Jurnal Teknologi: Condition Assessment of High Voltage Instrument Transformer Using Partial Discharge Analysis

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Condition Assessment of High Voltage Instrument Transformer Using

Partial Discharge Analysis
Mohd Aizam Taliba*, Abu Sufian Abu Bakara, S. Gobi Kannanb
aTNB Research Sdn Bhd, No 1 Jalan Air Itam, Bangi, Kajang 43000 Selangor
Transmission Division, TNB, 19th Floor, Dua Sentral Building, No 8 Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 65110 Kuala Lumpur

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Article history Abstract

Received :15 February 2013 Determining the incipient faults in high voltage apparatus is important because failure without warning
Received in revised form : can result in damage to adjacent equipment, personnel injures, customer dissatisfaction and disruption to
10 June 2013 economic activity. The failure of several high voltage instrument transformers during in-service prompted
Accepted :16 July 2013 Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to identify more effective diagnostic tool to predict insulation
breakdowns. The viability of partial discharge (PD) measurements in the field on instrument transformers
Graphical abstract is investigated. This paper presents the results of partial discharge tests that have been carried out under
laboratory experiments and field measurement on high voltage instrument transformers.

Keywords: Partial discharge; instrument transformers; on-site diagnosis


Menentukan kesalahan pada peringkat awal di dalam radas voltan tinggi adalah penting kerana kegagalan
tanpa amaran boleh menyebabkan kerosakan kepada peralatan berdekatan, mencederakan kakitangan,
rasa tidak puas hati pelanggan dan gangguan kepada aktiviti ekonomi. Kegagalan beberapa alat ubah
voltan tinggi semasa dalam perkhidmatan mendorong Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) untuk mengenal
pasti alat diagnostik yang lebih berkesan untuk meramalkan kerosakan penebat. Daya maju pelepasan
separa (PD) ukuran dalam bidang pada alat ubah di kaji. Kertas kerja ini membentangkan keputusan ujian
pelepasan separa yang telah dijalankan di bawah eksperimen makmal dan ukuran lapangan alat ubah
voltan tinggi.

Kata kunci: Pelepasan separa; alat ubah; analisis di tapak lapangan

© 2013 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved.

1.0 INTRODUCTION instrument transformer. From year 2001 to 2008, over 30 failures
of in-service high voltage instrument transformers were recorded
During in-service, high voltage instrument transformers are in TNB substation. On-line partial discharge detection technique
exposed to different kinds of stresses namely; electrical, thermal, was currently used by TNB to assess deterioration of insulation in
mechanical and environmental stresses that can cause instrument transformers.
deterioration of insulation system (oil/paper) and associated with In this paper, the partial discharge phenomena in instrument
partial discharges (PD) activity.1,2,3 Catastrophic failures of transformer are studied by analysing the PD data from small scale
instrument transformers may result in damages to adjacent test objects and instrument transformer installed at site.
equipment, personnel injures and represent high replacement Preliminary results demonstrated that partial discharge analysis
costs. TNB has over 20650 instrument transformers installed in can provide useful information about the condition of instrument
532 transmission substations operating at 132kV, 275kV and transformer thus allowing better management of installed
500kV. The routine method used by TNB to verify the condition instrument transformers in large transmission grid.
of in-service instrument transformers is off-line power factor (or
dissipation factor) and capacitance measurement. However, the
cost incurred to evaluate each instrument transformer off-line 2.0 LABORATORY TESTS ON PRESSBOARD PAPER
when considering the large amount of units installed on each
substation is considerable. Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is not An insulating pressboard paper was placed between the two
recommended due to the limited amount of oil contained in the electrodes connected to the high voltage source and low voltage

64:4 (2013) 37–41 | www.jurnalteknologi.utm.my | eISSN 2180–3722 | ISSN 0127–9696

38 Mohd Aizam, Abu Sufian & S. Gobi / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 64:4 (2013), 37–41

or ground terminals. The assemblies were put in an oil-filled to the upper electrode to generate PD activities. The
vessel and the partial discharge signal is picked up using a high electromagnetic signals produced by the partial discharges were
frequency current transformer (HFCT) clamp on the ground measured using the HFCT placed on the ground connection of the
connection of the vessel connected to the low voltage terminal of test vessel.
the test object. Different artificial faults were created on the test Figure 4 shows the phase resolved PD pattern of the void
sampel with the aims to investigate the partial discharge activities inside the pressboard sampel. The typical behaviour of the void
and its fault patterns. The test set-up diagram of PD experiment in PD was observed where the PD activities concentrated at the first
the laboratory and experimental test vessel are shown in Figure 1 quadrant and third quadrant of the 50Hz cycles. By means of this
and Figure 2 respectively. MPD600 detection system was used to kind of measurements, it was figured out that the partial dicharge
acquire the PD signals from the laboratory experimental works, as activity level was around 80pC.
illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 4 Phase resolved PD pattern of void inside the pressboard sample

Figure 1 Circuit diagram of PD measurement test set-up

The frequency spectrum of the partial discharge activities is
shown in Figure 5. It was found that PD is easily detected at the
frequency of 2-5 MHz while lower PD amplitude was observed at
higher frequency range where the characteristic of the presence of
partial discharge was not easily distinguishable.

Figure 2 Test vessel with pressboard paper placed between two electrodes
immersed in insulating oil

Figure 5 Frequency spectrum recorded for pressboard sample with

HV Divider artificial void measured using HFCT applied to the ground conductor,
frequency range 2MHz -20MHz.

2.2 Shorted Laminated Insulation

The shorting of laminated insulation could occur on capacitive
Test Vessel
graded insulation type of high voltage equipment such as high
HFCT voltage bushing and instrument transformer. The aluminium foil
was shorted between pressboard sample through thin hole of
Figure 3 Actual picture of experimental test set-up diameter 0.5mm and high voltage was applied to generate PD
activities. The phase resolved PD pattern is shown in Figure 6. It
can be seen that the results obtained are substantially similar to
2.1 Void in Pressboard Sampel those observed on void in pressboard sample. However, the
magnitude of partial discharge activity recorded is only 40pC.
Voids within the dielectric system is probably the most Figure 7 shows the frequency spectrum of the partial dicharge
technologically important source of partial dicharges. Detection of activities with shorted laminated insulation. It can be explained
such defect frequently uses partial discharge analysis. In this that shorted insulation has created a puncture or small hole
experiment, a void with diameter of 2mm was created by between the laminated insulation of the overall insulation system
assembling three pressbord sample (3mm thick) after having thus giving a similar PD characteristic with void in insulation but
carved an hole in the central sheet, and high voltage was applied has a lower magnitude PD level.
39 Mohd Aizam, Abu Sufian & S. Gobi / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 64:4 (2013), 37–41

Figure 6 Phase resolved PD pattern of shorted laminated insulation Figure 9 Phase resolved PD pattern of new current transformer

The frequency spectrum of the partial discharge activities on

the new current transformer is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 7 Frequency spectrum recorded for shorted laminated insulation

measured using HFCT applied to the ground conductor, frequency range
2MHz -20MHz

Figure 10 Frequency spectrum of new installed current transformer

CURRENT TRANSFORMERS The PD measurement was carried out on one of the
suspected problematic current transformer. The phase resolved PD
Partial discharge measurement was carried out on in-service pattern of the unit was shown in Figure 11 indicated that the
132kV oil-filled high voltage current transformer. The HFCT was amplitude PD level recorded is 650pC, , and the frequency
coupled to the earth lead of the current transformer. The acquired spectrum of the partial discharge activities is illustrated in Figure
PD signals were then amplified and conditioned before they were 12.
sent to the PD detector.4,5 An external hardware gating was used
for detecting external disturbance pulses not correlated to the PD
activities in the current transformer. Phase reference sensor is
used to synchronise the PD signals with the 50Hz phase voltage
signal to allow parameters such as PD repetition rate, PD
magnitude, and phase angle where PD’s occur at each cycle to be
characterised. The field measurement set-up is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 11 Phase resolved PD pattern of problematic surrent transformer


External hardware
Figure 8 On-line PD measurement for in-service 132kV oil-filled high
voltage current transformer
The results of PD measurement on new current transformer
installed at the substation are shown in Figure 9. The phase
resolved PD pattern indicated that the PD amplitude level
recorded is 60pC.
Figure 12 Frequency spectrum of problematic current transformer
40 Mohd Aizam, Abu Sufian & S. Gobi / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 64:4 (2013), 37–41

Interpretation of the acquired PD data is a challenging task

especially handling with noise or external disturbance during on-
site PD measurement. For example, the result of new and
problematic current transformer shows quite similar PD pattern
but different amplitude PD level. The results are sometimes
affected by external disturbance such as corona from nearby
systems. The next part of this paper will discuss on the evaluation
method used to distinguish between different PD faults and noise


3CFRD Phase Resolved PD Pattern
The PD data and fault separation in real time were analysed using (a) Superposed pattern
evaluation method6 known as 3-Center Frequency Relation
Diagram (3CFRD) graph. A signal output of three filters with
different center frequencies are compared and plotted into a single
diagram to form separable clusters. This refers to the fact that due
to the discharge physics, different PD types or noise pulses
generate different but characteristic energy frequency spectra. By
selecting only the relevant 3CFRD cluster, the PD activity can be
isolated from the environmental noise.
Figure 13 shows a complete PRPD pattern generated in real
time during PD measurement on high voltage current transformer.
It can be seen in (a) that the pattern consists of background noise
and PD activity. The actual PD activity and the disturbance
sources can be differentiated by selecting a single 3CFRD clusters
and a real time back transformation will result in clear and de- 3CFRD Phase Resolved PD Pattern
noised PRPD patterns of single PD sources as shown in Figure 12 (b) Ambient noise
(b), (c) and (d).


The PD measurement has provide effective tool to monitor the

condition of in-service instrument transformers. The use of
inductice sensor, high frequenct CT clamped on the grounding
conductor has allowed the PD measurements to be performed
without the need for outage of the instrument transformer and in a
safe manner. The successful trials of the technique in instrument
transformer condition assessment show the potential and
economic benefits in management of installed instrument
transformer in large transmission grid.
3CFRD Phase Resolved PD Pattern
(c) Noise pulses


The authors would like to acknowledge the support of TNB for

funding the research work and Transmission Division of TNB for
their assistance during partial discharge measurement at site.

3CFRD Phase Resolved PD Pattern

(d) PD activity

Figure 13 PD data evaluation using 3CFRD graph

41 Mohd Aizam, Abu Sufian & S. Gobi / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 64:4 (2013), 37–41

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