The extent and management of tree and forest cover on farms and across
landscapes impacts the resilience, productivity and income of smallholders.
This research theme harnesses the transformative power of trees, through
developing and promoting innovations in management, markets and policies to
reduce poverty, and increases the food and nutrition security of smallholders.
Better tree management contributes to these livelihood goals while protecting
the environment, enhancing natural capital and strengthening people’s capacity
to adapt to climate change.
Photo by A. Mamo/ICRAF
How can trees enhance
smallholder livelihoods?
The area of livelihoods is the starting point for this For example, on-farm tree fodder increases livestock
research theme because smallholders make decisions productivity while reducing labor required for collection,
about how to manage farms, considering all their freeing time for people to invest in other paths to
constraints and opportunities, including those unrelated intensification. Such knock-on effects of better tree
to trees and forests. In addition to direct contributions management are important. They include trees restoring and
to diet and income from timber, coffee, cocoa, rubber, maintaining soil health through fostering higher abundance
oil palm, fruits, nuts and other products, much of and activity of beneficial soil organisms, as well as contributing
the contribution that trees make is through system to soil fertility through tightening nutrient and water cycles,
intensification, involving interactions with other livelihood improving nutrient and water use efficiency and thereby
components (Figure 1). closing yield gaps of food crops.
2 | Livelihood systems
Tree/ forest
(including food) on-farm
Overcoming constraints to
people benefitting from trees
Trees are productive, act as capital and provide other lag between investment in establishing trees and returns,
ecosystem services. They make livelihoods more sustainable regulated or underdeveloped markets for tree products, and
when integrated in agricultural production systems. FTA’s policies that restrict what people can do with trees, because
research seeks to alleviate the constraints that people face of forest legislation affecting land and tree tenure and usufruct
in benefiting from tree and forest resources, even on their rights. This is why this research theme addresses the enabling
own land. These include agronomic constraints, the time environment in tandem with technology development.
Livelihood systems | 3
FTA research
on livelihood systems
This theme is organized in five clusters of research activity that address key questions, as follows.
4 | Livelihood systems
Photo by Y. Nofiandi/ICRAF/FTA
Trees on agricultural land supporting land restoration and sustainable
What are the optimum levels of tree density and diversity in in woodlots, rather than more diverse options? What is the
different contexts required to increase total factor productivity relationship between tree cover (density and diversity) and soil
of smallholder livelihood systems while conferring resilience health and where are there tradeoffs and synergies between
at farm and landscape scales? How can the desired tree production goals and the provision of other ecosystem
density and diversity be most effectively promoted, given a services? How can key tipping points for land degradation
widespread history of removing trees from agricultural land, be recognized, and used to avoid further degradation and
conflicts between grazing animals and tree regeneration and prioritize restoration?
promoting of a few, largely exotic tree species on farms and
Silvopastoral systems
This research theme’s overarching hypothesis is that the
establishment and better management of tree cover on
pastures can contribute simultaneously to higher livestock
productivity, animal welfare and biodiversity conservation,
as well as restoring degraded rangelands and avoiding
future degradation. This leads to the following key
research questions. What is the relationship between tree
cover and pasture and animal productivity and welfare
in silvopastoral systems? Where are there tradeoffs and
synergies between production goals and the provision of
other ecosystem services?
Livelihood systems | 5
How will FTA’s research create
This research theme’s theory of change rests on three in, and benefit more from, using tree and forest resources
interrelated assumptions that: the current management of if policies, legislation and institutions affecting their use are
tree cover on farms, in pastures and at forest margins can reformed to enable this, including financing investment to
be improved, contributing to sustainable intensification of establish trees.
livelihoods through higher total factor productivity, leading
to higher food and nutrition security; smallholders and Through embedding some of its research within the scaling-up
particularly women can achieve higher returns from tree and process, this research theme simultaneously accelerates
forest products by better marketing and processing, thereby impact for development partners while enabling research
increasing their income; and people (especially women, young to be conducted at the scale at which FTA aspires to make
people and other marginalized groups) can participate more impact (Figure 2).
6 | Livelihood systems
For series of
scaling domains Assessment of management, Scaling up
comprising the market and policy options in Simple to use tools to
refined options
colocated relation to the contexts in match options to sites
place-based which they work (soils, climate, and circumstances
research livelihood system, resource across each scaling
portfolio availability, institutions) domain
Scaling out
refined Application of
characterization understanding about
variation in context
cost-effective options for
across each
different contexts
Priorities for scaling domain
beyond the current
upstream research scaling domain
to address
contexts for which Best-fit options, Understanding of
no options are combinations and Systems suitability of range of
currently suitable knowledge gaps modelling options in relation to
context – and the Global comparative
Planned comparisons cost effectiveness understanding of how
of different to improve livelihood
embedded in scaling up
by development
Livelihood systems | 7
armers in Northwest Vietnam prepare for planting at one of three
50-hectare agroforestry demonstration landscapes in the region.
Photo by R. Finlayson/ICRAF
Cover: Farmer Belisario Villacrez stands in a private bolaina tree plantation in Peru. Photo by R. Sears
The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) is the world’s largest research for development program
to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate
change. CIFOR leads FTA in partnership with Bioversity International, CATIE, CIRAD, ICRAF, INBAR and TBI.
FTA thanks all funders who supported this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund: cgiar.org/funders/
foreststreesagroforestry.org @FTA_CGIAR
[email protected] foreststreesagroforestry