Partial Discharge Measurement Using UHF
Partial Discharge Measurement Using UHF
Partial Discharge Measurement Using UHF
Electrical PD
(IEC 60270 )
Internal PD
Figure 1. Signal propagation of UHF and electrical PD measurement at a power transformer with internal PD (red) and external PD (blue) [6]
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A UHF sensor consists of a broadband an- internal PD measurement are used for
practical applications.
tenna optimised for the UHF frequency
range radiated by PD, and of its mechani- 2.1 UHF drain valve sensor
cal adaption for the installation on power A UHF drain valve sensor is designed for
transformers, which are equipped with
transformers standard DN50 or DN80 gate valves,
shown in Fig. 2a. A conventional gate
valve with suited straight duct is shown
Electrical signals propagate by the gal- for UHF sensors [8]. Both UHF sensors in Fig. 2b. Ball and guillotine valves
vanic coupling of the winding and are types are presented in the next chapter. can also be used for sensor installation.
decoupled by the measurement capaci- Then a recommendation for the place- Fig. 2c demonstrates a counterexample
ty of the bushing for online monitoring ment of window type UHF sensors at that is not suitable. It illustrates a globe
or with an external coupling capacitor new power transformers is given. For valve without a straight opening. Other
(not shown). Electromagnetic signals the UHF method, a calibration proce- non-suited valve types without a straight
travel directly through the oil-filled dure is now available [9, 10]. The cali- opening (diaphragm and butterfly
volume of the transformer. Usually, the bration process is required to ensure valves) are also popular in some regions.
Faraday shielding of the transformer both reproducibility and comparability It is recommended to use only straight
tank and low-pass filters provided by of UHF measurements: only a calibrat- opening valves on new transformers to
high voltage bushings shield UHF PD ed UHF measurement procedure can provide sensor compatibility.
measurements against external dis- be introduced supplementary to IEC
turbances [7]. Therefore, it is less sus- 60270 in the acceptance tests of power Sensor application is possible even on
ceptible to external interferences com- transformers. transformers in service, which is ad-
pared to the electrical method. This vantageous, especially for diagnostic
is advantageous for measurements in 2. UHF sensors measurements on site. Nevertheless,
noisy environments for on-site / online permanent installation as part of an on-
measurements and for monitoring. CI- A UHF sensor consists of a broadband line PD monitoring system is possible
GRÉ Working Group WG A2-27 rec- antenna optimised for the UHF fre- as well. First, the UHF sensor is mount-
ommends in brochure 343 to provide quency range radiated by PD, and of ed on the valve. Secondly, the valve is
DN50 valves to all transformers for the its mechanical adaption for the instal- opened slowly and deaerated by a small
later fitting of UHF probes. Alterna- lation on power transformers. Mainly ventilation valve on the sensor’s mount-
tively, dielectric windows can be used two different mechanical adaptions for ing plate. Afterwards, the oil valve can
be opened completely, and the sensor is
inserted into the transformer tank. The
head of the UHF sensor (the antenna)
has to only reach into the transformer
a) in order to provide sufficient sensitiv-
ity. Usually, insertion depth of approx.
50 mm is a reasonable value [12]. If the
UHF antenna remains inside the pipe
of the gate valve, the sensor only pro-
vides low sensitivity due to electromag-
netic shielding [3]. Besides sensitivity
considerations, a minimum distance
between the UHF sensor and parts on
a high potential must be preserved to
ensure safe operation.
b) c)
Gate valve Globe valve
2.2 UHF plate sensor
UHF plate sensors, as shown in Fig. 3a,
can be mounted directly onto the tank
without wall, which is suitable for newly-built
straight transformers or for transformers in
opening repair. A dielectric window is inte-
grated into the tank wall. It consists
of a stainless-steel welding ring and a
Figure 2. a) UHF drain valve sensor for DN50 / DN80 gate valves [11]; b) Gate valve example for oil valves suited for UHF sensor installation [12]; c)
Globe valve example for oil valves not suited for UHF sensor installation [12]
a) b) c)
Figure 3. a) UHF plate sensor for the direct installation on the transformer tank wall [11]; b) 3D drawing of a welding ring (left), dielectric window
(middle), and a UHF plate sensor (right) [11], c) Test installation of UHF plate sensors on a power transformer
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Total UHF Calibration Factor
Coax cable
device = [1/m]
UHF Preamplifier
Sensor (if used)
= [V/m]
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In the case study, the PD trend analysis is UHF signals occur in this timeframe
which triggered the amplitude alarm of
used as an indicator to determine if the insu- the system. During this time frame, the
lation defects are getting worse on 50-year- amplitude and number of PDs stayed
constant and did not get worse, so it
old 110 / 10 kV, 120 MVA step-up generator was decided to keep the transformer in
transformer service. After 3 h of high amplitudes,
the PD event vanished, and PD activity
was normalised. The measured com-
bined dissolved fault gases represented
the sensors on the same side but also 5. UHF PD monitoring case by the Hydran value started to increase
between those on the opposite sides. study: 120 MVA generator approx. 4 h after the PD event was over.
Additionally, the formation of a geo- step-up-unit Fig. 7c shows the trend view of the PD
metrical plane, which can lead to sig- amplitude correlated to the Hydran value.
nificant errors in localisation in certain This case study presents PD monitor-
scenarios, e.g., when a PD source is lo- ing data of an approx. 50-year-old 110 The alarm threshold for the fault gas
cated along the normal at the geomet- / 10 kV, 120 MVA unit generator trans- value was exceeded approx. 7 h after the
rical centre of the plane, is prevented. former, which has by now been moni- PD event started. This delay is caused
Both factors should aid in localisation tored for more than six years. Prior to by the gas solubility and dispersion in
based on TDOA. Reliability can be im- this, the transformer was out of service the transformer. The event illustrates
proved by adding additional sensors. It for eight years. A condition assessment the advantage of direct PD monitor-
should be noted that depending on the before bringing the unit back into ser- ing. The UHF PD monitoring system
design of the tank and the presence of vice indicated PD: conventional PD provides an instant alarm in case of PD
flux shunts, it may not always be pos- measurements, according to IEC 60270 events, and PD can be observed using
sible to install the sensors at the pro- [2], indicating that the transformer had PRPDs and trend views. In contrast, the
posed locations. several active PD sources at nominal DGA monitoring alarm occurs with
voltage UN. several hours delay (in this case) and no
Based on the phenomenon shown in detailed information about the causing
Fig. 5, it can be observed that installing Due to the lack of standard rules and PD itself.
sensors on top of the transformer tank threshold values to assess old transform-
will have benefits with respect to sig- ers, it was decided that the unit can only Conclusion
nal attenuation and propagation time be put back into service with continu-
compared to the positions at the tank ous PD monitoring. For permanent ob- In this contribution, the placement of
wall. Additionally, there is the added servation of PD data, an online UHF PD UHF PD sensors in power transform-
convenience of the installation as monitoring system with a single UHF ers was discussed, and a case study
there are fewer obstructions between drain valve sensor was installed. Fur- of continuous UHF PD monitoring
the sensors and the active parts of the thermore, voltages, load currents, top- data obtained from a 120 MVA power
transformer. The results obtained from oil / ambient temperatures, mechanical transformer was presented. Out of the
the simulations confirm that the sen- vibrations, and dissolved gases (using two types of UHF PD sensors intro-
sors on top of the tank can measure a GE Hydran sensor), were recorded. duced, the drain valve sensors can be
the signals with the aforementioned The PD trend is used as an indicator installed in transformers equipped with
advantages. The proposed alternative to determine if the insulation defects standard DN50 or DN80 gate valves,
positioning of such sensors is shown in are worsening. PRPD monitoring data whereas UHF plate sensors are installed
Fig. 6b, and Fig. 6c, where two sensors confirms the presence of more than in dielectric windows provided on the
should be placed in a diagonal forma- one PD source. The PDs are not present transformer tank wall. The former type
tion on top of the tank instead of on the permanently despite constant voltage is limited by the number and the loca-
sidewall. conditions. Because the measured PDs tion of available gate valves, while the
show no clear trends, alarm thresholds dielectric windows can be placed on the
For safety reasons, dielectric windows are set slightly over the “normal” PD be- transformer tank wherever desirable on
need to be placed in regions with low haviour. Alarm parameters are given by new transformers.
electric field strength. In the areas with the maximum signal amplitude of UHF
high electrical field strength, the air PD (in mV) and by the counted PD Comparability of UHF PD measure-
inside the pocket of the dielectric win- events per minute. Fig. 7a shows a UHF ments can be achieved using calibra-
dow could lead to PD. It is advisable to PRPD pattern and Fig. 7b the same tion. The UHF calibration process
follow these estimated guidelines re- PRPD data time-resolved, whereas the consists of two steps because the spe-
garding the minimum installation dis- colour gradient in Fig. 7a represents cific antenna characteristics of the
tances with respect to the HV winding. the number of recorded PD per minute UHF sensor must be included sepa-
For windings rated at 420 kV, 230 kV, and in Fig. 7b the UHF amplitude in rately into the entire calibration path.
and 130 kV, the minimum distances of mV. The UHF PRPD pattern in Fig.
1.5 m, 1 m, and 0.8 m, respectively, are 7a shows the PRPD data from Fig. 7b The sensor placement strategies for
recommended. from t1 = 240 min to t2 = 420 min. High window type UHF sensors were based
b) c)
Figure 7. a) UHF PRPD (section 240 min – 420 min in b)), b) time-resolved PRPD (2-dimensional simplification, no #PDs shown) c) UHF PD value
(in mV) correlated with Hydran value (in ppm)
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