher will call student randomly to pick a paper inside the box that
contains tongue twister.
 Afterwards, the student will read the tongue twister picked from the box in front
of the class.
 These are the following tongue twister:
1. Seventy seven Benevolent Elephants.
2. Four fine fresh fish for you.
3. Sally Smiled all Saturday and Sunday.
4. Tiny Tommys Thomson takes toy to Timmy’s on Tuesday.
5. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
4.Lesson Presentation
 Presentation of the objectives.
 Presentation of the topic “Alliteration and Assonace”

A1: Activity
 The teacher will divide the class into two (2) groups.
 The teacher will read the tongue twister. Afterwards, each representative from
each group will raise the placard if the statement is consonant sounds or
vowel sounds.
 The first group to raise their placard and answer correctly wins the round.
 Every correct answer merits two (2) points.
These are the following tongue twister:
1. Fred’s friends fried Fritos for Friday’s food. (Alliteration)
2. Mike’s bike has bright white strips. (Assonance)
3. Sally’s seven sisters silently sewed. (Alliteration)
4. He claps his hand and stamps his feet. (Assonance)
5. Betty Botter bought some butter, but, she said, the butter’s bitter: if I put it in
my batter it will make my batter bitter, but a bit of better butter will make my
batter better. (Alliteration)
A2: Analysis
 How do you identify vowel and consonant sounds in words?
 When do we use consonant sounds and vowel sounds?
 How did the activity help you understand the importance of using consonants
and vowels?
Alliteration-it is repetation of consonants sound at the beginning of the words.
This are some consonant sounds:
A,C,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,X,Yand Z.
1.How many muffins must you make?
2.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, A peck of pickled peppers Peter
Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of
pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Assonance-it is a repetition of vowels sound in line of text,words,phrases or

This are some vowels sound:

1.The light of fire is a sight?
2.Go slow over the road?

A3: Abstraction
 What effect does the use of alliteration and assonance have on the reader?
 How does alliteration differ from assonance in the tongue twister?
 How important alliteration and assonance in tongue twister?

A4: Application
 The teacher will divide the class into two (2) groups.
 There should be one (1) representative from each group to present your
output in front later.
 Each group will create 3 sentences for alliteration and 3 sentences for
 They will be given five (5) minutes to complete the task and a minute to
present their output.
 The teacher will provide a manila paper to each group to answer the activity.
 They will be graded by the criteria below:


Correctness of Answer 15

Delivery 10

Collaboration 5

Total 30

III. Evaluation
Direction: Read and analyze the statement properly. Write the letter of the correct
answer. Use ¼ sheet of paper.
1. What is the definition of an alliteration?
a. A huge exaggeration
b. Giving an animal human like qualities
c. The repetition of different sounds at the beginning of different words.
d. The repetition of consonants sound at the beginning of the words.

2. Is the statement “She sang like a bird”, an alliteration?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. All of the Above

3. Which part of the following phrases is an alliteration?

a. She is a pig.
b. Charlie cheats on cheat-sheets.
c. He was as tall as skyscraper.
d. Go slow over the road.
4. What is the definition of an assonance?
a. Normally used tongue twister
b. Repetition of consonant sound
c. The repetation of same and different sounds.
d. A repetition of vowels sound in line of text,words,phrases or sentences.
5.How does alliteration differ from assonance?
a. They are the same.
b. Assonance is repetition pf both vowel and consonant sounds.
c. Alliteration is repetition of consonant ,whereas assonance is repetition of
vowel sounds.
d. None of the Above.

Answer Key:
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. C
IV. Assignment
Direction: On a short bond paper, write a 1-paragraph jingle using alliteration and
assonance. Use the criteria as your guide.


Content 15

Grammar 10

Creativity 5

Total 30

V. Remarks
Prepared by:


FS – student

Checked By:

Sir Russel Donn Isnain


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