Theme Forces Apr2022

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APRIL 2022

Contents and Game Rules ©2001–2021 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, WARMACHINE®, Cephalyx, Convergence of Cyriss®, Convergence, Crucible Guard, Cryx®, Cygnar®, Khador®, Protectorate of Menoth®, Protectorate, Retribution
of Scyrah®, Retribution, warcaster®, warjack®, HORDES®, Circle Orboros®, Circle, Grymkin, Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, Legion of Everblight®, Legion, Skorne®, Trollbloods®, Trollblood, warbeast, and all associated logos and slogans are trademarks of Privateer
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As an ancient pact reaches its moment of reckoning, horrifying forces It is unlikely the invading Infernals would be as strong without the aid
from beyond comprehension descend upon the world to collect. With of humans possessed of more selfish greed than survival instincts. As
traitorous mortals as their momentary tools, Infernal Masters bring horrors move out from the shadows, people who have betrayed their
their nightmares to battle for every soul they believe is their due. own kind hold the torches to light the way for evil. Perhaps they hope
Though few would have suspected the terrible legacy that would follow to be spared by showing their allegiance and harvesting victims for
that pact, many will pay for it as the Infernals move among them.   their masters, but hope is a dying luxury now.  


An army made using this theme force can include only the An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Infernal models: following models:

• Infernal Masters • Eilish Garrity, The Occultist • Aurum Legate Lukas di Morray • Croe’s Cutthroats
• Infernal horrors • Hermit of Henge Hold • Captain Kara Sloan • Cultist Band units
• Infernal units • Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor • Feora warcasters • Griever Swarm units
• Croe’s Cutthroats • Saxon Orrik • Kommander Andrei Malakov • Howler units
• Infernal solos • Infernal structures • Lieutenant Crosse, • Alain Runewood, Lord of Ash
Resistance Fighter
• Eilish Garrity solos
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit • Mortenebra warcasters
that will work for the Infernals. These models/units can be included even • Great Princess Regna Gravnoy
if they have the Partisan [Infernal] special rule. Mercenary units in this • Non-character warjacks of the
• Hermit of Henge Hold
army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments. same Faction as written on the
card of the warcaster in this army • Nicia, Hound of the Abyss
REQUISITION OPTIONS • Lesser and light horrors that are • Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor
part of Great Princess Regna • Saxon Orrik
• One Infernal command attachment Gravnoy’s battlegroup
• One Umbral Guardian Solo • Umbral Guardian solos
• Up to two non-Partisan units of the
• Add three Dark Sentinel weapon attachments to a same Faction as written on the card of • Valin Hauke, The Fallen Knight
Cultist Band unit the warcaster in this army • The Wretch solos
• One other small- or medium-based Infernal solo with a point cost of 5 or • Up to three non-Partisan, non- • Infernal structures
less Archon solos of the same Faction
as written on the card of the
SPECIAL RULES warcaster in this army

• Infernal solos in this army gain Reposition [3˝]. • Morrowan models cannot be included in an army made using this theme
(Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation it did not run or fail a charge, force.
a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to 3˝, then its activation
• Horrors in this army do not have to pay a Tithe during your first turn of
• One command attachment
the game.
• One Umbral Guardian solo
• Up to one Cultist Band unit in this army gains Ambush.
(Ambush – You can choose not to deploy a unit with Ambush at the start of • One other small- or medium-based solo with Mark Soul and a point cost
the game. If it is not deployed normally, you can put it into play at the end of 5 or less
of any of your Control Phases after your first turn. When you do, choose
any table edge except the back of your opponent’s deployment zone. Place SPECIAL RULES
all models in the unit with Ambush in formation completely within 3˝ of
the chosen table edge.) • All models in this army are considered to be Infernal models.
• Warjacks in this army gain Accumulator [Soulless].
(Accumulator [Soulless] – When it begins its activation within 3˝ of one or
more friendly Soulless models, a model with Accumulator [Soulless] gains
1 focus point.)
• Wretch models in this army gain the Magic Ability special rule That Which
Does Not Kill You (HAction).
(That Which Does Not Kill You (HAction) – When an attack destroys one
or more enemy models in this model’s command range, you can remove
d3 damage points from a friendly model in this model’s command range.
That Which Does Not Kill You lasts for one turn.)
• Friendly models/units can begin the game affected by the upkeep spells
of warcasters in this army. These spells and their targets must be declared
before either player deploys their models. Warcasters in this army do not
have to pay focus to upkeep their spells during your first turn of the game.


The enemy of my enemy is my ally. This is understood as the salvation
Evil is best only by good, or so believe the followers of Menoth who of humanity among the forces of the Church of Morrow that have
have united in their devotion to face the Infernal invasion. And come together to halt the Infernal procession descending upon the Iron
with the full conviction of their beliefs and the might of two nations, Kingdoms. Driven by the common bond of their religion, forces that
powerful Menites gather together to prove that faith and the will of might otherwise turn on one another find they are stronger together,
the Creator can deny even evils that were foolishly invited to sow the and by setting aside their differences, they can save one another
souls of the innocent. They are certain none can prevail if they can’t.   alongside everyone else in the path of evil.


An army made using this theme force can include only the An army made using this theme force can include only the
following models: following models:

• Khador cavalry warcasters • Hermit of Henge Hold • Morrowan warcasters • Alexia models/units

• Protectorate cavalry warcasters • Manhunter solos • Thamarite warcasters • Morrowan models/units

• Non-character Khador warjacks • Menite Archon solos • Non-character Mercenary • Thamarite models/units
• Non-character Protectorate • Vassal solos • Field Mechanik units
warjacks • Up to two non-character Cygnar
• Yuri solos • Hermit of Henge Hold
or Khador warjacks
• Khador cavalry models/units
• War Dog solos • Gallant
• Protectorate cavalry models/units
• Wrack solos
• Paladin units/solos REQUISITION OPTIONS
• Choir of Menoth units
• One command attachment
• Kossite Woodsmen units
• Two Thamarite Advocate solos
• One other small- or medium-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less

• Two Vassal solos SPECIAL RULES

• Three Wrack solos • All models in an army made using this theme force are considered to be
• One other small-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less of the same Faction as the warcaster in this army.
• Units in this army gain Vengeance.
SPECIAL RULES (Vengeance – During your Maintenance Phase, if one or more models in
a unit with Vengeance were damaged by enemy attacks during the last
• All models in this army are considered to be Khadoran and Protectorate
round, each model in the unit can advance 3˝ and make one basic melee
• Cavalry models in this army gain Line Breaker.
(Line Breaker – A model with Line Breaker gains an additional die on
impact attack rolls.)
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule.



Strange days make for strange alliances. As infernals sweep the land, The Trollbloods have suffered for decades at the hands of outsiders,
destroying everyone in their path for their horrifying masters, enemies and the infernal invasion was yet another human atrocity that
become allies—the Cryxian leader Asphyxious forms a tenuous bond punished the kriels. The infernals had not come to Caen for their
with a newly empowered Aurora and her father, the mechanically souls, but the cosmic horrors still slaughtered the children of Dhunia
altered Sebastian Nemo, to stand their collective ground against a whenever their forces crossed paths.
soul-consuming enemy.
During this turmoil, the trollkin rose to the occasion and organized a
proper military operation to force the infernals out of trollkin lands
and far away from the worshippers of Dhunia. Wartime peace treaties
An army made using this theme force can include only the have been negotiated with other non-trollkin Dhunia worshippers,
following models: such as the savage farrow, producing the greatest army the enemies of
• Aurora warcasters the kriels have ever faced.
• Mortenebra warcasters
• Non-character Mercenary warjacks
• Non-character Convergence warjacks An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Trollblood models:
• Mortenebra warcasters can also include Non-character Cryx warjacks in
their battlegroups. • Trollblood warlocks • Dhunian models/units
• Convergence Angel models/units • Carver warlocks • Stone Scribe models/units
• Convergence Optifex Directive units • Helga warlocks • Pyg models/units
• Cryx Thrall models/units • Lord Azazello, The Castellan • Trollblood Weapon Crews
• Cygnar Stormsmith solos and units • Non-character Trollblood • Farrow units/solos with ranged
• Mercenary models/units that will work for the Convergence warbeasts weapons

• Convergence solos • Non-character Minion Farrow • Minion Ogrun solos

• Convergence battle engines • Minion Gobber models/units
• Trollblood Scattergunner models/
• Minion Trollkin solos
• War Wagon battle engines
• Trollblood Barrage models/units
• One warjack with a point cost of 5 or less • Meat Thresher battle engines
• Trollblood Slugger models/units
• One other small- or medium-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less
• Trollblood Champion models/

• All models in this army are considered to be Convergence and Mercenary REQUISITION OPTIONS
• One command attachment
• Non-Servitor solos in this army gain Swift Vengeance.
(If one or more friendly warrior models were destroyed or removed from • One Dhunian Knot unit
play by enemy attacks while within 5˝ of a model with Swift Vengeance • One non-character Pyg Tank solo
during your opponent’s last turn, during your Maintenance Phase the
model with Swift Vengeance can advance 3˝ and make one basic melee • One other small- or medium-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less
• When a model in this army is affected by the Repair special rule, remove 1
additional damage point. • All models in this army are considered to be Trollblood and Minion
• Models with the Farrow Warlock special rule can include Trollblood
warbeasts in their battlegroup.
• For each model with ’Jack Marshal in this army, you can include one
Mercenary warjack.
• Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place up to
two trench template terrain features anywhere completely within 20˝ of
the rear table edge of your deployment zone. These trench terrain features
cannot be placed in contact with a non-trench terrain feature.
• Warlock models in this army gain Attuned Spirit [Trollblood] (Once per
activation, a model with Attuned Spirit [Trollblood] can cast the animus
of a Trollblood warbeast in its battlegroup without spending fury).



Trenchers are men and women of unparalleled grit found at the Although Cygnar generally prefers a combined-arms approach to
forefront of nearly every Cygnaran engagement. First on the field and conflict, when its advanced warjacks are massed on the field under the
last to leave, it is the trenchers’ duty to form the vanguard of Cygnar’s control of a skilled warcaster, they are a match for any enemy. Such
military might and seize the battlefield against all opposition. large, self-sufficient battlegroups are typically deployed to besiege
fixed positions or to meet concentrations of enemy armor and heavy
ARMY COMPOSITION infantry on the battlefield. Where Cygnar faces deeply entrenched or

An army made using this theme force can include only the armored foes, the tread of its mighty machines shakes the earth, and

following Cygnar models: its storm technology blackens the sky.

• Cygnar warcasters • Ranger models/units ARMY COMPOSITION

• Non-character warjacks • Trencher models/units An army made using this theme force can include only the
• Triumph following Cygnar models:

• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit • Cygnar warcasters • Precursor Knight units
that will work for Cygnar. These models/units can be included even if they
• Non-character warjacks • Solos with the Battlegroup
have the Partisan [Cygnar] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can
Controller special rule
include attachments, including Captain Jonas Murdoch. • Ol’ Rowdy
• Solos with Partisan [Cygnar]
• Thorn
REQUISITION OPTIONS • Archduke Alain Runewood
• Thunderhead
• One Trencher weapon crew unit • Squire solos
• Mechanik models/units
• One Cygnar command attachment • Cygnar battle engines
• Sword Knight models/units
• One other small- or medium-based Cygnar solo with a point cost of 5 or
• Long Gunner Infantry units
• This army can also include one Mercenary unit, one Mercenary solo, and
SPECIAL RULES one Mercenary battle engine that will work for Cygnar. These models/
units can be included even if they have the Partisan [Cygnar] special
• Trencher warrior models in this army gain Rise.
rule. Mercenary units in this army can include non-Ranking Officer
(Rise – If a model with Rise is knocked down at the beginning of your
Maintenance Phase, it stands up.)
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can REQUISITION OPTIONS
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule.
• One Cygnar command attachment
• One other small- or medium-based Cygnar solo with a point cost of 5 or


• Cygnar solos and Mechanik units in this army gain Reposition [3˝].
(Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation it did not run or fail a
charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to 3˝, then its
activation ends.)
• When a model in this army is affected by the Repair special rule, remove 1
additional damage point.



Mobile and versatile, the Arcane Tempest are called upon to deal with Cygnar’s Storm Division is an autonomous military force that delivers
situations beyond the capacity of standard military forces, particularly the flash of lightning and the roll of thunder to the battlefields of
arcane threats that are warded against conventional firepower. Immoren. The division couples the latest voltaic weaponry and
Coordinated by experienced gun mages to fight in conjunction with hardware produced by the Cygnaran Armory with the service of skilled
traditional battlegroups, these strike teams can operate in any theater soldiers. More Storm Knights serve in the Storm Division than in any
of war. As their ranked guns tear apart the enemy with fusillades of other force in Cygnar, and with the aid of accomplished stormsmiths,
deadly firepower, lone marksmen pick off high-priority targets with these elite warriors make up a highly mobile army capable of bringing
speed and accuracy. the fury of the storm to Cygnar’s enemies.


An army made using this theme force can include only the An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Cygnar models: following Cygnar models:

• Cygnar warcasters • Mechanik models/units • Artificer Prime Nemo • Storm Knight models/units
• Non-character warjacks • Ranger models/units • Cygnar warcasters • Stormsmith models/units
• Ace • Journeyman Warcaster solos • Non-character warjacks • Journeyman Warcaster solos
• Arcane Tempest models/units • Squire solos • Brickhouse • Lieutenant Allison Jakes
• Dynamo • Savio Montero Acosta
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for Cygnar. These models/units can be included even if they • Thunderhead • Squire solos
have the Partisan [Cygnar] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can • Mechanik models/units
include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
REQUISITION OPTIONS that will work for Cygnar. These models/units can be included even if they
have the Partisan [Cygnar] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can
• One Cygnar command attachment
include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• One other small- or medium-based Cygnar solo with a point cost of 5 or

SPECIAL RULES • One Stormsmith weapon crew unit

• One Cygnar command attachment
• Gun Mage models/units in this army gain Pistoleer.
(Pistoleer – Range attack damage rolls made by a model with Pistoleer • Three Stormsmith Stormcaller solos
against a model in melee with this model are boosted.) • One other small- or medium-based Cygnar solo with a point cost of 5 or
• Warcasters in this army can upkeep spells on friendly Gun Mage model/ less
units without spending focus.

• Cygnar models/units in this army gain Immunity: Electricity .

• Storm Knight models in this army gain Unyielding.
(Unyielding – A model with Unyielding gains +2 ARM against melee
damage rolls.)



The word of the Creator of Man is law, and by the will of the faithful The ruling priesthood and scrutators of the Protectorate of Menoth
his designs are made material. The clergy of the Protectorate march have no more loyal and steadfast protectors and warriors than the
to war arrayed as an army worthy of Menoth, channeling the power Exemplars. Large interdictions of the theocracy’s formidable heavy
of Menite relics that predate the priest-kings while chanting prayers infantry and cavalry knights are often assembled to serve the Great
drawn from holy writ and ancient inscriptions. Their mighty sanctified Crusade, sent against the unbelievers to prove the futility of standing
machines rumble across the battlefield to clash with those who against blessed steel wielded with conviction. Such an interdiction
would deny the glory of Menoth. Great wheels bearing the weight of never wavers in fulfilling its orders, as obedience to the clergy is
consecrated edifices grind ever onward, accompanied by the hymns of their unbreakable creed. The great machines marching with them
warpriests. In righteous splendor, Menoth’s most devout servants go are similarly implacable, empowered by blessings both inscribed on
forth to battle blessed by his might. their hulls and filling the air as choir voices rise to drown out the
lamentations of heretics crushed underfoot.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Protectorate models: An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Protectorate models:
• Protectorate warcasters • Covenant of Menoth
• Non-character warjacks • Exemplar Warders solos • Protectorate warcasters • Scrutator models/units

• Avatar of Menoth • Hierophant solos • Non-character warjacks • Vassal models/units

• Blessing of Vengeance • Menite Archon solos • Fire of Salvation • Choir of Menoth units

• Scourge of Heresy • Solos with the Battlegroup • Exemplar models/units • Hierophant solos
Controller special rule • Reclaimer models/solos • Wrack solos
• Vassal models/units
• Wrack solos
• Choir of Menoth units
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
• Protectorate battle engines
• Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honor that will work for the Protectorate. These models/units can be included
Guard • Protectorate structures even if they have the Partisan [Protectorate] special rule. Mercenary units
in this army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for the Protectorate. These models/units can be included REQUISITION OPTIONS
even if they have the Partisan [Protectorate] special rule. Mercenary units
in this army can include attachments, including Attendant Priests. • One Protectorate command attachment
• Two Vassal solos
• Three Wrack solos
• Two Vassal solos • One other small- or medium-based Protectorate solo with a point cost of
• Three Wrack solos 5 or less

• One other small- or medium-based Protectorate solo with a point cost of

5 or less
• The melee weapons of Protectorate warjacks in this army gain Blessed .
• Exemplar models in this army gain Aegis.
• Protectorate solos and Choir of Menoth units in this army gain (Aegis – Models with Aegis are immune to continuous effects.)
Reposition [3˝].
(Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation it did not run or fail a
charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to 3˝, then its
activation ends.)
• Friendly models/units can begin the game affected by the upkeep spells
of models in this army. These spells and their targets must be declared
before either player deploys their models. Warcasters in this army do not
have to pay focus to upkeep their spells during your first turn of the game.


The strength of the Protectorate of Menoth is not restricted to its
foundries and garrisons but is found in the hearts and souls of the The soldiers of the Flameguard Temple once found their purpose
numberless devotees to its faith. Every person who fears and serves the in defending the sacred sites of the Protectorate, but the turmoil of
Creator of Man is another potential soldier to defend the theocracy. recent years has seen these former guardians forged into one of the
Pious citizen soldiers minimally trained as militia often go to battle most formidable fighting forces of the nation. Hearing and heeding
accompanied by more elite lesser martial orders, such as the Paladins Menoth’s call to service, thousands have swelled the ranks to take
of the Order of the Wall and the Allegiants of the Order of the Fist, who up arms and carry out the will of the Lawgiver. With the blessings of
consider their service a life’s calling. These forces are often joined by Menoth upon them, these faithful eagerly go to war against the non-
members of the ominous Reclaimant Order, who protect the bodies believers, unified in their unwavering support of the Great Crusade.
and spirits of the faithful masses as they fight in Menoth’s name.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
An army made using this theme force can include only the following Protectorate models:
following Protectorate models:
• Protectorate warcasters • Choir of Menoth units
• Protectorate warcasters • Choir of Menoth units • Non-character warjacks • Reclaimer solos
• Non-character warjacks • Allegiant of the Order of the Fist • Blood of Martyrs • Vassal solos
• Avatar of Menoth • Eye of Truth • Wrack solos
• Covenant of Menoth
• Deliverer models/units • Hand of Judgment • Protectorate structures
• Hierophant solos
• Idrian models/units • Flameguard models/units
• Initiate Tristan Durant
• Paladin models/units
• Menite Archon solos • This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
• Reclaimer models/solos
that will work for the Protectorate. These models/units can be included
• Wrack solos
• Vassal models/units even if they have the Partisan [Protectorate] special rule. Mercenary units
• Protectorate structures in this army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• Zealot models/units

• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit REQUISITION OPTIONS
that will work for the Protectorate. These models/units can be included
• One Protectorate command attachment
even if they have the Partisan [Protectorate] special rule. Mercenary units
in this army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments. • Two Reclaimer Gatekeeper solos
• Two Vassal solos
• Three Wrack solos
• One Deliverer Weapon Crew unit • One other small- or medium-based Protectorate solo with a point cost of
• One Protectorate command attachment 5 or less
• Two Reclaimer Gatekeeper solos
• Two Vassal solos
• While B2B with another model in their unit, Temple Flameguard trooper
• Three Wrack solos
models gains Tough and cannot become knocked down.
• One other small- or medium-based Protectorate solo with a point cost of
• Up to one small-based Daughters of Flame unit in this army gains Ambush.
5 or less
(Ambush – You can choose not to deploy a unit with Ambush at the start of
the game. If it is not deployed normally, you can put it into play at the end
SPECIAL RULES of any of your Control Phases after your first turn. When you do, choose
any table edge except the back of your opponent’s deployment zone. Place
• Protectorate heavy warjacks and colossals in this army gain Hand of
all models in the unit with Ambush in formation completely within 3˝ of the
chosen table edge.)
(Vengeance – When one or more friendly Faction warrior models are
destroyed or removed from play by enemy attacks while within 5˝ of a
model with Hand of Vengeance, the model with Hand of Vengeance gains
+2 on melee attack and melee damage rolls for one round.)



With a hiss of steam and the tread of iron, the heavily armored infantry The deployment of warjack-heavy forces to eliminate hard targets is
of Khador march to war with heavy warjacks at their side. Though a standard response to military threats. A common Khadoran tactic
Khador lacks the light warjacks of other nations, they make up for it involves augmenting such forces with a contingent of scouts, who venture
with a dedicated corps of soldiers who go to war in steam-powered ahead to ensure the slow and steady column of Khadoran steel reaches
armor. Few opponents possess the weaponry able to chew through its target intact. Once engaged, the warjacks rely on overwhelming
so thick a wall of armor, allowing the Man-O-War to crush enemy strength and raw firepower to batter the enemy into submission.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
An army made using this theme force can include only the following Khador models:
following Khador models:
• Khador warcasters • Widowmaker models/unit
• Khador warcasters • Battle Mechanik units • Non-character warjacks • Greylord Adjunct solos
• Non-character warjacks • Greylord Adjunct solos • Behemoth • Greylord Forge Seer solos
• Man-O-War models/units • War Dog solos • Black Ivan • Manhunter solos
• Behemoth • Battle Mechanik models/units • War Dog solos
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit • Kossite models/units • Yuri solos
that will work for Khador. These models/units can be included even if they
have the Partisan [Khador] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can • Kayazy models/unit • Solos with the Battlegroup
include non-Ranking Officer attachments. Controller special rule

• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for Khador. These models/units can be included even if they
• One Khador command attachment have the Partisan [Khador] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can
include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• One Tanker solo
• One other small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or REQUISITION OPTIONS
• One Kayazy Eliminator unit
SPECIAL RULES • One Khador command attachment
• When a model in this army is affected by the Repair special rule, remove 1 • One other small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or
additional damage point. less
• Man-O-War units and Tanker solos in this army gain Advance Move.
(Advance Move – Before the start of the game but after both players have SPECIAL RULES
deployed, a model with Advance Move can make a full advance.) • Khador warjacks in this army gain Pathfinder .
• Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place one
5˝ AOE forest terrain feature anywhere completely within 18˝ of the rear
table edge of your deployment zone.



The brotherhood of the Iron Fangs maintains traditions arising from The ranks of the Winter Guard are the patriotic backbone of the
ancient warriors who battled the beasts of the north armed only with Khadoran Army. Hardened by a rigorous training regimen and driven
spears and the indomitable courage all true Khadorans possess. Iron by their love for the Motherland, these soldiers march against the
Fang assault forces are tasked with breaking enemy lines regardless of enemies of the Empire. They make every effort to see the will of the
whether those lines are composed of towering warjacks or masses of empress done, whether pushing deep into hostile territory under the
infantry. Surrounding a hard center of warjacks, an Iron Fang legion cover of withering artillery fire or giving their lives to defend Khador
marches in lockstep behind a wall of shields, supported by swift and from those who would threaten its sovereignty.
brutal cavalry to protect their flanks.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
An army made using this theme force can include only the following Khador models:
following Khador models:
• Khador warcasters • Widowmaker models/units
• Khador warcasters • Battle Mechanik units • Non-character warjacks • Battle Mechanik units
• Non-character warjacks • Greylord Adjunct solos • Beast 09 • Greylord Adjunct solos
• Iron Fang models/units • War Dog solos • Torch • Kovnik Andrei Malakov
• Assault Kommando models/units • War Dog solos
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for Khador. These models/units can be included even if they • Winter Guard models/units
have the Partisan [Khador] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can
include non-Ranking Officer attachments. • This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for Khador. These models/units can be included even if they
REQUISITION OPTIONS have the Partisan [Khador] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can
include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• One Khador command attachment
• One other small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or REQUISITION OPTIONS
• One Winter Guard weapon crew unit

SPECIAL RULES • One Khador command attachment

• The Great Bears and Iron Fang solos in this army gain Countercharge. • Two Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan solos
(Countercharge – When an enemy model advances and ends its movement • One other small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or
within 6˝ of a model with Countercharge and in its LOS, the model with less
Countercharge can immediately charge it. A model can use Countercharge
only once per round and not while engaged.) SPECIAL RULES
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can
• Warcasters in this army gain Sacrificial Pawn [Winter Guard trooper
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule.
(Sacrificial Pawn [Winter Guard trooper model] – When this model
is directly hit by an enemy ranged attack, you can have one friendly,
non-incorporeal model within 3˝ of it directly hit instead. That model is
automatically hit and suffers all damage and effects. The Sacrificial Pawn
special rule can only trigger once per attack roll.)



The Greylords Covenant does not shrink from using any weapon at its The true might of the Nightmare Empire lies in its endless tide of
disposal, no matter how horrifying. This fact is seldom made clearer undead thralls and the power of its helljacks. Cryxian forces overwhelm
than when a task force of Greylord arcanists goes to battle with a their opponents and bury the living in a swarm of reanimated soldiers.
retinue of blood-mad Doom Reavers bearing profane fellblades, cursed It is in the midst of these shambling masses that Cryx delivers its
objects based on the weapons of the Orgoth slavers. Greylords will formidable helljacks, shielded by a wall of flesh and repurposed steel.
not hesitate to unleash their insane soldiers upon any foe, with little Such tactics are most effective at eliminating durable targets concealed
regard for the collateral damage they may cause. deep within the enemy’s ranks while burying lesser armies under the
weight of numbers.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Khador and Mercenary models: An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Cryx models:
• Khador warcasters • Greylord models/units
• Non-character warjacks • Battle Mechanik units • Cryx warcasters • Black Ogrun Iron Monger units

• Drago • Void Archon solos • Cryx warjacks • Darragh Wrathe

• Ruin • War Dog solos • Cephalyx models/units • Necrotech solos

• Doom Reaver models/units • Iron Lich models/units • Solos with the Battlegroup
Controller special rule
• Thrall models/units
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit • Wraith solos
that will work for Khador. These models/units can be included even if they • Warwitch models/units
have the Partisan [Khador] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can • Wraith Engine battle engines
include attachments, including Koldun Kapitan Valachev.
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for Cryx. These models/units can be included even if they
have the Partisan [Cryx] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can
• One Greylord Ternion unit include non-Ranking Officer attachments.

• One Khador command attachment

• One other small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or
less • One Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls unit
• One Cryx command attachment
• Three Brute Thrall weapon attachments
• Before you take your first turn, choose up to two friendly non-warcaster • Three Necrotech solos
Doom Reaver or Greylord units to gain an apparition token. A unit with an
apparition token has Apparition. At any time during your activation phase, • One other small- or medium-based Cryx solo with a point cost of 5 or less
you may remove an apparition token from a friendly unit. Once per turn,
any time during your activation phase, if you have less than two apparition SPECIAL RULES
tokens among friendly units, you can put an apparition token on a friendly
non-warcaster Doom Reaver or Greylord unit. • Heavy warjacks in this army gain Carapace.
(Apparition - During your Control Phase, place models with Apparition (Carapace – A model with Carapace gains +4 ARM against ranged attack
anywhere completely within 2" of their current location.) damage rolls.)
• One Mechanithrall unit in this army gains Ambush.
(Ambush – You can choose not to deploy a unit with Ambush at the start of
the game. If it is not deployed normally, you can put it into play at the end
of any of your Control Phases after your first turn. When you do, choose
any table edge except the back of your opponent’s deployment zone. Place
the unit with Ambush completely within 3˝ of the chosen table edge.)



Torn from the horrors of the void and given new forms in the bodies The cursed pirates of the Ghost Fleet are locked in undeath. Nothing can
of the dead, banes are dark and sinister warriors in the service of Cryx. destroy the revenants bound to Captain Rengrave so long as the blighted
Far from mindless, they possess a military cunning mixed with an fires of the black ship Atramentous still burn, and the ghostly crews of
utter malevolence to life. Supported by potent necromancers, armies countless wraith ships cannot be touched by the mundane weapons of
of banes beset the enemy like a tide of darkness and death. men. The undead armada terrorizes coastal towns and port cities and
preys upon the vessels of every nation that dares sail the waters of the
ARMY COMPOSITION Meredius. The Ghost Fleet is responsible not only for harassing targets

An army made using this theme force can include only the but also for distracting the mainlanders so that the Nightmare Empire

following Cryx and Mercenary models: might conduct its more sensitive operations in relative secrecy.

• Cryx warcasters • Necrotech solos ARMY COMPOSITION

• Deathjack • Scrap Thrall solos An army made using this theme force can include only the
• Non-character warjacks • Skarlock Thrall solos following Cryx models:
• Bane models/units • Soul Trapper solos
• Cryx warcasters • Wraith models/units
• Darragh Wrathe • Void Archon solos
• Non-character warjacks • Black Ogrun Iron Monger units
• Machine Wraith solos • Wraith Engine battle engines
• Barathrum • Misery Cage solos
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit • Revenant models/units
that will work for Cryx. These models/units can be included even if they
have the Partisan [Cryx] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can • This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
include non-Ranking Officer attachments. that will work for Cryx. These models/units can be included even if they
have the Partisan [Cryx] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can
REQUISITION OPTIONS include non-Ranking Officer attachments.

• One Cryx command attachment

• Three Machine Wraith solos
• One Revenant weapon crew unit
• Three Necrotech solos
• Three Revenant Crew Rifleman weapon attachments
• One other small- or medium-based Cryx solo with a point cost of 5 or less
• Three Machine Wraith solos

SPECIAL RULES • Three Misery Cage solos

• Bane models/unit gain Prowl. • One other small- or medium-based Cryx solo with a point cost of 5 or less
(Prowl – A model with Prowl gains Stealth while it has concealment.)
• Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place two 4˝
AOE dense fog terrain features anywhere completely within 20˝ of the rear • When making a Deathbound roll to return the Revenant Crew of the
table edge of your deployment zone. Atramentous to play, add +1 to the roll.
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule.


When Ios itself is threatened, the Homeguard Coalition leverages the
Borne on a black tide to bring death and suffering to the mainland, assets of all the hallytyr to form an army made up of the diverse forces
the pirates of Cryx instill terror in the hearts of those who live on of houseguard warriors and the combined might of countless Iosan
the Broken Coast. Comprised of swift Satyxis, merciless Black Ogrun, houses. Bringing together combatants of many varied talents and
roaring hordes of blighted trollkin, and crews of Scharde sailors, unique specializations, these mixed forces have joined the Retribution
raiding parties join Cryx’s warcasters and their battlegroups in and can rival the martial power of even the national armies of the Iron
executing their bloody assaults. Kingdoms. They fight not only for the creed of the Retribution but for
the sanctity of Ios and the lives of its people.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Cryx models: An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Retribution models:
• Cryx warcasters • Living Cryx models/units
• Non-character warjacks • Devil’s Shadow Mutineers • Retribution warcasters • Arcanist solos

• Barathrum • Misery Cage solos • Non-character warjacks • Fane Knight solos

• Kharybdis • Death Archon solos • Hypnos • Ghost solos

• Houseguard models/units • Lys Healer solos
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
• Nyss models/units • Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber
that will work for Cryx. These models/units can be included even if they
have the Partisan [Cryx] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can • House Ellowuyr models/units • Sylys Wyshnalyrr
include non-Ranking Officer attachments. • House Vyre Electromancer units • Retribution battle engines

REQUISITION OPTIONS • This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for Retribution. These models/units can be included even if
• One Scharde Dirge Seer unit
they have the Partisan [Retribution] special rule. Mercenary units in this
• One Cryx command attachment army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• Three Misery Cage solos
• One other small- or medium-based Cryx solo with a point cost of 5 or less
• One Retribution weapon crew unit
SPECIAL RULES • One Retribution command attachment
• Cryx warjacks in this army gain Gang Fighter. • Two Ghost Sniper solos
(Gang Fighter – When making a melee attack targeting an enemy model
• Two Houseguard Thane solos
in the melee range of another friendly Faction warrior model, a model
with Gang Fighter gains +2 to melee attack and melee damage rolls.) • Two Lys Healer solos
• Up to one Satyxis Blood Witch unit in this army gains Ambush. • One other small- or medium-based Retribution solo with a point cost of 5
(Ambush – You can choose not to deploy a unit with Ambush at the start of or less
the game. If it is not deployed normally, you can put it into play at the end
of any of your Control Phases after your first turn. When you do, choose SPECIAL RULES
any table edge except the back of your opponent’s deployment zone. Place
all models in the unit with Ambush in formation completely within 3˝ of • Retribution solos, House Vyre Electromancer units, and Stormfall Archer
the chosen table edge.) units in this army gain Reposition [3˝].
(Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation it did not run or fail a
charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to 3˝, then its
activation ends.)
• Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place one
wall template anywhere completely within 20˝ of the rear table edge of
your deployment zone. The template cannot be placed within 3˝ of an
obstacle or obstruction. The template is an obstacle that grants cover.



With a vast array of myrmidons and skilled arcanists at its disposal, The proud Dawnguard soldiers of House Nyarr represent one of the
House Shyeel is considered by some to be virtually a sixth Great greatest assets in the Retribution of Scyrah’s arsenal. These oath-
Military House. When the time comes for House Shyeel to stoke the sworn warriors boast martial traditions stretching back millennia
forges of war, it brings the full weight of its military forces to bear as and make up the elite soldiery of the Retribution. Bearing the most
an unstoppable tide of towering myrmidons supported by the immense advanced weapons and armor of their Great Military House, they
arcane power of its formidable battle mages. are implacable warriors devoted to House Nyarr and through it the
Retribution’s cause.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Retribution models: An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Retribution models:
• Retribution warcasters • Fane Knight Guardian solos
• Non-character warjacks • Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker • Retribution warcasters • Fane Knight Guardian solos

• Discordia • Solos with the Battlegroup • Non-character warjacks • Ghost Sniper solos
Controller special rule • Hemera • House Shyeel Artificer solos
• Shyeel solos, units, and
battle engines • Dawnguard Trident battle engines • Imperatus • Lys Healer solos
• Arcanist Mechanik solos • Dawnguard models/units • Soulless Voidtracer solos

• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit • Arcanist Mechanik solos
that will work for the Retribution. These models/units can be included
even if they have the Partisan [Retribution] special rule. Mercenary units • This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
in this army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments. that will work for the Retribution. These models/units can be included
even if they have the Partisan [Retribution] special rule. Mercenary units
in this army can include attachments.

• One House Shyeel Arcanist unit REQUISITION OPTIONS

• One other small- or medium-based Retribution solo with a point cost of 5 • One Retribution command attachment
or less
• Two Ghost Sniper solos
SPECIAL RULES • Two Lys Healer solos

• Retribution warjacks in this army gain Shield Guard. • One other small- or medium-based Retribution solo with a point cost of 5
(Shield Guard – When a friendly model is directly hit by a non-spray or less
ranged attack during your opponent’s turn while within 3˝ of a model with
Shield Guard, you can choose to have the model with Shield Guard directly SPECIAL RULES
hit instead. It is automatically hit and suffers all damage and effects. A
model can use Shield Guard only once per round and cannot use Shield • Warjacks in this army can ignore friendly Dawnguard models when
Guard if it is incorporeal, knocked down, or stationary. The Shield Guard determining LOS. Warjacks in this army can advance through friendly
special rule can only trigger once per attack roll.) Dawnguard models if they have enough movement to move completely
past them.
• While ’Jack Marshaled, warjacks in this army gain Flank [Dawnguard].
(Flank [Dawnguard] – When a model with Flank [Dawnguard] makes
a melee attack against an enemy model in the melee range of a friendly
Dawnguard model, the model with Flank gains +2 to attack rolls and
gains an additional damage die.)


The Crucible Guard has unleashed its standing army in a show of force
The Retribution of Scyrah is most adept at striking from the shadows. that unveils its impressive military innovations and tactical flexibility.
Its mage hunters traditionally undertake clandestine missions Its highly trained and specialized soldiers fight in concert with skilled
executed by solo operatives and small teams of elite and dedicated combat alchemists and support units to push up the field in a haze of
warriors. On rare occasions, however, a show of force is required, and alchemical smoke, backed up by the might of the Golden Crucible’s
to that end the Retribution assembles stealthy armies comprised of advanced war machines.
seasoned mage hunters and powerful myrmidons. Experienced in swift
and brutal combat, they skillfully orchestrate surprise attacks and take
the enemy unaware. An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Crucible Guard models:
• Crucible Guard warcasters • Gorman solos
An army made using this theme force can include only the
• Non-character warjacks • Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter
following Retribution and Mercenary models:
• Crucible Guard units • Crucible Guard battle engines
• Retribution warcasters • Eiryss, Fortune Hunter of Ios
• Crucible Guard solos
• Non-character warjacks • Fane Knight Guardian solos
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
• Moros • Lys Healer solos
that will work for the Crucible Guard. These models/units can be included
• Mage Hunter models/units • Void Archon solos even if they have the Partisan [Crucible Guard] special rule. Mercenary
• Arcanist Mechanik solos units in this army can include attachments, including Doctor Alejandro
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for the Retribution. These models/units can be included REQUISITION OPTIONS
even if they have the Partisan [Retribution] special rule. Mercenary units
• One Crucible Guard weapon crew unit
in this army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• One Crucible Guard command attachment
REQUISITION OPTIONS • Three Crucible Guard Mechanik solos
• One Retribution command attachment • Two small-based Trancer solos
• Two Lys Healer solos • One other small- or medium-based Crucible Guard solo with a point cost
of 5 or less
• Three Soulless Voidtracer solos
• One other small- or medium-based Retribution solo with a point cost of 5 SPECIAL RULES
or less
• Crucible Guard solos and Crucible Guard weapon crew units in this army
SPECIAL RULES gain Reposition [3˝].
(Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation it did not run or fail a
• Models disabled by a melee attack made by a Retribution warrior model charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to 3˝, then its
in this army cannot make a Tough roll. When a model is boxed by a melee activation ends.)
attack made by a warrior model in this army, you can choose to have the
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can
boxed model be removed from play.
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule.
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule.



The Order of the Golden Crucible is jealous of its secrets. Its members There are few things more disconcerting than facing a legion of
have experienced firsthand what can happen when their alchemical Convergence soldiers who have achieved transcendence—metal-
and mechanikal innovations fall into the wrong hands. The most bodied warriors who go to battle in silence and act in unison with
technologically advanced divisions of the Crucible Guard are insular mathematical perfection. While such a pitiless metallic army is
and allow no outsiders, lest their secrets be stolen. Wielding the newest terrifying to face in its own right, any living devotees to the Maiden
and most devastating weapons in the Guard’s arsenal, they bring of Gears can be even more frightening. Their desire to prove their
destruction to enemies of the Order. worthiness to ascend into a clockwork shell drives them to acts of
fanatical devotion and unhinged violence.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Crucible Guard models: An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Convergence and Mercenary models:
• Crucible Guard warcasters • Crucible Guard Mechanik solos
• Non-character warjacks • Gorman solos • Convergence warcasters • Priest models/units

• Combat Alchemist units • Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter • Non-character warjacks • Construct units/solos with the
Soul Vessel special rule
• Dragon’s Breath Rocket weapon • Prospero • Asphyxious the Sanctified and
crew units Annihilation Servitors • Void Archon solos
• Death Archons solos
• Medium-based Crucible Guard
• Trancer solos • This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for Convergence. These models/units can be included even
• Crucible Guard battle engines
• Arum Ominus Alyce Marc if they have the Partisan [Convergence] special rule. Mercenary units in
this army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• Three Crucible Guard Mechanik solos
• One Convergence warjack with a point cost of 5 or less
• Two small-based Trancer solos
• One Convergence command attachment
• One other small- or medium-based Crucible Guard solo with a point cost
of 5 or less • One Enigma Foundry solo
• One Frustrum Locus solo
• One other small- or medium-based Convergence solo with a point cost of
• Vanguard warjacks in this army can use Shield Guard twice per turn. 5 or less
• Warjacks and battle engines in this army gain Cutting Edge.
(During your Control Phase, remove d3 damage points from each friendly SPECIAL RULES
model with Cutting Edge. Additionally, when a warjack with Cutting Edge
• The field allowance of Enigma Foundry solos in this army becomes 4.
is allocated 1 or more focus points while within its controller’s command
range, it is allocated 1 additional focus point.) • Eradicator, Perforator, and Reciprocator units in this army gain Vengeance.
(Vengeance – During your Maintenance Phase, if one or more models in
a unit with Vengeance were damaged by enemy attacks during the last
round, each model in the unit can advance 3˝ and make one basic melee



The worshipers of the clockwork goddess have conceived of the most Fighting in the wars of the Iron Kingdoms has allowed the mercenaries
technologically advanced machines in existence. Armed with impressive of Rhul to stay apprised of the ongoing struggles abroad. These sell-
firepower and fueled by energy sources well beyond the understanding swords fatten the coffers of mercenary clans and receive valuable combat
of even the greatest minds in the Iron Kingdoms, the vectors of the experience against a variety of opponents. Numerous such clans offer
Convergence of Cyriss turn hard targets into shrapnel and smash the might of Rhulic ’jacks and veteran warriors to those who can afford
through infantry formations with whirring blades and spiked fists. their asking price. Together, they crush enemy armies to dust beneath
Endless swarms of servitors dart among these complex automatons the tread of their machines and an unceasing rain of hammer blows.
while the mortal priests of the machine cult risk their flesh in service to
their goddess to keep these machines at peak performance. ARMY COMPOSITION

An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Mercenary models:
An army made using this theme force can include only the
• Rhulic warcasters • Rhulic models/units
following Convergence models:
• Rhulic non-character warjacks • Gudrun Solos
• Convergence warcasters • Servitor solos
• Non-character warjacks • Convergence battle engines REQUISITION OPTIONS

• Priest models/units • Destructotron 3000 • One Rhulic weapon crew unit

• One Tactical Arcanist Corps unit
• This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit
that will work for Convergence. These models/units can be included even • One Mercenary command attachment
if they have the Partisan [Convergence] special rule. Mercenary units in • One other small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5
this army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments. or less


• One Optifex Directive unit • Weapon crew units and heavy warjacks in this army gain Reposition [3˝].
• Three Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex solos (Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation it did not run or fail a
charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to 3˝, then its
• Three Servitor solos of a single type activation ends.)
• Destructotron 3000 • Warrior models in this army gain Tough .
• Your deployment is extended 2˝ forward.

• Servitor solos in this army gain Shield Guard.

(Once per round, when a friendly model is directly hit by a non-spray
ranged attack during your opponent’s turn while within 3˝ of this model,
you can choose to have this model directly hit instead. This model is
automatically hit and suffers all damage and effects. This model cannot
use Shield Guard while it is incorporeal, knocked down, or stationary. The
Shield Guard special rule can only trigger once per attack roll.)



Some mercenary contracts offer jobs so desperate, so vile, or so insane In 609 AR, Asheth Magnus set about organizing the greatest
that no right-minded group of sell-swords would ever consider taking mercenary army ever gathered in one place. Having taken Vinter
them. For the employers who offer these contracts, it is fortunate that Raelthorne IV’s bastard son Julius under his wing, the Warlord
the Iron Kingdoms has no shortage of mercenary companies full of the embarked on an ambitious plan to secure Cygnar’s throne. This army
desperate, the vile, and the insane. When such undesirable jobs appear, was bankrolled with gold bullion stolen from the Cygnaran Army as
they attract an unlikely assortment of mercs willing to do anything, no well as other spoils, coin Magnus spent wisely. He purchased the first
matter the odds of survival, for another fistful of coin. Galleon colossals produced by Black Anchor Heavy Industries, hired
a portion of Captain Bartolo Montador’s pirate fleet, recruited every
ARMY COMPOSITION available Steelhead company he could find, and enlisted the services

An army made using this theme force can include only the of other skilled warcasters and formidable specialists, several wanted

following Mercenary models: for high crimes in Cygnar. This army proved that Magnus’ reputation
as a mercenary warlord was well deserved and played a pivotal role in
• Mercenary warcasters • Precursor Knight units the outcome of the Second Cygnaran Civil War.
• Non-character Mercenary warjacks • Mercenary character solos
• Mercenary character units • Gobber Tinker solos
• Idrian Skirmisher units • Mercenary battle engines An army made using this theme force can include only the
• Kayazy units following Mercenary models:

• Captain Bartolo Montador • Boomhowler models/units

• Captain Damiano • Dirty Meg
• One Mercenary command attachment
• Drake MacBain • Kell Bailoch
• One other small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5
or less • Magnus warcasters • Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan
• Non-character Mercenary warjacks • Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor
• Steelhead models/units • Raluk Moorclaw, the Ironmonger
• If Ace is included in this army, it is a friendly Mercenary model instead of • Croe’s Cutthroats
a Cygnar warjack.
• While ’jack marshaled, warjacks in this army gain Flank [friendly warrior]. • This army can also include Cygnar Long Gunner, Ranger, and Trencher
(Flank [friendly warrior] – When a model with Flank [friendly warrior] Infantry units. These units are considered to be friendly Mercenary units
makes a melee attack against an enemy model in the melee range of a instead of Cygnar units and can include attachments.
friendly warrior model, the model with Flank gains +2 to attack rolls and
gains an additional damage die.) REQUISITION OPTIONS
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can • One command attachment
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule.
• Two Steelhead Gunner solos
• One other small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5
or less


• Warrior models/units in the army gain Feign Death.

(Feign Death – A model with Feign Death cannot be targeted by ranged or
magic attacks while knocked down.)
• Greygore Boomhowler & Co. gain Ambush.
(Ambush – You can choose not to deploy a unit with Ambush at the start of
the game. If it is not deployed normally, you can put it into play at the end
of any of your Control Phases after your first turn. When you do, choose
any table edge except the back of your opponent’s deployment zone. Place
the unit with Ambush completely within 3˝ of the chosen table edge.)



The beleaguered soldiers of the Llaelese Resistance are mercenaries The inscrutable cephalyx tirelessly perform diabolical experiments
only by necessity, taking contracts to help pay the enormous costs of on their captives deep below the earth. Masters of powerful psychic
their rebellion. Since the fall of Merywyn, many Llaelese noblemen energies and advanced surgery, these alien beings shape both the minds
have helped from exile to fund the Resistance. They leave field and bodies of lesser creatures to create heavily modified laborers and
operations to individuals like the warcaster Ashlynn d’Elyse, who warrior slaves to suit the sinister agenda of their vast underground hives.
fights an endless war against the Khadorans who invaded her
homeland and killed her father. To some, the likelihood of restoring ARMY COMPOSITION

Llael seems remote, and they have turned their attention to pure An army made using this theme force can include only the
vengeance, willing to give their lives to force a reckoning. following Mercenary models:

ARMY COMPOSITION • Cephalyx warcasters • Cephalyx solos/units

An army made using this theme force can include only the • Non-character monstrosities • Non-Cephalyx units with Cephalyx
Dominator command attachments
following Mercenary models: • Asphyxious the Sanctified and
Annihilation Servitors • Void Archon solos
• Llaelese warcasters • Harlan Versh, Illuminated One
• Caine’s Hellslingers • Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan • This army can also include Bloat Thrall, Machine Wraith, and Pistol Wraith
solos. These solos are considered to be friendly Mercenary units instead of
• Drake MacBain • Menite Archon solos
Cryx solos.
• Non-character warjacks • Morrowan Archon solos
• Llaelese models/units • Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator REQUISITION OPTIONS

• MacHorne models/units • Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord • Two Cephalyx Agitator solos
• Dannon Blythe & Bull • Rutger Shaw, Professional • One other small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5
Adventurer or less
• Colbie Sterling, Captain of the BRI
• Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker
• Eilish Garrity, the Occultist SPECIAL RULES
• Thamarite Archon solos
• Gobber Tinker solos
• Operating Theater is a Cephalyx theme force.

• This army can also include up to two non-character Crucible Guard units, • Monstrosities in this army gain Hyper-Aggressive.
up to two non-character Cygnaran units, or up to two non-character (Hyper-Aggressive – When a model with Hyper-Aggressive suffers
Protectorate units. These units are considered to be friendly Llaelese damage from an enemy attack anytime except while it is advancing, after
Mercenary units instead of Crucible Guard, Cygnar, or Protectorate units the attack is resolved it can immediately make a full advance directly
and can include attachments but cannot include Ranking Officers. toward the attacking model.)
• Drudge models in the army gain Rise.
REQUISITION OPTIONS (Rise – If a model with Rise is knocked down at the beginning of your
Maintenance Phase, it stands up.)
• One command attachment
• One Cephalyx Mind Slaver & Drudge unit in this army gains Ambush.
• One other small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5 (Ambush – You can choose not to deploy a unit with Ambush at the start of
or less the game. If it is not deployed normally, you can put it into play at the end
of any of your Control Phases after your first turn. When you do, choose
SPECIAL RULES any table edge except the back of your opponent’s deployment zone. Place
the unit with Ambush completely within 3˝ of the chosen table edge.)
• If Ace is included in this army, it is a friendly Mercenary model instead of
a Cygnar warjack.
• Gun Mage models in this army gain Sniper.
(Sniper – Instead of making a damage roll to resolve a ranged attack,
a model with Sniper can inflict 1 damage point. A model disabled by a
ranged attack made by a model with Sniper cannot make a Tough roll.)
• Llaelese models in this army gain Pathfinder .
• Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place one
5˝ AOE rubble terrain features anywhere completely within 18˝ of the rear
table edge of your deployment zone. When you deploy your models, you
can deploy one small- or medium-based solo completely within the AOE.



If war is good for business, then business has been very good to the The Talion Charter originally set out the terms and conditions for
Steelhead mercenary company. Already one of the largest groups of those serving on the Talion, a ship crewed largely by men and women
sell-swords in western Immoren before the fall of Llael, subsequent brought together by mutiny and who turned to piracy for survival. It
years of warfare have seen them reach peak profitability. Steelheads has been expanded to serve as a rallying point for a motley assortment
can be found in nearly every major engagement from Skirov to Imer, of powerful and well-armed pirates and privateers. These include
bringing victory—or anonymous defeat—at reasonable prices. The several notable warcasters-for-hire such as Phinneus Shae, the
company’s regular presence on the battlefield often sees them work Talion’s captain; Captain Bartolo “Broadsides Bart” Montador of the
alongside many notable freelancers and experts. The old adage holds Calamitas; and the Thamarite sorceress Fiona the Black. The sell-
true: “Either as allies or enemies, the Steelheads are gonna cost you.” swords of the Talion Charter have proven they can stand on equal
footing with any mercenary company in western Immoren and offer
ARMY COMPOSITION their services at quite reasonable rates, both on land and at sea.

An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Mercenary models:
• Mercenary warcasters • Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios An army made using this theme force can include only the
• Non-character Mercenary warjacks • Gorman solos following Mercenary models:
• Rocinante • Ogrun Bokur solos • Privateer warcasters

• Alexia models/units • Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord • Non-character warjacks

• Steelhead models/units • Rutger Shaw, Professional • Scallywag

Adventurer • Privateer models/units
• Dannon Blythe & Bull
• Saxon Orrik • Death Archon solos
• Herne & Jonne
• Taryn di la Rovissi, Llaelese Gun • This army can also include Cryx Scharde units. These units are considered
• Alten Ashley
Mage to be friendly Mercenary Privateer units instead of Cryx units and can
• Anastasia di Bray include attachments but cannot include Ranking Officers.
• Mercenary solos with the Attached
• Boomhowler, Solo Artist rule
• Dez solos • Death Archon solos
• One Scharde Dirge Seer unit
• Two Sea Dog Deck Gun units
• One Steelhead weapon crew • One command attachment
• Two Steelhead Gunner solos • Three Powder Monkey solos
• One other small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5 • One other small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5
or less or less


• If Ace is included in this army, it is a friendly Mercenary model instead of • Solos in this army gain Sacrificial Pawn [Sea Dog model].
a Cygnar warjack. (Sacrificial Pawn [Sea Dog model] – When this model is directly hit by an
• Solos in this army gain Mark Target. enemy ranged attack, you can have one friendly, non-incorporeal model
(Mark Target – Other friendly Faction models gain +2 to ranged attack within 3˝ of it directly hit instead. That model is automatically hit and
rolls against enemy models within 5˝ of a model with Marked Target and suffers all damage and effects. The Sacrificial Pawn special rule can only
in its LOS.) trigger once per attack roll.)

• Steelhead cavalry models in this army gain Bulldoze. • After models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place up
(Bulldoze – When a model with Bulldoze is B2B with an enemy model to two 3˝ AOEs anywhere on the table at least 6˝ away from the nearest
during its Normal Movement, it can push that model up to 2˝ directly enemy model. These AOES are hazards and rough terrain that remain
away from it. A model can be pushed by Bulldoze only once per turn. in play for the first round of the game. A model entering or ending its
Bulldoze has no effect when a model makes a trample power attack.) activation in one of these AOEs suffers an unboostable POW 12 blast
damage roll.



Kriels maintain martial traditions that go back to the beginning of the The trollkin of the United Kriels will stop at nothing to protect their new
trollkin as a people. Armed with axe and shield, kriel warriors have home. In order to defend against any who would seek to drive them
long waged bloody wars to keep ownership of their lands, and their out, militias of resolute trollkin take up arms as companies of warriors.
tales of valor are carved into the faces of krielstones to inspire those These companies mix traditional martial practices of the trollkin with
generations that follow in their footsteps. These bands of warriors give modern firepower and the might of trolls to crush any opposition.
rise to new champions, who earn their acclaim in battle against the
enemies of the trollkin. They emerge from the wilderness in a tide of ARMY COMPOSITION

steel and stone to strike down all who stand before them. An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Trollblood models:

• Trollblood warlocks • Sons of Bragg

An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Trollblood models: • Non-character warbeasts • Trollkin Runebearer solos
• Dozer & Smigg • Troll Whelp solos
• Trollblood warlocks • Krielstone Bearer &
Stone Scribe units • Units/solos with ranged weapons • Trollblood battle engines
• Non-character warbeasts
• Horgle Ironstrike • Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribe • Trollkin Skinner
• Champion models/units units
• Stone Scribe Chronicler solos
• Fell Caller models/units • Weapon Crew units
• Trollkin Runebearer solos
• Fennblade models/units
• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will
• Troll Whelp solos
• Kriel Warrior models/units work for the Trollbloods. These models/units can be included even if they
• Scout models/units have the Partisan [Trollblood] special rule. Minion units in this army can
• Long Rider models/units
include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• Warders models/units

• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will REQUISITION OPTIONS
work for the Trollbloods. These models/units can be included even if they • One Trollblood weapon crew unit
have the Partisan [Trollblood] special rule. Minion units in this army can
include non-Ranking Officer attachments. • One Trollblood command attachment
• Five Troll Whelp solos
• One other small- or medium-based Trollblood solo with a point cost of 5
• One Trollblood command attachment or less
• Five Troll Whelp solos
• One other small- or medium-based Trollblood solo
• Solos in this army gain Mark Target.
(Mark Target – Other friendly Faction models gain +2 to ranged attack
rolls against enemy models within 5˝ of a model with Marked Target and
• Models disabled by a melee attack made by a Trollblood warrior model in in its LOS.)
this army cannot make a Tough roll. When a model is boxed by a melee
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can
attack made by a warrior model in this army, you can choose to have the
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule.
boxed model be removed from play.



The trollkin are never closer to their goddess Dhunia than when For generations, the Northkin have stood as disparate clans, fighting
walking beside the shamans and runeshapers who work their magic one another as often as they battled the many rivals who surround
through the will of the Great Mother. Drawing upon their deep them. For the first time in centuries, however, these hardy northern
connection to earth and stone, trollkin mystics shape the battlefield to folk now fight for a common purpose. Resilient warriors wage war
their will and manipulate the arcane might flowing through their very alongside the legendary warbeasts of the trollkin, while powerful
veins to mobilize a great number of true trolls lured by the power of warlocks wield arcane might to enhance the battle prowess of their
the goddess. This close connection passes to the mighty trolls who then warbands. All opposition is crushed beneath the Northkin onslaught
accompany the trollkin. The touch of Dhunia soothes the trolls’ minds or is frozen and shattered by the power of winter itself.
and keeps their hunger for flesh in check as it suffuses their bodies with
her bountiful powers of regeneration. ARMY COMPOSITION

An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Trollblood models:
An army made using this theme force can include only the
• Trollblood warlocks • Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribe
following Trollblood models:
• Non-character warbeasts
• Trollblood warlocks • Stone Scribe models/units • Kriel Warrior units
• Rök
• Non-character warbeasts • Dhunian Archon solos • Fell Caller Hero solos
• Champion models/units
• Mulg • Troll Whelp solos • Trollkin Runebearer solos
• Long Rider models/solos
• Trollkin models/units with the • Solos with the Lesser Warlock rule • Troll Whelp solos
• Northkin models/units
Magic Ability special rule
• Scout models/units
• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will
work for the Trollbloods. These models/units can be included even if they • This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will
have the Partisan [Trollblood] special rule. Minion units in this army can work for the Trollbloods. These models/units can be included even if they
include non-Ranking Officer attachments. have the Partisan [Trollblood] special rule. Minion units in this army can
include non-Ranking Officer attachments.

• One Dhunian Knot unit
• One Trollblood command attachment
• Five Troll Whelp solos
• Five Troll Whelp solos
• One other small- or medium-based Trollblood solo with a point cost of 5
or less • One other small- or medium-based Trollblood solo with a point cost of 5
or less

• Trollkin Runeshaper units in this army becomes U.
• Non-warlock Trollblood warrior models in this army become Northkin
• Friendly models/units can begin the game affected by the upkeep spells models and gain Immunity: Cold .
of models in this army. These spells and their targets must be declared
before either player deploys their models. Warlocks in this army do not • Warlocks in this army can upkeep spells on Northkin model/units without
have to pay fury to upkeep their spells during your first turn of the game. spending fury.

• When a living warbeast in is forced to use its animus while in its • Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place two 4˝
controller’s control range, reduce the COST of the animus by 1. AOE snowdrift terrain features anywhere completely within 20˝ of the rear
table edge of your deployment zone. Models without Immunity: Cold
treat snowdrifts as rough terrain. Models with Immunity: Cold gain
concealment while completely within a snowdrift.



Since the order’s inception, the blackclads of the Circle Orboros have To sow terror and reap death, blackclads who embrace the primal
passed down the secrets of shaping and animating wood and stone aspects of Orboros turn to the Tharn. With murderous howls, Tharn
to do their bidding as wolds. The product of ancient rites and blood warriors charge from the darkest forests to strike fear into their
sacrifices, these massive stone constructs patrol the old places of the enemies’ hearts before ripping them out and devouring them whole.
world and ensure the sacred sites of the order remain untouched These gruesome, gore-streaked combatants run side by side with all
by outsiders, falling upon intruders without hesitation to crush manner of beasts, intent on slaking their thirst on the blood of the
them under fist and foot. The druids also summon forth these stone Circle’s foes. Theirs is a history of violence, and their motivations
constructs to batter into submission those threats too large or well- for war do not stray beyond devotion to the Devourer Wurm and an
defended to succumb to the Circle’s traditional hit-and-run tactics, attunement with the basest of instincts.
using brute force to buckle the armor of machines and shatter the
bones of great beasts. ARMY COMPOSITION

An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Circle models:
An army made using this theme force can include only the
• Circle warlocks • Shifting Stone units
following Circle models:
• Living non-character warbeasts • Gallows Grove solos
• Circle warlocks • Stoneward & Woldstalker units • Ghetorix • Lord of the Feast
• Non-character construct • Blackclad solos • Loki • Primal Archon solos
• Gallows Grove solos • Tharn models/units • Circle structures
• Megalith
• Celestial Fulcrum battle engines • Death Wolves
• Stone units
• Circle structures
• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will
• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will work for the Circle. These models/units can be included even if they have
work for the Circle. These models/units can be included even if they have the Partisan [Circle] special rule. Minion units in this army can include
the Partisan [Circle] special rule. Minion units in this army can include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• One Circle command attachment
• Two Shifting Stones units • Three Gallows Grove units
• One Sentry Stone & Mannikins unit • One other small- or medium-based Circle solo with a point cost of 5 or
• Two Blackclad Stoneshaper units less
• Three Gallows Grove units
• One other small- or medium-based Circle solo with a point cost of 5 or
less • Each Living and Construct model in this army that can gain corpse tokens
gains one corpse token before the first player’s first turn.
SPECIAL RULES • One Tharn Bloodweaver unit in this army gains Ambush.
(Ambush – You can choose not to deploy a unit with Ambush at the start of
• Before leeching during each of your Control Phases, you can remove up
the game. If it is not deployed normally, you can put it into play at the end
you 1 damage point from each Circle warbeast.
of any of your Control Phases after your first turn. When you do, choose
• Friendly models/units can begin the game affected by the upkeep spells any table edge except the back of your opponent’s deployment zone. Place
of models in this army. These spells and their targets must be declared all models in the unit with Ambush in formation completely within 3˝ of
before either player deploys their models. Warlocks in this army do not the chosen table edge.)
have to pay fury to upkeep their spells during your first turn of the game.



The blackclads are few in number, but their work is constant and Beast masters of the Circle Orboros are right to be proud of the
endless. Only a small handful of these druids can be devoted to any powerful warbeasts they add to their order’s arsenal. When large
single task at a given time. But the masters of the wilderness are numbers of these beasts are brought together, they can deal a decisive
cunning. They have woven a web of many debts among the inhabitants blow against the Circle’s many enemies. The warbeasts’ natural
of the wilderness, whom they can call upon to fight on their behalf. ferocity fuels them in battle to eradicate any opposition.

When war requires speed, cunning, and brutality, the Wild Hunt is
gathered to spill the enemy’s blood. If the need is dire, many villages of
An army made using this theme force can include only the Wolf Sworn are drawn together in these great hunting parties. A Wild
following Circle models: Hunt draws upon its warriors’ hunting skills and their knowledge of
the land to launch lethal ambushes against enemy columns marching
• Circle Blackclad warlocks • Shifting Stone units
through the wilderness. The warriors of a Wild Hunt rely on their
• Non-character warbeasts • Gallows Grove solos mobility to defeat technologically superior foes; they bleed the enemy
• Brennos • Circle structures with quick strikes, chasing down all who break ranks to offer them as
• Blackclad models/units • Wurmwood, Tree of Fate a sacrifice to the primal power of the Devourer Wurm.

• This army can include any number of Minion units, Minion solos, and ARMY COMPOSITION
Minion battle engines. These models/units can be included even if they
have the Partisan [Circle] special rule. Minion units in this army can An army made using this theme force can include only the
include non-Ranking Officer attachments. following Circle models:

REQUISITION OPTIONS • Circle warlocks • Lord of the Feast

• One Circle command attachment • Non-character warbeasts • Loki

• Two Blackclad Stoneshaper solos • Brennos • Ghetorix

• Three Gallows Grove solos • Wolf Sworn models/units • War Wolf solos

• One other small- or medium-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less • Shifting Stone units • Wolf With No Name
• Blackclad solos • Circle structures
• Gallows Grove solos
• Blackclad warrior models gain Sacrificial Pawn [Minion warrior model].
(Sacrificial Pawn [Minion warrior model] – When this model is directly hit • This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will
by an enemy ranged attack, you can have one friendly, non-incorporeal work for the Circle. These models/units can be included even if they have
model within 3˝ of it directly hit instead. That model is automatically hit the Partisan [Circle] special rule. Minion units in this army can include
and suffers all damage and effects. The Sacrificial Pawn special rule can non-Ranking Officer attachments.
only trigger once per attack roll.)

• One Circle command attachment

• Three Gallows Grove solos
• Three War Wolf solos
• One other small- or medium-based Circle solo with a point cost of 5 or


• When a living warbeast is forced to use its animus while in its controller’s
control range, reduce the COST of the animus by 1.
• One Wolf of Orboros unit in this army gains Ambush.
(Ambush – You can choose not to deploy a unit with Ambush at the start of
the game. If it is not deployed normally, you can put it into play at the end
of any of your Control Phases after your first turn. When you do, choose
any table edge except the back of your opponent’s deployment zone. Place
the unit with Ambush completely within 3˝ of the chosen table edge.)



Connected by a desire to wring power from pain, the students of the As silent as the death that will never embrace them, the exalted
ancient skorne master Morkaash show the enemies of the Empire the ancestors of the skorne strike fear into the enemies of the Empire.
subtlety of their unique arts. Potent mortitheurges, indomitable Nihilator Guided not by a Tyrant’s whims but instead by their own unknowable
cultists, and talented paingivers work in concert to bring low all living understanding, the exalted go to war accompanied by ranks of their
flesh that opposes them. Captured enemies who prove useful are kept as immortal companions. Their reasons for marching to battle are known
subjugated warriors, while all others taken alive are introduced to new only to them and to the few they choose to communicate with through
depths of suffering at the barbs and blades of their captors. the extollers who speak on their behalf.

At the heart of a skorne cohort is its warhost—a crushing wall of

warbeasts whipped into frenzy by the barbed lashes of the paingivers.
Acting as an unbreakable core around which the rest of an army An army made using this theme force can include only the
moves, this formation is directed by the most skilled warlocks in following Skorne and Minion models:
the cohort, often supported by those with less experience directing
• Skorne warlocks • Extoller models/units
warbeasts. With tusk, fang, and claw, the towering beasts of the host
tear enemies to pieces or trample them underfoot in their maddened • Non-character warbeasts • Paingiver Beast Handler units
assaults. Each warhost strikes at the hardest points of a defender’s • Despoiler • Void Archon solos
lines and grinds them to pulp beneath an unrelenting advance. • Exalted models/units • Void Spirit solos

ARMY COMPOSITION • This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will
work for the Skorne. These models/units can be included even if they have
An army made using this theme force can include only the the Partisan [Skorne] special rule. Minion units in this army can include
following Skorne and Minion models: non-Ranking Officer attachments.

• Skorne warlocks • Aptimus Marketh REQUISITION OPTIONS

• Non-character warbeasts • Skorne solos with the Battlegroup • One Skorne command attachment
Controller special rule
• Chiron • Three Extoller Novitiate solos
• Siege Animantarax
• The Terrorizer • Two Extoller Soulward solos
• Minion warbeasts controlled by
• Mortitheurge models/units • Two Immortal Vessel solos
Skorne warlocks (see Special
• Nihilator models/units Rules below) • One other small- or medium-based Skorne solo with a point cost of 5 or
• Paingiver models/units less

• This army can include any number of Minion units and Minion solos that
will work for the Skorne. These models/units can be included even if they • Construct models in this army gain Immovable Object.
have the Partisan [Skorne] special rule. Minion units in this army can (Immovable Object – A model with Immovable Object cannot become
include non-Ranking Officer attachments. knocked down, cannot be placed, and cannot be moved by a push, slam,
or throw.)
REQUISITION OPTIONS • Models in this army with a Soul Taker ability each begin the game with
one soul token.
• One non-character Agonizer warbeast
• One Skorne command attachment
• Two Paingiver Task Master solos
• One other small- or medium-based Skorne solo with a point cost of 5 or


• Skorne warlocks in this army can control non-character Minion warbeasts.

Minion warbeasts in this army that are controlled by a Skorne warlock are
considered to be Skorne warbeasts, not Minion warbeasts.
• Paingiver models gain Sacrificial Pawn [Minion warrior model].
(Sacrificial Pawn [Minion warrior model] – When this model is directly hit
by an enemy ranged attack, you can have one friendly, non-incorporeal
model within 3˝ of it directly hit instead. That model is automatically hit
and suffers all damage and effects. The Sacrificial Pawn special rule can
only trigger once per attack roll.)



Conflict is to be savored, for battle is the only true chance to prove one’s Although hoksune emphasizes melee combat above other forms of war,
devotion to the hoksune code. Though the martial orders of Cataphracts the armies of the skorne have been forced to adapt in order to combat
and Praetorians disagree on which best exemplifies the martial code of the long-ranged capabilities of their western adversaries. New armies
the skorne, they equally embrace the opportunity to demonstrate their composed almost entirely of Venators are being drawn up for the first
adherence to it. Acting on the orders of their tyrants, these disciplined time to battle the enemy on equal footing, giving these low-caste
warriors grab the enemy army by its throat and do not relent until the warriors an esteem they have never before experienced. The ranged
foe is vanquished or they have been claimed by the Void. weapons of the Venators fill the air with clouds of razor-sharp needles
and rain down death on the enemy with chymical ammunition and
ARMY COMPOSITION the artillery of heavy weapon crews.

An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Skorne models:
An army made using this theme force can include only the
• Skorne warlocks • Tyrant Commander &
following Skorne models:
Standard Bearer units
• Non-character warbeasts
• Ancestral Guardian solos • Skorne warlocks • Extoller solos
• Molik Karn
• Extoller solos • Non-character warbeasts • Mortitheurge Willbreaker solos
• Tiberion
• Mortitheurge Willbreaker solos • Venator models/units • Skorne battle engines
• Cataphract model/units
• Supreme Guardian battle engines • Paingiver Beast Handler units
• Praetorian models/units
• Paingiver Beast Handler units • This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will
work for the Skorne. These models/units can be included even if they
• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will have the Partisan [Skorne] special rule. Mercenary units in this army can
work for the Skorne. These models/units can be included even if they have include non-Ranking Officer attachments.
the Partisan [Skorne] special rule. Minion units in this army can include
non-Ranking Officer attachments.

REQUISITION OPTIONS • One Venator weapon crew unit

• One Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer unit • One Skorne command attachment

• One Skorne command attachment • Two Extoller Soulward solos

• Three Extoller Novitiate solos • One other small- or medium-based Skorne solo with a point cost of 5 or
• Two Extoller Soulward solos
• One other small- or medium-based Skorne solo with a point cost of 5 or SPECIAL RULES
• Weapon crew units in this army gain Reposition [3˝].
(Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation it did not run or fail a
SPECIAL RULES charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to 3˝, then its
• Models disabled by a melee attack made by a Skorne warrior model in this activation ends.)
army cannot make a Tough roll. When a model is boxed by a melee attack • Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place one
made by a warrior model in this army, you can choose to have the boxed wall template anywhere completely within 20˝ of the rear table edge of
model be removed from play. your deployment zone. The template cannot be placed within 3˝ of a hill,
obstacle, or obstruction. The template is an obstacle that grants cover.



Reshaped by the dragon’s power, the blighted Nyss serve as formidable There is great power buried alongside the relics of the past, and the
fighters within Everblight’s legion. Utterly devoted to the dragon, arcanists who serve the dragon are well- versed in the history of the
whole shards sometimes join battle together to enact their master’s ancient world, receiving necessary knowledge directly from Everblight
will. Such highly skilled and self-sufficient forces strike fast and himself. These arcanists scour the ruins of lost civilizations, seeking
hard with a combination of blade, claw, and bow. Supported by agile to recover useful artifacts from their sacred places to aid Everblight’s
dragonspawn and powerful nephilim, these Nyss shards can strike cause. When met with resistance, they combine fighting skill and
anywhere the dragon directs them, moving unnoticed through enemy specialized arcane knowledge to best their opponents, and the flesh
territory to secure objectives while outmaneuvering larger armies. and blood of fallen foes are quickly harvested and brought to the
spawning vessels, there to lend further strength to Everblight’s legion.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Legion models: An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Legion models:
• Legion warlocks • Forsaken solos
• Non-character warbeasts • Incubi solos • Legion warlocks • Beast Mistress solos
• Azrael • Spell Martyr solos • Non-character warbeasts • Blighted Nyss Shepherd solos
• Typhon • Succubus solos • Proteus • Incubi solos
• Zuriel • Throne of Everblight battle • Models/units with Magic Ability • Spell Martyr solos
engines • Virtue models/units • Blight Archons
• Blighted Nyss models/units
• Blight Archons • Spawning Vessel units
• Virtue models/units

• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will • This army can include any number of Minion units, Minion solos, and
work for the Legion. These models/units can be included even if they have Minion battle engines that will work for the Legion. These models/units
the Partisan [Legion] special rule. Minion units in this army can include can be included even if they have the Partisan [Legion] special rule.
non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• One Legion command attachment
• One Blighted Nyss weapon crew unit
• One Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion solo
• One Legion command attachment
• Five Incubi solos
• Five Incubi solos
• One other small- or medium-based Legion solo with a point cost of 5 or
• One other small- or medium-based Legion solo with a point cost of 5 or less
• Minion models in this army are Blighted models. When a living small-
• Nephilim warbeasts in this army gain Unyielding. based Minion warrior model destroyed by an enemy attack, collateral
(A model with Unyielding gains +2 ARM against melee damage rolls.) damage, or a continuous effect, you can replace it with an Incubus model
as if it were a Faction model.
• Warlocks in this army gain Tactician [Blighted Nyss].
(While in the command range of a friendly model with Tactician [Blighted • When an enemy model ends its activation within 2˝ of a Blighted model
Nyss], friendly Blighted Nyss models can ignore other friendly Blighted in this army, the enemy model suffers the corrosion continuous effect .
Nyss models when determining LOS. Friendly Blighted Nyss models can
• Friendly models/units can begin the game affected by the upkeep spells
advance through other friendly Blighted Nyss models in the command
of warlocks in this army. These spells and their targets must be declared
range of a model with Tactician [Blighted Nyss] if they have enough
before either player deploys their models. Warlocks in this army do not
movement to move completely past them.)
have to pay fury to upkeep their spells during your first turn of the game.



When the blighted ogrun tribes go to war, they do so with the When speed is of the essence and the servants of the dragon must strike
blessings of Everblight by their side. Fighting with little regard for with stealth, they rely upon the Ravens of War. A force of swift-moving
personal safety, howling warbands descend upon their foes, crazed striders and grotesques, these inhuman warriors can traverse any
by the prospect of spilling blood for their war chiefs and their korune, obstacle to deliver sudden death no matter where the enemy may hide.
Thagrosh. Even mortal wounds suffered in battle do not deter them. Able to respond quickly to unexpected dangers or to pursue a fleeing
Instead, such injuries goad them to drive even deeper into the enemy’s enemy, these highly mobile forces can be relied upon to move with
heart to shed even more blood before they expire. such speed that the battle is decided before their prey realizes they are
under attack.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Legion models: An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Legion models:
• Legion warcasters • Hellmouth units
• Non-character warbeasts • Forsaken solos • Legion warlocks • Hellmouth units

• Golab • Spell Martyr solos • Non-character warbeasts • Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion
• Blighted Ogrun models/units • Blight Archons • Golab
• Forsaken solos
• Blighted Rotwing units • Grotesque models/units
• Spell Martyr solos
• Raptor models/units
• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will • Succubus solos
work for the Legion. These models/units can be included even if they have • Strider models/units
the Partisan [Legion] special rule. Minion units in this army can include • Blight Archons
• Blighted Rotwing units
non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will
REQUISITION OPTIONS work for the Legion. These models/units can be included even if they have
the Partisan [Legion] special rule. Minion units in this army can include
• One Legion command attachment non-Ranking Officer attachments.
• One other small- or medium-based Legion solo with a point cost of 5 or

• Two Harrier lesser warbeasts

• One Legion command attachment
• Blighted Ogrun Warmonger and Blighted Ogrun Warspear units in this
army gain Vengeance. • One Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion solo
(Vengeance – During your Maintenance Phase, if one or more models in • One other small- or medium-based Legion solo with a point cost of 5 or
a unit with Vengeance were damaged by enemy attacks during the last less
round, each model in the unit can advance 3˝ and make one basic melee

• Lesser warbeasts in this army gain Mark Target.

(Mark Target – Other friendly Faction models gain +2 to ranged attack
rolls against enemy models within 5˝ of a model with Marked Target and
in its LOS.)
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule.



The grymkin are not an organized military force. They do not come Each of the Defiers has some special preference for how to unmake
to battle in regimented formations; indeed, they attack with scarcely Menoth’s twisted civilization. When the opportunity to strike arises,
any perceivable order at all. When a mass of motley grymkin lumber a Defier gathers a dark menagerie of his or her worst nightmares in a
to war in the service of their masters, they advance as a haphazard but terrifying show of force. Towering beasts of twisted flesh and bounding
terrifying horde. Descending upon a vice-ridden population, they indulge swarms of frightful creatures gather together to enact the Defier’s will,
in their unique appetites as they demand their due of wicked humanity. leaving behind only a handful of demented survivors to spread word of
the host of shadows that emerged from the night.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Grymkin models: An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Grymkin models:
• Grymkin warlocks • Grave Ghoul solos
• Non-character warbeasts • Lord Longfellow • Grymkin warlocks • Glimmer Imp solos

• Grymkin units • Trapperkin solos • Non-character warbeasts • Gremlin Swarm solos

• Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts • Weird Wendell, Gremlin Wrangler • Dread Rot models/units • Witchwood solos

• Isaiah, The Dread Harvester • Witchwood solos • Malady Man units • Lady Karianna Rose

• Cask Imp solos • Neigh Slayer Solos • Twilight Sisters • Weird Wendell, Gremlin Wrangler

• Defiled Archon solos • Death Knell battle engines • Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts • Death Knell battle engines

• Glimmer Imp solos • Defiled Archon solos

• This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will • This army can also include one Minion solo and one Minion unit that will
work for the Grymkin. These models/units can be included even if they work for the Grymkin. These models/units can be included even if they
have the Partisan [Grymkin] special rule. Minion units in this army can have the Partisan [Grymkin] special rule. Minion units in this army can
include non-Ranking Officer attachments. include non-Ranking Officer attachments.


• One Malady Man unit • Two Crabbit lesser warbeasts

• One Grymkin command attachment • Two Gremlin Swarm solos
• Two Trapperkin solos • One Witchwood solo
• One Witchwood solo • One other small- or medium-based Grymkin solo with a point cost of 5 or
• One other small- or medium-based Grymkin solo with a point cost of 5 or

SPECIAL RULES • The field allowance of Gremlin Swarm solos in this army becomes 4.
• Grymkin warrior models in the army gain Rise. • Gremlin Swarm solos in the army gain Serenity.
(Rise – If a model with Rise is knocked down at the beginning of your (Serenity – At the beginning of your Control Phase, before leeching, you
Maintenance Phase, it stands up.) can remove 1 fury point from a friendly Faction warbeast within 1˝ of a
model with Serenity.)
• You can reroll your starting roll for the game. Your starting game roll can
be rerolled only once as a result of this special rule. • Each Witchwood and non-trooper Living and Construct model in this
army that can gain corpse tokens gains one corpse token before the first
player’s first turn.


Once, the farrow tribes of Immoren were scattered, but a summit of
The gatormen of Blindwater Lake are the core of a vast reptilian cult gathered chiefs sealed an alliance in blood oaths at an old battleground
dedicated to its self-made deity, Bloody Barnabas. Once their leader, called Thornfall. The foremost of those gathered, the ambitious warlord
this ancient warrior and mystic elevated himself to godhood on a tide Lord Carver, cowed the rest into submitting to his violent visions
of bloodshed. As the pragmatic bokor Calaban guides the congregation of conquest. Where Lord Carver travels, lesser farrow chieftains are
from the shadows, gatormen from across the region assemble intimidated into obedience, and other great farrow warlords have taken
alongside the bog trogs and other swamp creatures subjugated into up his banner. Backed by the mad genius of the human Dr. Arkadius and
fighting alongside them in Barnabas’ name. his surgically enhanced warbeasts, the Thornfall Alliance is poised to
strike fear into the hearts of the civilized kingdoms.
An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Minion models: An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Minion models:
• Minion warlocks with the • Bone Shrine solos
Gatorman Warlock rule • Minion warlocks with the Farrow • Gudrun solos
• Dahlia Hallyr & Skarath
• Rask Warlock special rule
• Feralgeist solos • Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter
• Non-character warbeasts with • Dr. Arkadius
• Death Archon solos • Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
Amphibious • Midas
• Primal Archon solos • Raluk Moorclaw, the Ironmonger
• Warrior models/units with • One Battle Boar warbeast
• Raluk Moorclaw, the Ironmonger • Saxon Orrik
• Non-character Farrow warbeasts
• Totem Hunter solos • Scythe
• Gobber models/units
• Efaarit models/units
• Viktor Pendrake • Swamp Gobber Chef solos
• Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron unit
• Farrow units/solos
• Sacral Vault battle engines • Viktor Pendrake
• Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr
• Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr
• Wolf With No Name
• Meat Thresher battle engines
• Brun Cragback & Lug
• One Bull Snapper warbeast
• Dhunian Archon solos
• One Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron unit
• Three Feralgeist solos REQUISITION OPTIONS
• Two Gatorman Husk solos • One Farrow weapon crew unit
• One other small- or medium-based Minion solo with a point cost of 5 or • One Minion command attachment
• One Efaarit Scout solo
SPECIAL RULES • One small- or medium-based Minion solo without the
Lesser Warlock special rule
• The field allowance of Gatorman Posse units in this army becomes U.
• Gatorman Posse units in this army gain Snacking. SPECIAL RULES
(Snacking – When a model with Snacking boxes a living model with a
melee attack, it can choose to remove the boxed model from play. When it • Farrow warbeast models gain Salvage.
does, the model with Snacking can remove d3 damage points.) (Salvage – When a warjack is destroyed while in the melee range of a
model with Salvage, remove d6 damage points from the model with
• Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place two 4˝ Salvage. If the destroyed warjack was a heavy warjack or a colossal,
AOE shallow water terrain features anywhere completely within 20˝ of the remove +3 additional damage points from the model with Salvage.)
rear table edge of your deployment zone.
• Farrow warrior models in the army gain Rise.
(Rise – If a model with Rise is knocked down at the beginning of your
Maintenance Phase, it stands up.)
• Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place two
trench terrain features anywhere completely within 20˝ of the rear table
edge of your deployment zone.



One constant is true across the Iron Kingdoms: everybody needs to

eat. In lean times, many of the wild peoples of western Immoren are
willing to put aside their differences and work together for mutual
survival. The primal need to eat and endure becomes a particular
challenge when one’s closest companions are enormous and voracious
warbeasts. Larger armed groups of wilderness warriors might muster
to offer their services in exchange for food, weapons, or other barter
to see them through the lean months. For some, the most eagerly
anticipated treasure is the great volume of meat that can be butchered
from the fallen and consumed in the aftermath of battle.


An army made using this theme force can include only the
following Minion models:

• Minion warlocks • Farrow Valkyrie units

• Non-character warbeasts • Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew units
• Minion character units • Minion solos
• Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron units • Minion battle engines
• Farrow Bone Grinder units


• One Efaarit Scout solo

• Three Feralgeist solos

One other small- or medium-based Minion solo with a point cost

of 5 or less


• Warbeasts in this army gain Overtake.

(Overtake – When a model with Overtake destroys one or more enemy
models with a basic melee attack during its Combat Action, after the
attack is resolved it can immediately advance up to 1˝.)
• Lesser warlocks in this army can upkeep their spells for free.


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