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Opaque fluid Presents inside C.V.

It represents 8 % of body weight
It is about 5 liters in adult male ( 70 Kg)

Function of the blood 1- Transportive

2- Digestive
3- Regulatory
Transportive function :-
1- It transports Respiratory gases (O2 From
lung to tissues ) (CO2 from tissues to lung )
2- Nutrients from G.I.T to all tissues
from tissues to lung
3- Waste products from tissues to organs of
4 - Heat from deep tissues to skin
5- Hormones from endocrine glands to
target tissue
2-: Defensive function
a. Against bacteria by WBCs
phagocytosis - produce antibodies -
.against foreign bodies
b. Against haemorrhage by blood clot
to prevent blood loss

3-: Regulatory function

regulation of : a . PH by buffer ‫ﺑﺗﻌﺎدل ﺣﻣوﺿﮫ اﻟدم‬
b. Hormones by feed back mechanism
ph 7.35
c. Body fluids
: d. Temperature by
Transport heat to skin to be lost -
Transport heat to hypothalamus to deal -
with it heat regulatory centre HRC

Compsition of Blood

( plasma ) 55% 45%

- Yellow straw colored fluid
- Form 55% of blood volume
- Form 5 % body weight

Composed of

90% H2O 7.1% 2% 0.9%

Proteins Nutrients Electrolyts

) Serum = plasma – blood clot ( obtained by centrifugation of a clotted blood

Waste products -

Plasma = blood – cells ( obtained by centrifugation of blood after addition of

Functions of plasma proteins
1- Used by tissues as nutrient
2-Blood clot, most of clotting factors are plasma
3-By its osmotic pressure ( O P ) it regulates the volume of
blood , tissue fluid and

*O P of plasma protein is 28 mm Hg
*Albumin is the main protein responsible for .

4-By its viscosity , it affects peripheral resistance , blood

pressure and the blood
flow. Fibrinogen is the main protein responsible for
5-.It has defensive function by γ globulins
6-It carries important material and prevent its loss in urine
e.g Iron , thyroid
. hormone
7-It affects capillary permeability as the pores in capillaries
is partially blocked by
. protein
8-It has buffer function. 15 % of buffering power of blood is
due to plasma protein
Lactic acid + Na proteinate proteinic acid + Na lactate
( strong ) ( weak )
9- Certain plasma protein has specific function e g Enzymes.
Hypoproteinemia : marked decrease in plasma proteins
: Causes
* Decrease Intake ( malnutrition )
*Decrease Absorption ( malabsorption )
*Liver disease(Decrease Formation)
*Kidney disease(Increase loss)

*Edema due to decreased osmotic pressure of plasma
proteins as a result of decreased albumin

*Bleeding tendency : due to decreased clotting factors

Susceptibility to infection : due to d

γ ecreased
Blood Cells


Red Blood CorpuScles (RBCS)

Number : – (5.5 – 6.5) million / mm3 in male
(- 4.5 – 5.5 )million / mm3 in
Site of formation : - In adult , it is formed in
1. bone marrow of membranous bones .
2. sternum ,
3. ribs
4. , vertebrae
5. , bones of the skull
6. , ends of long bones . e.g. femur

‫ر كز معايا وووووووه‬
! ‫ رد يبني ايه‬... ‫تركيب الخاليا دي ايه يمعلم‬
- Biconcave discs
- Non nucleated
- Thickness : 2.2 u
- Diameter : 7.2 u
- Volume : 80 – 90 U3

‫😂️❤اسطورة اقسم باهلل‬

: ‫طب محتواها ايه يعم الناس‬

It contains :
- 60% H2O ‫شوية ميااه‬
- 34 % hemoglobin ( Hb) ‫شوية حديد وبروتين‬
- Enzymes e.g carbonic anhydrase
- Electrolytes e.g K+ , Mg++
‫شوية شاي وصحصحلي‬

‫( ايه هو بقا الهيموجلوبين‬Hb)

‫دي مادة يعم بتدي الدم لونه هو االحمر‬
*Hb : gives the blood its red colour

‫ خلي عندك شوية م‬: ‫ملحوظة‬

‫االحمر وذاكر مفيش وقت ي اهبل‬

Hb is formed of :
* 4 Haem groups , (each one is formed of ferrous
Iron + and
protoporphyrin ring)
* 1 globin part formed of 4 polypeptide chains
.......) ‫طب كميته قد ايه‬
Hb : 13-17 gm / dL in males
12 -15 gm / dL in females
‫وظيفة كرات الدم الحمراء‬
Function of RBCS

- Transport of respiratory gases ( O2 to tissue , CO2 to lung


Each 1 gm of Hb can carry 1.33 ml O2 and iron is kept in ferrous

Buffer action

- Life span of RBCs is 120 days
- Destructed in spleen
- The end product of its destruction is bilirubin
**Regulation of RBCs formation**
I- Hypoxia decreased O2 supply to tissues.
stimulates kidney to release renal erythropoietic factor (REF )

stimulates liver to synthesize globulins

Erythropoietin hormone
- glycoprotein secreted from liver and kidney .
It increased by :
1- Hypoxia
2- Cobalt
3- Androgens
4- Prostaglandins (PGs)
5- Sympathetic stimulation
2-Endocrine system e. g testosterone, thyroxine, cortisol
3- Liver
- Store Iron, cupper, B12 and folic acid.
- Form globin and globulins
- Form RBCs in intrauterine life
4- Bone marrow : the site of RBCs formation, so damage of
bone marrow by
toxins , infections , radiation or malignancy leads to a plastic
5- Diet
1- Protein : protein of high biological value (contain essential
amino acids
needed .
2- Minerals : Iron , Cupper and Cobalt
Cupper :- facilitates Iron metabolism.
- act as catalyst for RBCs formation
Iron :
- needed for Hb formation
- absorbed from upper part of small intestine
- acidity of stomach is needed for its absorption
vitamins B6 , B12 folic acid , and vit. C
B6 needed for tissues respiration
B12 and folic acid needed for maturation of RBCs
B12 = Extrinsic factor = maturation Factor = antipernicious
anaemia factor
- B12 taken in diet
- In stomach , the intrinsic factor carry B12 and protect it
from digestion
- B12is absorbed in terminal ileum, stored in liver, released
to blood when needed
and reaches bone marrow lead to maturation of RBCs
Anaemia : in number of RBCs and / or Hb content
Types of anemia according to cause :
1- Hemorrhagic e.g acute and chronic hemorrhage.
2- Hemolytic e.g sickle cell anaemia and thalassemi
3- Decrease formation :
1. Bone marrow failure (aplastic anaemia)
2. Deficiency of some factors e.g Vit B12 , folic acid
and iron .

**Types of anemia according to morphology**

 Microcytic hypochromic anemia e.g iron deficiency
 2- Macrocytic hyperchromic anemia e,g Vit B12 –
folic acid deficiency

3- Normocytic normochromic anemia e.g acute
hemorrhage- aplastic anemia

Polycythaemia: increased RBCs (physiological e.g high altitude,

pathological e.g
malignant tumor in bone marrow (polycythaemia)

! ‫امال انت فاكر ايه يحماده‬

WBCS (Leucocytes)

 Nucleated
- Formed : in bone marrow + lymph nodes
-Number : 4.000 – 11.000 / mm3
Defense against infection by :-
1- Chemotaxis : the response of motile cell to directional
influence o
chemical material
2- Diapedesis : the ability of WBCs to migrate through an
capillary wall
3- Amoeboid movement
4- Phagocytosis : engulf foreign material and destroy it .
5- Antibodies production and distribution
6- Basophils secretes heparin and histamine

Neutrophils : The granules in the cytoplasm are stained by acidic and basic dyes .
The nucleus is formed of many lobes so termed polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes.
Its function : phagocytosis
Basophils : The granules in the cytoplasm are stained by basic dye
Function : It secretes heparin and histamine.
Acidophil : The granules in the cytoplasm are stained by acidic dye
Functions : 1- Weak phagocytosis
2- Has a role in breakdown of clot
3- Prevent the toxic effect of foreign protein in case of allergy and parasitic
***Functions of Lymphocytes ***

1- T lymphocytes are responsible for cell mediated immunity

2- B lymphocytes are responsible for humoral immunity via
Disturbances in WBCs

‫شوية مفاهيم كدا‬

‫ي اسطورة‬

Leucocytosis : in number of WBCs e- g physiological e.g cold bath and

Pathological : infection e.g Appendicitis
Eosinophillia :increase in number of acidophil e.g in allergy and
parasitic infestation .
Leucopenia : marked in WBCs e.g bone marrow failure – some drugs
Leukaemia marked in WBCs ( uncontrollable , functionless , take its
nutrition at the
expense of other cells) .it is a malignant disease
- Death in Leukaemia from anaemia, bleeding or infection.

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