Physiology Lec 1
Physiology Lec 1
Physiology Lec 1
Blood cells:
1- Water 91.5%
2- Proteins 7%
3- Solutes 1.5%
c- Hormones .
d- Electrolytes.
Plasma : It is the yellow color (slight yellow) alkaline fluid in which the
blood cells float . It forms 55% of whole blood .
Function of blood :
1- Transport:
b- Waste products like urea ,uric acid and creatinine and also excess of
water to the kidney to be excreted in urine .
c- Respiratory gasses like oxygen (O2) from lungs to the body cells and
(Co2) from cells to the lungs .
2- Regulation:
b- Keeps the fluid and electrolytes contents inside and outside the cells
constant c- Keeps the pH of body fluids constant .
3- Defense:
a- By phagocytic action of white blood cells against bacteria , toxins and
foreign bodies .
b- By antibodies formation .
Hemopoiesis : formation of blood cells in the red bone marrow from the
hemocytoblast (stem cell) . It is a continuous process but diminish with
aging (old person suffer from anemia) .
In Adult : Red bone marrow of the membranous bones e.g sternum , ribs
Red blood cells R.B.C. Also called erythrocyte ,these are circular
biconcave non –nucleated discs in color due to the presence of
hemoglobin in it , very small in size having a diameters of 7.5 μ.
Thickness 2 μ. at periphery 1 μ. at center So that the R.B.C. are able to
pass through the capillaries wall . R.B.C. have a cell membrane which is
selectively. The life span is 120 days .
R.B.C Anemia .
R.BC Polycythemia
Function of R.B.C. : R.B.C. carry the respiratory gasses of the (O2 and
Co2 )by the haemoglobin which it contains .
1-Protein in diet .
2- Iron (Fe) in diet ♂ : needs 5 mg /day ♀ : needs 10 mg /day
Hemoglobin (Hb) A complex protein which gives the red color to the
erythrocytes. Hb consists of protein (globin) combined with an iron
containing pigment (hem) . The normal R.B.C. contains 100% of Hb.
Normal range of Hb : Males : 13-18 gm /dL. Females :11-16 gm/dL.
Functions of Hb:
Hemolysis of R.B.C.: Life span of R.B.C. is 120 days .