Battletome - Astra Militarum

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An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement
A mong the stars of
Azyr, another
emperor wages another
war for the soul of
The Astra Militarum are but
one menace among the
countless stars in the
heavens that hang over
Azyrheim. They know not of
Sigmar and his crusade to
retake the Realms. For
millennia, countless soldiers
of the Imperium have held
the line, fighting and dying
in the name of an Emperor
they will never know.

At first a trickle, the denizens

of the far reaches of Azyr are
becoming awakened to the
Realms beneath them. The
Realmgates are stirring from
their slumber. The highly
advanced armies of Azyr
have been dragged into
Sigmars war against the
Gods of Chaos.

In the grim darkness of Azyr

there can be only war!
An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Battle TraitAstra Militarum

Battle Traits
Armies with the Astra Militarum Unwavering Commander: The general of Hold the Line!: If the general uses this
allegiance have the following abilities. an Astra Militarum army has been ability, units from your army do not have
rigorously trained to be at the forefront to test for battleshock while they are
Chain of Command: One defining quality of an army. As such, they have access to within 6 of the general (or while the unit
of the Imperial Guard is that they have a the following additional command contains a Vox Caster).
clear command structure that is not to be abilities that they can use during battle.
violated for any reason. Because of this, Take Aim!: If the general uses this ability,
command of the army can flow quickly Bring it Down!: If the general uses this choose a unit from your army within 12.
from one officer to another without any ability, choose an enemy Monster or The chosen unit re-rolls to hit rolls of 1
break in strategy or confusion in the Vehicle within line of sight. Your units during the shooting phase this turn.
ranks. may re-roll to hit and to wound rolls of 1
against the chosen unit until your next
When the general of your Astra hero phase.
Militarum army is slain, your may
immediately select a new Astra Go to Ground!: If the general uses this
Militarum model to be your general. ability, choose a unit from your army
within 12. The chosen unit cannot move
or charge this turn, and they count as
being in cover until your next hero phase.
An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Command Traits Astra Militarum

Command Traits
In addition to their command abilities, D6 Command Trait D6 Command Trait
the general of a Astra Militarum army 3 Provocateur: Many commanders 5 Bellowing Voice: Its low-tech, but
can have a command trait from the list recommend firing a warning shot when the battle starts, a generals
below. Pick the trait that best suits your across the enemy commander before battlefield control is often defined by
generals personality. Alternatively, you battle. the volume of their voice.
can roll a dice to randomly determine a
trait. If, for any reason, you must select a Before the first turn of the battle, Whenever the general uses a
new general during a battle, immediately choose one enemy unit visible to command ability that has a range,
generate a trait for them. your general. The chosen unit suffers that range is increased by 6.
D3 mortal wounds.
D6 Command Trait 6 Tactical Genius: The most brilliant
1 Artillery Veteran : Many officers 4 Old Grudge: Call it vengeance or call military strategists can mentally
came up through artillery divisions. it justice, in battle theres almost juggle numerous battlefield positions
always an old score to settle. simultaneously.
Vehicle models within 6 of the
general re-roll to hit rolls of 1. After set-up is complete, select one The general may use an additional
enemy unit. Your units re-roll failed command ability each turn, but may
2 Implacable Determination: If you rolls to wound against the chosen not use the same one more than
cant fire while retreating, you have unit. once.
no place in the Emperors army!

Astra Militarum units within 3 of

your general can shoot even if they
retreated in the same turn.
An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Heirloom Artefacts Astra Militarum

Chapter Artefacts
One Astra Militarum Hero may be given D6 Artefact D6 Artefact
one of the following Heirloom Artefacts. 3 Tactical Auto-Reliquary: Some 5 The Emperors Benediction: This
inspired infantryman long ago master-crafted pistol was constructed
D6 Artefact constructed this bizarre dispenser of long ago to pack the punch of a heavy
1 The Blade of Conquest: This gold- tactical advice. weapon.
plated sword is said to have once
belonged to Lord Solar Macharius During each of your hero phases, gain Choose one of the bearers ranged
himself. D3 re-rolls. Each re-roll can be spent weapons to be The Emperors
to re-roll any single dice for any unit Benediction. For each damage the
Add 1 to the bearers to hit rolls for in your army. Emperors Benediction would inflict,
melee weapon attacks. it inflicts D3 damage instead.
4 Laurels of Comand: On many
2 The Black Plate: This suit of plate Imperial worlds, those who have been 6 Standard of the Lost 113th: This
armor is blacker than night, absorbing granted a voice of authority are regimental standard is the only
the light around it. denoted by a crown of laurels. remains of the Cadian 113ths
legendary 12 day stand against the
The bearer may re-roll failed save The bearer of the Laurels can use the forces of chaos.
rolls during the combat phase. Inspiring Presence command ability
even if they are not the armys The bearer gains the Totem keyword.
general. If they are the armys Astra Militarum units from your
general, they can use Inspiring army add 1 to their bravery while
Presence in addition to any other within 12 of the bearer.
command abilities they use that turn.
An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Company Commander
5 Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Laspistol 9 1 4+ 4+ - 1
5 4+ Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
7 Officers Sword 1 5 3+ 4+ -1 1

Description Abilities Command Ability

A Company Commander is a single model Look Out Sir!: If the Company First Rank Fire! Second Rank Fire!: If a
bearing a Laspistol and Officers Sword. Commander would suffer a wound or Company Commander uses this ability
mortal wound while within 3 of an Astra during the hero phase, choose an Astra
Militarum unit from your army, roll a dice. Militarum unit from your army within 12.
On a 3 or higher, the unit suffers a mortal Increase the attacks attribute of one of
wound instead. its ranged weapons by 1 until the end of
the turn.
Senior Officer: If the Company
Commander is your general, they can use Move! Move! Move!: If a Company
an additional command ability each turn, Commander uses this ability during the
but cannot use the same command hero phase, choose an Astra Militarum
ability twice in the same turn. unit from your army within 12. The
chosen unit may attack during the
shooting phase this turn even if they ran.

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Hero, Company Commander

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Imperial Commissar
Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
5 Bolt Pistol 9 1 4+ 3+ -1 1
Plasma Pistol 9 1 4+ 3+ -1 1
5 4+ Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
8 Heirloom Blade 1 4 4+ 3+ -1 1
Power Fist 1 1 4+ 2+ -3 2

Description Abilities
An Imperial Commissar is a single model. Blam! Heresy: When one or more models Refractor Field: Ignore the weapons
To defend themselves in combat, would flee from a friendly Astra Militarum Rend when making save rolls for an
Commissars carry either an Heirloom unit within 9, you may instead have the Imperial Commissar.
Blade or a Power Fist. Most also carry Imperial Commissar inflict 1 mortal
either a Bolt Pistol or a Plasma Pistol. wound on the unit. If you do, no models

Plasma Pistol: When you roll a 6 to hit

with this weapon, the target suffers 1
mortal wound before the wound roll is
made. When you roll a 1 to hit, your unit
suffers 1 mortal wound.

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Hero, Imperial Commissar

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

5 Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
5 4+ Servo Arm 3 1D6 4+ 3+ - 1
Omnissian Axe 1 2 4+ 3+ -1 1

Description Abilities
An Engineseer is a single model equipped Melta Bomb: Once per battle, during the Blessings of the Omnissiah: In your hero
with a Servo-arm and an Omnissian Axe. shooting phase, an Engineseer may phase, an Engineseer can peform the
throw its Melta Bomb at a unit within 6. rites of the Omnissiah. If he does so, pick
The unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If it is a Vehicle or Cult of Mars unit within 3 ,
a Vehicle, it suffers D6 mortal wounds select one of the following blessings and
instead. roll a dice. On a 1 or a 2, the prayers go
unanswered, but on a 3 or more, your
prayers are answered.

Rites of Repair: The unit heals D3


Ghost in the Machine: The unit may re-

roll failed wound rolls until your next
hero phase.

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Cult of Mars, Astra Militarum, Hero, Priest,
An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Primaris Psyker
Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
5 4+ Wyrdvane Staff 2 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3

Description Abilities Psychic Powers

A Primaris Psyker is a single model Its for your own good: A Primaris Psyker A Primaris Psyker is a Psyker. It can cast
equipped with a Wyrdvane Staff. that is within 9 of another Astra one psychic power in each of your hero
Militarum Hero may re-roll their casting phases and attempt to unbind one
roll for a psychic power. However, if the psychic power in each enemy hero phase.
casting roll is successful after re-rolling it, It knows the Psychic Bolt, Mystic Shield,
then after the resolution of the psychic and Psychic Barrage psychic powers.
power, they are summarily executed and
removed as a casualty. Psychic Barrage
Psychic Barrage has a casting value of 7.
If successfully cast, roll a D3 and choose
up to that many enemy units within 18
of the caster. Each unit selected suffers
D3 mortal wounds..

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Hero, Psyker, Primaris Psyker
An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Command Squad
Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
5 Lasgun 24 1 4+ 4+ - 1
1 5+ Heavy Weapon 36 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
6 Bayonet 1 1 5+ 5+ - 1

Description Platoon Standard Bearer Abilities

An Infantry Squad consists of 10 models One model in the unit may bear the Platoon: While the Command Squad is
bearing Lasguns and Bayonets. Platoon Standard. All Imperium models within 6 of an Infantry Squad, add 1 to
from your army within 12 of the Platoon its rolls to hit.
Standard may re-roll Battleshock tests.
Lieutenant Rapid Fire: If this unit does not move
One model in the unit may be a
Medic during the movement phase, each model
Lieutenant. The Lieutenant may re-roll
may make an additional attack with its
failed rolls to hit. One model in the unit may be a Medic.
While there is a Medic in the unit, you
Heavy Weapons Team may re-roll save rolls of 1.
Tactical Weapons: Two models in the
Two models in the unit may combine to unit may upgrade their Lasguns to have a
form a Heavy Weapons Team. They carry Vox-Caster tactical weapon type chosen from the
a single Heavy Weapon, a Bayonet, and One model in the unit may bear a Vox- options on any Infantry Squad unit in
have two wounds instead of 1. Caster. While there is a Vox-Caster in the your armys warscroll. The Heavy
unit, it always counts as being in range of Weapon has the type of your choice. A
the generals command abilities. Heavy Weapon without a type is a heavy

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Command Squad

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Infantry Squad
Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
5 Lasgun 24 1 4+ 4+ - 1
1 5+ Heavy Weapon 36 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
5 Bayonet 1 1 5+ 5+ - 1

Description Abilities
An Infantry Squad consists of 10 models Rapid Fire: If this unit does not move Las: This weapon has Rend -2.
bearing Lasguns and Bayonets. during the movement phase, each model
may make an additional attack with its Melta: Double the damage dealt by this
Lasgun. weapon to Vehicle units.
One model in the unit may be a Sergeant.
Tactical Weapons: Two models in the Missile Launcher: Add 1 to the damage
The Sergeant may re-roll failed rolls to
unit may be equipped with a tactical dealt by this weapon to units consisting
weapon. The Heavy Weapon has the type of 5 or more models.
of your choice. A Heavy Weapon without
Heavy Weapons Team a type is a heavy bolter. Mortar: This weapon can fire at units that
Two models in the unit may combine to it cannot see.
form a Heavy Weapons Team. They carry Flame: Instead of attacking normally with
a single Heavy Weapon, a Bayonet, and a flame weapon, choose an enemy unit Plasma: When you roll a 6 to hit with this
has two wounds instead of 1. within 3. If you have a flame pistol, that weapon, the target suffers 1 mortal
unit suffer 1 mortal wound. It suffers D3 wound before the wound roll is made.
if you have a flamer, and D6 if you have a When you roll a 1 to hit, your unit suffers
heavy flamer. 1 mortal wound.

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Infantry Squad

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
10 Multi-laser 36 6 4+ 4+ - 1
8 3+ Heavy Bolter 36 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
Heavy Flamer 3 - - - - - Special - - - - -
5 Lasgun Array 24 Special 4+ 4+ - 1

A Chimera is a single model. Most are Dozer Blade: A Chimera with a Dozer Transport: A friendly Imperium unit of 12
equipped with a Multi-laser and Heavy Blade inflicts D6 mortal wounds on one or fewer models without Vehicle or
Bolter, but either or both can be enemy unit within 1 after completing a Monster keywords may embark on the
exchanged for Heavy Flamers. Each charge move. It also ignores the effects Chimera as its movement if all of its
Chimera also has a Lasgun Array. of deadly terrain. models are within 6 of it at the start of
their movement phase, or they may be
Heavy Flamer: Instead of attacking set up within the Chimera. The
Abilities normally with a Heavy Flamer weapon, embarked unit cannot attack or be
Mobile Command Vehicle: A friendly
choose an enemy unit within 3. The attacked.
Imperium Hero without the Vehicle or
enemy unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.
Monster keywords may embark on the
The embarked unit can exit in a future
Chimera as described in its Transport
Lasgun Array: While a unit is embarked movement phase or if the Chimera is
ability. While embarked, they may still
on the Chimera, the Lasgun Array has destroyed. To do so, set up all models
use their command abilities.
Attacks equal to the number of embarked from the unit within 6 of the Chimera
models to a maximum of 6. and at least 3 from any enemy models if
Relentless: This model may shoot even if
possible. This counts as the units and
it retreated in the same turn.
the Chimeras movement for the turn.

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Vehicle, Chimera

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

10 Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
8 4+ Taurox Cannon 36 1 3+ 3+ -1 D3
Hot-Shot Volley Gun 18 2 4+ 4+ -1 1

A Taurox is a single model equipped with Tactical Weapons: The Taurox Cannon Transport: A friendly Imperium unit of
a Taurox Cannon and Hot-Shot Volley may have the type of your choice. 10or fewer models without Vehicle or
Gun. Monster keywords may embark on the
Assault: When you roll a 6 or higher to hit Taurox as its movement if all of its
with this weapon, make an additional models are within 6 of it at the start of
Abilities attack. their movement phase, or they may be
All Terrain APC: The Taurox ignores the
set up within the Taurox. The embarked
effects of deadly terrain.
Auto: When an enemy unit suffers unit cannot attack or be attacked.
damage from this weapon, immediately
Relentless: This model may shoot even if
make an additional attack. The embarked unit can exit in a future
it retreated in the same turn.
movement phase or if the Taurox is
Missile Launcher: Add 1 to the damage destroyed. To do so, set up all models
dealt by this weapon to units consisting from the unit within 6 of the Taurox and
of 5 or more models. at least 3 from any enemy models if
possible. This counts as the units and
the Tauroxs movement for the turn.

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Vehicle, Taurox

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

18 Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
6 5+ Multi-laser 36 6 4+ 4+ - 1
Lascannon 36 1 4+ 3+ -2 D3

A Valkyrie is a single model equipped Grav Chute Insertion: At any point during Transport: A friendly Imperium unit of 12
with either a Multi-laser or a Lascannon the Valkyries movement, it may stop and or fewer models without Vehicle or
a unit embarked in it as described in the Monster keywords may embark on the
Transport ability may disembark. If they Valkyrie as its movement if all of its
Abilities do so, roll a dice for each model models are within 6 of it at the start of
Relentless: This model may shoot even if
disembarking in this way. On a roll of 1, their movement phase, or they may be
it retreated in the same turn.
the model is slain. set up within the Valkyrie. The embarked
unit cannot attack or be attacked.
Aerial Support: This model cannot be
After the unit disembarks, the Valkyrie
attacked during the combat phase except
may continue its movement. The embarked unit can exit in a future
by models with the ability to Fly.
movement phase or if the Valkyrie is
Hellstrike Missiles: Twice per battle, destroyed. To do so, set up all models
during the hero phase, choose an enemy from the unit within 6 of the Valkyrie
unit within 48 and line of sight. The and at least 3 from any enemy models if
chosen unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. possible. This counts as the units and
the Valkyries movement for the turn.

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Valkyrie

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Heavy Weapons Squad

5 Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Heavy Weapon 36 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
2 5+ Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
5 Bayonet 1 1 5+ 5+ - 1

Description Abilities
A Heavy Weapons Squad consists of 3-9 Platoon: While the Heavy Weapons Las: This weapon has Rend -2.
models bearing Heavy Weapons and Squad is within 6 of an Infantry Squad,
Bayonets. add 1 to its rolls to hit. Melta: Double the damage dealt by this
weapon to Vehicle units.
Tactical Weapons: Each Heavy Weapon
has the type of your choice. A Heavy Missile Launcher: Add 1 to the damage
Weapon without a type is a heavy bolter. dealt by this weapon to units consisting
of 5 or more models.
Flame: Instead of attacking normally with
a flame weapon, choose an enemy unit Mortar: This weapon can fire at units that
within 3. If you have a flame pistol, that it cannot see.
unit suffer 1 mortal wound. It suffers D3
if you have a flamer, and D6 if you have a Plasma: When you roll a 6 to hit with this
heavy flamer. weapon, the target suffers 1 mortal
wound before the wound roll is made.
When you roll a 1 to hit, your unit suffers
1 mortal wound.

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Heavy Weapons Squad

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

10 Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
5 4+ Multi-laser 36 6 4+ 4+ - 1
Heavy Weapon 36 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3

A Sentinels unit consists of 1-3 models Relentless: This unit may shoot even if it Flame: Instead of attacking normally with
each equipped with either a Multi-laser retreated in the same turn. a flame weapon, choose an enemy unit
or a Heavy Weapon. A Sentinels unit can within 3. If you have a heavy flamer,
either have Extra Armour, or an Improved Extra Armour: The Sentinels add 1 to that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.
Drive Train. save rolls against weapons with Rend .
Las: This weapon has Rend -2.
Improved Drive Train: The Sentinels may
Abilities shoot even if they ran this turn. Missile Launcher: Add 1 to the damage
Twin-: This unit may shoot even if it
dealt by this weapon to units consisting
retreated in the same turn.
Tactical Weapons: The Heavy Weapon of 5 or more models.
may have the type of your choice.
Plasma: When you roll a 6 to hit with this
Auto: When an enemy unit suffers weapon, the target suffers 1 mortal
damage from this weapon, immediately wound before the wound roll is made.
make an additional attack. When you roll a 1 to hit, your unit suffers
1 mortal wound.

Keywords Order, Ratling, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Sentinels
An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Leman Russ
10 Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Turret Weapon 48 1 4+ 3+ -1 D6
8 3+ Heavy Weapons 36 2 4+ 3+ -1 D3
5 Hull Weapon 24 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3

A Leman Russ has a Turret Weapon, Relentless: This model may shoot even if Melta: Add 1 to the damage dealt by this
Heavy Weapons, and a Hull Weapon. it retreated in the same turn. weapon to Vehicle units.
Some are also equipped with Smoke
Launchers and/or a Searchlight Tactical Weapons: Any of this tanks Missile Launcher: Add 1 to the damage
weapons may have the type of your dealt by this weapon to units consisting
Abilities choice. of 5 or more models.
Smoke Launchers: If this unit is equipped
Auto: When an enemy unit suffers Mortar: This weapon can fire at units that
with Smoke Launchers, enemy units
damage from this weapon, immediately it cannot see.
subtract 1 from rolls to hit it with ranged
make an additional attack.
weapon attacks.
Plasma: When you roll a 6 to hit with this
Flame: Instead of attacking normally with weapon, the target suffers 1 mortal
Searchlight: If this unit is equipped with a
a flame weapon, choose an enemy unit wound before the wound roll is made.
searchlight, enemy units do not benefit
within 3. If you have a heavy flamer, When you roll a 1 to hit, your unit suffers
from cover against its attacks.
that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. 1 mortal wound.

Las: This weapon has Rend -2.

Keywords Order, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Vehicle, Leman Russ

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Artillery Tank
5 Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
8 4+ Artillery Cannon 48 1 3+ 3+ -2 D6
Heavy Bolter 36 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3

An Artillery Tank is a single model Relentless: This model may shoot even if Las: This weapon has Rend -2 (Rend -3 for
equipped with an Artillery Cannon and a it retreated in the same turn. the Artillery Cannon).
hull mounted Heavy Weapon. Some are
also equipped with Smoke Launchers Tactical Weapons: The Artillery Cannon Melta: Add 1 to the damage dealt by this
and/or a Searchlight. and Heavy Weapon can have one of the weapon to Vehicle units.
weapon options of your choice.
Missile Launcher: Add 1 to the damage
Abilities Flame: Instead of attacking normally with dealt by this weapon to units consisting
Smoke Launchers: If this unit is equipped
a flame weapon, choose an enemy unit of 5 or more models.
with Smoke Launchers, enemy units
within 3. If you have a heavy flamer,
subtract 1 from rolls to hit it with ranged
that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. If Mortar: This weapon can fire at units that
weapon attacks.
you have an inferno cannon, that unit it cannot see.
suffers 2D6 mortal wounds.
Searchlight: If this unit is equipped with a
Plasma: When you roll a 6 to hit with this
searchlight, enemy units do not benefit
Flak: Add 1 to rolls to hit and wound weapon, the target suffers 1 mortal
from cover against its attacks.
flying Vehicle units. wound before the wound roll is made.
When you roll a 1 to hit, your unit suffers
1 mortal wound.
Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Artillery Tank
An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Ogryn Commander
Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
6 Ripper Gun 12 3 5+ 3+ -1 1
8 4+ Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Hunting Knife 1 3 3+ 3+ - 2
8 Thunderous Headbutt 1 1 3+ 3+ -2 D6

Description Abilities Command Ability

An Ogryn Commander is a single model Ard as Nails: When the Ogryn Rough and Tumble: When the Ogryn
that carries a Ripper Gun and attacks in Commander is slain, it may immediately Commander uses this ability, choose an
combat with a Hunting Knife, and a attack with its Thunderous Headbutt Ogor unit from your army within 12.
Thunderous Headbutt. before the model is removed. Until your next hero phase, whenever the
chosen unit suffers a wound or mortal
Vox Caster: Astra militarum units within wound during the combat phase roll a
6 of the Ogryn Commander always dice. On a roll of 4 or higher, the attacker
count as being in range of the generals suffers a mortal wound.
command abilities.

Bionics: Re-roll failed save rolls for the

Ogryn Commander.

Keywords Order, Ogor, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Hero, Ogryn Commander

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

6 Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Ripper Gun 12 3 5+ 3+ -1 1
4 5+ Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
6 Knuckles 1 2 4+ 3+ - 2

Description Abilities
A unit of Ogryns consists of 3-9 models Platoon: While the Ogryns are within 6
bearing Ripper Guns and Knuckles. of an Infantry Squad, add 1 to their rolls
to hit.
Bone ead Bull Charge: You can re-roll to wound
One model in the unit may be a Bone
rolls of 1 for Ogryns if they charged in the
ead. The Bone ead makes an additional
same turn.
attack with its Knuckles.

Keywords Order, Ogor, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Ogryns

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
6 Grenadier Gauntlet 12 3 4+ 3+ -1 D3
4 4+ Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Power Maul 1 3 4+ 3+ -1 3
6 Knuckles 1 2 4+ 3+ - 2

Description Abilities
A unit of Bullgryns consists of 3-9 models Platoon: While the Bullgryns are within Slabshields: A unit carrying Slabshields
bearing Slabshields and either Grenadier 6 of an Infantry Squad, add 1 to their can create a fortress during the
Gauntlets or Power Mauls. If the rolls to hit. movement phase instead of moving or
Bullgryns dont have Power Mauls, they charging. If it does so, add 1 to save rolls
fight with the Knuckles in combat. Bull Charge: You can re-roll to wound for the unit until your next movement
rolls of 1 for Bullgryns if they charged in phase.
the same turn.
Bone ead
One model in the unit may be a Bone
ead. The Bone ead makes an additional
attack with its melee weapon.

Keywords Order, Ogor, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Bullgryns

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Ratling Snipers
4 Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
Sniper Rifle 48 1 3+ 3+ -1 1
1 6+ Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
5 Shank 1 1 5+ 5+ -1 1

Description Abilities
An Ratling Snipers unit consists of 5-10 Infantry Platoon: While the Ratling Scout: After set-up is complete, you may
models bearing Sniper Rifles and Shanks. Snipers are within 6 of an Infantry move this unit as though it were moving
Squad, add 1 to their rolls to hit. in the movement phase.
Shoot Sharp and Scarper: After attacking
during the shooting phase, Ratling
Snipers may move up to D6. If they do,
they cannot attempt to charge this turn.

Keywords Order, Halfling, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Ratling Snipers

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Vendetta Gunship
Ranged Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
6 5+ Lascannon 36 3 4+ 3+ -2 D3

A Vendetta is a single model equipped Grav Chute Insertion: At any point during Transport: A friendly Imperium unit of 6
with Twin-linked Lascannons. the Vendettas movement, it may stop or fewer models without Vehicle or
and a unit embarked in it as described in Monster keywords may embark on the
the Transport ability may disembark. If Vendetta as its movement if all of its
Abilities they do so, roll a dice for each model models are within 6 of it at the start of
Relentless: This model may shoot even if
disembarking in this way. On a roll of 1, their movement phase, or they may be
it retreated in the same turn.
the model is slain. set up within the Vendetta. The
embarked unit cannot attack or be
Aerial Support: This model cannot be
After the unit disembarks, the Vendetta attacked.
attacked during the combat phase except
may continue its movement.
by models with the ability to Fly.
The embarked unit can exit in a future
Hellstrike Missiles: Twice per battle, movement phase or if the Vendetta is
Twin-Linked: Re-roll failed rolls to hit
during the hero phase, choose an enemy destroyed. To do so, set up all models
with the Vendettas Lascannons.
unit within 48 and line of sight. The from the unit within 6 of the Vendetta
chosen unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. and at least 3 from any enemy models if
possible. This counts as the units and
the Vendettas movement for the turn.

Keywords Order, Human, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Vendetta

An Unofficial Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Supplement

Pitched Battle Profiles Astra militarum

Imperium Unit Size

Unit Min Max Points Battlefield Role Notes
Company Commander 1 1 100 Leader
Imperial Commissar 1 1 100 Leader
Engineseer 1 1 100 Leader
Primaris Psyker 1 1 100 Leader
Command Squad 10 10 120
Infantry Squad 10 20 100 Battleline
Chimera 1 1 100 Experimental points value
Taurox 1 1 80 Experimental points value
Valkyrie 1 1 80 Experimental points value
Heavy Weapons Squad 3 9 100
Sentinels 1 3 60 Experimental points value
Leman Russ 1 1 160 Artillery
Artillery Tank 1 1 160 Artillery
Ogryn Commander 1 1 160 Leader
Battleline if your army has Ogor
Ogryns 3 9 120
Astra Militarum allegiance
Bullgryns 3 9 220
Ratling Snipers 5 10 80
Vendetta 1 1 120 Artillery

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