ISO-374-4-2019 - Determination of Resistance To

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First edition

Protective gloves against dangerous

chemicals and micro-organisms —
Part 4:
Determination of resistance to
degradation by chemicals
Gants de protectionPREVIEW
iTeh STANDARD contre les produits chimiques dangereux et les
micro-organismes —
Partie 4: Détermination de la résistance à la dégradation par des
produits chimiques
ISO 374-4:2019

Reference number
ISO 374-4:2019(E)

© ISO 2019
ISO 374-4:2019(E)


ISO 374-4:2019


© ISO 2019
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ISO 374-4:2019(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Test principles.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
5 Test methods, puncture resistance test......................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 Sampling........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.2 Apparatus..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.3 Procedure..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.3.1 Test conditions................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.3.2 Pre-testing ..................................................................................................................................
measurements.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.3.3 Puncture testing................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.3.4 Expression of results..................................................................................................................................................... 4
6 Test report.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Annex A (informative) Inter laboratory test on the present test method....................................................................... 6
Annex B (informative) Weight change test...................................................................................................................................................... 7
ISO 374-4:2019

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ISO 374-4:2019(E)

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Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-

organisms —
Part 4:
Determination of resistance to degradation by chemicals

1 Scope
This document specifies the test method for the determination of the resistance of protective glove
materials to degradation by dangerous chemicals with continuous contact.
NOTE Annex A gives information on interlaboratory test results on this method.

It is preferable that other tests used in addition to the evaluation of chemical resistance such as
permeation resistance and penetration, as the chemical test do not provide sufficient information on
the physical property changes affecting a glove during exposure to a chemical. It is necessary that the
outside surface of the glove be exposed to the chemical.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the ISOreferenced
374-4:2019 document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 374-1, Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms — Part 1: Terminology and
performance requirements for chemical risks
ISO 21420, Protective gloves — General requirements and test methods
ISO 23388:2018, Protective gloves against mechanical risks

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 374-1 and ISO 21420 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http:​//www​.iso​.org/obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:​//www​.electropedia​.org/

4 Test principles
The resistance of a protective glove material to degradation by a liquid chemical is determined by
measuring the change in puncture resistance of the glove material after continuous contact of the
external surface with the challenge test chemical. The test is applicable to gloves made of natural or
synthetic polymer. Lined gloves can produce unusable measurement results.

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ISO 374-4:2019(E)

5 Test methods, puncture resistance test

5.1 Sampling
Select three gloves for testing. Condition the gloves at (23 ± 2) °C, (50 ± 5) % relative humidity for at
least 24 h.
In the case of irregular and/or multiple construction, one sample shall be tested from each area. Using
the appropriate circular die of 20 mm, cut 6 specimens of each glove for a total of 18 test specimens. For
each glove, 3 specimens will be exposed to the challenge chemical and 3 specimens will be unexposed.
Select specimens so that they are homogeneous and representative of the glove’s primary construction.
Avoid embossed patterned areas or other areas of varying thickness or composition when cutting these
If a glove is constituted of several unbounded layers, only the layer giving the chemical protection shall
be tested.
The sample shall be tested according to the method described in 5.3. An additional non-mandatory
informative test method is given as an example in Annex B.
For lined gloves, if it is not possible to separate the liner from the glove (and if the liner is too thick), the
test could not be feasible, because it would not be possible to seal the vial and the sample would slide
during the test. For some samples, if there is a thick liner, it could not be necessary to use the septa to
have a correct vial sealing. In this case, the liner will ensure the leakproofness.
5.2 Apparatus
The following equipment shall be used:
ISO 374-4:2019
a) (20 ± 1) mm diameter cutting die;
b) (12 ± 1) mm diameter cutting die (for cutting a hole in the centre of each septum);
c) 20 ml crimp top vials (opening (12,5 ± 0,5) mm of diameter);
d) 20 mm diameter septa (e.g. made from chlorobutyl rubber without polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE) layer);
e) 20 mm open centre aluminium crimp seals;
f) hand crimper;
g) hand decapper;
h) punched-out sample holder with 18 holes of 20 mm diameter;
i) 150 ml beaker;
j) transfer pipette, 2 ml;
k) dynamometer with a puncture stylus according to ISO 23388:2018, 6.5 and a cell to measure
compression forces with a precision of ±1 %;
l) sample vial support.

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ISO 374-4:2019(E)

5.3 Procedure

5.3.1 Test conditions

The test shall be conducted at (23 ± 2) °C (preparation, chemical, exposure to chemical, and
puncture test).

5.3.2 Pre-testing measurements

Place the challenge chemical into the 150 ml beaker. Using the transfer pipette, place about 2 ml of
challenge chemical into one of the crimp top vials.
Seat a septum in an open centre aluminium crimp seal cap. Using the (12 ± 1) mm cutting die, make a
centred hole in the septum.
Place a glove specimen on top of the septum with its normal external surface facing towards the
interior of the vial. Place the aluminium cap with the specimen on top of the vial. Seal the vial using the
hand crimper and invert it so that the challenge chemical is in contact with the specimen (see Figure 1).
Record the time. Place the vial in the punched-out sample holder.
NOTE The punched-out sample holder has a twofold purpose:

a) It allows air to circulate under the sample film, and

b) if the pressure from the challenge chemical forces the sample into a convex shape, the flask will still stand.
Repeat the procedure in the above paragraph for each of the remaining eight specimens that are to
be exposed. Time these actions so that the exposures on succeeding specimens begin at three-minute
intervals. At the end of the one-hour exposure period (±5 min), examine each test vial to confirm
coverage of the specimen with the challenge chemical. If the chemical is not covering the specimen,
discard the specimen and repeat the test using ISO 374-4:2019
a larger quantity of challenge chemical.
Mount the nine unexposed specimens in the remaining vials in the same manner, except that no
chemical is placed in the vial.

1 challenge chemical
2 outer surface of the glove specimen which is in contact with the challenge chemical, it is a circular area of
(12,5 ± 0,5) mm diameter

Figure 1 — Position of the vial during contact time between the specimen and the challenge

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ISO 374-4:2019(E)

1 20 ml crimp vial
2 puncture stylus
3 specimen
4 sample vial support (to be maintained by the dynamometer jaw)

Figure 2 — Position of the vial during puncture test

5.3.3 Puncture testing
Install the puncture stylus on the dynamometerISO load374-4:2019
cell. Set the carriage speed to 100 mm/min and
screw the vial support onto the table.
Place a vial into the support. Puncture the specimen and record the peak force required (see Figure 2).
Repeat for each of the specimens; test each of the exposed specimens one hour after the exposure on
that specimen was started.
Test specimens shall be examined for any changes to their physical properties during and after the
test (after drying). Any changes such as swelling, shrinking, brittleness, hardening, softening, flaking,
disintegration, colour change/bleeding, delaminating shall be noted and described on the test report
for information.

5.3.4 Expression of results

Determine the degradation for each of the three glove samples against each specific chemical or
chemical mixture using the formula:

(OPx − RPx )
DRx = × 100 (1)

DRx is the degradation of the x glove sample against challenge chemical tested, in %;

OPx is the average puncture force on the three unexposed test specimens from the x glove
sample; units shall be same as RPx;

RPx is the average puncture force on the three exposed test specimens from the x glove sample;
units shall be same as OPx.

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ISO 374-4:2019(E)

Determine the degradation of the glove material against the challenge chemical using the following
Formula (2):

(DR1 + DR 2 + DR 3)
DR = (2)

DR is the degradation of the glove material against challenge chemical tested, in %;

DR1 is the degradation of the first glove sample against challenge chemical tested, in %;

DR2 is the degradation of the second glove sample against challenge chemical tested, in %;

DR3 is the degradation of the third glove sample against challenge chemical tested, in %.
Determine the standard deviation (SD) of the degradation for the three glove samples.

6 Test report
For each protective glove material tested, a report shall include the following information:
a) Report the manufacturer’s reference for the glove tested including the material, style, and lot number.
b) Report the name of the test chemical, its purity, and if it is in a mixture, its concentration and other
components. iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
c) (
Make reference to this document.
d) Report the date of the test. ISO 374-4:2019
e) Report DR1, DR2, DR3, DR (see 5.3.4), the percent change in the puncture for the glove material. The
SD shall also be reported.
f) Report whether the liner, if present, has been separated from the test specimen.
g) Report any observations of changes in the physical appearance of the material specimens following
chemical exposure. Examples of reported observations are swelling, shrinking, brittleness,
hardening, softening, flaking, disintegration, colour change/bleeding and delaminating.
h) Any deviation to this document shall be reported.

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