Study On Different Techniques of Partial Discharge (PD) Detection in Power Transformers Winding: Simulation Between Paper and EPOXY Resin Using UHF Method

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International Journal of Conceptions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Vol. 2, Issue. 1, April 2014; ISSN: 2345 - 9603

Study on different techniques of partial discharge

(PD) detection in power transformers winding:
Simulation between paper and EPOXY resin using
UHF method
Irfan Ali Soomro and Md Nor Ramdon
Department of Electrical Power Engineering (JEK)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Johor, Malaysia
[email protected] and [email protected]
Abstract Increasing load on power transformers causes the
stress on power transformers. Due to continuously stress on
power transformers weakens the insulation of winding and
producing arcing called partial discharge (PD). Partial
discharges seriously affect the reliability of power transformers
and lead to destroy transformer. Insulating materials play a
major role in longevity of power transformer. The objective of
this paper is to contrast the different techniques used for
detection and localization of PD at the initial stage in power
transformer winding and to investigate which is the best
insulating materials (paper and epoxy resins) to be used to
prolong the power transformers life expectancy. From
literature, it is found that information regarding detection of PD
in power transformer is not enough to perform necessary action
because the location of PD is still unknown. So localization of PD
is necessary to recommend corrective actions. In order to
overcome this problem, different techniques such as electrical
method, acoustic method, UHF detection method and optical
methods are used to locate and detect the PD. UHF detection
method has a many advantages compared to other PD detection
methods such as immunity against background noise and other
unwanted signals that can affect the measurement, reduce the
design complexity, reduce the design cost and provides the
accurate and precise location of PD source. From the simulation,
it is found that the paper is most recommended to be used as
insulating material in power transformers compare to epoxy
resins due to papers electrical properties.
Keywords- Acoustic method, Electrical method, optical method,
Partial Discharge (PD), UHF detection

Partial discharges (PD) are one of the main causes of
deterioration of insulating material in power transformer
windings. Many researches already had been done to find PD
mechanism, the PD detection techniques, the relationship
between PD and the damage they cause to insulating materials
and insulating system, the location of PD sources and the

problems related to avoid external interference [1]. The

reliability of power transformers mainly depends on the
condition of insulation. Therefore any indication of terrible
failure must be detected at early stage. it is widely accepted
that the presence of PD may start and lead to failure of power
transformer. Even though there is no direct relationship
between occurrences of PD in power transformer failure, it is
widely accepted that the presence of PD may start and lead to
failure of power transformer. If the PD pulse allowed to
growing overtime, it can cause the insulation to deteriorate
which may lead to complete breakdown of the power
transformer insulation [2].PD is an electrical discharge or
sparks that bridge small fraction of insulating between two
conducting electrodes. PD can occur when electric field
strength go beyond the breakdown strength of insulation and
can lead to flashover [3]. PD is most common phenomena
which occur in high voltage equipment especially power
transformer and power cables. Several causes of occurrence of
PDs are ageing in the insulation and electrical overstressing on
equipment or presence of defects (voids, cracks) presented
during manufacturing [4]. Power transformer reliability can be
seriously affected by partial discharge (PD) [5].
Various methods such as electrical, acoustic, UHF
detection and optical methods have been proposed for detection
and localization of PD in power transformer winding. Nonelectric PD location methods include the acoustic techniques
which uses acoustic emission from the discharge and time
difference travel to acoustic sensor. Electrical PD detection
method measures apparent charge quantity using conventional
PD measuring circuitry and instruments with an effective
frequency bandwidth of less than 500KHz. Ultra High
frequency (UHF) PD detection utilizes the frequency
components of a discharge signal in range of 300MHz-3GHz
for detecting discharge in power transformers. Since electrical
methods of PD detection are more sensitive, electrical location
techniques are preferable for PD online monitoring [6].

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Partial discharges seriously affect the reliability of power

transformers and lead to destroy transformer. The objective of
this paper is to contrast the different techniques used for
detection and location of partial discharge at the time of
creation in power transformer winding.
There are several difficulties are faced to detect the fault
and location of fault in power transformer winding. So to
overcome these difficulties several techniques are used for
detection and localization of partial discharge in power
transformer winding as shown in figure.

Figure1. Partial Discharge Detection Methods


Electrical Detection Methods

Electromagnetic measurement of PD consists of coupling

devices and data acquisition unit. The most suitable frequency
bands for application regarding each power system are from
30-300MHz and 300MHz-3GHz [7]. The pulse shape, its
relative phase location within the AC cycle of the power
transformer, and the signal intensity all lead to information
about the type of PD fault and the severity of the insulation
Electrical measurements are grouped into two categories,
direct probing and RF emission testing. The direct probing
method requires that capacitive couplers be connected to the
phase terminals of the transformer. The second group, RF
emission testing is conducted by using antennas in the area of
the transformer. These processing methods make online
electrical PD detection very attractive because it makes realtime monitoring of power transformer. But electrical detection
has limitations. The primary limitation of electrical testing is its
susceptibility to noise. The power transformers environment
contain high levels of electrical noise, both narrowband and
broadband. In some cases, it is extremely difficult to
distinguish between noise and a PD because of the short PD
pulse width. This problem leads to false detection in online
electrical PD systems. The transformer can be taken offline and
connected to an external power source for testing in order to
eliminate some of the noise but taking the power transformer
offline can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a day in lost
revenue for the power company [8].


Acoustic Detection Methods

The acoustic method is very attractive alternative for online partial discharge detection in power transformers. The
transformer tank is grounded; therefore the sensors can be
placed in a safe way, over any point of any wall of transformer
tank in order to detect the acoustic emission of partial
discharges [5].
Acoustic signals from a PD source are immune from
electromagnetic noise. An acoustic signal from mechanical
vibration of PD can be detected by piezoelectric transducers,
fiber optic acoustic sensors, accelerometers, condenser
microphones and sound-resonance sensors usual using
frequency band as between 10 kHz and 300 kHz. Acoustic
emission detection has been successfully used in order to
localize the PD source inside of the test object due to the fact
that acoustic signal is strongly dependent upon the geometry of
the test object. This method is very efficient for localizing PD
source because of its immunity against electromagnetic noise
The primary problem with acoustic detection is the
complex nature of the acoustic wave propagation. Because
power transformers are not homogeneous devices, the waves
do not travel in perfect spherical wave fronts because the
source of PD is so small, it can be seen as an acoustic point
source. Due to the nature of wave propagation, point sources
lead to spherical wave fronts. Another difficulty with acoustic
detection is the required sensitivity. Classically, due to the
many attenuation mechanisms, received acoustic signals have
very low intensity and so sensors must be very responsive to
small changes in signal amplitude in order to detect a PD [8].

UHF Detection Methods

Ultra High Frequency (UHF) detection method is one of the

online PD detection in power transformer. Thus UHF PD
detection has an advantage of strong anti-interference ability
over traditional detection approaches [10]. Firstly, ultra-high
frequency (UHF) partial discharge detection was mostly
focused on gas insulation substation (GIS). In recent two
decades, research fields about UHF partial discharge detection
have mainly included propagation characteristic of UHF
electromagnetic wave in GIS [8], sensor design and
optimization, UHF amplifier, default models in GIS and pattern
classification, signal processing and features extraction. UHF
partial discharge detection applied in power transformer is been
was rampantly investigated for the past few years [9].
However, as a novel partial discharge detection method, the
ultra-high frequency partial discharge detection also can be
used in non-gas insulation electrical power apparatus such as
transformer, cables and so on.

Optical Detection Methods

Optical emission from PD can be detected by optical

sensors. Unlike electrical signals from PD, optical signals
largely depend on different factors such as insulation material,
temperature, PD intensity and pressure. There are roughly two
kind of optical PD detection techniques as a result of different
kind of ionization, excitation and recombination processes
during the discharge; direct detection of optical PD signal and
detect of change of an optical beam. Detection of optical signal

58 | P a g e

includes surface detection and the detection inside of the test

object such as GIS and transformer. The optical sensors
transferring signal to the outside at photomultiplier, also can be
placed inside the test object which is efficient for a light-tight
GIS impulse voltage test. This impulse voltage test is not
suitable for an electrical PD detection system. Another method
called opto-acoustic measurement catches sonic or ultrasonic
range acoustic emission caused by PD which results in
deformation of the optical fiber. One recent paper [9] describes
optical PD detection on Over Head Transmission Line (OHTL)
using fiber optic sensors with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs),
resulting in meaningful PD detection capability. The main
advantages of this method are the immunity from
electromagnetic interferences and high sensitivity compared to
conventional electrical techniques [7].



UHF Detection


Immunity against
electrical noise

Very efficient for

localization of PD

Identification of PD

Relative expensive cost

Complex design

UHF sensors

RF sensors

monopole, loop antenna


electrical noise

Easy to measure

Provide critical
Go/No Go
No information
magnitude of



Element which are used in the comparison between
Electrical and Acoustic method are advantages, disadvantages,
possible sensors and main application area. Clear data is
shown in Table I.



Application for all kinds

of high voltage equipment

Intensity source, type,

location of PD is

The most suitable for

continuous online PD

High electromagnetic







High sensitivity

electrical noise

Very efficient
for localization
of PD

Low signal

Not good for

continuous PD




All High Voltage





Element which are used in the comparison between UHF

Detection and Optical methods are advantages, disadvantages,
possible sensors and main application area. Clear data is
shown in Table II.

All High Voltage


Optical fiber
UV detector





a simplified model of a power transformer using Computer

Simulation Tool Microwave Studio (CST MWS) software.


Relative expensive cost



Study on the effects of paper and epoxy resin materials in

power transformer winding is shown in Figure 2 by simulating

Antenna (Probe)

Figure 2: Connection of antennas in power transformer winding

The descriptions of the figures, the simulated high voltage

winding consists of 50 helical circular turns, each turn has
3mm thickness and there are 5mm gap between the helical
circular turns on the paper and epoxy resin insulating material.
Two short dipole antennas with Gaussian excitation current
signal in the UHF frequency range (0.3 to 3GHz) is been used
to create the PD source. At the surface of the power
transformer tank, probes to monitor electric fields in various
positions were considered in the analysis [13]. Coordinates of
short dipole antenna (port) and probes in power transformer
winding are shown in Table III. Probe position is shown in
Table IV.

59 | P a g e




Potential PD site for dipole

antenna (1)
Along X-axis
Along Y-axis
Along Z-axis

From (mm)





Coordinates of the Antenna Positions
Probe Index
x, y, z Probe coordinates (mm)
(0, -150, -110)

According to the above table, a short dipole antenna with
UHF Gaussian excitation is placed in a supposed PD location.
Then, the electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation from the
paper insulation of winding is simulated and recorded by the
probe position, which is placed at the position of the detecting
antenna. Typical location of antenna is listed in Table III and
Table IV. The electric field signals recorded by the probe for
supposed PD location at (x,y,z) coordinates (0,-150,-110) mm.

Paper insulation

Figure 3 shows the result of the probe and dipole antenna

having coordinates which is shown in Table III and Table IV.
Coordinates are plotted in the graph, whereby x-axis indicates
the time and y-axis indicates the electric field. Figure 3 shows
that partial discharge will start about 2ns and will reach up to
maximum at 5.597ns.

Figure 3: CST MWS simulated result in paper


Epoxy Resins

Figure 4 shows the result of two probe and dipole antenna

having coordinates which is shown in Table III and Table IV.
Coordinates are plotted in the graph whereby x-axis indicates
the time and y-axis indicates the electric field. Figure 4 shows
that partial discharge will start about 2ns and will reach up to
maximum at 2.97ns.
From the literature review, it is found that acoustic
detection methods have advantages over electrical detection
methods. The primary advantage of acoustic detection over
electrical method is that position information is readily

Figure 4: CST MWS simulated result in epoxy resins

available from acoustic system using multiple sensors.

Another advantage of acoustic over electrical is its immunity
to electromagnetic interference (EMI). This EMI makes
acoustic detection ideal for online PD detection. Experimental
investigation reveals that UHF detection method has
advantages over acoustic detection methods. The acoustic PD
detection sensitivity is seriously affected when the discharges
are hidden within insulation obstacles in this regard UHF. PD
detection sensitivity fairs better and is seen unaffected by
obstacles, even small level of discharge could be recorded
with good sensitivity. The optical detection method has
advantage that it has immunity to electromagnetic interference
and also easy measurement of PD but this method has a
disadvantage that no magnitude of PD signal and relatively
From the above discussion, it is found that UHF PD
detection methods and acoustic detection methods have many
advantages than other methods, major inherent advantages of
UHF PD detection method are better noise immunity and good
sensitivity to low level discharges hidden inside the insulation
and also have also identifying the source of PD. The electrical
method has a primary limitation of electrical testing which
makes its weakness to noise. The power transformer
environment contains high levels of electrical noise. In some
cases, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between noise and
a PD because of the short PD pulse width. This problem leads
to false detection in online electrical PD systems. The
transformer can be taken offline and connected to an external
power source for testing and repairing in order to eliminate
some of the noise, from discussion it is found that acoustic and
UHF PD detection methods detect and localizing PD with
accurate position.
Based on the result obtain during simulation analysis, it is
found that the paper insulating material have more
sustainability and strength compare to epoxy resins. This
result is obtained because the time taken by the PD to reach up
to maximum at 5.597ns in paper vice versa in epoxy resin the
PD takes approximately 2.97ns to reach up to maximum level.
Therefore paper is usually recommended to be used as an
insulating material in power transformer. On the other hand,
paper has less conductivity compare to epoxy resin due to its
chemical properties. Paper is meant to be solid and epoxy
resin is found in gel form. Other than that, paper is easily
available in the market at a lower cost.

60 | P a g e

Based on the simulation result, it is found that the

electromagnetic waves can easily penetrate the insulating
materials in the power transformer. Paper insulations are
commonly used in the power transformer because the dielectric
strength only weakens after longer period of time compare to
the epoxy resin. Strength of the paper will only weaken after a
longer period of time which makes it to be the best insulating
material. Paper has a very high withstand stress which can be
used to reduce the maintenance cost of power transformer.









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