It represents 8 % of body weight
It is about 5 liters in adult male ( 70 Kg)
Compsition of Blood
Composed of
Waste products -
Functions of plasma proteins
1- Used by tissues as nutrient
2-Blood clot, most of clotting factors are plasma
3-By its osmotic pressure ( O P ) it regulates the volume of
blood , tissue fluid and
*O P of plasma protein is 28 mm Hg
*Albumin is the main protein responsible for .
*Edema due to decreased osmotic pressure of plasma
proteins as a result of decreased albumin
γ ecreased
Blood Cells
ر كز معايا وووووووه
! رد يبني ايه... تركيب الخاليا دي ايه يمعلم
- Biconcave discs
- Non nucleated
- Thickness : 2.2 u
- Diameter : 7.2 u
- Volume : 80 – 90 U3
Hb is formed of :
* 4 Haem groups , (each one is formed of ferrous
Iron + and
protoporphyrin ring)
* 1 globin part formed of 4 polypeptide chains
.......) طب كميته قد ايه
Hb : 13-17 gm / dL in males
12 -15 gm / dL in females
وظيفة كرات الدم الحمراء
Function of RBCS
Buffer action
- Life span of RBCs is 120 days
- Destructed in spleen
- The end product of its destruction is bilirubin
**Regulation of RBCs formation**
I- Hypoxia decreased O2 supply to tissues.
stimulates kidney to release renal erythropoietic factor (REF )
- Formed : in bone marrow + lymph nodes
-Number : 4.000 – 11.000 / mm3
Defense against infection by :-
1- Chemotaxis : the response of motile cell to directional
influence o
chemical material
2- Diapedesis : the ability of WBCs to migrate through an
capillary wall
3- Amoeboid movement
4- Phagocytosis : engulf foreign material and destroy it .
5- Antibodies production and distribution
6- Basophils secretes heparin and histamine
Neutrophils : The granules in the cytoplasm are stained by acidic and basic dyes .
The nucleus is formed of many lobes so termed polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes.
Its function : phagocytosis
Basophils : The granules in the cytoplasm are stained by basic dye
Function : It secretes heparin and histamine.
Acidophil : The granules in the cytoplasm are stained by acidic dye
Functions : 1- Weak phagocytosis
2- Has a role in breakdown of clot
3- Prevent the toxic effect of foreign protein in case of allergy and parasitic
***Functions of Lymphocytes ***